The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 31, 1902, Image 4

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    Lioaal Dsws.
Jacob Alhers is busy these da>s cry
ing sales.
Mrs I.e* 1* Bechthold visited at Grand
Island last Friday.
18 below zero Saturday night and 23
below 8unday night.
The little five year old child of Win.
Couton is qurte sick.
John Czaplewskl lost six yearling
cattle in Saturday's storm.
L. N. Smith returned from Omaha
Saturday night on the U. P.
Who was it that remarked that the
back bone of winter Is broken?
Robert Mathew goes to Lincoln to
day to resume his studies at the State
Will pay 4i cents per lb. for hens and
4 cents per lb for young roosters to be
delivered at my shop on or befori the
25 of January S. F. Reysom>s.
Mrs. D. L. Garrison and ajn, of Flor
ence. Nebraska are here visiting
with her father W. II Conger. They
arrived Saturday.
Jacob Albers has bought the residence
and six lets which were used as the vil
lage pest bouse last winter and will fix
It up for a residence,
This office received a pleasant call
last Tuesday from attorney Chas. G.
Kyan, of Grand Island who was here
as an attorney for Mis Anna Peters.
For SAi.t.—A pair of driving mares,
weight; 800 and 900, will sell on 6 or 9
months time, by purchaser giving note
with bankable security. Price 8110.00
Apply at.tblt office.
Used by the ladle* of fashion all over
the world. It's withotit douOt the great
est beauttfler eyer offered the Ameri
can women. 35c. Made only by Mud<
son Medicine Co. Ask your druggist.
If troubled with a weak digestion,
belching, sour stomach, or if you feel
dail after eating, try Chamberlain’s
Htomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25
cents. Samples free st Odendahl
Hand bills are out announcing a pub.
]l« auction sale at the farm of Fred
Schadt, west of Loup City. Sale to
take place at 10 A. M. on Monday
February 17th 1902. Seven horses and
00 cattle are on tbe list.
Dr. Main went to Carsten Truelsen's
last Saturday night in tbe blinding
storm which prevailed. He went in ans
wer to the call to attend the little
thirteen months old girl but the baby
died just about the time of his arrival.
If you would have an appetite like a
boar and a relish for your meals take
Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tab
le^*, , Tb«r correct disorders of tbe
stomach and regulate tbe liver and
boweie. Price, 25 sents Samples free,
at Odendahl Bros.
To inexperienced patentees all pat
ents are of equal protective yalue.
They all have the soal of the Govern
ment and a blue ribbon; but some pat
entees know ihe importance of claims
and it la to their skill and perseverenee
in securing protecting claims that O. A.
Snow A Co., of Washington owe in
part their reputation and success.
Gene Miller and family arrirad here
from the west last Tuesday and appar
ently brought scarlet fever with him.
One of the older boys of tho family ia
very sick with the dlesase. He came
down with it Monday and on that day
two of his children started to school.
On Tuesday morning the schools were
closed for the purpose of throughly
disinfecting the building.
We received aa order from S. C. Fair
baire for 100 sale bill* in which, i* an
nounced a public auction to take place
on the A. J. B Fair bairn farm in Rock
ville towniblp on Tuesday February 18,
1002. Mr. Fsirbairn will offer for sale
14 bead of milk cows, and sorao young
stock, also tlve head of work horse* and
eouue young colt*, 100 chickens, farm
machinery, etc. Watch for bills.
Mrs. C. t. Adair of Denver Col. an
evangelist will be at Loup City about
the flr*t of February to begin a series of
revival meetings at the Baptist Church
Mrs. Adair has been wotkiug w ith much
success for some time tn thi* state and
we believe, that the people of Loup
City will enjoy hearing her talk. She is
a fine *lnger and an earnest worker. Ail
are invited to these meetings to help in
the work. Let all Christiana especially
make arraogmeuts so that they can be
at these meetings ar.d help in this woik,
District court has been lndcflnately
posponed. Almost w holly because the
attorneys were busy with other import
ant work and were not in a position to
give it their full time and attention.
Mr Wall and Mr. T. S Nightingale have
practice in the supreme court of the
•tate on the second day of the term
of eourt as fixed for February, 1902.
and K. J. Nightingale is very ill, and
not able to attend court at all l’erhsps
anotner reason for adjourning 1* be
cause there are less tlian 40 cases on the
docket, the smallest number known
for many years, in fact since the or
ganizatfon of the county. Since the
above has been put iu tvpe a message
from Judge BullivaD has been received
atsting that court has been postponed
to March 3rd. 1902.
