The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 31, 1902, Image 6

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(Copyright. 1«W. by Pally Story Pub Co.)
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*'If he loved us why did he leave
us?’' asked the child, with that logic
which exists only in the unwarped
minds of children—of all ages.
Even harder to answer than that un
answerable question were the sincere
blue eyes raised with questioning look
to her own: and Alice Newcomb, as
If seeking an answ'er to give the trust
ing child, whose head nestled so lov
ingly on her bosom, looked out of the
window to the sunshine and the birds
and all the pretty growing things and
sought In vain for an answer.
Why had he left them? The ques
tion that had never left her mind by
night or day for five years; the har
assing, stinging, burning question
which it seemed to her was branded
into her very soul. Her last thought
each night, her first at dawn, haunt
ing her dreams by night and her work
by day, never forgotten, always unan
swerable: ‘Why had he left them?”
The village had known no happier
home, had never contained within its
boundaries a prettier or cosier nest
than the cottage where now sat the
lonely woman with the winsome child
in her lap. The sunshine peeped
through the honeysuckle and into the
room where these two sat. just as John
Newcomb had knowru it would when
with his own hand he had planned and
built the little home, full of hopes and
purposes for the future.
Their married life hud been of un
usual and perfect content. Lovers for
many years, they had waited until
John's prospects as a partner in the
firm of Newcomb & Miller, carpenters
and builders, gave them assurance of
financial safety, and then they had
married and settled in the prettiest of
cottages almost before Alice could be
lieve it true. Three happy years had
they spent in their home, during which
an uuueu jvy uuu luuie iu meiu—iuc
little golden-liaired girl whom they
had named Madeline. She was a beau
tiful and an ideal child, born of the
love of a perfect and a happy home
and her coming had filled to the brim
the cup of happiness which life held to
the lips of John and Alice Newcomb.
John Newcomb was a manly man; as
the men said who worked for and with
him, he was “ever) Inch a man.” And
with every inch of his many iuches, for
he was more than six feet tall, did he
love “his girl." Alice, and his baby.
Madeline. To all that was rough and
burly and hearty in him, did the
dainty little girl appeal, with the un
conscious strength of childhood. The
first word and the first step and the
first tooth were events never to be for
gotten in John Newcomb's life, so
tightly about his heart did the little
Madeline weave the meshes of love,
giant meshes woven by baby hands.
The partnership prospered, the cot
tage was almost entirely paid for, and
John’s reputation for the practical part
of his work, as well as the theoretical,
for he had been known as an excellent
draughtsman, grew apace, and was the
source of some modest pride to John
and of much wifely pride to Alice. The
home-coming of John at night was the
joyful part of the day to all of them,
and as the little one grew to more of
the pretty ways and words, of baby
hood and childhood, more and more
did John look forward to the restful
evening time at home.
One night. It was soon after Madeline
had reached her third year, and had
had a “beefday party,” something hap
pened that had never happened before.
John did not come home.
Never before had such a thing oc
curred. He was superintending the
work of a handsome school building in
a neighboring city. It was a contract
the firm had been proud to get, and he
had gone down to supervise the work
He rose as one who dreams,
in person, coming home each night. As
the hours went by Alice first became
alarmed, but her perfect faith in John
and her confidence that nothing but
the missing of his train could have de
layed him, soon quieted her fears, and
like the innocent baby, she soon went
to her rest.
Poor Alice. It was the last peace
ful and perfect day that had been
granted her. Five years of torment
had she lived through, and yet. John
had not come. The love for her child
and his had held her to life and sanity;
the work of her hands, with some aid
from her friends, had kept the little
• • • • • •
The fall of a heavy stone archway in !
the building where he had lingered j
•lone that night, going over the work
of his men, a crash of stone and brick
upon a man when none were by to see j
and tell of It, hours of lying uticon
•cioua in the darkness In tha chill Oc- j
tober night, had blotted from this
man a mind all memory of the past.
When in the early dawn c« nsclousness
returned his mind was as totally with
out memory as that of the new-born
babe. The home that he had built,
those dearest to him, the center of all
his thoughts and hopes, the struggles
and the ambitions of the past, were all
as though they had not been. In the
chill gray morning he arose as one
who dreams, walked aimlessly through
the deserted streets and when a lum
bering freight train drew heavily Into
the little station, without idea of time
or place or season he climbed aboard
and was borne westward.
