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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 24, 1902)
T he Northwestern published EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SKAT. UEO. E, BEN SO HOT KB, Editor and Pul»lUh*r TEEMS:—*1.00 p*r t*ar. ir paid in advancs Entered at the Loup City Postofflce for trans mission through the mails as second claas matter. BACK FROM GERMANY. Mr. Frank Ohme and wife who settled near Arcadia in custer county in 1870 and who has since added several hundred acres to the old original home stead, have just re turned from a five months visit to their old home in Germany. Mr. and Mrs. Ohme stopped in the city until Tuesday, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Dubry. Mr. Ohme made this office a friendly call last Saturday and staled that his trip across the water was iudeeo a pleasat one. lie says that there is not much imprave ment made in the method of farming in the old country from that of fifty years ago. But a wonderful change has taken place in point of manufac turing industries, especially sugar factories, which have sprung up all over the country, aud the pnucipal occupation of the farmer there is to grow sugar beets for the market. On almost every farm, which of course, is small in acerage, is located an immense stone building used tor stor age of all kinds of feed and also for all kinds of stock raised on the farm. Hogs and cattle that are being raised and fed for llie market are not per mined to see the light of da\ from the time they are born untd ready tor the market. Ground in that country is to valuable to leave even space enough to build a bog pen out side the building and all animals are raised practically in a dungen with but very little if any ventilation. Mr. Ohme explained that in many places it was even nacessary to light a match to feed the hogs, and tlie cooped up pen in which the hogs were kept issued a very odious smell. And yet, says Mr. Ohme to bie old friends, after explaining the meth ods of raising stock in this country. “You Germans will condemn the A merican pork aud beef.” We under stand that Mr. and Mrs. Ohme will soon leave their Custer county farm and locate on their 80 acre tract of land in Lees Park, Valley county where they will build a large and commodious house in which to lire during their declining days. A SOCIAL GATHERING One of the largest social gather ings that has taken place in this city for several months was that given Mrs. Kattie Buirowes last Saturday evening, when a large number of her friends planned to give her a complete surprise, by arranging for a social to be held at Society ball At an early hour the crowd began to gather and it was only 8:30 when all were present. At about 9 o’clock the committee selected to wait on Mrs. Burrowes brought her to the hall where the people were enjoying a social time with games, music and dancing. Mrs. Burrowes was taken very much by surprise, but greeted her friends in a manner that showed deep appreciation for their kindness and apparent love for ber. A sum petuous supper had been prepared at the Bowman boarding bouse near by, the supply of good things be ing wholly contributed by the many present, of which the following is a list. They also presented Mrs Burrowes with a beautiful silver top cracker bowl. