The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, January 03, 1902, Image 4

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    Ltoaal Daws
W. R Mellor bad his office repapered
last Sunday.
pect to start on tlielr first cruise about
the 16, last.
Mrs. R. D. Hendrickson arrived in
thecity Monday.
Henry Tangerman jr. of Clay twp.
was at the bub Tuesday.
'Doc’ Watson of Litchfield, was over
to the bub Wednesday.
C. H. Wlneteer of Rockville was a
pleasant caller Wednesday.
D. S. Draper and Geo Rightenour of
the west side were In the city Tuesday.
The Cblsen Bros, repaired the foun
dation of the First Bank the other day.
Mr. Hocket of near Hazard, is in the
city visiting his daughter Mrs. Deader.
Peter Hehnke brought a load of hogs
to town Wednesday and sold them to
A. Zink.
‘Bud’ and Vera Scbaapp came up
from Lincoln last week and are visiting
their former school mates.
W. D, Clifton, brother of our genial
station agent H. J. was in the city Fri
J. T. Hale lost another Jack last Sun
day. This makes the fifth one that has
laid down and died fo’ him this winter
Call and see the new
A letter from Cbas. E. Gibson at San
Franciseo, Informs his parents that our
boys are under sailing orders and ex
Cbas Carruth formerly of Rockville,
orders bis peper to Arcadia. Charley
Is a good eitizea and Arcadia will be
benefited by his locating there.
Feed Grinders at a big bar
gain at T. M. Reed’s if pur
chased by Jan. 5th.
O. L. Mercer, our corpulent end good
looking friend from the east side, made
us a pleasant call while In the city
Mrs. Guy Flolmes, of Florence, Col.
daughter of Mr. and Mrs Geo. Lee.
came home on Cbriamaa to visit her
parents. She returned home on New
Years day.
Busan.—The pimples, tores and black
heads are danger atgnals- Take Rocky
Mountain Tea, you’ll glv<* a farewell re
ception to your troubles. 35c. Ask
your druggist.
We are requested to say to the public
that Dr. S. Howard Is going to remain
in Ashton, not with standing all reports
to the contrary,
Mr. Bierbower, brother of Mrs. J.
W. Bradley, came to Loup City last
week. He will rent a farm here and
Mrs, Bradley will move thereon with
If troubled with a weak digestion,
belebing, sour stomach, or if you feel
dull after eating, try Cbsaaberlaln's
Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25
cents. Ssmples free at Odendahl
Mrs. Jennie Shinn and Miss Mabel
Vance, daughters of £, L. Vance of
Pawnee City, arrived here last Satur
day to visit Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Mellor.
The ladies returned to tbelr home Tues
Dug. Hendrickson, John Charles,
John and Geo. Irvine. Hugh Harvey,
C. C- Dobry and Joe. Resiakr all of
Farwol), were in the city Friday. The
first four gentlemen came up to attend
the Eastern Star entertainment.
Henry Wilson has been rustling in
and around Ashton the past week, in
the interest of the Royal Highlanders.
He had 7 members on his list last Sun
day and expected In a few days to have
enough to establish a Castle at that
place. Henry is a rustler.
Mrs. L. D. Gardner of Oak creek,
came in Tuesday and liquidated a years
subscription to this paper. Mrs. Gard
ner informs us that her son-in-law Mr.
Bower, who lives in North Dakota, has
been troubled with cancer on the brain
for several years and that his end is
probably near.
A dozen or mora of young America
congregated at the heme of Master
Floyd Gibson Monday evening and had
several hours of hilarity, celebrating
Floyd's birthday. At niae o'clock they
partook of refreshments after which
they took a hop skip and a jump for
home, exhibiting their pleasure by
many war whoeps as they went.
The school house has been thorough
ly scrubbed and renovated during the
holidays. At a recent meeting of the
board of education, It was deemed ad
visable to allow tbe janitor the right
to keep up tbe Are in the assembly room
to make it comfortable and convenient
for himself so he can be at the achool
house at all times necessary to look well
after the janitor work.