Mr. Christian, of C1»JT lowmhip
is very sick «ith Grippe,
Toe little ohil I of Mr. Katon ha#
been very sick but is reported well
John Fl»her sold four loaii, or 32 head
of hog* on the Loup City market la*t
H. J. Nightingale who has been very
sick for the past weik is very much
Dr. Main called at this office last Sat
urday. fie is slowly recoveiing from
his long siege of the grippe.
W. T. GibsoD, «ho has for the past
week be**n suffering with neuralgia has
quite recovered and Is apparently alt
right again.
Mrs. Hilligas of Marquette, mother of
Mrs. Hancock, who has been visiting
hare for the last two weeks returned
home Wedensday.
We are now sending off quite a num
ber of subscriptions to the Iowa Home
stead and the Twentieth Century
Farmer. Anyone ordering the same
through us and do not receive ir in
due time will plea-e report to this office
and we will find out if possible where
the difficulty is.
Puts gray matter in your head
Brings a rosy glow to faded cheek".
Restores vim, vigor, mental and ph\*i
cal happiness. That's what Rocky
Mountain Tea will do. 35c. Ask your
Cut this out ami taka It to Odendahl
Bro’s. drug store and get a free sample
of Chamber i* in’s Stomach and Liver |
Tablets, the best phjsie, They also |
cure disorders of the stomach, bilious- ;
ness and headache.
Miss Nellie Han k entertained the M
E. choir at the home of Mr and Mrs;
Will Iiawk last Saturday evening, a
straw ride, social games and refresh
ments made the evening pass pleasantly
The Ravenna Cremery Co is rapidly
equipping its territory about Ravenna,
Loup City and Ord, with cream aeper
ators, and fully tow-thirds of the cream
which comes to the company’s fact
ories at the points named is the seper
ated article.—Ravenna News.
The water pipe in Odendabl Bros,
drug store froze up last Monday morn
ing and bursted loose Dear the valve,
under the counter. B-fore the water
could be turned off it v/as a half inch
deep over the floor. It was necess
ary to send for Harry Jenuer, the
water commissioner to stop the flow.
No further datuage was done.
Walter Moon and danghter Effie start
ed for Kahsas City Kansas last Satur
day to make a two weeks visit with
his daughter Mrs. Callahan. Mr. Moou
will be 67 yens old on that day and has
planned for a birth-day surprise by
arriving there In the evening without
giving the customary notice. Miss. Eflle
will remain there and take up her home
with her sister for a time at least.
John Oltman was taken very sudden
and seriously ill last Monday foreBOOu
while sitting in the back part of Eis
ner's saloon building. He came in and
sit down ami almost instantly got up
and started for the door, apparently to
get some fresh air, when he fell over
and completely lost consiousness. Ho
was taken to his home and after some
time began to get better. He is n->w
i able to be out again.
We have just received a largo assort
| tnent of visiting cards, invitation cards,
programmes, and cards of raerrit. It is
the fl iest lot that, ever came to this
city. We have a lino assortment of en
velopes to match all sizes of cards. The
order also includes a choice line of sta
tionery. No poor goods, all best qual
ity, and having bought in a large quan
tity we car. make you prices that are a
way down. Don’t fail to see our call
ing cards in all sizes, they will be soid
very, very, very cheap. Quality best in
the market.
We learn that there was a terriflle
explosion in the rear end of tue store
bulldingof Mr. John Wall of Arcadia
last Saturday evening about 0:00 o'clock
which did about $d0000 worth of dam
age to the building and goods, and
shook up two people who happened to
be In the store at the time. The Sitaline
plant located in the caller and used to
generate the gass to light the building
blew up and done the damage. The
lloor above the plant was badly torn up
and all good i n that part of the build
ing. including china ware, one counter
the heating st ove etc. was scattered
about. The concusdon wa* so great
that It knock the glass front out. Mar
tion Burns, the clerk and Mr. Harry
Ballanger, a stork buyer, were the only
ones in the building at the time, but
they eacaprd without serious injury
although th 'T were badly shaken up
Died:-—T.i'tle Harrold, son o f Mr. and
Mrs. W. P. Reed died at their hoaie in
this city Wednesday evening 7:30 P. M
after a weeks severe sickness with Iti
tlamation of the bowels Age 2 year-*,
2 months amt 7 days I.itt'e Harrold
was a bright and pretty child. The
funeral services will be held to-day
Friday, Jan 31, 1902': at 2:00 o’clock P.
