Thk Northwkstfrn PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT l’HR COUNTY SKAT. IIKO. K. ISKNSOHOTKK, Kdttor and Pabll»hi*r TRKMS:—11.00 PEK TEAK, IT PAID IN ADVANCE Rntercd at the Loup City Pontofflce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter. It will lake a bigger “little giant" than W. H. Thompson to pull the fusion party up hill this fall. And now it is the fusion party that is figuring oa the majority which they will have to overcome in the stale. W. K. Fowler state superintend ent, atid candidate on the republican ticket for re-election has given the best of satisfaction in that capacity and he will be reelected for two years more. J. H. Mickey, republican nomi nee for governor is a man of fine ad dress, and has a business record that commands the highest respect. No man stands better in his own com munity than he in point of morality, popularity and business principles. He has byen a pillar to the churches a friend to enterprise and a helper to the poor. And because of this fact, for want of other argument against him, the fusioncsts are charging him with being a prohibi tionist. YVe hear it said that the editor of the Tunes was feeling sore tor huv ing been turned down for the nom ination of representative at the hands of the late populist county conven tion. This may or may not be so, but if so we do not hesitate to sa\ that he has a just right to feel that way. Mr. brown has justly earned recognition from his party and should nave been tbevnominee. i'lr. Kiltell has twice been houored with a lucrative position and should have withdrew In favor of Mr. brown, but then that is usually the lot of au editor. The citizens of Valley county are justly proud of the candidate tbe\ are furnishing this jear for stab honors, that of Peter Mortenseu, for state treasurer. Mr. Mortensen is truly a noble man. We have known of him for 25 years, lie is a resident of Valley county of 30 years standing and his record as a public man is beyond reproach, hav ing served in the capacity of treas urer of that county for eight years. He needs no recommendation to the pioneer settlers of western Nebraska and to those who have lately moved here we can truly say that a vote foi Mr. xtlortensen is a vote for a most worthy and honored citizen. Prompted by extra ordinary agri. cultural promise in Nebraska, for the year 1902, the management of the State Fair, to be held at Lincoln September 1 to 5, is anxious to de monstrate that no other state in the Union can excel us in all staple pro ducts. To this end, all means, at command, will be used to present such au exhibition as lias never be fore been made, Thoso who mi.-s seeing it will make the mistake of theif lives. Go, and make the great holiday and sight seeing of 1902 an event long to be remembered See that the wife and children, sweethearts cousins, sisters, aunts and everybody else share with you in this great show. Don’t you remember how the pop* used to argue that if the republicans remained in power and the. gold standard was maintained the priceof ctitle and lugs would nevi r go up but would go down, down, down? TnU is positively what itryan said ami the Rryauites all said the same thin;; Wi‘11 the republicans are B ill in power and the gold star dard is still maintained aud hogs art to day selling on the Loup City market for $7 00 per cwt. Aud tbet nro one hundred cent, .dollars to Untie and horses are away up, ami e 'am, butter and eggs are on the top shelf. In the coming campaign people should i ot loose eight o! these facts. Listen not to the foxt politicians but vote from experience SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS Loup City, Nebr., June 