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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (June 20, 1902)
Loup City N orth western. VOLUME XIX. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, JUNE 20, 1902. NUMBER 32. THE KING IS ILL ENGLAND'S MONARCH HAS A SE VERE CHILL. THREATENED WITH LUMBAGO Believed, However, that the Attack is Not of a Serious Nature—Prevented by Illness from Attending Chuch— Reports Cause Some Apprehension. LONDON. June 1U.— King Edward is suffering from a chill which has prevented him from attending the church parade of the Aldershot gar rison. The chill came as a result of the Ling's prolonged stay outdoors upon the occasion of the torchlight tattoo at Aldershot. The chill is a slight one. accompanied by symptoms of lumbago. The weather was extreme ly cold and it rained at intervals be fore their majesties left the brigade ground. King • Edward returned to liis apartments chilled from the un wonted exposure. These reports of his majesty's ill ness have naturally caused appre hension, but there is apparently no reason to anticipate serious results. An authentic statement from Aider shot is to the effect that King Edward ts slightly indisposed, but that his indisposition is not of a serious na ture. bir Francis Laking, physician in or dinary to his majesty, was summoned to Aldershot. He prescrbed for the king and recommended that the day be spent in perfect quiet. Queen Alexandria and the other members of the royal party attended the service at the church, but remain ed in the royal apartments 'for the rest of the day. It has been learned that the king arose in the afternoon. This is con sidered a good reason for hoping that his indisposition is only temporary. King Fldward's indisposition was an nounced too late to become generally known in London Sunday, but consid ering the near approach of the cor onation, it is bound to cause extreme anxiety. The Court Circular publishes the following official announcement: “King Edward was unable to leave his room, owing to an attack of lum bago caused by a chill.” Sir Francis Laking was in attend ance upon his majesty Sunday night and found the king to be much bet ter. The latest expectation is that King Edward will be able to attend the re view. Week in the House. WASHINGTON, June 16.—Today Is suspension day in the house and the speaker has agreeed to recognize a number of members to move the pass age of bills under suspension. What ever time remains today, together with Tuesday, has been set aside for the consideration of the bill to amend the bankruptcy; act. Wednesday the general deficiency appropriation bill will be taken up and Thursday the consideration of the Philippine bill will begin. Under the rule agreeed on for consideration of the latter bill there will be a day session, beginning at 8 o'clock, for general debate until the following Tuesday, when the bill will be open to amendment under the . live-minute rule. The final vote will be taken on Wednesday. Japan Will Fall in Line. PEKIN, June 16.—The Japanese minister to Cfc’na has received in struction from his government to ac cept the pro rata reduction of Japan's War claims. Thr ministers of the foreign powers here held a meeting and are engaged in completing their arrangements for the allotment of the indemnity. It was announced from Pekin, June 11, that Great Britain, through her minister, was ready to participate in a pro rata reduction of the war claims. It was then said that the Japanese minister, Konuira Yatao, was unable to agree to the plan, pending the re ceipt of hi3 instructions from his gov ernment. Tornado Lifts Freight Cars. SIOUX CITY, la., June 16.—A tor nado near Blencoe, Ia„ lifted several freight cars from a Northwestern side track, demolished them and stopped traffic for several hours. The body of fatrlck Brenan of Chicago was found uried in the debris. The storm did damage at other nearby places, un roofing outhouses and felling crops. DEATH TAKES LAMBERTSON. The Distinguished Nebraska Lawyer Found Unconscious in Bed. CHICAGO, 111., June 16.