The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 31, 1902, Image 7

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* Is because made by an entirely different
proceg* Deflnnce Starch ts unlike any
other, better and cue-ttnru more for 10
St. Jacobs Oil
Has cured thousands of cases of
Rheumatism, Gout, Lumbago,
Neuralgia, Sciatica, Sprains,
Bruises, and other bodily aches
and pains, Is a guarantee that It
will cure other cases. It Is safe,
sure and never falling. 2Bc A 60c.
More Salesmen Wanted!
Active men of go >d character and
address to sell our large line of family
and Stock Remedies, Flavoring Extracts
and pure ground Spices. A permanent
and profitable business. Team and
wagon only capital required. Territory
assigned. Exclusive agency given. A
large business can be done with only a
small investment. Our agents earn #15
to #50.00 weekly. Write to-day for terms.
1 The Lincoln Eye and Ear Infirmary j
HttM ;
Successfully |
treats all curable f
diseases and in- I
juries of the
i Inrliidtiiff
I Contagious ami Incurable cases not admit- =
ted. Patients boarded. nurRed and treated, g
Letters of inquiry promptly answered.
Write for announcement. '
Oculists and Aurists in attendance. Lincoln.Neb. |
| Largest growers of (
_ Clover, Timothy and
Grasses. Our northern grown Clover, I
for vigor, frost and drouth resisting
| properties, has justly become famous. I
’ SUPERIOR CLOVER, bu. $5.90; 100 lbs. $9.80{
la Cross* Prime Clover, bu. $5 60; 100 lbs. $9.20]
Samples Clover, Timothy and Grasses and great |
Catalog mailed you for Sc postage.
Seed Co.<a
•all WRrnirr-poR more than half a ceimmr*
Hcadiflis, CoutipaMon, Chill* and Few, ud all Mi
boa Cop pi ala U. All 1> ratals. I'rlea tfc oaala a Bn.
Cane Seed
For prices, write
GR.OWEHS ) 9 Council Bluffs. Is.
State quantity desired.
DICK T. MORGAN. El Reno. 0. T.
t.ihiiuitltf Competition
Before the Australian flag was
chosen more than 33,000 designs were
carefully examined. The competition
was originally started by "The Aus
tralasian Review of Reviews," and as
many of the designs were well .worth
notice, the government took the mat
ter up and offered a reward of £200
for the best suggestion. A board of
naval experts was appointed to exam
ine those sent in, and a decision was
reached on October 3.
Wasn't Sore as to that Kind.
A visitor to Wash!—ton entered a
store where books, pel....Heals and sta
tionery were displayed in the show
winds. To the first "saleslady" he
said: "Do you keep stationery? 1
want some envelopes." The '%ales
lady" looked puzzled and uncertain
for a moment, then walking rapidly
to the rear of the store she called out
to an assistant: “Sadie, do we keep
stationery envelopes?”
Looking for an English Bride.
The story about the visit to England
of the Grand Duke Michel, brother of
the czar, Is that he is seeking a brid"
and has the lady picked out in th>
person of the Princess Margaret,
daughter of King Edward’s only sur
viving brother, the Duke of Connaught.
The grand duke is 23 years old.
Tlie»e are Plain Word*.
Marshfield, Mo., Jan. 20th.—Mr. J.
F. King of this placs makes the fol
lowing statement:
“I have suffered untold agony for
twenty years with Lame Back and
Acute Kidney Disease, and in that
time have never been two days to
gether clear of misery, and for some
of the time 1 could not walk a step or
even sit up.
"Last spring, after trying many doc
tors and every remedy that could be
thought of, I began a treatment of
Dodd’s Kidney Fills. The good re
sults were almost immediate and for
the last seven months I have seen
more comfort and pleasure than 1 have
for twenty years before.
“Any one with Kidney Disease or
Lame Brick that will not try Dodd’s
Kidney Fills deserves to suffer.”
MiftN Klumpke Coming Home.
Miss Dorothea Klumpke, the Ch>
cago astronomer, who lias been assist
ant in the Faris, France, obseravto y
for fifteen years, is rapidly completing
arrangements to return to the United
States, where she will have special
charge of astral-photography at Stan
ford university, in California.
can he obtained only by using Defiance
Starch, besides getting 4 oz. more for
same money—no cooking required.
Who goeth a borrowing goeth a sor
T7se Bed Cross Ball Blue and keep them
white as snow. All grocers. 5c. a package.
Work makes the man, and want of It
the fellow.