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Clifton, Mr. and Mrs. Lou McGrath, Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Depew, Mr. and Mrs. Erwin Conger, Mr and Mrs. 8. G. Gallaway, Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Bennett, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. l’edler, Mr. and Mrs. II. W. Pedler, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Arthur, Mr. and Mrs W . I). French, Mr and Mrs. Herman Johansen, Mr. and Mr*. Edward Snyder, Mr. and Mrs. G H Gibson, Mr ami Mrs. McKI nney an ddaughU r. Mr. and Mrs. J. B. O'Bryan, Mr. and Mrs. A T Conger, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Becbtbold, *r Mr. and Mrs. L J B»cbth<dd, Mr. and Mrs. O Benschoter, Mr. and Mrs Geo. E Benschoter, Mr. and Mrs H M Mathew, Mr and Mrs W S Waite. Mr and Mr* P T He we, Mr. and Mrs. Jut. Conger. Mr* M C Mullick and daughter Bell*. Mra. .1 T Hale and Ml** Lulu Bower, Mra. Bowmen, Mr*. A J Kearns. A E Oha«e, Will Mason, Blanche Bennett, Henry Young. K*y Pettier, Hubert Mathew, Mary Minshull, Charlws Minshull, Will Bowman, Art Eisner, Nora .Smith, Miss Conner, Mary Knutzen, Sophn Kebelewski, Mra. A S Main. Etlie Mooa, Mra Lou Owen.*, Mrs Ditto, and Mias Jossie Nodean. This occasion was brought about because Mrs Burrowes ia soon to move away and intends to take up her residence in Uuebito, Colorado. That her many friends here will join in sending with her their beat wishes, is clearly evidenced by the respect shown her before her leave taking. unoo LIST FKOM ASHTON. The following is a list of i ames and amounts subscribed by the cit izens of AshU n Neb., to the Me Kinky Memorial Fund: Theo. Ojendyk,. #5 00 Thus. Jamrog,. ] 00 C. C. Boyd. 50 H. Smelser,.. 1 00 Henry W. Ojendyk,. 50 Martin Kilikoweki,. 50 Frank L Jezewski. 50 Stanislaus Badura,. 25 I. N.Polskl,. 1 00 Chaa. Gooryck. 50 A M Conklin,. 50 8. J. Plutner,. 50 W. H. Sestnk, ... . 50 E G. Taylor. 100 W. C. Didker. 2 00 JohnNieman. 25 Ed B Arthaud,. 50 Geo Glinsman,. 15 Bv Ashton Public School: Peter Kosmitcki. 05 Lewi* Qalezenaki,. 05 Edd Zuchola. 05 Willie Ojendyk,. 05 Emil Ojendyk. 15 Clara Jamt ng. 05 Total #18 55 ----♦ 8 UP 1C KYI SOItS rROCEKDIMGa Loup City Net), Jan, in, 1902, 9, o'clock A. M Persuant to adjournment of Jan. 6th. 1902, The County Hoard of Supervisors met at the I Court House, In Loup City. Neb . in said ! County, Present—All members of County Hoard. G. H. Gibson, clerk and T. S- Night ingale. county attourney, and the following business was had and done, to wit: As per request of G. H. Gibson, county clerk and by a vote of the county Hoard, the clerk was allowed a Deputy at a salary of ;700. 00 per year, and an assistant when required at $45.00 per month; and the amount of $200.00 per annum was allowed for his Services as clerk of the Hoard of Supervisors. All to be paid from the fees of the office according to law. The Finance Committle after examining fee book af County Judge report the same correct with the following receipts. First half of year *302.68, Second. $273.18 Total $575.88 which report was accepted and approved by the board and approval endorsed on fee nook by the chairman. Finance Committee after examining fee book of Sheriff report same correct with the lollowing receipt. Third quarter $318.30 Fourth „ $279.57 First six mo. $606.72 Total $1204.59 which report was accepted and approved by the board and entered thereon by