• • • • • •
About the fire in a miner’s cabin In
(he far west sat four men. They were
clad in rough clothes and were loung
ing about in the easiest attitudes that
occurred to them, finding comfort in
their pipes of tobacco after the hard
work of the day. One of these men.
somewhat differing in appearance from
the rest, sat a little apart. His fare
was fine and there were lines of suffer
ing. But the unusual thing about the j
face was the expression in the eyes;
they were kind and sad eyes, but un
less he spoke directly to another, an
expression, not of being hunted, but of
hui ing, dominated them. As if they
were always seeking and never finding.
This was John Newcomb. His com
panions called him odd and talked of
him among themselves, always ending i
by saying that there was something
wroug—no doubt about that. That
man had a past. And yet the great
goodness of the man forbade their
thinking any evil of him. No man in
camp was so kind-hearted or half as
enduring of hardship or trouble as was
It was the month of October and the
mountains wore their purple and gold
en haze, preparatory snowy winter
garb. Soon the little cabin would be
snowed in and communication with the
town shut off. In anticipation of this
time two of the men took a journey to
town about this season of each year
and purchased the necessary supplies
for the coming cold weather. John
was almost always one of these, for his
knowledge of household economy was
of value in making the purchases. Sev
eral days were occupied usually in this
journey and this little period of change
and activity was welcomed by these
men of the mountains and the woods.
One evening while his "pard” was
absorbed in a game of cards, where the
bags of gold dust lay thick upon the
table, John wandered away through
the streets of civilization. The sun was
Just resting on the horizon before it
bade good-night to the pretty little
mountain town. And up and down the
street, lined with graceful trees and
cosy homes, \vere to be seen the chil
dren in their happy play. And the
hour was full of peaceful foreboding
that the twilight brings to the tired
son of man. But of these things about
hirn John seemed to have little knowl
edge or care, until one of the homes
he passed by seemed for a moment to
attract him. it was a low cottage
standing in the midst of a flower
decked lawn, and over Its windows
climbed and bloomed the honeysuckle.
The sight of it stirred something in
the breast or brain of this man. as if
a dream forgotten had almost come
back to him. He looked again at the
house and from the rear of it chasing
joyfully in pursuit of a playful spaniel,
came a golden-haired child, very fair
to look upon.
As she ran toward the walk In front,
keeping close after her playfellow, a
woman stepped out on to the broad
porch under the honeysuckle and called
to her:
“Madeline, come -It’s supper time."
Madeline—Madeline: In a flash the
curtain of darkness lifted from the
man's brain and the life that he had
forgotten all came back to him. The
magic word, the name of his own little
girl, spoken lrr another mother to an
other MajJaJfne was the key that start
ed again the wonderful wheels of mem
ory. The Joy of feeling, remembering,
of living was his again.
The woman on the porch was almost
frightened when she saw the strange,
rough man take her little girl in his
arms and kiss her passionately. And
the child was frightened, too, at the
expression on the man's face—so fierce,
so passionate, as he compelled his
recreant memory to bring back to him
that which It had hidden all these
years. He turned and left the child,
who ran to her mother, not a little
shaken by her strange friend's actions
Four days later the darkness was
turned to light and the mourning to
joy and hla own Madeline's question
had been answered. And a week later
from the Madeline in the oast to the
Madeline in the west there came a box
containing the most beautiful of
French dolls, and with It was a note
which explained how she of the west
had found a father for she of the east.
•leruiHlem Is Now Supplied by n System
or Modern Designs.
The Holy I.and has its railways,
electric lights and American wind
mills, and now Jerusalem Is about to
get a supply of good drinking water.
In ancient times the city of David
was well supplied. The remains oi
equeducts and reservoirs show this.
But since the Turk’s day the people
of Jerusalem have been dependent
on the scanty and often polluted ac
cumulations of rain water in the rock
hewn cistern bene.ath their feet. Even
this supply has recently failed, says
a correspondentof the Ixrndon Times,
owing to want of rain. Distress and
sickness became so general that the
Turkish governor has at length been
induced to sanction the purchase of
iron pipe to bring water from Ain
Salah, or the "sealed fountain," at
Solomon’s pools, about nine miles
south of Jerusalem. A pipe six inches
in diameter will bring 8,000 "skins"
of water a day for distribution at
"fountains’’ supplied with faucets.
