The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 24, 1902, Image 1

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Precipitates Long Battle on the Philip
pine Tariff Measure.
It in lletIeved « Month Will Be Consumed
lu IleUiiUns the Bill—W lint the Holme
Will IHldisrate ou llurlug the I’rwut
WASHINGTON, Jan. 20.—The Phil
ippine question will be precipitated in
the senate today, when the commit
tee on tiie Philippines, which has lmd
the Philippine tariff 0111 under consid
eration, expects to report the meas
ure. The bill, with its committee
amendments, will lie sent to the print
er, and Senator Lodge, chairman of
the commttee, will give notice of his
intention to call it up on the follow
ing day and ask for its continued con
sideration until finally disposed of.
There is a general acquiescence of
republican senators in this program.
There are other important measures
to he presented at the proper time by
administration senators, but the pres
ent agreement is to pass the Philip
pine bill first, as being of the most
immediate importance. A long discus
sion of the bill is expected by the
republicans and promised by the dem
ocrats. The democratic leaders say
they do not expect to be able to de
feat the bill and disclaim all intention
to delay a vote unnecessarily, but they
say, frankly, that they consider that
it affords an opportunity for the pre
sentation of their view of the entire
Philippine question, which they can
not afford to let pass.
Senator Lodge will open the discus
sion with a brief speech on Tuesday,
in whic h he will discuss the merits of
tiie bill and also the necessity for
early action, fie will be followed by
some member of the democratic repre
sentation on the committee, who will
outline the democratic position. He
inturn will be followed by other dem
ocratic senators. Many of the sena
tors on the democratic side are ex
pected to he heard before final action
shall be secured. Indeed, the predic
tion is freely made that a vote will
not tie obtained within a month. Sen
ator Lodge's plan to hold the meas
ure to the front, to the exclusion of
^ all other business, when the bill is
once made the unfinished business.
Tomorrow Senator Frye probably
will report the ship subsidy bill, but
he will not attempt to secure consid
eration for it for the present and prob
ably not until the Philippine bill shall
have been disposed of.
The report of the committee on in
ter-oceanic c anals is expected later in
the week, but may be delayed. The
consideration of that question in the
senate also will wait on the Philip
pine bill.
The calendar of the house of repre
sentatives is still rather meager in
important bills, so that there does not
promise to lie a heavy pressure of
business during the coming week.
Monday is the regular suspension day,
but there are few measures likely to
be passed by suspension of the rules.
The urgent deficiency appropriation
bill will occupy most of the time dur
ing the first few days of the week.
It carries a total of $lti,700,000, which
is rather large for a deficiency meas
ure, and it is expected that two days
Will be occupied in its consideration.
Public tiutlierlnc* 8impen«l*«l.
FARNAM. Neb., Jan. 20.—The fol
lowing notice was posted in conspic
uous places in the village: "On ac
count of diphtheria near town, it is re
quested that as a preventive meas
ure the churches, Sunday schools arid,
lodges do not meet for the next two
weeks. By order of the village trus
tees.” One or two new cases have
developed in the past three days, but
no deaths.
Priest Hang* IHniftCtlf.
ST. LOUIS, Ala., Jan. 20.—Frcder
ick Krainhanlt, a Catholic priest re
siding at Josephvllle, Mo., committed
suicide today at the Alexauder hos
pital by hanging himself with a bed
sheet. He had officiated at Joseph
ville for thirty years. He had been
taking treatment at the hospital for
nervous troubles since April, 1900.
Dentil of Joseph Burke.
NEW YORK, Jan. 20—Joseph
Burke, the violinist and actor, who
achieved prominence as the accompa
nist of Jenny Lind, died here today
In his 86th year. Congressman Chas.
H. Burke of South Dakota is his
nephew. j
Nearly Four Hundred Uebeln Submit t«
Amrricmi Power.
MANILLA, Jan. 20.—A report has
been received here that a dugout
canoe in which eleven men of Com
pany I of the Second infantry, were
traveling, is missing and is probably
lost. It is believed the men either
perished or were captured.
General Wade has cabled from
Cebu that 305 Insurgents surrendered
on the island tf Bohol last Friday.
The authorities here state that this
statement is astounding if accurate,
as the secret service had failed to
learn of the existence of any such
body of insurgents on Bohol.
An important capture was made in
Laguna province, when eight men of
the Eighth infantry captured a wo
man insurgent named Aguedah Dah
badun. She recently commanded an
insurgent force of 800 men, 300 of
whom carried rifles, while the bal
ance were armed with holes. For
rix years past she has been leading
insurgent bands against the Spaniards
and the Americans.
