The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 28, 1902, Image 4

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    Lvoaal Dews.
The snow is gone.
It rained here Sunday
T. M. Reed can make you a first class
well, call on him if you want one.
Hellen, the little child of Mr. and
Mrs.W.J. Fisher is very sick with
The little baby boy of Mr. and Mrs.
J W. L >ng has been quite sick but is
reported better now.
H. A. Jung and Carl Anderson
have enrolled their uames on out
subscription list this week.
The Thomas Porter sale came off
Wednesday and it is reported that there
was a good crowd and that ever} thing
gold well.
Protracted meetings are on at the M
K Church this week, with Rev. M H
Stiilter, of Sbeltou occupying th«
Scarlet fever has again broke out in
the family of Lou McGrath. " e learn
that there are two more cases there, but
in a very mild form.
W. R Storrs, the collection agent for
the McCormick harvesting Machine Co.
of DesMoincs. Iowa made this office a
pleasant call Wednesday morning.
Found a plate book. Owner can
have same by paying the sum of J-’)
cents for this notice.
G. M. Zikoleh, Loup City. Neb.
Fred Scbadt was in town last Tues
day. He says be is well pleased with
his large auction sale, which came off
a short time ago He sold over $3,000.00
worth of property.
G. M. Kerns will hold his auction
stock sale on his farm south of Sehaupp
Siding, on Friday, March 7tb, He has
a fine line of stock and farming im
plements to sell.
The insurance adjuster was here last
Saturday and measured the battered
down door to the brick store building
caused by the recent lire. The company
will repair all the damage.
Thos. Inks has sold the old building
north of the First Bank to W. S. Peter
son who is now tearing it down and
will use the material to build a barn
on his farm eight miles north east of
Loup City.
Reader—You will convey a lasting
favor and receive a reward, if you will
report the name of dealers trying to sell
you a substitute for the Madison Medi
cine Co’s Rocky Mountain Tea.
Odendahl Bros.
Mrs. uaraner or u#k urers was a
pleasant caller last Wednesday and
renewed her subscription to this paper
tor another year. Mrs. Gardner says
that she has been suffering this winter
with rhumatism.
A postal card announcing a new ar
rival at the home of Claus riambeck,
near Ashton was received last week but
some how In the rush of business got
mislaid. It staled that it was the
seventh boy in the family and helped
to complete the baker's dozen.
The Ladies of the G. A. R. held very
appropriate exercises at their hall in
this city last Saturday afternoon and
evening in boner of Washington's birth
day. The select music arranged by
Mrs. Ilolcomb was excellent and the
short address by Judge Wall was beauti
ful and touching.
The writer remembers when, some
twenty years ago, it was necessary to
send out Invitations and advertise a
social gathering or dance for twenty
miles around to draw a crowd of 50
people, and then to, that crowd seemed
to be as large as a crowd of 200, which
can now be gathered on short notice in
this immediate vicinity.
Monday, March 3rd is the date iixed
for the great stock sale which will take
place*at the Wilson farm on Oak Creek,
one and one fourth mile from Ashton.
£. F. Wilson has sold his interest in
the farm to his brother R. A. and will
on the above date offer for sale all his
stock and personal effects 61 bead of
cattle, 0 bead of horses, some thorough
bred bogs, 100 chickens, farming imple
ments and 75 tons of choice prairie hay
are on the list.
Io another column of this issue will be
found the poultry ad of Mis. A. II
Hansel, who is now ready to dll your
orders for choice eggs for breeding pur
poses. Mrs. Hansel has made a tine suc
cess of the poultry business and has
taken a great deal of pains to get the
best and finest stock on the market Last
year sne raised over seven hundred
chickens from the use of two incuba
tors. She has just bought another late
improved Incubator and will have three
iu operation this year She already
has the two running and expects the
first batch about the first days in March.
Makhikd.— Herman A. Jung and
Miss. Bessie Roe, both of this city,
were united in marriage last Friday
evening at the home of the brides pa
rents, Rev. Madely officiating. Botli
contracting parties are among our best
citizens. They are industrious and sav
ing. Miss. Bessie was one of the grad
uatiug class of tbe«Loup City high
school. They will go to houso keeping
on the farm of A. M. Bennett east of
Loup City, where Mr. Jung will en
gage iri the occupation of farming.
