The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 14, 1902, Image 8
tmt+* Here's the Ice Automobile k A.AAA^AA A AA AAAAAAAAAA.AA ( which is from a photograph taken for the London Illustrated Mail. The motor-sled runs on three broad runners, which have sharp shoes, two of these ruuners are at the hack of the machine and one in front, the front one being movable, is used in steering. The motive power is steam generated by gasoline, and the power is transmitted to a large cylinder which is shod with flat steel plates, with a whistle, and as it slides crver the snow it is an object of never-end ing wonder to the Russian peasants. Cbarnoek is now building a larger machine. I.ord Salisbury’* Wit. Same of the late laird Randolph Churchill's friends once tried to have Lord Salisbury reinstate his erratic lieutenant Salisbury listened to them jftfE MSTOR SIXIfJH. - While all the rest of the world is ex perimenting with automobiles, snow clad and ice-bound Russia has had to look on in idleness, but now comes M. Clement J. Charnoek of Sereda, Rus sia, with an automobile sleigh, auto sleigh or motor-sled, or indeed any thing you would like to call it. The Inventor already has an experimental machine which has given entirely sat isfactory results. This machine is shown in the iticture printed above. having sharp edges bent clown, so that as the plate rests flat upon the snow Its sharpened edge grips the snow or lee surface, taking up just enough of the sled's weight to keep the plate from slipping. The picture does not show the dri ver's seat, which is immediately in front of the big cylinder, and from which he manipulates his engine and also steers with the tiller, which is shown. The little vehicle is fitted patiently and then asked: "Have anj of you ever had a carbuncle on th» back of your neck?” “No,” was tli* reply. “Well, I have,” retorted hit lordship, “and I don't want another." Till* Ought to (Set Monotonous. Mr. Henry Blount, son of Sir Ed wrard Blount, recently took his thou sandth trip across the British Channel He is a director of the French Ouesl railroad. yw^wwvsA/vvwvwwww^wvwv/vwwwwv^ wwwvwwy New American Singer rtri£llUiAIll)lJVUVELT_ Mme. Lillian Blauvelt is an Ameri can woman who has won rare honors in Europe. She is a singer and has, by command, sung before the Czar of Russia, King Edward and Emperor William. An even greater honor, however, was the conferring of a medal upon her by La Regia Academia di Santa Cecilia, in Rome. This is a much sought-after honor, which is neverthe less seldom conferred. It was given Mme. Blauvelt for her perfect art. At present the distinguished artist is in New York. Her especial forte is singing in cantatas and sacred music. A Des«*rte<! Street In Pari*. A queer discovery has been made in Paris in the shape of a street unin habited and ignored by all. In the filrafTea In Plenty. It seems likely that the zoological gardens of the world will not suffer in future from a scarcity of giraffes, ns they have in the past. GlrufTes of the North African species are now being shipped to various ‘zoos." The open ing up of Kordofan has discovered a good supply of giraffes, and as big game is to a certain extent preserved In this part of Africa it will be possi ble to export such specimens, from time to time, as may be required for legitimate scientific purposes. I-onff-nintance Mall ltou'a. The speediest long-distance delivery of mail ever accomplished in the world was that of the consignment which left Sydney. Australia, Oct. 15, for Lou don England, by the American route. A distance of 15.2C5 miles was covered in thirty-one days, a sa'ing of four days over the Suez Canal route. course of the work in progress for wi dening the Rue Vaneau, this roadway —which it would be incorrect to des cribe as a thoroughfare, considering that the ends were blocked up—was discovered. It had neither paving wide, and an old inscription showed stones nor pavement, was two meters that it was formerly called Rue d'Oli vet. It would be useless to seek the name in a directory, for it is certain that until a few days ago no one knew of the existence of the Rue d’Olivet. I.onjf Telephone 1-lnefl. The use of the Pupin method of loading long telephone lines with in ductance coils, at suitable intervals, seems to have made possible the com mercial telephone across the con tinent. Sewing Machines as boot. Above all things Tommy Atkins heart loves a sewing machine. Al though he must know that he car. never succeed in getting it home tc England, yet if he finds one in a Boei farm he will tow it along with him overburdened as he already is, upon the march. For miles he will martyr his exist ence with some obsolete and cumbrous machine until such time as sheer phys ical exhaustion or an irate company officer prohibits further painful pos session of the prize. Wherein the exact fascination lies is a mystery, but grizzled reservist and callow recruit alike cannot resist this housewife's help.