The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 24, 1902, Image 4

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    Uoaal Daws.
L. V Smith went to Omaha no bus
iness Tuesday.
Orin Manchester was a county seat
visitor Tuesday.
Qoo. Eggers went to Grand Island
Tuesday via the U. P.
Rev. Madely has been bolding s ser
ies of revival meetings in tbe Wiggle
Creek district, Clay township.
The maaons have taken advantage of
the fine weather and have about com
pleted the brick work on Peter Tbodc's
new brick farm residence.
Will pay 41 cents per lb. for hens and
4 cents per lb for young roosters to be
delivered at my shop oa or beforl the
88 of January. S. F. Reynolds.
G. A. Arnold of Clay Twp. brought
40 head of bogs to the Loup City
market last Thursday. They were
light, weighing on an average ISO
pounds. He received 5 60.
Used by tbe ladies of fashion all over
theworld. It’s without doubt tbe great
est beautifler eyer offered tbe Ameri
can women. 38c. Made only by Madi
son Medicine Co. Ask yoar druggist.
>nsan.—The pimples, sores and-black
ieads are danger signals. Take Rocky
Mountain Tea, you’ll give a farewell re
ception to your trouble*. 38c. Ask
your druggist.
If troubled with a weak digestion,
belehlng, sour stemach, or if you feel
dall after eating, try Chamberlain’s
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25
cents. Samples free at Odendabl
J. H. Hollingbead, of Nance county
Is here looking up a location. He
seems to like tbe country an 1 says that
be w ill buy if he can find a piece of
land to suit. He made us a call and la
a yery pleasant gentleman.
If you would have an appetite like a
bear and a relish for your meals take
Chamberlain's Stomach aud Liver Tab
lets, Thay correct disorders of the
stomach and regulate tbe liver and
boweis. Price, 25 tents Samples free,
at Odendabl Bros.
Henry Busbhausen, of Bristol Town
ship called at this office last Saturday
while in tbe city and subscribed for
this paper. Henry Is interested in good
roads in his neighborhood and was
looking up the matter of the petition to
vacate a road and esta bltsh another in
his locality.
E. D Radeliff, a aon-ln-law of W H.
Morgan has purchased tbe stock of
goods of T. L. Pilger and will continue
the business at Jaeger’s old stand in the
Taylor block just east of Odendahl’a
drug store. Mr. Radeliff is a bright
young nasn and we predict that he will
make a success of the business.
Sore and swoled joints, sharp, shoot
ing pains, torturing muscles, no rest,
no sleep That means rheumatism. It
is a stubborn disease to fight but Cham
berlain’s Pain Balm has conquered it
thousands of times. It will do so when
ever tbe opportunity is offered. Try
It. One application rcleiyes the pain.
For sale by Odendabl Bros.
There waa a saloon brawl
In the building owned by Tbos.
Inks last Wednesday evening In
which there were several broken
billiard eues, a few pealed noses and
black eyes. This building has been
noted for gambling and drunken brawls
for years past and it is high time that
It la either eloaed up or run in a half
way regpeetable manner.
Henry Oblson nays that he has manu
factured end sold 400 000 brick in the
hut year, most nil of which have been
used for substantial Improvements in
this town and surrounding country
They are now about 5,000 brick short
of having enough to fill present orders
and will start up tbe brick yard Full
blast as soon as tbe weather permits.
W. H. Hchuman and Frieda Lange both
of Hberman Countv were united in mar
riage, last Friday, Jan, 10th, 1902 We
are not So well acquainted with these
young people but the parents on both
sides are old sod respected citizens of
this county.* The young lady is a daugh
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Lange of
Ashton township and we understand,
was born and raised here. The North
western wishes them a happy and
prosperous voyage over the sea of time.
