The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 10, 1902, Image 6

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(Copyright, 1901, by Dally Stocy Pub. Co.)
Section Four was the longest section
on the Third Division of the C. and J.
Railroad. It was so long and so many
fatalities had occurred on that stretch
of road, that the management decided
to call It the Middle Division, think
ing thereby to escape the odious name
of “Dead Men's Section,” which It was
called by railroad men the count! j
over. But call it what they would, the
management could not free that par
ticular portion of their line from the
gruesome appellation.
The sections on the C. and J. are
not eight or ten-mile stretches of
track, as is the case on Eastern lines,
but instead a hundred and fifty-mile
stretch is the usual section on this
important link in the "Great 1 rans
Contlnental Route,” and which tra
verses the Lone Star State from the
Red River to the Rio Grande.
Henry Fortune was made division
superintendent at Folger, the terminus
of Section Three, and the headquar
ters for the new Middle Division. And
he said always, that it was anything
but good fortune when he was pro
moted to that position, for until his
appointment at Folger he had never
known that the cup of life could be so
full of trouble.
Freight brakemen only—with few
•xceptions—were the ones whom Death
seemed to single out as his victims.
And the majority of those who were
killed met their deaths by falling be
neath the cars wrhi!e the trains were
running eastward between Gregson’s
«ni1 Warm Snrincrs
. Because of the “hoodoo,” which rail
road men said was on "Dead Men s
Section,” it was almost impossible to
secure reputable employes for the
freight service of the operating de
partment of the Middle Division. As
a consequence the personnel of the
freight trainmen on that division was
composed literally of the scum of the
earth. And. therefore, It i3 not to be
wondered at that the life of Henry
Fortune, superintendent, was not a
happy one. The difficulties he experi
enced in handling the polygenous
freight crew3 were legion; but they
were as nothing compared to the de
pressing fact that in spite of all pre
cautions Death held the Middle Divi
sion in a firmer grasp than over.
Although the Middle Division passed
through a land of weary desolation,
which, with its flint-like soil; its
boundless, unbroken monotony of
plains, wa3 enough In Itself to depress
the spirits of almost any man, yet the
superintendent never for a moment
supposed that any of his men com
mitted suicide.
There were but few men in his em
ploy that did not use liquor. But
liquor could hardly be held account
able for the strange fatalities on "Dead
Men’s Section." Other trainmen em
ployed on the division besides freight
brakemen drank just as hard, and yet
there were no more accidents among
them than usually occur on the ordi
nary railroad.
One night in early January the
•‘Mexican Flyer” was wrecked between
Warm Springs and Gregson's. The
|uperintendent accompanied the
wrecking train to the scene of the dis
aster. It was a wretched night. A
heavy storm of sleet and rain beat
down with chilling force on that bar
ren waste of land, and Henry Fortune
made It his first duty to see that the
passengers were taken to Gregson's,
and there made as comfortable
as possible in the miserable adobe
building bearing the name of “The
Ranger's Rest.”
The proprietor of this squalid hos
telry of the Texas plains was a singu
lar individual. He was a tall, lank,
sinister-looking half-breed, whose
beady eyes seemed to glow with a
malignant passion. A semi-mute, he
was unable to articulate intelligibly,
but could understand perfectly all that
was said to him. There was something
about the man that fascinated Henry
Fortune, as he watched his shifty, cat
like movements, while dispensing the
vile, yellow-looking whisky over his
bar to the motley crowd of cowboys
■gathered in the foul-smelling, earth
"Dummy Carlos.”
floored barroom. Why it was the su
perintendent could never tell, but in
tuitively the conviction was suddenly
forced upon him, that in some way
this evidently treacherous man was
connected with the mystery of “Dead
Men's Section.”
This opinion, once formed, grew
stronger in the mind of the superin
tendent as time passed, and when,
some weeks after the wreck of the
"Mexican Flyer,” a brakemau tumbled
between the cars of his train a few
miles east of Gregson’a. and by gocd
duck was but slightly hurt, he set about
to Investigate the accident, on the
assumption that "Dummy Carlos,” the
proprietor of The Ranger's Ro3t,” was
at the bottom of it.
The injured man was taken to the
hospital at Templeton, where he was
interviewed by Henry Fortune.
