The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 31, 1902, Image 2

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(JEO. E. HEM8HCOTER, Edl»«r «n«l Pnh.
Honest, nett, how ntnv times have
you slipped down since the snow
There are so many celebrities now
adays that it is more distinguished not
to be one.
A sharp advauee in price invariably
brings enough corn from Iowa to
blockade the railroads.
A Chicago man says that $10 should
start a person housekeeping. So it
It Is always better to tell the truth
when you can get anybody to under
stand your understanding of it.
Other nations are prepared to adopt
any plan the United States may formu
late for suppressing the anarchists.
Prince Henry of Holland Is wisely
doing the Br'er Rabbit act. lest the ex
citable element pull his title to pieces.
All our best mistletoe is imported
from England, but the native Amer
ican kiss is good enough beneath the
The boundary question between
Chile and iiigentina, which is simmer
ing away, will probably not reach
the boiling point.
Emperor Kwang Su and Empress
Dowager Tsl An have struck a gait
at Pekin that is bound to produce a
famine In yellow calico.
The emperor of Germany has again
assured his soldiers that he will per
sonally lead them In battle. He has
not picked out the victim.
Full returns from the Cuban elections
will not be in before the end of .Jan
uary. Cuba would save herself trouble
by putting in voting machines.
St. Paul and Minneapolis are called
“The Twin Cities.” They love each
other so fervently that neither will
build in the direction of the other.
There is amusement in London over
our talk of sending congressmen to
witness the coronation. Englishmen
never will understand American hu
Fourteen hundred and sixty-two
cook stoves are on the wray to Kitch
ener. This is irrefutable evidence that
the British no longer eat their cap
tives raw.
It costs $80,000 for a seat on the New
York Stock Exchange now. Still, lots
of chaps have paid that amount for a
seat at the poker table in moro than
one instance.
Let it be understood once and for
all that the president's refusal to be
indiscriminately pump-handled is no
reflection upon anybody's moral worth
or social standing.
Speaking of the Monroe doctrine
some day our South American neigh
hors will be big enough, cool enough
and united enough to assist materially
in its enforcement.
Scientists have discovered that some
germs deliberately commit suicide
when they are brought Into contact
with water. They must be the Weary
Willies of the germ world.
King Edward nas bestowed medals
on the muledrivers in South Africa.
The man who can successfully drive a
Missouri mule that has made up its
mind to tarry a while deserves a
It is calculated that a baby boy’s
chance of being president of the United
States is one in 30,000,000. And it may
be added that in most cases the chance
grows beautifully less the older the
baby gets.
The old conundrum as to the beet
selling book of the year is being pro
pounded again, and, as usual, the greal
majority of those why try to guess it
forget to notice that it is the Holy
Bible, as usual.
Mrs. Sarah Williams of Detroit was
lately married to the spirit of Theo
dore Comstock, an English chemist,
who flourished 500 years ago. You can
get married to any old thing you like
in merry Michigan.
The president of Iowa university be
lieves that church congregations
should adopt the practice of applaud
ing sermons which they like. The
president does not recommend the
catcall for sermons which they do not
like. __ _
Prospectors for oil in the heart of
the famous Valley of Death, extending
from Oklahoma nearly to California,
have tapped an artesian well of pure
water sufficient in volume, accoruing to
report, to irrigate thousands of acres
of land that is now arid and useless.
King Edward is desirous that all the
world should know he is in the enjoy
ment of the be6t of health. All the
world will be glad to know that he is
and that he feels well enough to be
provoked when anybody intimates that
be isn't
Nature'* Law* Suspended to Show the
rover of God—Example* of Notable
Conversion* Strange as the Text “The
Iron Did Swim.*'
(Copyright, 1902. by Ixtuis Kloprch, N. Y.)
Washington. Jan. 19.—In this dis
course Dr. Talmage makes practical
use of an occurrence in the orient
which has seldom attracted particular
attention; text, II Kings, vi, 6, “The
iron did swim.”
