The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, March 14, 1902, Image 4

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    ■h™ .—, ■■ ■——
Lioaal Daws.
Mrs. Aaron Wall is very sick.
Alfalfa and other field snd garden
seeds, at T. M. Rekd.s.
T. M. Reed can make you a first class
well call on him if you want one.
A bsby boy was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Abbott of Clay township last Sunday.
Bargains, Bargains, Bargains. In Sew
ing Machines Call and see T. M. Kkkd
Mrs. O. P. Peterson Is suffering from
a severe cold which has almost de
veloped into N-grippe.
T. M. Kkki>, has a general line of
Implements. Disc Harrows, Seeders,
Listers Buggies, Wagons and Harness.
Mrs. Hancock had a beautiful day for
her sale of household goods last Satur
day and everything brought satisfact
ory prices.
John Benscb >ter who is in the livery
business at Palls City has bought bis
partners interest and will manage the
business hereafter,
Mr. Boyd of Falls City was here last
Wednesday. Ilecameupto look over
the herd of line Jacks belonging to J
T. Hale with a view to purchasing.
T. L. Pilger departed Wednesday for
Bullngton Iowa, where be goes to at
tend the funeral of J. II. Pilger who
has been sick many mouths with bright
dise ase.
Mrs.Hancock and daughter May, left
last Wednesday morning for Hamptom
Nebr. where they expect to take up
their residence in the future. They
leave many warm friends who wish
them success.
W. H. Conger bad his large farm im
plement sale last Saturday. It was a
beautiful day and the sale went off very
nice and everything brought satisfact
ory prices.
Mrs. A. J. Kearns has a very fine sam
ple line of wall paper and esn till your
order for the latest designs and prettiest
patterns on the market. Her prices are
exceedingly low and (be goods are of a
superior quality. You should see her
samples before placing v our order.
Chas. Oasteyer went to Grand Island
last Monday morning to consult a spe
cialist whe pronounced his suffering to
be the result of an ahsess forming behind
the ear drum. It is very painful, but
the physician thinks it oan be success
fully trested without an operation.
The ladies of the Baptist church will
have an apron sale on March 24 at the
store of A. E, Chase. The proceeds
will be used to apply on the church
debt. There will be a nice line of goods
on exhibition and will he offered at
reasonable prices.
W. H. Williams, of Sirgent came
down last Monday and spent the day In
town. Ha made this office a friendly
call. His health is somewhat Improved
and|he states that Mrs. Williams who
has also been quite poorly is getting
better. Mr. Williams has decided to
wait awhile before be takes the trip to
the coast
The Loup bridge west of town was
somewhat damaged, though not to a
very great extent, last Saturday and
Sunday by the heavy gorges of ice com
ing down the river. Two of the ice
break piling were broken and the bank
at the west end considerably washed
Supervisor Grow, had a force of men, at
work Sunday who did good work in
helping the floating ice to pass on and
in repairing the approach.
S. J. Fair, of Rockville, has sold out
bisstore business to bis son-in-law W. M
Smelser and will give a public sale on
the 29,Inst of all his household goods.
Watch for sale bills. Mr Fair made us
a friendly call while in the city Tues
day and Informed us that he will move
to Kearney where he has property, and
will for a time at least take up his resi
dence there. He has long been a resi
dent of- Sherman county and we are
truely sorry to see him go.
Mr. John Niemann of near Ashtou
was a pleasant caller at this office last
Tuesday, lie informed us that be sold
40 acres of land and a few days ago the
Wilson Bros, sold their farm consisting
of a full section of land with two houses,
barns, and numerous out buildings for a
cash consideration of 113,000,00. The
two gentlemen who purchased each a
half section of this great farm, are from
Seward Nebraska. Only one of them
will come on this spring and Rufus
Wilson will remain and farm the other
half section, a large pwrtiou of it being
already seeded to winter wheat and rye.
Mr. Neimann says that this great sale
was brought about by advertising the
land in the St. Paul papers. Now who
will dare to say that printers ink is
not valuable?
Blind Boone has completed his arrange
ments aud billed Mila town for an even
ings entertainment which will be given
at Pilger's opera bouse on the evening
of Saturday, March 22. Mr. Boone has
been to this city twice before, and bai
played to a crowded bouse, giving great
satisfaction. He is a pianist of great
ability and can reproduce any piece of
muaicheever heard. The Omaha Bpc
says of him: “The Broadway M E.
church was crowded at the Blind Boone
concert last evening. The marvelous
skill of the gifted genius attracted
many who had beard him before as well
as hundreds of others. The program
was very Interesting and was admirably
rendered, aud the player responded to
several hearty encores.” Reserve scats
for sale at the opera house office. Ad
ipitsion 25 and 35 cts.
