The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, February 14, 1902, Image 3

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Ai\ American Nabob.
A Rema-rktyble Story of Love, Gold evnd
♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦ 44444444 444444444444*
Copyright, by Stkkkt &. Smith, Now York.
CHAPTER VIII.—<rontlnn«d.>
"No; I have business that requires
my attention, and l am anxious to be
at it. Don't looked worried, little
friend; God bless you, I haven’t fot
gotten my promise. This last act of
the drama blots the whole thing out of
my life. Fedora now belongs to an
other, and under no conditions could
ever again be the queen of my heart.
I have cast her out as unworthy, and
closed the doors forever—hermetically
sealed them. 1 trust. 1 could not it' 1
tried tell you how much good you
have done me. When I go hence—for
I shall soon leave England behind me
—I will carry the remembrance of your
friendship with me to the end. Mu
sette, good-night, and heaven bless you,
He went straight home to his attic
studio. One set purpose governed his
every move now. and this to put Fe
dora, fair and false, out of his mind
Since through a woman's hand this
night had witnessed the sacrifice of
his hopes, his aims, it might as well
be complete.
In this bitter spirit he entered the
humble attic that served him as a
studio, while a cot in a corner granted
him a bed.
Lighting a lamp, he first of all built
a little Are upon the hearth, for,
strange to say, the upper room was
possessed of a fireplace.
It was not because the night wras
cool that he did this, but with quite
another definite object in view.
Finally he walked over to the easel
and snatched away the cloth that cov
ered it.
Long and earnestly Overton survey
ed the magical work of his hands—so
perfect had been the witchery that
guided his love-inspired brush that the
very breath of life seemed to have been
infused into the canvas, and one could
almost expect • Fedora to step down
from the easel, creature of flesh and
blood, as Galatea, of sculptor fame, had
done of old.
At length the artist heaved a heavy
11 rt'qmn'u nil tut? ucicunuiouwu w.
his nature to carry out the desperate
resolve he had made, but, though it
seemed like slaying his love anew, he
did not falter.Human eyes should nev
er again behold this work of his genius
—conceived in adoration, and worked
out through the days when her love
hung over him like a benison, it must
cease to exist on this black night when
the last spark of his affection was ex
tinguished and the bonds uniting him
to the happy past were severed forever.
He took up his pallette knife and ap
proached the canvas—his hand was
firm, though his face appeared very
pallid in the flickering light.
Suddenly, as the rush of emotion be
came too great to be longer withstood,
he dashed the blade through the can
vas, splitting it from top to bottom
most ruthlessly.
The first stroke seemed to loosen the
passion which had been so long re
strained, and with savage, almost brfl
tal emphasis, he cut and slashed furi
ously right, and left, up and down.
Thus in a very brief space of time
all that represented his many months
of weary yet loving labor, into which
he had pnt his very life, so to speak,
was a wooden frame from which dan
gled dozens of streamers.
The masterpiece was as utterly de
stroyed as his own ambition.
Not content, he ground the frame
into pieces under his heel and cast
the wreck upon the fire that had been
purposely started upon the hearth to
receive it.
"Burn, he said, bitterly, as tne
flames greedily seized upon the frag
ments: "burn out as my love has done,
leaving nothing but bitctr. cold ashes.
Henceforth I live but to seek power
and wealth. The past shall be a ghast
ly blank -the future 1 will build by
the power of brain and brawn, until
the hour comes for my revenge. Some
thing tells me it will sooner or later
reach me—that to him who waits and
works everything is given. And now
to begin to live a new existence.”
Two days later a sailing vessel left
London bound for the old Spanish
Main, and among those who shipped
before the mast, thanks to his early
yachting training, was Jack Overton,
gone to follow the beckoning finger of
In the Land of Revolution.
San Jose, the capital of that sturdy
little republic of Central America
which has through its sudden revolu
tions made Gautarica famous in his
tory—San Jose was in its periodical
state of eruption.
Of course, a revolution was in prog
ress. There was probably no very
heavy loss of life during each actual
upheaval, though a few men might be
accidentally killed—the Gautaricans,
like all people of mixed blood, being
partly Spanish and Indian halfbreeds,
love spectacular display, and while
these battles always create a great
racket, there was little blood actually
split, the party that was outnumbered
usually yielding up the palm and retir
ing to recuperate, while the victors, in
stead of following up the advantage,
calmly settled down to enjoy the fruits
of their labor, amid much merriment
and feasting.