M at the Reed residence. The bereaved
parents have the sympathy of all in
ibis, their ad atlllction. The remains
wilt b? taken to the Evergreen Cemete
ry for interment.
18 lbs. Granulated Sugar, • $1.00,
3 Cans good corn, - - .25,
Best bulk sorgham - - - - .3"*,
Good maple syrup, at less that cost.
.50 cts. Blankets for 35,
-65 “ “ “ 45,
.75 “ “ “ .56,
1.00 “ “ “ .75,
1.25 “ «
1.60 “
“ .95,
“ 1.05.
1.26 cent Caps for .05,
.76 “ “ “ .55,
.65 *• “ »\ .45,
.50 “ “ “ .35,
Any Jacket or Cape in the* house just one-fourth off; those lined mitten aid
gloves one-third olf. These and many other bargains will be found at
Some Coffees
are Glazed
with a cheap coating. [
If glazing helps coffee
why aren't the high
priced Mochas and Javas
glazed also'?
Lion Ooftse
is not glazed. It is per
fectly pure and has a
delicious flavor.
Th» acaled package Insures uul
form quality and frMhn«M.
Died—The little thirteen months old
baby of Mr. amt Mrs. Carsten Truelsen
died at it* home, four miles north of
Loup City, in Logan Township, on Sun
day morning, at 2:00 o’c'oek January 26,
19"2 We understand that the little one
had been sick but a few days and was
not consul >red dangerous until within a
few hours before death, anil the blind
ing snow sinrtn then prevailing made
it impossible to secure medical treat
ment in time to be of any avail, and the
little one died just as the doctor arriv
ed. The cause of death was not fuliy
asscertalned but from all symptoms it
was thought to be a very sudden attack
of lung fever.
The funeral services w -re held at the
home on Monday, January 27, Kfev.
Madi-ly officiating Mr. and Mrs.
Truelsen have the sympathy of the
entire community.
We desire to express our sincere
thanks to the kind friends and neigh
bors who so kindly give us assistance
and sympathy during the sickness and
death of our darling baby girl.
Mr. and Mrs Carstkn Troelsrn.
Mrs. A. L, Zimmerman who attended the
funeral of Mrs, Finch at Marquette returned
last Wednesday accompanied by At nn Fink.
Mr. I. Hugh living on the old King place hus
relatives visiting him this week.
Mr Caidtveli who has been in the Real Estate
business at Central City returned Tuesday
Mr. A. L Zimmerman sold to A. F. Pink
ney of York Neb, the Tom Ellis Ranch near
Litchtleld, consisting of titO acres.
Mr. O. Gunn- rson arrived last Tuesday a ith
Mr. A. Johnson of Marquette who purchased
the Timber claim of A. L. Zlmmerm; n and
also the quarter adjoining it on the north.
J.P Miller of Blue Rapids, Kansas was
in our City on business last Thursday
Lawrence Jepson of St. Michael Informs us
that he has sold his general store business.
V. Noland of Lineoln was in our city on
business Thursday noon.
Miss C. Erskm of StPaul was here Thursday
looking after the wants of our local merchants.
C. S. Wilson paid Loup City a business visit
Chriss. Nielson paid Dannebrog a Hying
visit via the overland creeper.
The meeting held Friday evening by the
Lyceum club was a success and the house was
filled us usual. The question debated was: Re
eolvcd: "That Christianity is not on the decline,
but moving forward". The affirmative wen by
two to one.
The information of a lawyer by Mr, Ed.
Holmes brought down the house and made all
who heard it "laugh and grow fat". The next
meeting will be Friday evening. February 7th.
as the regular night conflicted with the firund
Masquerade which is to come off on Friday
evening January 3I»t
Prof. J It. Stephenson railed it to Loup City
last Saturday on business bent.