Watch our free local ail column It
will Interest you.
O. H. Seolt U very nick at present
with rheumatic anil kiilney trouble.
Frank Otlewski, smiled In oa us last
Tuesday aud left an order for printing
Wiiliatn Criss was among those whn
renewed his subscription to this paper
this week.
T. M. Reed sells feed grind
ers and they are good ones.
B. A. McDowell, of Washington town
sbip made us a friendly call while in
the city last Satuiday and helped to
swell our subserption fund.
T, L. Pllger has his new gasoline
plant for lighting his opera house in
first class working order and it is to
say the least a perfect success.
August Anderson, living in Logan
township brought a nice bunch of hogs
to the Loup City market last Tuesday.
He catne in and enrolled his name on
our subscription list.
The protracted meetings which have
been going on for nearly three weeks
past at the M. E. Church closed lait
Wednesday evening. Rev. Madely of
this place and Kev. Btifller of Shelton
have labored earnestly and as a result
many have accepted the faith and gone
A runaway was witnessed bv our citi
zens last week when the team of Mr.
Spabr catne up Main street. Mr. Spahr
had just unloaded a load of bay and was
weighing his wagon baek over the
scales at the B. and M. elevator when
the west bound freight came thunder
ing in and frightened them. They came
up Main street and circled around the
block in front of the Round Front barn
and striking the next street south rati
back to the rail road crossing and in
to the same train which was standing
on the crossing, where they came to a
dead stand and w as cougbt, No dam
age done except to the hay rack which
was badly shattered and broken up.
DRESS MAKING. I will do dress
making and sewing at my residence and
will guarantee good work at reasonable
prices. If you wish any work done in
this line call at residence in east part
of town. Mas. T. M. Reed
Mr. Anton Brawe of Ashton loaded his per
sonal property Into a ear and bid Sherman
county good bye last Thursday. He goes to
Cass county, Iowa.
Win. Murr of Grand Island, represeatlng
Wyeth Hardware Co. spent Friday night la
our City.
C. 8 Falrbuirn made a flying business trip
to Loup City Saturday over the Joe O'Bryan
Lew Houck of Loup City spent Saturday
and Sunday among his many friends here
Missea. Dott and Fay Fair left Monday
morning for Farwell. where thay go to visit
their sister Mrs. D. M. Hendrlokson.
Mr.C. S. Fairbairn boarded the ''foot Ball"
i not common ball,) Tuasday morning for
Taxas. where he goes to look after his landed
interests there. He expects to be gone for
some time.
Lon Zink of Loup City, shipped a oar of fat
porkers from this station Thursday afternoon.
One thing Rockville is soraly in naed of is a
resident stock buyer who will give the farm
ers a square deal What is the matter with
inviting Mr Zink to make this his headquart
ers permanently.
Emil Dwehus has severed his connections
with the firm of Nielson and Isaacson, We
are informed that he intends to move to
Boelus within the next fortnight and go into
the employ of tho Boelus State Bank. He has
'•Id his residence property to Mr. Ed Isaaeano,
who will move the house in the near future
onto the lots south of the store
Wm. Jaeschke, N. O Isaacson ar., Peter
Janssen and S, J Pair, paid Loup City, a busi
ness visit Tuesday afternoon.
There is soma agitation here for a good side
walk from the Woodmen Hall up Main street
to the school house. Our only comment is.
Tls a good thing. Pushjit along
The fumily of Mr. J. R. Richardson of
Bridgewater. Iowa, arrived Wednesday after
noon via. the wagoa route Mr. Richardson, is
going to make his home on the Tho#. Dillon
farm. We are glad to welcome him among us.
Harry Mcinturf Fred and Ernest Schmal
John bid Rockville farewell Thursday after
noon and left for Cheyenne, Wyoming, Mr.
Mcinturf informed us he intended to goon to
Soda Springs Idaho, in tie nearfuture.
The Rockville hotel Is to be re-opened within
a week by C. S. Wtnshell as land lord. It is
being thoroughly overhauled and put in first
class shape this week.
To the surprise of everybody it was announced
last week that S. J. Fair had sold his hardware
store and livery barn, Mr. W. M. Smelser
being the purchaser. Mr. Smelser took pos
session March 1st. and also succeeded Mr.
Fair as postmaster. His many friends in
this neighborhood will be glad to learn that
Mr. Smelser is going to remain with us but
are sorry to loose Mr. Fair after so many years
residence here. Mr. Fair and his family in
tend to move to Kearney about April first.
