Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 3, 1902)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. OKO. B. BENSCHOTBB, Editor and Publisher TERMS:—S1.00 P*K TIAR. IP PAID IN ADVASOI Entered at the Loup City PostofBce for trans mission through the malls as second class matter. With this, tbe firsl| issue of the Northwestern for the new year 1H92, wr again assume entire control of this paper. For four years past we have least a part of the business to, and have associated ourselves in business with G. H. Gibson and can say that our business relations have been most pleasant. Mr. Gibson i will soon bn installed in the count! * | clerks office and we will continue on in the same occupation in which we | have been engaged for low, these ■ many years. VVc start the new j year with quite an additional list of now subscribers and shall endeavor ] to please them and hope that for years to come to be able to retain them on our list. Our advertising patronage for the past year has not been all that we desired it to be, but with an increased circulation we are better prepared than over to give our customers good service and val uable space at very reasonable prices. Wishing all a happy and prosper ous New Year we are as ever, Yours respectfully, Geo. E. Benschoter. DISSOLUTION NOTICE Notice is hereby given, that the partnership heretofore existing be tween Oeo. E. Benschoter and Geo. II. Gibson, doing business as editors and publishers of the Loup City Northwestern, under the firm name of Beeschoter <fc- Gibson, is hereby dissolved by mutual consent. All claim9 now due the firm will be payable to Geo. E. Benschoter at the Northwestern office and any claims against said firm should be presented to the said Geo. E. Beu echoter. Dated this 1st day of Jan uary, 1901. Geo. E. Benschoter. Geo. H. Gibson. We are compelled to send out a collector this week, for the purpose of collecting delinquent subscrip tion accounts. It is necessary to collect up to raise money to settle past due accounts. W. J. Fisher will start out with a list of accounts. He is authorized to collect from any and all who may be owing the Northwestern. Be ready to make settlement in full when he comes He will probably see yon some time during the first half of the present month. We are not doing this be cause we wish to force settlement, but because we must have money and because we are too tied up iu busiuess to attend to it personally. All owing accouats of long standing are especially requested and urged to make settlement. Loup City has receivad the first consignment of the Traveling Libra ry a« a Christmas gift from the State commission. The library is for the present at the barber shop of A. M. Bennett and is the first sent out, although there are several more applications from oth?r coun ties. Ours is tabled the traveling library and contains a long list of fine selections. As we understand it this library will, m the future be moved elsewhero and another one sent here, and so on until the system is thoroughly establish. A circular of information sent out by the commissison contains the fol lowing: The commission is authorized to loan “aDy books, collections of books or other property” it may possess to “any library, college, school, uuiver sity extension center, Chautauqua circle, literary society, study club or associaton approved by the rules of the commission.” The transportation charged both ways, as well as all ex penses connected with the local dis tribution of the books must be paid by the borrowers. These experses must be arranded for by the ap plicants to whom the library is loan ed. No fee can be charged for t lo use of tbe books, but voluntary con tributions may be solicited from bor rowers and the money so collected inay be used towards defraying the local expenses incurred Application for traveling libraries or for tfie special loan of books on a particular subject should be ad dressed to the secretary of the com mission— Miss Eilua D. Bullock, Lincoln, who will send the piiuted application blank, l’be commission desires to make the rules governing the loan and use of the traveling libraries so simple that they will offer no obsticles whatever to the free use of he books. Any study club desiring a few bioks on a sub ject may secure such hooka if the commission is able to supply them. The re ski cuts of a eomui.ity are entitled to the free use of any traveling library loaned to the com munity by t he commission. Books i sent as special loans may be used solely by tbe associatou or the indi vidual to whom the loan is made. The cm mission is ready to receive gifts either of books or money, cor respondence with the secretary will enable doners to asceilain the needs of *he commission. Bound volames j or bound numbers of standard maga zines such as