The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, May 23, 1902, Image 7

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    Mrs. Annie McKay, Chaplain Sons of
^Temperance, 326 Spadina Ave., Toronto,
Cured of Severe Female Troubles by Lydia
E. Pinkhams Vegetable Compound.
“ Dhar Mrs. Pinkham :—Being a mother of five children I
have had experience with the general troubles of my sex. I was
lacerated when one of my children was born and from that hour I
date all my afflictions. I found that within a few months my health
vas impaired, I had female weakness and serious inflammation and
frequent flooding. I became weak and dizzy but kept on my feet,
dragging through my work without life or pleasure. A neighbor
who had been helped by taking Lydia E. l'tlikliam's Vegetable
Compound insisted that I take at least one bottle. I did so and
felt so muc h better that I kept on the treatment. For seven months
I used the Compound faithfully and gladly do I say it, health and
strength are mine once more. I know how to value it now when it
was so nearly lost, and I appreciate how great a debt I owe you.
The few dollars I spent for the medicine cannot begin to pay what it
was worth to me. Yours very truly, Mrs. Anna McKay, Chaplain
Sons of Temperance.”
No other female medicine in the world lias received such
Widespread and unqualified endorsement. Refuse all substitutes.
Mrs. IMnkhum invites all sick women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
■ ' =.—■ SS -
None But The Brave—
Second Edition Ready Illustrated. $1.50
CVERY one who loves the scenes of galloping cavaliers, brave swerd
^ play, desperate adventures and the flash and charm of a game of
hearts, will want to read None But The Brave—. Merton Balfort.the
hero, and his fellow soldiers John Acton and Robert Curtis are bound up
together by both choice and circumstance much as were the •• three
guardsmen ” of Dumas, and their adventures are no less thrilling and
romantic than the deeds of those classic heroes.
Rarely has there appeared in fiction a maid of such versatile pow
ers to charm and pierce the soul of a lover, as the tantalizing royalist,
Deborah Philipse; for whom the hero gets into trap after trap, risking
life and honor for her sake, er.Iy to be ignored and insulted a few
moments afterward, until—but thafs the story; and a charming,
graphic and original denouement it presents.
Publishers 372 Fifth Avenue New York
Price $1.00
CUTICURA SOAP, to cleanse the sHa
of crusts and scales and soften the thick
ened cuticle, CUTICURA OINTMENT,
to instantly allay itching, inflamma
tion, and irritation, and soothe and heal,
to cool and cleanse the blood. A SINGLE
SET of these great skin curatives is
often sufficient to cure the most tortur
ing, disfiguring, itching, burning, bleed
ing, crusted, scaljr, and pimply skin,
scalp, and blood humours, with loss of
hair, when all else fails.
Millions of people
Use CtJTfCURA Soap, assisted byCnnctJRA
Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and
beautifying the skin, forrleanslug the scalp
of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stop
ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening,
and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for
bahy rashes, ltchlngs, and cbaflngs, and for
all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nurs
ery. MllUonsof Women use Ccticcra Soar
In the form of buths for annoying Irritations,
Inflammations, and excoriations, or too free
or offensive perspiration, In the form of
washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and for
many sanative,.antiseptic pnrposes which
readily suggest Uiemsclvcs to womsn.
•CimcrRA Hbjoi.vevt Files Chocolate
Coated) are a new, tasteless, odorless, eco
nomical substitute for the oelehrated liquid
Cuticcra UbsolvCnt, as well a* for all other
blood purifiers and humour cures. In screw
cap vials, containing 00 doses, price 2Sc.
Bold throughout the world. So* r, 25c., Onrvaasr,
gDc . Piu X-c. Ilrpot: CharterhmtM Hq.,
Loudon. French Itspot* 5 hue de is Pslx, Psrls. Put
CU Usuu a una tour, Sols Props., Boston, U. B. A*
1 - ■ . . vr...' ,
The hmi«p that tells thr truth.
“Fbngb! Use ynttr natty decaying kalsomlaet No,air 1
ALABASTINK u what I acted for and what 1 want,"
It a pure, permanent and artistic wall coating,
ready for the brush by mixing iu cold water.
Fon Sale by Paint Dealers Everywhere
To Thoss Building—We ore experts in the
treatment of walls. Write and see how help
ful we ran lie, at no cost to you, in getting
beautiful and healthful homes. Address
Alabastine Company
oepartmint d GRAND RAPIDS, MICH.
