Lioaal D«ws. Frank Dennis for tloor aud feed. We sell all kinds of ground feed at Dennis. M 0 Mulick is doing business at Omaha this week. W. R Melior and W. L. Marcy, were Lincoln visitors last week. A. E. Chase is having the par titions to bis dwelling plastered. Mrs. W. S. Waite is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Grow. G. Febig returned to Oregon last Monday after a visit with his parents. W. S. Owens has just recieved a fine line of summer lap dusters; pret ty desigus. Dr. Seymour the eye specialist in Grand Island June 5tb. Quarterly services were held in the m. e. church Saturday evening. Presiding Klder Crane was present. W. C. Conhiser severely hurt hie arm by accident. Having missed his footing he fell from the hay loft. I will reward nay ons inform ing me who the parties aro w ho stole hay from my farm.—>1rs. II. Taylor. County attorney T. fi. Nightin gale and attorney Mathew made a professional trip to BrokeQ Bow this week. Mrs. Hawk received severe injur ies last Saturday by falling from the celler steps. She is agaiu able to be around. If you have never tried the brand of flour sold by Frauk Dennis, at the north side feed store you should do so. It is the best. When you want a good carriage or wagon grease, go to W. S. Owen’s harness store and get it. Every box guaranteed as represented. Mrs. S Hancock came up from Hampton last Saturday to spend a week visiting friends and to be pres ent at Decoration day exercises. For seed Cane, Millet and Sweet corn call on T. M. Reed. No. 52 passinger train, B. and M. going east now leaves Loup City at 7:45 A. M. instead of 8:05. Until further notice my appoint ments will be as followe: Services Sunday at Ashton 10:00 a. m. Rock ville 2:0O p. m. Austin 4:00 p. m. ud at Loup City at 8:00 p. m. O. C. Porter, Pastor. Mr*. A. Sutton and her daughter Fannie of Valley county returned home last Wednesday morniDg after • few daya visit with her daughters Mrs. A. E. Chase and Mrs. W. S. Waite. Robert Young informs us that he has taken the contract to paint the FirBt Bank buildingi the Times office, the Peddler-McKinua milli nery store and the Frank Dennis floor and feed store. Nelson Austin aDd wife of Cherry county this state aie visiting friends in the city. He informs us that his parents are contemplating selling their interest in the ranch and mov ing back to Loup City. The U. P. engine was derailed, just noitb of the round house at this place, hut was righted again without damage. The train was several hours late in consequence. Don’t mention It to engineer O'Bryan. There was some thirty ladies of the Ladies Aid Society gatherod at the residence of Mrs. J. T. Hale last Wednesday and gave a farwel! party to Mrs. M. H- Smith wtio ex pects to start for her eastern home soon We are asked to announce that the patriotic concert to he given to nighl as a part of the program for Decora tion day exercises will be at Pilger's opera house instead of at society hall as first announced. The enter tainment will be free. Last Friday we saw a large frame building walking up street east of the court house square, and upoD inquiry learned that Mr. E. Holcomb had purchased the large curpenter shop building on the Burrows pro perty and was moving it to his lota north of L Hansen's resi dence, where be will build an addi tion and fit it up for a dwelling. Best flour on the market st Dennis. Mrs. M. V. Whorton is painting her resilience. Hogs are bringing 0 tH) on the Loup City market. The merry go-round has been moved to Arcadia. Mrs. (iastejcr returned from Lin coin last Friday evening. Republican primary at the hose house tomorrow at 2:00 p. m. Cabbage and tomatoe plants, five cents per. dozen at W. T. Gibson's. J. A. Steveus, of Hazard town shin, was at the county seat jester day. Trunks, valises, shawl straps, and atchel handles, kept at W. 8. Owen's sharness store. Mr. E Holcomb mounted and moved his frame building a distance of five blocks in less than a day. Miss Kffie Moon returned from an extended visit to her sister Mrs. Callahan of Kansas City, Kansas. Judge Sullivan has ordered the June term of the district court off. It will probably go over to September. Misses Florence Nightingale and. Daisy