The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 31, 1902, Image 8

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f'uirlna of Rniili Mad* Kd*l<r»ln P»P‘
ulnr In Part*.
The edelweiss having been the par
ticular fancy of the Parisians since the
czarina's visit to France, it has not
only figured conspicuously in millin
ery and dress for the last few months,
hut now serves its turn as a charm in
enamel and pearls for the Christinas
season, says the Philadelphia l<rdger.
The newest and most fashionable per
fume is edelweiss, which has a subtle,
elusive, but pleasing scent; small
sachets simulating the little mountain
fiower, are made to sew inside and
perfume the dress. The edelweiss has
always been regarded with affection by
the superstitious, on account of its
supposed health-giving and lucky
properties. A pretty fancy Is the leg
endary origin of the flower, which
imagines it to be the guiding star
which went before the magi, and led
the wise men of the to Bethlehem,
dropping to earth after having fulfilled
its mission.
\ .
Wealthy .Jewish Financier Donate* One
million Dollar*.
There is said to be authority for the
statement that Sir Ernest Cassel is the
man who has placed $1,000,000 ut the
disposal of King Edward for use in
some charity and who stipulated that
his name should not be made public.
King Edward will devote the money
to the erection of a home for consump
tives. Sir Ernest is a naturalized Brit
isher, having been born in France. Hr
is one of England's wealthiest Jewish
Kir KrneHt Casael.
financiers. Within the last two years
he has become a devoted sportsman
and has a racing stable and a breeding
Onlj lour llttr (Governed lltr < hurt'll
I.onger Than Mil.
Only four popes have governed the
church for a longer period of time
than Leo XIII. The apostle Peter’s
pontificate lasted thirty-four years,
from A. D. 33 to 67; that of Pius IX.,
thirty-one years, from 1846 to 1878:
of Pius VI. twenty-four years, from
1775 to 1789. and Adrian's twenty-three
years and ten months from 772 to 795.
l/eo XIII. has now reigned for twenty
three years and nine months, having
been elected to the papal throne on
Feb. 20, 1878. The pope St. Agathus
died in 682 at the age of 107 years;
(Jregory IX. in 1241. aged 99; Celes
tine III. in 1198 at the age of 92 years.
l,eo XIII. will probably reach the age
of Celesttne, and it is hoped that of
Gregory IX.
Former Section Hand Appointed Judge
on Illlnolt flench.
Frederick G. White, who has Just, at
the age of 30, been appointed County
Judge of Livingston County, Illinois,
to fill the unexpired term of Judge
Brickman. resigned, was a few years
ago a section hand on a railroad. Judge
White was born of poor parents and
earned money for a college term by
tamping the ties of the Chicago and
Alton railroad. He was educated at
the Illinois State Normal University,
taught school for a time, served as
Jtulgo White.
city clerk and deputy circuit clerk, and
in 189S was admitted to the bar.
Tricks of Notable#.
Most men have little tricks of some
kind to which they are addicted Jus.
(}. Blaine used to sit by the hour and
twirl his thumbs around each other.
Secretary Root tips his chin up and
down. President McKinley used to
keep wetllug his lips with his tongue.
Snibking made them dry. President
Roosevelt jerks the corner of his
mouth as If he had a string tied to It.
Andrew Carnegie beats a tattoo on
the floor with his foot.
K**. «i. W. Terhanh's CMtnftlioa In
rtorftfli HU Proposal.
Rev. O. \V Teih»sb*s proposal for
the endowment by the ehnrehes of a
Christian theater has been much dis
cussed since the issue was broached in
a sermon recently. At first the pro
posal fell like a thunderbolt on the
congregation of the West Knd Metho
dist church of Pittsburg. Pa., but upon
Kn. (i. W T«rbu*li.
Pittsburg minister who advocates the |
endowment of Christian theaters,
reflection many of the churchmen are
inclined to favor the plan.
Attempt of Boy* to Annoy ln*tructor
Not Eminently SicrMtful.
There was once a veteran teacher in
a boys’ high school who often made
his classes wince under his bitter sar
casm and ready wit. One day a little
half-starved yellow cur strayed into
the school, and the boys thought they
saw a chance to express their feelings
toward their teacher, who was busy
in another room. The frightened mon
grel was picked up. quickly fitted with
a pair of large wire spectacles and
placed on the teacher's chair. The
teacher entered the room, walked to
his desk, calmly surveyed the work of
his pupils, and then, turning to them,
pleasantly said: "In my absence, I
see you have held a meeting and
elected one of your number chairman."