There was one man in San Jose on
this particular day, who, while a non
combatant, hart resolved to see the
whole business as far as possible. So
Jack Overton sallied forth, after arm
ing himself and endeavored to gain
an idea as to how much progress the
revolution was making.
He found the soldiers of Roblado,
the president, holding their own well.
After moving around from one quar
ter to another and seeing that the
whole affair was on the guerilla order,
Overton was forced to sit down and
laugh at the ludicrous aspect of the
"battle" by means of which the fate
of a republic was to be settled.
Evidently Montejo had overrated the
strength of his backing, for the wear
ers of the green cockade were outclass
ed, and already several of their num
ber had been stretched hors de combat.
There was something in the clamor
and the occasional whistle of a bullet
over his head that just suited Over
toil's present mood.
He was even rash on several occa
sions, and had narrow escapes, but the
little cherub that sat up aloft watch
ing over his fortunes seemed to exer
cise those would-be fatal bullets so
that they always Just fell a little short
and in matetrs of this sort a miss is
considered as good as a mile.
The day was near its end. and plain
ly the laurels of victory rested with
the followers of the dynasty already
entrenched in authority—their shouts
had been more vociferous than the
others, and in all probability they had
fired two shots against one from the
revolutionists. This inspired them
with new' confidence, and the red cock
ade began to grow bolder, even ad
vancing, as though determined to
chase their enemies out of town ere the
sun dropped into the western sea, over
whose bosom he hung like a globe of
It was about this time when Montejo
and his sympathizers were making
their last stand while awaiting the
friendly shades of night to ewer their
hasty retreat, that Overton found him
self, somewhat unexpectedly to be sure,
drawn into the affair at issue.
It chanced that in their eagerness to
chase the invaders out beyond the
town limits ere dusk set in—by mu
tual consent this feature seemed to be
the manner of deciding which side had
won—the section of government forces
led by (ieneral Barrajo rather overdid
the matter.
At any rate the first, last and only
hand-to-hand conflict of the day oc
curred under Jack's own eyes, when a
detachment of the green cockades sud
denly appearing, surrounded the valor
ous general and demanded his sur
Although Barrajo was a most flerce
looking type of a Central American
general, with his mustache curled up
like two simitars, and his Ipft breast
covered with gorgous medals and dec
orations, Jack had been wont to look
upon him pretty much in the light of a
modern Bombastes Furloso, and could
hardly believe there was anything of
a game spirit back of this assumed
To his surprise and delight the gen
eral proved quite equal to the occasion.
He faced his enemies, waving his
sword like a knight of old, and, launch
ing forth a volley of Spanish exple
tives that should have paralyzed their
craven hearts, but failed to do so.
Then came the crash of battle.
The general’s lone companion wras
spitted upon a sword after bringing
down a couple of the enemy, and Bar
rajo himself was sorely pressed by
those who, recognizing in him the real
head and brains of the present dynas
ty, were grimly determined to get rid
of him, so that the next revolution
might prove a success.
It was cut and thrust, slash and
parry, anil machete against sword.
As they stood three to one, with lit
tle hope of the general’s followers
reaching the scene in time to take a
hand in the tragic affair, it began to
look as though Barrajo had reached
the end of his rope, like all men do
sooner or later, with weapons in their
hands, in Central America.
Jack’s love of fair play, not to speak
of his friendship for the general, urged
him to shy his castor into the ring.
He little dreamed how fortune was
dealing out the cards to him just then,
and what a marvelous "jack pot” he
would eventually sweep in with the re
sults of this day’s good work.
Having resolved to lend Barrajo a
helping hand, he dashed forward with
his revolver, aiming to wound rather
than slay.
Thus beset in the rear, and threat
ened with the whirling blade of the
soldier in front, the three wearers of
the green cockade became utterly de
moralized, and in a panic fled, two
of them bearing wounds to remind
them of the day's doings.