A theological seminary in the valley
of palms, near the river Jordan, had
become so popular in the time of
Elisha, the prophet, that more accom
modations were needed for the stu
dents. The classrooms and the dor
mitories must be enlarged or an en
tirely new building constructed. What
will they do? Will they send up to
Jerusalem and solicit contributions for
this undertaking? Having raised the
money, will they send for cedars of
Lebanon and marble from the quar
ries where Ahab got the stone for the
pillars and walls of his palace? No;
the students propose to build it them
selves. All they ask is that Elisha,
their professor and prophet, go along
with them to the woods and boss the
job. They start for the work, Elisha
and his students. Plenty of lumber
in those regions along the Jordan.
The sycamores are attacked by Eli
sha’s students, for they must have
lumber for the new theological sem
inary. Crash goes one of the trees
and another and auother. But some
thing now happens so wonderful that
the occurrence will tax the credulity
or rne ages, so wonaemu uihi many
still think it never happened at all.
One of the students, not able to own
an ax, had borrowed one. You must
remember that while the ax of the
olden time was much like our modern
ax, it differed In the fact that instead
of the helve or handle being thrust
into a socket in the iron head the head
of the ax was fastened on the handle
by a leathern thong, and so it might
slip the helve. A student of the sem
inary was swinging his ax against one
of those trees, and the ax head and the
handle parted. Being near the river
side, the ax head dropped into the
river and sank to the muddy bottom.
Great was the student's dismay. If it
had been his own ax, it would have
been bad enough, but the ax did not
belong to him. He had no means to
buy another for the kind man who
had loaned it to him. but God helps
the helpless, and he generally helps
through some good and sympathetic
soul, and in this case it was Elisha,
who was in the woods and on the riv
er bank at the time. He did not see
the ax head fly off, and so he asked
the student where it dropped. He was
shown the place where it went down
into the river. Then Elisha broke off
a branch of a tree and threw it into
the water, and the ax head rose from
the depths of the river and floated to
the bank, so that the student had just
to stoop down and take up the re
stored property. Now you see the
meaning of my text. "The iron did
Suppose a hundred years ago some
one had told people that the time
would come when hundreds of thou
sands of tons of iron would float on
the Atlantic and Pacific—iron ships
from New York to Southampton, from
London to Calcutta, from San Fran
cisco to Canton. The man making
such a prophecy would have been sent
to an asylum or carefully watched as
incompetent to go alone. We have all
in our day seen iron swim. Now, if
man ran make hundreds of tons of
metal float. I am disposed to think
that the Almighty could make an ax
head float.
“What," says some one. “would be
the use of such a miracle?” Of vast,
of infinite, of eternal importance.
Those students were preparing for the
ministry. They had joined the theolog
ical seminary to get all its advantages.
They needed to have their faith
strengthened; they needed to be per
sua led that God can do everything;
they needed to learn that God takes
notice of little things; that there is no
emergency of life where he is not will
ing to help.
I hear from different sources that
there is a great deal of infidelity in
some of the theological seminaries of
our day. We think that most of the
so-called miracles of the Old and the
New Testaments were wrought by nat
ural causes. When those infidels grad
uate from the theological seminary
and take the pulpits of America as
expounders of the Holy Scriptures,
what advocates they will he of that
gospel for the truth of which the mar
tyrs died! Would to God that some
great revival of religion might sweep
through all the theological seminaries
of this land, confirming the faith of
the coming expounders of an entire
Furthermore, in that scene of the
text God sanctions borrowing and sets
forth the importance of returning.
There are times when we have not
only a right to borrow, but it is a duty
to borrow. There are times when we
ought to lend, for Christ in his sermon
on the mount declared, “'From him
that would borrow of thee turn not
thou away." It is right that one bor
row the means of getting an education,
as the young student of my text bor
rowed the ax. It is right to borrow
means for the forwarding of commer
cial ends.
We borrow time; we will borrow
eternity, and that constant borrowing
implies a return. For what we borrow
from God we must pay hack in hearty
thanks and Christian service. In im
provement of ourselves and helpful
j uess for others. For what we borrow
In the shape of protection from good
government we must pay back in pa
triotic devotion. For what we borrow
from our parents in their good exam
ple and their hard work wrought for
I us in otir journey from cradle to man
hood or womanhood for all the ages to
come we ought to be paying back. The
hallelujahs of heaven will be returned
for crucifixion agony.
Furthermore, let us admire these
young men of Elisha’s theological sem
inary for the fact that they were earn
ing their own way. Those are the kind
of men who know what education is
worth and know how to use it.