Solomon. In his famous "Song,” speaks
of this secret spring, now turned to
use. "My beloved." he says, as quoted
by the Times correspondent, "is like
a spring shut up, a fountain sealed."
It is a deep-down subterranean spring,
which has. from the time of Solomon,
flowed through the arched tunnel built
by him to the distributing chamber
or reservoir near the northwest corner
of the highest cf Solomon's pools.
Half a century ago the location of
this "hidden" spring which wr.9 sti-t,
as in Solomon’s time, flowing into the
reservoir mentioned, was unknown.
The tunnel is roofed by stones lean
ing against each other like an Inverted
V. the primitive form of the arch,
which Is also seen in the roof of the
qucpn'3 chamber of the great pyramid.
The entrance to this tunnel from the
spring is one of the oldest structures
in existence. The piping is to be laid
along the old aqueduct which former
ly. from the time of Solomon, brought
* his same water to the temple area.
There are eleven or twelve ancient
fountains here and there in the city,
long unused, but now to be utilized, and
from which the water may be drawn
free to all. several taps being attached
to each fountain.—Baltimore Sun.
History of Irish Poplin.
Lady Carew, who died the other day,
was a benefactress of Ireland in this
way: She was the first person to wear
in Paris an Irish poplin dress. It
was in primrose yellow with a design
in gold thread, and so much admired
that the foremost ladies at the court
of the Tuiller'js asked her where she
bought the poplin, and, upon learning
the address, wrote for patterns. Marie
Antoinette ordered one in lavender,
enriched with a gold pattern; the
Princess Marie one in blup and silver,
and Princess Clementine one in pink
and silver. Irish poplin was first man
ufactured in Dublin by Popeline, a
Huguenot refugee. It became the
rage and was greatly worn on occa
sions of high ceremony, as rain did
not spoil it. Poplin became a favorite
dress for the public promenades at
fashionable hours. All Its French imi
tations, the wool being less carefully
treated, cockle and lose luster when
exposed to the least shower. Ilalzac
dresses some of his grand ladies in
poplin. The Princess Clementine wore
a plaid poplin gown the day the late
Queen Victoria first landed at Treport
to visit Ix>uis Philippe and Marie
Amelie at Eu. Irish poplin is
still much worn by the children of the
wealthy, and is thought to go well
with Irish guipure.—Ixmdon News.
lit) Hurl a Little llet.
"Last election, for the first time in
my life," said the real estate dealer,
“I had a little bet on. It was only $10,
and 1 was bluffed into making it, but
they will never bluff me again. 1
have had deals of |50,000 Impending
and have not worried half as much as
over that wretched little bet.
“Try as hard as I could, I could not
keep down my excitement. I read
politics more than ever before. I turn
ed out to political meetings. I found
myself bawling and cheering for my
party. I was even ready to turn out
and carry a torch.
‘‘That little bet got me into a score
of arguments and wrangles and final
ly produced a coolness on the part ot
several life-long friends, r had it in
my mind all day and dreamed of it at
night, and on election day I went
around like a man having a fortune
at stake.
“For two hours, while the returns
were coming in. I was on hot bricks,
and when my candidate was finally
announced a winner I scarcely bad
strength to crawl home and go to bed.
"I may take a flyer now and then
on a horse race or try to pick out a
winning yacht, but you hear me when
I say I've made my last political bet.
It’s too exciting for my nerves.
Montcalm's Record a* a Warrior.
Montcalm commanded the French
forces in Canada during the Seven
Years' War which resulted in the con
quest of Canada. He defeated the
British under Abercrombie at Ticon
deroga. N. Y.. but was defeated by
Wolfe on the Plains of Abraham out
side the walls of Quebec (1759) in
which engagement both generals lost
their lives.
Thoroughbred dogs are kss Intelli
gent than mongrels.
'COhile Deer Scarce,
Specimens Now Rarely Ssen in the AdirondatcSo*
An albino deer Is so rare a sight In
the Adirondacks that when one does
appear it is regarded with superstiti
ons feelings by some of the natives.