the chair man Finance committee after examining fee book ef ceunty superintendent report the same correct w ith the following receipt. Balance on hand IS 01 Receipts last half of year $231.37 Disbursments $26203 Balance $29.24 which report was accepted and approved by the board and endorsed thereon by the chair man . Flnanee committee after examining treasur ers fee book report the same correct wit'll the following receipts. First half of year #1189.53 second,, „ ,, 664.13 Total collected for year $1853.86 which report was accepted and approved by the board and approval endorsed by the chair man. On motion the following resolution was a dopted. And now this 10th. day of January 1902 the application of Gilbert Wands for admission to the Nebraska Soldiers and Sailors Home coming up for consideration and it appearing to the board, that he was a I’rivute ef Co. C. 65th Kegt. 111. Vol. Inf. and a pensioner under certificate No. 631 369, and of the age of 78 yr» and by reason of bis ago Is unable fo earn a livelihood, ami has been a resident of bherman County for over two years last past. That he has never been in a soldiers home in this or any other state prior to the time of making this application and draws only $12 per month as a pensloa and has no property | of record in this county anti is with out means ! to support himself. It is hereby resolved arid ordered ihut the clerk of this board forward the application of the said Gilbert Wands forthwith in the manner provided by law. to gether with this finding, his eertitlcato of service and pension certificate No. 331.368. Herman Johansen appearing before the board and showing that he had been assessed on his personal property for the year lixro in tiie Loup City village instead of Loup City Township. Tha clerk was ordered to correit the erroi and place his assessment In the Tax list of Loup City Township, for the year IWOO. By motion the clerk was instructed to notify It. A. Kisling of Harrison Township to appear before the county board and show reason why she should not pay tax on 1670.00 as appears on the assessors book of Harrison Township and which was eroneously entered upon the Treasurers tax list as $57,00. Hoard adjourned to 1 o’clock P. M. I o'clock P M. Hoard met persuant to ad jurnment; all members present Board then took up the mutter of conspnt roads, and the petition of IVi. Knutzen et-al for a consent road commencing at Howell avenue at the south line of Carltton street in the Village of Ashton and Intersecting with county road No 6s. at a point 14 rods east of the northwest corner of section 27 Town 15 Range 13 be established, and tbs land owners having land adjoining said road signed said petition and waived all claims for any damag es for said road. The above petition was con sidered and allowed and the clerk ordered to plat same. The matter of the petition of John Hetzel et-al for a consent road commencing at the Northwest corner of section 81, Tawnship 13. Range 13, terming at the read running southwest to and intersecting the road to Ravenna. Nebr. was conisdered and allowed and clerk ordered to record and plat the same, John Hetzel agreeing in writing on said peti tion to stand, without compensation, all of the road iieginntng at southwest corner of Sec tion 31, Township 13. Range 13. Ths above petition was considered and al lowed . By motion