"Yes, Mr. Fortune,” said the brake
man, “I did have a drink at Carlos'
place just before we pulled out o’
Gregson’s—the whole crew had a
drink, for that matter. But I don’t
think it was the whisky that affected
me—leastways it never did other times.
It was Just like this, near as I
can remember. I was walking along
the top o’ a lot o’ box cars towards
the front o’ the train, when all at
once everything seemed to shine like
gold. Then it changed to white, and
I felt that l must run—run as fast as
I could. Felt frightened like. And
then I couldn't help myself anymore,
and ran till r fell from the train."
But Henry Fortune was obdurate in
his belief that the sinister-looking
mute was to blame for the mortality
among his brakemen, despite the fact
that he had not one scintilla of proof
to that effect, and employed a private
detective agency in Chicago to work
on the case.
The detective sent by the agency to
the Middle Division assumed the role
of a freight brakeman. For two weeks
he reported "no progress,” and then
one night he, too, fell a victim to the
"Dead Men's Section,” much to the
"I couldn't help myself, and ran."
disgust, mortification and disappoint
ment of Henry Fortune.
When the detective agency was In
formed of the death of their operative,
and learned that he had met the pe
culiar and mysterious fate of so many
brakemen, they became more deter
mined than ever to sift the occurrence
to the bottom, and sent several of their
best men to the section of the country
between Gregson’s and Warm Springs.
In the latter part of February a
man claiming to be a buyer of cattle
for a Chicago packing house, put up
at "The Ranger's Rest," and, on the
pretext of awaiting the arrival of im
portant letters remained for several
days at the little hotel. He saw that
whenever a crew of freight trainmen
patronized the bar, Carlos would in
variably place two bottles of liquor
upon the counter, pushing a square
bottle in front of where one or more
brakemen stood.
One day when the opportunity of
fered, the pseudo-stockman filled sev
eral flasks from the bottles of liquor
standing on the shelves beneath the
bar. These were sent to Chicago for
analysis, and a few weeks later “Dum
my Carlos" was awaiting trial in the
jail at Templeton on a charge of poi
soning, and the mystery of “Dead
Men's Section” had been solved.
A curious story was brought out at
tho trial of the vindictive half-breed;
a story too long to here tell in detail,
but which was substantially as fol
The analysis of the liquor in the
several flasks showed that it was all
of the same cheap brand of whisky,
but the contents of one flask was
found to have been heavily steeped with
the woolly loco weed, commonly called
crazy weed, a plant native to the
Great Plains region,and which causes
much damage to the stock of ranch
men. The action of this poison on
man in small doses is to cause a short
period of hallucination or mania, ac
companied by defective eyesight, dur
| ing which the affected person is seiz
ed with an irresistible desire to run.
It was the administration of this de
coction to the brakemen of the Mid
dle Division that had caused them to
run along the cars of their train and,
being unable to see where they were
stepping, invariably fall to their
Carlos admitted the fact that eight
years back, when the C. and J. was
first built through that region, he was
beating his way on a freight train
from Gregson's to Warm Springs,
when he was discovered by two brake
men who threw him from the train.
Cntil that time he had been possessed
of his full powers of speech, but he
was so severely injured about the head
that the portion of the brain controll
ing the vocal cords became in time af
fected, and he Anally lost the power
to articulate plainly. The Indian in
his nature became aroused, and after
he opened ‘ The Ranger's Rest” near
the railway station at Gregson's, he
determined to become revenged on ail
freight brakemen running eastward
from that point. His devilish, savage
cunning led hint to use the loco weed
as the best means to secure that re
venge, as he was familiar with its ef
fect upon the cattle and horses which
roamed the plains of Texas. He was
declared insane by the Jury which
tried him, and he was sent to the state
asylum for insane criminals for life.
How St. I.oulsan I'lunned to Knrut th»
Dopoaxt Kmperor.
Was an attempt ever made to spirit
Napoleon away from his heartrending
imprisonment on the island of St.
Helena? What was there In the dim
story which comes out of the romance
of the Louisiana domain a century
after it passed into the possession of
the United States that Monsieur Girod,
a wealthy planter of New Orleans in
trigued to rescue the incarcerated
These are the strange questions
prompted by the story told by Mrs.
Carrie Jenkins Harris. Mrs. Harris
says that she discovered the basis for
the belief that an expedition to rescue
Napoleon was fitted out on the coast
of Louisiana, near New Orleans, and
was only abandoned when the newo of
the dethroned monarch’s death found
its way to the vast Louisiana territory,
w'hich he had ceded to the United
States nine years before.
