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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY A.T THH5 COUNTY HKAT. IIKO. K. HBNSOHOTBR, Kdltnr and Pnbllshar TERMS:—tl.OO PER YEAR, IF PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. KINK AID NOMI NATE D On llic One Hundredth and “eventy Nuventli ltallot Tlie Sixth district republican con vention wound up early Friday eve ning by the nomination of Judge M. P. Kinkaidof O’Neil on the 177th ballot. The result was brought about by securing the votes of Paw son and Buffalo counties, which added to Judge Kinkaid’s solid vole of 79 made enough votes to nominate. The other counties did not get into the band wagon, al though all voted to make the nomi nation unanimous. The contest lasted tor two days. On Thursday 100 votes were taken without lesult and on Friday morn ing it became apparent that it would take a united effort of the following of all other candidates to defeat Kinkaid. The Bieeman, Grimes, Cady and Darr votes then consoli dated and tried to make Grimes. Falling in this they tried each of the other candidates in turn. It need ed the Currie forces to do the busi ness but they could not be shaken. The determination to make Kiu kaid eauie during a 40 minute recess, which was taken just after three o’clock. Buffalo and Dawson held a caucus and decided to end the tight. They acted just in time to prevent the Currie forces from going to pieces and making Grimes. 1 his had been promised, but was put otl to long. The tinal vote was one of enthusiasm and speeches were made by Kinkaid Currie, Bieeman, Grimes, Cady, Darr, and Wall. The new central committee held a short meeting after the convention and Kinkaid was authorized to name the chairman. Judge Wall was selected as con gressional committeeman for this eouuty.__ G. M. Lambertson, one of tbe leading lawyers of Lincoln Nebras ka died in Chicago Sunday morning at the Palmer house where he and Mrs. Lambertson were stopping. The news of his death was received here with a shock as many of our readers had often met and shook hands with him and knew him only as one of the ablest lawyers in tbe state aud a man of honor and trust. He was fifty-two years old at time ot deatb. In December, 1878, Mr. Lambertson was appointed by Pres ident Hayes United States district attorney far the state of Nebraska, which position he held with distin guished ability tor eight years and two months, having been re appoint ed by President Arthur. At the ex piration of his second term of office, in February, 1887, President Cleve land tendered him a temporary re appointment, wtiich he decliueii. Since that date lie served for a time as first assislcnt secretary of the treasury having been appointed by President Harrison. After retiring from public life Mr. Lambertson has been actively engaged in the practice of law in Lincoln. J. M. Snyder of Virdurette wnf in the city Saturday. He came over from North Loup and speaks of tin growing crops along the way as br - ing the finest he has seen for years He says that he saw many hundreds of tons of alfalfa in stacks, the first cutting of the season, and thinks that if the farmers of Sher man county would get to raising b more extensively that we would liavi one of the most prosperous countries the sun ever shown upon. In this Mr. Snyder is right. Those who aie raising alfalfa have been realiz iug from £20. to £25 per acre from a single seasons harvest. With a reasonably good stand and auyttin like a favorable season, three ou - tings can he made in one season and even iu dry weather a splendid yield is assured Every farmer in Sher man county should have an ullalta field. If you cannot aflord a br»i <>ue to stait with try a small out __ ~W — M.— A ■ Mickey Wins Out. THE REPUBLICANS CHOOSE HIM FOB GOVERNOR M’GILTON SECOND PLACE Morten sen of valley chosen for TREASURER ON FIRST BALLOT. The Ke»l or the Stale Officer» Re-nontl nated by Acclimation. Governor ..... ...... JOHN H. MlGKEi Lieut. Guv...E. G. MGiLTON of state. GEORGE W. MARSH Treasurer . PETER MORTENSEN Auditor .CHARLES WESTON Atty Gen.FRANK N. PROL’T. Com. of Pub. L. and B <;*<> D. FOLLMER. Supt. Pub. Instruetiou. WU K FOWLER J. H. Mickey a farmer <>f Osceola was nominated fur governor ou the Thirteenth ballot. Mr. Mickey is an old soldier aud a pioneer citizen of Nebraska. The name of our nest governor will be Mtckej. The light on governor was one of the largest ever made in the history of republi- j can politics in the state and the re suit was very satisfactory to the delegates from every part of the state, and ail of his opponauts pledged their unqualified support to the choice of the convention. Mr. Mortensen, of