The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, June 06, 1902, Image 4

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    Lioaal Haws.
Frank Dennis for flour aud feed.
We sell ail kinds of ground feed
al Dennis.
Mr. A. W. Taylor, of York, was
in the city last Monday,
Mr. Biemond and A. Zink both
shipped stock this week.
The township boatd have been
equalizing taxes this week.
J H Trckey of Bockville was a
county seat visitor Tuesday.
This country was blessed with a
nice shower yesterday morning.
\Ve understand that Cal Shaupp
is coming back to Ashton to live.
C L Drake, of Gurnsey was in
the city Taesday and Wednesday.
Mr. McLaughlin, of Aurora came
up this week and is visiting his son
W. 8. Owens has just recieved a
fine line of summer lap dusters; pret
ty designs.
Don’t fail to hear the lecture on
Odd Fellowship next Friday even
ing, June 13.
If you need a hay rake you should
call on L G Fisher, at the North
western office.
Dr. Palmer, of Litchfield presided
over tbe republicrn county conven
tion Wednesday.
If you want a first-class thorough
bred Duroc male pig call on L.
G. Fisher. Come early.
There was a drenching rain last
evening in this county. Almost
three inches of water fell.
M H Mathew returned from Lin
coln yesterday. He reports 0 inches
of rain fall at Lincoln in tbe morn,
If you have never tried the brand
of flour sold by Frank Deuuis. at the
north side feed store you should
do so. It is the best.
D. B. Coffman, special agent for
tbe Farmers and Merchants Insur
ance Co., of Omaha was in the city
last Tuesday.
When you want a good carriage
or wagon grease, go to W. S. Owen’s
harness store and get it. Every box
guaranteed as represented.
Until further notice my appoint
ments will be as folio we: Services
Sunday at Ashton 10:00 a. m. Rock
ville 2:00 p. m. Austin 4:00 p. m.
and at Loup City at 8:00 p. m.
G. C. Porter, Pastor.
No. 52 passinger train, B. and M.
going east now leaves Loup City at
7:40 A. M. instead of 8:05.
Mother, Yes one package makes two
quarts of baby medicine. See directions
There Is nothing just as good for babies
and children as Rocky m ountaln Tea.
35cts. -odendahl Bros.
Trunks, valises, shawl straps, and
atchel handles, kept at W. S. Owen’s
sharness store.
There will be a Forth of July cel
ebration at Ashton this year. Knut
zen’s park is in fine shape and a good
time is anticipated
The little son of Iguats Janulew
lcz. was kicked in the face by a
horse and quite severely hurt. Dr.
Main dressed the wound which was
a big gash over the eye.
We received a pleasant call from
Mr. F. W. CJancey of Litchfield last
Monday. Mr. Clancey was looking
alter the marble business, He in
forms us that he is building up a
large trade.
Mrs. G. C. Bowman brought to
this office a very beautiful bouquet
of roses of three different varieties
all plucked from the same bush.
They were white, yellow and pink.
We have them on exhibition at this
Grandpa Thomas c5. Nightingale
feels like discarding his cane for a
few dayB and all because there is a
son at his daughters house at Sar
gent which made its first appearance
on the 5th. instant. It makes
Thomas feel mighty spry for a man
of his age.
At a republican primary held for
the purpose of electing a delegation
to the county convention the following
named persons were chosen to repre
sent Loup City township: \V TOwen’
W R Mellor, Peter Rowe, II Johan
sen, A Wall, L Bechthold, G W Hun
ter, Wm. Wharton G II Gibson, A
Hansel, Geo. E Hotcbkins and J I
Rest Hour on the market at
K. Munn of Hazard was a pleasant
caller yesterday.
Frank Dennis will exchange Hour
and feed lor wheat.
Henry Wilson is spreading paint
for T >1 Reed this week.
A time year old colt for sale. Re
quire of J. W. Conger.
L. Hansen is enjoying a visit with
his brother from the west.
E H Kittell, of Rockville town
ship was in town yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Cbilson are the hap
py parents of a new baby gill.
Herman Jung bas erected a new
coal house on his bakery lots.