Followers of Confucius Serin to He
Losing Their Conservatism.
A great deal of surprise and no little
amusement has been caused among the
Hongkong Chinese community by the
spectacle of a well dressed China
man careering along the Praya on a
motorcycle. The machine had seats
for two behind, and these were occu
pied by Chinese ladies. The Chinese
are not prone to western innovations,
yet the use by them of the cycle is in
creasing in the colony.—Hongkong
Fotirtcrn-Yoar Old Bojr Hus High Com
mand In Khali’s Army
The youngest general in the world is
the nephew of the late shah of Persia.
His name is Donst and he is now a
general in the army of his uncle. Mu
zafllr-ed-Din. He has been spending
some time at Moscow learning the lan
guage and studying thp ways of the
Russians. As he is not yet 14 years of
age it is safe to say that nobody of
his age holds as high a rank in any I
army in the world.
lloyaltlea an Admiral*.
It is rumored that Rear-Admiral the
Prince of Wales, R. N.. will shortly
be promoted to the rank of vice
admiral. He is still on the active list
of the navy. It is said that this Is
the first time that a prince of Wales
has so figured, but it is certainly not
the first time that a duke of York, be
ing heir to the throne, has been on
active service. James II. before his
accession to the throne was duke of
York, and as admiral of the fleet he
did good service, proving a better
sailor than he did a monarch. He sig
nalized himself by defeating the Dutch
at Solebav and was again victorious
over the same enemy In 1672.
Growth of Cltru* Fruit.
Work has begun in the Salt River
valley on a great plan for the growing
if citrus fruit indoors. The project
Involves the roofing of more than one
thousand acres of orange, lemon and
pomelo trees, and is undertaken by the
Territorial Association of Citrus Fruit
Smoking »nrt I.ung Power.
l)r. Jay W. Seaver of Yale finds
that because the members of the fresh
man class of that institution are usu
ally light smokers they have more
liiug power and can accordingly make
more vocal racket in giving the college
yell than any of their rivals.
Nwnlnt In Ilie Hfbrldti I'tllim Their
hwMtlirtrti* Crown of <ilorj.
The young fellows who make their
living by gathering the eggs of sea
fowl on the rocky island of St. Hilda,
one of the Hebrides, consider them
selves rich if they are possessed of a
rope made of hair from the head of
the girl they love. They use these
ropes in swinging from the precipitous
cliffs of the island. They vary iu
length, one of forty or fifty feet being
especially prized. The usual kind Is a
stout hempen cord, wrapped round
and round with sheep's wool. Over
this Is a coating of horse hair and fin
ally one of human hair. To manufac
ture such a rope is the work of years,
but the St. Hilda girl saves her comb
ings religiously. A curio collector who
wanted to buy one of these ropes of
fered $125 for it. but the offer was re
fused. The cord In question was cov
ered with a veneer of red hair the
result of thirty years’ collection from
the heads of parents, aunts and cou
Lord Mayor Will <»Ito Them to King
Kriward at ThU Monument
At the spot where old Temple Bar,
in London, used to stand, but where
now an inartistic monument nick
named "The Griffin" occupies the cen
ter of the narrow roadway, the lord
mayor, with his mace bearer, his
sword bearer, and all the retinue of
the Mansion House, will await the
coming of royalty in the coronation
procession. The lord mayor will ride
bareheaded into the royal presence
and as evidence of loyalty, will hand
to his majesty the keys of the city
These, in due course, will be handed
back, and the lord mayor will then
ipad the way down Fleet street, past
St. Paul's, as far as the Mansion
Two Nation* Serin to He In Much tVie
Hume I’redlcmnent.
Great Britain has neglected its army
in its care for the navy, and Japan has
neglected its navy in its anxiety about
its army. Great Britain is about to
make good its mistake at an enormous
expenditure, but the results of the
neglect on Japan's part will be more
harmful to Japan than they will be in
the case of Great Britain. It is as
clear as the day that both for Great
Britain and for Japan the chief task
before eaeh nation is the maintenance
of a powerful navy.
Novel Combination That I» Both Trunk
and Writing l)«ik.
A combination trunk and writing
desk has been devised by a New York
woman. Necessity was truly the
mother of this invention, the com
bination being a diminutive hallroom,
a limited income and a “bachelor”
woman's need for a convenient and
capacious drawer.
This design not only gives two large
drawers, but at the same time does
not increase the amount of trunk
room, and leaves it easily accessible.
i The photogijh •i ar i l l trunk,
| now used as a writing tab <. It run
! bp niadi ready for teaseling in less
than u minute’s time. It was stated
some time ago that a man was the in
ventor, bat Laura E. Buckingham is
the patentee, and in justice to her this
statement is made
Yard Foreman Stewart Meets with
Violent Death.
