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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (July 18, 1902)
Uaaal Daws. W. R Mellor went to Linroln yester day W. 8. Waite lost a valuable row lu»t Tuesday A new well is being put down at the M. E. parsonage. The supervisors are again In session this week. W. >J. Fisher harvested tils wheat Wednesday. Miss Bessie McPherson, of York is visiting in the city. Lela Ohn«e returned from a visit to Mason City Wednesday. Rev. Meadly and wife made a drive to Wiggle Creek Monday. Then. Wilson of Ashton tonwshlp was at the county seat Monday. A I’ Culley returned last evening from his extend trip to the east. Lee Langhead. of the South Omaha Daily Nows was in town last Friday. Eugene Patton took possession of the residence lately vacated by Frank Dennis. D. C. Grow has taken charge of the flour and feed store lately run by Frank Dennis. Flour and feed exchanged at D. C Grow’s store. One door east of St. Elmo Ilotei. Geo. Truelsen brought in a load of hogs for the Loup City mi rket yester day morning Mrs. E. F, Ditto, started tor Pueblo, Colorado where ahe goes to visit Mrs. Kate Windiugle, nee Burro A new gravel walk is being put down In front of the M. E. church. The 8. 8 bovs are responsible for the enterprise The scedule time of the east boune passenger train, No. 55 It. A. M has been changed to leave Loup City, at 8;20 T. S. Nightingale and family went to Custer county Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Nightingale returned Monday but the girls will remain for a weeks visit. August llth to lGth inclusive is the date flxed for the Shoruian coun ty Teacher's Institute. It will be held at the High School building in this city. D. C. Grow, sills flour and feed a the Northwestern Milling Company's stand one door east of St Elmo Hotel. St. Paul and Arcadia flour the best id the Market W. L. Marcy, dentist, wishes to announce to his patrous and friends that he has remodled and refited his dental office with modern appliances and that he makes a special feature of painless operations. Mr. E. Brewer came up from Lincoln last Friday for a few weeks visit to rela tives and friends and will remain sev eral days. Mr. Brower is looking quite well and says he is enjoyiug good health. A republican central committee meet ing was held at the office of W. R. Mellor In this city Tuesday and the call for county convetion will be found in another column. The bowling is getting to be a pretty noisy game. Last Friday night the ex cltcmeut ran so high that the noiae thus created was almost sufficient to wake the dead, to say nothing about the tired and worn out fellow who wanted a little sleep Mr. Niles M. Nilson, of Hazard made us a friendly call Monday and sub scribed for this paper. He Is one of the substantial farmers of that section and is giving bis time and attention to the dairy business At present he jg milking 19 head of cows from which be realizes nearly $90 00 per month llis check fat the last two weeks' receipts from cream was $44.00 which is about the average. Mr Nilson says that he realizes about $45. per head per year from his cows,$50. being from cream and the balance for the calf. He sells Lis cream at the Hazard station which Is a branch of the Omaha dairy plant. He Is agent for the improved United States cream seperator, which make he is now using with the best of satiafaet ion. Frank Bonczynski, of Rockville town ship was in to pay his respects to the printer last Saturday ami renewed his subscription to this paper. Mr. Bouoz ynski came to Sherman eountv in 1878 and bought a quarter section of railroad land He now has 1.000 acres of good Sherman county soil. He h»9 been engaged in farming and stock raising and this yea'baa ‘.>00 acres of winter wheat, 70 acre* of spring wheat. 