Lioaal Daws. Frank Dennis (or tlour aud feed. S. S. Reynolds was in town Monday. Herman Jung is painting bis bakery building. Misa. Kill a Long is quite sick at the 3t. filmo hotel. W. R. Mellor is placing a gravel walk around his residence property. W. 8. Owens ha9 just recieved a fine line of summer lap dusters; pret ty designs. Tbe post office building has re ceived some substantial improve ments this week. Wm. Roe done tbe job. Judge Wall is enjoying a visit from bis aunt Mrs. Hcllen Hill of Michigan. J- Q. Helm former pastor of tbe M. K. Church at Loup City was in town Friday. Did you bear about it? Joe O'Bryao at the boiling alley? He tried to make a ramps. A bouncing baby boy i9 reported to have made its appearance at tbe borne of J. Q. Fray ibis week. If you have never tried the brand of flour sold by Frank Dennis, at the north side feed store you should do so. It is tbe best. When you want a good carriage or wagon grease, go to W. S. Owen’s harness store and get it. Kvery box guaranteed as represented. Thos Dillon was in the city Tuea day. He has purchased a new lis ter and is going to put in a nice lot of corn this season. Odendabl Bros have had thechim ney to theii drug store rebuilt. It was demolished during the high winds a few weeks ago. J. S. Pedler, went to Grand Island Tuesday to attend the meeting of the Grand Chapter of the Eastern Star, which convened there on that date. Mrs. C. J. Odendabl and daugh ter Ernie, also Mrs. Thomas Inks and others attended the meeting of the Grand Chapttr, Eastern Star at Grand Island Tuesday. Eev. G. C. Porter announces that thare will be services Sunday, May lltb. as follows: At Austin, 11 a. m. at Rockville, 2:30 p. m. and at Loup City in the German Evangelical charcb, at 8:00 p. m. I will sell what I have left in the line of farm maahinery consisting of one bay rake, used one season, one two row Kiriin corn cultivator, in use one season, also a spring wagon. If you need anything in this line call on L. G. Fisher at the North wistzrn office. Mrs. W. U. Conger, received the sad intelligence of the death of Mr. George Bickford which oocurred at his home, New Durham N. H. April, 24th. 1902 after a abort illness, of pneamonia. We remember Mr. Bickford when but a few years ago hs was classed among the best citi zens of Sherman county, and we deeply regret to hear of his death. C. E. Ebrman, the forman of the Nebraska Telephone company has been very busy with his men put ting np the polls and making con nections for the loeal phones. He informs us that they will be nearly through with the outside work this week, but that it will take another week to put in the phone boxes. There will be about 35 phones placed in town at present. At the villege board meeting last Tuesday A. M. Bennett was appoint ed in place of T. S. Nightingale re signed. E. S. Hayhurst was re elect ed chairman, W. J. Fisher, clerk. Jas. Burnett street commissioner, Harry Jenner water commissioner and W. G. Odei dabl, treasurer. Licenses for a saloon were issued to Henry Eisner and to. C- Mulick. if the fellow who threw a dead cat in the back yard of the Norra wistkrn otlice will call on us and let himself be known, we will dis cuss, the "Real Issue" with him. And now since we come to think of if, wo hereby give notice that, the aforesaid back yard is no garbage dump, and by the jumping jim joyhansom, if we catch anyone roll ing a tin can down the alley with a curve that lands it on our premises ws will advertise the brute and make the offender pay ' the costs of ad verting. Trunks, viHues, shawl strsps, satchel handles, kept at W. 8. Owen's harness store We sell all kinds of ground feed at Dennis. Dr Seymour the eye specialtlst In Grand Island dune 5th. Beat flour on the market at Denni's. Mrs. E E. Ditto is having her residence painted. Willis Waite was doing business in the city Friday. H. M. Mathew and Louis Rein drove over to Litchfield Friday. J. Cole of Ashton purchased a load of seed corn of A. L. Baillie this week. Two good yooog calves for sale a week old cow. Call at this office if you want them. Mr. Bowman brought a stock of alfalfa to this office that measured 23 incbei. in height. Mr. and Mrs. Thad Scott and three children from Aurora have been visiting with his parents hare this week. No. 52 passinger train, B. and M. going east now leaves Loup City at 7:45 A. M. instead of 8:05. Henry Dolling is closing out his entire stock of shoes at ten per. cent discount. Now is jour time to buy foot ware. Simpson Criss and wife are here from Spaulding, Greely County, vis iting relatives. Mr. Criss came in to see us Wednesday. This country received a glorious rain Monday, there being just one inch of water fell, and in conse quence the ground is thoroughly soaked again. E, A. Smith is building an addi tion to his bouse. It will be 12 by 20 in size and when completed will make him a pretty dwelliug. Mother, ve# one package makes two quarts of baby medicine. See directions There Is nothing Jnst as good for babies and children as Rocky Mountain Tea. >5cts.