Valiev Count) was nomiuated on the first ballot and the announcement of the vote taken was hailed with shouts of ap proval from every part of the audi torium. His presence in the cam paign had given him prestagu that w;.s hard to overcome. Mr. Mor tensen is one of the best, candidates it has been the good fortune of the republicans of this state to place up on the ticket and his election is sure and certain. The balance of the ticket with the exception of I.ieuten aut Governor was made up of the present incumbants in office. K A B is trying to get up a little J enthusiasm among the pop commit- \ icemen. Well, semebody "ill have j to take Jim Zink’s place. c The present prices of pork and j beef makes it mighty lough for pop 1 editors to chew. Teacher.—“Who is Moses?" Pupil.—“Why, Moses is the King of the Kaid, ami sittitb on the Con gressional thrown of the Big Sixth. Teacher.—“V*ho is Aaron?" Pupil.—“Aaron is the man who built the wall that protected the King when the Grimes, Cady, Bie< man, and Darr tribes tried to Carrie him down." Apparently there is but one Moses in the big sixth. There is to be a street carnival at Sheridan Wyoming on Indepen dance Day, July 3, -1 and 5, Indians. Indian dances, “Custer's Last Bat tie,” Bough Riders, Stage Corch hold ups, Industrial parades, Open air Consert and many other great attractions will be given by the cow boys ot that country. SUPERVISORS PROCEEDINGS: Loup City, Neb . June 13th , 1902 Board of County Supervisors met this 13th day of June as per adjourn merit of 1902. Present: W. C. Dietrichs Chairman. I>. II Richard son, Win. Jakob, Peter Thodc, John Roberts, I) C. Grow and Anton lvwiat kowski Supervisors and G II. Gibson, County Cletk. Bo ud proceed! d to examine the road petiton of George Chapman et al and to hear objections to same and agreement in favor thereof, said proposed road be ing in Loup City township. After discussing the matter it war leeided that the road committee pro ofed to the site of said road and view same and ascertain its practicability and a recess was taken to 5 o'clock . Board again in session. I be .following resolution regard ing the purchasing of the land of Ja*, Drake to satisfy a judgement of Jure i;j. in favor of Sherman county wa> adopt! d by this b mid. Boaid adjourned to Juno 14. 1W) Boa'il met as | or attj 1:11 niuii ot Juu" 13, l'J02, ami to imtsaci t:• i■« r«' business. All members «.t' board pro etir. alsu county attorney and county clerk. County board took np tin' ii.ntiii ot tbe praj er for the it-eonsidi r;r ion for ttie vacation ol road No. 8(1, in Bm'ol township, and for its resi able limra.t OU oil ioe>, . .Ml to V.iCato road No.242, us sign'd up by Daniil Biislsu.-eo, it. al , end s td> h was presented In K A Smith for sdd peiiiouti 1 be board after dit" consideration, ilbi nut ii i the r* t|u M B taid then took up tup’ rt • f ro ti comiliitt' C on the Chapman ma t «i,,t adopted I tie toltowllig repot I: 1'be committee puds that the road as' il fi r Is just Htul recommends if r f* be allowed and that damage asked lor b) parties owning land which said roai) passes through be adjudged according to the decision of the county board, i D O Grow, i Sign'd i). H. KhhakhsON - Coni. ( Wm. Jakob. ) and bv motion the road was establish d as prayed for, provided that Loup City township p ys the damage of §10.00 per acre, f >r lan i taken, anti b eard ac cepted the proposition of Chapman and others, as per their contract to grade said road in the matter <>t the offer of Oliver Dubry to pay So 00each for lots 8, !), 10. 11. 12, in block 32. original town ot Loup City, and alter considering the law on the matter of the sale of lots where iho tax against them were more than the value of the property, which law allows the county board to tix a minimum price on such property, the proposition of Mr. Ilubry was accepted Now in the matter of the Chapman road, J. W. Long appeared for G. W. Graves, L. J. Kindall and Brown A Payne, and entered a f rofeat claiming that the prices for damage of §1000 per. acre, was inadequate and not suffi cient for property taken The damages were allowed as follows by boaad: I. J, Kindall, three acres, §30 00: Br wn & Pay ne, two acres, §20 00; G. W. Graves, one acre, §10.00; Jacob Hr/, two acres, §20. 