Saturday brought on the first Nebraska bliz
zard of the winter. The mercury crept down
to fifteen below zero. Monday morning regis
tered twenty-three below and V.’edensdu.v
eighteen beluw. Quito a liberal quantity of
snow fell and then piled up In large drifts
with the aid of the gale blowing from the land
where Perry is sojourning.
J. H. Klliott of Chicago was In our city on
business Tuesday.
W. C. Dietrichs and Bert Edwards paid
Loup a flying visit Tuesday- afternoon.
U. NO. ME.
Jlusan.—The pimples, sores antMtlaek
hratis are danger signals Take Rockv
Mountain Tea. you’ll glv“ a farewell re
ception io vutir (roubles Bite. Ask
j our druggist.
Ad our far . er readers should take ad- 1
vantuge of the unprecedented clubbing
offer we this year make, widen include*
with till* paper The Iowa Homestead, its
special runners' Institute Editions and
The Poultry Parmer these three publi
cations a c the best of their etnas and
should be i.i every farm home. To them
we ulil, i. r u ni county and general new t
i-nr own putter, and ir tike the price of tbo
tonrone yea on \, Never before was
so imr li superior reading nutter offered for
so small au amour.t of money. The three
papers named, wldch we club With our
own, are well known throughout the West
,nd commend themselves to the reader's
favorab attention upon mere mention.
Tlie Homestead u the great agricultural
and live stock paper of the West: The
poultry Parmer is the most practical poult
ry p ipe, for the farmer, while The Special
farmers' Institute Edition* are the most
precueal publications for the promotion of
good fanning ever published. Take ad
vantage of tld« great otter, as It will lin'd
good tor a short time mile. Sample*: of
these papers may be examined by calling
at thisoflleo.
lilowu To Atoms.
The olil idea that the body some-1
times needs a powerful, drastic, purga
tive pill lias b en exploded; for Dr, !
King’s New Life Pills, which are per
fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver
and bowels to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse the system and absolutely cut a
Constipation and Sick Headache. Only
-5c at Odenriabl Bros
A D«*ep Mystery.
It is . mystery why women endure
Backache, Headache, Nervousness,
Sleepless! ess, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have prov
ed that Electr o Ritters will uuickly
cure such troubles, ' I suffered fer
years tvith kidney trouble,” writes Mrs.
Phehe Cherley, of Peterson, la., “and
a lame back pained me so I could not
dress myselt, but Electric Bitters whol
ly cured me, and although 7d years old,
I now am abe to do all my housework.’
It overcomes (donstipation, improves
A, petite, gives perfeet health. Only
50c at Odendabl Bros.
If you want a good
food for your child
ren, try Wheatose. i
It is easily and
quickly prepared, ;
and very' healthful, i
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit, j
All reliable grocers
have it.
California Breakfast
Beat Out <»f An Increase of IIIm Pension,
A Mexican w tr veteran and promi
nent editor write “Seeing the adver
tlaineut of Chamberlain’s Colin, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded
»hat as a soldif rin Mexico in ’47 and MS!
I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and
thU remedy ha? ,;ept me from getting
in increase in my pension, for on every
renewal a dose i f it restores me ” It
is unrqn dladi) h quick eure for diar
rhoea and i? plr.sant and safe to take.
For sj 1 hv O ier.dshl Bros.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
mcnacers to health of the present day.
the market. I keep constantly on hand a large quantity
and variety of everything usually kept in a first class Flour
and Feed store. My flour is of the best brands and warranted
to give satisfaction. Bailed hay ready lor delivery. All
goods promptly delivered. Call and see me whether you need
anything or not. All my customers will receive fair treatment
and prompt and courteous attention. Store one door east of
St Elmo Hotel. FRANK DENNIS,
It Girdles The Globe
The fame of Buckleri'g Arnica Salve,
a«tbe best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer
of (Juts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Sores,
Scalds, Boiles, Ulcers, Kelons, Aches,
I'ains and all Skin Eruption*.oOnly in
fallible Pile cure. '25c a box at Oden
da hi Bros.
A Profitable Investment.
“I was troubled for about seven years
with tuy stomach and in bed half my
time,” say* E. Demlck, Somervill, Ind.
“I spent about -SI .000 and never could
get anything to help me until 1 tried
Kodol Dy-popsia Cure. 1 have taken
a few bottles and am entirely well.”