00 acres of oats, aud :$0 acres of rye which he is now harvesting. He estimaies his winter wheat to yield 110 inis, per acre Mr. Bonczynski also has 2<") acreg of growing corn, 1C > head of hogs and about 50 head of cattle lie came to this county and bought his first quarter section on ten year* time and had to borrow the money to make first pay ment. This is about the greatest sec cess we have recorded for some time and is due wholly to his own efforts. It will servo to show what inducements this country holds out to those who are seeking homes. TO THE NORTHERN HAKE'*. The Burlington Route announces un commonly low rates to the Jake resorts of Minnesota, Wisconsin. South Dako ta and Iowa for the following dates August I to 15 September 1 to 10. Better ask the nearest Burlinaton Route agent about the above excursion and take advantage of the Jew rates named. > Good Horse Sense will tell you that old eggs and glue are not things you want to eat; yet some coffee roasters glaze their coffee with such things. Not so with I Lion Coffee r" It’s just pure, unadulterated, undisguised coffee; never covered up with any glazing of any kind. Uniform quality and freahneaa are Insured by tbe sealed package. | John W Long was on the sick list Monday. Mr. W. T. Draper was In the city last Wednesday. Frank Dennis moved his family to St. Paul Tuesday. Miss Bell Mulick is among her Loup Cily friends again. Mrs. Kitsch of Grand Island is visiting Mrs Chas Reidel this week. Mr. S. S Hover is enjoying a visit from his son Wna. and family. Mr. Oliver Dubry reports the sale of a half section of land in Valley county. E G. Taylor of Ashton was here look ing after his elevator business Tuesday. Miss Ada Smith gave a birthday party to a number of her friends Tuesday. • Chas. Bennett and Willis Holcombe went to Ord last Saturday to work for A Sutton. S. J. Fair of Kearney and his son in law W. M. Stuelser of Rockville made us a pleasant call Tuesday. Newton Pilger started for Boulder Colorado to work with a 1'aited States geological suyeying company. James Burnett, the street commiss ioner, has a force of tax poll workers putting in tiling and atone crossings. W. S. Waite is going the rounds over the western portion of the state billing the various towns for the State Fair. Loup City won the bowding game played between this and the Arcadia team last Tuesday evening. Score 1,676 to 1,552. We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Wizork, wife of Mickael Wizork of Rockville township is still quite sick. She is sick with dropsy. Hon. Geo. D. Meeklejohn, and his private secretary is in the city. He drove in the country somo ten miles west yesterday afternoon. Eugene Patton is now comfortably set tled down to buisness in tin barber shop which he has recently purchased of A. M. Dennett and seems to be enjoy ing a good trade. G. W. Hunter went to Greeley county Wednesday, having b‘ ’n called as a witness in the criminal case of the State vs. Lamb, now being tried in the district court of that county. Wednesday's mail brought us a money order for <1 00 from II Sandh, of Washington township to renew his subscription to this paper. We ack nowledge the receipt of it w'tb thanks. Jacob Albers, representative for the German Varien came into this oflico last Tuesday and asked us on behalf of that organization, to especially thank the lodges for their able assistance in helping to make the Fourth of July celebration a grand success We noted 'heir acknowledgement last week but forgot to especially mention the lodges. The case of Dobson vs. Wilson occu pied the attention of the county court last Tuesday. It was a case in which Mr Dobson sued for the value of some loose property that ho cla med was to revert to him with the purchase of the Wilson farm, but was afterwords sold by Wilson at a public sale. A verdict by ajurv of five was rendered in favor of Wilson. It has been a little wet here for harv est. but we think that the statement made by the Times in its iast issue, to the effect that lots of the grain will rot or remain standing in the Held because they cannot gee on to the Holds with binders, is far fetched. Every binder in the country is already hard at w ork, and it will be but a few daj 8 until all of the winter wheat and rye will be in the shock. Kol&nd Sbeitier, of Riverton Nebraska and who has a position in the Roller Mills at that place incloses a dollar bill to us for this paper and writes: •‘Everything here has been flooded. Our mill dam here is tin* only one left on the Republican valley for a hundred miles an;l it was badly damaged. Thousand.' of