S. J Fair will bold a public aale ef house
hold goads in Rockville, March It). Now Is the
time to get what you want in this line.
The Masquerade ball given Friday night at
theWoodman hall was voted a success. Miss.
Carrie Johnson and Mr. Will Micktsh carried
off tt* prizes awarded to the best dancers,
Oscar Hansen and Isaao Sandberg of Ashton
was seen on our streets shaking hands with
their friends Saturday afternoon.
J. W. Long of Lonp City was in our town
Tuesday afternoon on business.
We understand that Mrs. W. M Smelser,
proposes to open a brand new stock of milli
nery within the next week and she informs
us, that her stock will be one of the nicest ever
shown in our town
V. No. Mb
EsIRA\ NO HOE.—Strayed fro in
mv place, eijjbt miles north of Loup
City, one dark red beifrr calf, abou'
ten weeks old. Was missed March 5tb
W hen Hst seen was Roinj; south.
Finder will leave word at this office or
address Andrew Widstkand,
Loup City, Neb
W| Hum Bs I'lf, of vfestorvili**, Cm* -
er county, but one** h resident i f this
pi ice and one of Hu- b"it known of our
old time let tier*, died at bis home, tlir>«
in il*‘s won of Westerville on Wednes
day of l ist week, March 5ih, 15102, tin
result of a fatal accident by failing
white jotting down from a load of hay.
Mr. Baillie was tlie brother of Mrs
T S. Nightingale and A. L. Baillie of
thU place, and J. I,. Baillie of Ftimon
and of Mrs. Jas. Qouley of Custei
county and also lias a sister, Mrs. Frank
West, living at Boston, Mass. He was
also an unale of Mrs. W. J Fisher and
Mrs. Geo E. Bensahoter, of Loup Oitt
All his reltives from bete attended thi
funeral which took place in the larg<
church, at Westerville, at 3:30 p. in.
Thursday, March 0th.
Mr. Baillie was enjoying his usual
good bealtti right up to the Grab of the
accident, lie had been helping bis son
Raymond hull hay t II day and they had
just hauled iu the last load for the day
when, iu getting down off the load
Ills foot eaugh in the rack and loosing
his hand hoi i at the same time Ml
violently to the ground. He st/uck
on the back of the head. Although
somewhat stunned at first he was soon
able to get up and walk to the house,
la a little While he was feeling much
better and ate some supper. After
supper h • sat in his chair and reed the
newspaper, but as the evening wore on
his bead began to pain him and lie toll)
his wife that he was going to hed.
He had scarcely made a move to do so
when the pain suddenly increased, and
straightening out in his chair, exclaim*
ed “Oh my head," and called for water
Mrs Baillie went to his aid but he be
came uneonsious and never spoke again.
Medical aid was summoned as quickly
as possible, but all efforts to save him
failed and he died Wednesday morning
at 2 o'clock, living over 43 hours after
loosing conciou'ncs-.
Mr. Baillie was nearly 55 years of
age at time of death Ho was born in
Scotland and moved to Canada with
his parents when about 16 years old.
In 1366 he came with his parents to
Michigan and in 18CS they moved to
Illinois. He came 10 Nebraska in 1370
and settled in Cass county, and in 1S75
came to Sherman county where he resid
ed for several years. He conducted a
store and was post master at Loup City
for a number of years and w as married
here to Miss Sadie Leflleron December
21, 1330. He has for many years past
been a resident of Custer county,
and served the town of Westerville as
post master under b >th the Harrison
and Clevelaud administration. He has
of late years been in the drug business
and was post master at Burwyn. Neb.
but had, a short time before his death
disposed of his interests there and
bad turned his attention w holly to farm
He was a man without enemies and
unimpeachable honor, and will be
greatly missed by all who know him
and who mingle their sorrow with that
of the bereaved family and relatives.
Mr Baillie was a loving husband and
father and was affectionate to all his rel
Rev. W. K Xlathews of Westerville
preached the funeral sermon and the
Masonic order, in the present of more
than two hundred people performed
the last sad rite at the cemetery.
He leaves a wife and two sons to
On the eve of tne 18th. of March the
Modern Woodmen of Loup City Camp,
will held a meeting for general discus
sion at their hall on the advantages and
disadvantages of the readjustment plan
as is now being proposed for adoption
by their order. G. H. Gibson of the
home camp will address the meeting,
after which a general discussion is in
Vlted. All Woodmen are cordially in
vited to attend and take part, and all
who are Interested in the subject will
be welcome. The meeting will be
public. v-o
P. T. Rowe, in
Reader—You will convey a lasting
favor and receive a reward, if you will
report the name of dealers trying to sell
you a substitute for the Madison Medi
cine Co's Rocky Mountain Tea.