0<». Bill of Standard Uiidge Co., was al lowed, $038 08 also freight of $307 50. By motion the bridge committee was instructed to 1 rocecd to Ashton and ex amine into the advisability nt construct; ing a bridge .as prayed bv Andrew Gor ska, et. al. at a point between sections 21 and 22 across Dry Oak Creek In Ash ton township, and report their (ladings to board at their cat lu st convenience On motion board adjourned to June 1(1, at 1:00 p. m. G. 11 Gibson. County clerk. KOCKVIM »*: ITEMS Henry Luckey ami Cr.rist Nirlson visited Ashton, Wednesday afternoon. C. fl. Stephen? a Ilying business trip to I,oup City and Iv.i k Wednesday. S. K Flower-of llas' npr was regis tered at tin- Reck vilit II el Wednesday W C. Hunker and Oswald Bluuier of Ashton u re Hui'k i lie visitors Thurs day aftei noon W M. Stiv Iser. made a ilviuig trip to Ravenna and back Friday morning. H Snielser, <>f Ashton spent Saturday in our city, on bis way borne from Crawford. George Arnold come up from Raven na and spent Sunday with bis family. •Jens Wilhemsen, of St Paul was in town Wednesday on Business. Win. Murr, of Grand Island was a caller Monday. “It never rains in Nebraska!'1 But we have had three nice showers within the past week' John Gray arrived home Tuesday afternoon from au overland trip to Kansas. U. No Me. SPECIAL TRAIN TO DENVER The Burlington will run a special train to Denver for tee Internationa! Sunday School Convention, jeaving Omaha 5:15 p. id., Wednesday, June 25, to connect at Lincoln with the Evangel Special from St Louis. Specirl train will leave Lincoln about 7:3t) p. in. Standard sleepers and tourist sleepers will tie earned Reservations should be made earlt 0. W. Bonncll, City Passenger & Ticket agent, Burlington Route, Lincoln. Low HuliriliiRH in Japan. Architects in Japan make it a rule never to construct a building over four stories in height, for fear it will fall during au earthquake. Earth quakes are frequent there. Sometimes we have two in one month, but the iamage is seldom great. Woman Quaker Preacher. Mrs. Jenkins, wife of Governor Jen kins of Oklahoma territory is a Quale-, preacher and is noted for her elm: it able acts. She fills the pulpit of tin local Quaker church every Sunday am visits regularly the United Slates j:u in Guthrie and ministers to the n a terial as well as the spiritual w.-.nts t the prisoners. Baking Powder Wakes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. ROYAL BAKJNQ POWDER CO.. NEW YORK. FOURTH OF JULY. AT LOUP CITY, 10 00 a. in. Parade. A large S lmy bun'ing Hag will be given to ti •* school district showing largest p.-r < nntage of ach"! rs.—Loup City barred. To each Town hip showing five or morn decent ed wagons. To brat decorated float L *-f costume in Hough Riders $1. Oration. Factual Society l*ri!l: 1st, $15. 2 id, $10. B'ise 15.ill PrizesUt, $20; 2nd $10 Prizes, 1st 2ml 220 yard foot rain $2 50, $150 100 yaid foot race, 1.50 i.#(l 400 ) ard relay race, 8.00 1.00 Obstacle race, 1.00 .50 Putative race, LOO .50 8 legged race, 1.00 .50 Sack race, 50 25 100 yard race, boys uuder 15, .50 .25 50 yard race, girls under 15, .50 .25 Throwing base ball, .50 .25 Throwing 16 pound hammer, 1.00 50 High jump, .50 .25 Kuiiintig broad jump, .50 ,25 Dancing. 'I wo hours solid display of Fire YVotks in the evening. oo .'l waste your money on worthless Im ltatiuna of Hooky Mountain Tea. net Urn genuine made only by the Madison Medi cine Co. a great family remedy. .'Wets.— Odendahl Bros NOTICE FOR PC HCICATION. Land OH'Kjk at Ijncoi.n, Neb. May 23mlt. 1902. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has tiled notice ot her intention to- make tlual proof in sup. port of her oluln, and that said proof will bo made before J A. Angler, the County Judge at. Coup city, Nebraska, on July Slh, 1902, viz: Mary Francis Heck, formerly Mary Francis Wilson, for the southwest fourth of the northeast fourth and the southeast fourth oftlio northwest foufth and the northeast fourth of the south we-. fourth and the northwest fourth ot tile southeast fourth, Hertton Township ii Range lti, Homestead Kntery No lt.iiTO. she nan es the following wit nesses to prove her continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: William Uarueth, Citchlield, Nebr. John II Mead, •• <• W. F. spencer, " George Gray, *■ “ Any person whodesires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of uny substantial reason, under the law arid flic regulations of the Interior Dcp-ir. mein, why such proof should not lie allowed, will be given an opportunity at Un above mentioned time and place to cross-examine tho witnesses ot said claimant and to otfer evidence in re initial of that submitted by claimant W. A. Uhkk.x, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office ut Lincoln Neb. May .tli l!nr.'