OMAHA, Neb.. Jan 27.- W. 1* Stew
art, a yard foreman, was Instantly kill
ed in a collision in the Burlington
yards by being crushed under a car.
Meanwhile six trainmen were in two
way cars, which were smashed into
kindling wood by five flatcars falling
on them from above, yet all six arc
alive and none are seriously hurt.
A dense fog prevailed at the time
of the accident, engine headlights not
being visible more than a car length
away, and this fact is blamed for the
Stewart leaves a wife anil two
months-old baby. His home was at
2nll Grace street. He w-as born and
reared in Omaha, and was about 35
years of age. He had been in the em
ploy of the Burlington for about two
Rather Than Submit to it the Piatoi
it Used.
BEATRICE, Neb., Jan. 2".—Nathan
iel Woodring, a butcher here, com
mitted suicide by shooting himself in
the right temple with a revolver.
Mr. Woodring had a surgical opera
tion performed some time ago, and.
not having regained his health as an
tieipated, and having been informed
that another operation was necessary,
brooded on the impending operation
until he resolved upon ending his life.
In the morning ho arose ostensibly to
take some medicine, but in reality to
end his life. He went to the kitchen,
where he committed the deed.
Carriers Under Civil Service.
OMAHA. Jan. 27.—On and alter
February 1 the rural free delivery
carriers of the United States will be
under the rules of the civil service
commissioner and each applicant for
a position will be required to stand an
examination to show his proficiency
in the handling of mail and in the
transaction of such registry and mon
ey order business as may come with
in his line of duty. Instructions cov
ering the new plan bepn issued
to agents and a meeting was held at
Denver at which all of the special
agents in the division were present
to consider the application of the new
To Serve as Missionaries.
FALLS CITY. Neb., Jan. 27.—Dr.
F. F. Tucker and wife have been as
signed to the mission field of North
China by the American board of mis
sions. I)r. Tucker and wife are well
known in Lincoln, where they attend
ed the state university. They have
been preparing themselves for this
work for some years. At present they
are engaged in hospital work in Chi
cago. Mrs. Tucker was formerly Miss
Kmma Bose of this city. Her parents
still reside here. They will proceed
to their work about August 1, and will
probably be located at 1’ang Chuang,
in the region devastated by the Box
Increased Land Values.
EMERSON. Neb., Jan. 27.— John
Davis sold his farm of ION acres ad
join! lg town to Lew McLaughlin for
|T5 per acre. This land was bought
about ten years ago for |25 per acre.
Mr. McLaughlin also bought Mr. Da
vis' fine herd of Jersey cattle. In
dications are that a good deal of real
estate will change hands here this
spring and values are rapidly rising.
Military Company at Fremont.
FREMONT. Neb.. Jan. 27.—A meet
ing of the young men Interested in
the formation of a military company
was held at Grand Army of the Re
public hall. Seventy-three names are
now attached to the petition, which Is
eight more than the maximum of
Simons’ Deadly Dose.
OMAHA. Neb., Jan. 27.—H. M. Si
mons of Cedar Rapids. Neb., com
mitted suicide at the Metropolitan ho
tel in this city. He had been confined
in St. Bernard's hospital In Council
BlulTs for insanity since July 10 last,
and escaped from there.
Celt Dead and Hide in Market.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb., Jan. 27.—A
Jackson township farmer missed a colt
from bis herd a few days ago and
upon looking up the matter found the
hide of the colt in a Wood River mar
ket and the carcass in a field several
miles away from his own.
Rear Admiral Schley, while in Chi
cago, will he the guest of the Hamilton
Farmers’ Institute.
PAWNEE CITY, Neb.. Jan. 27.—A
farmers’ institute w ill be held here at
the court house January 20 and 31.
The State Agricultural college will
furnish a number of speakers.
Requisition for Mrs. Hake.
COLUMBUS. Neb., Jan. 27.—Detec
tive Brown of Denver arrived here
with a requisition for Mrs. Florence
Hake, charged with larceny and who
has been In custody for some time.
Nebraska Improved Live Stock Breed
ers Indorse the Measure.