And 11 HI Do All l!«* Can to Aid St. LouIh
Fx pohlt ion.
WASHINGTON. D. 0.. Jan. 20.—
Edgar G. Hale of Chicago and Joseph
Brucker of Berlin, the lat'er the com
missioner of the St. Louis exposition
to Germany, were presented to Presi
dent Roosevelt Saturday by Repre
sentative Boutell of Illinois. They
discussed the exposition with the
president, who told them the move
ment had his hearty approval.
The coining visit of Prince Henry to
this country was discussed and Mr.
Brucker informed the president that
the correspondence between Emperor
William and himself regarding the
launch cf tiie irnpcror's yacht had cre
ated a most favorable impression
among the German-Americans of this
country. The president replied that
it was his aim to cultivate the mast
friendly relations between this coun
try and Germany.
Rev. Dr (line* Dead.
PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 20.-Rev.
Dr. H. K. Hines died here, aged 74.
Dr. Hines came to Oregon fifty ypars
ago from Herkeimer county, New
York, and during that time was con
nected with tiie affairs of the Metho
dist Episcopal church of the north
west. As presiding elder of the states
of Oregon, Washington and Idaho he
became widely known throughout the
northwest. Dr. Hines was president
of the territorial council of Washing
ton and a member of the legislature
during the session of 1864-1866. He
was delegate to the national repub
lican convention in Cincinnati in 1876.
1‘rlnce Korean Sued on Debt
WASHINGTON, .Ian. 20.—Princo
Euiwha, the second sou of the king
of Korea, against whom a suit has
been filed by Wolf Bros. & Co. of New
York and Philadelphia, to recover $30,
000, claimed to be due on a promissory
not, through an interpreter, said no
defense would be put in. He said the
money had been borrowed and spent.
The Interpreter said the king had
been informed of the matter and no
doubt would pay the debt.
Howard Kxpectx to Kacape
FRANKFORT, Ky„ Jan. 20.—Attor
neys In the Jim Howard murder case
say that tomorrow' they will put on
the witness stand reliable persons who
will give all the details of the alleged
Goebel murder conspiracy. They said
that this testimony woul show that
Howard had nothing to do with the
Eleven Prisoner* Encipe.
TACOMA. Wash., Jan. 20.—Eleven
prisoners, headed by Moriarty, the
counterfeiter, escaped from the federal
prison at McNeills by burrowing
through a cement floor into the air
pipes. A large posse is now in pur
I.(turn Valuable Money llelt.
KASSVILLE. Mo.. Jan. 20.—I. Sol
omon, a Syrian living at Keokuk, la.,
was held up and robbed of a money
belt containing $8,500. Solomon had
sold out his business in Keokuk and
was looking for a location here.
Kitchener Saya Kill Him.
GRAAF-REINBT, Cape Colony, Jan.
20.—Lord Kitchener has confirmed the
death sentence passed upon the Boer j
commandant, Scheepers, who was
captured last October. He will be shot
next Sunday. I
Earthquake in Southern Mexico Prores to
Eava Been Disastrous.
Falltnir B«ilMl»ig« Destroy I-Ivm of Many
of tins I iilmhittttilK < hurclt t’m*l»«**
It* Womlilprm—tJreat Slaughter Oc
cur* iu SacreiJ KdlUcp.
MEXICO CITY. .Ian. IS.—One of the
most terrible disasters In the history
of the state of Guerrero is reported
to have occurred late yesterday after
noon. An extremely violent earth
quake shook was felt at Cbilpancingo,
causing a great loss of life and injur
ing many persons. Details from the
stricken district are very meager, but
scattering repotts received herei ndi
eate tl at probably 300 persons were
killed and as many more Injured. It
is known that the state capital, the
parish church and many business
houses and residences were In ruins
and that there is much suffering as a
result of the awful seismic disturb
ance. One of the edifices that suffer
<'<t most was the Iederal telegraph oi
ficc, which explains the scarcity of
news thus far.