The band is preparing a pleasing
selection of music for the Fourth.
The reservoir to the city water
works has been thoroughly cleaned
Mrs. John Fisher and two daught
ers are visiting relatives at St. Paul
this week.
James Conger bas secured the
services of S N Criss to run his dray
Mr and Mrs A Sutton, of Valley
county were visiting in the city Wed
E S llayhurst attended the Retail
Hardware Merchants convention at
Those who attended the moving
picture exhibition say they got their
moneys worth.
Yesterday was the »3tb. anniverse
ry of the great June hail storm of
this locality.
Alfalfa harvest has already begun
it this section and the crop is report
ed to be immence.
Eunice Chase gave a birthday
party to her litte friends last Wed
nesday afternoon.
A. W. Throckmorton, of Divide
brought some hogs to the Loup City
market yesterday.
There will be Children's Day exer
cises at the M E church Sunday
evening, Jane 15th.
The Knights of Pythias will hold
memorial services in Pilger’s opera
house Sunday, June 15.
The school board met last Satur
day evening and hired the same
teachers again for another year.
Mesdames. Benner of Sargent, J \V
Landers, P Round and C O Retten
meyer of Arcadia were visiting here
A letter from Mrs. A J Morgan
states that Mr. Morgan is now em
ployed in the Moline Plow works at
Moline, Illinois.
Flaming posters are out announc
ing the Grand Forth of July celebra
tion to take place at Loop City.
Read them and then come here to
Win. Knutzen informs us that
there will be a picnic in his park at
Ashton next Sunday afternoon and
that everyone is invited to come. It
will be given by the Polish society.
The large Rochester lamps used
in the M. E. Church, can be bought
at a small figure. These are just
the size for a school house and are
in good condition. Apply to H. S.
Both the B & M and the U P
tarins returned to this place this
morning, after starting out on their
usual run. The cause was that the
bridge was washed out at Ashton
and ninsty feet of tne road bed was
removed by heavy flood this side of
We had the pleasure of making
the acquaintance of liev. Shepperd
of Litchfield last Wednesday. Mr.
Sheppard accompanied the Harrison
Township delegation to the republi
can county convention. He is a
very interesting conversationalist
and we were pleased to meet him.
J. W. Comraings, of Kewanee,
Ind. will deliver a lecture at Society
Hall, on Friday evening, June 13,
1902, on Odd Fellowship and its
history. Mr. Cummings is said to
be a fiuent speaker, and well ac
quainted with bis subject. The
lecture will be free and everybody
is cordially invited to come out and
learn something about the greatest
fraternal order in exhistance.
i| A Generation Ago
Coffee could only be bought
in bulk. The 20th Century
I way is the (
Lion Coffee
II way—sealed packages, al- / I
1 ways correct in weight,
clean, fresh, uniform and
| retaining its rich flavor.
The exercises for Decoration day,
1902, at Loup City will long be re
membered as being attended by the
largest gathering of people which
baa met here foi years to observe
the day. Those who were up be
fore sunrise could see the national
colors waving above the business
bouses and dwellings in different
parts of the city.
The days exercises had been care
fully arranged by the ladies of the
G. A. R. At 9:30 the large process
ioi which formed in line and march
ed dowb main street and around the
square was a pretty sight. The
march was led by the Loup City Cor
net Band. Closly following them
were the few old soldiers, and
them came the ladies of Shiloh Cir
cle, No. 5. This was followed by
delegations from the K. P. and
Woodman orders. Then came a
long line of school shildren who
were arranged by rooms with their
respective teachers in the lead.
The column marched in two by
two to Pilger's opera house, where
the advance crowd lined up on each
9ide and the old soldiers, ladies of
the Circle and the balance of the
main column marched through and
iato the opera house. It. J. Night
ingale was the speaker for the oc
casion. The room was packed with
people and the stage wa9 well filled
with the finest vocal talent In
the city. It was profusely decor
ated with flowers and flags, itev.