They start out in life with the best
wishes of all who know them.
Albert Snyder *'»n in Loup City hst
Wednesday and made this oltice a
pb-asant call.
Will Mason returned lan Wednesday
evening from a three weeks visit to
Indiana and Kentucky.
I will sell or rent my house In Loup
City. It has six room with two full
lot and barn. Ca 11 on First Bark
of Loup City.
John Shrove has sale bills out adver
tising an auction sale to take place
on bis farm three and one half miles
south west of Loup City. Mr. Shrove
bas a nice lot of personal property to
offer for sale lie will give a free
lunch at noon and the sale will com
mence immediately there after.
G. H. Scott was in to see u« last Tues
day. He has Leen feeling poorly this win
ter and is going to try the *lectric but
tery treatment and visited Dr. Kearns
for the purpose of securing the use of
bis instrument. Mr. Kearns has one of
the finest batteries in this country.
Cbas. Schoening, who has been spend
ing the wintei months in Grand Junct
ion, Colorado returned home last
Thursday. He will stay and work his
father's farm the coming season.
Charley likes the west pretty well and
will doubtless make another trip in the
W.U. Conger will have an auction
sale in Loup City on Saturday, March
8tb, at which time be will offer forsaie a
fine lot of machinery as good as new.
There will be on the list some cattle,
horses, harness, a wagon, saddle, and
other things too numerous to mention.
See sale bills.
Cbas. Dietz, Jr. was brought before
bis honor, Judge Angier last Monday,
on a charge of assault, the • complaint
being made by Jas. Sorensen. It appears
that the two met ou the road near
Round Grove, on Cobb Creek, when
a fight ensued. The case was continued
to March 17th.
H. Erazin, a gentleman from Gibbon
Nebr., purchased the St. Elmo hotel
and will ta\e possession of the same
as soon as the papets can be properly
signed up. Mr. Erazin comes to us
highly recommended as a hotel man and
we welcome him to our city. We have
not yet learned what business Mr. Hotcb
klus, the present proprietor will en
gage in, but wish to state that he bas
made a very good and accommodating
Thos. Dillon passed through town
Wednesday with several loads of house
hold furniture, farm implements, and a
bunch of cattle and aolts, on bis way to
the new farm which he purchased of
Thos. Rose on Cole Creek, Washington
township. Mr. Dillon has purchased a
full section of land and has built quite
an extensive addition to the farm resi
dence. He is now taking his final leave
of the old farm near Austin which be
sold last fall.
I. E. Foster, Erney Rentfrow, R. D.
Hendrickson and Q H. Gibson, went to
Sargent last Saturday to attend the fun
eral of Mrs. F. B. Jeffers of that place.
The funeral was under the auspices of
the Rebecca drgree of Odd Fellows, as
sisted by the subordinate lodge. The
boys report it one of the 6adest they
ever witnessed. Mr. Jeffers being left
with eight children, three of whom are
less than two years old, two of them
being a lovely pair of little twin girls.
W. H. Williams of Sargent, and once
a member of the firm of Wall and
Williams of this city, came down on the
Wednesday morning train and will
spend a few days here visiting friends.
We understand that Mr. Williams has
concluded to leave Sargent on accouut
of poor health of both himself and wife
and will, in a few days, go to finds
suitable home on the coast. They have
been having considerable sickness
during the past winter. Mrs. William*
is now quite poorly and is barely abU
to be around after an illness of severs!
weeks. The Nokthwkstekn join tbeii
many friends here in wishing them sue
cess in finding a pleasant location and
sincerely hope that their health may
be greatly benefited by a change of
climate should they decide to go.
It was our pleasure to attend a social
gathering last Tuesday night, given at
Society hall by the ladies of the Royal
Neighbors in honor of one of iheii
members, Mrs. G. II. Gibson. A pro
gram was arranged which was conduct
ed in a successful and pleasing manner.