Cnfneu Cannot Bn Cared
by local applications as they cannot reach the
diseased portion of the ear. There Is only one
way to cure deafness, and that is by consti
tutional remedies, Deafness is caused by an
Inflamed condition of the mucus lining of the
Eustachian Tube When this tube is inflamed
you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hear
ing, and when it is entirely closed deafness is
the result, and unles> the inflammation can bo
taken out and this tube restored to its normal
condition, bcuring will be destroyed forever;
nine oases otit of ten are caused by catarrh,
which is nothing but an inflamed condition of
the mucus surfaces.
We will give One Hundred Dollars for any case
of Deafness (caused by catarrh) that cannot
bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Send for
slrculars, free.
F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, a
Sold by Druggists, 7.V.
Hail s Family Pills are the best.
For the Dumb Brute's Sake,
The Animal Rescue league of Bos
ton has been in existence but three
years. The good work it has since
done has been thus summarized by
Mrs. Hunting Smith, its president:
'F'rom the 110 members with which
we started we have reached over 1,300,
and from being called upon to care for
2,595 animals in the first year of our
work we have cared for 5,089 In six
months.” • Mrs. Smith said that she
hoped for the establishment of a home
of rest for horses similar to that
which has been successful in Acton,
England, where overworked horses
can occasionally go to green grass and
an outing, and where they can spend
their declining years in comfort.
Are we then so sure of reality, that
we dare to laugh at the illusions of
Definance Starch is easy to
use—needs no cooking—sim
ply mix it with cold water.
It is the cheapest. A 1G
ounce package for 10 cents—
that is one-third more than
you can get of any other
If your grocer does not keep
it, send us his name and we
will send you one trial pack
age free.
At Wtioiesdie by All Grocery Jobbers.
W. N. U.— OMAHA. NO. 4.—1902
- ‘ •.]
Are you married f If not. why not marry an heiressf We
will give the nemos, aridressesand description* of twelve
ladies who wish to marry. Ages from 17 to 40. They
have from $10,000 to $77,000 In cash. We send
sealed, five of these names for II .00 or all twelve forts. 00.
Bend for all and take your choice. Earliest offers
the most favored WHY NOT MAKKY RICH! Ad
rrawer 077. Laocutv, Pa.
Lives of Many Are Now S»v«<l hj
Timely Opfrnilom.
there has also been very great progress
In tree surgery or the methods ot
treating trees and shrubbery when it
becames necessary to apply the knife
or pruning shears. Many a tree is
living today that would have died a
few years ago from causes that wouid
then have brought on death, but which
today are successfully treated.
An instance of this progress can be
seen in the Simon Cameron tree, as
the spreading elm near the footpath
leading from New Jersey avenue to the
south wing of the capital in Washing
ton is called. This tree received its
While surgery as applied to man has
made great strides in recent years,
name by which it is universally known
now when the elder Olmstead laid out
the capitol grounds and provided for a
footpath which would have made nec
essary the removal of the stately old
elm that was so greatly admired by
Senator Simon Cameron. Mr. Cam
eron interested himself in saving the
tree with the result that it was al
lowed to stand in the center of a
space that would otherwise have been
covered with a granolithic walk.
The tree flourished until a year ago,
when an amputation became neces
sary. One of its big limbs, showing
signs of decay, was cut off. The op
eration was successful enough, but the
wound being Jeft open, in the course of
time decay set in. The decay was
working into the very vitals of the
elm and w'ould have killed it in a few
years, but recourse was taken to an
operation that is now very frequently
applied in tree surgery. The decayed
portion was scraped off and a cover
ing of asphaitum was placed over it to
arrest further decay. The tree is now
as well off, says the Washington Star,
as would be a man with a limb am
putated and properly dressed with an
tiseptics. In the course of time the
wound will probably be healed and the
tree will be perfectly healthy again.
Nutrl Flan Invented by Mun from San
Cooking by the heat of the sun Is a
novel idea, but suggests economy, and
is certainly practicable if there is no
exaggeration in the claims made by
a San Francisco inventor in behalf of
a newly patented contrivance.
The apparatus consists of a sort of
oven made in the shape of a rectangu
lar box, open on one of its four sides
(through glass) to the direct rays of
the sun. and similarly exposed on an
other side to solar rays reflected
from a series of prismliko mirrors.
Inasmuch as the box and mirrors are
adjustable at various angles, the rays
of the sun may be concentrated upon
the inside of the oven at any hour of
the day.
The oven is set upon one edge.
Whereas the upper two sides are of
glass, the lower two sides are of wood,
and the whole box, save for the two
glass sides, is double-walled and lined
with felt and sawdust. Thus, glass
being also a nonconductor, the heat
that enters the box does not easily get
out again. In fact, if there were water
inside, it is claimed that it would
quickly boll on a sunshiny day.