Mr. Arthur Dickerson of Washington
twp. received a telephone message last
Sunday evening from Grand Island, in
forming him that nis brothar who lives
near that place, was not expected to
live from intlamation of the bowels.
Mr. Dickerson being in town w hen the
message came, procured a light buggy
and drove home and got Mrs. Dicker
aon, and returning took tbe morning
train for tbe Island.
Doctor Chase was exercising bit pony
Walter K. Smith of the west side was
at the bob Monday.
Everett Kittell of Rockville twp. was
in the city Monday.
Billy Baird bad bis corn shelled the
first part of the week. The Jena Bros,
done the job.
The elevator men shelled their cora
for shipment last week.
Geo. Delninger of the east side was
doing business at the hub Monday.
Messrs Gao. and A. L. Zimmerman
of the west side was in the city the mid
dle of the week.
The Township board met last Tues
day and adjourned to next Tuesday to
I settle up tbo years work.
Mrs. Madely has been this wet k
| with tonsolitis. Her mother, Mrs.
Smith, is also on the sick list
A number of osr citizens went to
f.ltchfield New Years evening to attend
the K. P. ball which was given at that
place by Ropely lodge.
C W. Gibson moved his household
goods over from Litchfield Wednesday
and will occupy the Pilger residence on
the bill. His family came over on
The A. O U. W. and D. of H. lodges
will install their new officers at tb*ir
first regular meetings in tbia month.
All members of these orders should
be present on these oecasions.
Mrs. O. E. Briggs and family and her
sister Miss May Brewer, were herefrom
Lincoln, visiting their relatives and
friends during the holidays.
Used by the ladies of fashion all over
theworld. It’s without doubt the great
est beautifier eyer offered the Ameri
can women. 35c. Made only by Madi
son Medicine Co. Ask your druggist.
Go to Frank Dennis when
you want the very best grade
of flour.
A good fire proof safe for
sal® cheap at Pilgers, abo one
oil tank, trunk, scales and
other store fixtures.
Puts gray matter in your head
Brings a rosy glow to faded cheeks.
Restores vim, vigor, mental and physi
cal happiness. That's what Rocky
Mountain Tea will do. 35c. Ask your
Cut this out and take It to Odendabl
Bro's. drug store and get a free sample
of Chamberlain's Stomach aDd Liver
Tablets, the best physic, They also
cure disorders of the stomach, bilious
ness and headache.
E B. Coralng, of Clear ereek, was a
pleasant caller at this office while in
town Tuesday. Mr. Corning has been
our county surveyor for several terms
and his work has been verysatlsfactory.
Mr. G W. Marvel and Wife and H.
Smelser of Ashton, came up on the
evening train Friday and took
in the Eastern Star festival. The two
gentlemen made this office a pleasant
call w bile in the city.
The Eastern star festival which took
place last Saturday night was a very
pleasant affair. There were a number
present from our neighboring towns,
among them H. Smelter and wife and
G. W Marvel and wife of Ashton.
Stewart McFadden of Clay twp. was a
pleasant caller at this office Monday.
He informed us that a shooting mateh
would be pulled off at the Pari school
house on Tuesday and an oyster supper
would be served in the evening.
If vou would have an appetite like a
bear and a relish for your meals take
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets, They correct disorders of the
stomach and regulate the liver and
howeu. Price, 25 cents Sam plea free,
at Odendahl Bros.
Miss Florence Nightingale returned
Monday morning to College View,
Neb , where she baa been attending
school. bhe was aceempanied aa far as
Ashton, by her mother, Mra, T. S.
Nightingale, and her sister, Mra. Wer
ber, who spent the day at that place
ylslting friends.
bore and swoled joints, sharp, shoot
ing pains, torturing muscles, no rest,
no sleep That means rheumatism It
is a stubborn disease to tight but Cham
berlain's Pain Balm has conquered it
thousands of times. It will do so when
ever the opportunity is offered. Try
it. One application releiyes the pain.
For sale by Odendabl Bros.