It was in the nature of a surprise and
after ihe lodge had hurriedly finished
the work for the evening the floor was
cleared, and danciDg and gHmen were
at once in order. For an hour the
music and games went mcrily on, when
the Urge crowd wasrapped to order and
a few able remarks were presented
bv Judge Wall upon the benefits of fra
ternal audbemficlul societies. This was
followed by the presentation to Mrs,
Gibson of a beautiful gold ring as a
token of affection from her sister mem
bers. Mr. Gibson acknowledged, in
a few well chosen words the deep ap
preciation felt by hhnsclf and wife f( j
the manifestations accorded them.
There were about two hundred people
present. A lap supper was served
about 10 o'clock aUer which dancing
and games were indulged in and much
enjoyed, until the violinists struck the
chord of ‘‘Home, Sweet Home,” shortly
after midnight.
| with stale eggs, glue
i and other things arc
not fit to drink.
Lion Coffee
is pure, uncoated
coffee fresh, strong,
we'l flavored.
Thettealod packnro In
sures uniform quality
tUiti fr«x»bacth».
Voltaire as a Play It rlter.
A French Journal recalls the story of
Voltaire, who, under a fictitious name,
offered to the Comedie Francaise a
play entitled "La Droit du Seigneur.”
It was promptly rejected as badly writ
ten and poor In rhyme, but when he
offered the same manuscript a second
time under the title "L’Ecuell du Sage”
and signed with his own name it was
accepted with enthusiasm and univer
sally declared admirable.
Eggs! Eggs! Eggs!
I am now ready to fill your or
der from choice stock.
Rose Comb Brown Leghorn, 15
eggs, #1.00, or $4.00 for 100.
Patridge Cochins, 15 eggs #1.00
Cornish Indian Game, 15 eggs, for
White Holland Turkey eggs 9 for
The public is hereby warned not to
let stock run at large on my piemlses;
More particularly described as a part
of Section 12, T. 15 H. 15 and between
the B. and M. and U. P. K R. tracks,
north west of Loup City.
Caul Andeoson.
We are now sending off' quite a num
ber of subscriptions to the Iowa Home
stead and the Twentieth Century
Farmer. Anyone ordering the same
through us and do not receive it in
due time will please report to this office
and we will find out If possible where
the difficulty is.
£he was sitting up with a sick man.
Xo professional nurse was she
Simply sitting up with her love sick lov'r
Giveibg him Kooky Mountain Tea.
For sale by Odendabl Bros.
I.anils For Sale by Fisher & Benschoter
Loup City, Nebraska
Good half section of well Improved land for
sale. House 20 x it, horse barn -1x24, caw burn
24 x 24, 2000 forest trees, 100 fruit tree. 2 chick
en houses, wood house, two 20 foot wetls,
granary. All under fence. 80 acres five wire
pasture. 2S0 acres under cultivation. Good
bargai n
Section grazing land for sale within two
miles of Loup City.
One half section grating land ten miles from
Loup City.
One half section of grazing and farm land
Nicely situated and well improved. Four
miles from county seat, Loup City.
A large number of !80 acre tracts and a few
80 acre tracts. All of these lands are free
from sand and well located and can be bought
at a bargain.
Go to Frank Dennis when
you want the very best grade
of flour.
Constipation means dullness, depres
sion, headache, generally disordered
health, DeWitt's Little Early Risers
stimulate the liver, open the bowels and
relieve this condition. Safe, speedy and
thorough. They never gripe. Favorite
pills. For sale by OdenJahl Bros.
“1 have lately been much troubled
with dyspepsia, belching and sourstom
acb.” writes M. S. Mead, leading phar
macist of Attleboro Mass. "I oould ear
hardly anything without suffering sever
al hours. My clerk suggested 1 try Kod
ol Dyspepsia Cure which I did with
most happy results. I have had no more
trouble and when one can go to eating
mince pie, cheese, candy and nuts after
such a time, their digestion must be
pretty good I endorse Kodol Dysnepsia
cure heartily . You don’t have to diet.
Eat all the good food you want but don’t
overload the stomach. Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure digests your food For sale by
Odendabl Bros.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
_hotsl dawjwo sowom co., yo»k.