Madely oflered prayer at the open
ing and after the singing of some
beautiful selections by the choir,
chairman J. S. Pedler called upon
Mr. Nightingale for an address. Mr
Nightingale’s talk was well received
by all present, and his remarks very
In the afternoon about five hund
red people formed a procession of
over a half mile in length and went
to the Evergreen cemetery where the
graves were decorated and a beauti
ful program carried out. A beauti
ful monnment was erected ho the
memory of the unknown comrads
and around it the ladies of the Grand
Army held most solemn and im
pressive ceremonies. A class of
students rendered the song of
“Nameless Unknown.” and the
day's exercises were concluded by
decorating the graves.
The number of people at the cem
etery was estimated to be about
five hundred.
In the evenimg a consert was giv
en in Pilger's opera house by the
best vocalists in the city. The bouse
was crowded and all of the soDgs
rendered were heartily applauded.
They consisted of national songs
and plantitation melodies, and were
I fitting and highly entertaining.
A L Zimmerman made this office
i a pusiuess call yesterday afternoon.
Judge W’all and R J Nightingale
were attending court at Broken Bcw
this week.
When you want any thing in the
harness line go to a harness store
When you are sick go to a doctor.
G H Whitman and Henning Clau
sen were among the renublcan del
j legates to the county convention
C W Gibson made a trip to Litch
field last Wednesday after his wife
who had been visiting with her par
ents, Mr and Mr9 J K I’earson fur a
few day.
If you are a good republican see
that yoor neighbor, and especially
your republican neighbor takes the
Northwestern. We need all the
patrouage we can got. We want
to get out a rattling good newspaper
and the more patronage we bare the
more h*»!p we are able to employ.
It takes a good force in a printing
office to get out a good paper. How
many new subscribers can you send
\V S Waite came home Friday
from Omaha and remained over Sun
day with his family. He returned
Monday and will doubtless have to
remain as a federal juryman the rest
of this month.
Quite a serious accident is report
ed to have happened to a sob of
Mr Spahr last Sunday uight who,
in company with three ladies
while driving along the highway in
the darkness, near the 1‘artica farm,
got to one side of the road and acci
dentally drove on top of a lieu house
that was made as a dug out in the
bank. The roof and all went down
One horse was quite seriously hurt
and the occupants of the wagi u
much frightened.
To advertise Nebraska the Bur
lingon Route wants photographs of
Nebraska farm and stock scenes,
and lots of them. Prizes ranging
from $5.00 to $25,00 in cash and
including trips to Chicago, St Louis,
Denver and through the Black Hills
have been announced by .1 Francis,
General Passenger Agent, Omaha,
who will send additional informa
tion to anyano interested.
"Five years ago a disease the doctors
culled dispepsla took such hold of me that I
could scarcely go," writes George S. Marsh,
well known attorney of Nocona. Tex.
“l took quantities of pepsin and other
mediciues but nothing helped me. As a
drowning man grabs at a straw i grabbed
at Kadol. 1 felt an improvement at once
and after a few bottles am sound and well."
Kodol is the only preparation wluehexactly
reproduces the natural digest) ve juices and
consequently is the only one which digests
any good food and cures any form of stom
ach trouble, Odendahl ltros
Where Sedan Chairs Arc Still Used.
At Orleans, France, especially on
Sundays at the hour of mass, the
classic sedan chair, as it was known to
the gallants of the eighteenth century,
Is borne through the street by robust
carriers, its occupants being aged peo
ple and invalids, to whom the Jolting
of a carriage is intensely disagreeable.
Burns, cuts and other wounds often
fail to heal properly If neglected and be
come troublesome sores. DeWllt's Witch
Hazel Salve prevents such consequences.
Even where delay has aggravated the In.
jury DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve effects
a cure. "I had a running sore on my leg
thirty years," says H C Hartly, Yankee
town, Indiana. After using many rem
edies, I tried Dewitt’s Witch Hazel salve.
A few boxes healed the sore." Cures all
skin deseases. Piles yield to it at once
Beware of counterfeits.—odendahl Bros.
Go to Frank Dennis when
you want the very best grade
of flour.
Miss Ida M. Snyder,
Treasurer of the
Brooklyn Kaat Bud Art Club.