The village board has called inf0,000
more of our water work bonds This i
makes a redemption of more than one
half the original indebtedness of the j
village aa there were $7,000 taken up at |
other times and during the past 5
years. The original bonded Indebted
ness consisted of $2,000 railroad bonds
and $14,000 water bonds. The railroad
bonds were drat paid off and now $7,
000 of the water bones have been re
deemed including the two thousand
now called. We still have $7,000 more
water bonds outstanding and with less
than halt the usaai amount of intercut
to raise, with dve more years of eco
nomical administration at even a lower
rate of levy we will be out of debt. But
by continuing the present modus oper
andi of our city lathers and making
the levy the same as for some years
past, which surely would be endorsed
bv our citizens, three years will most
likely clean up our indebtedness.
Wm. Miznur of Huxley, wad In the
city yesterday
Will and Harry Taylor are hauling
hay for W. I*, Reed.
Peter Heil of Austin, attended Odd
Fellows lodge at this place Wednesday
W. N. Sherman took a leaeon in Odd
Fellowship Wednesday'night He rode
! the goat.
Lon Sadler and W. <'ornford of the i
west side moved C. W. Gibson over
from Litchfield Wednesday.
W. o. Browu recleved a postal c rd
last Thursday informing him of th<‘
death of Mr C. R. Vaughn of Iowa and
a former resident of this county.
Mrs. T. L. Pilger returned home last
Monday from a four weeks trip east.
Her mother, Mrs. Tubbesing came with
her and will mako this her home
Pilger is positively going
out of business. If he can fit
you on a pair of shoes or a hat
he will sell it to you for less
than one-half regular price.
We learn that Adam Conhiser of
Sargent, has sold his interest in the
mercantile business and his residence
also to Peter Lakeman also of Sargent.
Taylor Gibson, .lames Depew Bob
Young and Will Retenmeyer are put
ting the finishing touch on Pjlgei's
opera house and it is now very nearly
Don't fail to see Prof Johnson and
Ruben Glue in their comic sketch en
titled Nothing Much but Laugh.’ At
the Loyal Mystic Legion entertainment
and dance. Jan. 20, 1002,
T. D. Mason of Indiana, a brother of
our genial assistant cashier of the First
Batik, Will Mason, arrived here last
Tuesday, for a visit with his brother
and to take in the sights in the great
Loup Country.
Mrs. Tena Lyman, who was spending j
the holidays with berparents. returned
to Omaha, yesterday morning to again
resume her studies at Creighton college.
Mrs. Lyman has worked hard and ex
pects to finish her studies and>eceive a
well merited diploma in the next eleven !
The Ladies of the G. A. R. held their
Christmas exercises last Saturday after
noon, their regular lodge day. They
made preperations on a very elaborate !
scale. The curtain was drawn before ,
their tree and a nice little program ran
dared to the audience wkieb was made
up of the families of the merabeis, after
which the curtain was drawn aside and
Santa Claus and hie attendant, Sulu. j
presented, by far, the nobbiest Christ
mas tree to the audience that has been
reen in Loup City this year. Every
body got a present and the babies were
all delighted with their supply of can
dy. At the end of the exercises Mrs,
Samuel Hancock was called to the front
and a large box, weighing nearly 200
lbs. tilled with presents of all kinds was
presented to her. She was veay much
effected with the magnitlcient gift and
a thankful tear welled up in her sympa
thetic eye. The Ladies of the G. A. R
undoubtedly outdone all trees In the
city this year
Child Worth Million*.
“Mv child is worth millions to me,"
says Mrs Mary Bird of Harrisburg, Pa.
“yet I would have lost her by croup
bad I uot purchased a bottle of One
Minute Cough Cure.” One Minute
Cough Cure is sure cure for coughs,
croup and throat and lung troubles. An
absolutely saf c cough cure which acts
immediately. The youngest child can
take it with entire safety. The little
ones like the taste and remember how
often it helped them. Every family
should have a bottle of One Minute
Cough Cure bandy. At this season es
peeially it may be needed suddenly.
Odendabl Bros.