From manuscript in the Congres
sional Library at Washington Mrs.
Harris says she discovered indisput
able evidence that Monsieur Girod, a
rich planter at New Orleans, whose
loyalty to the deposed emperor of the
French amounted to a passionate de
votion. built a mansion on the old St.
l»uis street in that city, fitted it up
elegantly and kept it ready for the oc
cupancy of a distinguished guest. To
his most intimate friends it is said
that he imparted the secret that a
king was to dwell there.
At the same time that M. Girod com
menced this house he bought a stanch
ship, enlisted a number of soldiers and
sailors and drilled them to scale rocky
battlements. The object of the expedi
tion was a secret one, but curious
tales were related of it after the need
ror 118 mission naa iaaea away.
Everything was made ready for the
sudden and swift sailing of the frigate,
which had been manned with guns and
other warlike equipment. Three days
before the date set for the vessel to
put to sea news of Napoleon's death
was received in New Orleans. The ex
pedition was, of course, forthwith
abandoned, and a chronic melancholy
took possession of his energetic and
devoted champion in Ixiuisiana.
Did the deposed emperor know of
this effort to free him and bring him
to this foremost city of the great do
main his hand had signed away to the
Western Republic? is the question she
asks. She concludes that it is reason
able to suppose that he was informed
of this expedition and was prepared to
co-operate with his American friends.
He was a comparatively young man
when he died, and it is suggested that
if his life had been spared and he had
landed in the Crescent City he might
have made as many changes on the
map of the Western Hemisphere as
he did on that of Europe. The French
Canadians, especially in Montreal,
Quebec and Nova Scotia, would have
rallied to his standard. Thousands of
French citizens of the young Repub
lice would have done the same. It is,
according to Mrs. Harris' thinking,
one of the “what might have been
done’’ questions the world can ask.
Britain’* Financial Strength.
A good deal of misplaced sympathy
is being wasted upon England in the
belief, or, perhaps, hope, that the Boer
war has brought the nation to finan
cial ruin. Much more reasonable is
the attitude of one of the leading Ger
man newspapers which congratulated
Great Britain the other day upon
the ease with which she is carrying on
the South African war, with an ex
penditure that lias already reached
$500,000,000. It said this war would
have ruined Germany or any other
European nation, and the German ed
itor was right. The British people
would have made short work of a less
intractable enemy than the Boers, but
what other European country could
have manned and paid such armies
and whose efforts would have been
made on a rising scale all the time
in spite of discouragement? John Bull
has always been a staying fighter, and
that he will continue fighting until,
In Lord Milner’s phrase, the Boer
country Is burned out, there Is hardly
any doubt.
M. Raffelovitch, the noted econo
mist, says the Louisville Courier-Jour
nal, touched upon Great Britain’s fi
nance In his annual publication recent
ly issued In Paris, and warned the
world that It was not likely to go to
the second place or stay there. Ger
many was a country that thought It
could supplant England in the mar
kets of the world a couple or so of
years ago, but though Germany has
no war she is in far worse Industrial
and financial condition that the tight
little Island across the channel.
Wedded Mfe In Kunmtra.
The women of Sumatra have little
to complain of. Before the nuptials
are celebrated the husband Is com
pelled to settle a marriage portion on
his wife, and in case he is legally sepa
rated from her he can neither alien
ate this portion nor touch any of the
property she may have brought into
the marriage contract. Married people
live in separate houses, the husband
visiting the wife in the evening. The
boys live with their mother until their
fourth birthday, when they take up
their residence with their father. Girls
remain with their mother until they
marry, which they do at an early age,
When a woman becomes a widow she
plants a flagstaff at her door, from
which a flag flies. That flag is of im
portance to the widow's fate, for sc
long as it remain* untorn by the wind*
sho is compelled by etiquette to re
main unmarried. When the first lit
tie rent in the flag appears—and f
may be the most minute—she is frei
to accent the first suitor who offers.—
Detroit Free Press.
f ©UR G©©DS I
f ..WELgQME.. ||
Tfvlk» of Trade
South America
“if the business done by all manu
facturers in the .United States with
their customers in South America has
increased in the Iasi eight years as
our3 ha* it is a matter of about one
more decade when American-made
goods will have displaced all others in
that continent,” said a maker of vehi
cles in New York, after he had lead a
cabled order from a South American
customer for enough carriages to keep
his factory running night and day for
six weeks to come.
