The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, July 04, 1902, Image 5
The Northwestern ^ PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. DEO. K. HENSCHOTEK, Editor t»n«l Publisher TERMS —11.00 PKR TKAR. IF PAID IS ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postoftlce for trans mission through the mails as seeond class matter. In another column will be found the minutes of the annual school meeting of district No. 1, of Sher man County and in which, among other things, appears the item of 91,335.29 which was paid to the district by W. K. Mellor as balance due from him of the 9l,<iS)(!.9b lost by said district when the Sher man County Bank closed its doors in 188H, and while Mr. Mellor was treasurer of said district. The turn ing over of this large sum in cash, not only puts the district in good financial condition, but it is regard ed as a most commendable act on the part of Mr. Mellor. The claim has long since been outlawed and remained against him only as a debt of honor. If there are those who doubted his honesty of purpose and r liis intention to re-emburse the dis trict whenever it was possible for him to do so, they must now ack nowledge that they were laboring under false impression. Mr. Mellor has for the last few years been suc cessful in business ami has saved up and willingly paid this large sum to the credit and honor of himself and to the full satisfaction and common dation of the people of Una district. In turning over the money Mr. Blellor made the following address which was very heartily applauded by those present who joined in passing resolutions of respect and gratitude. Mr. Mellorsaid: "In the years 1887,1888 and 1889 I had the honor of serving as a member of this school board, and acted as its treasurer. During that period, namely, on December 20, 1S88, came the failure of the Sherman County Banking Com pany, in whose bank $1,696 96 of thi» school district's funds were deposited. On the night of December 25th. 1888 Mr E. E. Whaley, the president, met me on the street and together we went to the bank w hen he informed me that the in stitution would close its doors in the morning. Owing to the fact that the then county clerk. Mr. W. II. Morris, and the then county treasurer, Mr. J. K. Pearson, had already been through the bank assets and had select ed out of all the available securities to make their claims as safe as possible 1 found but 840 80 in nickles and pennies left in the safe, together with the reject ed worthless notes. Out of the notes 1 secured at that time, but 826.00 has ever been paid, thereby swelling the graiid total recieved by me to $60.00 out of the total loss of $1,696 96 deposited. During the year 1889 I paid on Shis claim to this school district a total of $;161 67, when my ability to pay came to a t«r»iuati*. On the 80th day of DecerAsr, 1889, the day on which 1 entered the otlice of J. K. Scott I had parted with everything I had except my household goods and $7.00 in cash. Subsequently suit was commenced against tnv bondsmen and myself to recover the deficiency unpaid which suit,after dragging in the court for eeveral years, was finally dismissed by order of the annual school meeting held in the opera house about fouryeara ago. As it is luy nature to give those who are not friendly to me their money's worth, it seems to me but just and right that I should do as well by the friends who have ever stood by and been ready and willing to lend me their sympathy and assistance aud who ^ have so loyally defended me in these yeais in which I have been many times tempted to give up my residence among you as others have done who felt the crushing hand of the bank failure upon them. Words fail to express my appre ciation and thankfulness to those friends who by their deft use have made it pos sible for ine to now appear before this meeting. In token of the appreci ation of the sterling qualities of such friendship displayed, which bus per mitted me to go out into the business win Id to work my way unhampered by judgements, I now take pleasure in paying to School District No. 1, of Sherman county 81,330.29, the amount unpaid and still charged against me.1' TUKOPGII YELLOWSTONE PARK The Burlington Route is organizing a personally conducted excursion to the Yellowstone park to leave Nebraska points, Tuesday, August 5th uncommonly low' rates have been made for this excursion The total expense of the trip will be less than 8100 IN) If you are inteiester, write for a copy of Illustrated itinerary to ,f. Fkancis, General Passenger Agent, Omtha. 