Many of the so-called naiives of the
Adirondacks are From h-Cancdians. A
white deer is never killed 1 y the
French-Canadian and he does not mo
lest it. although he believes there is
an evil influence about him while the
albino deer remains in liis neighbor
Some white deer have been killed
in the Adirondacks In the last few
years. In 18U8 a white deer frequent
ly visited homes of natives in the
Keene valley. It appeared in the fall
and became remarkably tame. It was
a beautiful creature, having a neck and
tail of pure white, while the upper
parts of the body and the bark were
nearly white. The eyes of this deer
were white, although usually the eyes
of an albino are pink.
By common consent the albino of
the Keene valley, a doe, was left un
molested, and it was decided to await
a heavy snow, when it could be run
down and captured alive. But the
dogs got after it and chased it until
it passed in an exhausted condition
near a traveler, who caught it and cut
its throat. The traveler was not
aware of the agreement among the
hunters to preserve the dte as long as
possible, and deeply regrotted his art
when he was Informed o' their plans.
The guides of the Adirondacks say
that within their memory not more
than a dozen white deer have been re
ported, and the appearance of one is
sufficient to excite them greatly. Men
of the steadiest nerves under most
hunting experiences are sometimes up
set at the sight of a white deer or an
albino bird.
Many visitors to the north woods
scout the idea that there is such a
thing as a white deer. At the same
time the superstitious prefer not to
see one, as they believe it indicates
danger. So deep-seated was this su
perstition among the natives at Wild
Cat pond, in the Cranberry lake regjpn
of St. Lawrence county, that they luft
an albino deer alone when it appeared
there three years ago. It was fre
quently observed, accompanied by a
fawn of the usual color. What be
came of it has never been known, but
the native there tel In the Inquirer that
he did not shoot it, nor did any of his
relatives. They all admired it too
much to think of killing it, and. while
they don't admit that they were super
stitious about shooting it, they will
say they preferreil to take no chances
so far as that white deer is concerned.
Followers of
Description of Ideal Relig
ion Which Comes from
the Mystical Cast.
San Francisco, having already be
come familiar with Theosophy, the
mystic religions of Brahma and Bud
dha. and with the lofty philosophy of
the Vedantan Swarnis, it only remained
to learn of Jainism, perhaps the sanest
and most of all the ideal West Indian
religions, says the San Francisco
Chronicle. Yesterday, before a large
audience in the rooms of the Laurel
Hall Club, Jainism made its first bow
to the people of California, th« lec
turer being Prof. Emlyn Lewys, until
recently a resident of London. Prof.
Lewys is a scholar of striking person
ality and the only English-speaking
authority on this most ancient of re
Jainism, as explained by the speak
er. is the Protestantism of India, as
opposed to the Vedas. Brahmanism and
the soul-paralyzing caste system. It
aims at the perfection of character, not
through faith, but through correct
conduct and systematic intellectual ac
tivity or concentration as opposed to
the Yogi system of intellectual vacui
ty. The speaker said:
“If a religion may be known by its
fruits what shall we say of this one.
which though now numbering 2.000.000
votaries and dating its origin long
prior to the entrance of the Aryans
into India, in prehistoric times, has
never yet produced a murderer?
Though regarding kingship as the
greatest injustice still the Jains do
two-thirds oT all the financial business
of India. They never eat meat, and
the monks often carry brooms and
sweep the paths to avoid crushing the
insects. They believe in the advance
ment of women, in reincarnation and
the eternal persistency and progressive
evolution of each ego and hold that
the atrocities of the soul and intellect,
such as sense knowledge, clairvoyance,
telepathy, the emotions, the physical
constitution and the power to achieve
are all under the obscuration of Kar
nia. which to the Jain is a substance.
The object of their study and effort is
to shake this Karmic clog out and to
liberate the soul by vibrating in a cer
tain way. This may be done by con
centration on such ideals as benevo
lence. charity or wisdom, by analyz
ing the teachings found in their en
ormous and as yet untranslated li
braries. and then by syntheizing and
immediately acting on these ttilths.
Janiism then is the religion of intelli
gence, utility and action. The Jains
marry at the age of 9 or 10 and
live ideal married lives, ail unions be
ing regulated through astrological af
I Tattooing as a
| Social Fad
aaBaaaMM«a»ooaaManftfttiw>—a i
to 9999909999999999999990
Japanese Ma.kes ]
Money Adorning
New Yorkers. !