LINCOLN. Nob.. .Ian. 25.- In the
closing session of the annual meeting
of the Nebraska Improved Live Stock
Breeders' association a spirited debate
took place over a resolution introduc
ed by H. F. McIntosh of Omaha. The
measure indorsed the proposition now
before congress looking to the leasing
of the government land. Mr. McIn
tosh's resolution follows:
"Whereas. There is now before the
national congress a bill for leasing
such public lands as are suitable,
neither for agriculture, forestry nor
mining, and therefore adapted to graz
ing of live stock only; and.
"Whereas, Such lands have hereto
fore yielded neither revenue to the
general government nor (axes to the
states in which they are located; and,
“Whereas. The proposed law con
templates a system under which ac
tual users of such public lands shall
be made secure in their use for a brief
period of years iu consideration of an
annual rental equivalent to what is
now about the taxable value of sim
ilar lands of private ownership in Ne
braska: and.
“Whereas. Such system will yield a
vast amount of revenue to the nation
al government, which would lighten
the burden of general taxation, as well
as relieve agriculture In a measure
from untaxed competition in produc
ing live stock; therefore be it
“Resolved. That the Nebraska Im
proved Live Stock Growers’ associa
tion favors the passage of a lease law
and that we hereby request the Ne
biaska senators and representatives
in congress to support such a meas
Open August 25 and Continue to Sep
tember 5.
LINCOLN, Neb., Jan. 25—The state
hoard of agriculture has decided that
this year the fair will open August 20.
and continue to September 5, inclu
sive. This time was tixed in accord
ance with the recommendation of the
national board of fair managers at
Chic ago.
How to get a large attendance at
the fair was a Question which brought
out a good deal of comment. One
gentleman thought nothing would be
quite so efficacious as fine live stock,
and that premiums on that class of
exhibit should be made so high that
the finest animals will he attracted.
He pointed out the Minnesota state
fair for instance, telling how it was
that on one day an attendance of 82.
000 was recorded. This, he said, was
on account of the excellent exhibit of
live stock.
The board reconsidered the resolu
tion authorizing members to draw
upon the general fund for their hotel
bills for two days, anti when they net
at the I,indell hotel each member was
given $4 for his expenses, excepting
the committeemen, who had been in
town over two days. These came in
each for an extra $2 a day.
Packing House Strike.
NEBRASKA CITY. Neb.. Jan. 25 —
The strikers who went out at the Mor
ton (iregson Packing company two
weeks ago are still out. The union
held an open meeting and a number
of business men were present to dis
cuss the strike and see if some com
promise could not be reached so that
the men could go back to work and
the plant once more started. The un
ion decided by an almost unanimous
vote to still holrl out. The company
have about fifty men at work at their
plant and are guarding the same with
deputy sheriffs day and night.
Bassett Man a Suicide.
BASSETT. Neb., Jan. 26.—Without
apparent cause Ed Waters, a single
man, thirty-four years of age, com
mitted suicide at the residence of his
brothers, J. W. Waters, five miles
south of Bassett, by cutting his throat
with a razor and later shooting him
self in the forehead with a 38-caliber
revolver. Waters left nothing which
would indicate the motive for his act.
Loses Nine Heed of Horses.
CALLAWAY, Neb., Jan. 25.—With
in the past three days Charlesy John
ston, a prosperous farmer residing a
few miles south of this place, has
lost nine head of two and three-year
old colts out of his bunch of twenty
head. . The horses had been run
ning in the stalk field.
Arm Taken Off at Elbow.
OSCEOLA, Neb.. Jan. 25.—The first
accident that has occurred in the
county from a corn shredder wa:» the
one that happened to John I>. Harsh
near Stromsburg. The left arm had
to be amputated.
Bruner's Expedition.
LINCOLN. Neb.. Jan. 25.—Prof.
Lawrence Bruner, head of the depart
ment of ornithology and entomology,
will leave for Costa Rica February 15,
where he intends to spend two months
in collecting specimens of birds and
insects for the State university muse
um. He has been granted a leave of
absence and will spend his time in
the portion of Central America be
tween the two proposed routes of the
isthmian canal.
Latest Quotations from South Omaha 'r
and Kansas City.
Out (I#—Receipts of cattle were nol
heavy. Tha demand, however, was In
KO«d shape and buyers started out early
and hid good, strong prices for all deslr
agle grades. That being the case. It did
not take long to cleitr the pens. There
were not very many corn-fed steers of
fered and buyers had hut little difficulty
In disposing of what they had at good,
strong prices. The cow market was also
active and the better grades commanded
strong prices. Ho far as the prices paid
for the medium kinds and canners are
concerned, there was not much change.