24tb U»< Board met persu int to adjournment of Juno 17ib, as a board for general bus Inoss. Present: W.C. IJetricbs, Chair man, Win. Jakob, D C. Grow, D il Richardson, A. K wiatkowski, J. F. Roberts and Peter Thode, Supervisors and Q II. Gibson, county clerk and the following business was bad arid done, to wit: The board then took up the matter of the consent **ad petitioned for by Hansen et al in Logan township and on motion it was ordered platted as per petition. The bill of John Wall was by motion allowed as per report of committee on claims, at 316.85. rtae following bills were then allowed: GENERAL FUND lieo. E. Hotehkins, 6 50 taxen for tax $ S 50 John Hell,.all taken for tax 4*0 Jesse Manchester,..all taken for tax 6 20 11. A. Emery,.,.all taken for tax 4 60 J. M. Cowin,.l .lo taken for tax ft 80 Howard I.ang.all taken for tax ft M) Michael McKeon_all taken for tux ft »o 8. B. IJeatty, .all taken for tax 5 50 J. A. Niles.1.75 taken for tax 5 50 Ed. Ainger,.all taken for tax 140 Jeus Christiansen. 5 50 Milton Rentfrow... all taken for tax 6 70 E. C. Vnndergrift.. all taken for tax Oflo Wm. Hancock.ull taken for tax 6 so Fred Riedel. 6 30 Fred Dunker... 7 SO 1 Antony McKeon_7 25 taken for tax 7 fto Wm. Snyder. 7 50 A Hodson.7 00 taken for taxes 7 50 C. J. Tracy.5 70 taken for tax 6 30 It. J. Cole.all taken for tax 2 10 Peter Rowe. 2 10 Eugene Hickman . 2 10 James Hurnett . 2 10 w . ivicix uiiy . Emery Bly.all taken for tax 2.0) Milo Gilbert. 4 30 Clarence Wilson_all taken for tux Ellsworth Ogle.ail taken for tax l no Uuve Depew.. .all taken for tax 4 li Jacob Winkleman. .1 20 taken for tax 8 00 Wm. Quinn .all taken for tax J Ailam Schaupp. 13 45 T 8. Nightingale. 3 00 J. W. Jones. 3 041 G H. Gibson, Clerk. 5 00 A. s. Main, M. D. 5 03 H. M. Betts.all token for tax 200 Josephine Hotts. 800 F. A Debruler, all taken for tax 2 0" State Journal. 7 :•> It. D. Hendrickson. 175 uo Oliver V Dnlup. 7 00 State Journal..:. 1 to G. S. Leininger. 50 00 Freemont Tribune. 22 00 First Bank. 5(K) Kilward Snyder. 110 76 Edward Snyder. 34 69 Jacob Albers. 77 40 Henning Clausen... .5 70 taken for tax 55 00 Chas, Bennett. 75 Ernest Rowe. 75 Fremont Tribune. 91 20 Wm. Heapey . ... 12 85 taken for^tax 9100 Thos Stanzyk. 9 40 taken for tax 62 60 Harry Sayer.6 25 taken for tak 52 U0 Henry Boon.7 10 taken for tax 60 00 F. E. Brewer.. 25 00 P. T. Kowe.4 15 taken for tux 11 25 A. M. Bennett.all taken for lax 12 (X) Odendahl Bros. ... 3 00 J. w Jones. 28 20 Hew4s Bechthold... .2 30 taken for tax 142 00 Keystone Lumber Co. 39 28 V Hedrick. .3 00 taken for taxes 10 oo E. A. Brown. 39 85 Andrew Gorstka. 91 40 James Huryta . 84 00 Chas. Bass.7 10 takeu for tax 71 00 Lawrence Peters. 115 (X) J. A. Angier. 1 65 J. W. Conger. 2 75 W. Hawk ..16 95 taken for tax 61 70 A. L Vanhorn. 1 10 E. A. Hotchkins. 1 10 Henry Meyer. 1 10 \T. T. Hutchins. 1 10 O Vanhorn.all taken for tax 1 10 U. G. Smith. 1 10 L. E. Lewis . 1 10 VV. P. Reed.all taken for tax 1 10 J. L. Owen. 1 10 A. S. Main. 1 10 L>. C. Crow. 1*0 W. E Butts. 1 iu Geo. 11. Gibson . 26 50 James Burnett. 2 Co Ernest Kentfrow. 2 UU E. J Bechtbold.ail taken for tax 1 UO Kodert Young. 11 00 R. U. Hendrickson. .. 185 35 W. T. Chase. 1148 A Wall.all taken for tax 40 Oti H. W. llallur.6 75 taken for tax 84 CU T. B. Nighllugule.. 104 Os I. S. Nightingale... 37 50 John Wall. 10 (-5 J. M. Finley.all taken lor tax 1 00 11. M. Mathew. 82 00 S E Carpenter. 4 70 A. S. Main. 3 00 Mrs. James Kentfrow . 650 Mrs. Minnie Fisher. 3 40 Mrs. S. K Wakouight. 5 6u Mrs A. J Morgan. 6 00 Mrs. Lena A anscoy_all taken for tax 2 oo Mrs. E U. Wakenight. 5 60 August Jut ska. 4 So Clara Wheeler.3 40 taken for tax 6 30 Wm. Jakob. 