the clerk was ordered to pur chase a blank book for the use of the county judge as per his instructions By motisn the county treasurer was author ized to have tiie treasurers tax sale book re bound and he was authorized to place said book in the hands of some responsible person who was going to Lincoln and authorize him to have such work done. The claim committee reported that they had exanined all claims on the claim register and found them correct and clerk was ordered to draw warrants for same as follows: Fremont Tribune. $5# 00 School District No 56. 2 50 S S Porter. 37 50 Geo. E. Leathermun. 4 00 T M Heed . 68 25 Jonathan Arthaud. 2 20 Hammond Bros, and Stephens. 28 20 Edward Snyder. Sheriff. 2 45 Keystone Lumber Co., . 18 10 E A. Brown . 36 #5 O S Ltininger. 367 65 John Minshull. 88 41 J A Angier. 7 08 S F Reynolds. 5 90 W D French. 15 50 Lewis Bechthold. 9 00 D II Richardson. 10 20 Frank Badura. 3 12 VV C Dittrichs. 15 60 J F Roberts . 11 20 Peter Thode. 15 30 Herman Jung . 1 50 Henry Thode. 1 50 Anton Kwiatkowski. 10 50 John Boeeking. 10 10 Bridge Fund: Walter Moon. 12 50 Keystone Lumber Co. 24 30 Keystone Lumber Co. 43 35 Lewis Bechthold. 9 00 DH Richardson. 25 75 J F Roberts . 3 00 Road Fund: Henry Jenner. 3 iX) On motion the county board of Supervisors adjourned sine die. G. H. Giuson, County Clerk. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. Department of the Interior. Land Office at Lincoln, Neb. j January 20th, 1902 ) Notice is hereby given that the follow lug-named settler has died notice of Ills Intention to make final proof in support of his claim, and that said proof will be made before J. A. Angier, County Judge, at Loup City, Neb., ou Saturday March 1st., 1903. viz: David C. Doner, Timber Culture Entry, No. 7357, for the North East quar ter of Sec. 23, Township 16, Range 16 W esl. He names the following witnesses to provo his continuous resilience upon aad culti vation of said land, viz: II. II Bristol, Arcadia, Nebraska. Henry Lelnlnger, '• “ Henning, Claussen, " " J. P. Leiuinger, “ “ J. W, Johnson, Register. pus g -0 utwio iiplcaojd .i.v\ CITY, NKBK. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Port'and, St. Louis, San i ancisco, anti all points and all points East and South. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No 52 Passenger.S:u6 a. tn No. 60 Freight .12.80p.m. GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger . 1:32 p.m. No. 59 Freight.12:50a.m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair can (seals free) on through trains Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point In the United States or Canada. For Information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to H. I,. Arthui Agent. OrJ. FKANOIS, Gen'l. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska. U. P. RAILWAY. No. so leaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). H:<K) a. m. No. 8* leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. tn. No. IX) leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. in. No 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12:05 p. m. No. <5 arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7.35 p. m. First class service and close connection! east, west and south W. D. Clifton. A. S- MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, • NEBRASKA OFFICE.