'1 Hi Nor rHWEsi VTJULISHED every hkiday AT THE COUNTY KKAT. UKO. K. IIKNSCUOTBK. K.tllor ■nil Publisher TERMS:—tl.00 VKK TEAR, IF PAID IN ADVANCE Entered at the Loup City PostufflcP for truns mission through the mails as second eluas matter. Omaha has over a million dollars of un collected hack taxes Wlmt is the matter with the tax csllector?. It would seem from this that the busi oea* men of that city are doing busi ness on money they owe for taxes. The entire business set lion of the towu of Patterson N. -I was con-' sumed by lire February 9th, and the distruction of property is estimated to be valued at f 10.000.000. This is perhaps the mostdistructive fire this eouuiry has suffered for years. Re ports say that it leaves a thousand families homeless. The Callaway Courier, (pop) says that the republican party seems to be iu the hands of a machine. Well ' it need not fret. The old machine will j be improved. The true blue republic ans are busy discarding the worn out an i defective parts and will have j it in the best of working order by the time the campaign is on. It will ! be of light draft when compared J with tiic old rickety eoncern labled ‘fusion.” It is interesting to hear the old line democrats of the Ben. Tilltnan stamp plead for the rigtits of the Filipinos. We still remember with what tenacity they opposed the liberation of the black man of the south, and still use' every end within their power l<> pro- j veut them from exercising the liberty | guaranteed them by the laws of our land. It may seem strange hut that class is not found exclusively in the I Boutb. Custer county has a few of them —Custer County Republican. The St. Paul Pres* ami Phonograph [ have consolidated and will hereafter tv* run under the management of editor Manuel of the Press, who is now sole editor and proprietor of tin consolidated publication. Mr. Man ue! gets up a newsy paper, lie will embrac e the popocratie cause as here to-foro andindeavor to bring Howard county back to the old tim< fusion majority. Mr. Manuel deserves a chromo for the pluck he exhibits in this undertaking, but we predict that Howard county will need more Man uels before such a thing can he ac complished. The Nebraska Slate Record is a new p"per published at Lincoln, by Frank A. Harrison. Mr. Harrison | has been for a loug time prominent ly identified with Nebraska politics and did valuable service fur the republican party at Washington ia the last national campaign. ILs policy has been to support good clean, capable and honest men ft r office, and to push torward only such candidates as will serve the people well, and be a credit to the party. The new paper, under his management, j has started sifting out, and religating j to the rear, t'le politicians whom it, believes are alter pie. It denounces ! the supporters of Governor Savage on these grounds. It states that it docs not believe that the republicans of the state want Governor Savage to have the nomination for another term. The Record will doubtless mow a swath in the comiDg campaign. A NARROW ESCAPE. Last Monday night Have Haggart and Cberlio Hnggart, who lire near St. Lahory, had a very narrow escape from drowning. They were in the eby until nearly midnight Monday night, and wlu'ii lliev started for bon i the weather was extremely cold and the boys bundled up as well ns possible to avoid the winter’s blast. Arriving at the South L nip bridge, f >r some cause they concluded to drive across on the ice. Teams having been cross ing north of the bridge foi several hats because the pile driver tms been at work there putting in piers for the remained r of the steed brietge that is to be ••reeled this spring, but ala ay s at night the bridge is open to tiutv. i Tin rn who have been putting in; ice imve been gening n a am; elista'iCH from where teams have !>*•••»» crossing the river. The boys trusted to their t..i»m <" ako the right road across the be 1 u; instead they slrm k be track made i>y halve hniveiteis Without warning : « warn plunged loto tiir holt’ nb t«* tile ice had been removed. 1>. quick work I be b"is in imaged to extricate themselves, but ou account of me oarkuesi hij J fright could nor, save lhe team, ni though they made every effort. Finding their efforts useless they came 10 ihe city for help, but upon returning to the river it was to late, is one burse was dead and the other died toon after. On the whole it was a close call, anil the boys will be more cartful in the future.