The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. liKO. K. HKPMOHOTKK, Editor an<1 Pnhllahar TEKMS:—11.IX) PICK TKAH. IK PAID IN ADVANCK Eutered at the Loup City PosUifflce for trans mission through the mails as second class matter. CALL FOR TEMPERANCE CON VENTION. All legal voters and Representa tives of the People’s Temperance cause of the village of Loup City ate hereby called to mtot in convention at Society hall, on the afternoon of Monday, March 17 th, a7'1 o clock, for the purpose of nominating a People’s Temperance ticket for the coming municipal election for Loup City to be held Tuesday, April 1st. All citizens having the wellfare of the city at heart, the preservation of law and order, »ud the clean and economical administration of city affairs, and who are willing to lend a hand by vote or otherwise to se cure the nomination and election of a People’s temperance ticket are earnestly requested to be piesent. A. S. Main. The bead of this column contains a call for a People’s temperence con vention. We fall in line with the move. We are to elect three trus tees this year. Only Mr. Hayburst and Mr. Nightingale remain on the board. We are informed that Mr. Nightingale is naturally a no license man, if that be true then we have only to elect two out of the three to carry the day. The Northwestern this year will take up the cudgel against the issuance of a license for a sa loon. There is plenty of good tim ber to select from and but very little doubt that a temperance ticket if carefully selected, could win out. For the past two years we have noted more than ever the evtl effects from the haphazard way in which the saloon business of this town has been managed, or rather miss managed, and no effort made to check it. Or if an arrest was made the accused got off with a 12.00 fine with the regular court . fee attachment. The back rooms of some of the saloons which have been operated here during the last year have been uses as gambling dens. They have been allowed to run on Sunday and no bones made about it. Young men from the country have been fleeced of their hard earned money and wives who need the proceeds of their husband s earnings have endured hardships in stead. Last year an old experienced saloon keeper was allowed to run a saloon both Sundays and week days, to keep a gambling den and even prostitutes in his back saloon ■‘parlors’’ and when he sold his wet goods to a young and inexperienced boy, and the citizens became wralhy and indignent the authorities had courage enough to tackle the boy, shut his shop and close his business. Are we to go on in this way or is it not time to call a halt? Mr. Eisner, our present saloon keeper has been runing the best saloon lately we have had for a loDg while, much better than when he had opposition. Our town at pres ent is rather quiet, but would it be so if two or three saloons were open ed. We think not and therefore be iieve that the only proper thing to do is to vote them out. W ANT ED-^SE VERA L PERSONS OF CHARACTER and good imputation in each state (one in this county required) to rep resent and advertise old established weal thy business house of solid flnancisl stand ing- Salary $18.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable In cash each Wed nesday direct from the head offices. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self addressed tauiped envelope. Manager, 3H1 Caxton Building, Chicago. HAD*10 CONQUR OK DIE itIt wa» just, about gone” writes Mr?. Rosa Richardson’ of Laurel Springs, N. C , “I had Consumfpion so bad thar the best doctors said 1 could not live more than a mooth. but I began to use Dr. King's New Discovery and was wholly cured bv seven bottles and am now stout and well." It’s an unriva) -d life-s tver in Consumption, Pneumonia. I.a Gripp and Bronchitis; infaiible for Cough-. Colds, Asthma, Hav Fever, Croup 01 Whooping C 'Ugh Guarnateed bottn 50c anil 81.00, Trial bottles free u Odendahl Rro?. Drug store. ► We art* Dirt a prohibition hut we do love iaw and order and if ire ran t ge' ii jn one way we *ill trv another. If you are f>- temperin<*,* show your colors in the coming spring campaign. If you are not >*go wav hack anti sit down.” Keep your name off of saloon pe titions if you want to l>** m a posi ] tion to do the tight thing when i; comes to a show down. That time is drawing nigh. Let us elect a village hoard that will at least nail down a pla:ik once in a while, thus kcepi g it from underrnindtng you at one end and living up and hitting you in the face with other What need have we of a city mar shall? Better knock cut the saloons and gambling dens. Better use tin money to fix up the sidewalks in stead of pensioning a marsnall. We always have a sheriff’ or constable bandy and they are almost. always on duty. The time for village election ir drawing nigh and now is the time for the temperance people of this town to act. The diving dens and the unlawful conducting of the sa :onn business for tfie past two years have given them good food for thought. The issue this year should he license or no license. We say, no license. Since Bryan ami hia followers were compelled to take the “Gold Cure,” the mild deleriutn over silver, and a fancied ratio, has passed en tirely away and the muddled brains of the worshopers at the sacred shrine of shrinking silver has give way to some common sense and reason again. No man of known intelli gence will defend this question now, and yet, if it was an honest question once it is still an honest question; yet no body but a fool would ven ture to defend or argue the question to-day. The trial of this money question before the bar of public opinion was the greatest test of the honesty and intelligence of this peo pie ever submitted to the public. Money was made the issue by the peerless leader ot the democratic and populistic parties because he thought he could easier deceive and mislead the people on arguments on the mistories of money, a subject the common people knew little about and therefore they could be easier deceived and imposed upon tbam by any other issue he could conjure up. If he was not a known eonjur er then