Ilegliu who have bsen stud ents at College View. Nebr. returned home Tuesday. Mrs, Smith and mother of Mrs. Madely returned to her home last^ Monday morning and will remain on her farm during the summer months. Mrs. Chas. Reidel, was a pleas ant caller Monday and subscribed for a copy ot this paper to be sent to her daughter, Mrs. John Roberts at Omaha. Come to Loup City to celebrate the Forth of July. The German Varien, aided by our citizens are making preparations for a grand time. Lightening struck the Litchfield Telephone system and severed the wire just west of town last week. It was soon put in talking order again. Mrs. Peter Ilankehe gave birth to a pare of twin babies last Sa'urday morning. The little cherubs are of different pursuasion. He is a boy and she is a girl. Great moving picture show at the opera house, June 3rd. It is said to be first-class in every particular. Come out and see them. Admis sion 25 and 15 cents. Mrs. A. P. Culley and two daugh ters left yesterday morning for a two months visit with friends in Cal ifornia. Mr. Cullty, who is now iD the east will ioin them later. Don't forget that the moving picture show at Pilger s opera house June 3, will open promptly at 8:30, and that it is one of the best shows on the road. Get your seat early. A letter from Holland Shettler, Riverton, Neb. states that that country is blessed with excellent prospects for large wheat crops. Rolland has a position in the River ton Roller mills where he has been for years. Judge Mood, who has been build ing a bouse on a school section south west of town for Gunnerson and Zimmerman, has completed the car penter work and is now engaged in making some substantial improve ments on Mr. Zimmermun's resi dence. He will cimraence another house in the Zimmerman district next week. The memorial exercises at the Baptist church last Sunday morning were very fitting and an excellent and impressive sermon by Rev. Wcvand, of Grand Island was listened to and highly appreciated by a large audience. Rev. Weyand was assisted in the services by the I’riiding Elder Crane and Rev. John Madely of the M. K. church. The beautiful song by the flower girls, paying tribute to the old sold iers, as they presented each with ■i pretty bunch of fresh flowers was a mo»t impressive part of the pro gram. The ladies of the Circle were nearly all present aod joined the old soldiers in their march from GAR ball to the church. Mother, res one package makes two quarts of baby medicine. See directions There la nothing Justus good for babies and children as Hocky Mountain Tea. 35cis.-odendan! Bros. I(ek tanks for §13.00 and two by tens for §17.00. I abo have wind mills and do a gen eral lin£ of well work T. M. Keed. Out* I'at* for a Hook. "hen in India several years ago Winston Spencer Churchill, Lord Ran dolph Churchill's son. presented a copy of his first book to Gen. Tucker, who previous to his South African com mand was to command at Secunderbad. “Do you like it?” young Churchill in quired of the general. "Haven’t read it. Is it taeant to read?” “Why. yes.” “Wish you'd told me so before. I keep it hanging up in my dressing room and tear off a page every morning to wipe my razon on." D". VV. I. Seymour the well known optician will bt in Grand Island Thurs day. June 5th at the Keohler Hotel. The doctors, will positively be there in person, and extends a special invi* taiion to those wishing to see him re garding their eyes or ears, to meet him there at that time. Remember one day ouly. Drs W I Seymour it Williams the eye and ear specialists will be in Grand island, June 5th Go to Frank Dennis when you want the very best grade of Hour. Thedford’s Black-Draught has saved doctors’ bills for more than sixty years. For the common fam ily ailments, such as constipation, indigestion, hard cold3, bowel com plaints, chills and fever, bilious ness, headaches and other like complaints no other medicine is necessary. It invigorates and reg ulates the liver, a.