When Jack rushed up to congratu
late the general on his victor, the no
ble Gautarican, who had counted him
self as good as a dead man, threw
both arms around his deliverer and
fell upon his breast, swearing in pur
est Castilian that his life henceforth
belonged to the valiant American, and
that he would lie awake nights seek
ing to repay the great debt he owed
The revolution having ended at sun
set, and the defeated invaders of Gau
tarican territory being on the run for
friendly hiding places upon neighbor
ing soil, the capital was given over to
a spasm of mad rejoicing, and every
one, man. woman and child, seemed fc>
believe It depended wholly upon thoir
individual efforts to make the affair a
This aspect of the Central American
character struck Overton even more
forcibly than the peculiar tactics of
the day's battle. As an artist he could
appreciate anything that bordered upon
the bizarre and remarkable, and hence
quickly determined to accept the warm
invitation of his friend. General Barra
jo, to visit the public hall, in order to
see still more of the singular habits
and customs of this hot-blooded peo
ple, with whom he had, at least for the
time being, cast his fortunes.
There are times in the lives of all
men when they appear to he mere crea1
tures of circumstances, buffeted upon
a sea of chance, and yet, upon looking
back, one can say that all these events
were not links in a chain that bourn
his fortunes, a,Si the absence of any
one would mean the wreck of his ship.
Overton believed—indeed, he often
swore the fact over and over again to
himself—that his heart was dead so
far as the fair sex wa3 concerned—be
that as it might. It forced no barrier
lo the instinct that hade him as an ar
tist look a second and a third time at
the queen of the dance, about whom
the attention of the multitude seemed
to breathlessly center.
She was a magnificent creature, this
daughter of the south, of graceful
mien and dazzling loveliness, formed
in the most voluptuous mold of Iber
ian beauty, whose complexion showed
every violet vein through its veil of
luscious brown. Her hair was ‘‘such
as Athene herself might have envied”
for tint, and mass, and ripple. Her
eyes blazed like diamonds from a cav
ern. while her lips pouted of them
selves, by habit, or nature, into a per
petual kiss. The excitement of the
dance had called the carmine into her
cheeks until it put to blush the crim
son flowers of the grenadine with
which her black hair was wreathed.
Her eyes blazed with a fire bred of the
fierce measures and the ardent pas
sions of the tropics.
More than once her dusky orbs met
the admiring glance of the artist,„nnd
he could see the invitation extended
in the impassioned look she gave him.
but each time he shook his head and
As the dance went on, the crowd
about the estrada resolved itself into
two factions, each led by a richly
dressed young patrician, both of whom
were evidently aspirants for the hand
of the bewitching Circe. The women
dancing upon the estrada chattered
among themselves evidently Jealous of
the attention paid to Dona Juanita,
the beautiful one, who, proud and pal
pitating, clearly felt the power which
made her the beauty queen of the fies
ta. The rival lovers, from their places
on opposite sides of the estrada,
scowled ominously, and spoke slight
ingly of each other's bravery and cour
age. Thei radherents caught up the
refrain until taunts and jeers were
freely handled between them. It was
apparent that the storm was about to
burst, when suddenly the music
stopped and there came a cry of:
"Chammara y Machete!” (Sash and
At the sound the men exchanged
looks of evident satisfaction, and the
women left the estrada, taking up po
sitions among the spectators. All left
but Circe. That superb, self-contained
figure stood upon the hard-stamped
floor like a living Venus of flushed
bronze, her complexion heightened by
the dance, her bright eyes gleaming
like a coal. Her tiny feet still kept in
motion, though the dance had ceased,
seeming to await impatiently the be
ginning of the new measure.
It soon came.
(To be continued.)
Modern Mother'* ( nlque Thought an to
Her Ancestors.
“There, the tank is done, the baby’s
asleep.” said a woman friend the oth
er evening as she entered the sitting
room and piled on the table what ap
peared to be a very considerable por
tion of a toyshop's stock. There wa.1
a little rubber Lord Fauntleroy with
its mouth agape and the end of bis
nose worn through; a little doll, red
gowned and belted and with a tin jew
el at her throat, called Betty; a still
smaller object in human form, one leg
gone and a hole in the top of the head,
called Johnny; a white sawdust
stuffed dog with one eye missing and
tail in a state of collapse from frequent
pulling, called Jip, and a rubber cow
known as Moo.
“I believe that some of my ancestors
must have been Chinamen,” continued
the mother, “and that their disposi
tions, long hidden through successive
generations, are reappearing in nay
One would not suspect it to look at
the child. The little girl of the fair
est complexion and most cherubic ex
pressions, to make whose eyes the sky
was robbed of a tiny bit of its finest
blue, and whose hair was as if it had
been spun from the sunshine.