The internal arrangement of the
oven consists of three shelves which
remain horizontal no matter at what
angle the box is placed. On these
shelves baking is done. Along the
top edge of the box extends a flat
piece of metal, hollow inside, into
which hot air is admitted from the
oven beneath. This is a broiler, and
the Inventor says that one may cook a
steak on it nicely.
One advantage of the solar method
of cooking it that it is clean. No fuel
has to be supplied, and there are no
ashes to remote. It is a process that
recommends Itself most strongly,
therefore, to the neat and thrifty
Barber's Canning Bid for Trade.
“I perceive,” sRid the barber, "that
you shave yourself and that you are
a right-handed person. I know that
you shave yourself and that you
are right - handed because your
hair, where it ends in front of your
ears, is blocked out by the razor at
unequal lengths. It is much longer,
a full quarter of an inch longer, be
fore your left ear than before your
right one. These inaccuracies show
me that you shave yourself, and the
longer hair on the left side shows you
to be right-handed. For you have,
you see, a better, freer reach with the
right hand, and in the first stroke of
shaving that you make on the right
side the trained muscles of your arm
cause you unconsciously to begin high
er up. If you were left-handed the
hair on the left side would be the
shorter.”—Philadelphia Record.
Choice of Locality for flume.
Thoughtful parents are often guided
in their choice of a home by the char
acter of the school district into which
it wil bring them. I have known
families to move from the edge of one
district to the outskirts of an adja
cent one simply for the purpose of
changing school associations. “The
teachers are all right,” they will say.
"I have no fault to find with the
school; but I want my boy and my
girl to be thrown with a better class
of children.” And the feeling that
prompts it is to be honored always.
One can hardly do better for her
children than by giving them the best
and most elevating daily associations
obtainable.—Caroline Abbot Stanley
in the Ledger Monthly.
Coneamptlvee In Anatmlla.
According to Dr. Sidney Jones, 16,
000 consumptives are moving about
Australia annually.
^ Miss Marion Cunningham, the Popular
Young Treasurer of the Young Woman’s
Club of Emporia, Kans., has This to Say of
Lydia E. Pinkham’s Vegetable Compound.
“ Dear Mrs. I’inkiiam : — Your Vegetable Compound cured me
of womb trouble from which I had been a great sufferer for nearly
three years. Daring that time I was very irregular and would often
have intense pain in the small of my back, and blinding headaches and
severe cramps. Ior three months I used Lydia L. Pink ham’s
^ egetabie Compound, and aches and pains are as a past memory,
while health and happiness is my daily experience now. You cer
tainly have one grateful friend in Emporia, and I have praised your
Vegetable Compound to a large number of my friends. You have
my permission to publish my testimonial in connection with my picture.
^ ours sincerely, Miss Marion Cunningham, Emporia, Kans.”
H lien women are troubled with irregular, suppressed or painful
menstruation, weakness, leueorrhoea, displacement or ulceration of the
womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, backache,
bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous pros
tration, or are beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness, lassitude,
excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy, “all
gone, and “ want-to-be-left-alone ” feelings, blues, and hopelessness,
they should remember there Ls one tried and true remedy. Lydia E.
Pink ham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles.
Refuse to buy any other medicine, for you need the best.
Mrs. Pirikliain invites all sick women to write her for advice.
She has guided thousands to health. Address, Lynn, Mass.
rAet Helaer’e Needs are grown In more gardens, fend
plsutrd on more farms lu America than any other. There ie reason
No matter brw poor the soil or Inclement the weather. Nalrer‘0 Seed*
produce. M e are ihe larnrst growers of Vegetable an i Farm S. ed". op.
orating over o.oJO acres, and henoeoan make the following uui)i«cedeni
eU offer—
160 Kinds for (Go, Postpaid.
^150 kinds
SO kinds of rarest lutrteet liadlihos
15 magnlfx < nr t urllt.i Melon*
1« aorta glorious Tomatnrs v
16 peerless Lettuce rurletlM / TOrOncy
15 splendid Bert aorta l «c
16 forgeouily beautiful Plotter Roed* ) COntS.
above 150 eorts. which will furnish you bushel baskets full of magulfl.
cent flowers and lots ar.d I >te of rare vegetables. together with our great
catalog telling nil shout ka- rarest kind of fruits and fl .were, and beat
earliest vegetables and farm eeedr—all for but 10 rts. In at a nape.
tnail 7 Hardy Kvorbloomlug Carden Rotes, postpaid, fe5o.;
9 Hard? P oms, 3 Cherries. « Crabs aud 7 Applet—all
trooolad, hardy as oak—the 18 postpaid for fl &0.
Oar great catalogue, positively worth $100 to ever? wide awake gar*
doner sod farmer. Is mailed to you upon reoeipt ef he. postage, er with
above 160 sorts for bnt 16c. postage.