-odendahl Bros Mrs. B. F. Bunnell, of Burwell, Neb. and cousin of Geo. E. and 0. Benschoter is visiting in the city, haviog arrived on last evenings train. Bev. Mathews and wife of West erville made this office a very pleas ant oall last Thursday while in the city visiting friends. We are pleased to see them looking so well. We learn that the 80 acre field of alfalfa of Carsten Truelsen was com pletely eat down by the so called army worms, aad as it was just newly sown this spring it is doubtful if it ever comes on again. Rev. G. C. Porter, the Presbyter ian minister who was on this charge last fall, but who has been attehding college at Chicago during the past winter months, was in the city Monday. We uuderstadd that he will take up his residence here shortly and continue his work. For seed Cane, Millet and Sweet corn call on T. M. Heed. E. A. Draper is plastering the new addition for ti. II. Gibson this week. He has just completed a job plast ering the large two story house of Chan True, in Lee Park, and also the new farm house of II. D. Hend rickson. Ed. seems to be spreading mud pretty lively now days. Miss. Saidee Whitman will close her achool in Lone Kim school dis trict, No 11, in Sherman county, with commencement exercises in which four of her pupils will grad uate and receive diplomas. The lJ rad nates are: Mae Lloyd, Victor Lowrey, Maurice Lowrey, and Roy Headrick. This office printed a pretty set of commencement cards for the occasion. The bolliDg alley has commenced operation aDd the game is receiving considerable attention. Some com plaint is made about the noise it creates but it may be that they will get used to it iu time. The score card of the commencement exercises at this place of resort appears in another column: There is mu»ic la the alley When the balls are onward rolling. As they go to make a tally, Aod the people ere all boiling. If by chance a great big fellow. Strains hit nerve* and rents hie pants, A« he tries the ball to mellow. Hits the pias and makes a ramps. Then it is that he's uneasy. Of the rent, h* has a fear, As he feels It cool and breezy In the region of the rear. Af ItBST Mr. Andrew J. Keller was burn on tha 18rh day of April, in Mansfield, Ohm and died 14 mi e« eolith east «.f Loup City. N»'t>. April »4tb, 1!M>2 aged 82 yesr* »nd li day*. When Mr Kellar whs four years old he iimved fioui Ohio to the stale of Indiana. « here lie made bis home with Ills Uoele until In* read • ed the age of 13 years At Ibis early age hr* began manfully to battle with the problems rf life for himself Young as he was he decided that < very tnan ought to learn a trade and having a natural liking for tools he learned the carpenters trade Later in lit tie b‘came au engineer. When be was 20 yeara of age he went west and began active life on the raw prairies of Ka s as. At Kansas City he helped to make the flrat ballot box ever used there. Mr. Keller was not a man who estimat ed lightly the thoughts of a religious nature, and there on those wide western prairies he helped to organize a Sunday School and gave 810 00 to put the or ganization on a safe foundation. The pastor of the little organization, as a token of his love and esteem, gave him a small bible which he carried all his life and read till it fell to pieces with age and use. He was a member of the F’resbyter ian church Ou the 18th. day of Au gust 1881, he eniiated in the army as a volunteer to serve three years Here he proved himself a good soldier, ser v ing his country nobly for threp years three months and nine days. Ho was In forty-three engnagements, among which were the tierce battles of Shilo, Gettysburg and Lookout Mountain. At Shilo he was badly wounded in the right leg. He was honorably discharg ed by expiration of time September 24th. 1854. He wu married at Logan s Host, Indian*, June 5th, 1873. .Soon after he was married he moved to Illinois Inquoi*, Co., where he lived until 1*82 He moved to, Butler Co. Nebraska in 188>, here he lived only one year and then moved to Howard Co. In 1000 he moved to Sherman County, where he has ever since resided. He leaves a wife and three children to mourn his loss. Mrs. It. M. Hanes, Mr. W. H. Keller, and