Those students in the valley of
palms by the Jordan had a physical
strength and hardihood that would
help them in their mental and spirit
ual achievements. We who are toiling
for the world's betterment need brawn
as well as brain, strong bodies as well
as illumined minds and consecrated
Let all those who toil for their edu
cation remember they are especially
favored, and if things go against them
and the ax head should fly the helve
that very hlndertnent may some time
turn out advantageously, as the acci
dent by the river Jordan, which seem
ed to finish the young student's capac
ity to help build the new seminary,
resulted in a splendid demonstration
of the power of Elisha's God to help
any one who helps himself. No ax that
w’as ever wielded has wrought sc well
as that ax. the handle and head of
which parted.
Aoin.e, also, how uod Is superior to
every law that he has made, even the
strongest law of nature, the law of
gravitation. What a rebuke to those
who reject miracles on the ground that
they are contrary to nature, as though
the law were stronger than the God
who made the law! Again aud again
in Bible times was that law revoked.
There Christ stood by his disciples
on the Mount of Olives after his com
ing out of the sepulcher. No ladders
let down for his ascension, but his feet
lift from the hill, and he goes up until
the curtain of cloud drops, and he is
invisible. Law of gravitation again
unharnessed. Enoch, Methuselah’s
father, escaping death, went up bodily
and will have no need of resurrection.
So will all the good who shall be still
alive at the end of the world. They
will not need wings. Every one of the
millions of our pianet who loved and
served the Lord, if then alive, will “be
caught up,” as the Bible says, body as
well as soul, the law of gravitation
paralyzed. God mightier than any law
he ever created. Oh. I like the mir
acles because they show God independ
ent of everything.
Notice also the divine power in the
backwoods. Wonderful things were
done at the cities of Jericho aud Jeru
salem and Babylon and Nineveh, and
the great cities of our time have seen
the divine power, but this miracle of
my text was in the backwoods, far
away from the city, in the lumber dis
tricts, where the students had gone to
cut timber for the new theological
seminary. And if this sermon shall
come, as It will come, like my other
sermons for the last thirty years, with
out missing a week, let me say to
those far away from the house of God
and in the mountain districts that my
! text shows the divine power in the
backwoods. The Lord by every stream
as he certainly was by the Jordan, on
every mountain as surely as he was on
Mount Zion, on every lake as on Ti
berias, Dy every rock as by the one
whose gushing waters slaked the thirst
of the marching Israelites.
I)o not feel lonely because your near
est neighbor may be miles away, be
cause the width of the continent may
separate you from the place where
your cradle was rocked and your fath
er’s grave was dug. Take your Bible
out under the trees, if the weather
will permit, and after you have lis
tened to the solo of a bird in the tree
tops or the long meter psalm of the
thunder, read those words of the Bible.
wmcn II1USI na\e ueeu wrmen out 01
doors: “The trees of the Lord are full
of sap, the cedars of Lebanon which
he hath planted, where the birds make
their neRts; as for the stork, the fir
tree3 are her house. The high hills are
a refuge for the wild goats and the
rocks for the conies. Thou rankest
darkness, and it is night, wherein all
the beasts of the forest do creep forth.
The young lions roar after their prey
and seek their meat from God. The
sun ariseth, they gather themselves to
gether and lay them down in their
dens. Man goeth forth unto his work
and to his labor until the evening. O
Lord, how manifold are thy works! In
wisdom hast thou made them all. The
earth is full of thy riches.” How do
you like that sublime pastoral?
My subject also reminds us of the
importance of keeping our chief im
plement for work in good order. I
think that young theological student
on the banks of Jordan was to blame
for not examining the ax before he
lifted it that day against a tree. He
could in a moment have found out
whether the helve and the head were
firmly fastened. The simple fact was
the ax was not in good order or the
strongest stroke that sent the edge
into the hard sycamore would not
have left the implement headless. So
God has given every one of us an ax
with which to hew. Let us keep it in
good order, having been sharpened by
Bible study and strengthened by
Your ax may be a pen or a type
or a yardstick or a scales or a tongue
which in legislative brV or business
circles or Sabbath class or pulpit is to
speak for God and righteousness, but
fhe ax will not be worth much until
it has been sharpened on the grind
stone of affliction.
