The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 06, 1902, Image 5
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT OEO. E. HEN SC HOT EH. Editor ond Pnblliher TEHMS: —*1.00 PER TEAR, IF PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofflee for trans mission through the mails as second claws matter. No, Pete, we was’nt on the floor of that convention. The Times-Independent savs that our “attack on R. J. Nightingale was all uncalled for.” Of course it isnt to he expected that Mr. Night ingale would call for any thing of the kind. Some three weeks ago the Times Independent brought out the names of Yf. R. Mellor for state honors that of candidate for State Auditor, and R. J. Nightingale for County Attorney. Birdsofafeatherroosttigbt together. ' 11 —— The m{inner in which the machine part of tbe Loup City delegation to tbe republican county convention pulled tbe wool over the ejes of the rural district delegates in the select ion of a pop republican central com mittee chairman, was simply a cau tion. It will probably take another sixty days to adjust the matter. Meanwhile we will suggest a remedy. The Loup City delegation to the Republican convention was almost a unit against this paper being repre sented as a delegate to the congress ional convention, simply because we would'nt go wilh tbe gaDg in a tie up for certain candidates. We have never yet had tbe honor of being a delegate to the congressional con vention nor do we wish to have when it becomes necessary to sacrifice honest convictions to get it. Now that the republican conven tion has placed W. It Mellor at the head of the republican county cen tral committee it might be neeessa rv to subscribe for the Times Inde pendent in order to see tbe republic an county convention call, should it appear before next convention time, as Mr. Mellor has been doing all his business for several years past with that paper. Surely he will not take all his paying work to that paper and then bring this work, which ha9 always been publi shed at the expense of the editor and as a compliment to the republican party, to the Northwestern office. Read ers of tbe Times has often seen $ 10.00 to lr».0O legal notices in that paper over Mr. Mellor’s signature that is no longer than a convention call. Republicans, what do you think about it? Do you call this a good straight, clean organization? There are still a few of our readers who do not seem to understand why the Times comes earlier in the week than the Northwertern. If they will compare the date of the two pa pers it will explain itself. The fact is that the Times is published on Thursday and this paper is printed on Friday. The Times made the chaDge from Friday to Thursday some time ago. We have not seen fit to make such a change as it ofted occurs that the latest news of the week is of the most importance, but although we are supposed to be 24 hours later than the Times, yet w* will endeavor always to be on time and to give the latest news possible. STOLEN DARK BROWN MARE! From Owen O'Neill’s ranch iD Rock county, on the night of May 17, 1902, weight about 750 pound.-, about 8 years old, star in face and white spot on nose, quick gaited and single foots some, has two saddle sores: also nearly new saddle, buck skin seat and buckskin roll in front. Person suspected is about 24 yeais old, medium size, dark complected, shabby clothes and corderoy pants. May have partner or two horses. A REWARD OFtuO.OJ IS OFFERED for capture and conviction of thiel and return of property, or 25.00 for either conviction or return. Write or wire any information to the undersigned. 0. E. SMITH, Sheriff. y Bassett, Neb., May Iff, 1902. The republican county convention met last Wednesday afternoon at Society Hall in this city and eleated delegates to the state, congressional and senatorial eonveutioos: The following are the delegates named: Congressional —A. Wall, Dr. Palmer H. Smelter, W. T. Owen, T. C. Chamberlain, E. Mnnn, J. L. Cress ler and Jacob Albers. 8»«t?.