-One door west of Odendahl's Drug Store DR L I BOGEN, (of Omaha ) PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Has located In ASHTON - - NEBRASKA. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend In Foreclosure Oases. AXBO DO A General Real Estate Business. Office 1b Northwhtshb Building, LOOP CUT, NEBRASKA. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT. i i HD w&fflSmjjaKfe^ Sold bv T. II. EI.SN F.R. LowpCt-v, Neb Don't Be Fooledi Take the genuine, erlglnal ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co.. Madison, Wls. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sold In bulk. Accept no substi tute. Ask your druggist. Xjnnoo ([Bas) ‘TIOHSKIIV NHOf '5061 ‘-(JBBUBP ;o Xtip qjg 9iqi am ajojaq oi ujoms pun eanaswd iai Hi paqiJMQng •jajnti*9jx 'vhjkith hnvhj •aAaqaq ,{[uaA j kb loajjoo b| juauiaiBis aujoHajoj oqj inn jboaab Aumoios op ‘Xjunoo pia* jo jainscajj, 'B.inpBy huvjj j . (‘nBUuaqs jo Xjunoo i ‘v>!sv>uihx aoaxvxsaiix 93 I it 893 .Ponj puon 1H9J91I1| iCjnnOQ JO 1U9U1 -1«a.\ai joj p[8q sjopjo diqsuMOX 00 06 punj puojj 489J9jaj Xjunojjjo 1U3UI189AUJ joj ppq sjopjo looqog 00 HI .Pon^ puojj looqos jo Iuauijsoauj joj pieqwjjpjo jooqos 18 098*81 *. :pu«H tio Jduoj^ iojutiouiv I I I . ag 818*61 tig! mi ♦*» 868*0* tw 180*1 $08 IPQ'l_♦'19 ISI'IS <09 860*63 *_I 60 01 IR 198 E9 I Of: 01 98 E9 ‘11«IW *UHW l»0>«58 | 00 n[ | 00 HI MONO lot>qo« 06 96 06 R 09 19 II 61 91 HI 99 96 .»aaia|jj 00 11 Oo II ••••o.o.on P0« mum Mf Sc ce .ft oi 9»i r,619 .amm-m: ' * 8-9 „E 00 S' 1 liei W 88 * * 0*)||]A •11|a**>h 69 691*1 .Itwotouiuoddu OIMU 5r. , 9 u|) t I X. 19 ;«6 I a»>HIIA uoni-v 69 989 .«uoi,.»a|ro.. »no«<iaiiao«|K el ; I, 09 9 rt 8 ••• ■•JUlOA Pl»»q»in -90 E8i‘*.iH«l f-«q«( , «-■ Si I tRK5 il SI I^pOf "IIIA <110 dou-I | w H88 .qiaudap(Miafui £8 199 98 91 06 019 11*8 9.18 96 119 .p-l-H »»»IUA Mil) du n \ 9K 91 .. 1981 .. 38 Oil- ISO JuO 088 | 19 399 91 688 «9.||IA MtO dun-| of IE .. 998 .. he tr.i !oi err we ir.i -is tea .®n*iqx i»pe<i9 --> .. 1991 .. •• n I o[ y *0 |U«ni8pnr djquUMDj (Hi ,w •* k**Sl «. t« wo met"I 83 I !(I| M ,1)6 918*1 i.•pu.-rt ilm*o*--x ES 06 „ 6991 .. HI 1E9 1 H 88 69 HP'S I 11 91.6*3 '..1* HE*I .i-l-unj <l|q«n»oi j 99 -I 1091 .. rtt HI E Cl 1 U 986 . 00 CM 80 i El ‘89 818*8 f-oi-n |o. q.-s l.. . 9 .. <#6*1! .. C* *V8 196 *••' fuamRpnf i-K-q-H - El in .. 8681 so 8**9*9 36 11 l» 868*01 00 SOS 118 Mi,*6 HI 891*8 i " l““q- K t'MHKI . *.« 16 .. »68t . 1-9 5.01 S3 00 06 I 11 1 II SUM l»II«H ►MIH“6 EE 9« -. 9681 - . 1 B j ,,l <0 3 lonqas q*m Ainu-.;) j 09 101 9681 .. BV S. |58 9E Igi »1 C8 9*. * ■ ■ iimuicpiu* Mum ,, >jl oil .. 1681 .. !• '-91 V9I ' - 00 991 • IOJ1IJ a.— ,1 iinii-,) 18 66 .. 86*1 ., pa 381*1 60 918 -JO 000*1 1 Mi SET.*I 8* 880*3 a.9p[i!t ah-'M of .>11 ***** 6681 Jt> H<>1I9»II-0 69 HI iw 8E 90 00* >•; 6.5. oO 019 i-o.-H lino .;, , <;e sjo I«aXM 0061 Uot*oa||*w «*>U •*»! Bl 19R 99 r.5,9'9t (Ml 000*9 10 809 *9 .'6 911*8 PIOH leI*J»l,'l <»"»■ ,1 SBtAI .. 006! .. .. 99 999*1 (Ml 961 SC. 111*1- 00 000*9 oil (99*1 $ *. 338*9 61*18*9 i»aau»y Hum-.) -*•*, HE'S ••»») I0CI l« Ul>0J*|ia: jl i »e 318*9 x IE 1 8 0 1 8 9 3( 8VE I 2 " ' *•'" 2 1 *' '■ ■ * 1061 *H <l»r ' '"*'l " ' ••'*•" 2061 s uuri'auul* >in*m ui"j'7 ", , j. a l|« <si l ^nrj~7*pu«j| J« **««•* *<4 U0I*0**ll°E> puuqfiojnii -hjnirn«^> Hjnq»yn fiJJta|wnvjj t • JI ‘H»,) puuq uo ptflj..... I __ , _ _ *.3061 ,lH8 Ajenuep o; *|06l *lsl AlnP oiojj ‘e>jsejqs|s| ‘A;unoQ ueuuaqg jo jajnseajx ‘VdPIQVO XNVdd i° luaiuapsig |epueui-| -- ' III I. ■ —«g W. J. FISHE.. CJEO. E. HEN8CI10TER, Attorney and Notary Public Publisher Lour Ctrr Nubtuwutii * Fisher & Benschoter, Rea! [stale Agents, LOUP CITY, NEBRASKA. Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigatesf LANDS FOR SALS. ___ • L. P. CULLEY, x. P. CVLL4BY, President OMfclm FIRST BANK Of LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. Correspondents-. Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank. Omaha. Nebraska* e. " ‘ We aye {Headquarters for WINDMILLS, PUMP. PIPES & FIXTURES We have every ^appliance for making!] first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder 1 > <»uk* business and are prepared to do custom work or turni ab ground feed-at reasonable rates. Grind .Saturday and Monday. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND 1IOB E POWERS AND^GIJA KAN TEE OUR WORK TO OH K SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER tii •o3«a{ij3 ‘-jg siarta tt:f ‘ o icoa—'or> nNiinHinxfora s.nsnima •« •« *X»n-o* joI'JO 1-WUHis. tl'JJ.H nm«uod«U pu» ilonbj-J JO „i,-, *t|14 joj mil, ohliwj mold U| |UM d»p..' • liu I v»i<nj4m m i cm joiino Jrtio i «»i« ai..!«i»4a«J»x* uy j 3303 |ooj|OM«»«i MM——— '■'■■■■' 1 ‘ —11 ■ -'*|nurqjj plit • .1 ! .’tl *i i i ■■v,.J3Apt j*ao Xiiiq|Aut utui T ri— ■ M i|p ^1*1 J' J «st ficaja eseqx | ■») Hmo iuo uj tp*iO*««tAt||*<»prui patq utuu.) •uimrcU uotij.) ji. > pm afy pja jcaXoI •*»■«! qi)ii|^V ut si A-i*|«|qt! ,!HJ VT a»;|Uo i i-»j r,i'J m qi 0iuiuf.. /a*iutqB«jvai3 pu» 3 »um» •u.|>«u|oi» iaiaa 1 tua*•**“!"• »i 35 x»joBr»i!»iJd miM a o j tu u* A CHU-,|i,jij,up|.« ,«A »'U ll« <■.* uudi “»'(* »»»l «J»Vc>i4 »dll wnj^nu 1*|3 uwnft p(ou«aXul fcuuait; juo joo|p|o.< v*ul't> °'l'J puv »|v)a».ly utqtijtmoiuwj A mo jo xoqouo q||M uaj*\ l »i »B®qt UV ptft pi PI ■* X[jA«8q Xjiqai»( h\ uuvqj pijiinroq euo \ t v ujtqa »(qnop | ■ut^;nq «aw»[s iitd i 'i^ppiq |H -qjou i ‘uoiinqJtlpw do* U*h f j>uu |ju*i jji <J j •*■*! qj*tw i«qjju ?,3 \At*q tu%xj «u«ao|3 I qst ■ 1 0*1 iv.|-X-i®q»>fy( | •j»p|ou > r.nrqauooH «uirm-o [ ‘aapp U 4c8jj tuntqjfiioon au;nu*3 i adij uinuq .i raudJA ®‘*y i cwiv>j!l « W U “ Vut V'U Mop q|jt« a j a: loo-pum* wuj put |u«»iutAoui m jjAtruf cu|aua8 |«« put puj.M rtt0 ffciptl on, Optra i»q T« W AAtoq aav; uado ^tui, « Me pm i o"» jo»uo9|5|ii.| AldXd'lCsUV "• • Mi" Jv ocqt |t-.tit|| 3B» t»pBn*pu«i| aaqu.i a MUtiutioa Au«uf auo jo xoq ouo put M qa| jM|j u.ianh IMU «**®a m s uuiutj itio juamuqiitnbXiaAt q»lM T OK V nta»!j puc ■ qqtrqji! j > ► vu*JH At|t«lo,i o* tinjjp muo o| papf.K-p tAtq om •ucuioippjK j«|iv,j ;.<j muoJ'i otjf ^ > iyuu.*q 8i|i jamn«uo,itqtOA|3 oi jjp.»o ■jaqso j(t »n iuuaduBsjc Xeq) at ‘inaqi Xq pcuio;®jd #i* BputJu mo pttt ,uow ji*ii. |oi{ \\ t-» sji jjj put tajqtiq ^ juo pjot«.vwq da\ s^cua Xuviu joj ARE YOU DEAF? ♦ ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERMAR, OF BALTIMORE, 8AY8: Baltimore, Md., March 30, mor. Gtntlemen : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I loot my hearing in this ear entireTy. 1 underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of "this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours, V. A. WERMAN, 730S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation. “ffiS'K.*”" YOU CAM CURE YOURSELF AT HOME INTERNATIONAL AURAL CLINIC, 596IA 8AUE AVE, CHICAOO, lilt A