But I have come to the foot of the
Alps, which we must climb bsfore we
can see the wide reach of my subject.
I See In all this theiue how the impossi
bilities may be turned into possibili
ties. That as head was sunken in the
muddiest river that could be found.
The alarmed student of Elisha may
I know where it went down and may
dive for it, and perhaps fetch it up,
but can the sunken ax head be lifted
without a hand thrust deep into the
mud at the bottom of the river? No,
that is impossible. I admit, so far
as human power is concerned, it is
impossible, hut with God all things are
possible. After the tree branch was
thrown upon the surface of Jordan
“the iron did swim.”
Some one asks me, “Did you ever
see iron swim?” Yes, yes; many a
time. I saw a soul hardened until
nothing could make it harder. All
styles of sin had plied t lat soul. It
was petrified as to all fine feeling. It
had been hardening for thirty years.
It had gone into the deepest depths.
It had been given up as lost. The
father had given it up. The mother,
the last to do so. had given it up.
Hut one day in answer to
some prayer a branch of the
disfolinged tree of Calvary was
thrown into the dark and sullen
stream, and the sunken soul respond
ed to its power and rose into the light,
and, to the astonishment of the
church and the world, "the iron did
sw'im.” I have seen hundreds of cases
like that When the dying bandit on
the cross beside Christ's cross was
converted. When Jerry McAuley, a
ruffian graduate of Sing Sing prison,
was changed into a great evangelist,
so useful in reclamation of wandering
men and women that the merchant
princes of New York established for
him the Water Street and Cremorne
missions and mourned at Jus burial,
amid the lamentations of a city.
When Newton, the blaspheming sail
or. under the power of the truth was
brought to Christ and became one of
the mightiest preachers of the gospel
that England ever saw. • When John
Bunyan. whose curses shocked even
the profane of the fish market, was
so changed in heart and life that he
could write that wonderful dream,
“The Pilgrim's Progress,” In such a
way that uncounted thousands have
found through It the road from the
“city of destruction” to the “celestial
city." In all these cases I think iron
was made to swim. 1 worship the God
who can do the impossible.
You have a wayward boy. Only God
knows how you have cried over him.
You have tried everything for his ref
ormation. Where is he now—in this
city, in the country, or has he crossed
the sea?” “Oh,” you say, “I do not
know where he is. He went away in
the sulks and did not say where he
was going." You have about made up
your mind that you will never hear
from him again. Pretty hard pay he
gives you for all your kindness and
the nights you sat up with him when
he was sick. Perhaps he struck you
one day when you were trying to per
suade him to do better. How different
was the feeling of that hard fist
against your face from his little hand
in infancy patting your cheek! Fa
ther! Mother! That is an impossible
that I would like to see God take hold
of, of the conversion of that boy, for
he will never be anything but a boy to
you, though you should live to see him
fifty years of age. Did you say his
heart is hard? How hard? Hard as
stone? “Yes,” you say. “harder than
that. Hard as iron.” But here is a
God who can lift the soul that has
been deepest down. Here is a God who
can raise a soul out of the black
est depths of sin and wretchedness.
Here is a God who can make iron
swim, the God of Elisha, the God of
the young student that stood in dis
may on the banks of the Jordan at the
time of the lost ax head. Lay hold of
the Lord in a prayer that will take no
Manliest Tree Known, ami the Kunlest
to Grow.
If you ask me to mention a tree
most likely to live when planted by un
skilled hands, says a writer in the
Chautauquan Magazine, I would say a
willow. 1 meai^the most common kind
to be found in the northern states—
the kind that stands beside and over
shadows the roadside watering trough.
If you have driven or wheeled over
country roads a picture of such a com
bination will readily come to your
mind. The chances are that there is
a local tradition connected with the
origin of that tree. I have heard it in
many different localities, with but
Blight variation.
The story usually runs something
like this: "John Dee, one of the early
settlers, was riding horseback along
this road, then but a bridle path, and
stopped at this spring to water his
horse. He stuck his riding whip info
the mud, it took root like a cutting,
and the present patriarchal willow
has been the outcome." The impres
sion is common that willows will
thrive only in wet places.
It is true a willow is very comfort
able in places where many other trees
will suffer from chilblains, yet it will
give good results elsewhere.
livery One Need* a llobby.