“The newspapers have said much for
a score of months or so about the in
crease of American exports to Europe;
they have told wonderful true stories
of how we are competing with England
in English markets, with France in
French markets, with Germany in tier
man markets, but hardly a word has
been said until very recently about our
advance in the markets of South Amer
ica and our victorious competition
there with England, France and Ger
“It is a fact that ploughs are being
shipped by the trainload from Moline,
111., to South America, and that a
steamship company whose vessels ply
between London and Buenos Ayres has
contracted for every inch of its space
which wiil be available for the trans
portation of American heavy machin
ery for a year to come.
“A certain importing firm in South
America has a standing order with a
United States firm for a certain num
ber of thousands of shovels to be
shipped every month, yet the demand
, is so great that a special order for 12,
! 000 more, to be shipped at the earliest
moment possible, was received by cable
a few days ago. These orders former
ly. and not so many years ago. went to
England, France and Germany.
"I have been informed by our agents
in South America, who handle many
and various lines of goods, that this
trade has been transferred from Eng
land, France and Germany to the Unit
ed States because of the superior excel
lence of American goods, the quickness
with which they can be delivered and
their comparative cheapness.
"The sale of American products In
South America depends upon price,
Just as it does in England, France, Ger
many and every other country where
the use of American goods is increas
ing. and the feeling against the United
States which is known to exist in cer
tain Latin-Aruerican countries disap
pears when it becomes a matter of dol
lars. When an article Is desired it is
bought where It can be had for the
least money, no matter where it was
"Moreover, the fact that it is of
American manufacture gives it a repu
tation for excellence which similar ar
ticles made in other countries do not
The late Bishop Whipple's diocese
contained 20,000 Indians, and it was
his self-imposed task to keep in fre
quent communication with all of them
'I' *lITt~
Hogs Ripened *f
I His Whisky J
M* ++♦
i- +T
Old Pennsylvanian +
Knew the Benefit of X
j. Advertising. +J
5.4. 4-++
There are but few people who ran
be induced to believe that there ever
was such a drink as "hog-rlpened
whisky," but among the older genera
tion it would be no trouble at all to
secure atfidavits that such a beverage
was well known in this immediate
vicinity, writes a correspondent of
the Philadelphia Record from Doyles
town, Pa. There was, in the days gone
by, in a village only four miles from
here, a man who kept a tavern that
soon became famous through its pro
prietor’s unique inventions and ingeni
ous contrivances to attract attention
to his hostelry. Then, as now, to suc
ceed meant the necessity of being well
advertised. In his effort to do some
thing new, "Uncle Billy,” as he was
called, conceived an Invention that was
potent in making his tavern the most
talked about one for miles around. The
result, as known to the patrons of the
Inn, w'as some good whisky, of some
age, that had been continuously agi
tated while within the oaken casts
within which the drinks were kept for
What the curious ones discovered
about the invention was this: When
they went to see the ripening of the
whisky they found a hog pen with a
plank floor so balanced as to swing like
a big barn scale. There was an open
side farthest from the feeding trough,
and the sides were fenced.
The way the thing operated was sim
ple enough. The hogs were out in the
yard nosing around, when they heard
the splash of the feed as it was put ih
the trough. Naturally, as the weight
came first on the side farthest from the
trough, that side of the tloor tilted
down under the swine’s weight. When
thev all got over to the trough that
side, in turn, went down. And so the
plank tloor was rocked back and forth
every time a hog went in or out.
Connected with this swinging plat
form was another one which received
equivalent motion, of course, through
the medium of a long lever. On this
second platform were set the casks of
whisky which were to undergo the rip
ening process. Of course, every time
the lower floor rocked, so did the up
per likewise, and the whisky was
shaken around with every motion.
Naturally, Uncle Billy's hogs were
fatter than anybody else’s, because
they were fed so much oftener. Part
of the ripening depended on feeding
the hogs, so as to make them rush in
through the open door and thus shake
the platforms.
It sometimes happens that a bachelor
envies a married man almost as much
as a married man envies a bachelor.
The population of the Australian
commonwealth, according to the latest
returns. Is 3.775.3G6.