'w ' «■ —— ' _• - ANNUAL SCHOOL MEETING. Loup City, Nebr , June 30, 1902. Annual school meeting of district No. I, of Hhermsu county, Nebraska. Meeting called to order by Geo. W Hunter, actiDg moderator. Minutes of last annual uieetiog read and approved. Report of Treasurer and Director read and referred to a committee consisting of K. J. Nightingale, M. H. Mead and tl. 8. Hover. J. W. Long, VV. H. Mellor and VV. S. Waite appointed a committee on finance. Committee ieport that the Treasurer's and Director's bowks and vouchers are found correct. Report received and adopted and committee discharged Report of finance committee recom mending a lecy of 5 mills on bond iund, 5 mills for teachers fund and 10 mills for general fund. Report adopted, commit tee dischaged and the above recommen dation adopted as the leyy. VV. R Mellor then paid to the director the amount owing by him to district No. 1 tow it: $1,335 29 and said amount was immediately paid to Geo. W. Hunter, treasurer, and on motion the treasurer Instructed to receipt W R Mellor in full of all demands to date and surrender to him all securities now held by the dis trict as collateral. On motion if was ordered that the amount paid by W. R. Mellor, towit. $1,335.29, be by the treasurer credited to the general fund. <)n mntnin the school board U instnn t •-d to place furnaces in school house at the earliest convenience. U J. Nightingale, M. II. Mead and il M Mathew is appointed a connnitt'e on resolutions. Said committee re ported as follows: Resolved that this meeting do tender to W li. Melior its expression of warm appreciation of li is honorable con duct in paying a debt to this school dis trict which is uo«v barred by the statute of limitation and their hearty congratu lations that lie lias been enabled through the forbearauce and kindness of bis fellow citizens aud his own industry and abili'y to be in a position to do the act which he has done and which must afford himself and his friends intense satisfaction. On motion report of committee adopt ed and committee discharged and direc tor is instructed to have said n solutions printed in both local newspapers. On Motion the next school term was fixed at nine months commencing the first Monday in September, 15*02. On motion the Director is instructed to contract witli the Nebraska Telephone Co., for a telephone in the school house On motion it was ordered that the meeting proceed to elect a trustee for two yeart and two trustees for three years and that the polls be open until five o’clock p. m, which resulted as follows: For three years J.S, Pedler 19 \V. S. Waite 19 For two years 8. N, Sweetland li* Annual Report of the Director RECEIPTS Money in treasury, 2nd Monday of July, 1901, as given in the annual report.$ 895.94 Received from county and town ship treasurers siuce last re port. l,S04,9(i Received from tuition of non resident pupils. 164.75 Received from local Hues and licersv. 1,000.00 4e! 865 fir, EXPENDITURE Paid teachers. $2 385 00 “ for repairs. 210.48 •* “ fuel. 142 34 “ •• text books and pupils supplies. 50 00 “ “ ollhers. 90.00 “ “ janitor. 300.00 “ “ song books . 0.50 Balance. 095 33 $3,805.05 DISTRICT I .N 1)E BTKDN ESS Outstanding bonds. $7,000.00 VAI.UK OK DISTRICT PROPERTY. Value of school house.#10,(MW) 00 •• *• site. 300 00 “ “ maps, charts, etc. 10000 “ “ text books. 850.00 “ “other property. 200.00 #10,950 00 The matched game between the Amatures and Professionals at the howl ing alley last Fridi y evening wi 9 very exciting. The attendance was 'arge and j the scare stoo 1 as follow.