Meager details finally began to ar
rive here. The telegraph lines and
apparatus at Chilpancingo were badly
damaged, but the employes, all of
whom were uninjured, quickly pro
ceeded to erect an improvised tele
graph office on the outskirts of the
city. The number of deaths was
greater in the parish church than any
other single plai e, as a crowd of wor
shipers was gathered there for the
afternoon serv ice. The solid masonry
walls and the roof came toppling down
on the worshipers and many of those
within were killed. ,
The war department has ordered
troops in the neighborhood to co-oper
ate in tlie woik of rescue. Until the
work is completed it will he impos
sible to accurately learn the number
of victims. It is believed, however,
that this is one of the most destruc
tive earthquakes that ever occurred
in Mexico. '-Phe -greater part of the
population of the city arc now camp
ing out under tents around the town,
which is five days’ journej from the
national capital.
Earthquake shocks were fejt in
many other cities and towns. In Mex
i< o City the earthquake occurred at
5:07 p. m. yesterday ami was of such
violence as to shake the most substan
tial buildings. The Pan-American
congress was in session at the time
and many of the delegates were great
iy alarmed. The first movement here
was one of trepidation and was very
sharp. It was followed by' an easy
oscillatory movement northeast to
south-southwest. The duration was
fifty-live seconds. The damage in this
city was slight.
The state of Guerrero has always
beeen the foens of seismic disturb
ances. Reports received here state
the shock was very severe at Chilapa.
No casualties are so far reported
from there. The duration of the Chll
pancingo shock was less than that in
Mexico City, having lasted fifty sec
onds, against fifty-five seconds at the
Up to 11 o’clock tonight no further
news had come from the stricken city.
The earthquake was also intense at
Igulia, in the state of Guerrero, de
stroying the parish church and many
buildings. Among the latter was the
sugar mill of General Friable. The
mill had just been completed and fit
ted up with American machinery at a
cost of $200,000. The property loss
is immense throughout the state of
The Association Press correspond
ent has just seen a private telegram
from Chilpancingo saying: ”1 and fam
ily are safe: many houses destroyed.”
Cr*ftm>ry Man in»**arn.
CEDAR RAPIDS, la.. Jan. 18.—W.
A. Smith, proprietor of the Mystic
creamery in this city, and interested
in a line of creameries in Benton
county, has been missing since Sun
day. The Merchants' National bank
of this city began suit in the superior
court, asking judgment for $5,375
against Smith and a writ of attach
ment of his property. The bank
claims to have loaned him $2,000.
ftnarantliie of Diimiieil Sheep.
LINCOLN, .Ian. 18—Communica
tions received from various sections
of the state in response to orders from
State Veterinarian Thomas command
ing a quarantine of diseased sheep, in
dicate that the suggestion will be fol
lowed to the letter.
' - ■ ■' ---- - -- ■'
n** Tliouxaml |*eopl« See Governor
Cum ml tig* Take the Oath.
DES MOINES. Jan. 17.—The inaug- i
uration of Governor A. B. Cummins
took place yesterday with imposing
ceremonies at the Auditorium and in
the presence of 6,000 people. The par
ade. which took place from the state
house, through the principal streets of
the city and to the Auditorium, was
escorted by five companies of the state
militia and consisted of the full mem
bership of the legislature, state offi
cials, ex-governors, United Statos Sen
ators Allison and Dolliver in car
At the Auditorium exercises were
opened by Lieutenant Governor Mini
mal). Bishop Morrison of the Episco
pal church delivered the invocation
and was immediately followed by the
administering of the oath of office to
Governor Cummins by Chief Justice
Scott M. Ladd. Tlio governor then
delivered his inaugural address. At
the conclusion the' governor was es
corted by the members of the legis
lature in carriages to the state house,
where he formally took charge of the
In the evening Governor and Mrs.
Cummins held a reception at the
state house.
fh his inaugural address Governor
Cummins spoke of the pride he shar
ed with ail in citizenship in a state
so pre-eminent in the sisterhood oi
states which make up our great coun
try On the question of industrial
combinations he spoke of the evils
which follow in the wake of overcap
italization and throttling of competi
tion. "Every corporation should he
required to have its capital stock paid
for at par in money," lie said, “before
!t ; authorized to do business. The
genius for deception has been too of
ten accepted as legal tender for stock
il should be declared the counterfeit it
is.” He can see no hope in state leg
islation. "1 believe the question is a
national one,” he said, “and the time
has come to nationalize it. * * *
I am not an advocate of a general re
vision of the tariff, but l stand for
competition, the competition of the re
public if possible, but of the world if
necessary. I regard the consequences
of a monopoly in any important pro
duct as infinitely more disastrous than
tho consequences of foreign importa
On the topic of taxation Governor
Cummins snid: “The most flagrant
defect in the execution of our taxing
law is disclosed in the escape of so
large a part of the personal property
within our jurisdiction from the view
of the assessor. I believe that there
o ught to be imposed a reasonable pen
alty for tho failure to list taxable
property.” He also devoted some at
tention to the subject of railroad tax
ation. pointing out the inadequacy of
the existing law and suggesting need
ed improvements. An appropriation
for tho St. l.ouis exposition is urged
and liberal provisions for the mainte
nance of state institutions.