—St. l’aul Phonograph. OK1.AHO.ua NOT A FAItAUICK Joli 11 |'\ lic it in Toils of till Experience la hitIi oi A Hit tier liotue. John F. Uebm, SI. old icsideut of Omaha, lias just returned from a trip to the recently-opened Indian lands iu Oklahoma, aud biiDgs back anything but a glowing account of his expeiiencc there. lie is of tbs opinion that Nebraska is good enough yet. Speaking of his quest for a now homo in a n< w couutry, Mr. Bhem says: '•The first thing you do when you g t to Lawton, where the great draw ing took [dace last August, is to go! to the land office. Here you ask the | receiver n nuy vacant government | land is left, lie lefeis you to a cleis a.id the latter tells you ha Uas no time to give you, that you must go to some one out side to get located. “You are glad to get out of the olliee and are followed by huif a doz- i e.. cappers who a e ready to locate you ou some fraction1 who only ask 110.00 for the service. If you do not care to deal whir them on this basis, the next step is to buy a re linquishment from some one who has filed and is ready to quit. You find these arc for sale only at the rial estate <>lfi es, and an held ail the wav from tfjUO.uO to $lU,O(»U.0o. if v ott buy on ■ you u a-U do as tl. otiginal settler, comply wiiii all the r> q uiri int nts of the law and make final proof 111 duo firm. This is an additional expense. * -1 tie luuiaus uau nrst cuuice or H,i land, every mau, woman and child o;etticor a quarter section. They chose all the bottom lands, with the water and left the bench lauds for the white settlers But very little ol this land is good au’n will cost as much as an improved farm tn Nebraska. ■ I, i'V >n is the largest town of its 1 a:;, in the World. it is but four mouths old, has live banks, fourteen , hardware stores, thirteen clothing stores, twenty one lumber t urds and nii;ety-tw( saloons. 11 verjthing else is in proportion. Just now they are, grading streets and putting in cross- j walks. Water is sold on the streets '■ at the rate of three pails for a niekle. If afire should get stalled in Lawton in three hours the town would be wip« d out. “1 sutiered more from the cold boon there than 1 ever dtd in Neb- 1 rasks. Last Saturday the tempera- I tun* dropped in two hours from 40 • adove to zero Almost every other building in : Lawton is devoted to ‘law, real estate and relinquishments bought and sold.’ This seeuis to lie the chief industry down there just now. My advice to Nebraskans is don't sell r. Nebraska farm, thiukir.g you can better your condition in Okla- j homn. The soil dowa there is good, but the rain is uncertain, ! an ! the climate is no better than Nebraska’s. ”—Omaha Bee. WAVKD HIM FROM TORtURB. There is no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching and birniiig make life intolerable No posi tiotr is c imfortable. The torture i* mi (■•'iising T)> W itu Hazel Salve cures | i It s at once, For akin di senses, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds it is un equalled. .1 derail, St Paul, Ark., sajs; From 18'i5 I soft's r< d villi tin* protruding b •'( ling |dh s and could find noth'.t g to ht-ip tno tint!1 I used !> 'Witt’s Witch M..Z * I Salve. A few boxes complete) v it I m " i?i rereof countferita For a In i n|> ndalil I'.r s Dyspepsia Cura Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the Oigestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never liilstnouro. It allows you to eat, all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it. I' " Us use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all died re'after eating. Dieting unnece sary. Pleasant to take. It can7t EaeSp but do you geci Preparodonly byK O. De'Vit • .v i «>., < i»le ‘Xiiu *JUwLic CCfczbtiiUn » )j Liio tAjC. fci/j» h'or vaiv t.y t)»>;.s.AUL • UANUKiilll II'IIUMI UGKIITM 1 he gtea te-1 danger from colds and i ■ i.« their result mg in fmeutDot.'a I r«.,H»>ii!ilili’ fare Is used, k o w i vt r, am) < liumbertaiii's ('ongli Keltic ‘v taken. ii anger will b*’ avoided. Alltel g the ten* of thousand? w bo have tin >1 ibis remedy for thfsedla' asf* we l ive y-r to learn of a single ease having resulted in pm n riionia, whicb shows conclusively ihatit i< a eef.n | reventatlve of that danger iiiii malady. If will eu e a cold or an attack of la grippe in less time than any oilier treatin' ut It is pleasant and safe to take. For -ale hr Odendahl Bio?. “I hobbled into Mr Blackmon's drug store one 111 Plug " .»«*, s \V• ale N e'-oti ot Hamilton, Ga., ‘‘and be naked me to try Chamberlain's Fain Balm for rheu matism with which I bid suffered for a long time ! told btm I had no rnltb in any medicine as they nil failed II«*aid: ‘ Hull if Chamberlain’* Pain Balm dot • not help you, you n ed not pay for it.” I took a bottle of it home anil used it according to the direct Iona and in one week I wits cured, and have not sinee bum trouhled with rheumatism.’’ Sold by Odendahl Bros. The claim of other cough medicine to be as good aa Chamberlain,* are effectu ally set at rest in tin* following testimo nial of Mr 0. I> Glass, hi: employe of Birtlett it In-nuis Co, Garditier, Me He says: ”1 had kept adding to a cold and cough in the winter of lHf!7, trying every cough medicine I herd of without permanent help, until one day I was in the drug store of Mr. Houb'han and 1, r advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and offered to pay back tnv money if I was not cured. Mv lungs and bronchial tubes wote very sore at this time, but 1 was completely cured by this rninedv. and hive since always turned to It when I got a cold, and soon And rc'ief. 1 also recommend it to my friends and am glad to sa v it is tlio best of all cough medicines.” K or sale by Odendahl Bros. IVOKKlNli OVh.lt TIME. Kigli' hour laws an* ignor -d by those tireless, little vorkors-Dr King'* New Lift1 Pills. Millions are always at work, nigh ai Iday, cuiing Indigestion, Billiousness, Oonatipatlon, Sit*k Head* •icbe an 1 all Stomach, Fiver and Bowel troubles. Eon, pleasanr, safe, and sure. Only 50c at Odendahl Bros. nCCKLIMI AItNICA SALVE* Has worldwide fame for marvelous cures It surpasses anv other salve lotion ointment, or balm for Outs. <,’orns. But ns, B dies. Sores, Felons, Ulcers, l ot tor, S ilt Bhum, Fever Sores, ('happed Hand* Skin Erujitu'is; |ufat11hie for Piles t'ure guaranteed. Only 25ceats ut! (tdendahl Bros. Notice fur Proposals for Iliad Work | Tlie Township Board of Loup City town- j slup will receive Mils for the eveava- i 11 u of Id to cubic yards from n borrow ; pit located on top of the hill just vast ! of i mi middle section line, between Sec-| lions Nine ,.) and Sixteen iltii.in Town1, ship 115 , Range :Hi, and to distribute said j excavated earth in Hie bottoms ot the draw's east aud west 1 roiu aaiil pit, tin, fill in draws tob« not less than 16 feet wide on top. No bids received niter lu o’clock March 25th, lilnj The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. \V. U. Mkiaok, Township Clerk. HAD jin ONQUK OK DIE „ltwbsjest about gone” writes Mrs. K« a Richardson’ of l.uurel Springs, N < , “I bad Uonsnratpion so bad that the bi t doctors said 1 could not iive more thru a month but 1 began to use Dr. King’s Ne'.v Discovery and was wlioby cured bv seven boliles and am now stout and well.” It’s an unrival d life-saver in consumption, Pneumonia. I,a Grippe and bronchitis; infaiib le for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Hay Fever, Croup or Whooping Cough Guarnateed bottles 50c arid $1.00 Trial bottles free at Odendahl Bros. Drug store. The sky looks bluer,the sun shines bright* r, a fei iir.g of youth and strength creeps over tbe soul afier taking Rocky Mountain Tea made by the Madison Medicine Co. ?6 cts. at Odendahl Bros PUBLICATION NOTICE Fred btchr and AnnaStelir. Ills wife, non resident defendants, will tako novice that on the ‘Mill day of January, 1913, Anna Peters, plaintiff, filed her petition in the Oiirirt Court of Sherman county Nebr. against saiil defendant , tho object and livayer of which are to set aside, annul and have declared void a certain deed from Anna Peters to Fred Siehr, dated April 9th 1B9U and reoorded in hook 11th of due 's at page 510, of the records of Sherman c >unt y, Nebraska: Also to sot aside, annul, cancel and have declared void a eer' slu mortgagi given by said Anna Peters to said Fred Siehr dated May isth., 18'.'4 and recorded In Hook 33 ai Page 3S1, of mortgages of tin records of said county: Also to set aside, annul, c neel and have declared void h certain tnortgiu;) for fi'rO from sail Amin peter* to said l1 red Siehr dale! May I and recorded in book va of mortgages a' page2.M of the record* of said i oun»y. ul bit' g upon lots .'hand VI In block I'.* of tin oi iglnal town of Loup city, Nebraska, and to quiet title of said premises In plain till Also to haveati accounting of propel IV amounting in i'd: (i duo from mud Fred st chr to plaint ill and Judgment for same You are required to an.-wer said petition on or before i lie iqih day of M trch, l 01. Iiaied 111'- '.’In ilay of ,'nin...> y, ift A ' n t t*r r.i-.s. u v ciu-.t; : i is, her attorney \v \.s y t-. 11-.SK,vKit \ l, I*i,t’.si>Ns tit ( i; m? • Ti t: and go ul i Ki 'll I i m In each >tale erne in IliHcoi'ety re..lined; to up r sent mu' ’ll vert ise ..Id e-tu'Mshcd w1 111 . ' Ji\ imam s< 11:i.io: solid llrciucift: sta id icy -HI Weekly 'll tl t'Xpel.-.s la hi1 ,.e.al a i payable in e.esh inch Wed . v. ■ 1 o; i .