—Genlo M. I>ambertson, one of the leading law yers of Lincoln, Neb., died early yes terday at the Palmer house of heart disease. Mr. Lambertson came to Chicago Saturday and in the after noon witnessed the Chicago-North western base ball game at Marshall field and in the evening attended a banquet at the University of Chicago and responded to a toast. In com pany with his wife he returned to the hotel and retired shortly after mid night. Upon rising in the morning rs. Lambertson discovered here hus band was unconscious. Dr. I. H. Itea was summoned, and after an examin ation declared that Mr. Lambertson was dead. The body will be taken to Lincoln for interment Wednesday next. Mr. Lambertson was 52 years old and for many years had been a prom inent figure in state and national af fairs. Under President Harrison he was assistant secretary of the treas ury. The journey to Chicago which end ed in his death was made to enable him to argue a case before Judge Kohlsaat in the federal court. Two of Mr. Lambertson's daughters are now traveling in Europe. A younger daughter is at home in Lin coln. PALMA ENTERS A DENIAL. Asserts There Was No Scheme to Have General Gomez Withdraw. HAVANA, June 16.—President Pal ma and General Gomez were ques tioned today with regard to the story published in the United States that General Gomez had received $23,000 from the administration of the United States to withdraw from the presi dential campaign in Cuba and to per mit the election of Senor Palma. President Palma indignantly denied that he had been party to any scheme to have General Gomez withdraw from the campaign in his favor. He also spoke for General Gomez, who »as present when Senor Palma via.® questioned on this matter. The pres ident of Cuba said to insinuate Senor Gomez had been bought off by a bribe of $25,000 was to question the honesty and integrity of Gomez and himself and that such attacks would pass unanswered. Anxiety on St. Vincent. KINGSTON. Island of St. Vincent, Wednesday, June 12.—Fleet Surgeon Isaac H. Anderson of the British navy and the scientific commission appoint ed by the Royal society to investigate the volcanic disturbances here, arriv ed at Kingston yesterday and left to day for Chateau Bela, intending to as cend the Soufriere volcano when pos sible. The general feeling of anxiety has not abated. There has been no big eruptions since May 30, but the appearance of the volcano is not re assuring. There are frequent emis sions of black steam. Killed by Her Suitor. PHILADELPHIA, Pa., June 16.— Mrs. Rachel Sahlor, a widow, was to day shot and instantly killed at Coatesville, Pa., forty miles west of here, by Harry N. Ricer of Newcastle, Pa., who was also killed by a bullet from his revolver while struggling with another woman for possession of the weapon. The tragedy, it is said, was the result of a quarrel. Ricer was regarded as Mrs. Sahlor’s accepted suitor. Choctaw Railway Election. CHICAGO, June 16.—At a meet ing of the directors of the Choctaw Railroad company held at the Rock Island offices, William B. Leeds was elected president, George H. Crosby secretary and C. F. Jilson treasurer. Charles H. Warren of Chicago was elected a director in the place of Francis I. Gowan, resigned. Colonel Grimm Sentenced. WARSAW, Poland, June 16.—'The trial of General Grimm of the Russian army, charged with having revealed military secrets to a foreign power, was concluded Saturday. Colonel Grimm was sentenced to be deprived of all rights and to imprisonment at hard labor for twelve years. Fifteeen Horses Burned. LINCOLN, June 16.—The Iiverj barn of P. J. Smith at 918 P street was destroyed by fire. The loss will be about 116,000, which is only partially covered by insurance. Fifteen horses burned. HE IS FOR CUBA PRESIDENT SENDS A MESSAGE URGING RECIPROCITY. IT IS EARNESTLY CONSIDERED Roosevelt Not to Let His Political Prospects Interfere with His Plain Duty—Our Relations with Cuba Must Necessarily Grow Closer. WASHINGTON), June 13.—After talking with a number of the leaders in congress regarding Cuban reciproc ity President Roosevelt yesterday de termined to send a message to con gress reaffirming his attitude on the subject. The president has earnestly consid ered the matter for several days and it is stated that the action of the anti-reciprocity republican senators yesterday in deciding to hold out against the policy advocated by the majority of the party did not influ ence the president in the least in de ciding to transmit his message to congress today. The president’s action. It may be stated, from sources close to him, was Influenced by the broad proposition of the duty of the United States to Cuba and of fairness to the new re public. It has been pointed out to the pres ident that his warmest political sup port is in the section of the country where there is the greatest opposition to reciprocity, the west and north west, and that he should remain con tent with the stand he had taken without accentuating his views in a special message. It is known, however, that the president did not hesitate to arrive at the conclusion that he would not let his political prospects