A Deep Mystery
It is a mystery why women endure
Backache, Headache, N ervousness,
Sleeplessness, Melancholy, Fainting and
Dizzy Spells when thousands have prov
ed that Electric Bitters will uuickly
cure such troubles, “I suffered fer
years with kidney trouble," writes Mrs.
Phebe Cherley, of Peterson, la., “and
a lame back pained me so I could not
dress myselt, but Electric bitters whol
ly cured me, and, although 73 ;Tears old,
I now am able to do all my housework ’
It overcomes Constipation, improves
Appetite, gives perfect health. Only
50c at Odendabl Bros.
All our farmer readers should take ad
vantage of the unprecedented clubbing
offer we this year make, which iuclodcs
with this paper The lowa Homestead, Its
special Farmers' Institute Editions and
The Poultry Farmer. These three publi
cations are tho best of their class and
should be in every farm borne. To them
we add, for local, comity and general news
.our own paper, and irake the price of the
tour one yearonlv $1.40, Never before was
so much superior reading matter offered for
I so small an amount of money. The three
i papers named, which we club with our
: own, are well known throughout the West
and commend themselves to the rduder’s
favorable attention upon mere mention
The Homestead is the great agricultural
! and live stock paper of the West: The
! Poultry farmer is the most practical poult
I ry paper for the farmer, while The Hpeclal
! Farmers’ institute Editions are the most
practical publications for the promotion of
I good farming ever published. Take ad
vantage of this great offer, as it will hod
good lor a short time only. Samples of
: these papers nmy be examined by calling
1 at this oBce.
it isn’t the Cook's Fault,
it isn’t your Grocer's Fault,
that the bulk coffee you just
purchased turns out to be differ
entfrom the “samekind” bought
before. Coffee purchased in
bulk is sure to vary.
The sealed package in which
LION COFFEE is sold insures
uniform flavor and strength. It
also keeps the coffee fresh and
insures absolute purity.
A Portnluet Chlmifo Woman Speak)
ProfRoxa Tyler, of Chicago. Vice
President Illinois Women’s Alliance, in
spoiling of Chamberlain’* Cough Re
medy, says; “I tried different reme
dies bur I set med to grow worse aud
tne medicine upset my stomach. A
friend advised me to try Chamberlain’s
Cough Remedy and I found it was
pleasant to take and it relieved me at
once. I am now entirely recovered,
saved a doctor's bill, time and suffering
and will n>'ver be without this splendid
medicine again.’’ For sale by Oden
dabl Bros.
A Mother's Favorite
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy Is the
mother’s favorite. It is pleasant and
safe for children to take and always
eures. It is intended especially for
coughs, colds, croup and whoopiog
cough, and Is the best medicine made
fur theso diseases There is not the
least danger in giving it to children for
it contains no opium or other injurious
drug and may be given as confidently to
a babe *s 'o an adult. For sale by
Odendabl Bros
Pilger’s goods must all be
sold by February 1st at Jae
ger’s old stand.
Call early and avoid Hol
iday rush.
Now is your time to buy
goods at Pilgers at your oirn
Ult of a Noble Race of Bird! He*
A few days ago an egg of the great
auk was offered for sale in London and
after a spirited competition was
knocked down for $1,222. The price
teems enormous, but when it is re
membered that there are only, as far
as known, sixty-live of these eggs in
existence the wonder ceases, as there
are many more collectors, whose col
lections would not be complete without
this coveted possessions. The eggs, of
which a single one alone was laid in
a season, were deposited on a ledge of
rock close to the sea, as the inability
of the bird to travel on land would
preclude it from seeking a nesting
place far from the shore and the baby
auk would be enabled as soon as pos
sible to slip into the sea. The great
auk Is believed to be extinct. The
latest account of a living specimen was
given by the late Dr. Fleming, who in
1821 w»as cruising in the Hebrides and
observed one. which had been caught
by some fishermen in the sea near St
Kilda. It was brought on board the
yacht by the sailors and tied by the
leg—a big bird of about three feet in
length with a large beak and wings of
very small size, with which it made no
attempt to fiy. Its waddling gait was
most ungainly and difficult on the
smooth deck, but when, still tied by
the leg with a long rope, it was allowed
to seek its food overboard it was as
tonishing to see the rapidity with
which it swam under wratcr. The
wings, used as propellers, with rapid
beats, aided by the feet, drove it
through the sea with incredible swift
ness, and the boats had hard work to
keep up with it. The amusement at
length met with disaster, as one day
when exercising in the usual manner
the rope broke or became detached and
this last scion of a noble race dis
appeared to be seen no more.—Chicago
BaatOuiofAn Increase of Hie Penslea,
A Mexican war veteran and promi
nent editor writes: “Seeing the adver
tisment of Chamberlain's Coliu, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, I am reminded
rhat as a soldlvrin Mexico in ’47 and ’48
I contracted Mexican diarrhoea and
tbi* remedj has kept me from getting
an increase in my pension, for on every
renewal a dose of it restores me ” It
Is cit quallad as * quick eure for diar
rhoea jnd is ploasant and safe to take.