-*lists digestion, stimulates action of the kidneys, purities the blood, and purge's the bowels of foul accumulations. It cures liver complaint, indigestion,, [sour stomach, dizziness, chills, rheumatic pains, sid«ache, back ache, kidnev troubles, constipation, diarrhcea, biliousness, piles, hard colds and headache, be ery drug gist has Thedford’s Black-Draught in 25 cent packages and in mam moth size for #1.00. Never accept a substitute. Insist on having the original made by the Chattanooga Medicine Company. I believe Thedford’s Black-Draught Is the best medicine on earth. It is good for any and everything. I have a family of twelve children, and for four years I have kept them on foot j and healthy with no doctor but Black. Draught A. J. GREEN, lllewara, U IMPORTED shire SJALLIOH, K^G. will stand at. iny farm, one and one-half miles north of Loup City during the season of 1902. He sure and see mo before you breed. I have just what you are looking for, a good, heavy thoroughbred and my prices are reasona ble. FRANK OTLFWSKI, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. RADIZINSKI, NO 20,880. Will stand at the Round Front livery barn, Loup City, Neb., during the season of 1902. This is an Imported Registered Horse. Farmers see this Horse before breeding. 0. Grain anil A. L. Zimmerman, Owners. t / ELECTRIC LIGHTED SLEEPING CARS On “THE OVERLAND LIMITED” are 14 section cars with drawing rooms. Interior finished in Circassian walnut, English oak and Cuban mahogany, with furnishing to harmon ize. Each section and drawing room in pro vided with two electric lights adorn the em pire ceilings. Drawing rooms with annex toilets rooms, contain ing dressers with every convenience, including ladies’ curling iron beaters, etc. THIS FAMIOUS TRAIN REACHES SALT LAKE CT1Y 12 HOURS AND SAN FRANSISCO 10 HOURS AHEAD OF ALL COMPETITORS. If you contemplate a trip to any Western Point the Union pacific offers you the highest degree of comfort and luxury, with no additional cost and a great saving of time and expense. Full information cheerfully furnished on application to J. H. Clifton, Agent. I A Furniture of all kinds at Reed’s, prioes low. Full size iron beds at only $2.80, Call and be convinced and take advantage of our price*. valuable book free. Campbell's Soil Culture manual, 112 pages with many 11 lustrations. Tells how moisture is stored, evaporati >u checked, and yields increased. Mailed free to any address by J. Francis, Gen eral Passenger Agent Burlington Route, Omaha. Nehr , on receipt of two cent stamp. TOCIIRK A COLD IN ONR DAV. Take Laxative iiromo Quinine Taplets. All druggists refund the mone$ If it falls to cure. M. \V. Grove's signature is on each box. 25c DRESS MAKING. I will do dress making and sewing at my residence and will guarantee good work at reasonable prices. If you wish any work done In this lire call at residence in east part of town Mils. T. M Rekd WHEATOSB If you want a good food for your child ren, try Wbeatose. It ia easily and quickly prepared, arril very healthful. F#«ow cooking daections to get the full benefit. All reliable grocers have it. California Breakfast Food This signature ia on ©very box of the genu in# Laxative Bromo-Quinine T*bieu Uie remedy that cares a cold In one day — Actronomera Live Loaf. Camille Flammarlon, the astrono mer, at a recent meeting of the French Astronomical society spoke on the extreme longevity attained by mem bers of the society. The doyen of the | society is Francois Michau, who was 19 years old about the time of the bat tle of Waterloo. Now that the storm season Is here and there will be much danger from Lightening, you s inuld think about Lightening Rods. If you have none, or your oM ones are our, of repair, b<-t ter write to “Vi-braska'n resident deal er" W. K. Drake, Grand island Nebr., who does an honest business and is fast reclaiming the fallen reputatio i of this line of wotk, which has suffered much by the abuse of unprincipled traveling “fakirs," who have greatly abused the grand discovery of Franklin. R-ad his advertisment « Dew| ere in this paper. City Dray AND Transfer Line. JAS. W. CONGER, Prop. My Jco will bo delivered to >my part of the city free. The too house will bo opened but ..nee a day, and that will be from 4 to 8 o’clock, a in. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention and will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit your patronage. JAS. W. CONGER, I.OUP CITV. - NEBRASKA.