No man can retain his bodily and
mental health if he devotes himself
exclusively to business. Bodily he will
become inert and flabby; mentally In
ert and dull. First his power will di
minish; then his grasp on practical
problems will be relaxed; his capabil
ity will be weakened and in the end
his capacity itself disappears. The
best results are foomd In varied inter
ests. A hobby of some sort is neces
sary. It has been the salvation of
It is always better to tell the truth
when you can get anybody to under
stand your understanding of It.
LESSON V. FEB. 2; ACTS 4: 1-12
Golden T«<t "Thtrf 1* Nonf Other
Ksint Coder Heaven. Oiven Among
Men, Whereby We Must He Saved-'—
The Stone Whleh Was Set at Nought.
I. The Apostles arrested and sent to
prison.—Vs. 1-3. 1. "And as they" tI’eter
and John) "spake unto the people" In Sol
'Wion's porch or cloister a pillared por
tico open to the court of the temple, l’he
well-known lunio man had been healed,
and was stnndlng by the apostles, while
Peter, taking the miracle as his text, had
been preaching Jesus as the Messiah and
Saviour. There was no little excitement
about the matter. Peter was Interrupted
In his speech. The priests were angry at
the Interference with their functions of
worship and teaching: and the Saddu
cees, because the miracle and the preach
ing were a flat contradiction of their re
ligious opinions, and favored their ene
mies, the Pharisees; and all because the
growth of the new' sect would Interfere
with their worldly interests and peace.
Their power, their wealth, their dues from
the temple sacrifices, would be reduced.
"And they all laid hands on them. ’ Ar
rested them.
II. But the Work went on.—V. 4. Just
as we have seen In modern missions, the
attempts at opposition hut Increased the
number of the disciples.
III. Opposition aided the Cause by giv
ing the Gospel a Hearing before Hie
Rulers.—Vs. 5-7. The priests, rulers and
leading men would not join the crowds,
nor go to the places where the gospel
was being presented. The only way to
reach these classes was through a trial
before those who were determined to
crush the new teaching. "And when they
had set them in the midst.’ The two
apostles and the lame mail CV. 14). "They
asked." By what magical power did you
do this, and what right had you to use
such power? They wanted to convict
Peter and John of sorcery, by having
worked a miracle net In the name of God.
but of a crucified malefactor. They hoped
to bring the apostle- uniter the awful
death-sentence pronounced in the law
(Dent. 13), which especially provides for
the ease when the sign or the wonder
comes to pass, fee also Kx, 22: 13; Lev.
Hi: 26. It was of the utmost Importance to
them that Jesus should not be alive
again, and all their l rouble in putting
Mm to death have been in vain. The fact
of the cure they did not attempt to deny.
IV. Deter preaontng me vtospei iu
Sanhedrim.—Vs. 8-12. Note how Peti r
lives up to his own precepts in his lust
Kplstle (2: 12-17), to have your behavior
beautiful, noble, becoming, among the
Gentiles, that wherein they speak against
you as evil-doers, they may. by your
good works, which they behold, glorify
God: and to honor all men.
"This i« the stone which was set :it
nought of you builders." The reference is
to Hsa. 11$: 22. The Jewish rabbis have a
tradition concerning on*- of the stones cut
In a distant quarry for the temple of Sol
omon, and brought to Jerusalem to find
its place in the building. Hut it was of a
peculiar shape, and though carved with
figures of exquisite loveliness and grate,
there was found no place for it, and the
perplexed workmen thrust it one side.
During the years the temple was build
ing it became covered with moss and
rubbish, and was the laughing-stock of
the workmen as they passed by. Hut
when the temple, shining in marble and
gold, was almost completed, and the mul
titude were assembled to witness the ded
ication, inquiry was made for the top
stone. the crowning beauty of the whole.
They found it in this despised and neg
lected. moss-covered stone. They cleansed
it of its defilement, brought to light its
beauty, lifted it to its place andd shouts
of Joy and It became the crown and
glory of the temple So it was with Christ.
So It will be with the doctrines and prin
ciples of Christ. So It lias been wltii many
of his servants; the rejected martyrs
and prophets have been crowned at last,
and sing God's praises to golden harps.