For sale b- Odendahl Bros.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menace™ to health of the present day.
WOVAL 8AWW0 .OWOtW 00.. «l« TO»K.
by our new invention. Only those bom deaf are incurable.
Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1901.
GentUmrn .- — Being entirely cured of deafness. thank3 to your treatment, I will now give you
a full history of my case, to be used at your discretion.
About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost
my hearing in this ear entirely.
I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num
ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that
only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would
then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever.
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered your treat
ment. After Iliad used it only a few days accenting to your directions, the noises ceased, and
to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. I thank you
heartily and beg to remaiu Very truly yours.
F. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md.
Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation.
If you want a good
food for your child
ren, try Wheatose.
It is easily and
quickly prepared,
and very healthful.
Follow cooking
directions to get
the full benefit.
All reliable grocers
have it.
California Breakfast Food
Don't Life Tugwther.
Constipation and health never go to
gether. Do Vi U’a Little Early Riser*
promote easy action of the bowels with
out distress. "I have been trouble)
with costiyen* as nine years,” says J. O
Greene, Depaw, Ind "I have bled
many remedies but Little Early Rl-*re
give beat results.”
Blown To Atoms.
The old idea that the body some
times needs a powerful, drastic, purga
tive pill has been exploded; for Dr.
King’s New Life Pills, whieh are per
fectly harmless, gently stimulate liver
and bowels to expel poisonous matter,
cleanse the system and absolutely cure
Constipation and Siek Headache. Only
25c at Odendalil Bros.
Children Especially Liable.
Curtis, bruises and cuts ar« extremely
painful and If neglected olten results In
blood poisoning. Children are especi
ally liable to such mishaps because not
So careful As a remedy, DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salve is uuequaled. Draws
out the Are, stops the pain, soon heals
the wound. Beware of cou nterfeite
Sure cure for piles. “DeWitt’a Witch
Hazel Salve cured my baby of eczema
after two physicians gave her up.’
writes James Mock, N. Webster, Ind.
“The sores were so bad she soiled two
to flye dresses aday. Odeiidab! Bros.
It Girdle* The Globe
The fame of Bucklsn’s Arnica Salve,
as the best in the world, extends round
the earth. It's the one perfect healer
of Cuts, Corns, Burns, Bruises, Bores,
Sealds, Bodes, Ulcers, Felons, Aches
Pains and all Skin Eruptions □ Only in*
fallible Pile cure 25c a box at Oden*
dahl Bros.
A I'rafltablt Invosttnest.
‘•I was troubled for about aeven yeai9
with my stomach atid in bed ha f my
time,” says E. Demlck, Souiorvill, Ind.
“I spent about tl.000 and never could
get anything to help me until 1 tried
Kodol Dyspepsia Cura. I have taken
a ten bottles and am entirely well.”
You don’t live by what you eat, but by
what you digest and assimilate. If
your stomach doesn't digest your food
you are really starving. Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure does the stomach's work by
digesting the food. You don’t have
to diet Eat all you want, Kodol Dys
pepsia Cure cures all stomach troub
les.—-Odendahl Bros.