“But you see,” said the mother
“when a Chinaman dies and is buried
they put in the grave with him cloth
ing and food, and perfumes, reed torch
es and horses to be at his convenience
in the other land. Well, my baby must
have at her side as she goes to sleep
all the toys with which she is wont
most to play with during the day so
that she may have them with her in
the land of dreams.”
IJIg- Order for Watches.
The largest single order ever give.1
for watches was received by an Ameri
can manufacturer from a London firm,
last year, the former agreeing to de
liver to hia customer 2,000,000 time
pieces within twelve months.
lf*w York's Chamber of Commfrre More
Hdlii'itoni for Importers anti Foreign
hteHiuAlilpi Thin for the Interest* of
the Gmt Itody of Domestic I'roducert*
At its session of January 0 the New
fork Chamber of Commerce resumed
wnslderation of the subject of special
rade treaties, with the result of adopt
ng the following:
Whereas, This ehaniber ha3 consist
ently favored the establishment
hrough reciprocal concessions in tariff
ates of closer trade relations between
.he United States and the commercial
lountries of the world; and*
Whereas, The National Reciprocity
Convention, In its recent session in
.Vashlngton, D. C., adopted a resolu
ion recommending reciprocity through
ariff modiiicatious where it can be
lone without injury to any of our
tome interests of manufacturing, com
nerce or farming, thereby rendering
iny application of reciprocal tariff eon
tessious impracticable; and,
Whereas, The National Reciprocity
Convention, in a second resolution,
:eeommended the establishment of a
lew commission, to which shall be re
erred the consideration of all recipro
:al trade agreements, thereby nullify
ng and disregarding the valuable and
jenefleial work successfully accom
jlished by the present Commissioner
Plenipotentiary in the negotiation of
mportant treaties, whereby a great
part of the trade of these countries
would be thrown open to us; there
'ore, ho it
Resolved, That this chamber hereby
ixpresses its disapproval of the action
itken by the National Reciprocity Con
tention in Washington on November
!0 as subversive of all attempts to
iring about closer trade relations with
>ur sister nations and to open new and
vider markets for our products; and
>e it further
Resolved, That the Chamber views
with apprehension the policy advocated
jy the Reciprocity Convention as like
y to Invite hostile legislation on the
>art of the other nations against this
:ountry, to the great detriment of its
sommereial interests.
On a former occasion the chamber
gcr.rnmeut, md Herr Ludwig Ms* ■
Gcldbcrger. representing Germany's 1
commercial Interests, present as hon
ored guest*, made brief addresses ap- !
pealing for more intimate trade rela
tions whereby the manufactured prod
ucts of their respective countries might
And freer entrance into the great Am
erican home market—to the displace
ment, of course, of an equivalent quan
tity of the products of our domestic es
tablishmcnts. Under this sort of in
spiration the importers and foreign
steamship agents carried the day with
a hurrah. If the New York Chamber oi
Commerce had been located in Paris
or Hamburg it. could not have shown
more zeal in behalf of foreign produc
ers or less real in behalf of the pro
ducers of the United States. The body
seems to have been carried off its feet
by an excess of foreign enthusiasm,
very much as it was something over
four years ago, when tills same Cham
ber of Commerce, in an address to
Queen Victoria, went out of its way tc
lug in a fulsome allusion to her "illus
trious grandfather," George III!
Wouldn’t that jar George Washington?
New York may or may not pride her
s^lf upon the possession of so thor
oughly foreign an organization as her
Chamber of Commerce has shown ltsell
to be. Certain It is that the country as
a whole does not share the chamber’s
solicitude for the interests of foreign !
manufacturers. It prefers the status
quo. It finds that under the Dlngloy
tariff our exports have in five years in
creased $-143.428,254, or 44 per cent,
and our imports are larger by $101,610.- !