interfere with what he regarded as his plain duty. It is further known that he told his friends that it was a source of great regret to him to take a posi tion hostile to the wishes of his warmest supporters, but that he felt it would not be in keeping with his own nature and his position of chief executive to longer remain silent on this subject and thereby given an op portunity for false speculation as to his attitude. The president, was further led to conclude that the relations of the United States and Cuba must neces sarily grow closer and that the Unit ed States should not at the outset, after its declared purposes toward the island, assume a position contrary thereto and thus arouse the suspicions of the Cuban government as to our real intentions toward it. It is stated that thp president's pos itive declaration In his message as to the duty of congress probably will end his active efforts to bring about reciprocity. IRRIGATION BILL PASSES. Result Marks the End of an Arduous and Uphill Campaign. WASHINGTON. .Tune 14.—The ex pecteil happened yoBterday when the house passed the Irrigation bill by a comfortable majority. This result.. which is so gratifying to the advo cates of the reclamation of the arid land regions gave the subject an lm minatiou of one of the most remark able contests in the present session of congress. President Roosevelt's recommendation for legislation look ing to the reclamation of the arid land regions gave the subject and im petus early in the session, and it was generally predicted at the time that the bill drafted by the friends of ir rigation would be one of the first placed upon the statute books. The bill passed the senate without a roll call, and then it was that the leaders of the house decided to consign it to the graveyard of legislative hopes. For a time the prospect looked dark, but a careful campaign was made and the result, of it was the passage of the bill yesterday in the face of the determined opposition on the part of potential leaders of the house. Thanks Roosevelt and Congress. CHEYENNE, Wyo., June 14—The Choyenne Board of Trade tonight pass ed resolutions thanking Wyoming’s representatives in congress for their efforts in securing the passage of the irrigation bill and President Roose velt for his kindly co-operation. • River and Harbor Bill Signed. WASHINGTON. June 14.—The president today signed the river and , harbor bill. BOERS GROW MORE FRIENDLY. Bitterness Among Leaders is Againat France and Germany. PRETORIA, June 13.—Reports fro't all the districts say that the burghers are increasingly friendly. The only bitterness observable among the leading Boers here is against France and Germany. They derlnre the war was prolonged unnecessarily owing to hopes held out by the French and German press. Some ol the Boers ate so incensed that they have expressed the hope •bat seme day they will tight on the side of the British against one of these powers. The anticipated friction between the surrendered Boers and their former comrades of the national scouts has not materialized to any extent The Boers admit that they receiv ed ammunition through Portuguese territory. General Dewet says the youngster! were his best fighters an l frequently held positions after the older burgh ers had cleared out. STARTS HONOLULU CABLE. Company Asks Conduit Privileges In San Francisco. SAX FRANCISCO, Cal., June 13.— The first actual move in the direction of establishing cable communication from San Francisco to Honolulu and Manila was made today when the Com mercial Pacific Cable company asked the supervisors for permission to use the streets for a conduit from the pro posed landing at the western end of Fulton street to the company's office in the Hobart building on Market street near Montgomery. The petition asserts that it is the intention of the promoters to lay and operate a submarine cable between San Francisco and Honolulu and Ma nila, and that the enterprise will he ready for operation in November of this year. Work on the project has al ready begun, It is declared, and the laying of cable will begin within nine vy days. CREW MURDERED BY SAVAGE8. Wrecked on Northern Coast of Aus tralia and Only One Escapes. VICTORIA, B. C„ June 13—Accord ing to advices received by the steam er Aorangi, a Malayan sailor recently arrived at Port Darwin and reported that he was the only survivor of a crew of ten men of a Malay trading schooner which had been wrecked off Cape Wilbcrforee, North Australia. The crew was attacked by blacks and all but one murdered. The sur vivor suffered severely from privation before being rescued. The Dutch hark Geertruida Gerar da. which left Java March 22, in bal last for Newcastle, was thrown on its beam ends and abandoned at sea by all but three of its crew, who were rescued by the steamer St. Mary. The remainder of the crew has not been heard of since. Bey of Tunis is Dead. TUNIS, June 13.