Frank I.orchli k has rented the Fish
er on Oak Offck and w 11
move out there neat week.
Ki rens l.skenntn h*« rented a farm
on Bloody linn and will move ibis
wet k
Win. Shull, of Washiiuton township
as t.ei’ii tnsrkeiii g considerable ball'd
hay ihls w» ek.
J. M. Snider, of Vlrdurette was ir
• *n la.-t Tuesday. Mr. Snyder It
iw in Ids usual good health and
emed to have quite recovered from
Is poor spell In January.
Asleep on a Church Sp!r*,
A Pittsburg man fell asleep In a
rhair suspended on a church spire 120
feet above the walk, and was not
awakened until a fellow workman had
climbed up and tied him Into hla
chair to keep him from falling, and he
had then been lowered to the ground.
There the boss discharged the man for
sleeping at his post.
J. S. Pettier called at the Times
office Friday and paid for three
yearly subscriptions. One for himself
and one each for his father and broth
er who live in Ontario, Canada.—
Times Independent.
Wo did not know that, Mr. I’edler
had such a grqdge agaiust his rela
tives as to feed them on such rank
populist doctrine.
We have just received a large assort
ment of visiting cards, invitation cards
programmes, and cards of merrit. It is
the floest lot Ihm ever came to this
city. We have » line assortment of en
velopes to match all sizes of cards. The
order also includes a < b< ice line of sia
lionery. Xo poor goods, ali best qual
ity, and having bought In a largp quan
tity we can make you prices that are a
way down. Don't fail to sec our calling
cards in all sizes, they will be sold very,
verr, very, cheap. Qualify best in the
All our farmor readers should take ad
vantage of the unprecedented clubbing
offer we this j’ear make, whtcb Includes
with this paper The Iowa Homestead, its
special Farmers’ Institute Editions and
The Poultry Farmer. These three publi
cations are the best of their class and
should be in every farm home. To them
we add, tor local, county and general news
our own paper, and irnke the price of the
tour one year only $1.40, sever betore was
so much superior reading matter offered for
so small an amount of money. The three
papers named, which we club with our
own, are well known throughout the West
and commend themselves to the reader’s
favorable attention upon mere mention.
The Homestead is the great agricultural
and live stock paper of the West: The
Poultry Farmer is the most practical poult
ry paper for the farmer, while The special
Farmers’ instl tule Editions are the most
practical publications for the promotion of
good farming ever published. Take ad
vantage of this great offer, as it will hold
good tor a short lime only. Samples of
these papers may be examined by calling
at tbisotHoe.
CHAkaCTEk and good reputation in each
state (one in this county required) to rep
resent and advertise old established weal
thy business house of solid financial Btand
ing. Salary tin 00 weekly with expenses
additional, all payable in cash each Wed
nesday direct from head offices. Horse and
carriage furnished when necessary. Refer
ences, Enclose self addressed stamped en
velope. Manager, H16 Caxton Building,
Chicago. sepliatiw
Reliable man for Manager of a
Branch Office we wish to open in
this vicinitt. Here is a good open
ing for the right inan. Kindly give
good reference when writing.
.Ian. IT to Feb. 21. ^
"My little boy took the croup one
night and soon grew so bad you could
hear him breathe all over the house,
“says F. D. Reynolds, Mansfield.O. “We
feared he would die, but a few doses of
One Minute Cough Cure quickly relieved
him and he went to sleep. That’s the last
we heard of the croup. Now isn't a cough
cure like that, valuable?’’ One Minute
Cough Cure is absolutely safe and act
Immediately. For coughs,colds, croup,
grip, bronchitis and all other throat and
lung troubles it is a certain cure. Very
pleasant to take The little ones like it.
For sale by Odendahl I5ros.
If you want a good
food for your child
ren, try Wheatose.
It is easily and
quickly prepared,
and very healthful.
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit.
All reliable grocers
have it.