0-4, or 28 per cent. A country which j
bought during 1001 from foreign conn- i
tries a total of $670,100,480 worth o(
merchandise, while selling to foreign
countries $1,149,265,495 worth of do
mestic products, is not going to lie
awake nights worrying about is for
eign trade. It lias much bigger things
to think of. For example, its domestic
trade, whose magnitude may be meas
ured by tlie fact that in the past five
years—1896, free trade tariff, to 1901
protective tariff—the bank clearings of
the United States increased from $51,
175.251,773 in 1896 to $118,525,834,548
a difference of over sixty-seven billion
dollars, and an increase of 132 percent
The great body of our countrymen are j
justified iu concerning themselves i
chiefly about the enormous internal j
trade and the phenomenal industrial I
and commercial activity expressed in ;
these bewildering figures Of over 118
The practice of altering tariff laws by means of special trade treaties is
certain to provoke ill-will and retaliation on the part of nations not especi
illy favored by such treaties. The tariff bill now pending in the German
■eichstag provides for the imposition of a double rate of duty upon imports
Tom any nation whose tariff rates are higher on German products than on
he products of any competing country. The German emperor has lately
ieclared that if such discrimination bo enforced against German products
re will “smash things.” It is understood that this threat was inspired by
.he concessions of French manufacturers embodied in the proposed French
•eeiprocitj' treaty.
md refused to adopt, these resolutions,
ind had referred them back to the
committee on foreig;, commerce. The
fart that the chairman of that commlt
:ee is the American representative of a
3erman steamship line would seem to
abviate the necessity of explaining why
the same resolutions were again re
ported at the meeting of Jan. 3, and
the fact that the resolutions were
adopted on their second hearing indi
cates that the efforts put forth in the
meantime to secure an extra large
attendance of importers and foreign
steamship agents were not altogether
unsuccessful. Before taking final ac
tion on the resolutions given above,
the chamber voted down the follow -
Resolved, That this body recommend
reciprocity in our trade with foreign
countries where it can be done without
injuring any of our own products or
Thus the New York Chamber of
Commerce defines its attitude as exact
ly in line with that of the free traders.
It views with apprehension and disap
proval the sentiment of the 300 thor
oughly representative manufacturers
who i Washington six wreeks before
had, w til but two dissenting votes, and
one of these a delegate from the Amer
ican Free Trade League, declared in
favor of such reciprocal trade relations
with foreign countries as may be had
"without injury to domestic manufac
turing, commerce or farming." The
thoroughly domestic flavor of this
proposition is repugnant to the New
York Chamber of Commerce. A pro
nounced foreign flavor characterized
the proceedings of Jan. 3. Just prior to
the ado ition of the very foreign resolu
tions t’ 'o distinguished foreigners, M.
Lazar* felller, representing th« French
billion dollars of bank clearings foi
the year 1901. They can afford to lei
the New York Chamber of Commerc*
foroignize itself to its heart's conteni
and Cobdenize itself without reserve
as it has done in the action of Janu
ary 3. They will disregard its doc
trines and deliverances just as thej
would those of any other foreign bodj
inimical to this country’s prosperity.
Facts to Ite Keinembcrecl.
Tho following statistics tell whj
there should be no tinkering with tht
tariff. In the years 1893-4-5, under the
low tariff and partial free trade Wil
son bill, our exports of manufactures
were $525,000,000, but in the years
1898-9-1900. under the Dingley law
they were $1,001,000,000, or $11,000,000
more than double as much. In 189;
the balance of trade against us was
$19,000,000, but in 1901 it was $665,000,
000 in our favor, a gain of $684,000,000
Under the Wilson law for the years
1893-4-5, the total balance of trade it
our favor was $202,000,000, but in 1898>
9-1900, under the Dingley law, it was
$1,690,000,000, a gain in three years o;
$1,498,000,000, or more than 600 pes
cent. The laws which brought about
and sustain the existing condition ars
too vital to be tampered with.—Cin
cinnati Times-Star.
The Difference.
Reciprocity which benefits anotha
nation to the injury of our own is no
the object of the men who are tlx
fidends of American industry. Reci
procity which will extend our trad)
should be welcomed. The dlfferenc
between the two is the difference b«
tween free trade and protection
Democracy and Republicanism -
Youngstown (O.) Telegram.
And Learn of Her Haw to r« nm idaal
"It now bring past noon and Formi
ca's thoughts turning to refreshments,
she hied herself to the outskirts of the
nest, where the family cows were pas
tured. These cows, or aphides, were
feeding on tho leaves of the daisy, into
which they plunge their proboscides
and suck all day long, filling their
bodies with pleasant juices. Our ant
came up behind an aphis and stroked
it gently with her antennae, when the
little creature gave out a drop of her
sweet liquid, which Formica sucked
into her own crop. There were thou
sands of these aphides pasturing on
the leaves and thousands of ants milk
ing them. Most of the ants took more
of the juice Into their crops than they
needed; and, on the way back to work,
gave up a part of it to friends whom
they met going to the cows, thus sav
ing the others' time and enabling them
to resume their occupation more quick
ly. The ants were making the most
of the aphis juice during the summer
days, knowing that the supply would
fall off later when the aphides laid
their eggs. (Note here the superior
mental equipoise of the ant, which nei
ther betrays surprise nor writes to the
newspapers when her cows begin to
lay eggs.) These eggs the ants would
store over winter, tending them with
tlie utmost care until spring, when tho
young aphides are brought out and
placed on the shoots of the daisy to
mature and provide food again during
the hot weather. This far-sightedness
is unexampled in the animal kingdom.