—London Daily Mail Three Million L,lve at Kea. It Is said that no lees than 3.000.00C persons live habitually on the high seas—that is, on the decks of ocean going ships. Last year more than one-sixth of this great number of men, or 550,000 persons, came into the single port ol New York, and several philanthropic people are actively endeavoring to im prove the condition of the sailor when he goes ashore and meets all the temptations which await him on the sea borders of our great cities. It is a benevolent work which should make strong appeal to the gen erous instincts of Atoericans. Product ot Acre of Land. In Russia the average acre of land because of had cultivation, produced but one-fifth the amount produced bj an acre in America. This is the offi cial statement of her minister o! finance. Yucatan Timber. The Yucatan mahogany and logwooc forests are to be exploited by a com pany which will build 275 miles o.' railway. Indultrlal School for Negroes. An industrial and agricultural school for colored youths of Maryland wai opened last month near Laurel in tha' state. Since the middle of November Iasi Paris has a Russian high school at which most of the university branches are taught, some of them by eminent Russian fugitives or resident*. Unknown Parts of the World wwmmj IBlaek spots show unexplored portions ] NEBRASKA BUILDING LOANS. Secretary of State Banking Board Re ports Improved Conditions. LINCOLN. Neb.. Pel). 10.—Seretary Koyse of the State Hanking board to day began the distribution of the ninth annual report of the building and loan associations of Nebraska. The fig ures and recommendations are prac tically as rorecasted several months ago. A summary shows that while the number of associations in exist ence has decreased gradually since 1892, the number of shares in force and the total assets have increased to a marked extent. In 1892 there were seventy-one assoeiations, with 45,012 shares in force and assets amounting to $2,902,557.67. In 1901 there were fifty-nine associations, with 119.985 shares in force and assets amounting to $4,214,744. A comparison of the condition of all associations on June 30 with the con dition a year previous shows the fol lowing: Decrease in assets, $617,388: increase in loans, $506,091.75; decrease in real estate. $10,151.09: increase in cash. $86,378.03; increase in other as sets, $57,494.50; increase in number of shares in force, 14,360; decrease in 1 shares upon which dues are delin quent, 3,305. LIST OF FORGERIES GROWS. Platte Valley People Estimate the To tal at $150,000. DAVID CITY, Neb.. Feb. 10.—The excitement incident to the failure of the Platte Valley State bank of Hell wood is subsiding, and all fears of violence to A. H. Gould, cashier, and K. S. Gould, assistant cashier, cvho are in jail in this city, are past. Reporters sought an interview with A. H. Gould, cashier of the defunct bank. When one of them stated the oojeet of the call Mr. Gould said: "I positively will not talk to newspaper men. The newspapers are getting enough information from other sources and 1 will have nothing to say.” The only change in the general con dition as heretofore reported is that forged notes and mortgages are com ing in daily, and as a consequence thp amount of the forgeries is growing ar a rapid rate. A very conservative estimate of the amount of the forgeries, so far as known up to this time, is that they will aggregate about $150,000, and the end is doubtless not yet reached. Ask Dr. Winship to Speak. FREMONT. Neb., Feb. 10.—At its regular meeting the Board of Educa tion voted to follow the usual annual custom that he prevailed here for som e years and engage some prominent man to deliver an address to the graduates. The name of Dr. A. E. Winship. the noted educator and jour nalist of Boston, was proposed and the city superintendent was authoriz ed to secure his services if possible. A Word to Veterans. LINCOLN, Neb., Fob, 10.—Adjutant General Mart Howe, by command of Department Commander R. S. Wilcox, has issued general orders No. 10 to Grand Army posts, calling attention to the aniversaries of the birthdays of Washington, Lincoln, Garfield and Mc Kinley, and making a plea for old soldiers to encourage their children to affiliate with the Sons and Daughters of Veterans. Large Acreage of Alfalfa. ORD, Neb., Feb. 10.—Many hundred acres of alfalfa will be planted in Valley county In the spring, the value of the plant in this county being past the experimental stage. One ranch near Ord has 300 acres of it now, and will increase this to 500 acres in the spring. Many farmers will sow twen ty-five to one hundred acres. Will Plant Much Alfalfa. SUPERIOR, Neb., Feb. lo.—The Scully land renters in this part of the country have been furnished four hun dred bushels of alfalfa seed with which to start alfalfa pastures in this part of the state. This is bound to be a prominent factor in the prosperity of this county. Tombstones for Old Soldiers. LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 10.—A cargo of government tombstones for old sol diers who have found their graves Will arrive in Lincoln in a few days, consigned from the War department at Washington to James Heaton, su perintendent of burial of old soldiers in Lancaster county. The kaiser's gift to Miss Alice Roosevelt, in connection with the visit to America of Admiral Prince Henry, is to be a gold jewel case, richly studded with diamonds. The State Treasury. LINCOLN, Neb., Feb. 10.