*• If women would pay more attention to
their health we would have more happy
wives, mothers and daughters, and If they
would observe results they would find
that the doctors' prescriptions do not
perform the many cures they are given
credit for.
" In consulting with my druggist he ad
vised McElree's Wine of Cardui and Thed
ford's Black-Draught, and so I took it and
have every reason to (hank him for a new
life opened up to me with restored health,
and it only took three months to cure me."
Wine of Cardtii is a regulator of the
menstrual functions and is a most as
tonishing tonic for women. It cures
scanty, suppressed, too frequent, irreg
ular and painful menstruation, falling
of the womb, whites and Hooding, ft
is helpful when approaching woman
hood, during pregnancy, after child
birth and in change or life. It fre
quently brings a dear baby to homes
that have been barren for years. All
druggists have $1.00 bottles of Wine
of Cardui.
will stand at my farm, one and one-half miles north of
Loup City during the season of 1902. He sure and see
me before you breed. I have just what you are looking
for, a good, heavy thoroughbred and my prices are reasona
Will stand at the Round Front livery
barn, Loup City, Neb., during the season
of 1902.
This is an Imnorted Registered Horse.
Farmers see this Horse before breeding.
0. Gonnerson and A. L. Zimmarmao, Owners.
section cars with drawing rooms. Interior
finished in Circassian walnut, English oak and
Cuban mahogany, with furnishing to harmon
ize. Each section and drawing room in pro
vided with two electric lights adorn the em
pire ceilings.
Drawing rooms with annex toilets rooms, contain
ing dressers with every convenience, including ladies’
curling iron heaters, etc.
If you contemplate a trip to any Western Point the ^
Union pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort
and luxury, with no additional cost and a great saving
of time and expense.
Full information cheerfully furnished on application to
J. II. Clifton, Agent.
Those Canny Scots.
The Glasgow exhibition came out
'with a profit of J400.000, while the Pan
American lost three millions. The
canny Scot takes his pleasure with an
eye to money-making still.—New York
I can sell you two by eight
stock tanks for $13.00 and
two by tens for $17.00, I also
have wind mills and do a gen
eral line of well work T,. M.
Furniture of all kinds at
Reed’s, prices low. Full size
iron beds at only $2.80, Call
and be convinced and take
advantage of our prices.
valuable book freZ~
Campbell's Soli Culture manual, 112
pages with many illustrations. Tells
how moisture is stored, evaporation
checked, and yields increased. Mailed
free to any address by J. Francis, Gen
eral Passenger Agent Burlington Route,
Omaha. Nebr, on receipt of two-rent
Toctur; A COM) IN ONK DAY.
Take Laxative nromo Quinine Taplets.
All druggists refund the money it It falls to
cure. M W. Grove's signature Is on each
box. iBc
IiKKSS MAKING. 1 Will do (Jress
making and sewing at my residence and
will guarantee good wmk at reasonable
prices. If you wish any work done In
this line call at resilience in ea-r part
of town Mbs. T. M Kkkd
This signature is on every box of the genuine
Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets
the remedy that cure* u cold In one day
- —
If you want a good
food for your child
ren, try Wheatose.
It is easily and
quickly prepared,
and very healthful.
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit.
__ -. _ All reliable grocers
BftjftKFASTCM have„.
California Breakfast Food
- ----».
Now that the storm season is here
and there will he much danger from
Lightening, you siould think about
Lightening Hods. If you have none,
or your old ones are out of repair, bet
ter write to "Nebraska's resident deal
er" W. K. Drake, Grand Island Nebr.,
who does an honest business ami is fast
reclaiming (be fallen reputation of this
line of work, which has suffered much
by the abuse of unprincipled traveling
‘fakirs,” who have greatly abused the
grand discovery of Franklin. Head his
advertisment i Lewi ere In this paper.
City Dray
Transfer Line.
My ice will bo delivered to any part
of the city free. The Ice house will be
opened but once a day, and that will
be from 4 to s o’clock, a in.
All kinds of hauling Will bo given prompt
attention and will make a specialty of
moving household good. We solicit your
LOL’P CITY, . . N E lilt ASK A. V