Lioaal Dews. The Ice harvest continue# A E Chase and wife visited Ord Monday. Dr. Main sold two head of horses last Monday. A. P. Oulley sold his half section of land in Valley County last week. James Conger has tilled his ice house with a superior qnallity of the article. Col. Young is again on the sick list. He has been sick more or less all winter A. Wall and T. S. Nightingale went to Lincoln Monday to practice before the supreme court. The Erlandson sale came oft at the Round front barn last Saturday and we understand that nearly every thing sold well. 8. S Hoover, of Boelus was a pleasant caller last Tuesday morning. He has a bunch of cattle which are being winter ed by Mr. Tracy on the poor farm. We understand that the case of scarlet fever at the Eugene Miller home is get ting along nicely and that up to date there is no signs of tta spread. R. J. Nightingale was able to be down to his office last Tuesday. Mr. Night ingale has had the worst spell of sick ness he has had for many years. C. A. Vanhorn and son, who have sold a cattle ranch in Rock Count* Nebraska, passed through town Satur day. They expect to locate on the Platte near Kearney, Buffalo Co. One of the children of Mr and Mrs. Carsten Trutdsen Is reported quite sick. They lost a little girl last week and it is sincerely hoped that no further be raavmeut will visit iheir household. T. W.O Wolf, practical engineer who was in the employ of T. L. Pilger on the irrigation ditch three years ago this spring, stopped in this city last Tues day and while here called on us. David Kay made this office a pleasant call last Monday Mr Kay has a com plete printers outfit which he wishes to dispose of and it will be sold at a bargain. He will trade for horses or eattle' The weather has been exceptionally cold in this locality for the past two weeks, but reports from different parts of-the county say that slock is standing it first rate and up to date there is but very little loss. A mild form of scarlet fever has de veloped in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lou McGrath. The little girl Marga rette is sick. The home has been quar entrned. Mr. McGrath Is at home with his family, Mrs. C. Gasteyer md Miss. Mary MeKanua went to Chicago Tuesday morning. Miss McKenna will buy a stock of millenary for the spring trade. T. M. Reed can make vou a first class well, call on him if you want one. A L Zimmerman is doing a rushing business, In the real estate line. Quite recently he sold the Thos. Rise farm consisting of 640 acres, near Litchfield to an Aurora gentleman named A. F. Pinkney. This we understand makes In all over 5 000 acres which he has disposed of in Sherman county. Hand bills are out announcing a pub lie auction sale at the farm of Fred Schadt, west of Loup City. Sale to take place at 10 A M on Monday February 17th 1902. Seven horses and 00 cattle are on the list. To inexperienced patentees all pat ents are of equal protective value They all have the seal of the Govern ■ent and a blue ribbon; but some pat entees know the importance of claims and it is to their skill and perseverence in securing protectingclaims that C. A. Snow A Co., of Washington owe in part tbfeir reputation and success. Mrs. Adair, the lady Kvangellst who was to be here and give a series of meetings at the Baptist Church about the first of February, has written to Judge Aagter stating that her work at Stromsberg where she now is, la of such a nature as to make it iudeflnate as to when she can be at Loup City but the date will be announced a little later. We received an order from S. C. Fair batro for 100 sale bills In which, is an nouaced a public auction to take place on the A. J. B Falrbairn farui In Rock ville township on Tuesday February 18, 1902. Mr. Fairbairn will offer for sale 14 head of milk cows, and somo young stock, also five bead of work horses and some young colts, 100 chickens, farm machinery, etc Watch for bills. Through a mistake on the hand bills of Fred Schadt the location was wrong. The sale «ill take place six and a half miles west and one half mile south of Loup City, or three quarters of a mile south of the Oleora Church. Mr. Schadt also desires us to say that in addition to the list of stock and articles enumer ated on the bills, that be will ofl'er for sale 00 bushels of