C. r. Me Laughlin. C. Squier sad C.
D. Oullford el) of Aurora, Nebraska
and acquaintances of Mr. John throve
called at this ofiioe last Wednesday. All
of these gentlemen have secured land in
this county west of Loup City and will
move here and take up a perminant res.
idenoe, the first of March. They are
active and business like gentlemeu and
will, no doubt make a valuable addition
to the farming community. The
Northwestern welcomes them to our
Mrs. C. 8. Adair of Denver Col. an
evangelist will be at Loup City about
the first of February to begin a series of
revival meetings at the Baptist Church
lira. Adair has been working with much
suceeas fur some time in this state and
we believe, that the people of Loup
City will enjoy bearing her talk. She Is
• fine singer snd an earnest worker. All
ere Invited to these meetings to help in
the work. Let all Christians especisllv
• make arrangmenta so that they can be
•( these meetings and help In this work, 1
A f " of our •took him are at Lincoln
this week attending the met ting of the
association f.*r the promotion of live
stock husbandry.
County sttorney Nightingale inform*
us ihtt the next term of the district
court in and for Sherman county will
be a jury term. It will convene Febru
ary 3rd.
Mike Keon and brother of Bristol
township were pleasant eallers at this
office Friday. They report winter
wheat In the south part of the county
looking well.
Detlef Peterson, of Oak Creek was in
tb?j city Tuesday. lie reports his wife
and daughter who have been sick for
three weeks past with lung fever much
W. 8. Jay of the Lincoln State Jour
nal was in tbe city last Tuesday work
ing in tbe interest of that paper. While
here he msde.arrangments at tbe news
stand at|W. T. Chase's, drug store, so
that all desiring to read a first class dal
ly caa obtain the Journal there for S5
cents per month.
John Trumpke, whose team ran away
about four weeks ego, turning the wag
en box oyer and pinning him to the
ground where he lay all night and a
part of the next day. One of his legs
and one hand was badly frozep and it
is thought that he will loose one foot.
We are now seeding off quite a num
ber of subscriptions to tho Iowa Home
stead and the ^Twentieth Century
Farmer. Anyone ordering the same
through us aud do not receive it in
due time will please report to this office
and we will find out if possible where
the difficulty is.
Puts gray matter in your tread
Brings a rosy glow to faded cheeks.
Restores vim, vigor, mental and physi
cal happiness. That's what Rocky
Mountain Tea will do U5c. Ask your
Cut this out aud take It to Odendabl
Bro’s. drug store and get a free sample
of Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets, the best physic, They also
cure disorders of the stomach, bilious
ness and headache.
Children Especially Liable.
Burns, bruisesjand cuts are extremely
painful and if neglected often results In
blood poisoning. Children are especi
ally liable to such mishaps because not
so careful. As a remedy, DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve is unequaled. Draws
out the tire, stops the pain, soon heals
the wound. Beware of counterfeits
Sure cure for piles. “DeWitt's Witch
Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema
after two physicians gave her up.’
writes dames Uoek, N. Webster, Ind.
"The sores were so bad she soiled two
to five dresses aday. Odendabl Bros.
The Presbyterians will hold service
In the German Evangelical Church
Sunday morning at half past ten Jan 19.
at Austin at three P. M. at Rockville
half past seven P. M.
Rev. C. F. Graves. Pastor.
A. P. Culley of Loup City was In our city on
business Wednesday afternoon.
Tha Walnut social held at the school houaa
Wednesday night was a complete success
and everybody seemed to esjoy themselves to
the fnllest extent. "Illustrated songs” ere
ated much interest and merriment.
John Zink of Ashton was shaking hands
with his many friends in our burg Thursday.
C. W. Fletcher of Boelus was a caller Fri
day. "Lum" is just the same jolly chap as of
The lyceum club met Friday night and the
question - Resolved that the World has
reached Its Zenith and is now on the decline,”
was discussed and won by the negative by a
vote of two to one. The house was tilled to
the very doors.
S. J. Fair made a tiyiug business trip to
Loup City Saturday.
We understand that Dean Mills sold his farm
to a man named Niels Jensen, of Howard
county. We hear Dean Is going to Colorado
in the near future to make his home
Mr. and Mrs. Dietrichs drove to Dannebrog
Sunday and spent the day with relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Branscomb spent Sun
day with Mr. and Mrs. E. H Kittell.