bushels of grain have boon damaged by sprouting in the shock and every clear day finds the farmers er-setting their grain. VACATION DATs Vacation time Is hero and the children are fairly living out of doors. There could bo no bealtbie -place for them, you need only to guard against the accidents inci dental to most open air sports. No remedy equals DeWitt’s Witch llnzel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious consequences lor cuts, scalds and wounds. "1 used DeWitt’s Wltcli Hazel Salve for sores cuts and bruaes,” aays L. U. Johnson, Swift, Texas “It is the best reme dy on the market.” Sure cure for piles and skin disease*. Beware of counterfeits — Odendahl Bros. TENTH TOl UNA\1 ENT. Nebraska State Volunteer Fireman's Association, Grand island, Nebraska. August 'i i> an l 7 For this oeo’isiou the Colon I’aeitic veil] sell tickets from all points in Nebraska for one fare for the round trip. Tickets on sale August 4 to 7 inclusive. 11. Clifton, Agt. CL.KOKA ITEMS Small grain is looking tine in these parts. G E. Zimmerms i harvested grain for M. Leehinskv one day last week. Mr Joseph Gunnerson of Loup City visited friends in this neighborhood Sunday. Quite a number of the young f olks from this vacinity attended Children’s Day exercise# at Grays' school taou-e last Sunday. 0. Gunaerson, of Aurora was up last week interests looking alter his in terests here. Mr. C. Titus, of Aurora was here last week looking at land, and will probably locate near Hazard. Ed Draper and family visited with A. L. Zimmerman and family Sunday The Ladies Missionary society met at the home of Mrs. S. M Spohr, last Thursday afternoon. The meeting was well attended and some new member* were added. Mr. Charles Baker, of Couucil Bluffs, j Iowa is visiting friends in this vaeinit this wt-ek Junior ROCKVILLE ITEMS S. J Fair and VV. M. Smelser attended Masonic lodge at Loup City Tuesday night. Notices are out calling for a Repub lican primaly to be held Friday, August 15th at two P. M. at the post office. For SaleA good Deering binder for sale cheap, or will trade for good milk cow or hogs, enquire of W. M. Smelser Mr. and Mrs. Chris Neilsen left fora visit with relatives in H >wurd eounty Mi*8 Bose Paulsen who has been visit ing here for a fortuight left for her home at Cushing Nebr Thursday after noon. Mr. and Mrs. 8 J. Fair accompanied by thier family drove from K earnev Friday. Mr. and Mrs. O O H&nisch enter- j tamed several friend* Sunday afternoon. I Thier is considerable talk of adding another room to the present school house an 1 employing another teacher. We hope that dame rumor has it right. U. NO. ME. I have a few two and three j row disc cultivators on hand.! If in need of one call soon. T. M. Reed, j TO CCRK A COLD IN ONK HAY. Take Laxative liromo Quinine Taplets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. M W. drove's signature is on each box. 2Se Are you in need of a mow ing machine or hay rake? I have them.—T. M. Reed. WANTED HVE YOUNG MEN from She'r tnan county at once to prepare for Posi tions tn the Government Sery iee--Itailroail Mail, Letter Carrier, Ouston House and Departmental Clerks, Apply to Inter State Corres, Inst., Cedar Rapids, la Jv Pith, 1 mo. MR.S. L. S. ADAMS. Of Galveston, Texas. “Wine of Cardui is indeed a Messing to tired women. Having suffered for seven ytars with wetness and bear. Ing-down palm, and having tried scv cral doctors and different remedies with no success, your Wine of Cardui was fee only thing which helped me, and eventually cured me It seemed to build up the weak parts, strengthen the system and correct irregularities." By “tired -women” Mrs. Adams means nervous women who have disordered menses, falling of the womb, ovarian troubles or any of these ailments that women have. You can cure yourself at home with this great women’s remedy, Wine of Cardui. Wine of Cardui has cured thousands of cases which doctors have failed to benefit. Why not begin to get well today? All druggists have $1.00 bottles. For any stomach, liver or bowel disor der Thedford's Black-Draught should be used, ForadrW and literature, addrpaii. living ■ympternt. The Ladn*V Advisory jiepart tfU’Ut. The Chattanooga