You don’t live by what you eat, but by
what you digest and assimilate. If
your stomach doesn’t digest your food
you are really starving. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure does the stomach's work by
digesting the food. You don’t have
to diet. Eat ail you want, Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure cures all stomach troub
les.—Odendahl Bros.
l auds For sale by Fisher & Henschoter
tooji City, .Nebraska
Good half section of well Improved land for
■sale. House 2o x 24, horse barn 24x24, cow barn
21 x 24. 2000 forest trees, 100 fruit ,ree, 2 chick 1
en houses, wood house, two 20 foot wells,
granary. All under fence. 60 acres live wire
pasture. 2.i0 acres under cultivation. Good j
Section grazing land for sale withiu two '
miles of Loup City.
One half section grilling land ten miles frosu
Loup City.
One half section of grazing and farm land j
Nicely situated and well improved. Four
nnles from county seat. Loup City.
A large number of 160 acre tracts and a few
80 acre tracts. All of these lauds are free !
from sand and well located and can be bought
at a bargain
By the underaigned. on my farm, 9 !
miles south of Loup City, on tbo west;
side of tbo river. A red barrow hog, j
weight about 200 lbs. Cam" to my 1
place about 30 days ago. Owner will
please come forward, prove property,:
pay charges and take the animal,
William Christen.
Lost. — Gold spectacles between'
the L. N. Smith farm and Loup City.
They were in black l”ath* r case Finder i
tvill leave same at this office or re'urn
to the iliidersgned and receive suitable
rew ai d.
Hcon McCalt. Owner.
L<>up Citv Neb.
A Pennine! Ollleaifo W0111*11 Spekhi.
Prof' K'lxs Tv ler. of Ch'cag 1 Vioe
Presi-'si 1 lliiio is » omen'' Atm■«•••. in
si caking of • h mb* rlaln's Cough Ke
rr.i .iv s ivs: "l tried differm t renae
tii •* ‘.nr I sei ned to gri w worse mid
mo u.i ilieio" ut t rny stomach. A
frieml mlvi-e.l 01 * to 'rv t.biibflil in’s
i' u<h K medy mol I found ir was
pleasant to take and it rellevml me at
mice I Min no.v entirely recovered,
,nved a doctor’* bill, time an I suffering
and will hoy r h * *'fhour this splendid
medicine again.* For sale ly Oilen
ilahl Bros.
Child Worth Millions
l,Mv child is worth millions to mu,"’
says Mrs Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa.
“yet 1 would have lost her by croup
had I not purchased >i bottle of One
Minute Cough Cine" One Minute
Cough Cure Is sure cure fi>r coughs,
croup and throat and lung troubles. An
absolutely ««f e cough cure which acts
’immediately. The youngest child can
take it with entire safety. The little
ones like the taste and remember how
often it helped ihem. Every family
.-hnuld have a bottle of One Minute
Cough Cure sandy At this season es]
pecialiy if may be needed suddenly.
Odend&hl Bros.
#.->00 reward will be paid for the ap
prehension and conviction of the party
or parties who shot out the window
ligh s of the Loup City water works
engine house. Harry .Tennkk,
Water Commissioner.
80 acres of well improved Merrick
County land, well located and free from
debts. Mill trade for good Shetman
County land Cal on or Hddtess,
W. ,1 Fisher.
Loup City. N\br.
Utiiable man f< r Manager of a
Branch Oifi.-e wo wish to open in
this vicinity. Ilere’is a good open
tag f'»r the right man. Kindly give
good reft re nee when writing.
Jan. 17 to Fob. SI.
CHAbACTEk and gold reputation in eacb
slate <0110 in this county required) to rep.
regent and advertise old established weal,
thy business house or solid flnancla! sinnd.
mg. salary *18.00 weekly with expenses
additional, all payable 111 cash each Wed
nrsday direct from bond offices. Horse and
carriage furnished when necessary, Keicr
cnces. Enclose self addressed siitiniied en
velope. Manager, 310 Cnxton Building,
Chicago. seplliitlw
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
tlie food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. B" its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the stom*
ach, relieving all distress after eating
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take'.
Bt can’t help
but do you good
Prepared on! y by E. Clin \\ ,,-t .v (’«>.,, ”ice
hoitio coutiiUisai-i times the 50c. size.
For sale by ODKNDAHL, DUOS.,