Rev. C. F. Graves, of Shelton preached a
very fine sermon Sunday evening at the School
Mr. Guy Stephens left for his home at Chey
enne Wyo. after spending a month with
friends and relatives In this neighborhood.
Mr. Pearson of Ravennaspent Sunday aight.
In our city
The dance given last Saturday at the hall
drew a large crowd and many danced to the
strains of excellent music until the wee smell
Wm. Murr of Grand Island and E. L.
Lovejoy of Omaha was here Monday.
Don’t forget the Grand Masquerade ball to
beglveaon Friday nigbt. January 31st, at
the Woodmen hall of this eity. The price
will only be 35 cents and one is insured to
have $4 00 worth of fun. Let everybody and
his sister come
“V. NO ME.
John Burk sold hie farm to Mr. A Cady
of Hall county, the first of last week. •
A. D . Norling has taken his iee house to
Haxard. and will put up loe for his summer
Mrs. J. K. Pearson left for Fall City, Nebr.,
last Sunday morning to visit her father and
mother who are both very ill,
VT. C. Benson purchased a car of winter
wheat from the eastern part of the state and
will make Hour for his trade here. He hopes
in this wav to better the quality of his high
grade flour, which has always given perfect
satisfaction Try a sack and convince your
selves that Litchfield Hour is the best
18 lbs. Granulated Sugar, - $1.00, .50 cts. Blankets for 36, 1.26 cent Caps for .95,
3 Cans good corn, - - .25, .06 “ “ “ 45, .75 “ “ “ .55,
Best bulk sorgham .... .35, .75 *' “ “ .56, .06 .45,
Good maple syrup, at less that cost. 1.00 “ “ “ .76, .50 “ “ “ .36,
*-o- 1.25 “ “ “ .95, .36 “ “ “ .26,
1.60 “ “ “ 1.05, .25 “ “ “ .16,
Any Jacket or Cape in the house just one-fourth off; those lined mitten atd
gloves one-third off. These and many other bargains will be found at
Lion Coffee
1 is 16 ounces of pure
\ coffee to the pound. I
\ Coated Coffees are I
\only about 14 ounces I
1 of coffee and two I
1 ounces of eggs, f
1 glue, etc., of no r
gilvalue to you, buy!
money in the pocket®
of the roaster.
flans Henry Plumback, an old and re
spected citizen of this county died at
his home on Oak Creek last Saturday
morning Jan 18, 1902. Age 51 years.
Mr Plumbeck came from Germany to
to this country in 1870 and tlrst settled
at Grand Inland He moved to Sher
man County in 1876 and took a home
stead on Oak Creek, where he has ever
since resided. For several years past he
has been in 111 health, being troubled
bv occasional attacks of Apoplexy,
Which became worse from time to time
and so distroyed his physical being. Mr.
Plumbeck was a good friend and neigh
bor and bis many friends will be sorry
to learn of his death.
The funeral services was held acl.nup
City, Jan. 21, a short service was held
at the h >use at 10. o'clock A M and
In the city at 1 P M. The remains
were taken to the Evergreen Cemetry
for interment. There was a large turn
out at the funeral as many friends caine
to pay their last respects to the depart
ed He leaves a wife and three child
ren to mourn his loss.
The entertainment and dance giv
en last Monday night by the L. M.
L. A. lodge of this city was largely
attended>and everyone seemed to
think that tney received the full
worth of their money. As soon as
the curtain raised it was apparent to
ali that the entertainment was to be
first class and the audience at once
entered into the spirit of the play.
The casts of characters were repre
sented by Henry French and wite
10. E. Tracy, S. H. Conger, A T.
CoDger, and Mrs. Jas. Conger.
The plays produced was of an
exceedingly com'cal nature and
the actors kept the audience in
an uproar of laughter from the be
ginning to the close. All had their
parts well, and there are but few
traveling troaps on the road that
has given us such a genuine good
treat as this production by eur own
home talent. The dance which
followed the entertainment was
also largely attended.
-» -
Go to Frank Dennis when
you want the very best grade
of flour.
