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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
Lioaal Dsws. The carpenters are all busy. Frank Dennis for llour and feed. N. B Thompson was in town Sat urday. We sell all kinds of ground feed at Dennis. James Landers, of Arcadia was in town Tuesday. W. R. Mellor went as a delegate to the state convention Monday. Carsten Truelsen came to town Tuesday for a little repair work. 85 one hundredths of an inch of water fell here Wednesday morning. W. S. Owens has just recieved fine line of summer lap dusters; pret ty designs. There was a large crowd* in town Saturday and our merchants report a good trade. Alfred Chambers is in the city again shaking hands with old ac quaintances. A case of smallpox is reported at the home of Anton Topolski, near Schaupps Siding. J. M. Russell, bought a fine sorrel colt of Judge Wall also the sorrel of O. Benschoter and now has a match team. Uncle Cal Lander's smiling face was seen on our streets Thursday, be having driven down in the morn ing. If you have never tried the brand of dour sold by Frank Dennis, at the north side feed store you should do so. It is t he best Mrs. M. H. Smith left Wednesday morning for her home in the east. She will stop off and visit for a few days at Sioux City Iowa. The Loup City 8chool closed an eleven months term to-day and the graduating exercises of the class of 1902. will take place tonight in Pilgers opera house. The pulpit to the Baptist church is being partitioned off into three departments with side curtains. The object being to aeperale the smaller classes duriug Sunday School hours. We understand ttiat John Niemann received a cream check for 143.97 for last month from ten cows. This was the largest cream check drawn by the Ashton Creamery Co. this month. We had the pleasure of making the acqua'ntance of the Dobson Bros, last Saturday. They are the gentlemen who purchased the Wilson farm on Oak Creek and are formerly of Seward Nebraska. The Baptist Sunday School observ ed childrens day by giving a picnic in the grove of Ed Angier west of town last Saturday afternoon, the little folks were made happy by be ing highly entertained in a most appropriate manner. Dr. Jones’ mare took a notion to gallop down street Tuesday evening and befoje freeing herself from the buggy broke the cross bar to the fills and scattered the harness around. No further damage is reparted. Ye editor did not get started to the state convention as delegate, un til the day of the opening but we will be on the ground in plenty of time to swing the whole shooting match for the best man for governor. Most of the delegates started Tues day, the day before. F. H. Cook, of Bristol township called on us Saturday while doing business at the county seat. Frank left two shining dollars with us to insure a regular weekly visit from this paper during the next year. He says that crops are looking nice in the south part of the county. Peter Rowe started for Lincoln last Tuesday morning where he goes as a delegate to the republican con vention. He will remain at the capi tol for several weeks and work on the $5,500,00 house to be built by Adam Sbaupp. His two sons wont with him and will spend a few weeks of vacation with there relation. The state Sunday School Conven tion, was held at Central City, June 18, 19 and 20. Mrs. Ed. Angier and Mrs. S. S. Hover, went as conn ty delegates and Miss. Edith Angier and Miss. Ella Foster, went as Bap tist Sunday School delegates from Loup City. They all went Wednes day morning. Frank Dennis will exchange Hour ami feed for wheat. A ihree year old colt for sale. En quire of J. W. Conokr. Trunks, valises, shawl straps, and atcbel handles, kept at W. S. Owen's sharness store. No. 5‘J passinger train, B. and M, going east now leaves Loup City at 7:40 A. M. instead of 8:05. When you waut a good carriage or wagon grease, go to W. S. Owen’s harness store and get it. Every box guaranteed as represented. Tom Chamberlaia of Film town ship stoped over night in our town last Wednesday evening. Tom 9ays it does notbiDg but rain out his way. Flaming posters are out announc ing the Grand Forth of July celebra tion to take place at Loup City. Read them and then come here to celebrate. Notice—Any person or persons found fishing or bathing in any of the lakes adjacent to this office, will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. The switch board and phones came in on Thursday and the company hopes to be able to