—Sidi Ali, the bey of Tunis, died this morning. Sidi Ali was born October 4, 1817. He was the son of Sidi Ahsin and sucepeded his brother, Sidi Mohame desSodok, October 27, 1882. The de ceased bey is succeeded by his son, Mohammed, who was born in 1855. The reigning family of Tunis has occupied the throne since 1691. Train Blown Off Track. C0RW1TH, la., June 13.—A torna do struck an empty excursion train on the Iowa Central, five miles east of here, last night, and blew three cars from the track while the train was running thirty miles an hour, leaving the engine and the two last coaches on the track. No one was hurt. Woman a City Treasurer. KANSAS CITY, Mo., June 13.—Mrs. Llillam J. Adams was today appoint ed treasurer of Kansas City, Kan , by Mayor Craddock to succeed her husband. Earthquakes in Ecuador. GUAYAQUIL, Ecuador, June 13 — Violent earthquakes have been felt during the last fortnight at Tulcan, a town near the Colombian frontier. Miss Nye to Wed. LARAMIE, Wyo., Juno 13.—Cards have been received here announcing the marriage of Miss Bessie, daughter of the late William (“Bill”) Nye. Morgan Goes to Venice. LONDON, Jnne 13.—J. Pierpont Morgan left London this afternoon for Venice by way of Paris. INDIAN MASSACRE MEXICANS UNDER GENERAL TOR RES SLAUGHTER INDIANS. SLAY MEN, WOMEN, CHILDREN Victims Numbered Three Hundred, of Wh'Rm but Few Are Spared—It is Said the Mexicans Began Attack by Pouring Volley Into Indian Camp. TUCSON. A. T., June 12—Colonel William Christy, president of the Val ley bank, Phoenix, arrived here today from Hrietas, Sonora, with details of a massacre of Yaqui Indians, men, women and children, yesterday in the Santa Rosa canyon, sixty-five miles from the Minas Prictas mines, by a detachment of General Torres' troops. It appears that the Yaqui forces that were operating in that section had moved forth into the mountains, leav ing their women and children in Santa Rosa canyon under a guard of eighty men. The Mexican troops came upon this camp and without any warning opened a terrible fire, sparing neither women nor children. After the first volley the troops charged down upon the panic-stricken victims and massa cred all within their reach. Of the guard of eighty Yaquis not a single one survived and over 100 women and children fell victims to the Mexican bullets and bayonets. Tho bodies of the dead were left In the canyon and the remaining women and children were driven to Minas ITietfis by the soldiers and from that point will be taken to Hermosillo. The Mexican soldiers and rurales haxe explicit orders to take no Yaqul men prisoners, but to kill in all cases. This orders was illustrated yesterday, when a friendly Yaqul miner came down to Prietaa for supplies and was killed by the rurales on the outskirts of the town. Colonel Christy says the massacre occurred at daybreak Monday morn ing. The troops were of Torre's com mand, but not under him personally, and numbered COO. The Yaquis, in cluding men, women and children, were over 300. The canyon in which the Yaquis were camped was a long and narrow one. Word was brought to Torres at Mi nas Prietas Sunday night that the main body of Yaquis had left the Santa Rose canyon and gone further into the mountains, leaving thsir women and children in the canyon with a small guard of men. Torres dispatched 600 troops to block the mouth of the canyon and surrounded the Yaquis. His instructions were to kill all men and boys capable of bear ing arms. The men secreted themselves along the sides of the canyon, having blocked the entrance. At daylight they poured a terrible and deadly fire on the unsuspecting Yaquis, killing men, women and children indiscrim inately. Many of the killed were mere infants. The slaughter, Christy says, was fearful. The Mexican troops only stopped their fearful work of shooting and bayoneting their victims when exhausted from their labors. Convicts Are Surrounded. SALEM, Ore., June 12.—At 7 o’clock this evening Tracy and Mer rill, the convicts who escaped from tho Oregon prison Monday after kill ing three guards, are surrounded in a tract of timber, probably 200 acres in extent, one mile east of Gervais, Marion county. Two companies of national guard and about 100 citizens, all heavily armed, surround the tim ber and the escape of the convicts now seems impossible. — FAIR TO CLOSE ON SUNDAYS. President Francis Executes a Contract to that Effect. ST. LOUIS, June 12.