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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (May 9, 1902)
i he Northwestern1 •UBL.JSHED t-VKRV FRIDAY AT TH K COUNTY SKAT. GEO. K. llEMftCHOTKR. Editor and Pattllabar TERMS:—II 00 PSH TEAR. IT PAID Ilf ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City Postofllce for truns mlielon through the malls as seoond class matter. “Gathering in the fees” is the songlatelr appliei! to the Arcadia officers who went out hunting last week to each a man by the name of Frank Wegr/.yn and who after being caught plead guilty to a charge of stealing goods from the store of. John Wall. He was fined #25 00 and coat amounting in all to #102 30 and it ia said that it wasn’t a very good day for costs either: but we think it was, at any rate we nre un able to ses how in the name of jus tice, a justice of the peace can sit on a case wherein no trial is had and allow such an enormous bill of costs to be trumped up as 7 7.30 when in fact the statutory fees, all told, exclusive of milage could not : possibly he more than seven dollars. We have heard about two or three Arcadia fellows owning the town and now we begin to figure out how it all happened. The Western League 11*0-2 pen nant race is well under way. All of the Clubs in the League when visit ing Omaha will stop at The Millard Hotel, which will he base hail head quarters for the season. Manager B. E. McKiboon of the St. Joseph Mo. Club stopped at The Millard with bis players during the Exhibi tion games, on the suggestion of Manager Konrke of the Omaha Club. In a letter to James H. Manning, Manager of the Kansas City Club, be salt): “We are all so well pleased with our treatment here that I have dosed a contract with The Millard for the entire season of ]’J02. Every thing promised to us by Mr. Rourke and in the hotel correspondence, has been amply fulfilled and faithfully carried out ” The rates at The Mil lard are as low as $2.00 per day on the American plan, aDd 11.00 and up, European plan. The Lincoln, the only first class hotel in Lincoln, opposite Depots offers a rale of #2 00 per day to its patrons. On the evening of the 2nd day of May a number of business and pro fessional men of Loap City met in Society Hall to form a society or club for the promotion of the business interests of Loup City and Sherman county. T. S. Nigbtiugate was called to the chair and L. N. Smith was chosen sec. pro tem. A motion was made and carried that the chair appoint & committee on permanent organization, also a com mittee on by-laws which was carried. After discussion a motion was made that the chair be given twenty-four hours to appoint these committees and that the meeting be re convened at call of chairman. The meeting! then adjourned subject to call of chairman. L. N. Smith. Sec. p. t. All interested in the work of pro moting the business interests of our county are request to join with us in this grand effort to increase the vol ume of business. It will be a strong pull and a splendid opportunity Vo j work much good in the interest ol enterprise. DRCOBATION UAY Forget N«l The Dead Tiu> Grand Arms folks <>f this vt-1 cinity justly entered a solemn pro test against the impropriety of dune- | ing on decoration day, and so have i circulated a petition which has r« - i ceivcd seven tv eight signatures of j the eipzens of the town. The following is the petition: Decoration I>iy, i« one established bv the law of this great XatUni for the purpose of decorating the graves of our Country’s dead sol I iers. It is with profound regret that we remember th it tills solemn oce aslon has been two often diverted into one of frivolity and desecration. We do not. believe that festal hilari ty should commingle with the obse quies performed for our loved and valient dead In ill" name of our f*11 n oomrad* we kindly ask you one and all, not to mar or blacken too record of our dec oration day by nets net calculated to reverence (he dead, With these thoughts before u«, and for this purpose on ly. we respectfully a«k 1 perjonsjto unite; to discourage and to ftlscouutenance public dancing an 1 bull i in our viliege on the coming ► decoration day. The following program was rp: • tiered at the close of the school In district No. 57, taught hv Miss. Ellen Lnpholm, on Friday last: Song,—America. Welcome, ov J< side Pray. ‘ Jus- wilk up ti'« and t-T it. " ly Henry Mrankman. L>itilo*u • —“ l'hc d*\ s of the week " "The liDhinan’s Panorama." hv I.v m«n Pi a) . Her first piece, bv B> esie Fisher. A big b’fe, bv Ralph Zigb'r. Listen toyour Mother girD, by E la Strai km an Sang.—‘ Don’c you r Gieve,” by Nel son Fisher. "A >ad Accident.” by Lila Zlgler. Dialogue.—“Goin' Somewhere.” b\ Ly man Pray ami teacher • 'Won't and Will.” by Herman Plumber k Reading.