41 00 S N> Sweet land. 8 75 W. C. Dietrichs. 50 60 Antony McKcou. 4 2>> Leroy Boyce . 8 80 Harney Shepherd. . 8fc James Vogt. 12 60 J. U. lloyce. 6 00 G. Mortimer. 8 10 Joseph Simmons. 6 So Alonzo Zink. . 3 2o Thus inks. 8 20 U. C. Bowman.all taken for tax 3 > ( luranoe Simpson.. . 31 Ed. Veeder. . .. . 3 20 a Conger. 3 to • ico Oilman .3 00 t iken for tax 3 2 .i. F. Reynold*. .. 3 16 .4. Callaway. ... 2 10 Joseph smaka. . 4 fits Mrs. Haul 1 Johnson .. . Ora N. Johnson. 5ci Arthur Wooily .all taken for tax 4 mi Jolin Giocli .all taken fer lax Henry Kisltng . 5 6:) Geo. Debrulor. 6 0o Calvin Lewis. 6 00 Geo. Sweeley. 5 80 j W. lleapy. 5.50 Lewis l.alicr.all takin for lax 4 00 B. c. Barks.3 80 taken for lux 6 80 N L Chapman. 5 30 Mathias Wind. 5 Ml D. H. Watson.4 30 taken for tax 5 so Chas. Greeuhalgh.all taken for tax 6 ■:0 W. H. Dhapman. MU C E. Aehenbaeh. 2 00 ►\ vv Slot*’ ui! lukru f**r tax 1W Am«n Kwmtknwffcl . 4 1 iVior Thmh*. . O. C U row ..,. ,, f. 4- C<3 J r. J. Roberts . R 23 I) U Richardson . .. 4320 BRIDGE FCJCD. ! Dirks [iron. Lumber Co 13 88 ; Standard Bridge Oe. *'3l‘ 86 . W. G. McNulty. . 3 0U j W. D French.. . ... 3«W , Peter Rowe. 1 00 | James Burnett . . 1 On j is S Hay-hurst .. 36 TO ! Dirks Bros, lumber Co. 15 40 j H. J. Clifton. 3-17 6-} I James Burnett. 675 J. H. Abbott.. ... 150 Lewis Ikchlhold . I SO Wm. Jakob. 8ft M \V. C, Dietrichs. 6 00 George Rita. 3 00 Walter Reed. all taken for tax 3 oo Ferdinand Hchroll. — 1 50 Anton Kwlatkowskl. 4 00 Carl Trader... I 00 D. C. Grow. 1080 J. F. Roberta. ... 9 10 D. H. KichasJson. 10 50 ROAD FI ND W. J Fisher. 2 60 Geo. W Hunter.... 2 80 11 Jenner. 2HU C. H French .all taken for tax 3 55 C. II. French. 8ft taken fur tux 2 60 J S Pettier. ... 2 60 K, B Corning till taken ft tax 365 11. H. UIBson, county clerk. ACTS 1MMKUI t l kl.Y Colds aro sometimes more troublesome in summer than In winter, it’s so hard to keep from adding to them while cooling of after e.\- rcise One Minute Cough Cure cures at once. Absolutely safe- Acis im mediately Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, thorat and lung troubles.—Odendab 1 j P. rna — - .1 — I. - moi HKK AI,\V AYS KKKI'DlT IMSUY •My mother suffered ft long time from distressing pains andlgem iHl ill health due primarily to indigestion.” » iy - 1.. ’.V. Spa Id ing, Verona, mo. ‘two >■- ars ago 1 got her to try Kodol She grew better at once and now, at the age of -event v-six, eats hi ! thing she wants, remarking that sb«* feats j no bad efforts as she has her bottle at Kodol ( handy ” Don’t waste time doctoring symp toms Go after the cuuse If your stomach ; is sound your health will be good, Kodol rc’-t the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting your food, it Is natures ow i 1 tonic, -Odi ndubl Bros. VACATION DAYS Vacation time is here and the children are falrlj living out of doors. There could 1 be l.o healthier place for them. von need i ohiy to gfud against the accidents me!-] dental to most open air sp o'!- No rented equal ‘ DeWitt’s Witch ili .iel Halve for | • lUlckly stopping pain or removing danger | „f serious consCcjuencc{ t oi cuts, scalds and wounds. "1 used DeNVitt’s Wltel) Iia/.i 1 Sal ve for sores cuts and bi ases,’’says L. It. •lobuson. Swift, Texas “li is the best reme dy on the market.’’ Sure cure for piles and ~kin diseases. Beware of counterfeits — Ddendahl liros. Rev. Mitcbel, colportcr for the Amer ican IJ.ipti-t Publication Socle.v i:t Neb , will preach in the Baptist church .Sunday July . Hi. mortiint' and evening. Ills work is done chi* fly in the western part of the state where there are no churches. All who have never had the privelage of seeing one of these cel portage wagons ami of learning of the work which is being done in this way cannot aftord to miss this opportunity, lie is an able speaker and will in terest you. Poisoning the System. It is through tlie bowels that the body is cleansed of impurities. Co.atipaUon keeps these poisons in the system, causing head ache, dullness and meiaticholiu at first,thou unsightly ernptious and finally serious illness unless a remedy is applied. DeWitt’s L.ttle Earley Kisers prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and promote easy, healthy action of the bowels. These little pillsdonot act violently but by slreng. then ing the bowels enable them to per form their own work. Never gripe or dis tress.—Odendahl Kros. TTZ— ..1*^- — in* COOL IN COLORADO. July 1 to 13. August 1 to 14, 23, 21, 30, 3l. September 1 to 10. On the above days Die Burlington Route will sell round trip tickets to Colorado at extraordinarily low rates It's cool in Colorado all summer long, and there are hundreds of re sorts in ihe rookies where one ma\ escape from the beat of the plains and s[*end an altogether de lightful vacation A carl to J. Francis, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebr.. will bring you a good supply of Col orado booklets that will help you plan jour trip. Itt ist Furnace fins Motor*. It has been found in Germany and other parts of western Europe that i the gases from blast furnaces may be advantageously used in running motors. The motors are employed for actuating air-compressors and electric generators, and it is said that they rff. ct a considerable saving in the co t of founding. I i I i Baking Powder! Makes the bread n»ore healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacer j to health of the present day. ROYAL 0AK1NQ POWDER CO., NE*' I lio to k r.uux L/c&iiisi vs lieu ! you want the very best uradr I V V of flour. LOW RATKS LAM' TM Burlington Route mnonijces rate of jdS 03 to Providence, K. I, ntitl re turn on account «>: i)» h er; a i i a Baptist Young People's *’ni< n. Tickers on sale July 7, and 8 Lor further tt a-kany i’.ui lington Route agio t or \mi» J. FILIN' l.i, (i' ll. Pres Agi Oil;,ill* Mb' in r Mle.—Good L> coring binder been in u’O only two >t ;,sons, a tliree section liarrosr and good crnlgwt*' stt’de*. For Information enquire al .*»!■• oflie." or I- inc to my place and * <* m ichinery had mile south of wn—August Ib’iiriall. KII.UNtl allies AM) MCE. To prove that your liens have and to show how easy It Is to f roe yum fowls f i u | the 1 nets l pests;—Just us:l ujih wide board ng .Inst the under aide of t no roost, sprink lo or paint It well wifli he' Liquid Lice K Her and s e that tlin fowl, ; roost ovei it al night. Next morning you will titnl al: ol the lice lying dead on tho palmed board The genuine ia for sale by VY.T. < iiask, Furniture of ,-stl kinds ;»I Heed's, prices low. .Full size j iron beds at only •'••2.8 ). Call and be convinced and take advantage of our prices. LOW HA I KS I u Ilf \( K UiJ.LS. Tin; ilurlingt-u Ii" :’<• I i< «;,nattnr<*il hi. t the HJ n k Hi- 1 S Util [litot.i for • .;•• folio vintT into: July 1 ii 18 An ; ’ 1 Si 14, S3, SI. 3d, 3J. Sep!i tutor I to lij • i ('her day.- u m: *>•■(,: mli- • lb I '• roles* -«•**!-.• wliftr higher ihnn tbose in * U'ect on !ti • • b. e ibt'.e- [t] bn of f*-j .<», S; van f. :b y, J?. t H|•: i • Dead j woie.l, I.e ii t ’ifr, Sy- (, i t ar-d a nun ti of l iber p. !’>{■» in til.’ Ulii k [Ji'l : n weii - or;>) vi ii'iny. Anv Burlingon K ate will lie to tell vi-'i ni'ui! .hi)-,*, lip e ex-! cur-'fii s STOPS THi: OOI.'I.H .1,MI WOKKl OFF THI- COLD Laxative Brooio Quinine T t i 12.05 p. 1)1. No. E5i I'l iveB dally except Sunday (pas, enget) 7i35 p. m. First class servic ■ and close c oineetioui east, west and south li. J < I. IF !'