In the Japanese colony, which is sit
uated in the neighborhood of Sixth
avenue and Twenty-eighth street, there
is a little bright-eyed, courteous man
who describes himself as a “puncture
needle artist." He is what might be
called a boss tattooer. His business is
prosperous and he looks forward to
malting a fortune from the fashionable
people of the metropolis, says the New
York Sunday Telegraph.
“Who are my customers?” he said,
ns he repeated the question of the
writer. “The best people of the city.
1 don’t want any others and will not
waste my art upon them. It is ridicu
lous to expect a professional like my
self. who has decorated the bodies of
the most distinguished people in To
kio. to descend to the level of a com
mon sailor or a vulgar bartender. Tat
tooing varies in popularity from year
to year, but i3 always more or lofc3 in
vogue. It applied to all, from babies
up to middle aged people. Four times
I have tattooed twins. This was to
prevent their getting mixed. At the
present time there is quite a fad for
a Japanese fashion which is very
beautiful and consists in emblazoning a
butterfly, a rose, a forget-me-not, or
some other delicate design upon th6
arm, shoulder or chest.
"1 have more women applicants than
men. The latter seem to consider it
as effeminate, i do not mind telling
you a secret. Many society belles whc
have tattooed decorations upon their
frames employ the latter to conceal
some blemish. One beauty of the tat
too is that It can be applied to scars,
birthmarks, moles, moth patches and
strawberry marks. In many cases a
slight blemish is of great advantage
in this respect, because it gives a
handsome background.”
A Fill pirn* l>ravej»r<l.
"I gaw a great many peculiar tiling
in my travel* t.» ilia Orient last sum
mer,” observed Mr. Kalin of California
to a Washington Post reporter, as lie
paused a moment in the House corri
dor. "but the most grews.ome or all
was the Paco cemetery near Manila.
“Do you know that they follow the
custom of many Spanish communitia-’
thc*c in the interment of their dead?"
aslud the ex-actor. "The poor people,
of course, fare worst. Those with
wealth can buy a niihe In the ceme
tery for $128 Mexican, wish h u approx
imately $t"j in our money. There they
may bury their dead permanently. Hut
those who are unable to purchase n
niche secure a place temporality for
something Pke $2!» in M"X, the short
word for that kind of silver in the
east. At the expiration of live years
the skeletons of those poor people are
taken out of their resting places and
dumped Into a black bole, a veritable
boneyard. 1 don’t know when 1 have
seen anything that so impressed me
with its horrifying phases as this
dumping ground for all that remained
of the poor Filipinos. 1 vi-ited the
Ponca cemetery on a rainy day, and
the ghastly heap in this depression cf
the earth rises before me in my dreams
and haunts me.”
< lirUteniug >* bully /p'ici.
Little Elizabeth Erl, of 170j Norib
Thirteenth street, is the proudest girl
in the city and the reason for this is
that she won the privilege of naming
the baby zebra, which is the latest
arrival at the zoo. says the Philadel
phia Record. The baby was born a day
or two ago, and Keeper Jager an
nounced that the first girl under 12
years of age entering the antelope
house on Saturday should have the
honor of christening the infant, tat
tle Miss Erl took no chances, and she
was on hand with her mother before
the gan** evened at tt o’clock. Ten
minutes efter the gates had been
opened the baby zebra possessed a
name. Mrs. Erl. Keeper .lager and
Kittle Elizabeth constituted the chris
tening party, and the ceremony was
brief, but interesting. Elizabeth was
hoisted to within reaching distance of
the barn by th<> good-natured keeper
and the baby was coaxed to the front.
The little girl patted the zebra on
the no.-e and with much dignity said:
"1 christen thee Bessie.” Bessie
switched her little tail and seemed
highly pleased. Inside of half an hour
there were a dozen excited little piaids
lu the antelope house, and some were
led away tearful because they had
missed the coveted honor.
The citizens of A.nesburv, Mass., are
planning to erect a monument In
honor of ;ue good qtaker poet, John
«. Whittier, long a resident of that
KrericrI'k Dupre*. • French Trapper.
Fororeiug tli* Kitertulnatlon of the
liufTalo, Gathered the Nurleue of Title
Collectlou of Much Value.