—W. H. Mel lor, A. M. Sheppard, P. Howe, Geo. E. Ben schoter, G. W. Marvel. Senatorial. — E. G. Paige, E. E. Tracy, Geo. E. Benscboter, W. C. Dunker, and T. C. Chamberlain. Alternates—J. L. Cressler, G. II. Whitman, Geo. Van, F. W. Fuller, and Ed. Ainger. Following is the members of the newly organized county central com mittee: Names. Township, P. O. W. R. Mcllor, Chairman, Loup City, Neb II Suielscr, Ashton, Ashton, Neb Geo. Holmes, Bristol Hazard “ A. Throckmorton, Clay Divide, “ A. Zahn, Elm, Huxley “ E. Munn, Hazard, Hazard, “ Jacob Albers, Logan, Loup City,“ G.E. llochklns, Loup City “ “ “ O Manchester, Dak Creek, No Loup •• W. M. Smelser, Rockville, Rockville “ \V. J, Corn fold, Scott, Litchfield, “ G H Whitman, Washington, Arcadia “ Ed. Angier, Wrebster, Loup City, ‘ M. H. Bates, Harrison, Litchfield, CLF.AU CUE Eli NEWS. Will Ingals was taken suddenly sick in the field last week, while listing corn and is still under the doctors care. Dr. Parmer of Litchti 'Id pronounces the ailment to he inilamation of the bowels and his condition at present is considered very critical Mrs. Nellie Woods, formerly Miis Nellie Dobson of Litchfield, but now of Utah, will preach at the Gray school house in district No. 25, this county next Sunday at 3:00 p. in. O. A. Ciark and S. Sorrenson, have returned from Grand Junction Colorado and have settled on their farms here again —Recorder. ROCKVILLE ITEMS .f. T. Allstrom of Om-dia Nebr. was registered at the hotel here Wednesday night. Mrs. T. D. Wilson and Mrs. Herman Regal of Ashton visited Mr. and Mrs W. M. Smelser here Thursday. Mr. A. L. Barueby of Cairo, spent Monday and Tuesday here on business Mr. Frank Moritz of New Mexico arrived Tuesday for a visit with his parents, Peter Moritz of Rockville. Mr and Mrs. O. G. Hanisb paid Ra venna a business visit Wednesday. George Arnold made a living busi ness trip to Loup City Tuesday, We are informed that George Arnold has bought a farm South of Ravenna, and will move there soon. Mrs. Frank Hendrickson, nee Miss Ida Cray, accompanied by her four children arrived last week from Idaho and will spend the summer visiting in Nebraska. Boy! yes, it’s a boy and John Hetzel is passing the cigars around freely : The young gentleman arrived Tuesday. The entertainment given Monday night by Loibl Bros, was well attended and everybody;went away feeling glad that they were there. W. M Smelser and E. G Page drove to Loup City Wednesday, to attend the republican county convention. U. No Me. Professor Henry B Ward, Department of Zoology, The University of Nebr aska, Zoologist State Board of Agricul ture, who was the guest of honor at a banquet given at the Millard Hotel, Omaha, bv the Omaha Medical Society, after liis return home to Liucoln, wrote as follows: “Permit me to thank you and y our associates for the very courte ous treatment accorded me during the recent visit to Omaha. “1 enjoyed the stay at the Millard and the banquet to the fullest extent and congratulate ycu upon the success with which all at rangemeuts were carried out. Very cordially yours, Henry B. Ward." Our township who visit Omaha can stop at The Millard and enjoy all its first olas and unexcelled advantage for as low' a rate as $2 00 per day, American I‘lari, and 81.00 per day European Plan Nea - ly furnished rooms, first-class hills of fire, high grade service throughout the hotel You may go to other Omaha hotel* of les-et grade, get much less for your money, an J pay just as much j as you would at the M'llaid. The Lin coln, opposite depots, Lincoln, only first-class hotel in the City, $2.(0 per day. _ KdUon’s Advice. "Don't watch the clock,” was Mr. Edison's advice to a young man who recently asked him how to succeed. Profoundly significant is that old Joke about the laborer who left his pickax hanging in the air at the stroke of noon. A hanging pickax is the fittest emblem for a confirmed clock-watcher —and the pickax hangs always in the air, never digs out a patch for him to advance upon. - ... - - ---— Dslo of State convention at Lin coln, June 18th. Date of L’onpressional convention ut Crawford, June 12th. Dov« and Diver. It seems a long cry from "dove” to "diver,” and yet the two words are one and the same in etymology. Dove was originally a name given to sea gulls (the divers), and only later came to be restricted to its present sense. Even now one of the guillemots (a kind of auk) is called the Greenland dove. Ixion and booby aptly describe the awkwardness and clumsiness of the great northern diver and gannet. City** Mew Kftllrt'ii'l. Damascus, tho oldest city in the world, will scon have in its streets the tracks of a railroad, on which the most modern methods will prevail. For more than 4,000 years the city got along without means of transportation, al though it was enterprising enough to And a place In the Bible and the world's history. Wheat has wrought a change in Damascus now. Its annua! output of the cereal is 10,000,000 bush els. A boom town in the West was never more lively than this relic of the dead past. Oldest Postmitster K<*lgn«. Frank J. Schrleber, who Is believed to be the oldest postmaster in the United States, recently resigned. He has decided that forty-three years' continuous