A Keep the rider perfectly dry. No I
\y/ Water can leak in on tie saddle. I
X*/ cut extra wide and long to the I
ry ebirt. I \:rn
\ \/ der seam*.
havetheru write
' for catalogue to
LrmLH. n. sa»ykk
fY JP80N, Sole Bfn
Kant CnnWH|t,
Car# llradarh, , onstlpatioa, < HI I Is 4ml Freer, sad at! B»U
lows i^aplilau. All Uruyr!ili. Tries 2» reals 4 Box.
Bl ■ DTI ID B CU1ID vbllt rm wort. Ton
ICX/x I V l»t [i»r $4 when cortd. No rora,
I no pay. AUX BPEIBB, Box 0, Wf. Lb rook, lull
Frof*»»Ion* Dominated l>y Veteran* Who
In Many t’»*«* Have Held Their fmi
tlon* for Half a Century — Omt
Name* a* Instance*.
There are nearly sixty “grand old
men’’ still active in the world. Scarce
ly a nation but can point to some vet
eran still in the harness, while not a
profession, but is dominated by some
leader who has stood in the forefront
of its followers until the years have
crowned the efforts maintained for
more than half a century. Six of them
are more than 90; sixteen others
have passed the four-score mark.
Not the oldest, but the foremost of
the four great rulers who have out
lived the biblical three-score and ten,
is Pope Leo XIII. His holiness, still
so vigorous in intellect as to he one of
the powers of the world, is 92, and the
latest reports from the Vatican would
seem to give the lie to the rumors
of his fast failing health.
Pope Leo was a boy of four when
King Christian of Denmark was
born. That monarch has ruled only
thirty-eight years, to be sure, but, ho
was 45 years old at his accession and
now has celebrated his eighty-eighth
birthday. A3 strong, robust and
hearty as many a man a quarter of a
century his junior, the father of Queen
Alexandra is a notable example of
honored age.
Franz Josef, emperor of Austria, is
the third of the four “grand old raon
archs." He is now 71, as is also Presi
dent Diaz of Mexico.
David Wark, the “father of the Ca
nadian senate,” is within three years
of a century. Senator Hoar is 75.
as is Maximo Gomez, who has played
so prominent a part in Cuba’s strug
gle. Justice Gray sits in t.he supreme
court at 73. Salisbury’s seventy-one
years have not lessened the powers
which made him premier, while Lord
Fauneefote is 7i and Joseph Choate at
70 represent their countries in Wash
ington and at St. James. Senor Sa
gasta, now in his seventy-fifth year,
is yet another.
In American politics Galusha A.
Grow, ex-speaker of the House, and
Senator Hoar's senior by three years,
is still active. Senators Allison and
Cullom are 72. and Senators Vest,
Jones and Teller are but a year young
er. In Philadelphia lives George
Franklin Edmunds, the veteran sena
tor from Vermont, at 74. Former Sec
retary of the Treasury Bout well is
now 83 and John II. Reagan, once
senator from the Lone Star State,
celebrated his eighty-ninth birthday
Levi P. Morton, once vice president
of the United States, to-day, at 77, is
one of the leading figures in financial
operations. Yet the great veteran in
that walk is "Uncle” Russell Sage, '..ho
was born in 1817.
A Kaloou “Aperture.”
A short time ago a teacher in one
of the public schools questioned a hoy
as to the meaning of the word aper
“An aperture is an opening,” replied
the pupil.
"Can you give me a sentence in
which the word is used?” the teacher
The boy hesitated. Presently a lit
tle fellow in another part of the room
raised his hand.
“Well, my boy, let us hear what you
have to say.”
"My pa had a saloon aperture yester
day,” said the youngster.
After he had delivered himself of this
graphic illustration the boy sat down
with the consciousness of superior
knowledge—Milwaukee Sentinel.
I ___
Substituted Jtsckmses for Cannon.
Capt. Percival, or' the United States
navy, whose portrait was recently pre
sented to the navy department, was
noted for his eccentricities, and was
called “Mad Jack’’ Percival on account
of them. On one occasion he was sent
to Morocco with his frigate to bring
back a cargo of jackasses for the gov
ernment, and in order to show his con
tempt for the employment of a war
vessel for such a mission, on entering
4«w York harbor he ran in all his
guns and placed the head of a jackass
through each porthole as the ship
sailed in. The sight of a double row
of jackasses’ heads protruding from the
places where guns were looked for ere*
*ted a sensation at the time, and “Mad
Jack” narrowly escaped a reprimand.