corn and six tons ol baled hay. Weigh Language la Goluff. The Welsh language appears to be approaching extinction. At a recent elstedsfod, at of the prin cipal speakers stated that in 1871 as many as 1,006,100 persons spoke Welsh, but in 1891 the number had fallen to 911,280, a decrease of 95,811, though the population had meanwhile Increased. S J. Fair. Rockville's Hardware and implimmt dealer, was in town Tburs day afternoon on business It B. Culiey, of Riandvllle, III . and brother of our townsman, A. P. fuller la visiting in Loup City tbia week, and made this office a plcaaant call Thursday afternoon. The sky looks bluer, the sun shines brighter, a feeling of youth and strength creeps ov»r the *oul afitr taking Rocky Mountain Tea mad* by the Madison Medicine Co. 25 cts. at Odendabl Bros Reader You will conyey a lasting favor and receive a reward, if you will report the name of dealers trying to sell you asubsti'ute for the Madison Medi cine Co's Rocky Mountain Tea Odendahl Bros. There wi.l be a meeting of all the members of the German congregation In Loup City Saturday, February 15, at 2:00 o’clock P. M. Every church member is herewith invited —German service will be held Sunday, February 16 at 10 A. M. A. L, Conhiser made this office a friendly call while passing through town on bis way to Sargent last 'Satur day. He was on his way home from a trip to South Dakota .where he bad been looking up a location, having sold out his business at Sargent, Nebraska. We understand that Adam has about con cluded to locate in S. D. We are now sending off quite a num ber of subscriptions to the Iowa Home stead and the Twentieth Century Farmer. Anyone ordering tbc same through us and do not receive it in due time will please report to this office and we will tind out if possible where the difficulty is. What would you do if taken with cholera morbu9 when your physlcan is aw-ay from home and tlie drug stores are closed? After one such emergency you will always keep Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera, and Diarrhoea Remedy in your home: fcu' why wait until the horse is stolen before you lock the stable? For sale by Odendabl Bros. We have just received a large assort ment of visiting cards, invitation cards programmes, and cards of rnerrit. It is the finest lot that ever came to this city. We have a tine assortment of en velopes to match all sizes of cards. The order also includes a chcice line of sta tionery No poor goods, ali best qual ity, and having bought in a large quatr tity we cau make you prices that are a way down. Don't fail to see our calling cards in ali sizes, they will be sold very, very, very, cheap. Quality best in the market. President Roosevelt's Horses. President Roosevelt's n*w horses, Admiral and General, weigh together 2,850 pounds. The coachmen and foot men wear red, white and blue cockades which was the badge worn by Jeffer sonian Republicans until 17!>S Go to Frank Dennis when you want the very best grade of flour. A Room for Pictures* The best background for pictures is plain terra cotta or brown paper. A woman who Is the proud possessor of many old rrints and engravings has them in her dining room. The walls are covered with wrapping paper, or something that looks very like It, and above Is a frieze of orange distemper. The picture rails and woodwork are white. The hangings are of orange* colored velveteen. All the furniture i3 mahogany.—Philadelphia Inquirer. CAHU UK THANKS. Wo dsiire to express our heart felt thank* to our many Wind friends who so untiringly assisted ui during the sick ness and death of our darling little boy. Their kindness will always be remem bered by u». Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Reed. Rockville Items Peter Glinsmann of Ashton passed through our city Friday on Ills way home from Reveana P. G. Paige of Ashton came over Friday evening to the masquerade The Grand Masquerade Hall given last Fri day evening at the Woodmen Hall was largely attended and many tine costumes were to be seen. Mrs. Henry Loucks. Miss Fannie Jelinek. and Mr Kmil Dwehus, won the three prizes. Dr. S. Howard and Mr. Hurst of Ashton were In town Saturday afternoon on bus iness. Will Miller came up from Grand Island Friday night to take In the Masquerade and spent Sunday with bli parent. lie returned to the Island Monday morning to resume his studies. W. M. Smelser has been suffering the past week from an obsess on hts face. At the pres ent writing he is able to be uround again. Peter Mortz puid I.oup City a Hying visit Tuesday afternoon between trains. C. W. Fletcher of Boelun was in our burg Tuesday on business. Mrs K. M. Hiddelson is reported us being much better after a weeks illness. We are informed by the best of authority that Kmil Dwehus Intends to depart hence, about April 1st. and make his home in the future in Bovlus, where lie will be engaged in the bank. Jens Wilhelmsenof St Paul was here Wed nesday forenoon Another masquerade is to lie given at the Woodmen bull on Fridry evening. March 7th (t is promised that this will lie the best of the season. Mr. Hans Jensen, ice coatructor has beer very busy tho past week storing up "cold water" for the summer. U NO ME FEBRUARY 15TH, 1902. 18 lbs. Granulated Sugar, - $1.00, 3 Cans good corn, - - .25, Best bulk sorgham .... .35, Good maple syrup, at less that cost. -o .50 cts. Blankets for 35, .05 “ “ “ 45, .75 '* “ “ .56, 1.00 “ “ “ .75, 125 “ “ “ .06, 1.60 “ “ “ 1.05, 1.25 cent Caps for .05 .76 “ “ “ .55 .65 .45 .50 “ “ “ .35 .35 “ “ “ .25 .25 “ “ “ .16 Any Jacket or (^ape in the house just one-fourth off*; those lined mitten aid gloves one-third off*. These and many other bargains will be found at A. E. CHASE’S. in the coffee bin—not a pleasant thought, yet when coffees are kept open in bulk who knows what different “things” come climb ing and floating in ? Lion Coffee put up in sealed packages insures cleanliness, uniform quality, freshness and delicious flavor. Glrli That •Tall.” The Knglish anthropologist, Francis Galton, tells of a conversation which he had lately with the president of a college for women. Mr. Galton asked this lady about the subsequent career of the girls who graduated from the college. She answered that about one third of them derived real profit from their education, that another third profited very little by it, while the remaining third were an absolute fail ure. “And what becomes of these failures?” asked Mr. Galton. “Oh, they’re the ones who marry.” WORKING OVERTIME. Eight hour laws are Ignored by throe tireless, little workers-Dr, King'* Mew Life Fills. Millions are always at work, nigh and day, curing Indigestion. Bllliousnsss, Constipation, Hick Head ache and all Stomach, Liver and Bowel troubles. Easy, pleasant, safe, and sare. Only 50c at Odendahl Bros. She was sitting up with a sick man. No professional nurse was she. Slunply sitting upwlth hsrlove-sisk lov'r Giveibg him Kockv Mountain Tea For sale by Odendahl Bros. Removing Data In Elevators. A crusade has been begun in Wash ington against the southern custom of men removing their hats while riding In elevators if there are any women passengers. Notices have been posted In the corridors of several large office buildings to the effect that good taste does not require gentlemen to remove their hats in the presence of ladies who may be using the elevator. The reason for the crusade Is said to be altogether hygienic. i FAVORITE NEARLY EVERYWHERE Constipation means dullness, depres sion, headache, generally disordered health. DeWitt’a Little Early Risers stimulate the liver, open the bowels and relieve this condition. Safe, speedy and thorough. They never gripe. Favorite pills. For sale by Odeniahl Bros. Germ Theory Covers Everything, Some one has discovered that sun stroke is only the work of a microbe of peculiar shape and kind. It only remains now to find the germ which causes people to freeze to death in winter time. The germ which invades the physical anatomy that has been | struck by lightning and the bacillus j that plays havoc with persons who j are run over by railroad trains can ! be hunted up and identified later. Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest men ace rs to health of the present day. _WOVAl BAKJHO »QWOt» CO., NEW YO»K. LIBERAL OFFER! GOOD IIA KG AIM All our farmer readers should take ad vantage of the unprecedented clubbing offer we this year inuke, which includes with this paper The Iowa Homestead, Its special Farmers' Institute Editions and The Poultry Farmer These three publi cations are the best, of their class and should be in every farm home. To them we add, tor local, comity and general news our own paper, and trake the price of the lour one yearonly $1.40, Never before was so much superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of money. The three papers named, which we club with our own,are well known thrnsghout tlie West and coinmend themselves* to the reader’s favorable attention upon mere mention. The Homestead is the great agricultural and live stock paper ot the West: The Poultry Farmer Is the most practical poult ry paper for the farmer, while The Special Farmers’ tosti tule Editions arc the most practical publications for the promotion of good farming ever published. Take ad vantage ot tills great offer, as It will hold good tor a short time ouly. Samples of these papers tnay be examined by culling at thlsomce. The claim of other cough medicine to bo as good ag Chamberlain,s are effectu ally aet at rest i n the f Blowing testimo nial of Mr. C. D Glass, an employe of Bartlett & Dennis Co., Gardiner, Me. He says: “I bad kept adding to a cold and cough in the winter of 1867, trying every cough medicine 1 herd of without permanent help, until one day 1 was in the drug score of Mr Houlehan anil Le advised me to try Chamberlain's Cough Remedy and offered to pay back my money if 1 was not cured. Mr lungs and bronahial tubes were very sore at this time, but I was completely cured by this remedy, and have since always turned to lt’Whvn I got a cold, and soon find relief. I also recommend it to my friends and am glad to sa y it is the best of all cough tnedisines.” For sale by Odendahl Bros. SAVED HIM FROM TOKTIRE There i* no more agonizing trouble than piles. The constant itching snd burning make life intolerable No posi tion is comfortable The torture is un ceasing De Witts Hazel Salve cures piles at once. For skin diseases, cuts, burns, bruises, all kinds of wounds it is un equalled. ,1 Gerall, St Paul, Ark., says; From 1805 I suffered with the protruding bleeding piles and could find nothing to help me until 1 used DeWitt’a Witch Hazel Ualve. A few boxes completely cured me." Bewere of countferits For sale bv Odendahl Bros r»p» fop the Sunflower. Olive oil has many uses but more substitutes, and few salads are com pounded without the aid of one of them. Cottonseed oil is a favorite sub stitute, buir according to an Egyptian newspaper, this is soon to find a sturdy rival in the oil of the seed of the sunflower. Experiments made by German chemists have convinced them, it seems, of the availability of this cheap raw material and it may become shortly a valuaid^ artfciU? of commerce. It is said to be convertible to many uses and, bestirs having possibilities as a lamp oil, may be used for dyeing purposes, and will be of service In soap making.—New York Press. THK LAST HEARD OF IT 4 Mv little boy took the croup one ni ;tat and toon grew so had you could hear him breathe all over the house “sav« F. I) Reynolds, Mansfield,O “We feared h" » ru'd di». b i» ■» f« v rlo*es of Or- Mi o'e ('oiu'h Cur*’quickly relieved him and he went r.• sleep. That's the last we heard of die croup. Now Isn't a cough cure'.ike tiro valuable!1' One Minute Orti .’li Cure is absolutely safe and acts iniinei i <;. ly F'-r coughs, cold-, croup, grip, hriu chilis and all other throat and lung troubles it is * o> rtain core. Very pleasant to isit*- The tint*? <»n» a like it. For sale bj Odrudah’ Bros. I.ovn Idealizes. All active love idealizes—that Is, sees and loves the ideal of the loved one. Oft-n, indeed, the absorption in the ideal is so complete that the outer, life is mistakt n’y surp srd to be iden tical with it, th is opening tlie way to shocks and bitter disappointments. FLOOR if FEER HAY and GPAFN. best op the market. I keep constantly on hand a large quantity and variety of everything usually kept in a first class Flour and heed store. My flour is of the best brands and warranted to give satisfaction. Bailed hay ready (or delivery. All goods promptly delivered, (’all and see me whether vou need anything or not. All my customers will receive fair treatment and prompt and courteous attention. Store one door east of St Elmo Hotel. FRANK DENNIS, LOUP CITY, NEB. Notice for Proposals for Road Work The Township Board of Loup City town ship will receive bids for ihe excava ting of 1B00 cubic yards from a