There was very little change noticeable
In the prices phI.I for bulls, veal calves
and stags, but still the market could
safely he quoted strong on anything
showing quality. The Stocker and feeder
trade was In rattier had shape. Specu
lators now have a good many cattle on
hand that they have been unable to sell,
even thought they have I teen offering
them for less than they paid for them.
Ver few buyers hHve been on the mar
ket, and now that the ettJ of the week Is
close at huntl buyers did not Cara to get
many more rattle on bund.
Hogs Receipts were not excessive, but
Including was was carried over from yes
terday. there were a good many hogs on
sale. Parkers started In bidding better
prices than they did yesterday, and the
tlrst hogs soltl strong to 5c higher. At
those prices quite a few changed hands,
but still the market wits not what would
be called active. When the break came
in provisions, however, the market came
to a standstill and very little was done
for some time. Heavyweight hogs sold
mostly from $G.30 to into. Good medium
weight bogs soltl largely from $ti. 15 to
Sheep- There was not a very heavy run
of sheep anti lambs, but still packers did
not take hold wilh as much life as they
have been doing of late, and the feeling
was weak from the start. The general
market could safely be quoted a dime
lower than that. Some sales. In fact, were
made that looked 25c lower than the same
kinds sold for the lirst half of the week
Hellers were not at all anxious to take
off that much, ami ns a result the mar
ket was slow as well as lower, and It was
rather late before a clearance was made.
('little—Heavy beef steers, slew; other
rattle, steady to shade higher; choice ex
ihirt and dressed beef steers, J5.80tfrJS.titi;
fair to Rood. $4.7595.75; Stockers and feed
ers, JJ.50tfi4.7T>; western fed steer*. $4,509
Jti.OO; Texas and Indian steer*. J4.254f5.35
Texas cows, SJ.lXK'H.&i: native cows. $2.7t
SN.X5: heifers. $:i job j.2.j; i aimers. $ 1.TA'il
2.B5: bulls. $2.5094.35; calves. M'KVfffi.oO.
Hors Market opened jtf/lOo higher, but
closed with the advance lost: top, Jti.55;
bulk of sales. |:(.ij.Vf/t; ;0; heavy. |;
mixed puckers. fO.iKMibVJo; light. J5.35tfMj.20;
pigs, S4.70ar.2Ti.
Sheep and laitnbs Market strong; we*4
ern lambs. Sj.004Mi.00: western wethers.
I4..VKTH&.U0; yearling*. tS.O095.S0: ewes, JIJAI
94.Jo; culls and feeders, t2.j094.2j.
Recommendation Made by the Indus
trial Commission.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 25.—The in
dustrial commission, after several
years spent in investigating the indus
trial condition of the country with
the view of making recommendations
calculated to assist in the solution of
the problems of the times, has com
pleted and sent to the printer its
llnal report, it is expected that this
report will be presented to congress,
as required by law, within the next
few days. The final document will
be a volume of about 1,000 pages and
will be a review of the evidence con
tained in the previously published
eighteen volumes.
In this last volume the various ques
tions which have been considered in
the course of the inquiry are discussed
under separate headings and recom
mendations are made. On the subject
of trusts the commission follows
closely the lines of recommendations
laid down by thte president in his an
nual message.
Power to Make Treaties.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 24.—The sub
committee of the senate committee on
foreign relations, which has had un
der consideration the legal questions
connected with the reciprocity trea
ties, today decided to report to th*
full committee their opinion on th6
treaty-making power of the executive
and the senate on questions affecting
the tariff. The contention is mads
on behalf of the house of representa
tives that under the requirement that
all revenue laws should originate in
the house, that body should eo-oper
ate in the consideration of all meaa
ures hearing on that subject.
New Philippine Coins.
WASHINGTON, .Jan. 25.—Sketches
of the new Philippine coins, as pro
posed by the Philippine commission
were shown to the members of the
house insular committee by Dlrectoi
of the Mint Roberts. They show a
Philippine design.
Story Proves to Be False.
ATHENS. Jan. 25.—Investigation ol
the report that an attempt had bee.t
made on the life of King Goorge ol
Greece in the park at Phaleron prove!
the story to he without foundation.
Cleveland is After Ducks.
GEORGETOWN. S. C., Jan. 25.—
Former President Grover Cleveland
with a party of friends, ainong whore
are Rear Admiral Robley D. Evans
Colonel E. C. Benedict, General An
son G. McCook. Captain P. B. Lam
berton and Herman May, arrived here
After a breakfast they boarded th*!
United States ship launch Water Lily
and lert for Ford’s Point, on the Ix>w
er Santee river, the shooting preserves
of General E. P. Alexander.