California Breakfast Food
flllred Peats & Gs/s
These famous patterns are handsomer
and better made than those of any
Other manufacturer. They consist of all
grades from the most inexpensive Kitchen
and Bed Room papers to the choicest Halls,
Dining Rooms and Parlors, representing a
stock of over 3,000,000 rolls.
Don’t buy old shop worn goods when
on any one of our 600 patterns manufactur
ed expressly for the spring of 1902.
a. m. non bins, nun n non bins,
the market. I keep constantly on hand a large quantity
and variety of everything usually kept in a first class Flour
and Feed store. My flour is of the best brands and warranted
to give satisfaction. Bailed hay ready lor delivery. All
goods promptly delivered. Call and see me whether you need
anything or not. All my customers will receive fair treatment
and prompt and courteous attention. Store one door east of
St Elmo Hotel. FRANK DENNIS,
Every day during the mouths of March and April, iU02,
the UNION PACIFIC will sell Colonist Excursion
tickets at the following one way rates:
To Butte, Anaconda and Helena $20 no
To Spokane. 22 50
To paints on Great Northern By.
Spokane to Wenatchee, inc.
via Huntington and Spokane. 2*2 50
To points on Great Northern Ky.
west of Wenatchee via Hunt
ington and Spokane local over
Winatchee, not to exceed. 25 00
To Portland. Tacoma and Seattle 25 00
Ashland. Ore., and Intermediate
Points, including bra! ch lines
on 8. P. Co. south of Portland,
via Portland. 25 00
Corresponding low rates from intermediate points on
t£r"Write for rates to points not Riven above.
J. II Clifton, Agent.
For many yeir* wo have fold onr Whiskies and Cigars to Wholesalers only
and our Lrandr are preferred by them, as they are superior to all others. In
order to give the Consumer the benefit of the large profits rf Dealer anl
Middleman we have rieeirWl to now selldirart to thef-onsumer our Moat
Popular Brands of Whiskies :*nd Cigar* at less than wholesale rrlces
" Ith every quart bottle «.f r*ur famous 1® year eld Queen (ftyf lab PsrrRp
and one box of our just'y celebrated geautae Cuban Hand-Made 10c clear
Havana Cuban Special*, wo will give ARSOI.l TILLY FKL'R one of the hand
•*' meat open faco extr i heiv * nickel Gent * Watches made (no ladyst stem
wind and set. genuine American movement and case, best timekee] cr on
« irth, does not tnrnish and \vf!‘ Inst a lifetime. 1 extra line Vienna Meer
schaum Pipe. 1 genuine Mee-seh-tutn Cigar Holder, 1 genuine Meerschaum
Cigarette Holder 1 f irttv k-«t! cr Tobacco pouch. 1 elegant extra heavy
nickel mat h box, 1 pair pearl cuff buttons. 1 ball top collar button. 1 neck
tie holder. 1 pair sleevo hu'lons 1 double chain and one benutiful ohuim
\ll jewelry heavily 14k gold rleted. All those 14 pieces with one box of our
f imous Cuban Specials and one quart bottler>f our famous 10 year eld Queen
City Club Pure Rye cannot *>o bought for less than $12 00 We sell the
Whiskey and Cigars In-All V fcO Q'f C.O.!) with privilege of ex
■ hiding the 14 f> i UlvLI )Oivl amlnation. while Whiskey
and Cigars alone cost more than we ask for the entire lot Our Whiskey Is
an Absolutely I hi re 10 year old Bye and our Cigars gevulee Cuban hand
made, clear Havana, D<ade In our own factory These cigar* are far better
1' ian nnylhing ever ad ,ertlsed before We Guarantee the roods and nftmriL
uc money ii not Clirr V An Extrs Premium of nn H»ir«iit Pocket kMfa with two Mules. 1 c« rk*»i »*nv, 1 Mg*r cutter and I
l^prc-cntM. ■ Blkb ■ glass cutter, If $3 97 is sent In advance with order Onods sent in plain package. Write for
wholesale i’rlco Lists of Liquors end Ciders Responsible agents wanted Order to-day.
U. H. lilSTiLLUtt'S DldTfUUUTlNO CUr-Dipt. O., 131 Worth Clark 8t., Chicago, IlL