Charms strike the sight, but merit
wins the soul.
Mile* of rotator*.
Everybody knows that the John A.
Salzer Seed Co., La Crosse, Wis., are
the largest seed potato growers in the
world, so when their President, Henry
A. Salzer, recently purchased 21,000
acres more of ideal potato land, all
wondered what for. Well, it is for po
tatoes-miles and miles of potatoes.
Anxiety regarding other sometimes
resolves itself into a desire to have
things our own way.
It is easier to boar the aches of an
other man's corns.
riTP prrmanontiT rrmi. Vo fit*nr norvoattnosn after
rila tlr*t llay'K uw of Dr KIiiii'h Oroat Nrrvr Keator
i r StTKl fur KHKH Sl'i OO (r;al liottle ami irrntlne.
DR. R. H Klin*, Ltd . Ml Arch Street, I'liiladelphla, Da.
The fashion wears out more apparei
than the man.
Eure to be arrowed! Any ache or
pain by Hamlin's famous Wizard Oii.
Your druggist sells it.
Smoking is permitted in the various
prisons in Belgium only as a reward
for good behavior.
Is the man who never has a failure In crops,
nets splendid returns for bis labors, and baa
best social and relig
ious advantages, to
ge.her with splendid
climate and excellent
heultb. These we give
lo the settlers on the
lands of Western Can
ada, which comprise*
_ the great grain and
ranching lands of Manitoba. Assnlboia, Alberta
and Saskatchewan. Exceptional advantages
amt low rates of fare am given to those desir
ous of Inspecting the fall grant lands. The
handsome foriy page Allas of Western Can
ada sent free to nil applicants. Apply to F.
Pedley, Superintendent Immigration, Ottawa.
Canada, or to W. V. Bennett, Canadian Gov
ernment Agent, 801 New York Life Bldg.,
Omaha, Neb.
A substitute for and superior to mustard or
any other plaster, and will not blister the
most delicate skin. The pum alluylng and
curative qualities of this article are wonder
ful. It w ill slop the toothache at once, and
relieve headache and sciatica. We recom
mend it as ihe best ami safest external
counter-irritant known, also as un external
remedy for pains ia llie chest and stomach
and all rheumutle, neuralgic and gouty com
plaints. A trial will prove what we c.alm
for it, and it will be found to he invaluable
In the household. Many people say "it Is the
best of all of vour preparations.'’ Prloe 15
cents, at all druggists or other dealers, or by
sending this amount to us in postage stamps
we w ill send you a tube by mall. No article
should be accepted by the public unless tho
same carries our label, us otherwise It Is not
genuine. CHB5l;llROlj«JH MFC. CO.,
17 State Street, Nkw York. Cut.
V ■ v9 V quick r«lief and cure* wont
raws. Rook of te*tlnionial& and 10 DATS* t rent meal
I KICK. DR. H. H. OBFk.VH SONS. Bov K. All Ac to. O*.
Life out of doors and out of the games which they play and the enjoy
ment which they receive and tlie efforts which they make, comes the
greater part of that healthful development which is so essential to their
happiness when grown. When a laxative is needed the remedy which is
given to them to cleanse and sweeten and strengthen the internal organs
on which it acts, should be such as physicians would sanction, because its
component parts are known to be wholesome and the remedy itself free from
every objectionable quality. The one remedy which physicians ami parents,
well-informed, approve and recommend and which the little ones enjoy,
because of its pleasant flavor, its gentle action and its beneficial effects, is—
Syrup of Figs and for the same reason it is the only laxative which should
be used by fathers and mothers.
Syrup of Figs is the only remedy which acts gently, pleasantly and
naturally without griping, irritating, or nauseating and which cleanses the
system effectually, without producing that constipated habit which results
from the usf of the old-time cathartics and modern imitations, and against
which the children should be so carefully guarded. If you would have them
grow to manhood and womanhood, strong, healthy and happy, do not give
them medicines, when medicines are not needed, and when nature needs
assistance in the way of a laxative, give them only the simple, pleasant and
gentle Syrup of Figs.
Its quality is due not only to the excellence of the combination of the
laxative principles of plants with pleasant aromatic syrups and juices, but
also to our original method of manufacture and as you value the health of
the little ones, do not accept any of the substitutes which unscrupulous deal
ers sometimes offer to increase their profits. The genuine article may be
bought any where of all reliable druggists at fifty cents per bottle. Please
to remember, the full name of the Company —
CALIFORNIA FIG SYR-UP CO.- is printed on
the front of every pack
age. In order to get its
beneficial effects it is al
ways necessary to buy
the genuine only.