Illustration. Hurnlng Luther's Hooks.
When I.uther's books were publicly
burned by order of the Papal Nuncio, the
remark made to the Kmperor Charles
ministers was, "Do you Imagine that Lu
ther’s doctrines are found only In those
hooks that you are throwing into the
lire? They are written where you cannot
reach them, in the hearts of the nation.
-D'Auhigne, bk. 8, chap. 11.
"Neither is there salvation in any oth
er.' Not only from disease and Ills of
the body, as In the case of this lame man.
bat from sin, spiritual disease, of which
bodily disease was the type. "There Is
none’ other nnmo." Name here stands
for Jesus Christ himself, and ail there is
in him of wisdom, power, love, divlne
ness. There was no other power under
heaven that could bate saved the Jewish
nation from the destruction that came
upon them thirty-five or forty years later,
as there is no other power that can save
each soul from sin ami death.
V. The Outcome.-Vs. 13-31. First. The
position of the disciples was unanswer
able Two facts silenced their opponents.
I The effect of Jesus himself on the
■haraeter of the disciples. These, men
were unlearned and ignorant tv. 13), 1. e.,
without school training, and ungifted,
"mere nobodies." And yet they had this
marvelous power of logic, of eloquence,
of healing. Jesus must have been a pow
er. must still be, In order to produce such
affects. 2. The other fact was the pres
ence of the healed man himself (v. 14).
This was an unanswerable fact. Facts
are the most convincing arguments.
Second. The Acquittal. -Vs. 15-22. In
view of these facts, and the other fact
lv. 21) that all the people glorified God
for that which was done, the Sanhedrim
dismissed the prisoners with a command
to cease preaching Jesus. This the two
apostles stoutly refused in do. and thus
the trial ended in a vain threat. Dr. John
Hall. In one of his sermons, compared the
attacks of Infidelity upon Christianity to
a strpent gnawing at a file. As lie kept
on gnawing, he was greatly encouruged
by the sight of the growing pile of chips,
till, feeling pain and seeing blood, he
found that he had been wearing his own
teeth awa> against the tile, but the file
was unharmed
"The church Is an anvil which has worn
out many hammers."
A casual visitor to a New York
lithographer saw heaps of labels of
European and Egyptian hotels, and
expressed surprise that hotelkeepers
should find it worth their while to
send so far for their printing. "A
little trade secret,” responded the
proprietor, confidentially. “I supply
dealers in secondhand trunks and
hags with them. A well labeled bag
It worth at least a dollar more.” This
reminds us of the experience of a
well known playwright who asked for
a particular kind of hock at a New
York wine merchant's. The ingen
uous youth who chanced to he in
charge at the moment went—not to
the catalogue or to a bin—but to a
drawer; and after a long search turned
round, with apologetic manner, "I'm
very sorry, mister,” he said, “but we
are out of those labels.”—London
Toy Army.
An interesting gift has been added to
the Musee de Arraee, Paris. In five
great cases are placed 19,000 figures
of soldiers about two inches high, all
branches of the army being repre
sented witli the utmost exactitude re
garding uniform and arms. The toy
army, marching past Napoleon, has
for setting a village with the populace
In the streets cheering the soldiers.
This picturesque work occupied the
lifetime of an old Alsatian who fought
under the “Little Corporal.”
Formerly from the t'ulted 8UtM.
Rosthern, July 8th, 1900.
Frank Pedley, Esq.,
Superintendent of Immigration.
Sir:—We, the undersigned settlers
in Saskatchewan, Township 43, Range
6, beg to submit the following letter.
We camo from Springfield, Bonhomme
County, S. Dakota, in the spring of
1899, and settled where we now reside.
We had considerable crop last year
we put in on new breaking, and It was
very good, and this year, 1900, our
crop Is excellent. Our wheat will
yield about twenty bushels to the acre,
the oats and barley are also very good,
and our potatoes and root crop all
that could be desired. We consider
this a fine country and are glad we
came, as our prospects could not be
better. A poor man will get a start
in this country much quicker than in
We are. yours respectfully, John H.
Schultz, H. A. Goshen. S. Gors, B. H.
Dirks, C. D. Unry, P. Unry, and A.
Ratzllef. All from South Dakota,
U. S. A.
A Hugo l>n t rnarlan.