-: A MATURES Maine 1st 2nd #Fd To’al 1 II. Eisner l.'i 120 180 371 T. Lav 130 itti. 114 350 I v. It Mellor 113 147 112 372 I VV. F Mason 108 143 120 571 O. OJ'mann 95 148 152 395 1 1,359’ PROFESSIONALS. |» O, Herd 155 123 109 392 1} Mn'chkin 10) 154 137 400 |>. L. Arthur 101 159 lit 454 1*. O'Bryan 99 125 101 325 I .'0’iatisen 115 221 107 344 1,895 I.otr IlulldlngR In Japan. Architects in Japan make it a rule never to construct a building over four stories in height, for fear it will fall during an earthquake. Earth quakes are frequent there. Sometimes we have two In one month, but the damage Is seldom great. A VI'S IMM1CI>IATKI.* < old* are wuiu'llmen nmre troublaioac ni summer than In winter, 11N so hard to lteep from adding lo them while cooling ol ader exercise One Minute Cough Cun l ures at once Absolutely sale Acts Im mediately Sure euro for coughs, colds, croup, tliorat and lung troubles —odendahi Rros. JOKE ON THE JOKERS. How a Victim Prepared Some Choice Morsels for Ills Friends. All Manayunk is chuckling over u joke played the other day by A1 Ru dolph. his victims being tMe patrons of a certain barber shop over in West Manayunk, says the Philadelphia Rec ord. This place has the reputation of being the rendezvous of a gang of jok ers, who confiscate anything in the nature of eatables or drinkables brought In by an unsuspecting cus tomer. A man came in the other day with a dozen fried oysters that he was taking home as a peace offering to his wife, and when he was released from the chair every oyster had disappear ed. Watermelons have been known to go the same way, and when A1 Ru dolph had an imported cheese stolen while he was being shaved lie planned a deep, dark revenge. While in town the next day he went to a restaurant and ordered some deviled crabs made, giving specific directions as to their ingredients. The component parts were sawdust, ped pepper and hits <vf old rubber show., covered over with bran, slightly baked. Then he went to the barber simp and while he was being shaved he left the counterfeit crabs, neatly done up in a box, on a chair. When he went out he purpose ly forgot them. In the place at the time were “Professor” David Wallace, Special Officer Harry Haggerty, Hill Lyle and Teddy Watehorn. No sooner had Rudolph gone than Lyle grabbed the package and opened it and a mad scramble ensued for the contents. In the meantime the joker was peering through the window and he says the scene that followed beggars descrip tion; that he never before heard such profanity and hopes he never will again. MOTHER ALW AYS KELTS IT HANDY •My mother suffered a long time from distressing pains and'general II! health duo primarily to indigestion.” says L. VV. Spald Ing, Verona , mo. "two years ago I got her to try Kodol. she grew better at once and now, at the ago of seventy-six, eats any thing she wants, remarking that site feat no bad etfaits us she has her bottle uf Kodol handy.” Don't waste time doctoring aymp toms Go after the cause. II your stomach is sound your health will be good, Kodol rests the stomach and strengthens the body by digesting yonr food. It is natures own tonic, Odtndahl Bros. VACATION DAYS Vacation time 19 hero and the children are fairly living out of doors. There could bo no healthier place for them, von need only to guard against the accidents Inci dental to most open air sports. No remedy equals DeWilt’s Witch Hazel Salve for quickly stopping pain or removing danger of serious consequences lor cuts, scalds and wounds. ‘‘I used DeWitt's WitcH Hazel salve for sores cuts and Prunes,’'says D. B. Johnson. Swift, Texas "It is the best reme dy on the market.’’ Sure cure for piles and skin diseases, Beware of counterfeits — Odendalil Bros. Kev. Mitchil, col porter for the Amer ican Baptist Publication Society in Neb , will preach in the Baptist church Sunday July , 18. morning and evening His work is done chit fly in the western part of the state where there are no churches. All who have never had the privelage of seeing one of these col portage wagons and of learning of the work which is being dope in this way cannot afford to uiisa tins opportunity. He ts an able speaker amt will in terest you. Poisoning the sysiem. It is through the bowels that the body is cleansed of Impurities. Constipation keeps these poisons in the system, causing head ache, dullness and melancholia at first,then unsightly eruptious and finally serious illness unless a remedy is applied L)eV> ' i's Little Earley Kisers prevent this trouble by stimulating the liver and promote ensy, healthy action of the bowels. These little pills do uot act violently but by streng then ing the bowels enable them to per form their own work. Novel gripe or dls tress.