have an electric ian and men here to complete the ex change on or before Saturday of this week. The large Rochester lamps used iD the M. E. Church, can be bought at a small figure. These are just the size for a school house and are in good condition. Apply to H. S. F rench. Nelse Austin was a pleasant caller Friday morning and left thrae nice round, fat, sleek, one hundred cent silver dollars in payment of his father’s subscription to this paper. He started with his family la9t Tues day to visit relatives at Litchfield for a week when he will return to Cherry county. The following officers were install ed at the Masonic Lodge Tuesday evening, June 17th. R. S. Aathur, W. M. Carsten TruelseD, S. VV. C. W. Gibson J. W. L. Ilansen, Sec. J. H. Travis Treas. J. A. Angier, Chaplain, A. M. Ben nett, S. D. T. Inks J. D. Wm. Rowe, Tyler. S. F. Reynolds sent a link of hot bologna to this office which was very nice and in the absence of the editor ye printer’s devil went after it as only a printer’s devi! can. Odendahl Bros, have had their business lots at the south west corner of the sqiare in the hands of W. T. Tracy, the lawn barber for a couple of eveniDgs, which has im proved the general appearance of them quite materially. Remember the musical entertain ment to be given at Pilgers opera house by Miss. Louise M. RoHseter, on the 28tb. Miss. Rosseter has graduated in the conservatory of music Chicago. She has devot ed fi-.-e years to careful study and training and won the gold medal in the class of 19J1. Come out and hear her. Seat on sale at 25 and 35 cents. Mrs W. A. Wilson departed for Omaha last Moi day wliere she will take up her residence with her son, Ernest, who has a position as book keeper for an Omaha firm. Mrs. Wilson has many friends here who wish her much pleasure in her new home. She was visiting in the city Saturday and Sunday before her departure. Mike \V ieork was at the county seat last Tuesday. He brought Mrs. Wizork with him to receive treat ment from Dr. Kearns, she having been affiicted for some time with dropsy. Thus far treatment which has been given her by other physici ans seem to do but little good but it is hoped that Mr. Kearns will be able to restore her to good health again A litilo boy Hy the nume of Loran Hahn six years of age was drowned in the Burwcll irirgatiou ditch last week. The little fellow asked his mother for permission to go bathing m the ditch and was told that he could go with his brothers, who were at werk in the garden i ear by He did not wait for the boys but went alone. A few minutes later the older brothers went dowu to the ditch and found that he had fallen into a deep place aud was drowned. Good Horse Sense will tell you that old eggs and glue are not things you want to eat; yet some coffee roasters glaze their coffee with such things. Not so with Lion Coffee It’s just pure, unadulterated, undisguised coffee; never covered up with any glazing of any kind. UnHorn quality and freshness are Insured by the aealed package. ( Children’s day exercises at the M. last 8unday evening was attended by a crowded bouse and all present witnessed the program with a feeling of admiration and satisfac tion SR the little folks rendered their respective parts. The pulpit was a waiving sea of flowers, beautifully arranged so as to represent a floral garden, and no less beautiful were the faces of the happy children ss they came fourth by classes to par ticipale in the exercises. Without an exception it was the most success ful event of the kind ever had i.i the city; and this success is due not only to the teachers and superinten* dant of the Sunday School but to the parents and fiiends of education and careful training. It was indeed a lovely picture to see the little ones arrayed in white, with bouquets of flowers, come fourth and do honor to the oceasion. That superiutes ! dent Tracy and the corps of teachers,; assisted by Kev. Madely and the church workers, are doing a great [ work in the Sunday School there is j no doubt. The collection taken by I the different classes amounted to over |!»,00 and the offerings from the j audience helped to make the total collection over $14.00 Loup Ci*y and Arcadia played a match game of ten pins at A. Boon s bowling-alley in Loup City las* Tuesday evening. The score stands as follows: ARCADIA Coabcy 136 - 113 • 102 | Round 96 - 133 - 128 Milburn 111 • 120 - 127 Shaupp 138 - 123 • 160 Gould 98 • 173 - 125 Total 5 79 - 662 • 64 7 LOUP CITY Heed 117 - 87 - 