The centenary of Victor Hugo's
birth, February 26 next, will be mark
ed in Paris by the erection of an im
posing monument. The Musee Victor
Hugo and his old home on the Place
des Vosges will be open then, with
many relics and memorials of tho
greut poet and romancer.
Men always bow to fate, but not as
a matter of courtesy.
Itheumntlsm and JulinMn'i BOSS
cannot agree. The former kills the latter
e\ery time. Try it. All druggists.
They are never alone that are ac
companied with noble thoughts.
Don't! for Women.
Don’t keep the match box in a clos
Don't fold nnlaundered curtains.
Don’t cool tomatoes in the ice box.
Don’t buy “cheap" lines as they are
the dearest.
Don’t use “cheap" soap in the laun
dry as it costs the most.
Don’t use a starch that will produce
that harsh crackling effect, but go to
your grocer and order Defiance Starch,
16 ounce package for 10 cents. Made
by Magnetic Starch Co., Omaha, Neb.
When sorrows come, they come not
single spies, but in battalions.
Brooklyn N. Y.. Jan. 20.—For many
years (Jarnrld Tea. the Herb Cure, haa
been earning a reputation that la rare—
It is UNIVERSALLY praised! This rem
edy presents unusual attractions to
those In search of health; it is made of
HERBS that cure in Nature's way—by
removing the cause of the disease; it Is
PURE: It cleanses the system, purifies
the blood and establishes a perfect ac
tion of the digestive organs. It Is equally
good for young and old.
Advice is seldom welcome. Those
who need it most like it least.
Stops the Cough and
Works Off the Cold
Laxative liruiuu Quinine Tablets. Price25c.
Age that lessens the enjoyment of
life, increases our desire of living.
Jse the l*?st. That’s why they buy Red
Jross Ball Blue. At leading grocors, 5 cents.
Prosperity is no just scale; adversity
is the only balance to weigh friends.
Piso’B Cure is the best medicine we ever used
tor ail affections of the throat and lungs.—Wm.
0., Vanburen, Ind., Feb. 10, 1900.
The secret of happiness consists in
not a.'’owing your energies to stagnate.
Tbe c. who boasts of being a cyn
ic *4 hot ire«T <£angerous.
Sirs. Winslow « erMhlng 'jnp.
Forchlldren teett'n* gains, reduces ly
gaimuatlou.alisy. j>»;n,cures wludo-'Uc. X>ce botll*
If a woman is heartl#®* * is tne
fftUlt of some man.
to sunlight, washing and rubbing. Sold
by druggists, 10c. per package.
Few people would be satisfied if
they got all that’s coming to them.
The secretary of the Kansas State
Board of Agriculture has just tabu
lated in comparative form statistics
obtained from the U. S. Dfepartment of
Agriculture year books.
The tables are brief and graphic and
calculated to surprise those who have
looked on Kansas as a semi-arid state.
Kansas ranks first in the value of
wheat and corn raised for the five
years 1896 to 1900, Inclusive, and also
for the year 1900 alone; first in the
value of wheat alone raised in 1900;
fifth In the value of corn alone for the
same period; second, in the value of
wheat and corn raised In 1900 per
The same authority gives the number
of bushels of corn raised in Kansas in
20 years a3 2,995,985.308, and the num
ber of bushels of wheat raised in same
period as 691,297,613.
These are truly wonderful figures.
In part they show the solid basis of
value on which the securities of the
Santa Fe railway rest, for the Santa
Fe la to Kansas what the Pennsylvania
railroad is to Pennsylvania, the chief
transportation agency, with lines cov
ering the state more generally than
£o thorv of any other company.
A new booklet on the resources of
Kanoas is being prepared by the Santa
Fe passenger department and will be
r*».dy for distribution early in the
fbar. Th'* booklet will contain statis
tics for the year 1901.
Fortunate is the man who falls only
for the purpose of rising higher.
THO.SK who have THIRD it
will use no other. Defiance Cold Water
Starch has no equal In Quuntity or Qual
ity—Hi oz. for 10 cents. Other brands
contain only 12 oz.
It were better to sit by the wayside
in joyful sunlight, than linger in dark
shadows, though they be cast by a
Many a man who tries to be a ras
cal finds he iB only capable of being a