(imfciruK to Provide for Kecolniug Into
Amerlrun Money.
WASHINGTON, D. C., Jan. 17.—
The bill for the recoinage of the sil
ver coinage of Hawaii, introduced by
Kepresentative Hill of Connecticut,
was favorably acted upon by the house
committer- on weights, coinage and
measures. Some opposition was met
with, the democratic members urging
that the silver dollars should not lose
their idenity as such by being recoined
into subsldary coinage. The vote on
the bill was 8 to 3. the democratic
members voting in the negative.
The bill a» reported provides that
ail of the silver coins of Hawaii shall
tie received at pat in payment of
government dues to Hawaii or to the
I'nited Siates. After being received
the coins shall be sent to San Fran
cisco. to be recoined into subsidiary
silver. The expense of shipment from
Hawaii is borne by the United States,
and this is the only expense involved.
There is about ?!*7.".000 of silver cir
culating in Hawaii, most of it in sil -
ver dollars.
rnrll«iu«nt Opnnrd by Klnc
LONDON, Jan. 17—King Edward
opened Parliament yesterday with a
ceremonial in all essential respects
similar to that of February last. The
long procession to the House of Lords
was of the same elaborate character
as that witnessed on the occasion of
the first Parliament of King Edward's
reign, while within the upper house
were seen the same pageantry, the
same historic dresses and the same
revival of ancient forms.
House Adopts Resolution for the McKin
ley Ceremonial.
Appropriation for KipeiiM'd of the Went
Ionian Kx f»«»Kit Ion — of tli«
1'enrtlon Appropriation Hill — t)ll»«?r
Mattrra in the IIouho.
WASHINGTON,, Jan. 1C. — The,
house today passed the pension ap
propriation hill, which has been under
discussion for three days, and ad
journed until Saturday night. The
resolutions prepared by the special
committee on the McKinley memorial
exercises, providing for an address by
Secretary of State John Hay in the
hall of representatives on February
117, was adopted.
Mr. Montague Lessor, who was re
cently elected to succeed Mr. Nicholas
Muller of New York, was sworn in
today. Many of Mr. Lessor's friends
were in the gallery and gave him a
rousing reception when he took tho
Mr. Grosvenor of Ohio then present
ed the resolution for holding McKinley
memorial exercises in the hall of tho
house February 27 and it was unani
mously adopted.
The resolution was as follows:
"Whereas, The melancholy event of
the violent and tragic death of Wil
liam McKinley, late president of the
United States, having occurred dur
ing the recess of congress, and tho
two houses, sharing in the general
grief, and desiring to manifest their
sensibility upon the occasion of the
public bereavement; therefore,
"Resolved, by the house of repre
sentatives, the senate concurring, That
the two houses of congress will as
semble in the hall of the house of rep
resentatives on a day and hour fixed
and announced by the joint commit
tee, to-wit, Thursday, February 27,
1902, and that in the presence of the
two houses there assembled an ad
dress upon the life and character of
William McKinley, late president of
the United States, be pronounced by
Hon. John Hay, and that the presi
dent pro tern and the speaker of the
house he requested to invite the presi
dent and ex-presidents of the United
States, ex-vice president, heads of the
various departments, judges of the su
preme court, representatives of for
eign governments, governors of the
several states, the lieutenant general
of the army and the admiral of tho
navy and such officers of the army
and navy as have received the thanks
of congress, who may then he at tho
seat of government, to be present on
the occasion, and such others as may
be suggested by the executive com
mittee; and. be it further
"Resolved, That the president of
the United States be requested to
transmit a copy of these resolutions
to Mrs. Medea S. McKinley and assure
her of the profound sympathy of the
houses of congress for her personal
a ill uon Him ui men oiuccio
lence for the late national bereave
Mr. Moody of Massachusetts pre
sented a joint resolution to appropri
ate $50,000 to pay the expenses in
curred by the West Indian and Caro
lina Interstate exposition at Charles
ton, S. C., in connection with the
government exhibit at Charleston.
