The Northwestern published EVERY FRIDAY U THE COUNTY SKAT. OKO. K. llKNHf'HOTKR, Kill tor and FuDllsiher TERMS:—It.00 pkk tkak. if paid in advance Entered at the Loup City Postuftko for traris mission through the mails as second class matter. BRINGS OUT A CROWD. A KAKMKK KIOCKES IN THE CASE AN ALL NIGHT TIME OF IT Ou Tuesday afternoon a farmer drove into town, and putting bis team up at the Round Front barn spent a few hours takiDg in the town and apparently surveying the lay of the law) preparitory to engaging in a well laid plau to carry out some particular object in view. He was well dressed and had tin appearance of a gentleman instead of a suspicious looking character as i. sometimes want to travel through tin country. His deportment did Dot cause any alarm or suspicion as be seemed to be friendly and familai with those whom he met and with any and all subjects introduced Rut as the shades of night wore on it became apparent to a close observer that his stop over was being made for some special purpose. An other noticable circumstance was the presence of two full uniformed sol’ diers in town and who had suddenly appeared on the scene. Those who noted the actions of the first named gentleman was free to express an opinion that he was bent on doing something out of the ordinary. The editor’s attention wascalledto the circumstance and we being of an inquisitive nature, as most editors are, at once approached the gentleman to learn what we could ot Liin and the mysteries surround ii g the case We at once recognized him to be a person of no less im portance than A. L. Baillie, who, as he stated to us, was going to spend the night in the city, and meet, for the first time in six years, with his brother masons at their fes tive turnout. When this became known Mr. Baillie was given the freedom of the towo, took supper with ye editor and family, took in the Masonic banquet and spent the remainder of the night with his brother mason, John II. Travis, thus making an all night stop-over in the city. Two well dressed, full uniformed government soldiers came in town last Tuesday and of course our peo pie were a little curious to know who they were, where they came from and why they came. It was not long however until they made knowu their business, which was to give themselves over to the sherifl of this county for having deserted their post at Port Niobrara. They are bright looking young men of perhaps 22 years of age, one by the name of Hamilton and the other Ilopeman. formerly of Pennsylvania and New York. According to their own story they left home soon after they became of age and deciding to join the army at once enlisted and was soon thereafter stationed with the troops at Fort Niobrara After being ou duty several months ihey became tired of the work, and one day while out on a spree deserted camp. For several days they have been traveling on foot through the country, keeping most of the time in the hills and out of sight as much as possible. Nearly all day Wed nesday they were in the bills not far from this city when they made up their minds that it would be bet ter to be a true soldier than to trv longer to evade the officers under such difieult circumstances and so gwe themselves over to Sheriff Snyder. Thev were at once placed in the county jail and the intelligence was at ouce communicated to the bead officers at the Fort. In due time the order came to hold the pris oners until the arrival of the officers who would lake them iu charge ami pay the reward usually given in such cases for theii arrest and de tention. Later the sheriff was noti fied to take them to the government | < tliciala at Omaha when tic would r< • cieve a reward r hotel in grand Island. Tuesday June 5th. may by writin gltim ;it once at Lincoln Nettr. secure a spe ci d appointment card which will give tin in the privilege of meeting him without charge for consultation. HALE KATES EAST One fare for the round trip to Harris burg, l’a . May 14 to 19. Return limit Jane JOth. Tickets good via Chicago or Sr I, mis. A opportunity to visit the K id Half rates from Harrisburg to points in Pennsylvania, Maryland and Dis trict of CnliimbD, jlay 21 lo 24th. Ask the Builiugtnn agent. *» • --—- • LIKK A DROWNING MAN “Five year-, ago a disease the ooctors called dispepsia took such hold of me that I could scarcely g ’■ writes George s. Marsh, woll known attorney of Nocona, Tex. • •: tool; quantities of pepsin and other medicines but nothing helped me. Asa drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at Kudo!, t felt an Improvement at once ai d after a few buttles am sound and well.” K oilol 1st he only preparation « hichexactly reproduces the natural digestive Juices and consequently istheonlvone which digests anv good food and cities any form ot stom ach trouble, Odeudahl pros. gp&£fii£U.