r i m Nor i nvvKsr krn WUHI.ISHKD EVERY KRIOAY A.T THB rOUN ITf H K AT. HKD. K. IIKJi <(’HOTKR, Rilllor and I'nhlluher TEHMS: —(l.nu PKB TEA R. It PAID IN AKVANC* Entered at the Loup Cltv Fostnftlce for trans mlHSton through the malls as second class matter. J. 1*. A. Mark, «.f Bloomington seem* to have a good following in his race frrtbe nom nation f >r Gov ernor. Quite a large number of republican papers throughout the state are sounding iiis praise Mr. Black was a delegate to the nat ional republican convention in 1890. There was a very good attendance at the Republican Congressional Con vention meeting at Grand Island yesterday. Out of the 0*1 committee men for the sixth district 27 were present. The date and place of hold ing the next congressional conven tion for the sixth district is to be held at Shadroo, Neb. June 7tn. Sherman county will be entitled to 7 delegates. ' There are men in thia world, says an exchange, who claim to be re publicans and will give all their patronage to a pop paper and then by and by they have the gaul to want something and if their own party paper don’t volunteer to bring out the names of such aeperants they will even get a pop paper to throw out a few hints. Don’t wory my brother, such men are of small cal iber when it comes to state politics. We have such men, not only in the world, but in every party and wheD they aspire for public position, every party paper in the state should and will stand firmly together in meeting out to them just deserts. No such . leaky old ship should received the support of any one and a candidate who is not loyal enough to give his party paper at least the major share of his support could not be trusted to guide his? party right. He will be a back number as soon as he trots himself out. The Record has said about all the mean things it can about Governor 8avago and is now turning its at tention to the support of other can didates. If there is such a thing as over-doing anything we are quite convinced that Mr. Harrison has done it, not that we believe that Governor Savage is the proper candidate to select at this time, but that we do not think that one man is altogether to blame for the act of a pack of jealous politicians who have been hounding him ever •ince he took the chair. Don’t wory, the republican party is not !y to nominate Mr. Savage un less you, by your method of ill treat ment, create enough sympathy to do the business. If you want to do a good job of weeding you should be gin at the end of the row. In this case it would be necessary to begin with those jealous fellows who first created the discord at the republican •tale convention last year about the Bartley parole. It is quite possible that but for that disgraceful pow wow over a mere sixty days parole Bartley would uow be behind the bars. There is no question but what the governor's motive was good at that time and he should have sat down on that convention so hard that the thud could have been heard all over the state, but he did’nt and thats whats the matter with Savage. Link Scriber and John Seribuer, two saloon keepers of Sargent were arrested and taken to Broken Bo*v for a hearing which tesultcd in their be ing bound over to the district court. Link was tried last week and John was tried a few days ago. Judge Wall of this city was one of the at tornej s for the defense, but tbe array of evidence against them was so strong that the court was convinced they were guilty, and placed them under bonds. The following giving an account of the Scribner ease is taken from the Broken Bow Repub lican. “The trial of Sorlbaer of Sirge i', on the charge of ki-e^-ig a gambling place in connection with hi* s>l n n. whigli was bad Tuesday and Wednesday Of this week before ,Ju ige Armour, I developed (lilt the lil-Illi ' of ■' .rgi'iil ha* it large number of non who <, ii.it . not, ?-»tify to what they h* gn,n„ <>, In th-* basement of iin* - ibnoi, wliich l> carpeted, ll-h»f'il.'