The house then resumed considera
tion of the pension bill, which was
read for amendment under the five
minute rule.
An amendment, offered by Mr. Jen
kins of Wisconsin, providing that the
testimony of three witnesses that per
sons lived together as man and wife
for five years should be assumed to
be prima facie evidence of marriage,
provoked considerable devate and fin
ally was ruled out on a point of or
The bill was then passed.
Straumi an Arbitrator.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 16.—Oscar S.
Strauss of New York, formerly United
States minister to Turkey, was ap
pointed a member of the permanent
committee of arbitration at The Hague.
The appointment is to fill the vacancy
caused by the death of ex-Presldent
-• --
Honpltal for Con»amptlTM.
16.—General William J. aPlmer has
announced his intention of giving 100
acres of land and $5,000 to establish
a sanitarium In Colorado Springs for
consumptives, the institution to coBt
In all $25,000.
jug? v ud
ltffrnent»ti»(> Tell* of 111* Idea fji
I’li III pjj no Self-Govern menu
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.—Represent
ative Cooper, chairman of the housa
committee on insular affairs and au
thor of the bill establishing a civil
government in the Philippines, made
a statement regarding his plan of seif
government for the islands. He said:
"It has been suggested by the op
position to the provision in the house
bill to establish a civil government in
the Philippines to begin on January
1, 1904, that it is unwise to attempt to
pass a law to take effect two years
from now. Hut it is a mistake to say
that the effect of such a law wr,uld
be postponed for two years. On the
contrary, it would have an immediate
effect upon the minds of the Filipino
people, especially upon those of thu
educated and intelligent, and in the
language of the commission would sat
isfy their desire for definite knowledge
of the intention of congress with re
spect to their country.”
Speaking of the difference between
the state ami public bill, Mr. Cooper
“The chief difference between the
two bills is in the provision for tb«
establishment of civil government. The
senate bill simply continues in power
the existing government. The bill
which I introduce in the house goes
further than that and provides not
only for the present and temporary
government of the islands until Jan
uary 1, 1904, but also carries a sysLetn
of government to go into effect cut and
after that date, in accordance with the
recommendations of the Philippine
commission in its last report received
about three weeks ago."
I. K. Cruion of Curtl* Uon to 1’ort*
Itlco to Collect Custom*.
WASHINGTON. .Ian. 15.—A. R.
Cruzen, of Curtis, Nob., was appoint
ed collector of customs for the district
of Porto Rico and disbursing officer
of the marine corpa to succeed George
W. Whitehead, who was confirmed as
appraiser of the port of New York.
This is one of the biggest appoint
ments Nebraska has received in sev
eral years, as It carries a salary of
14,500. The appointment was made by
Secretary Gage at the earnest request
of Senator Millard. Senator Dietrich
joined liis colleague in the recom
mendation of Mr. Cruzen for the place.
The office, however, is charged to Sen
ator Millard as a recognition of the
junior senators appreciation of the
work dene by the Curtis man in aid
ing his election to the senate.
The position of collector of customs
for the district of Porto Rico is pecu
liar in that he accounts to no one but
the secretary of the treasury. He re
mits nothing to the United States, as
everything ovpr and above the ex
penses of the island is turned into the
Porto Riean treasury.
Secretary of State Telia Nairn* of Repre
sentatives to Coronation.
WASHINGTON. Jan. 15—The secre
tary of state announced the names of
the following persons who are to be
special representatives of the United
States government at the coronation
of King Kdwatd:
Special ambassador—Whitelaw Reid
of New York.
Representative nf the United States
army—General James H. Wilson of
Representative of the United States
navy—Captain Charles E. Clark, com
mander of the battleship Oregon dur
ing the Spanish-American war and
now governor of the naval home at
There are to be three secretaries, as
follows: J. P. Morgan, jr., son ot J.
Pierpont Morgan of New York; Ed
mund Lincoln Baylies, a barrister of
New York, and William Wetmore, son
of Senator Wetmore of Rhode Island.
Arm Torn Off in Shredder.
WEEPING WATER, Neb., Jan. 15.—
Wescemp, aged 20 years, had his left
arm saught. in a cornstalk shredder,
while working around the shredder on
the farm of Floyd Hashmas. The
forearm was torn off and went through
the shredder. The arm was amputated
at the elbow. Chances for recovery
are favorable.
Payne Take* Charge Wednesday.
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15— Henry C.
Payne, the newly appointed postmas
ter general, will take the oath of
office Wednesday morning and imme
diately assume charge of the depart