—State Treasurer Stuefer’s monthly statement shows receipts amounting to $314,838; expenditures, $317,445; balance on hand, $346,957. To this is added $51, 943 unwritten receipts covering money from county treasurer that cannot yet be credited to the proper funds, mak ing a total of $298,900. The total cash representing trust funds on hand is $18,793.44; cash in depository banks, $280,107.19. CONSUMING MORE LIVE STOCK. January Shows Large Increase Over a Year Ago. SOUTH OMAHA. Neb., Feb Railroads carried lo the South Omaha stock yards 77o cars more of live stock this year in January than they did last year. Cattle and hogs are largely increased as to numbers, while sheep and horses show a slight de crease. During the .January just ended there were 3,016 cars, carrying 73,908 head of cattle, as against 2,298 cars carry ing 55,456 cattle in January a year ago. This was a net increase of 718 cars and 18.452 rattle. Hogs rode in on 2.935 cars—230,379 of them, as against 2,809 cars, with 203.477 hogs, a year rigo. This is a net increase of 126 cars and 26.902 hogs over a year ago. The larger number of hogs in proportion to the number of cars is accounted for by the fact that the average porcine weight dropped from 234 to 209 pounds. This year there were 276 oars of sheep, the fleecy passengers number ing 54.S75, as against 310 rars, with 64,282 sheep, a year ago, thus making a loss of 31 cars with 9,407 sheep. There was a drop in horses and mules from 106 cars with 2,489 ani mals aboard a year ago, to 66 cars with 1,312 of them this year, a loss of forty cars and 1.177 horses and mules. i nus trie total number or cars ar riving this January was 6,293, as against 5,523 a year ago—a net gain of 770 cars. WORMS ATTACK FALL WHEAT. Destroy Many Plants, but Arc Check ed by Cold. FARNAM. Neb., Feb. 8.—Worm at tached the fall wheat which was grow ing and destroyed considerable quan tities of it last fall. The cold wave of Deeetnbei sloped it for a short time and then it recommenced and was only stopped by the present severe spell. Some of these worms were sent to the University of Nebraska to Prof. Bruner for information, lie says of them: “In reply to your favor of the 24th inst. will say that the worms which you sent prove to be a caterpillar somewhat closely related to the fall army worm. I think, however, that the severe winter will do much toward destroying these pests at any rate, if vou see various kinds of birds in your field do not disturb them, as they will no doubt destroy large numbers of these worms. “They are so nearly grown now that very shortly after warm weather they will become fully so and go into the ground before doing much damage to the small grain. No cultivation meth od can be adopted that will be of much use in destroying (hem unless soon after the ground thaws in the spring you should go over the field with a roller. In this manner you might crush many of them. Yours very truly, • • LA \V RENC E B RU N E R. ‘'Acting State Entomologist." More Beet Seed. OMAHA, Neb., Feb. 8.—Another eon signment of beet seed lias arrived lor the beet fields of Nebraska. Hike forme r consignments this eomes from Germany, and is in the bonded ware house here, where it will remain until sent out to the proprietors of the fac tories. The shipments this year are larger than usual, which indicates that the acreage is to be greater than dur ing former years. Ministerial Union Formed. HUMBOLDT, Nob., Feb. 8.—The ministers of the various churches here have perfected an organization to he known as the Ministerial union, elect ing Rev. John Currie of the Presby terian church president and Rev. B. Wilson of the Christian church secre tary. Nebraska Woman Dead at 1C8. M’COOK. Neb., Feb. 8.—Mrs. Mary Roach, the oldest woman in this state, if not in the United States, died last Friday at the home of her son near Stratton, at the age of 108. Up to the time of her last illness Mrs. Roach had enjoyed the best of health, never having had a serious illness in her life. Morton En Route for Mexico. NEBRASKA CITY, Neb.. Feb. 8 — Ex-Secretary of Agriculture J. Ster ling Morton left for Kansas City where he will join his son Paul in a trip to the City of Mexico. Kills His Baby Brother. HUMBOLDT, Nob.. Feb. 8.