Other insects and animals put away
stores for the winter, to be sure, but
the ant is the only one of them that
breeds its own food supply. Having
taken her fill of the sweet Juice on this
particular day, Formica noticed that
the aphis which she had been milking
was in a position on the leaf which
might expose it to observation of some
aphidivorous insect. She immediately
descended to the ground, when she
obtained a mouthful of earth, and.
again climbing up the daisy stalk, built
a tiny sited over the cow, going back
and forth several limes to bring up
sufficient material."—Frank Marshall
White in l’earson’s.
Historic IioHiiolcB Inland'
The historic spot where the first
Rnglish-speaking people landed with
in the boundaries of the United States
is Roanoke Island, N. C., and tho date
was 1584. The people who settled
there had been sent over by Sir Walter
Raleigh, and they wrote such glowing
letters home and made such attractive
maps that in 1585 and 1587 the colony
largely increased. It was at Roanoke
Island in 1587 that Virginia Dare, the
first Anglo-American, as Senator Sim
mons, of North Carolina, calls her,
was born. She ought to have a monu
ment. says Mr. Simmons, and he wants
Congress to appropriate $25,000 for this
purpose. Besides this, he has Intro
duced a resolution asking Congress to
appropriate $50,000 to aid the North
Carolina people in an exposition, which
la to be held next .July and August In
celebration of the landing on Roanoko
Island. At this exposition there is to
be a remarkable display of ancient
manuscripts, maps, relics, curios, etc.,
which will illustrate an almost forgot
ten chapter in American history.—
Kansas City Journal.
Old Needlework.
The needlework picture Beem3 to
have made Its first appearance In the
first years of the reign of Charles I, for
although Elizabethan and Jacobean are
said to exist, one with an absolutely
unimpeachable pedigree Is yet to be
found, and the costumes in the oldest
specimens the writer has yet seen cer
tainly indicate that they cannot be as
signed to a date before 1630. The ear
liest Stuart pictures are worked with
silks on coarse, irregularly woven
brownish linen canvas, in the fine,
slanting stitch taken over a single
thread, which is technically known as
“tent stitch," or petit point. This
method of working produced an effect
much resembling that of tapestry, by
which, indeed, the embroidered picture
was probably suggested. * * * As
time went on the simple stitcliery waa
elaborated, portions of the design be
ing wrought :n silver “passing”—a fins
metallic thread passed through the
material instead of being applied;
hence its name.—The Connoisseur.
A Thnckeray Anecdote.
A correspondent kindly contributes
the following amusing anecdote of
Thackeray’s stay in New York, and
vouches for the authenticity of a re
tort courteous which we seem to have
met in other connections. “Your rem
iniscences of Thackeray’s visit to
America recall another. While here
he w-as very much attracted by the
beauty and brilliancy of Miss B., and,
in accordance with the foreign custom,
made a morning call when she did not
expect any one. Hearing some talking
in the lower hall, she leaned over the
banisters and asked the servant who
it was. 'It's Mr. Thackeray, ma’am.’
‘Oh, damn Thackeray!’ replied Miss B.
No,’ said Thackeray, who could not
but hear the remark, ‘it's not Mlsther
O’Dam Thackeray, but Mr. Makepeace
Thackeray.’ And with a laugh Miss
B. came down. P. S.—If Miss B. a
alive still, she can confirm this."—New
York Evening Post.
To Irrigate in California.
Baltimore capitalists, headed by
General John Gill, president of the
Mercantile Trust and Deposit Cora
I pany, are to organize a company to de
velop an irrigation system to Califor
nia. It is said that 17,000,000 has al
ready been put up and that a tract of
140,000 acre* in the Rialto Plateau,
San Bernardino county, has been se
lected for working.