102 Johansen 102 - 128 - 128 Hotchkins 173 • 136 - 116 O'Bryan 194 • 190 - 142 Pedicord 209 • 130 - 106 Total 705 - "'o6l • 595 While the Arcadia boys wone the third inning, the score card shows that it was not from better bowling on the part of the Arcadia boys but that it was fiom poorer bowling on the part of the Loup City boys. TO CUKE A COLD 1 > ONE DAY. Take Laxative nrotno Quinine Taplets. All druggists refund the money if it fails to cure. if. VV. Grove's signature is on each box. 23c T. II. Eisner is painting his saloon building. -Mrs Gasteyer, went to Lincoln Mon day. Rev Madely was called to Arcadia by telegram last Monday to assist in revi val meetings. He returned Wednesday. The Wiggle Creek base ball club scooped Loup City in a six inning cor. test Saturday. Score 10 to 3. J. B. O'Bryan, has recovered from his sicknes sufficient to be out again, but does not feel able to drive bis iron horse. Quite a number of our citizens attend ed thesocia! given by the Ladies aid society at the home of Mrs. VV, O. Brown, Friday evening Mother, res one package makes two quarts of baby medicine. See directions There is nothing Just as good for babies and children as Rocky Monntaln Tea. 35cis. —odendahl Bros. The little girl of Mr. and Mrs. K M . Henry was quite severely hnrtlast Mon day by a fall. She struck her bead on the corner of the sofa. This offieo printed a handsome set of wedding cards for the weddingof Jam's Johansen to Miss Kmma Nodeen which event will take place July 2nd. The delegates elected last Saturday to the populist county conventin from Loup City township are H. S. French. E Ogle. D B. Carpenter, Wm, flan cock, Frank Dpnnls, John Hell, John Vandergrift, E. A. Brown, Emry Biv, J. T. Hale, J B. O.Bryan, and J W. Long. For the state convention of the Peo ples Independent party and Democratic party,at Grand Island, Neb., the ITn ion Pacitie R R give an open rate of one fare for the round t'ip. Tickets on sale June 23rd to 24th. good for re turn until and including June 27th 1902. I LOW RATES TO TWIX CITIES VIA BURLINGTON ROUTE. Round trip tickets to St Paul and Minneapolis on sale faotu Loup City. Neb., June 15 to ;U)tb. and July 1 to 7th.,at rate of f 10 80. Liberal re turn limits. A splendid opportunity to visit any of the ten thousand beautiful lake resorts of Minnesota. Special round trip rates to these point* from St Paul and Minneapolis. Ask the nearest Burlingtoa Route agent, or write J. Fhascis, General Passinger agcD.i, Omaha Nebraska. PRIZES FOB PICTURES. To advertise Nebraska tho Bur lingon Route wants photographs of Nebraska farm and stock scenes, and lets of them. Prizes ranging from #5.00 to $25,0U in cash and including trips to Chicago, St Louis, Denver anil through the Black Hills have been announced !>v J Frauds, General Passenger Agent, Omaha, who will send additional informa tion to an\ano interested. LIKE A DISOWNING MAN. ‘•Live years ngo a disease the doctors called dispepsia took such hold of iuo that I could scarcely go “ writes George S. Marsh, well known attorney i f Nocona Tex. “I took quantities of pepsin and other medicines but nothing helped me. A9 a drowning man grabs at a straw i grabbed at Kadol. 1 felt an improvement at once and after a few bottles am sound and well.'' Kodol Is the only preparation whichcxactly reproduces the natural digestive Juices and con equent ly is the only one which digests any good food and cures any form of stom ach trouble(—Odendahl bios, DANGEROUS IK NEGLECTED, Burns, cuts and other wounds often fail to heal properly If neglected and be come troublesome sores. DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve prevents such consequences. Even where delay has aggrivated the in. jury DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve effects a cure. “I had a running sore on my leg thirty years,” says II C ilarlly, Yankee town, Indiana. After using many rem edies, I tried DeWHt’s Witch Hazel Salve. A few boxes healed the sore." Cures all skin deseasee, Piles yield to it at once. Beware of counterfeits.—Odendahl Bros. I have a few two and three row disc cultivators on hand. If in need of one call soon, T. M. Reed. (to to Frank Dennis when you want the very best grade of Hour. Are you in need of a mow ing machine or hay rake? I have them.