—Odendahl Bros. No need of idle men now, as the farmers here are offering from $2 50 to #1 per day for harvest hands, and can't get any at that price. Wheat will be ripe next week anti most of the farmers are over their corn OD'y once. S<»me of them will get behind in thier work even if they put m from 10 to 20 hours a day. —Grand Island Independent. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards against alum* Alum baking powders arc the greatest menacers to health of the present day. BOV»l BAKiSO POWOfS CO.. SEW YOSK. _ __T--- _ M. --— Go t<> Frank Dennis when you want the very best urade of flour. LC• W RATK8 EAST | The Burlington Route Announce* rates j of 888 05 to Providence, R. I, mid re turn on account of the* Internal!'hal Baptist Young People’s 1 'nit n. '1'ickets nn saie ,! u'y <5. 7. ami 8 For flintier intormaiion ask any Bur lington Route agent or write 4. FraSCIs, Gen. Pass Agt Omaha Nebr F» r rule. — Good Deerlng binder been in use only two seasons, a three section harrow and good endgate seeder. | For information enquire at this office j or come to my place and see machineri half iinin south of town—August ! Reiman. KILLING AIITI 8 ANTI LICK To prove that your hens have lire anil to show how easy It is to free your fowls from the tnceet pests;—Just nail up a wide board against the under side of the roust, sprink le or paint It well with Lee's Liquid I,tee Killer and see that the fowles roost over It at night. Next morning you will Hud all ol t he I loa lying dead on the painted board The genuine is for sale by W.T CRASH One t'se for >t Book, When in India neveral years ago Winston Spencer Churchill, Lord Ran dolph Churchill's son, presented a copy of his first book to Gen Tucker, who previous to his South African com mand was to eoimnand at Secunderbad. 'T)o you like it?" young Churchill in quired of the general. "Haven’t read it. Is it meant to read?” "Why, yes.” "Wish you’d told me so before. I keep it hanging up in my dressing room and tear off it page every morning to wipo my razon on.” Furniture of all kinds at Reed’s, prices low. Full size iron beds at only £-.80, Call and be convinced and take advantage of our prices. LOW RAILS TO BLACK HILLS. The Burlington Route has announced low rate* to the Black Hills of South Dakota for the following dates: July 1 to 13 August 1 to 14, 23, 24, 30, 81. September 1 to 10. On other days until September 15 low rales somewhat higher than those In efl'ect on the above dates will be of fered. Sylvan lakes, Hot Springs, Dead wood, Lead City, Spearlish and a num ber of other points in the Black Hills are well worth visiting. Any Burlington Route agent will be glad to tell you more about these ex cursions. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Lincoln, Neb Mat 23mt.;. I BOS. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice ot her intention to make final proof In sup. l>ort of her clain, and that said proof will lie made before J. A. Angler, the County Judge at Loup < lly, Nebraska, on July 8th. 1U03, viz: Mary Francis Beck, formerly .Mary Francis Wilson, for the southwest fourth of the northeast fourth and th<'southeast fourth of the northwest fourth and the northeast fourth of the south west fourth and the northwest fourth of the southeast fourth, section -, Township If, Range 10, Homestead Entery No. 17.301, she nan es the following witnesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Garneth, Litchfield, Nebr. John 11 Mead, " W. F- spencer, " •• George Gray, “ •* Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of uriy substantial reason, under the law and tho regulations ot tin Interior Department why sncIi proof should not he allowed w ill be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to croso-exHinmo file witnesses of »a!d claimant, and to oiler evidence In re buttal of that submitted by claimant. W. A. GllKKs, Register. STOPS THE GOUGH AND WORKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative Bromo Quimue Tablets cure a cold in oan day No. cure, No Pay. Price 7ft cents. A. S- MAIN. 'PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOU I* CITY, NLBRASKA. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. ! <§ ; This piswature is on every box of the genuine Laxative BromoQuinino Tablets the remedy that cures u cold la one day .i ~ ' - aasdl WHBATOSB If you want a good fbod foryourchiid ren, irv Vheatoae. It it easily and qukVIy preparcJ, and very healthful. Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit. All reliable grocers have it. California Breakfast Food J. 1. DEPEW^ Blacksmith $ Warn hi Maker o ' ^ouooooa' My shop is lho largest ami beat equipped north of the Platte Elver { I have afoul- horsa engine and a complete line of the latest Improved, ina | clpueiy, nlsoa force ol experienced men who know how to operate It and turn ont a job with n attics* and dispatch. MY PRICES ARE REASON ABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage l am Yours respectfully, .1. I. DEPEW', Loup City, Neb. K P. CULLJDT, A. P. CVUMT, PrasldmL ^nirMtir PIPST BANK CP LOUP CITY Genera! Banking Business!ransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. COPRCSPOINDCNT* Seaboard National Bank. New York City, N. Y. _Omaha National Bank, Omaha. Nebraska |We are Headauaftefs fof WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder I > our business and are prepared to do custom work or mrnisb ground .feed at reasonable rates. Grind Saturday and Monday WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GIJA HAN TEE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER ATTENTION FARMERS! There Is no need of sending awav fur whiskey, b.«*r, or anything you may wish In ttii« line for the harvest Hold or other purposes as I am prepared to furnish you better goods fur less money than you cau get any where elje In the line of whiskeys. 1 sell the best, such as --o-the will known b ands of-o I. W. IIARPER, 10 years old Burbon, V\ 11 mTbRA'Y ER H AND M A BE SOU R MASH, 8 yrs. old. A. <HTCKKNH RIMER & BROS. RYE WHISHEY, All of these goods are bought direct from the government warehouse, which gurantees them to be absolutely pure. In the lino of beer I sell the well known 3TORZ BRENTING COS KEG AND BLUE RIBBON BOTTLE BEER, ALSO THE BUG WISER BOTTLE BRER in quarts and pints, which has a world wide reputation. In the line of cigars I sell the heel M can he bought for the money. Prices on whiskey run fn in $2.00 to $4.50 per gallOD Case beer, per ease of 34 quart bottles. $3.00 to £3.30. Thanking you very much for your past patronage, also respectfully soliciting your future trade, I am yours very truly, T. H. ELSNER, Loup City, Nebr. m Awarded 9 Gold Medal Jf ' old !■'■ I . II I1.1.SV Kll, I imp ('it t, \ el) Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! FOR HATCHING. I am now ready to fill jour or der from choice stock. Rose Comb Brown Leghorn, 15 eggs, $1.00, or $4.00 for 100. Patridge Cochins, 15 eggs $1.00 Cornish Indian Game, 16 eggs, for $1 50. White Holland Turkey eggs !) for 1 50. MRS. A. HANSEL. Win Make Affidavit New Lease of Life for an lews Postmaster. Postmaster R. H. Randall, Dudfap, la., says: I suffered from indigestion and re sulting evils for years. Finally I tried Kodol. I soon know I had found what I had long looked for. I am better today than in years. Kodol gava me a new lease of life. Anyone can have my af fidavit to the truth of this statement." Kodol digests your food. This enables the system to assimilate supplies,strengthen ing every organ aod restoring health. Kodol Makes You Strong. Prepared only by E. C. DkWitt A Oo., Chicago* The |1. bottle contains 2H times the 60c. sisa. W'or ssilu bv ODENOAHL DKOS.. Don’t Be Fooled* Take tks genuine, original ROCKV MOUNTAIN It* Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madlsoo, WIs. Ii keeps you well. Our trad* mark cut on rach package. Price, 38 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept no substla tute. Ask your druggist. . L