Famous Hungarian Chm« Flayer.
The young Hungarian, Geza Maroczy,
the winner of the first prize in the in
ternational chess tournament at Monte
Carlo, was born in 1872 in Szeged. He
is the son of an engineer who has ac
quired reputation through boring arte
sian wells in the great Hungarian
plain. Young Maroczy is at present
employed in the engineering depart
ment of the Budapest municipality. He
has previously won second prize in
tournments at Nurnberg, at Hastings,
and two years ago in London, where
Laskar was the only one who could
defeat him.
A Kentuckian'* Fxplanatlon.
The gentleman from Indiana smiled
•k unbelieving smile. “This story of
a lot of oysters being drowned off the
Virginia coast by fresh water floods
sounds fishy to me.”
The gentleman from Kentucky shook
his head. “An oyster is not a fish, suh,
if you will allow the correction,” he
said, “but there is nothing surprising
in the statement. The foolish oysters,
suh, probably endeavored to drink the
water, sub.”
Novel Fire Alarm.
A new telephone Are alarm system
has just been patented, the whole sys
tem being operated hy a magnetic cur
tVent and dry batteries. After the sys
tem is once installed the only thing
to get out of order is the burning out
occasionally of a fuse, which may be
quickly repaired. A separate wire is
used for each Are district, and any
number of telephones may be connect
ed with any district wire.
Eckctein's Dilemma.
Gustav Eckstein of New York sfnt
an express package containing $10,000
to Baltimore and had it marked and
registered as containing $5,000, there
by saving $1 per thousand on the dif
ference. When the package arrived
at its destination it was found h> con
tain only $5,000, in accordance with
the record, and now the frugal Mr.
Eckstein is potindering over what he
had better do about it.
Depew's “Butter" Story.
Senator Depew contributes a butter
story to the guyety of nations. “A
friend of mine went into a high class
restaurant,” he says, “and discovered
oleomargarine upon the table. ‘Come,’
here,' he said to the waiter. ‘How do
you pronounce o-l-e-o-m-a-r-g-a-r
1-n-e?’ Arid the intelligent servitor of
the magnificent palace of pleasure at
once responded: I pronounce it butter,
sir, or else I lose my job.’ ”
I! lieu mutism Cured at Inst.
Lake Sarah, Minn.. May 12th.—Thou
sands will read with pleasure that a
cure for Rheumatism has at last been
A Mrs. Hildebrandt of this place
after trying very man;* medicines has
recently found a successful rem.dy for
this painful disease.
This woman suffered so with the
Rheumatism in her arms that sleep or
rest became impossible.
Site heard of Dodd’s Kidney Pills but
having little faith in anything was very
reluctant to spend any more money for
However, she decided to try one box
and this helped her so much that she
continued to use the Pills. Now she
say 8:
“1 am real well and I don't know how
I can express my thanks to Dodd’s
Kidney Pills for what they have done
for me.”
If silence is golden the woman who
Is deaf and dumb must be twenty-four
carats fine.
The Millard, Omaha's leading Hotel,
Newly Furnished Throughout, for
High Grade of Service, Convenience of
Location, and Reasonable Rat's, En
tirely Satisfies Our Townspeople,
Whose Business Takes Them lo Om
aha; $2 Per Day, or European Plan, $1.
Per Day. The Lincoln. Opp. Depots,
Lincoln. Neb., ?2 and Up Per Day.
When a lazy man stops to think lie
is seldom able to start again.
Halt's Catarrh Core
Is a constitutional cure. Price, 75a
Some men find that Friday is Just
as unlucky as any other day.
no toca clo rin;s look yellow?
If so. use Red Cross Bail Blue. It will make
them white b-- snow. 2 uz. package 5 cents.
The man who goes all the gaits
will become unhinged after a while.
CITC permanently cm< a. No flttjor norvonanop* after
■M 3 llrfD day'* up© of Hr. K line's (irrut Nerve Kt • tor*
i r Rend for FHKK JRtg.OO trial bottle and treat.
1>H. K. li KLink. Ltd.. Ml Arch street. Philadelphia, l'a.
Artists and poets frequently get
their high ideals by living up close
to the roof.