.ini furnldo il with fi.bi*--<, rhllM all I cird*. without, mi criminating themseiv■ *. I In* greater of (be thirty wit es*e. could tell noth , I iog about w tint tiny itol in that bu-e > ; tnent without self n critultn-ti >ti Ini ! would imply that thr h-tting o i thegatnes. Lew t ban In If t lie w u ri« - -• e‘ cal'ed, who acknowledged being in the etller, would commit themselves j on gambling devices being kept tin te. Had they been a* thoughtful about gracing tbem-u Ives and f uni dea before they went into the j >int its they secm i’d on the witness atand; they would I not have been associated with it. and would not hare been under the necessi ty of appearing in court, claiming protec ion from incriminating themselves. Many readers of ibis paper visit Omaha more or less frequently Tin \ are naturally interested in the hotel* of Nebraska's metropolis It will he of much Interest to the n to know that the Millard, Omaha's leading hotel, which has been in the bands of the decorators, furnisher*, carpenters,etc., f ir some weeks past, at an expense of several thousand dollars, is a finer hotel today than it ever was he fora, ltslocation i* the most central of any In th" h art oi the banking, wholesale and retail di tricts. Every street oar from every depot in Omaha passes the hotel, or runs conveniently near to it. it is the only strictly first-class hotel it: Omaha where the rate on the American plan is as low as $2.00 per day. Of comae, it you want a very select room, or room with bath, the rate Is higher; but no matutr what the rate in ty be, the menu, cuisine and general high-grade service throughout the hotel, are uniform! aliki for every guest. Those who pre fer the European plan can stop at the Millard for $1.00 and up per dav, and for these guests a cafe at reasonable prices is open, adjoining the large din ingroom. You can have all the Mil lard's first class advantages for the same orice you would pay at a second rate Omaha hotel. Therefore, why m>> go nf er the best when you are about i: r Take our advioe and stop at the M ill tro 'he next time you visit Omaha. The »ime advise applies to The Lincoln at Lincoln. It is conveniently situated opposite the depots ami l’< -r Offices, and i« the only first-class Imp 1 In \ n raska’s Capital City. The rates there are $2.Oh and up per day. When you want am thing in the harness line go to a harness store When you are sick go to a doctor. HTOCS THK (JOUti H AND WOKK8 OFF THK conn Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets cure a cold In one clay. No. cure. No l’ay Price 2b cent*. I)r. VV. i. Seymour the will known optician will be In Grand Island Thurs day. .Tune 3th at the Keoh'er Hotel. The doctors, will positively be there in person, and extends a special invi tation to those wishing to see him re garding their eyes or ears, to meet turn there at that time. Remember one day only. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. APRIL, Nth. HtOi. Notice is hereby given that the follow ing-named settler bus filed notice ot his intention to make final proof In gap port of his Plain, and that said proof will bo made before J A. Angler, the County Judge at Loup City, Nebraska, od May SO, 1UCW, viz: Samuel ('.Fletcher, for the northeast quarter of Section ,TJ, Township li, Range 14, Homestead Entry 17.318. He names the follow ing wit nesses to prove his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land, viz: Charles M. Snyder, ot Loup City, Neb. A. J Gray. of •• •• Henry Tangertran,of Rockville, ‘ Albert Snyder, of Loup Citv, " Any person who desires to prot est against the allowance of such proof, or who knows of any substantial reason, under the law and the regulations of the Interior Hep arttnent, why such proof should n t be allowed, will be given an opportunity at I bo above mentioned time and place to cross-examine the witnesses of said claimant, and to offer evidence in re buttal of that submitted by claimant. W. A. Gil EEs, Register, Drs W I Seymour & Wilburns the eye anil ear specialists will be in Grand Island, June 5th. HAD TO CONQUR OR DIE Klt just about gone” writes Mrs Rosa Richardson1 of Laurel Springs, .V. O., ‘‘I bad CoDsumtpion so bad that the best doctors said I could not live more than a month, but I began to use [» , King’s New Discovery and was wholly cured bv seven bottles and am now stour itld well." It’s an i^irival *i| life-saver in Consumption, P/feumortis, La Grippi and bronchitis; infslible for t oughs, Golds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Group or I Whooping Cough Guarna'eed bottles :50c ‘and #1.00 Trial bottles free at O.lendabl Bros, Drug store. FAVORITE NF.AItl.V KVEItVWHEIU Constipation means dulliie ., ... sion, headache, generalh dlsordn 1 health. DeWitt’s Little Early H:.