•. . Agent riiKorcii YFi.i.ow-1f. 1‘Atti: The Burlington Rome is org i •/. tig t personally conducted >py Ol ll.nsir.ned itkirmn to J. Fn.VKCl., khonl P e ter As Qua A s fviAt:. PliYSIClAA & M.LUXUX 1,011 U i Y, .. . ' f.a i. a. oi e i t at nt: simr i , J- : ' - ■ - - r# ---- - <§ Tbia slgnaturo is ou every Ixjx of the genuine Laxative Bromo-Quiainc Tablets tho roiiitsly that cures » will in our Q0©« >00 *^5C My pho* ... i :.n liuirest and lie*! equipped north of tin- JMatte Uiver • I have afoui In , s ■ engine u i . . umplete lio* of tin; later Improved, ma chtuery, Hi.. > fmi't* oi . A|.f. ■ "(*ul men who l>n»-w now to oiierate It and turnout u job with iieatm-sa aud d spaicU. MY PRICES ARE R E A SONAR LE AN1) PROMPT ATTEM10N GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage I am Yours respectfully, J. i DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. -P- A. p, CUJLLAIY, Pr«tii«nL Ca*M*r. I ~ C|-x dT* it* s I Iv O it LOUP CITY. Gc-neral Banking L>Ui«ncls ? rtinsac ted. Paid-up Capital Stock $20,000. CoUOf SP0NDCNT8; aboard National B v k, New York City, N. Y. Omaha r Bank, Omaha. Nebraska Headauafters for p -. . i 1 Hydraulic Wells nd respect:u>iy so.1.- it your n r. 0 Euir*: s are reajor.abhi our f ' ■ ■ iv n ;'G V- < lu-ve added a feed grinde. ! • oiu Ifi'ii • . < , j to ■■ an work or ground teed .it ivason dr • rates. G rind Saturday and Monday WK UJ-.i'Ail: IhNUhU:- ANi.) HOH^E POWKKS AND GUAHAN i 101. tin; WOHK TOGIVK SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER ATTENTION FARMERS! liuii-i- tio hi i-f ; :i.... !M-{ ii ii i. .r anything you may • i.-h i-i t|,i lihIi,r i li.irx i li or o-:,er purposes ns I am prepared i ii. ii Us you b« i *>.: i. i r 1 uey rhn» you can get aiiy h< re !»♦•. In til. ■ i wtiUkeya I sell tin* best, such as --1he vi |i known b ands of-o L Yv HARPER, 10 years old Buroon, \TTr.N 1 ( BRA \ 1ADE SOUR MASH, 8yrs. old. mmm mmhmm jwmmabwbwwciwwwwmimmimmw'— i menimi A. GECKENHf FMHR A BROS. RYE WIIISHEY, Miron - 1 1,1— J'JMM • -w ■HH1—ill >!■ ■■■■■■ T».#c—»»awieesri >■■> i-iMfcAP——l—a—m——i—— All of these goods are bought direct from the government warehouse, which gu ran toes them to be absolutely pure. Lithe line of beer I sell the well known 8TORZ BREWING GO’S. KEG AND BL E RIBBON BOTTLE BEER, ALSO THE 130DW * BC E. >EER in * marts and pints, wiiii-i. has a world wide reputation. In the line of cigars I sell fte lit tint m lie w for Hie ioibj. Price* 4 !. ■ cut - * ■ 0 to ( t.50 per gallon. Cn -.: b-i‘i , p. r c"of tl« $3 00 to $3.60. Tin.r km , i > . • ir -nut patronage, nlso respectfully soliciting Min!-in urc trade, I am your* very truly, T n. i ESN HR, Loup City, Nebr. I $azL'yf. | '■L'ufi, $).oO, or S Patridg* (V.ihi f’ .raMi 1 idiin t •r i 50. White H .ll. id Tu i oi). . MRS. New Leaeo of Ufa for an Iowa Postmaster. Postmaster R H, Randall, Dunlap, la., guv ■ I <■•!: fer i from indigestion and re \g evils for years. Finally I tried 1-. ... . rs. Koool gave me a new 1. ,e of life. Anyone can have my af fidavit to the truth of this statement.” Kodol d..'rests your food. This enables the ,i pplies, strengthen in.r every organ and restoring health. i£oda»5 itiakoa You Strong. Fr. • in donly by E. C. DeWitt A Oo., Chicago The |1. bottle coaia-ln# 2H time# the &0c« size* i J' nit v •'DKN’DAHL PBOH-. Oont 8E Fooled* • Tui r the genuine, orijiiu. \ FOCKV MOUNTAlft IE ' ' . i -"A M It only by M#di#on fttedi UV M. fine Co.. Mmliaon, Wla her pa via well. Our tred vr-i yt* - 7 fi.uik cut on each package. V, “.I-/ Price, 35 cents. N«ver s»I4 |„ bulk. Accept no aubsll. iu«e- A#k your druggist, _