Medicine Co., Chattanooga, Teniu # WINE°'CA3DUI Rounds out tint hollow pines*, smooth* not line* t h«t creep about one * fire, ivon* row» back to tmloil cheek* Thai’* whnt Rocky Mountain Tendoes.35ets — Odendahl Bros. 1 can sou you two by eight stock tanks for $13 00 and two bv tens for $17.00 I also, have wind mills and do a gen eral line of well work T,. M. Reed, DRESS MAKING. I will do dress making and sewing at my residence and will guarantee good work at reasonable prices. If you wish any work done in this line call at residence in east part of town. Mbs. T M. Rerd Don't bo persuaded into taking some thing said to bo "just as good” as Madison Medicine Co’s Rocky Mountain Tea. There is nothing like it .35 eta., no more, no less Odendahl Bros. City Dray AND Transfer Line. JAS. W. CONGER, Prop. My ice will be delivered to any part of the city free. The ice house will be opened hut once a day, am! that will be from 1 to s o'clock a m. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty ot moving household good. We solicit your patronage. JAS. W. CONGER, LOUP CITY, • NEBRASKA When you awake in the morning feeling like the end of a misspent life, your month full of Hr and jour soul full of regrets take Rocky Mountain Tea. Odendahl Bros. NOTICE. — 1 will he at my gallery in Loup City, on Monday, Wednes day and Friday of each week until further notice. M. Leschinsky, Photographer. b & m: elevators and will pay highest market price for grain at MCALPINE, LOUP CITY, SCHAUPP SIDING, ASHTON AND FARWELL. Coal for Sale al Loan City aail Ashton. Will Bay HOGS AT SCHAUPP SIDING AND FARWELL Call and see our coal and get prices on graiD. E. G- TAYLOR. $16.45. VIA UNION PACIFIC. LOUP CITY TO DENVER, COLORADO SPRINGS OR Pueblo and Return. JULY I TO 13 INCLUSIVE. Limited to October 31. <'orr«Aj>onill»i;ly Low Kales From In termediate Points. ONLY LINK RUNNING THREE TRAINS DAILY TO DENVER. Full information cneerfulh furnished on application to H. J. CLIFTON, Agent. LOW KOI)NO Tim* RATES. VIA CNION PACIFIC, FROM MA8 ftOltltl, III VEK $15.00 To Denver, Colorado Spring's, and Pueblo, Colo., July I to 13. inclus ive. August I to 14, 23 to ill. and 30 to 21, inclusive. To Denver, Colorado Springs, and JtlQAn Pueblo, Colo., July 11 to 31 inclu sc 1 s(ve .^ug 15 to 22 and 2ft to 28 lno. $25. 00 $25.00 To Salt Lake City and Ogden, Utah August 1 lo li inclusive To Olenwood Springs, Colorado. July 1 to 13, Inclusive. August 1 to 14. 23 to 24. and 30 to 31 inclu sive. To Salt f.ake City and Ogdon, Utah l> t fi Aft July 1 to 13 inclusive. August 23 to tjo-v/.VC' 24 and 30 to 31 inclusive Ml ,i UA To Olenwood Springs. Colo, July V'Jl Du ii to 31 Inclusive. Aug 1ft to 22 aud 2ft to 28 inclusive. $32.00 To Salt Lake City and Ogden. Utah July It to 31. inclusive. August 15 to 22 aud 2ft to 2D inclusive. A K fin To San Fransciseo, or Los Ange i,.. Cal . July 2V and Aug 2 to 10, inclusive. si l HO T" Portland. Dragon Tacoma and v't'l.tiu Seattle. Wash . July II to21. inclu. Full Information Cheerfully furnished on Application to H. .1. CunoN, Agent. Financial Statement of S. N. Sweetland, Treasurer of Sherman County, Nebraska, from January ‘Jth, 190*2, to July 1st, 1902. Coll«M‘ti«>n Ijy Years: Balance on hand Jan. 9th, Collection of 1SR*» taxes 44 44 lrtH7 •* “ “ 1HHH “ 44 44 lHh'J 44 •t 4‘ Ih90 44 44 M 1Hyj «. *8 It ] w^J M 44 44 1 HW3 44 44 44 1H94 44 •• 1«95 44 44 iat*; 44 44 1K9T 44 44 1898 44 44 1899 4* 44 1900 4 44 lW»i 4' Interest on deposits Schoool lands Miscellaneous collections State apportionment Redemptions, . *S7.K3H H#*» Namti «*f • State Funds . i County General j Count) Interest Bond County Hoad . County Bridge County Poor Farm. County Judgment County High School. Soldiers Belief. District School. School Judgment “ School Bond Township Funds.. Township Bonds. Towuship Judgment Special Thistle — Loup < ity Village. Loup City Village Bond J Loop City Vill. Judg't | Litchfield Village. Ashton Village K(x*kville Village | Institute.. Fines and License Printers. School Orders . Special filling Pitfalls Redemptions on hand Kul on handICall. from Tran*forr'djTrnii*ferrM Tan 'J. lW'J all SoBrren To I From 1 *56 65 287 78 ♦44 53 1,762 H3 IB 18 a 24 102 64 5.858 02 281 35 1,144 40 1,887 64 1 380 OH 14 12 124 38 132 52 881 25 38 18 14 12 54 09 fi 73 30 34 17 00 90 90 174 00 10 09 6,978 ;*8 8,344 01 8.104 36 278 75 1.880 01 227 00 2 58 109 57 12.442 85 12 801 68 2,828 20 9 00 710 80 1,348 95 14 79 152 05 51 73 37 00 12 20 277 98 25 00 26 00 Dinburg- Commls- Knl no hand monts. slong.jJoly 1, 1902 5.150 07 1,951 81 2.522 75 12 90 239 19 10,247 11 744 51 2,664 54 2.061 83 194 23 13 80 180 06 * 641 21 95 93 8 02 12.’ f,» 42 33 1 62 95 68 7 09 2 40 18,646 98 4 39,186 88 * 25 00 $ 25 00 * 25,*02 57 * 1134 6* $ 30.896 71 863 582 860 710 183 227 17 2 212 957 281 193 178 338 44 124 110 105 52 14 4 86 41 54 109 174 10 277 20 84 38 38 65 0" 72 24 21 m3 47 52 66 66 12 38 It 62 ** ia 82 08 54 00 10 00 1)9 91 Amount of Money in Depositories ami in ottiee. Items in office — f'ash ... .* 38 83 School orders held for investment of school bond fund 174 00 School orders held for invest.’ oi Co. interest bond fund 800 60 Township.* . “ 251 45 Deposited in Banka; First Bank of Loup City 18.5HO 66 Hank of Ashton . .. . 4,(100(10 Litchfield State Bank. 6,087 80 Nebraska Fiscal Agency, New York . 263 37 Total .*30,896 71 The State of Nebraska, ) County of Sherman, 1 8 I, S. N. Sweetiand, treasurer of said county, do solemnly swear that the foregoing: statement is correct as I verily believe, S. N. SWEET],AND. Subscribed in my presence and sworn to before ine this 7th day of July, 1902. Geo. H. Gibson, (seal) County Clerk. DELINQUENT TAXES CAUSE TROUBLE. Make a Large Indebtedness Against State of Nebraska. I! All Taxes Were Paid Promptly, Commonwealth Would Be Out of Debt. llsxiit'il under Authority of thr Itullro ndx of A'ebraaka.) >1(1 K.'-T'-r-v Y.'c jjivo below a statement of various amounts that are due the different State lands: •'■•il t-t <li Tin m i- ti'il tnxeM In XHirnaku tmI tlic ill i rent find* In lvlilrh they were de iluiiUMt nil luvriiiiii-r :»o, IMKIi (tenoral ......$2,417,742.65 Fluking Fund . 182,415.06 t .huol Fund . 681,917.63 ! nl.ersi’y Fund . 894,548.07 lVnUvini.iry Fund . 7,772.13 !!■ n.l Fund . 452.04 i . . tel li-jtl ilng Fund .. . 14,120.82 He.orm S hool Fund . 5,359.67 >.or,::al Budding Fund .. 807.92 iuuuiute I' '<• Mil i I Fund . 18,903.07 S.oek M:uernnit; Fund . 8,113.48 .it.■ la.di f Ft. 1 9,794.96 Total ...$3,631,857.40 • id Levy of 1 1 .$1,232,391.72 Total ..... $4,864,249.12 .‘mount* p.iid into S'ate Treasury from D.'ombijf 1. 1000 to May L'.ih, 1002 . $2,081,186.08 T. ante unrt.l'icte.l May 21, 1002 .. $2,783,063.01 The purpose in tin* collection of tax is to raise in one v with which to carry on the •.’•overnnient. It is the duty of the State officers to certify out to the various coun tit’.-? a rate of levy that should raise suffic ient revenue with which to carry on the business of the State. This duty lias been attended to by the various administrations, but there has been a material default in the payment of taxes. The result is that at the close of busiuet* on May 27, 1902, there was an out standing indebtedness of the State, amounting to $ 1,910,909.08, and there was a balance of uncollected taxes due from the various counties, to the State, amount ing to 12,783,063.04. It can be seen that if these deiinqVeut taxes had beeu paid, there would have been a surplus in the treasury of the State ami no outstanding obligations whatever. While the collections made from Dec. 1st, 1900 to May 26th, 1902 would indicate that a portion of these delinquent taxes were being paid, it can hardly be expected that enough of these arrearages can be collected to wipe out the complete indebt edness of the State. We shall try in future articles to show where this great delinquency in payment' of taxes originates. The first duty of good citizenship is to pay the tax that is neces sary to meet State, County and City ex penses. In the long list of delinquent tax payers, no railroad will be found delin quent in payment of any legal taxes, al though the payment of taxes in several instances has practically absorbed all of the net earnings of the company for a terra of years. OTE — From 1893 to 1900, the Fremont, Elkhorti 6c Missouri Valiev Railroad oaid 16 8-10 per cent of it’s net earnines for taxes. 1