The only herd of bison of any im
portance now left in the United States
from the millions which a few years
ago roamed over the entire country
between the Missouri river and the
Rocky mountains, consists of about
fifty full-blooded buffalo, and the same
number of mixed bloods, all now the
property of James Philip of Fort
Pierre, who is known all over the range
country as ‘ Scotty” Philip.
This herd is the product of a hunt
twenty years ago, when Frederick Du
pree, an old French trapper, foreseeing
the early extermination of the species,
started for the Little Missouri country
to capture a few calves for the purpose
of raising a herd. In this hunt he led
a band of Indians aud halfbreeds, who
only accomplished the purpose for
which they set out after a long and
dangerous search among the few small
bunches of buffalo yet known to be
roaming in that country. Only half a
dozen calves were taken alive, and
from these the present herd has grown.
Mr. Dupree allowed the buffalo to
rnnge practically wild on the Cheyenne
river, with no further attention than
to see that they did not get out of that
part of the state, where they were
kept until his death. In the settlement
of the estate none of the numerous
heirs cared to take them as his share
of the estate, and they were sold tc
“Scotty” Philip, after an ineffectual at
tempt to dispose of them to the general
Just what the value of the herd is is
problematical, but as it is the only
herd left in the country on which tc
draw for specimens, this will give it
an increasing value as years go by.
Having had practically the sam*
freedom as in their native state, the
specimens of the herd are somewhat
different from those usually seen in
parks and menageries. One bull out
of this herd was sold for show pur
poses about ten years ago for |1,000.
Vaccination In the Hob.
It was at a dinner party. The
bright young man found himself priv
ileged to sit next to the young woman
with beautiful arms and neck. He
thought himself the most favored per
sonage in the room. Suddenly his fair
companion exhibited signs of ner
vousness. Two of his very best jokes,
saved for a special occasion, passed
by unnoticed. Her face wore a look
of alarm. Apprehensively the young
man gazed at her, and meeting the
look she said:
“I am in misery.”
"In misery?” echoed the young
•'Yes," she replied, “I was vacci
nated the other day, and it has taken
beautifully. I could almost scream, it
hurts so.”
The young man looked at the beau
tiful arms, and, seeing no mark there,
| said:
‘ Why. where were you vaccinated?”
“In Boston,” she replied, the smile
chasing away the look of pain.
England's “Princess Royal."
Increasing surprise is felt in Eng
land that the duchess of Fife is never
officially described as “princess royal.”
It is only since the accession of
George II. that such a designation has
existed, but that monarch's eldest
daughter (though she was born when
her father was only electoral prince
of Hanover) enjoyed it, and so did the
eldest daughter of George III., and t e
oldest daughter of Queen Victoria.
While the late Empress Frederick was
living there might have been good
grounds for withholding the title
from the eldest daughter of King
Edward, for there has never been two
princesses royal alive at the same
time. But that difficulty is now re
moved and why the distinction shoulo
be allowed to drop is a question
causing much conjecture.
Senator Clark a Rapid I’nrrliaaer.
Senator Clark of Montana, in pur
chasing the famous Preyer collectior
of pictures, probably made a record
in point of vapidity. He arranged tc
arrive in Vienna on the afternoon ol
December 7. Within twenty minutes
of the arrival of the Orient express
Mr. Clark was in Herr Preyer's apart
ment, accompanied by Director Bro
dins, of The Hague gallery, on whost
advice he acted. The sixty-seven pic
tures were inspected in ninety-Ilvi
minutes and a contract for purchasing
them for $500,000 was Immediatelj
signed.—Vienna Special New York
Exposed “Salted-Mine" Scheme*,
Clarence King, was death was noted
recently, was widely known as a sci
entiflc writer and expert geologist. Bj
his exposure of the “salting” of certair
tracts of land in California with dia
monds and rubies in 1872 he saved tht
Rothschilds a large sum and brougln
the conspirators to Justice. He was
a member of the National Academy o
Science and of many European so
Iodine In White Corpuscle*.
Bourcet and Stassaud, in following
out the researches of Gley and Bour
cet, in which they found that blood
contains normally traces of iodine
have made the further discovery thal
the iodine is contained in the leuco
cytes (white blood corpuscles) ex
clusively.—Philadelphia Times.