« ■ . /'^, f J Truthful Guide Tell* *
t Just +J cfc>ed : c/an s
2 w W • _ y «/»„ ; ^/Id-Venture in the *
^ Z^C J .jMrentac*, S
The Adirondack guide who wants to
retain his patrons year after year must
know how to tell good stories around
the camp Are, as well as how to guide
the greenhorn through the pathless
woods, says the New York 1 ribune. A
grizzled veteran of the forest who had
charge of a mixed party of New York
city men and women last August had
well nigh exhausted his store of
“strictly true” anecdotes, and one
night was forced to draw upon his
imagination to supply the constant de
“I remember well,” said he, “years
ago, when I was a young fellow and
before 1 had learned enough about the
woods to set up as a guide, that I got
lost in the forest. Darkness came on
while 1 was still trying to rediscover
the trail, and as the cold was severe. 1
decided to camp for the night before
I became exhausted. To my horror.
I discovered upon searching my pock
ets that I had not a single match left
with which to light a Are. It had been
raining all day, and the fallen wood
was soaked, so that it was impossible
for me to rub two pieces of dry wood
together, as the Indians do, till they
lake Are, even if I knew how, which I
“For the second time I searched ali
my pockets and even carefully exam
ined the lining of my coat and waist
coat in the hope that some stray match
might have lodged there; but in vain.
I did And, however, a small sheet of
dry paper. As I drew it forth I felt
that my life was saved; for, though I
had no match, I had thought of a way
to set fire to the paper.
“Hastily constructing a pile of the
dryest wood and twigs that I could
find, I knelt before it, with the paper
in my hand, carefully screened from
the wind with my body. Seizing then
a stout and knotty oak stick, like a po
liceman's club, I struck myself a vio
lent blow over the bead with it. Im
mediately a multitude of bright sparks
danced before my eyes. Instantly I
passed the paper cautiously back and
forth among the sparks. To my Joy
several settled npon it. I fanned them
gently with my breath. The paper be
came ignited. Plunging it among the
twigs. 1 soon had the joyful satisfac
tion of seeing a tiny crackling flame
kindle there.
“I was saved! The rest was easy. A
splendid bonfire soon lit up the gloom
of the surrounding forest. As I bound
up a long scalp wound on the back at
my aching head, I thanked my lucky
stars for the clever expedient which
had occurred to me only in the nick of
time ■“ _ _ _-_-^_r_r_n_n_ru-u-LJ
S«-«-k Irro«t Proof OrmiRr.
For several years the United States
has been working to secure, by breed
ing a race of oranges resistant to frost.
It was proposed by this means to re
store the orange groves of Florida,
which formerly produced several mil
lion dollars’ worth of oranges yearly.
bllt were nearly all destroyed by cold
a few years ago. Twelve of the new
evergreen hybrid oranges, secured as
a result of crossing the hardy Japanese
form with the Florida sweet orange,
have proved to be the hardiest ever
green oranges known in the world
Southern nurserymen have pronounced
them to bo of groat value aa hedge
plants, entirely apart from their fruit
bearing value. There is great promise,
however, that we will ultimately secure
a fruit that is hardy and of good qual
ity. Some of the hybrid raisin grapes,
produced with a view of securing re
sistance to a disease known as “cou
lure,” or dropping of the fruit, have
borne for the first time. These vines
have proved hardy so far and have
produced fruit of remarkably fine qual
ity. Some of the vines appear to be
resistant to a serious and destructive
root disease which has appeared In
California, and they may resist the
worst of all Pacific coast grape dls<
[ eases—the so-called “California vine
| disease."