-: ,* stimulate the liver, open the bowels nd relieve tliis cundition. Safe, speedy ar e thorough. They never gripe Favurtti pills. For sale bv Oden laii1 Urns. She was sitting up with a sick man No professional nurse wa« she Simply sitting up with her love sick lov’i Glveihg him Rocky Mountain It i For sale by Odendaiil Bros RADIZINSKI, NO 20,880. Will stand at the Round Trout livery barn, Loup City, Neb., cluris g the season of 11)02. TMs is aa Inirleil Reiistereiorse. Farmers see this Horse* before breeding. pan?. 1 + *J. I. DEPKWSN* § Blacksmith f Wagon Maker, Jc» OOOOOU wtf My shop in the lutest and beat equipped north of the Platte Klver I have a four horse engtna and a oomplete line of the latest improved, uia-1 chinery, also a force or experienced men who know how to operate It and] turn out a job with neatness and die patch. MY PRICKS ARE REASONARLE AND PROMPT| ATTENTION GIVEN TO ALL CUSTOMERS. Soliciting your patronage I am Yours respectfully, J. I. DEPEW, Loup City, Neb. i,mi S332EX3 m.: 2 x^ssaasuBBHHEs^ I I I fi CLOSING OUT. IF VOIJ WANT YOl'K ( HOICK FROM a Fins Assortment of Sloes p to ! HENf?Y DOLLflMG Hftvi' £• “'*11 in v business building «nrl residence li Loup (,’iiv I have (!«•<• ii)< i! to cl >*e om mv entire sfota, of slioes lit TEN HEU • EN I’ Dlht'OL N I i 11 mul o-r li -r choice. 1 desire to close out this stock at one. 1 in going out of the shoe sure business to stay out and w !i positively give this discount with every . Uc. M bos ness Is such that 1 *111 be out of the store ti part of the time and if you tind me absent Mr. Morgan, tic levtlcr will wait on ' ou HENRY DOLLING* Loup City, N2. T, IIknuv Elsnku, Applicant. Attest: W. J. FisilKit, Vi llage Cleik. LIGHTNING! FOR ABSOLUTE PROTECTION TO LIFE AND PROPERTY use tlu* Old Reliable Frank Lightening Rods, which have been iii successful use for over fifiy \enrs. Manufactured by (foie Br> s. Oo., 750, 722 aud 724 north 7dt. street, St Louis, Mo. This Company irivu a guarantee for insurance) of £500 free with each building vohded. Best of workmanship. Reuse :J)lu hrices. Satisfaction guarati'ee I >r no par. For purlieus aid prl es address Xeharsku's Resident I).‘tiler \V. K. Drakk (Jruid 1 land No hr. Honest wlthprlvllegeofex eluding the 14 prises for V11 fc. I amlnatl n while Whiskey and Clrars alcr.e cost more thin wo ask for t* ct tire J «t Our Whiskey la an Absolutely Pore 10 year old Rye and our (?'*ar» genuine Cuban baod nade.clear Havana, made in onr own factory Tl'ese • igttrs are far better ■ opuisr or wnisaies ana njnrs at mss than wholesale IIBEAUIIFVLPBIIESFREE ^mian anything ever ad vert'- .' ofr>ro Vt> t.narc ni«*o t' i An Extra Premium of mi Hep ml Porlo-t k» Ife wit ii two blades, 1 cork-screw, 1 cifar etttler Ml1 Sortu Clark tit., Chicago, ILL .. rncr f •Htpr»«ralH. I flbll i _ wholMulo Price LUM of Liquor* "and* Clear* O. S. JJI.STILLER’ti l>18IKlaiJlINU (JO. ARE YOU DEAF? i ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1001. Gtntltmen : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give yon • full history of my case, to lie used at your discretion. About five years ago mv right ear began to sing, and this kept ou getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent e 1 iali-t of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me and even that < uly t< • 1. irarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be h '>t toreve r." I then saw vour advertisement accidentally in a N w V >rk paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days :ur inline to y directions, the noises ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the disea d ear la. . 1 < en entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly your-. 1- A. M'l'RMAV, - oS. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere w’.'.Vt i/oar usual occupation. YOU CAN CURE YOURSEId AT HOME “‘Sf XTEMIATIMUl A'JRAl Cti llO, 5S3 V.LC AVE.. CHISAGO, III. Awarded Cold Medal J Solti by T. II. KLSNKK, I onpUity, Neb Don’t Be Fooledi Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, Wis. It keeps you well. Our trad* mark cut on each package. Price, J5 cents. Never sold in bulk. Accept no subitl* tuts. Ask your druggist. Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of th* dig* status and digests all kind* Of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. 1% prevents formation of gason the atom* ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to tak*. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. PeWitt& Co., Chlea*n& Tliuti. boufo contains 2* times tbe 50c. •!«* For sale by JODHNDAHL DRO*.,