—A trag edy happened at the home of Her mann Gossman, a farmer living north west of the city. The farmer had pre pared to drive into the field to procure some fodder and loaded a shotgun to take along. He temporarily left the loaded gun in the kitchen and during his absence his 7-year-old son picked it up and playfully pointed it at his 3 year-old brother. It exploded, instant ly killing the boy. THE LIVE STOCK MARKET. Latest Quotations from South Omahi T and Kansas City. BOT'TH OMAHA. Cattle- There was not a heavy run o* rattle, so that the market was fairly art. Ivp and prices steady to strong on all de fllrahie (Trades of killers Buyers were ou’ early, and it was not lour before the buli of the offerings had been disposed of Them were quite a few beef steers In eluded in fho receipts, but the bette' (Trades sold freely at steady to Strom prices. The cow market took on eonsld-' ern-ble life, nnd anything at all good sok at steady to strong prices. Buyers at seemed to be anxious for the choice' grades, and ns offerings were Hmitet there was considerable competition Stockers and feeders were In rather Ugh' receipt, so that steers of good weight ant quality sold readily af firm prices. Theta was no improvement, however, in the de mand for the common and lightweigh' stockers, and prices were uneven, tin same as they have been all along. Seller* are obliged to lake whatever they car get, ns it Is hard to even get a bid or common stackers. Tile demand from thf country Is almost entirely for the gooc to choice heavyweight cattle, and for that reaaon speculators are very slow about buying the common grades. Hogs -There was a liberal supply 01 hogs, but the market opened fully 5t higher and active. Puckers all seemed te lie anxious for the hogs, nnd ns a resul' it wns not long before the hulk of tbs offerings had changed hands. The goof, weight hogs sold largely from $(j.2T> te StUfi, and as high as $fi,17. was paid. Th« medium weights sold from $6.10 to $d.‘JO nnd the lighter loads went from down. Along toward the last end of tin market the feeling was not so good, nnfi on the extreme close the ndvanee was practically all tost and the last few loads sold slowly The hogs that were Iff' • until the lust however, were mostlx lightweights and of common quality. Sheep—The following quotations were given: Choice lightweight yearlings. $.1.21 4(5 50; good in choice yearlings, *5.004* 5.2*n choice wethers, $4.75*if>.U0; fair tc good wethers, $4,504/4.75; choice ( wes, $4,04 '04.40: fair to good ewes. $:!.fifth4.00; com* mou owes. $2,754*2.50: choice lambs, *.1.75*1 6.10: fair lo good lambs. *i.r>04i5.75: feeder wethers. $,‘:.50*( 1.00; feeder lambs, $1,004$ 4 50; cull lambs, $2.004(2.7i7i KANSAS CITY, Cattle—Market generally steady; choice -xport and dressed beef st«*ers. *5.8061 ' 50: fair to good. $4,004(1.75; stockers and feeders. $2,504(5,30; western fed steers, $4.7.1*15.75: Texas and Indian steers, $4.40*1 5.00, Texas cows, $2,754*4.25; native cows, !>:.004*4.75 heifers, $2 604(3.40: canners, $1.75 4(2.85; bulls, $2,754/2.00; calves. $2,404(6.40. Hogs—Market 5*(10c higher: top. $6.55; bulk of sales. $5.«"4((;.00: heavy. $8.004(6.55; mixed packers, $fi .154/6.45; light. $5.4041 1.2.1; pigs. $4.004(5.40. Sheep and I.amhs Market stronger tc 10c higher; western lambs. $5.506(6.10, western wethers. $4,214(4.75; yearlings, $5.004(5.50; elves, $4,004(4.50; culls, $2,504$ 4.00; fell lambs, $2,504(5.25. DEFICIENCY BILL IN SENATE Mouse Amendments to Measure Disa greed Upon. WASHINGTON, Feb. 8.—When the senate convened yesterday it dis agreed to the amendments of the house on the urgency deficiency bill, agreed to the conference asked and appointed Senators Hale, Allison and Teller as conferees on the part of the senate. At the conclusion of routine busi ness Mr. Patterson of Colorado made a personal explanation of what he had said concerning government affairs toward the treason and sedition laws enacted by the Philippine commission. Governor Taft, he said, had made a statement before the Philippine com mission, in which he said that Mr. Pat terson, inadvertently, no doubt, had conveyed a wrong impression to the senate and to the country as to his at titude toward those laws. Mr. Patterson's statement.. Gover nor Taft said, had put him in the attitude of criticising his colleagues on the committee. The particular stat uto was enacted while he was ill, but by anything he may have said he dio not intend to convey the impression that he was opposed to laws enacted The responsibility for their enact ment was as much his as of his col leagues. Cuban Planters Implore Relief. WASHINGTON Fob. 8—The Cuban planters’ committee, headed by E. P. Machado, has addressed a letter to the committee on ways and means, imploring a 5 per cent reduction on Cuban sugars and expressing a will ingness to accept any of the methods proposed to accomplish this object The letter states that two large es tates have already closed, and the sit> nation is described as critical. Anderson’s Job is Safe. WASHINGTON, Feb. 8—The sen ate la executive session confirmed th« nomination of Thomas H. Anderson to be associate justice of the supreme court of the District of Columbia. Death of an Iowa Physician. ST. JOSEPH, Mo., Feb. 8.—Dr. H P. Martin, a prominent physician o> Delta, la., died suddenly here today while on a visit to relatives. Rivals Kill Each Other. SHREVEPORT, l.a„ Feb. 8.—Wore comes from Bossier parish that at 8 plantation eighteen miles below Shreveport two negroes, named Duke Boynton and Jim Path, quarreled over the affection of a negress. They agreed to fight it out, retired to the district levee, counted off the distance drew their pistols and had a duel without seconds or surgeons. Whet the smoke cleared away both mer, were dead. *