Arthur E Keller. In the death of our brother the wife, has lost a good husband, the children a good father and the country a good citizeD. CARD OF THANKS We desire to express our sincere thanks to the many kind friends who sympathized with and assisted us in the sickness ar.d death of our beloved husband and father. Especi ally do we wish to thank those who contributed the lovely flowers. Mrs. A. Keller. Mrs. R. M. Hanks. W. H. Keller. Arthur E Keller. A fire in the east end of town at the reside nee of A. Eriziu, caused no little excitement last Friday ami the sound of the fite bell brought out the fire department in double quick time. A pile of rubish was fired the evening before, but which was supposed to be all out, sprang up anew and threatened distraction to the barn near by. It was extin guished without damage. There will be a joint discussion between all the fraternal lodges of this city, at Pilger's opera house, on the evening of May 21st., the ob ject being to have two speakers from each organization to represent the merits «f the order. All the best speakers of the different organiza tions have already beeo selected for the occasion and the committee is busy arranging a progiamme that will interest you. All are cordially invited. Come out and eDjoy a grand good time. WANTS OTHERS TO KNOW •"I hare U9ed DeWltt,» Little Early Kis era for constipation and torpid liver and they are all right. I am glad to endorse them tor I think when we And a good thing we ought to let others know It,” writes Alfred Helnze. qulncy, III., They never gripe or distress. Sure safe pills. Odtndabl Bros. Those who wish to meet l)r. Seymour at the Koehler hotel in grand Island. Tuesday June 5th. may by writing him at once at Lincoln Nebr. secure a spe cial appointment card which will give them the privilege of meeting him without charge for consultation. HALF ItAtKi FAST One fare for the round trip to Harris burg, I’a , May 14 to 11). Return limit June 30th. Tickets good via Chicago or St L mis. A g eat opportunity to visit the East. H«lf rates from Harrisburg to points In Pennsylvania, Maryland and I)is trlctof Columbia, May 21 to 24’h. Ask tlie Burlington agen'. UKK A DKOWN1NG MAN. “I ive years ago a disease tlie doctors called dispepsla took sucn hold of me that I could scarcely go.’- writes George 8. Mars]], well known attorney of Nocona. Tex. "I took quantities of pepsin and other medicines but nothing helped me. Asa drowning man grabs at a straw I grabbed at. Kadol. tfelian improvement at once and after a few bottles am sound and well." Kodol Is I he only preparation wluchexactly reproduces the natural digestive Juices and consequently is the only one which digests any good food and cuics any form ol stom ach trouble, OdeudahI Bros, A Bellows when you get home and blow the dirt and flies and foreign substances out of it. Then open a package of Lion Coffee See how clean and fresh it looks and note its rich aroma. Th» Mated package insure* uniform quality. Dr. \V. I. Sevrnour the w» 11 known optician will be In Grand Island Thurs dav. .Tune flth at the Knohler Hotel. The doctors, will positively be there in person, and extends a special invi* taiion to those wishing to see him re garding their eyes or ears, to meet him there at that time. Remember one day 01 ly. One half rate* to Omaha and return May 21, 22 and 22 via Burlington Route. State Encampment G .A. B A.-k the nearest agent. Burlington Route. Now that the storm season is here and there will he much danger from Listening, you should think about Lightening Rods. If you have none, or vonr old oner arp out of repair, b't ter write to “Nebraska'- resident deal ct" W. E. Drake, Grand Island Nebr , who does an honest business and is fast reclaiming the fallen reputation of this line of work, which has suffen d much by the abuse of unprn :iplcd traveling “fakirs.” who have greatly abused the grand discovery of Franklin. Read his advertisruenc elsewhere in this paper BIG HORN BASIN Art* you Interestod in the Big Horn Basin of Wyoming? It’s a rich bu undeveloped portion of Northwestern Wyoming. It coutatns marvellous open ings for tmall ranches along good streams in the valley s, w ith one mil lion acres of government land open for settlement under the United States land laws. The Burlington Route has just pub lished a folder descriptive of the Big Horn Basin. It i( illustrated and con tains an accurate map. It tells about the lav of the land, ch iracter of the soil, products, yield, irrigation and opportunities. If you're interested, better write for a copy. It is free