service for Uncle Sam Is enough. He was appointed postmaster of Cruger, Woodford county, Illinois, during President Buchanan's adminis tration. Proposed Memorial to McKinley. The late president was to have laid the corner stone of the Ohio college of government—one of the buildings of the group of toe American university at Washington—and it is probable that the honor will now devolve upon Presi dent Roosevelt. The building will be of marble and will cost $250,000. The suggestion has been made that it shall be a memorial to President McKinley, and that it shall he known as the Mc Kinley memorial Ohio college of gov ernment. PUCKER UP AND WHISTLE. Doctor* Declare the Erai-tlee I* Pro* motlvv of Good Health Another prescription for promoting the health of the general public has 1 een given out by German and bwe <»it;h doctors, who declare that nothing tends more to a robust physical frama than the practice of whistling. But they insist upon a systematic and con stant effort on the part of the benefi ciary. Drill schools have been formed where one of the chief exercises con, sists in lying flat., back downward, on a table and simply breathing and ex pelling air from the lungs with regu larity and vigor. Dumb-bells and In dian clubs have been discarded by the advanced health culturists in those in stitutions. As a method of prolonging life and strengthening the human frame against sickness whistling is said to be beyond compare. Develop ment of chest and neck muscles is one of the special advantages claimed for the exercise. Long, deep breathing is an essential for a good whistler, as It is not permissible to draw In the breath except during the intervals of the pound production. Besides the good that accrues to the performer s general health, there is an advantage in know ing how to whistle well. It is recog nized as a certain form of musical art and as such Is capable of giving pleas ure to the listener.—Chicago Chronicle. ESTIMATE OF EXPENSES. State of Nebraska ) Sherman County | Village of Loup City Estimate of expenses for which ap propriation should be made for the en suing municipal year is as follows: For general fund purposes. 8700.00 „ street fund purposes_ 400.00 „ water fund purposes.... 800.00 ,. interest on water bonds.. 850.00 ,, village water bond sinking fund. 900.00 Total. $:1710.00 Adopted and passed this 5th. day of June, 1902. Attest W J Fisher. ES Hayhlrst, Village Clerk, Chairman. -- ~— WATTS OTHERS TO KNOW “I have used DeW111,a Little Early Kis ers for constipation and torpid liver and they are all right. I am glad to endorse them lor I think when we find a good thing we ought to let others know it,” writes Alfred Ileinze, Qulncv, HI., They never gripe or distress. Sure safe pills Odendahl IJros. Rovju. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menacers to health of the present day. I ■ ■■■■ NOTICE Socialists of Sherman County Nebr. There will bea'.meeting of the Social ists of Sherman County Nebraska, heh in the town hall at Ashton, Nebraska or Thursday, .June 19, 1!K)2. at 2:00 p. m for ;he purpose of nominating a coHntj ticket and also to transact all othei bnsiness that may come before sai> meeting Respectfully, liOCfll Branch, No 5, Socialist Party Ashton, Nebr., John F. Smisii, Secretary Don't waste your money on worthless ini Huttons of Kooky Mountain Tea. net th» genuine made only by Die Madison Medi cine Co. a great family remedy, touts.— Odendahl ltros NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office a~ Lincoln, Neb MAT 23ml I I9U2. Notice Is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice oi his lnteution to make final proof in sup. port of his clain, and that said proof will be made before J. A. Angler the County Judge at Loup City, Nebraska on July 8th, 19U2, viz: Mary Francis Beck, formerly Mary Francis Wilson, for the southwest fourth of the northeast fourth and the southeast fourth of the northwost fourth and the northeast fourth or the south west, fourth and the northwest fourth of the southeast fourth, Hectton 2, Township II, Range HI, Homestead Entery No 1T.37U. He names the following wit losses to^irove ills continuous residence upon ami cultivation of said land, vim: William Garneth, Litchfield, Nebr. John II. Mead, *» » W. F. Spencer, •• « George Gray, •• >• Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law aud the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not be allowed, will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in re buttal of that submitted by claimant. W. A. Green, Register, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION^ Land Office at Lincoln Neb. May 7th. 1902, Notice is hereby given that the follow, tng-nameil settler lias filed notled of his intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made beforo J, a. Angler, the county Judge at Loup City, Nebraska, on Jnne2fi, 1902. vis. Jons Christensen for the north west quarter of Section 34, Township 16 Range lfi, Honestead Entry 17,423. He names the following witnesses to prove ills continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz. Chas. Fredrickson, of Arcadia, Nebraska, George H. Whitman. Jr of Arcadia, Nebraska, William Mlnne of Arcadia, Nebraska, Ernest Leatherman, of Arcadia Nebraska. Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of smell proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations or the Interior Depart ment, wiiy such proof should not be allow, eil. will he given an opportunity at tlio above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence In rebuttal of that submitted by claimant W. A. Green, Register DON’T START WRONG Don’t start the snnimer with a lingering cough or cold. We all know what a ’’sum mer cold” is. It’s the hardest kind tc cure. Orten it “hangs on’, through the en tire season. Take it in hand right now A few doses ot One Minute Cough Cure will set you light. Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acte at once. Children like it. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best cough medicine I overused,” says J. H. Bowles, Grovetoi: N. II. I never found anything else that acted so safelyandqulckly.’’ Odendahl Bros A novel feeling of leaping, bounding ini pulse goes through your body, you fee young act young and are young after tak lng Reeky Mountain Tea. 36 cts.-Odendah Bros. STOPS THE GOUGH AND WORKS OPE THE GOLD Laxative Brouo Quinine Tablet* cure i cold in one day. No. cure. No Pay. Prici -'& cents. For balk or Rent:—The east half o block in nor'li east part of city, contain, lng house, barn,etc. Will also sell furni ture at private tale. Mrs Moses ii. Smith LIGHTNING! FOR ABSOLUTE PROTECTION TO LIFE AND PROPERTY u*e the Old Reliable Franklin Lightening Rods, which have been in successful use for over fifly years. Manufactured by Cole Bros. Co., 720, 722 and 724 north 7th. street, St. Louis, Mo. This Company give a guarantee (or insurance) of if500 free with each building rohded. Best of workmanship. Reasonable brice-. Saiisfaction guaranteed or no pu«. For particus and prices address N’ebarska’s Resident Dealer W. E. Drake. Grand Island Nchr Honest agen* wanted. Salary or Commission, A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, NtBKA-KA. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE R. J. NIGHTINGALE ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUT OITI. I i Htt m. A F. CULUDT, . A. V. CVLUH. Pr Mid mil OmM«. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessT ransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha, Nebraska. •We are Headouaftefs foj WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder i * mu* business and are prepared to do custom work or lurmsb ground .feed at reasonable rates, tlrind Saturday and Monday. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HOP. E POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OllR WOHK TO Git K SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER W. J. FISHR*. 3EO. E. BENSCHOTER. Attorney end Notary Publle. Publisher Loup Citt Nobthwbbtbk > Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigate! LANDS FOR SALE. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! FOR HATCHING. I am now ready to fill your or der from choice stock. Rose Comb Brown Leghorn, 15 eggs, $1.00, or $4.00 for 100. Fatridge Cochins, 15 eggs $|.00 Cornish Indian Game, 15 eggs, for $1 50. White Holland Turkey eggs 9 for l 50. MRS. A. HANSEL. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of tt-e digestants and digests all kinds uf food. It gives instant reliefandnev** fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensiti'-'o stomachs can take It. By its use mar.y thousands of dyspeptics have beeu cured after everything else failed it prevents formation ofgas on the stmu* ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant totakfc. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. Pe W irr & Oa, Chlcue J The |1. bottle contains 2H times the 50c. ste* For sale by ;ODENUAHL PROS.. DON’T 8e FOOLEO* Take the genuine, origin* ROCKY MOUNTAIN TFA Mad* only by Madieon Medi cine Co.. Madieon, WIs. It keepe you well. Our trada mark cut on each package. Price, J5 cents. Never sold In balk. Accept no sabstl* tute. Ask year druggist. __ t