he is now. The simple plain people are now on to his tricks and trades in politics and have lost that holy reverance and lofty admir ation for this pure preacher of plain people politics since be has acquired over half a million dollars at his tradeand is now after the other half, and will get ir 01 bust the demo cratic part i. He wants a third term He takes his terms in office in running for the office on a big salary. A partizan said to Bryan recently “What will be the next issue Mr. BV” “Why, Imperialism, of course,” he answered. “But you assisted and favored the ratification of the Spanish treaty did’nt you?” “Why yes, but can’t you see why I did that; it was that which got the republicans into this imperial snare.” “You make issues in politics. You remember the one we made in ’9G, and ’90.” “Ob yes, I remember.” It was these same snares and these same issues that made it pos ible for .Mr Bryan to make the big gest cash deposit made in Li neob this year.—H*nped in SAVED HIM FItOM TOHTOKE There is no more agonizing trnub'e than piles. The constant itching and burning mt k * life'* No jin- - lion is eomf mu ble. The torture is m • ceasing. IieWitts Hazel Sa've cue's | i < s at once. I«'or >kiu diseases, cu's, hums, bruises, a 1 ki ids of wcu id* ir i« n - equalled. .1 (leral1, m I* .u1, Ark., sms. From 1865 I suffered with the protruding bleeding piles ami coul I find nothing to tielp me until I teed (leWir.’s Witch Hazel Sal-ie. A f-v b >xes eo n betelv cured me.” Bewere of counter eri's. For Bale by udeudahl Bros. Lion 1 Coffee CROWNED KING— Edward, King of England; Alphonso, King of Spain; Lion, King of Coffees, Fit for any king; fit for you. Not glazed with any cheap, noxious coating; never sold in bulk. Uniform quality and frmtmeaa are luaured by the sealed package. Pon't pay two ostra profits when yon hny carri ». ■» nnup filly town ship will i reel vc bids for tire excava ting of 1 nii' cubic yards from a borrow pi> located on top of tire hill Just cast ■ If the middle section line, between Sec tions Nino dt) n»d Sixteen <18>, in Town ship ii.v, Range ,lli and to distribute said i xruva'e.* snrth inliie bottoms of the draws ca-t a ml wo-d t min said pit, the fill In draws tola-not less than 16 feet wide on t >p. No bids received alter ! > o’clock March 2>th. liioj Tim hoard r sevv< s lIn' l Iglu to reject any and nil bid \V. it Mki.i.ik. Township Cleik. We promptly obtain U. H. an J Foreign PATENTS Send model, sketch or photo of Invention for LtentablUt; free report on How to Secure' Patents and imtentabUity. For frei TRADE-MARKS For free book, < write * to f GASNOWI OPPOSITE U S PATENT OFFICE. WASHINGTON. D.C. The sky looks bluer, the sun shines brighter, a feeling of youth and strength creeps over the soul after taking Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co. 25 cts. at Odendahl Bros TIME TABUS. LOUP CITY, NEBHJ Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis, anti all points East and South. Denver, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City. Portland, San Francisco, and all points West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOW81 GOING KAST No 52 F«s*en*er.8:05 ft. m. No .60 Freight.12.50p.m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 1:32 p.m. No. 59 Freight.lBiBOft. m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cart (Meats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point lr the ITnlted States or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to K. L. Arthui Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen’l. Passengei Agent. Omaha, Nebraska, D. P. RAILWAY. No. 86 leaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). 8:00 a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday arc'1 Saturday, (mixed) 3:55 p. m. No 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12:1)5 p. m. No. <5 arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7.35 p. m. First class service and close connectloni east, west and south W. D. CLIFTON. A KI KIDMAN'S CLOSE CALL. ‘ I stin k to my engine although evert j 'ini ached and every nerve was rs< ked with pain,” writes C. W. Bellamy, a 1< • c motive fireman, of Bur'ingion, low a., “I was weak anil pale, without anv ap p, tite and all run down As 1 was : bout to give lip, 1 got a bottle of Elect,i Bitters and, after taking it. I felt as well I ever did In my life.” Weak, -i. kly, run ('o«n people always gain new life, str our business and are prepared to do custom work or furnish ground feed at reasonable rates. Grind Saturday and Monday. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HOI!*E POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK TO 01 \ K SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER ARE YOU DEAF? ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those bora deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERNIAN, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8: Baltimore, Mil., March 30, 1901. Gentlemen : —- Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you • full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, aithout any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. 1 then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours. F. A. WERMAN, 7308. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. “aSSS,"* YOU CAN CURE YOURSELF AT HOME •“‘SS-' INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SALLE AVE., CHICAOO, ILL AMDIUN3M Had'MVHMI Sold by T. H. EL8NKR, Loup City, Net Don’t 0e Fooledi Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TE« Made only by Madleon Medl' cine Co.. Madison. WIs. II keeps you well. Our trad< mark cut on each package Price, 3g cents. Never soli In bulk. Accept no aubatb tute. Aik your druggist. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive etomachs can take it. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed, it prevents formation ofgas on the atom* ach, relieving all distress after eating Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to taka. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. T)e Witt* Oo., Cblcatft Xbu U. bottle contain* time* tbe&0c.8is» .'or sale by ODKNDAHL DROQ.,