Harper's, Scribner's, Century, Cosmopolitan. Munsey, Ladies' Home Journal, Youths’ com panion and St Nisliolas are partiou larly acceptable. They will be sent with the traveling libraries to com munities where such literature is very scarce. The secretary will be glade to hear from anyone who has such magazines to give, and will arrange for their transportation to; Lincoln. EXCURSION TO EI.OKIUA. The Burlington R >ut ■ is or gun izing a personally conducted excur siou to Florjda and Cuba to leave Ne braska points, Wednesday, January 29. The route will be via St. Louis, thence to JackoDville, Fla., through scenes which have been forever made historic by the dramatic events of the civil war. An exceedingly low isle has been made, and members of the excursion have choice of several attractive trips after they arrive at Jackson ville1 This opportunity of escaping the most unpleasant portion of a Ne braska winter anil enjoying in its stead, the delights of a semi-tropical country will appeal to everyone who has the money and can spare the time to make an extended pleasure trip. A handsome booklet, giviDg details of (he excursion will he ready lor distribution about January 1st.! VViite for a copy to J. Francis, Gen. Passenger Agt., Omaha, Neb. CUKE FOB CORN sTAl.H DISEASE A correspondent of the St Louis Globe-Deinocrat states that the death of cattle from running in the corn stalk fields may easily be pre vented “by giviDg one pint of sail containing three table tableapoonstul of turpentine, dissolved in three pints of warm water, given in drench ing bottle, even after the animal is down or unable to walk. It can be relieved in thirty minutes and per manently cured. “After giving the drench, rub one half pi at of turpentine on the an>mal just behind the shoulders. Hub tlie turpentine ou both sides of the ani mal and along the neck reins from the jaw to the brisket. This will promptly relax the nervous system that is the cause of death. The salt j will immediately penetrate the dry husk iu the stomach, while the tur pentine entering the blood will couu eract the nerve trouble produced by the cougestiou of the stomach, caused by the dry stalk and hu ks contained therein. It is not caused by any fungus or microbe on the stalk, as ulleged by many persons. | “l believe the above also to be the most reliable remedy known foi horse colic, even in the flatulent stage. It will relieve und perma nently cure in thirty minutes.”— Norfolk News. Thoiinjindt b®nt Into KxIIp. Every > ear a large i,unite r of poor sufferers whose lvngs ate sore and rack e<l with coughs and urged to go to an other climate. But ibis is coolly and not. always sure. Don’t be an exile when Dr. King’s New Discovery for Consumption will cure you home, li’s the most infallible medicine for Congas. Coi l-, and -j 11 Throat and Lung diseas* s is »urth Tile tlist (hue bring r« |!s f Abounding cares ri ?u f front petsistcat u~e Trial h-ttOs tree at ().(■ mliitil Bros. Price 00 ■ mi I %l 00 Every butile guaranteed C'LKIIKIA CLIPPINGS, Three of the young folks from Marquette were visiting with A. L. Zimmerman’!. (I. W. Zimmerman and family spent Christ mas with J. II Hone and family. J. II. Hone gave a party for the yeung folks Chtistinas evening. Mr. Warnake of Marquette Nebraska came up Wednesday to look after his landed Inter ests. * Mr. O. tiunnlson and Mr. Wilson of Aurora arrived here last Wednesday. The latter named gentleman expects to locate here. Jt’NIOR. Brevities From Litchfield Monitor. Rattle Snake Pete left for Alliunce last night. Harry QolT drove up from Kearney to visit friends and relatives. Ed. lli.slop came down from the w»st to spend a few days with his parents. Miss Kttn 1 Pearson Is spending the holi days with her brother in Omaha. Chas Gibson left for Iowa last Saturday to visit relatives during the holidays. A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Burk Sunday morniug December 2iird. Charlie Greenhalgh came down from Ells worth, Wednesday morning to spend Christ mas at home. J.mies Slotr hns been vary sick the past week. Mr Slote has been quite feeble for some time. There will be a btg Trap Shooting match in Ldtchtield on New Years day Come and bring your shot gun with you. Nobody will be barred. Visiting shooters cordially In vited. The Masquerade Bail was undoubtedly u grand succe -s in every respect. The costumes wore tine. The jockey suit wore by Earl Low ery was valued at about flh Mrs II L. Low ery captured the Ladies’ prize and II. H. Beck took the gentleman's prize. Everything passed along with nothing to mar the happiness of anyone and it tuay tie said that It was one of the best mask balls ever given la Litchtleld KUCKTILLK KLMBLIIM18. We were so full of anticipation of our Christmas stocking that we failed to send In our write last week. Mr. and Mrs. W. M. Smelser arrived home b riila.v morning from their visit at Ashton Mr. Smelser informs us that he expoets to move his studio there about March 1st. So let the BocltviUeites take hoed and not wait till after it is to late and than say ' wish I'd had some work done when I had a good chance.” The dance Kiven here Mow Years eva. was a grand success and a great big crowd was present. The Okluhotna Jubilee Singers gave a good lively entertainment at the Hall Monday niglU.. Lver.vWdy was pleased. Mr. and Mrs D. M. Hendrickson are spend ing tbeir New Years vacation with Mrs. Hendrickson's parents, Mr. and Mrs S. J Kuir of this place. Mrs. O. Q Haunish returned home from a long visit to Illinois. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hiddleson was visiting friends at Austin last Sunday. Willie Miller came home last week from Grand Island to spend the holidays with his parents. Clause Plambock and Wallis Peters af Ash ton was in town Wednesday of last week. Prank Seabeck of Asbton was marketing poultry here Wednesday. Louis Housen returned Thursday from an overland trip to Grand Island. John Needham of Austiu was doing bus iness in our city Friday. Guy Stepuens, from Cheyenne arrived Saturday evening to spend holidays with his parent# Prof. J. K Stevenson went to Loup City on business Saturday returning in the evening. The Rockville Lycum club organized Fri day evening. The house was packed and everybody seemed greatly interested. The following officers were elected: Mr. Eddy Holmes. President; W. M. Smelser, Vice-pres,; Prof J. It. Stephe nson. Secretary; and D. 1. Price, Treasurer. The next meeting will be held on Friday evening, January 3rd at 7:30 and the question, • Resolved: That the present Railroad System Is a detriment to the majority . f the people of the United States ’ will l e discussed. Everybody come. Frank Bydalrk of Ashton was doieg busi ness here Saturdary. Joe Seekora of Greeley. Col. arrived home Mom lay after a fourmotuns absence during which time he has betn working at Cheyenne. Wyo. and Omaha, Nebraska W. R. Gust shipped a car of cattle from here Tuesday afternoon to Greeley. Colo. U. NO. ME. a bio cur in ruiuic The Nebraska State Journal baa re duced its price to subscribers out side of Lincoln and suburbs from $ 7.50 to $500 including the big Sun day paper, or $4.00 per year without, Sunday. The price of the Sunday issue will be $1.50 per year. By this action presenting its State readers with Ibouands of dollais, but the icsilt will be thousands of sub scribers thus enlarging its usefuines and adding to its value as an adver tising medium. Instead of any less ening in the itforl to make it a first class State Caper, Ike Journal will be improved in every department making it tbe best newspaper in the state for Nebraskans. It is published at the State Capital, which has always been tbe center of political and social of a state nature. The Journal’s state telegraphic service from Washington, m ike it the paper for Nebraska ocople. A. L Bixbv's department is one of the most widely read in the west, and tbe fair, unprejudiced editorial treatment of all state matters lias made tbe Journal thousands ot warm friends. Tnis big reduction in price which n >w makes tlie six week day papers eight cents a week, and the seven day paper ten cents a week, will make the Journal tli*> most wideli read paper throughout Nebraska. Whv not enroll your o»me on the ' li«t? Send \our order to the Net), raska State Journal, Lincoln, Nib GALL AfiD SEE OUR NEW STOCK 0 ri “i COOK SJOVE 1 fNWARE, HARDWARE and FURNITURE. I am prepared to make hydraulic or casing wells and Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Washing Machines, J*. |\il. PEED, Loup City, Neb. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. I.cwfa, anil all points East and South. CITY, NEBK. Denver, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City. Portland, San Francisco, and all points West. TRAINS LKAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No 52 Passenger.8:06 a. m No tSO GOING WEST No. 51 Passenger. 1:3:2 p. m. No. 69 Freight.18:50a.m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair cart (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to R. L. Artbui Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen’l. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, U. P. RAILWAY. No. Hfl loaves dally except Sunday (pass enger). 8:00 a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 18:20p.m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. m. No 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12:06 p. m. No. <6 arrives dally except Sunday (pass enger) 7.35 p. m. First class service and close connection) cast, west and couth W. D. CLIFTON. WANTED^SEVERaL PERSON9 OF CHARACTER and good imputation in each state (One In thi* county required) to rep resent and aovertlse old established weal thy business house of solid financial stand ing. Salary J1H.00 weekly with expenses additional, all payable in cash each Wed nesday direct from the head offices. Horse and carriage furnished, when necessary. References. Enclose self addressed taoiped envelope. Manager, 31fl Caxton building, Chicago. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant reliefand never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive 6tomachs can take It. By its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents format ion of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distressafter eating; Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. O. DeWitt 4 Co., Oblca - • Tbo $1. bottle contains ZH times the 50c. siza For sale hv ODEN DAHL DROS., Ai your Service The porters in charge of Burlington tourist sleeping cars are picked men. Most of them have been with us for years. They are honest, civil and obliging. They know what is expected of them and the excursion conductors see that they do it. Touri t-cars for California leave Omaha three times a week. Through to San Francisco ami Angeles. Write for rates and folder giving full information. J. Francis, Goti'l Passenger Agt., Omaha, Neb, Jl P. CLiLIjifiY, A. P. CULLEY, PruiunDb ClUUr. , FIRST BANK Of LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha. Nebraska. We are H^adquaftefs fof WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance tor making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. O n charges are reasonable our prices are right. We have added a feed grinde.- 1 .our business and are prepared to do custom work or nmush ground feed at reasonable rates. Grind Saturday and Monday. WE REPAIR BINDERS AND HOIGh POWERS AND GDA RAN ; TBE'OUR WORK TO G) \ K SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER For , nr y years m-o haver' <d - ur V ii (skies and Cigars to Whol 'ealecsonly *r.<; .i < iai:*if uopreferred oythem, as they ereeuperior to all other*, in or . f ii vlv the'’on* .mer the benefit of the largo profits of Denier and V.d«: •>,. n we have dec land to now e*U direct to the Caneumer our Boat P^ukr^ijrAads Of W!iinkie4 and (tear* at lest than wholesale prices With every quart bofle •*-,. feznousi !0 rear oM<$ne*n Mtsflnb Pvre Bye snlnne hoxof <mrju*tl, eeleht .teu veuuiu* < ut>m lltnd-natle lQe clear harnua ( nltaa Specials,wo x. i.l rivj AR30IJ TKIY KRF.Rcneof tho hand soiuc«t • nen face, ex'.r* heavy nickel Gent’s Watch** mail# 'no lady** stem w''*‘1 fln<1 set. geuuiue Anier. n» movement and easa. U-tt timekeeper on earth, d< eg rot tarnish and v. ill hat ft lifetime, 1 oxtra fine Yienra Meer schaum Pipe. i genuine idesi *hanm Cigar Holder, 1 genuine Metrechanai CigareUo Holder, 1 pretty leather Tobacco pouch. 1 decant extra heavy r .Jkel mutch pox. I pdr peat! ruff buttons. 1 bail top collar button. 1 neck tie holdtr. 1 pair tle«ve buttons. 1 double chain and or:o beautiful charm \ll Jewelry heavily hk " t risked. All these l i i lore* with one box of our famous Cuban Specials and o o quart l-.->ttlec,f out fauumi lOyeaT old Queen nty flub Pure Rye cannot b • h. ..eht fur less then $12 ttO. We sell the Makey ardCfgsrs ln-f|||| W 07f,OT>w!thprivilepeofex cltilhv^tiieHpriie^forWWIal )vivl am I nation, while Wh kef anti Ctyys alore cost moro i*.an wo ask for the enthe lot Our whiskey is an Ahi-olutcly Pun* 10 yi sr old Rye and our Cigar* genuine Cuban hand made, clear Parana, made In our own fact* rv There cigars are f-»r better tnartn vthlng ever adverts.-1 bcf><ro WeGanrai.teethe frond* end refund rnFF ■ An KxtraPremium f.t an e1<*cantl'< K%kM?* with i\?..Mado«. 1 c«rk*r-rew. I eljar cotter aud I •ImL u°ili ?,*“• * I ’ >9* cutter, If $1 «i ir, so&tln <1 v tt«i ork-r. Goods sen! in pUin packofo. Write lor wholtsaio trice Liato of Llq. ir9 end Cl*»r». ? c n'ibl- xgnnU -stated. Order to-day. I/* Si ltlS J 1LL£K'S HiSI UIHLriiilt, CO*—Ui» ‘*ui Nurtii Ciklk 8t*i GtUckgOi ilk fv'ld by T. H. KL8XKR, i onpdty. Nrb DON’T 6e Fooledi Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, Wia. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, js cents. Nuver sold In bulk. Accept no substl* , tute. Ask your druggist. j Kodol Dyspepsia Cura Digests what you oat> Designs Copyrights Ac. " >tion may let her an Anyone sending a sketch and descrlpti quickly ascertain onr opinion free whetner au Inyentlon Is probably patentable. Communica tions strictly confidential. Handbook on Patents sent free. Oldest agency for securing patents. Patents taken through Mnnn * Co. reoalre tptcial notice, without charge, in the rpecial notice, wunout cnarge, in tne Scientific American. A handsomely Illustrated weekly culatloivof any scientific Jou—'»• year: four months, Bold 1 trnal. by all n «*»■ N Largest ctr Terms, IS a newsdealers. by 361 Broadway 625 F 8t„ Washington', D, lew York [ton, D, C, .