Don't Live Together <
Constipntlon and health never go t >
gether. DeWitt's Little Eaily RUcr*
promote ea«v action of the bowels with
out distress. "I have been troubled
with costiveness nine year*." says J O
Greene, Depaw, Ind ‘ 1 have tried
many remedies but L'ttle Early Rt-»rs
give best results."
A Mother’s Favorite
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is the
mother’s favorite. It is pleasant ind
safe for children to take and always
cures. It is intended especially for
coughs, colds, croup and whooping
cough, snd Is the best medicine made
for these diseases There is not the
least danger iu giving if to children f r
It contains no opiurn or other injurious
drug and may be given as confidently to
a babe as >o an adult. For sale hi
Odcndahl Bros
All onr farmer readers should take ad
vantage of the unprecedented clubbing
offer we this year make, which lucladcs
with this paper The Iowa Homestead, Its
special Farmers’ Institute Editions and
The Poultry Farmer These- three publi
cations are the best of their class and
should be in every farm home. To them
we add, for local, county and general news
| our own paper, and irake the price of the
I tour one yenronly $1.40, Never before was
so much superior reading matter offered for
so small an amount of money. The three
papers named, whtoh we club with our
own, are we 1 known throughout Ihe West
and commend themselves to the reader’s
favorable attention upon mere mention.
The Homestead is the great agricultural
and live stock paper of the West: The
Poultry Farmer is the most practical poult
ry paper lor the farmer, while The Special
Farmers’ institute Editions are the most
practical publications for the promotion of
g - sal farming ever published Take ad
vantage of t bis great offer, as tt will hold
good lor a short time only. Samples of
t he-e papers may be examined by calling
at this office.
Blown To Atoms.
The okl idea that the body gome
times needs a powerful, drastic, purga
tive pill Lias been exploded; for Dr.
King's New Life Tills, whish are per
fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver
and bowels to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse the system and absolutely cure
Constipation and Sick Headache. Only
25c at Odendabl Bros
—- ■» -
A Deep Mystery.
it is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headache, Nervousness,
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have prov
ed that Electr o Bitters will uuiekly
cure such troubles, “I suffered fer
years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs.
Pbebe Chcrley, of Peterson, la., “and
a lame back pained me so I could not
dress tnrselt, but Electric Bitters whol
ly cured me, and. although 73 years old,
1 now mil able to do aii my housework ’
It overcomes Constipation, improves
Appetite, give* perfect health. Only
50c at Odendahl Bros.
If you want a good
food for your child
ren, try Wheatose.
It is easily and
quickly prepared,
and very healthful.
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit.
All reliable grocers
have it.
California Breakfast Food
Reat Out of An lnrrraie of 111. Pension,
A Mexican war veteran and promi
nent.editor writes; “Seeing the adver
tisment of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded
rliat as a soldierin Mexico in '47 and ’4t
I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and
this remedy has kept me from getting
an increase in my pension, for on every
renewal a dose of it restores me.” It
Is uneqnallad as a quick cure for diar
rhoea and is pleasant and safe to take.
For sale bv Odendahl Bros.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Ml m FEED,
the market. I keep constantly on hand a large quantity
and variety of everything usually kept in a first class Flour
and Feed store. My flour is of the best brands and warranted
to give satisfaction. Bailed hay ready for delivery. All
goods promptly delivered. Call and see” me whether you need
anything or not. All my customers will receive fair treatment
and prompt and courteous attention. Store one door east of
St Elmo Hotel. FRANK DENNIS,
II Girdles The Globe
The fam* of Bucklen'g Arnica Salve,
as the best in the world, extends round
the eartb. It'a the one perfect healer
of Cuta, Corns, Burns, Brulsea, Sores,
Saalds, Boilea, Ulcera, Falons, Aches,
Pains and all Skin Eruptions.□ Only in
fallible Pile care. 25c a box at Oden
dahl Bros.
A Profitable IuvHtmtst.
“I was troubled for about seven years
with my stomach and In bed half my
time,” saya E. Demlck, Somerviil, Ind.
“I spent about SI .000 and never could
get anything to help me until I triad
Kodel Dyspepsia Cure. I have taken
a few bottles and am entirely well.”