—T. M. Feed. Mrs. Fred Unra^th, PrralilNit Connlrj' flub, Benlon Harbor, Midi. “After my first baby was born I did not setm to regain my strength although the doctor gave me a tonic which he consid ered very superior, but instead of getting better I grew weaker every day. My hus band insisted that 1 take Wine ot Cardui for a week and see what it would do for me. I did take the medicine and was very grateful to find my strength and health slowly returning. In two weeks I was out of bed and in a month I was able to take up my usual duties. 1 am very enthusi astic in its praise." Wine of Cardui reinforces the organs of generation for the ordeal of preg nancy arid childbirth. 11 prevents mis carriage. No woman who takes Wine of Cardui need fear the coming of her child. If Mrs. Unrath hart taken Wine of Cardui before her baby came she would not have been weakened as she was. Her rapid recovery should commend this great remedy to every expectant mother. Wine of Cardui regulates the menstrual flow. ^WINEorCARDUi IMPORTED srire STALL|OR K'NG. will stand at my farm, one and one-half miles north of Loup City during the season of 1902. Be sure and see me before you breed. I have just what you are looking for, a good, heavy thoroughbred and my prices are reasona ble. FRANK OTLFWSKI, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. RADIZINSKI, NO 20,880.. Will stand at the Round Front livery barn, Loup City, Neb., during the season of 1902. Farmers see this Horse before breeding. 0. Gunnerson aid A. L. Immm, Owners. ELECTRIC LIGHTED . SLEEPING CARS On “THE OVERLAND LIMITED" are 14 ‘ section cars with drawing rooms. Interior finished in Circassian walnut, English oak and Cuban mahogany, with furnishing to harmon ize. Each section and drawing room in pro vided with two electric lights adorn the em pire ceilings. Drawing rooms with annex toilets rooms, contain ing dressers with every convenience, including ladies' curling iron heaters, etc. THIS FAMIOUS TRAIN REACHES SALT LAKE CTIY 12 HOURS AND SAN FRANSISCO 16 HOURS AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS. If you contemplate a trip to any Western Point the Union pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort and luxury, with no additional cost and a great saving of time and expense. Full information cheerfully furnished on application to J. II. Clifton, Agent. I can sell you two by eight stock tanks for $13.00 and two by tens for $17. (X). I also have wind mills and do a gen eral line of well work T,. M. lleed. Furniture of all kinds at Reed’s, prices low. Full size iron beds at only $2.80, Call and be convinced and take advantage of our prices. DRESS MAKING. I will do dress making and sewing at my residence and will guarantee good work at reasonable prices. If you wish any work done in this line cal) at residence in east part of town Mks. T. M Reed ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. State of Nebraska 1 „„ Sherman County ( BS> Village of Loup City. Estimate of expenses for which ap propriation should be made for the en suing municipal year is as follows: For general fund purposes. .0700 00 „ street fund purposes.... 400.00 „ water fund purposes.... 800.10 .. interest on water bonds.. 850 00 ,, village water bond sinking fund. 000.00 Total. 08710.00 Adopted and passed th!s 5 h. day of June, 1002 Attest W J Fisher E S Hayiiuust, Village Clerk. Chairman. Ola Newspaper I mplove. The New York Evening Post was 100 years old the other day, and for sixty years of that Robert Davis has been a continuous employe, never having had any other employer. Mr. Davis entered the office in his thirteenth year and was at one time assistant foreman of the composing room. WHBATOSB ( If you want a good food for your child* ren, try Wbeatose. It is easily and quickly prepared, and very healthful. Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit. All reliable grocers huve it. California Breakfast Food City Bray AND Transfer Line. JAS. W. CONGER, Prop. My i -e will be delivered to any part of tbe city free, Tho ice house will be opened but i.nce a day, and that will be from I to s o’clock, a. ui. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving househol 1 good. We solicit y..tir patronage. JAS. W. CONGER, Lot I’ CITY, NEBRASKA VALUABLE BOOK FREE. Campbell's Soil Culture manual, 112 pMges with many il ustratien9. Tells bow moisture 0 stored, evaporation checked, and yields increased. Mailed free to any address by .1. Francis, Gen eral Passenger Agent Burlington Route, Omaha, Nehr., < n receipt, of t w< -cent stamp. This signature is ou every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo°Quinine Tablets ^ iremedy that curt* a cold In oue day