—“Experl*nee with a Re fractory Cow,” try .Mr«. Fisher. •'Dr your beat,” by Paul Lewandow ski. ‘•The Reason Why,” by Katie Lewan dowski. Song—‘Mamma,* in Heaven.” by Ella Htrankman and hits Fisher. “Freddie's Profession,’' by Lawrence St rank man. ‘‘The Switchman's Child,” by Grace Zigli r “Old dim Crow,” by Freddie Strunk lll ali. “ 1'he Railroad Crossing,” by Nelsor. Fisher. Dialogue. “Counting Eggs" by Mrs. Fisher and tench*r. * Before it is to Late," by Lies Fisher. “Spelling i't the Nursery,” by H' nr) Slranktrian Vacation, by Paul Kowalski Spring time, by Prexidee Dumbnski. Dialogue, '-Family Financering'’ by Ralph Zigler and Willie Strrnkman. Funny D-neon phinn, by Earl Pray. Dialogue, ‘Waiting for the *2:40 train.’ Imitation of 2:40 train, by Mr. Ware. Vacation time, fay Pray. Song —‘‘Good night,” HOWLING SCORE CARD. Ladles day, May 8th Suiie Pedler.. .Ud Miss Sponser.20 Mrs. A. E. Chase.20 Miss, Blanch Bennett. 24 Total .ISO Score of the opposition: Miss Mary McKinna.59 Mrs. A. Boone. ..63 Miss Nora Smith . 31 Miss Bell Mullck .20 Total.1T9 00000000 Gents Match Game: L. Wilhe'mscn .. 163 S. II. Petieord.ITS oooooooo Gentleman's BIG Game: A. P. Culley. 91 E 8. Hayhurst.100 Total .197 Score of opposition: J. B. O'Bryan .55 M. H. Mead.... 77 Total. .133 DANGEROUS IK NEGLECTED. Burns, cuts and other wounds often fall to hral properly If neglected and be come troublesome sores. DeWitt's Witch Hazel Salve prevents such consequences. Even where delay has aggi ivaled the In. Jury DeWltt’a Witch Ha/,el Salve effects a cure. "1 had a running sore on my leg thirty years,’' says II 0 Ilsrtly, Yankee town, Indiana. After using many rem edles, I tried DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Halve. A few boxes healed the sore.” Cures all skin deseases. Piles yield to it at once. Beware of counterfeits.—odendahl Bros. Canton, Alberta, N VV . I, En. Loup City, Ifobtjiwestern. Dear Sir and Friend:—As y, u will notice from my address I am in south ern Alberta N W. I', and as I promis ed so many Hi w, lie a riiseriptiwn of this famous country I hope you will «l low me sp ice for a few lines. I like theeountij and will give some of the reasons for being pleased with it. Thousands of cattle in tint large pastures and on prairie out side have noi had a pound of Ip \ or she ter of anv kind this or any other winter. These cattle are in belter condition than the average stock cattle among our best far mers in Iowa and Nebraska, in fact many ate goed beef now amt I believe r the best stock country I ever saw, not a buffalo grass country but. ns the rain fall Is very plentiful the grass is thick and heavy. Yon can cut hay any place and good hay too. Cattle get very fa1 on it Without grain. Water everywhere, creeks, rivers, small lakes and springs. Such grain 1 never saw. The Oats weigh 42d>s to the bushel stroke rm*n >ure. Wheat is of the. very best. They have never had a failure in winter wheat, have raised it for seven years and it has averaged forty bushels per. aero, for that time. Several have bad over sixty bustn Is per acre. Spring w heat is good, a sure crop, and averages over thirty bushels per acre. They do not have blizztids in the winter, nor hot winds or cyclones io the summer \V< have all the tame grasses grown in Illinois. Alfalfa also does well lieie. The soil is deep, bl tek and rich. Tin climate is warmer in winter tbau in Nebraska anj cooler in summer. Oats are worth let per lb. and wheat the same. Freight on wheat is only 15e per. bu. to the great like". 1 here is more coal in Alberta than in I* no. there are three kinds. All good grades I of lumber cheap. This Is open pralri*-, | of the very hesr quality and esn be ! bought very reasonable. Yours Truly. J M Cilipps . I. DEPEWIb* Blacksmith § Wagon Maker, oooooo «f My shoo it Ih© largeat and best equipped north of the Platte Itiver 1 have a four hora^ engine and a complete line of the latest improved, ma chinery, Hlpoa foiee of experienced men who know how to operate it and turn out a Job with neatne** and dispntoa \1Y PRICES ARE REASONABLE AND PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage I am Yours respectfully, J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. IF YOU WANT CLOSING OUT. -YOUR CHOICE FROM a Fins Assortment of Sloes p to HEN BY 0OLLJHG Having -old mv business building and residence pioperty in Loud L'ity ! have decided to cl >*e out my entire stock ot shoes at TEN PER ( EN T DI3C0UN 1'. Call and yet tlrst clinic0 1 desire to close out this stock at once. 1 am going out of the shoe store business to stay out and will positively give this discount with every sale. My business is such that I will be out of the store apart of the time and if you tlnd me absent air. Morgan, the jevvl'T will wait on vou HENRY DOLLING, Loup City, Neb. DON'T sI AUT WHOM* Don’t start the Hummer with a lingering cough or cold. We nil know what ft ‘‘sum mer colil’’ is. It's the haiile*l kind to cure. Often it “hangs on\ through tlie en lire season. Tuke It In hand right now. A lew iloses oi one Minute Cough Cure will set you light Sure cure for coughs, colds, croup, grip, bronchitis, ull throat ami lung troubles. Absolutely safe. Acts a:, once. ( hildnn like it. “One Minute Cough Cure is the best cough medicine I ever used,’’ says J. II. Bowles, Groveton N. II. 1 never fouud anything else that acted so safelyandqulckly.’’ Odendahl Bros TUIRIST OAK SKUVICK TO UBMVIK Oa April 15tb. ihe Union Pacific placed in service between Counai 111 nil's, Omaha ami Deuver a through Ordinary ( I'ourists) car. “The Colorath spcci 1" Both (list and second-clas-. tickets will be honored on these cus, and passiugers wishing to economize in iheir traveling expenses may avail themselves of this exce l-nt service. I he rate for a dooh e lerth between above points is $1.50 l’he cars are just as neat and clean as Palace bleeping cars, are well ventilated, have separate lavaratorics for ladies aud gentlemen, and all the ears being carpeted and up holstered. This train Leaves Omaha 11:30 p. m. today, and arrives at Denver 2:00 p. m. tomorrow. For further information, reservations, etc , cal) on or address H. J. Clifton A novel feeling of leaping, bounding im pulse goes through youi hoily. vou (eel young act yonog and are young after tak ing Reeky Mountain Tea. 35 els -Odendahl II roe. »TO»*S THK OOUHH AND WOKKS OFF THE COLD. Laxative llromo Quinine Tablet* cure a cold In one day. So. cure. No Pay. Prloe 36 cents. When you want nn\ thing in the harness line go lo a huruess store When you are sick go to u doctor. Kok hale ok Hint:—The cast half ot block in north east part, of city, contain. Ing house, barn, etc. Wlllalsi sell furni ture at private >alo. Miis Mores it. ssirrn LIGHTNING! FOR ABSOLUTE PROTECTION TO LIFE AND PROPERTY tile the Ol‘l lit liable Frank Lightening Bods, which have been in successful use lor over fifty tears Manufactured by Cole Bros. Co , 750, 72:1 and 7til north Till, street, St. Loui--, Mo. This Coio|ianv gi1. nn guarantee for insurance) of >500 free w ith each building i bided Best, of workmanship, Reasonable brices. Satisfaction gmiauteed or nopav.‘ For particus and prices add teas Nehartka’s Resident. Dealer \V. K. Duakh. Grand Island Xebr. Honest agent wanted. $ a I a n (i (i n nifnn ‘ynrvrt*^ Till,, signature is on every box of the genuine Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablet* the rennxly that enres « cold in one day I Don’t waste your money on worthless tin Hattons of Kocky Mountain Tea. uetlbc genuine made only by the Madison Medi cine Co. A great family remedy. 35uts — Odendah! Bros NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Land Office at Lincoln. Neb Ai-ril, Hth, l#02. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler has filed notice of his Intention to make final proof in sup port of his claln, and that said proof will be made before J A. Angler, the County Judge at Loup City , Nebraska od May 20, UW2, viz: Bamuel C. Fletcher, for the northeast quarter of Section .12, Township 14, Raug e 14, Homestead Entry 17,318. He names the following wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said laad, viz: Charles M. Snyder, of Loup City, Neb. A J Gray, of “ •• •• Henry Tangernran.of Rockville, “ Albert Snyder, of Loup Cltv. " Any person who desires to protest against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Department, why such proof should nol be ullowed, will bt> given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence In re buttal of that submitted by claimant. W. A. Urbbn, Register. NOTICE KOK PUBLICATION. Land Ortloe at Lincoln Neb May ?tb 1902 Notice is hereby given that the follow mg-named settler has filed notled of h ■ intention to make Anal proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J A. Angler, the county Judge nt Loup City, Nebraska, on June'JO, I»I2. vis. Jens Christensen for the north west quarter of Section 81. Township IB Range 16, llonesteai! Entry 17,123. He names Hie following wpn<ates to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, rlt ('has. Fredrickson, of Arcadia. Nebraska, (icorge I!. Whitman. Jr. of Arcadia. Nebraska, William Mlnne of Airai'lu, Nebraska Ernes • Leal herman, of Arcad'a Nebraska. Any person who desires to protesi against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason under i he law and the regulations of the Interior Dep irt ment, wliv such proof should not be allow ed. will ue given an opportunity at the above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in rebuttal of that submitted by claimant W. A. i.hkrk, Register. Eggs! Eggs! Eggs! FOR HATCHING. I am now ready to fill jour or der from choice stock. Rose Comb Brown Leghorn, 15 egop, fi.oO, or $4 00 for 100. I'atridge Cochiob, 15 eggs Cornish Indian Game, 15 *-;>•_•*, f r #1 50. While H ill md Turkey egg- !l f<u i 50 MRS. A HAV>KL A- S- MAIN. rilVSiriAN & SURGEON I.Ol l* <TI Y. .VI RRA'K.t. OFFICE AT RESIDENCE. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, loup orrt, i i V P. CULUfiT. A. F. OllUJffT. Pruldtul ouHm riRST BANK or LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. Correspondent* Seaboard National Bank, New York City, IN. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebratke. •We are Headauarteys foj WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are rcasoi.ahlo our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder 1 > our business and are prepared to do custom work or furnish ground feed at reasonable rates. Grind Saturday and Monday. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER ASTONISHING OFFER!! For many ye ir» welnv* sold oar Whiskies and Cl fin to Wholesalers only and our brands are preferred by them. as they are superior to all others. In order to give the Consumer the benefit of the Urge profits of Dealer and Middleman, we have derided to now sell dirert to th« Consumer our f I'opular Brandt <>f Whiskies and Clears at less than wholesale price*. 11 BEAUTIFUL PRIZES FREE W ith every quart bottle of oar famous 10 yesr old Vaeen ( Wyt tub Pare Rye and one box of nur justly celebrated genuine Cuban lland*Mmde 10c Hear Havana Cuban Hpeciata, we will five aRHOI.1 TKI.Y FMRoneof the hand somest open face extra heavy nickel Gent's Welches made <no lady*} stem wind and set. genuine American movement and caso. best timokeejer on earth, does not tarnish and will last a lifetime. 1 extra fine Vienna Meer schaum Pipe, 1 genuine Meerschaum Cigar Holder, 1 genuiv. ilnorschaum Cigarette Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco pouch. 1 elegant extra heavy nickel match box. 1 pair pearl cuff buttons. 1 lull top collar button, 1 neck tie holder. 1 pair sleeve buttons 1 double chain ami one beaut! "til charm til jewelry heavily 14k gold plated All these 14 t ieres with one l*ox of our PamoasCuhenSpecials and onequart bottle of our famous 10 year old Queen, City Club Pure Rye cannot be bought for less than $12 00. We sell the Whiskey end Cigars in-All I V C 0 T> with privilege of ex -j cludingthe 14 priseefor UHL V $Os%| I amlnstion, while Whiskey and Cigars alone cost more than we ask for the entire lot Our Whiskey Id an Absolutely Pare 10 year old Rye and our Cigars gentilae Cuban band* ■ede,elenr Havana, made In our own factory. These cigars are far better than anvthine ever vartia<>d linfnrr We (iuartntM thr vnode und re fundi cigar cutter and I Write for hHFp I *n Extra Premium of an elegant Pocket knife with two blade*. I aw, 1 ** wprwwjM. • IlfcEi B glare cutter, If $S 9? taaam in advance with ordor Ooodf *«nt in plain package, who let ale Price List* of Liquor* and Cigars Responsible agent* wanted Ord*r to-day. V. S. MSTiLL.EK’8 U18TK111UXINO COr-Uept. U.f 451 North Clark St., Chicago, 111. ARE YOU DEAF? i ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bom deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Baltimore, Md., March jo, igai. Gentlemen ; — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give jam a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent car specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me. and even that only temtxirarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would lie lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I find used It only a few days according to your directions, the noises erased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation, “BWBU"4 YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SAUE AVE., CHICAGO, ILL Cherished ) l) Judges Quality. Sold by T. H. ELSNER, Loop City, Neb Don’t Be Fooledi **•••*•« Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Maditon Medi cine Co.. Madison. WIs. It keep* you well. Our trad* mark cut on each package. Price, J5 centa. Naver sold In bulk. Accept no subatla tute. Atk your druggUt. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of II* digestants and digests all kind* 'jf food. It gives instant relief and nevei fails to cure. It allows you to eat the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have bee» cured after everything else failed, it prevents format ion of gas on the atom* ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to taka. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. 0. Du Witt & Oo., (hleael Tito It. bottle contains 2K times** For sale by ;Ot>ENlJAHL. DEOS-,