. Notice l* hereby given that the follow ing-nained settler lias tiled notled of his Intention to mike tlual proof In support of ills claim, and that said proof Will be made before J A. Angler, the county Judge at Loup City, Nebraska, on Junego, 1802. vis. Jens Christensen for the north west quarter of Section 31. Township 18 Range 18, Honestead Entry 17,423. He names the following witnesses to prove, hts continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. Chas. Fredrickson, of XYcadia, Nebraska, George II. Whitman. Jr. of Arcadia, Nebraska, William Mluno of Arcadia, Nebraska, Ernest Leatherman, of Arcadia Nebraska. Auy person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows .3 any substantial reason, under t lies law ind the regulations of the Interior Depart ment, why such proof should not be allow, od. will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place Vo cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant. W. A. Green, Register - —»—— DON’T START WRONG Don’t start the summer with a lingering cough or cold. We all know what a “Hum mer cold1’ is. It's the hardest kind to euro. Often it “hangs on’, through the en tire scasou. Take it in hand right now. V few doses ot One Minute Cough Cure will set you tight Sure cure lor coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts at once. Children like it. “One Minute Cough Cure is the best cough medicine I ever used,” says J II, Bowles, Groveton N. il. 1 never found anything else that attd so safclyandqulckiy.’’ Odendahl Jin.s. A novel feeling of leaping, hounding im pulse goes through youi body, you feel young act young and are young after te.k ing Reeky Mountain Tea. 35 ets-Odendahl lims. STOPS THK GOUGH AND WORKS OFF THK COLD Laxative Itroino Quinine Tablet* cure a cold lu one day. No. euro, No Pay. Price 5 cents. toll SALK ok Kent:—The cast Lulf ot block in nor’It east part of city, contain u;g lmtiso, burn,etc. Will also sell C rut in re at |<i i vat <’ r ale. Mas Moses h. Smith W i ITS OTHERS TO hSOW I have uKlI lift Wilt, u Little Ksvll If ers f.d const i| atl« n amt torpid )t\*r md h'-yHic ell fluid I him trim) **» eo-t them lor 1 1 l ink *lmn tv it ij it (jo. d ■hinitwit uUkTlit to ltd othftH know it,” writes Aiffii II iuze, Qntncv. 1 I.. liiey never iiiipe r (listre-s. Sure site pill.. 0 U mlalil Bros. A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SUROKON LOUP CITY. Nr HKA. K, . j OFFirB AT UKSi DI:N( K. i LOOP OTTT, t . U35M. J. J. DEPEW ^ i Blacksmith ® Wagon Maker, JSKOOOOOOi^e; My shop is the largest and best equipped north of the Platte River. ; I have a four horse engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma | chiuery, also a foiee of experienced nion who know how to operate it and ! turn out a job with iieaine-fc and dispatch MY PRICES ARE REA SON A RLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage 1 am Yours respectfully, J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. P. CULUCT, President. Of LOUP CITY. Genera! Banking BusinessTransacted. i Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska We are Heacouaftefs foj WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance tor making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasoi.ablo our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder t >our business and are prepared to do custom work or mrmsh ground .feedat reasonable rates. Grind Saturday and Monday WE REPAIR BINDERS AND UOR.-E POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK To GIVE SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER W. J. FISHE.. GEO. E. BENSCHOTER, Attorney aud Notary Publt* Publisher Loup City Nobthwkstu-. Fisher & Benschoter, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigate; LANDS FOR SALE. iCberislned j bp Judges of Quality lWsi. km ‘y.jy „ Awarded €ojd M«dal _Pijris SspoaKtoa 1900. So. J b> T. 11. KLSN fill, ' oapCity, Neb FOR HATCHING. I ara now ready to fill jour or der from choice stock. Rose Comb Brown Leghorn, 15 eggs, $1.00, or $L00 for 100. Patridge Cochins, 15 eggs $1.00 Cornish Indian Game. 15 eggs, for $1 50. White Holland Turkey eggs 0 for 1 50. MRS. A. HANSEL Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of ciigestants and digests all kind*) in food. It gives instant relief and nev<-< fails to cure. It allows you to eat a. the food you want. The most sens'ti'* stomachs can take it. Bv itsusema; . thousands of dyspeptics have betu cured after everything else failed ft. prevents formation of gas on the stow ach. relieving all distressaftereatvu*. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to tali.. It can’t help but do you goor. Pro pared only by F. C. FIE Witt & ('o., OhlC&bM Tbu$l. bottle contains2!4 timestile50c.ste* Vor Hiile by .•OnKNDAHF DROS.. Don’t Be Foole^* Take tbe genuine, origin.. ROCKY MOUNTAIN T£. Made only by Madison Medi cine Co-, Madison, Wli, I. keeps you well. Our trad, mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no aubstfa tute. Ask your druggUb _