—President Francis has been authorized by the exposition directors to sign a contract with Leslie M. Shaw, secretary of the treasury, in which the world's fair management pledges itself not to operate tho fair on Sunday at any time. This action wa3 taken as the result of a letter from Secretary Shaw re questing the company to comply with the section of the federal act appro priating $5,000,000, which stated that a condition of payment of this was that the company execute a contract. The secretary notified the company that none of the vouchers of the na tional commission for salaries or ex penses would be allowed until ths contract was signed. CONFERS DEGREE ON REID. Special Ambassaor Made Doctor of Laws by Cambridge University. CAMBRIDGE, England, June 11.— The degree of doctor of laws was con ferred this afternoon on Whitelaw Reid, the special ambassador of the United States to the coronation of King Edward, by Cambridge univer sity. The public orator, John Edwin Sandis. referred to Mr. Reid's previ ous official visit to England and his return on the equally auspicious oc casion of the coronation. Mr. Reid, said the orator, had also distinguish ed himself as ambassador of the Uni ted States to France and as the edi tor of Talleyrand's memoirs, while for the last thirty years he had ably conducted the New York Tribune, with which lie had initiated and long continued a fund for giving the boon of fresh country air to poor children. Mr. Reid embodied the humanity, kindly feeling and friendship of his country and was thus entitled to a hearty welcome, not only for his own sake, but also for that of the great transatlantic republic which he so worthily represented. DENIES SECRET PAST RUMOR. Balfour Says Kitchener Did Not En ter Into Concealed Plans. LONDON, Juno 11.—The sugges tion that Lord Kitchener, with the connivance of the government, enter ed into a secret compact with tho Boers to induce them to surrender, was denied by the government leader, A. J. Balfour, in the house of com mons this afternoon. Mr. Balfour declared that so far as the government was aware, no pledges and no assurances were given by Lord Kitchener which had not been published. The colonial secretary, Joseph Chamberlain, answering a question regarding the agitation for tho sus pension of the constitution of Cape Colony, said he had received a peti tion from forty-two members of the parliament of Cape Colony in favor of its suspension and should await the observations of the Cape ministry on the subject. An act of the impe rial parliament, he added, was requir ed before the constitution could be published. AGAINST ADVANCING BROOKE. Opposition to Bill to Make Him a Lieutenant General. WASHINGTON, June 11.—The house committee on military aaffirs voted against making a favorable report on the bill which recently passed the senate authorizing the advancement of the senior major general of the army. General John R. Brooke, to the rank of lieutenant general and his retire ment at that rank. The vote, which was 7 to 3. was not on party lines. Members of the com mittee said that the adverse action was due to the course taken by the house against the bill advancing Sur geon General Sternberg and also be cause of the opposition within the committee to advanced grades. Wanted in Colorado. DENVER. Colo., June 11—Harry Tracey, who, with Dave Merrill, kill ed three guards and escaped from the Oregon penitentiary yesterday, Is wanted In Colorado to answer charges of murder, robbery and horse steal ing. He was about to bo tried for the murder of Valentino Hoy, a weal thy cattleman of Routt county, when he bound and gagged the sheriff at Aspen, Colo., and obtained his liberty and left for Oregon. Down Forest Transfer Bill. WASHINGTON, June 11.—The house defeated the bill to transfer cer tain forest reserves to the agricultu ral department and to authorize the president to establish game and fish preserves. Its death was accomplish ed by striking out the enacting clause. Fatal Flood in Porto Rico. SAN JUAN, P. R„ June 11.—Exten sive floods have occurred in the Pa tillas district of this island. Five per sons have been drowned, a number of houses have been destroyed and the owners of sugar property and cattle have sustained great losses. Morgan to Dine with the King. LONDON, June 11.—J. Plerpont Morgan to expected to dine with Jo seph H. Choate, the United States am bassador, and Mrs. Choate tomorrow, when King Edward, Queen Alexan dra and Princess Victoria will be present.