& . r. I I. I. DEl'EW®* 1 Blacksmith t Wagon Maker, j| 511 1)00000 *< My shoo is Hie largest anil best equipped north of the Platte River £3 I have a four horse engine anil a complete line of the latest Improved, nit •ri cliinery, also a fotee of experienced men who know how to operate It and rq turn out a job with neatness unil dispatch. i MY PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. §J Soliciting your patronage I am Yours respectfully, I! .1.1. DEPEVV, Loup City, Neb. -zsleesl obex CLOSING OUT. IF YOU WANT -YOUR CHOICE FROM a Fine Assortment of Stioes p to I ■ HENPY DOLLJf'JG Having sold mv business building and residence property in Loup City 1 have decided to cDse out my entire stock 11 shoes at TEN PER CENT DISCOUNT. Cali and got tirst choice. I desire to close out this stock at once. I am going out of the shoe store business to j stay out and will positively give this discount with every sale. My business is such that 1 will be out of the store a part of the time and It you And me absent Mr. Morgan, the jewler will wait on vou HENRY DOLLING, Loup City, Neb. 1____ __.___ ..... The Republican county central J committee met yesterday, May 15th ^ at the otliee of Chairman Wall, in this city and fixed the date for the next county convention to be held at Loup City, on Wednesday, June 4tb. The call will state that said convention will be held for the pur pose of electing delegates to the state, congressional and senatorial conventions, and for the purpose of nominating candidates for count) attorney and representative, and also »o elect a county central committee. We will publish the call showing representation Dext week. DON'T START WRONG Don’t start the Hummer with a lingering cough or cold. We all know what a “sum mer cold’’ is. It’s the hardest kind to cure, often it “hangs on', through the en tire season. Take It in hand right now. A few doses or One Minute Cough Cure I will set you light sure cure for coughs, j colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, all throat and lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts j at once. Children llkt' it. "One Minute Cough Cure is the best cough medicine I ever used,” says J. If. Bowles, Uroveton N. il. I never found anything else that acted so safelyandqulckly." OdendAhl Bros 1 A novel feeling uf leaping, bounding ini- ! pulse goes through your body, you feel : young uct young and are young after tak | lug Reeky Mountai n Tea. 35 els-Odendalil Bros. ” I STOPS THK GOUGH ANIJ WORKS OFF THK 001,0 Laxative Broino Quinine Tablet* cure a cold in one day. No. cure, No l*ay. 1’rlce •J5 cents. When you want any thiug in the! harness lino go to a harness store' When you are sick go to a doctor. FoK half, ok Rest:—The east half of block in nor*h east part of city, contain ing house, barn, etc. Will also sell lurni ture at private t ale. Mrs mo. is it smith LIGHTNING! FOR ABSOLUTE PROTECTION TO LIFE AND PROPERTY use ihe Old Reliable Frauklin Lightening Rods, which have been in successful use for over fifty years. Manufactured by Cole Bros. Co , 720, 72:3 and 7*24 north 7lh. street, St Louis, Mo. This Company give a guarantee (or insurance) of #.5U0 free with each building robded. Best of workm irisbip. Reasonable briees. Satisfaction guaranteed or no pay. For purlieus and prices address N\ barska’s Resident Ruder. W. E. Dhaka:. Grand 1-1 mil Xebr. Honest ageDt wanted Salary or Comm ssion. This signaturo is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo^Quinine rabieu the remedy that cures » cold In one day i Don’t waste your money on worthless im itations of Rocky Mountain Tea. net the genuine made only by the Madison Medi cine Co. a great family remody. 35cts.— Odend&hl Uros NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Offick at Lincoln, Neb. AFIUL, Stb, 1902. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice ot his intention to make final proof in sup port of his claln, and that said proof will be made before J. A. Angler, the County Judge at Loup City, Nebraska. DD May 20, 1902, viz: Samuel C. Fletcher, ror the northeast quarter of Section W, Township 14, Rauge 14, Homestead Entry 17,318. lie names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles M. Snyder, of Loup City, Neb. A. J. Cray, of “ •• « Henry Tangeriran,of Rockville, •• Albert Snyder, of Loup City, “ Auy person who desires to protest against he allowance of such proof, or who knows if any substantial reason, under the aw and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should not ie allowed, will be given an opportunity it the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said Uimant, and to offer evidence In re tmttal of that submitted by clalmaut. W. A. Ubrrn, Register. NOTICE run rUlsLICATlON. Land Office at Lincoln Neb. May 7tli. 1902 Notice is hereby given that the follow lug-named settler lias Hied notled of h s Intention to make final proof In support □fills claim, and that said proof will be made before J A. Angler, the county Judge at Loup City, Nebraska, on .nine vie, lay, vis. Jens Christensen for the north west quarter of Section 21. Township 16 Kange 16, llonestead Entry 17,423. He names the. following witnesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz Clias. Fredrickson, of Arcadia, Nebraska, lieorgo H. Whitman. Jr of Arcadia, Nebraska, William Mlnne of Arcadia, Nebraska. Krnest Leatherman, of Arcadia Nebraska Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of sacli proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under I lie law and the regulations of the Interior Depart ment, v/hv such proof should not be allow ed. will be given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to off er evidence in rebuttal of that submitted bv claimant W A. (.BEEN, Register. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! FOIt HATCHING. I am now ready to fill your or der front choice stock. Rose Comb Brown Leghorn, 15 eggs, $1.00, or $4 00 for 100. I’utridge Oochifis, 15 eggs $1.00 Cornish Indian Game, 15 eggs, for $1 50. While Holland Turkey eggs 0 for 1 50. MRS. A. HANSEL A- S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, taoap arrr, « . m A. P. CUULBY, P. 0ULU1T. FIRST BANK OF LOUP CITY. General Banking BusincssT r ansae ted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRCSPONNMTt: Seaboard Natltmol B*nk, Htw York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. We are Headouaftefs foj WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and t respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable our prices arc right! We have added a feed grinder t,o our business and are prepared to do custom work or lurmsb ground .feed at reasonable rates. Grind Saturday and Monday. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUA BAN TEE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER ASTONISHING OFFER!! For many years wo have eolur justly crb lo ated genuine Cuban Hand-Made 10e eleai Havana CnbanHperfala. wo will rive ABHOLI TELY FEEKoneof the hand someet open far* extra heavy nickel Gent's Vetches made (no ladyti item wind and aet genuine American movement and ram? best timekeeper on earth, does n<>t ttrnlsh and will last a lifetime 1 extra fir.e Vienna Meer schaum Pine. 1 genuine Meerschaum Cigar Holder, 1 genuine Meerschaum ‘‘igaretto Holder, I pretty leather Tobacco p« urh. 1 elegant extra heavy nickel match box, 1 pair pearl ruff buttons 1 ball top collar button. 1 neck lie holder, 1 pair sleeve butt >ns 1 double chain and one beautiful charm til jewelry heavily 14k gold pi tted All these 14 pieces with one box of our ramousf'uhanSpecials and one quart b< ttleof our famous 10 year old Queen r'ity Club Pure kye cannot bo bought for lens than $12 00. We sell the Whiskey and Cigars In- AIII V Cf 0 QT ^ °-D with privilege of ex cluding the 14 prises for Ulll* V amlnation, while Whiskey •od Cigars alone roet more than we ask for the entire lot Our Whiskey Is an Abeelutely Pure 10 year old Ky# and our Cigar* genuine Cobaa hand made,clear Havana, made In our own factory These cigars aro far better than anything ever advertised before We Guarantee the roods and refund ——IiHIiC v an extra rremiuru of an elegant Pocket knife with two blades, 1 cors*« rew, i cigar cuwr ami ■ •s represented. I MbW i glass cutter, If 97 is eeut in advance with order Hood* sent in plain packafl*. Write for wholesale Price Lists of Liquors end Cigars. Responsible agents wanted Order to*dajr. u. S. DISTILLER’S DISTRIBUTING CO. Dept, u., U1 North Clark St., Chicago, 11L ARE YOU DEAF? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1901. Gintlrmm : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give yon a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my tight ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this car entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most ciuineut car sjiecialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected car would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day. after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased car has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WURMAN, 730 S. Broadway. Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with ifour usual occupation. YOU GAW CURE YOURSELF AT HOME SNTENNATIQKAL AURAL CLINIC, 506 La SALLE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL. Chrrbkd Vfivpi Quality. — Cold Medal M ^^Pari^*go»Ui^WO^^^ Sold by T. II. ELSNER, Loup City, Neb Don’t Be Fooledi H^fRftMTioiua ihc uic gniuiuc, uii^iubi ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co.. Madison, Mis. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price. 35 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept no substl* tut*. A(k your druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of dlgestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives i nstant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all tlte food you want. The most sensiti stomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed, it prevents formation of gas on the stow* ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. 0.7)r'ViTT&Oo., dhicvl Xtioil. botllo contains Uxm.-atliuiOc.sls* Eor sale by .ODiSNDAUL UKVS.,