I ~ - —"’
11 C. 15. Chamberlin, M. D., writes from 14th and P Sts., Washington, D.C.: <
11 “Many cases have come under my observation, where Peruna j!
i has benefited and cured. Therefore, l cheerfully recommend it j|
11 for catarrh and a general tonic.”—C. B. CHAMBERLIN, M. D.
Medical Kxatulner f. S. Treasury.
Dr. Llewellyn Jordan, Medical Kx
aminer of II. S. Treasury Depart
ment, graduate of Columbia College
and who served
J Dr. 1j. Jordan.
inree years ni
West Point, has
the following to
say of Peruna:
•‘Allow me to
express my grati
tude to you for
the benefit de
rived from your
wonderful rem
edy. One short
month has
brought forth a
vast change and
now consider my
self a well man and I after months of
suffering. Fellow-sufferers, Peruna will
cure you.”—I)r. Llewellyn Jordan.
Geo. C. Havener, M. D., of Anacostia,
D. C., writes:
The Peruna Medicine Co., Columbus, O.:
Gentlemen—“In my practice I have
had occasron to frequently prescribe
your valuable medicine, and have found
its use beneficial, especially in cases of
catarrh.”—George C. Havener, M. I).
1 f you do not receive prom pt and satis
factory results from the use of Peruna,
write at once to l)r. Hartman, giving a
full statement of your case, and he will
be pleased to give you his valuable ad
vice gratis.
Address Dr. Hartman, President of
The Hartman Sanitarium, Columbus,
Suddenly. It injures the nervous system to do so. Use BACO>CURO
and it will tell you when to stop as it takes away the desire for tobacco.
You have no right to ruin your health, spoil your digestion and poison
your breath by using the filthy weed. A guarantee in each box. Price
$1.00 per box, or three boxes for $2.50, with guarantee to cure or
moneyrefunded. At all good Druggists or direct from us. Write for free booklet.
EUREKA CHEMICAL CO., - Li Crosse, Wis.
Unrequited love soou -acquires a Job
lot of wrinkles.
We promise that should you use PUT
NAM FADELESS DYES and be dissat
isfied from any cause whatever, tore
fund 10c. for every package.
, Monkok Diutg Co., Unionville, Mo.
The man who is ashamed of his re
ligion hasn't much to be ashamed of.
Vanity is the daughter of selfish
The trouble with a great many ac
tors Is that they are only imitation
Stops the rough anti
Works Off the Cold
Laxative Bromo yuiuiue Tablets. Trice25c.
The absent may be at fault, but
those present are always supplied with
A man may be every inch a gentle
man and not very tall at that.
Health will come with all its blessings to those who know the way, and it is mainly a ques
tion of right-living, with all the term implies, but the efforts which strengthen the system,
the games which refresh and the foods which nourish are important, each in a way, while it is
also advantageous to have knowledge of the best methods of promoting freedom from unsani
tary conditions. To assist nature, when nature needs assistance, it is all important that the
medicinal agents used should ho of the best quality and of known value, and the one remedy
which acts most beneficially and pleasantly, as a laxative, is—Syrup of Figs—manufactured by
the California Fig Syrup Co.
With a proper understanding of the fact that many physical ills are of a transient char*
actor and yield promptly to the gentle action of Syrup of Figs, gladness and comfort come to
the heart, and if one would remove the torpor and strain and congestion attendant upon a con
stipated condition of the system, take Syrup of Figs and enjoy freedom from the aches and
pains, the colds and headaches and the depression due to inactivity of the bowels. Incase of
any organic trouble it is well to consult a competent physician, but when a laxative is required
remember that the most permanently gratifying results will follow personal cooperation with
the beneficial effects of Syrup of Figs, it is for sale by all reliable druggists. Price fifty
cents per bottle.
The excellence of Syrup of Figs comes from the beneficial effects of the plants used in the
combination and also from the method of manufacture which ensures that perfect purity and
uniformity of product essential in a perfect family laxative. All the members of the family
from the youngest to the most advanced in years may use it w henever a laxative is needed and
share alike in its beneficial effects. We do not claim that Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of
known value, but it possesses this great advantage over all other laxatives that itacts gently
and pleasantly without disturbing natural functions, in anyway, as it is free from every ob
jectionable quality or substance. To get its beneficia 1 effects it is aiways necessary to buy the
genuine and the full name of the Co.—California Fig Syrup Co.—is printed on the front of every
San Francisco, Cal.
Louisville, Ky. New York, N. Y.