OJendabl Bros.
Constipation means dullness, depres
sion, headache, generally disordered
health. DeWItt's Little Early Risers
stimulate the liver, open the bowels and
relieve this condition. Safe, speedy and
thorough. They never gripe. Favorite
pills. For sale by Odeniahl Bros.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
men ace rs to health of the present day.
_soyai muwo eowpE* co.. wtw vosk.__
*'I hate lately been much troubled
with dyspepsia, belching and «n»r atom
ach." writes M S. M»ad. leading phar
macist of Attleboro M***. ’I could eat
hardly anything withoutsuffering sever
al hours Mv clerk suggested I try Kod
ol Dyspepsia Cure which I did with
most o tpp\ results, i have h oi no more
trouble and when cue can go to eating
mince pi-, cheese, c tndy and nuts after
such a time, their digestion must be
pretty good I endorse Kodol Dyspepsia
cure heartily. You don’t have to diet.
Eat all the good food you want but don’t
overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests your food For sale by
Odendah! Bros.
Hie was sittine up with a sick man
Xo professional nurse was she
Simply sitting up with her love-sick lov'r
Giveihg him Kockv Mountain Tea
For sale by Odendahl Bros.
Go to Frank Dennis when
you want the very best grade
of flour.
The public is Hereby warned not to
let stock run at large on my pietnises;
More particularly described as a part
of Section 12, T. 15 H. lf> and between
the B. and M and U. P. R R. tracks
nor’li west of Coup City.
Caui. Andkoson
We are now sending of!' quite a num
ber of subscriptions to the Iowa Home
stead and the Twentieth Century
Farmer. Anyone ordering the same
through us and do not receive it in
due time will please report to this office
and «e will find out if possible where
the difficulty is.
We have just received a large assort
ment of visiting cards, invitation cards
programmes, and cards of merrit. It is
the liuest lot that ever came to this
city. We have a due assortment of en
velopes to match all sizes of cards. The
order hIso includes a eh< ice line of sta
tionery. No poor goods, ali best qual
ity. and having bought in a large quan
tity we can make you prices that are a
way down. Don’ to sec our calling
cards in all sizes, they will be sold very,
very, very, cheap Quality best in the
CHABAC l Eu aud good reputation in each
state (one in this county required) to rep
resent and advertise old established weal
thy business house of solid financial stand
ing. Salary $18.00 weekly with expenses
additional, all payable in cash each Wed
nesday direct from bead offices. Horse and
carriage furnished when necessary. Refer
ences, Enclose self addressed stamped en
velope. Manager, 316 Caxton Building,
Chicago. sepl 1 C6w
“My little boy took the croup one
night and soon grew so bad you could
hear him breathe all over the house,
“says F. D. Reynolds, Mansfield, O. “We
feared he would die. but a few doses of
One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved
him and he went to sleep. That's the last
we heard of the croup. Now isn't a cough
cure ’.ike that, valuableOne Minute
Cough Cure is absolutely safe and act
immediately. For coughs.colds, croup,
grip, bronchitis and all other throat and
lung troubles it is a certain cure. Very
pleasant to take The little ones like it.
For sale by Odcudah! Bros.
1 .amts For Sal* hy Fisher X Rensclioter
Loup City, Nebraska
Good half section of well Improved land for
^ale. House CO x 24. horse barn 24x24, cow barn
24 x 24. 2000 foTest trees, 100 fruit tree, 2 chick
en houses, wood house, two 20 foot wells,
granary. All under fence, 00 acres five wire
pasture. 2nO acres under cultivation. Good
Section grazing land for sale within two
miles of Loup City.
One half section grazing land ten miles from
Loup City.
One half section of grazing and farm land
Nicely situated and well improved. Four
miles from county seat, Loup City.
A large number of 100 acre tracts and a few
80 acre tracts. All of these lands are free
from sand and well located and can be bought
at a bargain.
Eggs! Eggs! Eggs!
I am now ready to fill your or
der from choice 9toek.
Rose Comb Brown Leghorn, 16
eggs, $1.00, or 14.00 for 100.
I’atridge Cochins, 15 eggs $1.00
Cornish Indian Game, 15 eggs, for
$1 50.
White Holland Turkey eggs 0 for
l 50.
If you want a good
food foryourchild
ren, try Wheatose.
It is easily and
quickly prepared,
and very healthful.