A most Important article, giving
Messrs. Oxnard’s and Cutting’s views
on the Beet Sugar industry in this
country, appeared on the editorial pag*
Of the New York Evening Post of De
cember 12th, 1901, and as every house
hold in the land is interested in sugar
the article will be of universal interest,
“The Evening Post bids the heartiest
welcome to every American industry
that can stand on Its own bottom and
make its way without leaning on the
poor rates. Among these self-support
ing Industries, we are glad to know, is
the production of beet 6ugar. At all
events, it was such two years ago. We
publish elsewhere a letter written in
1899, and signed by Mr. Oxnard and
Mr. Cutting, the chiefs of this indus
try on the eastern side of the Rocky
Mountains, showing that this was the
happy condition of the trade at that
time. If parties masquerading as beet
sugar producers are besieging the Pres
ident and Congress at this moment,
and pretending that they will be ruined
if Cuban sugar is admitted for six
months at half the present rates of
duty, their false pretences ought to be
“The letter of Messrs. Oxnard and
Cutting was probably written for the
uurpose of inducing the farmers of the
Mississippi valley to go more largely
into the cultivation of beets for the
sugar factories. This was a laudable
motive for telling the truth and show
ing the large profits which awaited
both the beet-grower and the manufac
turer if the Industry were persevering- (
ly and Intelligently prosecuted. To this
end it was pointed out that farmers
could dear $05 per acre by cultivating
beets, and might even make $100. But
in order to assure the cultivator that
lie would not be exposed to reverses
by possible changes in the tariff, they
proceeded to show that the industry
stood in no need of protection.
“The beet sugar Industry, these gen
tlemen say, “stands on os firm a basis
as any business In the country.” They
point out the fact—a very Important
one—that their product comes out as a
finished article, refined and granulat
ed. It is not, like cane-sugar grown
in the West India Islands, a black and
offensive paste, which must be carried
In wagons to the seaboard and thence
by ships to the United States, where,
after another handling, It is put
through a costly refinery, and then
shipped by rail to the consumer, who
may possibly be in Nebraska alongside
a beet sugar factory which turns out
the refined and granulated article it
one fell swoop. Indeed, the advan
tages of the producer of beet sugar for
supplying the domestic consumption
are very great. We have no doubt that
Messrs. Oxnard and Cutting are within
bounds when they say that ‘sugar can
be produced here cheaper than it can
be in Europe.’ The reasons for thle
are that—
" ‘The sugar industry Is, after all,
merely an agricultural one. We can
undersell Europe in all other crops,
and sugar is no exception.’
“It follows as naturally as the mak
ing of flour from wheat. If we can
produce wheat cheaper than Europe,
then naturally we can produce flour
cheaper, as we do.
“But the writers of the letter do not
depend upon a-priorl reasoning to prove
that they can make sugar at a profit
without tarifT protection. They point to
the fact that under the McKinley tariff
of 1890, when sugar was free of duty,
the price of the article was 4 cents per
pound. Yet a net profit of |3 per ton
was made by the beet-sugar factories
under those conditions, not counting
any bounty on the home production of
sugar. They boast that they made this
profit while working under absolute
free trade, and they have a right to be
proud of this result of their skill and
Industry. Many beet-sugar factories
had been started In bygone years, back
In the sixties and seventies of the nine
teenth century, and had failed because
the projectors did not understand the
business. Since then great progress has
been made, both here and abroad, In
the cultivation and manipulation of the
beet. What was impossible thirty years
ago is now entirely feasible. The In
dustry is already on a solid and endur
ing basis. There are factories in the
United States, these gentlemen tell us
in their letter, capable of using 350,000
tons of beets per annum at a profit of
$3 per ton, and this would make a
profit of Jl,050,000 as the Income to
be earned under absolute free trade.
"It must be plain to readers of this
letter, signed by the captains of the
beet-sugar industry, that the people in
Washington who are declaiming
against the temporary measure which
the President of the United States
urges for the relief of the Cuban peo
ple. are either grossly Ignorant of ths
subject, or are practising gross decep
tion. The tenable ground for them is
to say: ‘Other people are having pro
tection that they do not need, and
therefore we ought to have more than
we need.’ This would be consistent
with the letter of Messrs. Oxnard and
Cutting, hut nothing else is so."
A *‘Kenl Daufflitei" l>*n«l,
Mrs. Jincey Ilacon, a real daughter
ot the Revolution, though she does not
seem to have belonged to the order,
died suddenly at Laurel, Del., Tuesday,
being 95 years old and in full pos
session of her faculties, so that
had confidently hoped to pass the cei*
tury mark. She was a daughter of
Colonel Isaac Kooks, a noted Dela
warean and a friend of General Wash
ington, with whom he wintered at
Valley Forge.
Croker*« Wlckml Double.
The sory that Richard Croker has
a double who is responsible for much
of the remarkable talk recently cred
ited to the Tammany chieftain by the
New York papers Is suggestive of tho
Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde romance, hut
| Mr. Croker says his talkative counter
1 felt presentment is a real man, for
' whom he is going to hunt.