■ Manage-. dpi i.ix'.On | l ,1.1 II,r, I tile rgo. T t :M E I’ AO ! K UUT CITY. NKliK Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. .Joseph Kan,-as (III St. t outs, Hi.il all point Kast an I Houtl Denver, Helena, Butte, -'Alt La! e < ;ity. Portland, Sun Francisco, a rut all point* West. Ttitl>,s LVAVK AM rolLOWSi GOING KAST No • i or ... Ko. CD Freight .... (. 11Nil v, t;sT No. Passenger. No. ■ Freight . .. sa» a. iu .. 12.80 p m. l .AJ p. in. 12: aft. ni. Slot. i . dlnnert n i roc! in in - chftlr cart iseata r i-i*) on tliroa;;! trams, Tickets sold ami ii 'a in'* .‘lie. Kt I to any point in Ih*1 t" .iin i stall « oi i a ' 111 No ST arrives dally except Sunday .mixed B:0S p. m. No. 'fl arrives daily except Sunday (pass enycr) p. in. First cliiss service and close connection* east, vi si and soutli W. 1). Ol.irroN, A Mlil' M VN S CUO.SK CAM, “I suick toinyengin . although every joint m-lied »;;:«! every • erv« 'v racked with i >,’* wr (*■ (' W Bellamy, a lo e motive fireman, ol B.ir ington, In ' a , •‘1 as.- i's.. and pule, without any »))• petite anti a i tun down. As 1 w«> about to give ii,i, | (; ii a b >tt!e of Electric Bitter--- and, i ftr taking it, 1 I* 1 a? well ns I ever did in my life" Weak, sickly, run dinn people vUvaya gain new life, strength a id vigor from their use. Try them ti-fa" or; guaranteed Oy Oden* ■laid l»n -. Brice 5> cents’ NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION I'Kt'ART.VIENT OF TIIF. lSTEKIOK. Laud Otflee a* Lincoln, Nob. I January jotli, HXi-J ( Notice is hereby given tliat the follow, ing-nsne t settler baa filed notice of hie inte *i ion to make final .roof In support of his r aim, and that said proot will be tna.le before J A. Angier. County Judge, at Loup Oily, Nob., on Saturday March 1st . VOOJ, viz Daviil t: Donor. Timber Culture Euiry, No. 7m, for the North Hast qunr. ter <*t ■ 1 wii -hl itf, Kaugo 1 West. Ho names the i Hawing witnesses to prove hts continuous resi lenoe upon and culti vation of said land, viz; II II Bristol, Arcadia, Nebraska. Henry Lelnlnger, “ “ Henning, Clansseu, “ " J. P. Leinlnger, “ J. W, Johnson, Register A. S* MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, - NEBRASKA. OFFICE.- One th.or west of Oden'.aid’s Drug Stove. DR L- I -30GEN, (of Omaha.) PHYSICIAN and SU R c i E( )N flsi located in ASHTON - - NEBRASKA. W J. Fit HER, Attorney at Law and Notary Pu&liQ. Will Defend In Foreclosure Caeca *1.80 do ▲ Generat Real Estate Business. Office in NorthWisxmui Building, I A3 OF CITY, - - NK lift Ah SLA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATT01EHT-UW TiOt.TP CITY, » i irarm. r> o L *n 6 Be Fooledi lOtl luke the genuine, original ROCK < MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medl c ne Co., Madison. Wis. II keeps .01 well imr trade , .iik it «m each package, i lit:". , 5 cents. Never sold in oil.-. Accept no .snl/Stl* lute*. Ask your druggist. 1 Horses & Mules Good Draft, Good Chunks and Good Drivers For tlie cast* . n Jarket. Will buy some nice little horses, if fat and sou 1. but have no market 'or thin or out classed stock. Bring in good ones of different classes. I’ll buy them: Will be at LiOUP CITY. TUESDAY, FEB. 18. JAKE. H. MILLER. K. P. CULUEY. President Jl P. CWLIAY. Oubltr. or LOUP CITY. Genera! Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capita! Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha. Nebraska. .—_ . .... We afe Headquarters for WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder I » our business and are prepared to do custom work or tarnish ground feed at reasonable rates. Grind Saturday and Monday. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND IIOR K POWERS AND GUARAN TEE OUR WORK TO GJ \ E SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER ARE YOU | DEAF? ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE MOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAY8: Baltimore. Md., March 30, 1901. Gentlemen; — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you j a full history of my ease, to bo used at your discretion. A’.xiut live years ago my right ear began to sin and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear 1 ntirely. I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the heating in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw vour advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After Inal u d it only a few d.t\ ■ according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain very truly yours, > A. WKRMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. ‘"St1 YOU GAh CURE YOURSELF AT HOME — SK* INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596 LA SAUE AYE., CHICAGO, ILL J