J. Francis. General Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. Drs W. I. Seymour & Williams the eye and ear specialists will be in Grand Island, June utb. Go to Frank Dennis when you want the very best grade of flour. Mrs. Laura. S. Webb, VlfP-l’rMlilHil Wonian'. Demo* rrstio Club. of Xortli**rn Oiifo. “I dreaded the change of life which was fast approaching. I noticed Wine of Cardui, and decided to try a bot tlk. I experienced some relief the first month, so I kept on taking it for three months and now I menstruate with no pain and I shall take it off and on now until I have passed the climax.” Female weakness, disordered menses, falling of the womb and ovarian troubles do not wear off. They follow a woman to the change of life. Do not wait but take Wine of Cardui now and avoid thetrou Lle. Wine of Cardui never fails to benefit a suffering woman of any age. Wine of Cardui relieved Mrs. Webb when she was in dan ger. When you come to the change of life Mrs. Webb’s letter will mean more to you than it does now. But you may now avoid the suffering she endured. Druggists sell $1 bottles of Wine of Cardui. iWINEofCARDUL RoVal Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest men ace rs to health of the present day. ._ROYAl BAKJMO POWOCR CO., NEW YORK,_ WE HAVE THE AGENCY POR U Peats & 69/s 1902 PRIZE WALL PAPERS These famous patterns are handsomer and better made than those of any pother manufacturer. They consist of all 'grades from the most inexpensive Kitchen and Bed Room papers to the choicest Halls, Dining Rooms and Parlors, representing a stock of over 3,000,000 rolls. Don't buy old shop worn goods when WE CAN SAVE YOU 50 PER CENT, on any one of our (500 patterns manufactur ed expressly for the spring of 1902. ORDERS TAKEN FOR ONE ROOM OR A WHOLE HOUSE. DESIGNS AND COLORINQS EXCLUSIVE. MRS. A. J. KEARNS, Agt. || TJVIPOPTED SHIRE STALLjOH, will stand at my farm, one and one-half miles north of Loup City during the season of HK)2 He sure and see me before you breed. I have just# what you are looking for, a good, heavy thoroughbred and my prices are reasona ble. FRANK OTLFWSKI, LOUP CITY, - - NEB. RADIZINSKI, NO 20,880. Will stand at the Round Front livery barn, Loup City, Neb., during the season of 1902. This is ai Imported Reiistereiorse. Farmers see this Horse before breeding. 0. Gnnnersoa and A. L. Zimmerman, Owners. TELEPHONES ONJTRAINS. _ “The Overland Limited”—Electric Lighted— contains a novel feature, absolutely new to railroad travel. Telephone connections are provided at terminal sta tions and are available for use of paesiogcra three-quar ters of an hour prior to departure. This famous train reaches Salt Lake City 12 hours and San Francisco 1(3 hours a head of all competitors. If >ou contemplate a trip to any western point, the Uuion Pacific offers you the highest, degree of comfort and luxury with no additional cost and tt great saving of time and expense. Fall information cheerfully furnished on application to J. 11. Clifton, Agent. TO CURE A COLD IN ONK IJAY. Take l.nxatlvn Itroino Quinine Taplcts. All druggists refund the money if It falls to cure. M W. Grove’s signature Ison each box. 25c DRESS MAKING. I will do dress making and sewing at my residence and w‘ll guarantee good work at reasonable prices. I (you wish any work done in this line call at residence in east part of town Mits. T. M Reed WHBATOSB If you want a good food foryourchild ren, try Wheatose. It is easily and quickly prepared, and very healthful. Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit. Ail reliable grocers have it. California Breakfast Food NOTICK FOK PERMIT. Notloe is hereby Riven that C. J. Odendahl and W. G. Odendahl, partners and doing business under the firm name and style of Odendahl lirothcrs, did on the 9th day of May, 1902, file their petition and applica tion for a permit to sell liquor for medical, mechanical and chemical purposes in the villcge of Loup City, Neb for the ensuing year, to wit: From the First Tuesday in May, 19 it to the First Tuesday iu May, 19 ill iu 12 M. All persons objecting thereto will file same on or before the inth.du.v of May. 1902. Dated this 9th. day of May. 1902. .1 Oprndaiil, i . W. G.Ouknbaiii. i Applicants. Attest: W. J. Fi.shkk, Clerk. Best Dray Line, Quickest Time. JAS. W. CONGER, Prop. My iee will bo delivered to any part of the city free. The ice bongo will l>e opened but once a day, and that will be from 4 to 8 o'clock, a m. All kinds of hauling will be given prompt attention anil will make a specialty of moving household good. We solicit your patronage. JAS. W. CONGER, LOU I* CITY, . NKHKASKA.