You don’t live by what you eat, but by
wbat you digest and assimilate. If
your etomacb doesn’t digest your food
you are really starving. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure does the stomach’s work by
digesting the food. Y’cu don’t have
to diet. Eat all you want, Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure eves all stomach troub
las —Odendahl Bros.
Lands For Bala by Fishar A Benschalsr
Loap City, Nebraska
Good half section of well improved laid for
sale. House 10 z Si, horse bare 24xt4. cow barn
24 z 24, 2000 forest trees, 100 fruit tree, 2 chick
en houses, wood bouse, two 20 foot wells,
granary. All under fence. 00 acres five wire
pasture. 2f>0 acres under cultivation. Good
Section grazing land for sale within two
miles of Loup City.
One half section grazing land ten miles from
Loup City.
One half section of grazing and farm land
Nicely situated and well Improved. Four
miles from county seat. Loup City.
A large number of 100 acre tracts and a few
HO acre tracts. All of these lands are free
from sand and well located and can be bought
at a bargain.
By the undersigned, oe my farm, 9
miles south of Loup City, on the west
side of the river. A red barrow bog,
weight about 200 ibs. Camu to my
place about 30 days age. Owaer will
please come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take the animal.
William Chuistkn.
Lost. — Gold spectacles between
the L. N. Smith farm and Loup City.
They were In black leather esse. Finder
w ill leave same at this office or return
to the undersigned and receive suitable
rew ard.
Bdoii McCall.Owner.
I,"up City Neb.
A Terminer Chiraia Woman Speak*.
Prof - K"Xi Tvler, of Ch «;»*•• Viee
Pr***id»t.i II.In. j* Women'* Al later*, in
St eaking of Chamberlain's o oyh Re
medy. says: ”1 tried differ*1' t reine
di •* but I seem’ d to grow worst* and
tin* medicine upset tr y stomach, A
friend advi-t d in” to try • ba.oherl dn's
C l gb R mroly and I found it was
pleasant total*** and it relieved ine at
once I am no * entirely recovered,
saved a Hoctm"* bill, time snd suffering
and will never he without this splendid
medicine again/' For sale by Oden
dahl Bros
Child Worth Allillon*
‘ Mv child is worth million* to me,”
says Mrs Mary Bird of Harrisburg, l*a.
yet 1 would Lave lost her by croup
bad 1 not purchased m bottle of One
Minute Cough Cute" One Minute
Cough Cure is sure cur# for coughs,
croup tDd throat and lung troubles. An
absolutely saf e cough cure which acts
immediately. The youngest child can
take It with entire safety. The little
ones like the taste and remember bow
often It helped them, ifivery family
should have a bottle of One Minnie
Cough Cure handy At this season esj
pecially it may lie needed suddenly.
Odendahl Bros.
$5 00 reward will be paid for the ap
prehension and conviction of the party
or parties who shot out the window
• igb't of the Loup City water works
engine house, Harry Jenner,
Water Commissioner.
No acres of well improved Merriek
County land, well located and free from
debts. Will trade for good Sherman
County land. Call on or addicss,
W j Fisher.
Loup City. N< br.
Reliable miu for Manager of a
Branch Office we wish to open in
this ricinitj. Ilere'is a good open
ing for the right m»n. Kindly give
good reference when writing.
Jan. IT to Feb. 21.
CHARACTER and good reputation in eaeb
state (one in this county required) to rep.
resent and advertise old established weal
thy business house of solid financial stand,
lng. Salary fls.00 weekly with expenses
additional,all payable In cash each Wed
nesday direct from head unices. Horse and
carriage furnished when necessury. Refer
ences, Enclose self addressed stamped en
velope. Manager, 316 Caxton Building,
Chicago. sepIl-JUw
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
•J1*9 to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
6tomachs can take It. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the atom*
ach relieving all distress after eating.
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
It can’t help
but do you good
W,1iT'hSS/Z by E;c: D5 W,TT & oo., chica- •
Abofl. bottle coutains8i4 times the 50c. size* .
For sale by ODENDAHL DUOS., ^