Lands For Sals by Ftshor A Rensehoter
Loop City, .Nebraska
Good half section of well Improved land for
sale. House 20 x 24, horse barn 24 x24. cow burn
24 x 24, 2000 forest trees, 100 fruit tree, 2 chick
en houses, wood house, two 20 foot wells,
granary. All under fence. 80 acres five wire
j pasture. 250 acres under cultivation. Good
i bargain
i Section grazing land for sale within two
i miles of Loup City.
One half section grazing land ten miles frost
I Loup City. ,
One half section of grazing and farm land
! Nice y situated and well Improved. Four
1 miles from county seat. Loup City.
A large number of 180 acre tracts and a few
! 80 acre tracts. All of these lands are free
< from sand and well located aud can be bought
. at u bargain.
By 'lie undersigned, on my farm. 9
miles mm li of |j'»up City, on fin* w«»t
Hide of the river. A red barrow bog,
weight a hour 20(1 Cam > to my
place abdu'HO days ago. 0»oer will
please come forward, prove property,
pay chargee and tike the animal,
William Christen.
OFFICE.- One door we.t of Odendshl’s
DruK Store
(of Omaha.)
Has located in
Attorney at Law_and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Osms.
ax so DO A
General Real Estate Business.
Office Is Nokthweatxrii Building,
loup omr.
In the matterof the estate of George W
Mixner deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in persaance
of an order of Hon, Homer M. Sullivan,
Judge of the District court of Sherman
County Nebraska, made on the J7lh day of
May 1001, for the sale of the real estate here
inafter described, there will he sold ut the
South door of tho court house in Loep City,
Sherman county Nebraska, on t he (Hh day
of January lii'ttat 2 o’clock p. m. of said
day at public veudue to tbe highest bid
der for cash In band. subject to all liens
and Incuuiberances (Including unpaid tax
es thereon,) existing at the time of the
death of said deceased, tbe following de
scribed real estate to wit: The south West
quarter of Section thirty (30) In Township
sixteen (10) North of Range Fifteen (IS) west
or the Gth principal meridian situated in
SI.ennan County Nebraska, Said sale will
remain open one hour Dated DoO. 4, 1301,
Administrator of the estate of Geo. W.
Mizner, deceased.
In the matterof the estate of Goorge Oaf -
walader deceased.
Notice is hereby given that in persuance
of an order of Hoiner M. Sullivan Judge of
the District court of Sherman County, Neb
raska. made uu tbe 13th day of June, 1300,
for tho sale of the real estate borelnaftet
described, t here will be sold at tbe south
door of the court house lu Loop City, Sher
man county Nebraska, the Bih day of Jan
uary 1302, at 2 o'oclock p in. of said day at
public verulue to tbs highest bidder for
cash tu band,subject to all liens and In.
cumbrances, including unniild taxes there
on existing ut the time of the death of said
deceased, tbe following described real es
tate to-wit: Lota Seven (7) Eight (s) and
Nine (W) In Block seven (7) In the original
Town of Hazard, situated In tbo county of
Sherman, State of Nebraska. Said sale will
remain •pen one hour. Dated i>ec. 4, l9oi.
Administrator of the Estate of George
Cadwalador deceased.
I have 360 sere* on Cole creek, in
Sherman county.
A . E. Charlton,
Ord, Neb.
80 acres of well improved Merriek
County land, well located and free from
debts. Will trade for good Sherman
County land. Call on or address,
VV. J. Fisher.
Loup City. Nebr.
4ft cos a at $27 50 per bead, 17 cow*
with calves by side at 835 00 per head,
81 spring calves at 812 50 per head.
Call on or Address
Farley Bros.
Marquette, Neb.
W AnTkP-SKvKKAL pkrsons ok
CHAkACTKk and good reputation in each
state (one in this county required) to rep
resent and advertise old established weal
thy business bouse of solid tinancial stand
*»'«• Salary *18.011 weekly with expenses
additional, all payable in cash each Wed
nesday direct front head offices. Horse and
carriage furnished when necessary. Refer
ences, Enclose self addressed stamped en
velope Manager, 310 taxton Building,
Chicago. sepnstiw