borrow pit located on top of the hill jast east of the middle section line, between Sec tions Nine (9) and Sixteen (18), in Town shit ii6i, Range (14), and to distribute said excavated earth In the bottoms of the draws east and west from said pit, thb nil In draws to bo not less than 18 feet wide on top. No bids received after lo o’clock March Kth, 19*ij The board reserves the right to reject any and all bids. W. R. Mbi.lok, Township Clerk. DANGER OF COLDS AND LA GRIPPE The greatest danger from colds and la grippe is their resulting In pneumonia If reasonable eare is used, however, and Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy taken, all danger will be avoided. Among the tens of thousands who have used this remedy for these diseases we have y»t to learn of a single case having resulted in pnen monia, which shows conclusively that it is a certan preventative of that danger ous malady. It will cure a cold or an attack of la grippe in leas time than any other treatment It Is pleasant and safe to take. For sale by Odendahl Bros. Lands For kale by Flshar A Benscholcr Loop Cliy, Nebraska Good half section of well Improved land for sale. House 20 z 24, horse harm 21z24, cow barn 24 x 24, 2000 forest trees, 100 fruit tree, 2 chick en houses, wood house, two 20 foot wells, granary. All under fence, 80 acres five wire pasture. 2ftu acres under cultivation. Good bargain Section grazing land for sale within two miles of Loup City. One half section grazing land ten miles from Loup City. One half section of grazing and farm land Nicely situated and wall improved. Four miles from county seat, Loup City. A large number of 180 acre tracts and a few 80 acre tracts. All of these lands are free from sand and well located and can be bought at a bargain. CI.EKK 8 WIDE SUGGESTION. “I have lately been much troubled with dyspepsia, belching and aour stom ach.'' write* M S. Mead, leading phar macist of Attleboro Mas*. “I could eat hardly anything without suffering sever al hours My clerk suggested 1 try Kod ol Dyspepsia Cure which i did with most happv results. I h ive had no more trouble and when one can go to eating 1 mince pi", cheese, candy and nu a nfter ! such a time, th'-lr digestion must be pretty goo 1 I •'"dorse K idol Dvspepsia cure heartily Y >u don't. have to diet. Kat all the good mu -vant bn - don’t overlo d the s'nru o-h K »d -I l»> -1»•-t>siia Cure digests ymi' f i >d r' n su** by Odendahl Bro*. HUOKLIN'S ARM A KILVK' Has world-vide f one for marvel' ns ernes It surpasses miV other Sihel.i’i' n ointmea', • r balm f >r Cu’s.Corn-, Burn , B dies, -vires. FV|on« , Ulcers, I * tier, Salt Khun , Fever Sores, Chapped Hands Skin lfiriiptin i-; I ifdltb'e f >r t*ile* Cure guarantee I O dy 25ee ta at Odendahl Bros. WHEATOSG If you want a good food for your child ren, try Wheatose. It Is easily and quickly prepared, and very healthful. Follow cooking directions to get the full benefit. All reliable grocers -i have it. California Breakfast Food reward. $i) 00 reward will be paid for the ap prehension and conviction of the party or parties who shot out the window Ugh * of the Loup City water work* engine house. Harry Jenner, Water Commissioner. WANTED! Reliable man for Manager of a Branch Oflice we wish to open in this rictnitj. Here is a good open ing for the right man. Kindly give good reference when writing. THE A. T. MORRIS WHOLESALE HOUSE CINCINNATI, OHIO ILLUSTRATED CATALOGUE 4 C. STABIl'S .Tan. 1* to Feb. 21. WANT*!)—SBvKItAI, PBR80NS OP CHARACTER and good reputation In each state (one in this county required) to rep. resent and advertise old established weal thy business house or solid financial stand. ' j ing. Salary *18.00 weekly with expenses additional,all payable in cash each Wed nesday direct from head offices. Horse and carriage furnished when necessary. Refer ences, Enclose self addressed stamped en velope. Manager, 318 Caxton Building, Chicago. sepl 1 s*fiw Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestanls and digests all kinds of food. It gives Instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. B" its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating; Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. C. n* Witt St Co., Ohica' • Tbuftl. Untie contains UK times the 50c. sin, For sale by ODEN DAHL, DHUS.,