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit.
All reliable grocers
have it.
California Breakfast Food
> Alfred Peats & Co.’s
These famous patterns are handsomer
and better made than those of any
mother manufacturer. They consist of all
I grades from the most inexpensive Kitchen
and Bed Room papers to the choicest Halls,
Dining Rooms and Parlors, representing a
stock of over 3,000,000 rolls.
Don't buy old shop worn goods when
on any one of our 600 patterns manufactur
ed expressly for the spring of 1002.
Loin* City, Nebraska
HAY apd GFAJN. best op
the market. I keep constantly on hand a large quantity
and variety of everything usually kept in a first class Flour
and Feed store. My flour is of the best brands and warranted
to give satisfaction. Bailed hay ready for delivery. All
goods promptly delivered. Call and see me whether you need
anything or not. All my customers will receive fair treatment
and prompt and courteous attention. Store one door east of
St Elmo Hotel. FRANK DENNIS,
Every day during tbe mouths of March and April, 1902,
tbe UNION PACIFIC will sell Colonist Excursion
tickets at tbe following one way rates:
To Butte, Anaconda and Helena $20 00
To Spokane. 22 50
To points on Great Northern Ry.
Spokane to Wenatchee, inc.
via Huntington and Spokane. 22 50
To points on Great Northern Ry.
westof Wenatchee via Hunt
ington aud Spokane local over
Winatchee, not to exceed. 25 00
To Portland. Tacoma and Seattle 25 00
Ashland. Ore. , and Intermediate
Points, including branch lines
on S. P, Co. south of Portland,
via Portland. 25 00
Corresponding low rates from intermediate points on
HT-Write for rates to points not given above.
J. H Clifton, Agent.
For ninny yeirt we haveaoM our Whisk ies and Cifrare to Wholesaler onh
and our brands are preferred by them, as they are superior to all other*. Ir
order to rive the Consumer the benefit of the larpe profits of Dealer an»
Middleman, w» have dot ided to now eell direct to the Consumer our loai
"" .'ll IS? Ah an wholesale prices
" 'Ah everv quart bottle • f our f imuis 10 year eld Queen ( lul lub PureRvf
'nd one box of our justly celebrated genuine ('ohan lland> Made lOe rloai
Havana Cuban Special'..\ve will ’•< * ARSOLf TKI.Y FIEBoneof the hand
■ open fare extra hoarv n'ckol Oant i Watches nude, mo ladrsi stem
ffiitioiema wnnnve ti ineu w now wii yiren lo Conn
IVpular Hraeda of Whisk'ps and Clears at less thnn wh
14 BtfturiruL prizes free »4r
‘* in«l and set. genuine American movement and eaae. tost timekeeper on
■ »rth. does not tarnish and will last a lifetime 1 extra fine Vienna Meer
ic haunt Fine, l genuine Mrrr«« haunt Ciyar Holder. 1 penuine Meerschaum
i?arctt« Holder. I pretty leather Tobacco pouch, 1 elefant extra heavy
• u t ,rnatrh Ujx- 1 F*ir re^rl cuff button*. I hall top collar button 1 nock
m holder. 1 pair sleeve buttons 1 double chain and one beautiful charm
U Jewelry heavily 14k fold Ida**1. All these 14 riecet with one box of our
a irious Cuban Specials and ono quart bottle of our famous 10 year old Queen
^ity Club Pure Rye cannot^1®.*for je«s than jil? no. We sell the
Vhiskey and Clears inQWLY $3 »97 ° ° "ith PfWilefeof ex
1 udlne the 14 p rites for VIIU ■ 0a#s\7 V amination, while Whiskey
ind Cifrars alone cost more than we ask for the entire l»t Our WhUkey
n tbsolntely Pure 10 year old Rye and our (Ifira penult** Cabau hand
nadr.elear Havana, made in <nir own factory. These clears are far letter
ban anythin* ever advertised before W* Guarantee the roods and refund
Uteaonry iraot
•a rtprfifBiwl.
wholesale “ *
V. 8.
CnCr I An Fatra Premium of an eleeantPocketkMtfa with
* plreecutt«r,lf$3 97 iaeectinad»anrottith order i,node HOI in plain package iv„t, f,w
>!• Irlco Lute of Liquor! and Clean ajenu wanted Order lo-dav k r *® f<*
IHSTILLEK’S lUSIKIulxiJiO co.-otpt. O, 431 North Clark St!, Chicago, IU.
iwu luniies.
a ti'i» 1 ow , * vi|a(
Oooda aent in plain package,
wanted Order to-day
Write tec