T I he Northwestern RUFLISHED EVERY FRIDAY A.T THE COUNTY SEAT. UKO. K. BRNSCHOTKK. UKO. H UIHSON, Rdttnr* and Publishers TERMS:—11.00 pek tsar, ir paid in advance Entered at the Loup City Postoffloe for trans mission through the malls as second class rna'ter. Tbe British concentration camps for herding the Boers, Are said to tit veritable bed9 of miasma. England ii determined to annihilate them somehow. The great Bonine trial in which Mrs. Bonine was charged with inur tiering Avers, a voting ccsus clerk ; in a Washington hotel, ended last ] Friday in an ucquital for the defend ant. While we are rubbing our ears a 'id ruatling to keep from freezing, our neighbors iri Pennsylvania and New York are experiencing the! worst freshets that has visited them for a number of years. At Pitts-: burg, 175 loaded and empty barges, J broke 'heir moorings and went down I the river to destruction. Tbc “Parent” who writes regard ing tin: cleaning of the school house has a pretty good idea of the jani tors duties, but the inoossistant part of it all is that he calls Benschoter, a member of the school board, a “coward” when in faet he is justj coward enough to hide his own I hand. Wonder if “Parent” ever stopped to think that people gener ally take more stock in such writ ings if he would come out over his own signature, that is if he has not heen heretofore incrcditably mixed up in school matters himself. Come now, if you will let us know who you are we will promise not to hurt you. The Schley court of inquiry have rendered their findings and have found adversely to the hero of Santia go in eleven counts. This is a ma jority finding by the court, but Dew ey, the President of the court and the only real Dve hero of that august body, the only one of them who has ever been heard of outside of the records where their names appeared for promotion, the only man except Schley, in our navy who fought a genuine up to date modern naval battle, rindieates Schley and com mends him for good judgement and merited success only second to tha: of his own at Manila. Dewey knows what a great naval battle is, and clearly indicates that Schley and not Sampson won the battle of Sn tiago. Dewey’s findings are the verdict of tbe people anil no kid gloved, bandbox admirals can change it. T lie Times-Independent, among its numerous foolish questions, nsk us why Mr. Pearson did not use Unit 122,000 00 to pay off warrants, etc. Probably for the same reason that tLo present county treasurer has about the same amounton hand now, and very likely for the same reason that all of the county treasurers generally show a balance on band of from 110,00a.00 to $35,000 00 at every settlement, botb annual and semi annual. These balances sic paid out as circumstancedirect. Part of it may have belonged to the state, some to school districts. Some of it may have belonged to the interest bond fund, aDd at the proper time would have been paid out for that purpose. Exactly the same con ditions regarding the balance on hand prevail now. $22,000.00 or therebouts on hand and the county treasurer informs us that m> bonds are likely to b? paid otT now. '1 he money doubtless belongs to other funds and at the proper time must he so disbursed, in other words it is on hand for other purposes. Can \ou see the point Brother Brown letter from the navt SAN FRANCISCO, CAL Dec. 4, Dear Father ani> all at Home. 1 take pleasure in again dropping vou a few lines to let you know that I am well and hope you are all the ssme at home There was a terrible explosion of a powder mill at Berk ley, just across tht bay, a few min I utes ago. We were looking out Hi* window when it occured. There were two explosions but we have not yet heard the cause. We had just been looking at the mills when the first explosion came and when we looked more than half of them seemed to be gone nr.d then the second one came and destroyed the balance. The same thing occurred three years ago. The French cruiser Guierra came in today nod they fired a na tional salute of 21 guns and the fort I at the Golden Gate answered it. We are getting along flue and hav ing a nice time. I received the papers you sent today. The swimming tank will soon be done, the pump house is done and the condeneer is in. The water will come from the hay and the pump will bo run by electricity. Tho new •lock is also under wav. There was one of the heaviest fogs on the bay the other night that was ever cxperienc • d here'. Two ferry boats colided at Aicatras island, and it is not certain how many lives were lost. The captains of the boats said they could not see 51) yards ahead. A train also run into an obstruction during the fog and was derailed in j Oakland. Also on the same night a. heavily veiled lady boarded the fer rv boat Piedmont, and after the boat was well dear of the dock, sin: jumped overboard and gave a loud scream as she went. Life boats were quickly lowered and a a«areh made but she was not seen again. Two deserters who came fiom the eaut were caught and are here now The authorities hero tbaught they had cougbt one of our apprentice boys that jumped some time ago, but when it came to identify bim they could not doit and had to turn him loose. Captain Glass who was rain ed to a real admiral last month has not got back yet but is expected soon. The captain of the French cruiser Guterra, is over to the Island to-day. Their sailors dress is all together different from ours. It rained all morning here and we had scirmishing in the hall. The Itau gcr took 15 landsmen from here last week. We cannot tell when we will gel off on our cruise, it inay be soon J and it may be a long time yet as j things change rapidly in the navy. We expect quite a time on Christ mas. We had a good lime Thanks giving, but it rained and spoiled our fun in the afternoon so we bad our foot ball game on Friday. We are getting a great many games both in and out door, now that the winter is coming on and it will rain most of the time. Suppose you are having snow at home by this time, we will not likely see any snow here. Some of the boys claim that it began to snow here once and the ladies ran out and held their apron to catch it,' thinking it was sugar. Well l guess I must close for this time. Good bye. Cuas. K. Gibson. IJ. S. T. S. Pensacola, Verba Buena Island, in Sail Francisco Bay. A Culinary Note. Cannibal King's Chamberlain—Your i ighness, this missionary hopes you will spare him. He claims he is a great cook, and a genius at making up new dainties out of his head. Cannibal King—You inform him I intend having some soup made out of his head, this ! noon.—Brooklyn Eagle. PUCKER UP AND WHISTLE. Uoctor. Hectare the Practice I* I’ro motlve of Good Health. Another prescription for promoting the health of the general public has been given out by Gen an and Swe dish doctors, who declare that nothing tends more to a robust i>! ysjcal than the practice of w\ filing. In they insist upon a system;.'-,, and con stant. effort on the part or the benefi ciary. Drill schools have hern formed where one of tue chief exercises con sists in lying flat, back downward, on u table and simply breathing and ex pelling air from the lungs with regu larity and vigor. Dumb-bells and In dian clubs have been discarded by tne advanced health culturists in those in stitutions. As a method of prolonging ife and strengthening the human rame against sickness whistling is ai.l to be beyond compare. Deyelop neut of chest and neck muscles is one )f the special advantages claimed lor he exercise. Long, deep breathing is m essential for a good whistler, as It is iot permissible to draw In the breath ixcrpt during the intervals of tne sound production. Hcsidea the good hat accrues to the performer’s general realth, there is an advantage in know ng how to whistle well. It is recog nized as a certain form of uius.ca art usd as such is capable of giving pleas ure to the listener.—Chicago Chronicle. A TALK OK WO® OK THK WAIL. OK A BATCHELOR Man that U married to a woman, I . of many days and full of trouble. : In tbe morning lie draweth bis sala ry ar.d at even’ behold it is gone. It is as a tale that is told; it vauisb [eland no man knowelb whither n | goeth. He riseth up in the early morn’ | dad in the habiliments of the uight I ’.o seek after the somnolent paragor ! ic, that he may sootti therewith tbe offspring of his loins. He goith forth as the ox and draweth tbe chariot of his offspring. Hespendeth his shekels to cover the bosom of his family with tine linen, yet, be is seen even at the gates of the city with one suspender. Yea verily, of a truth his days are many and full of trouble. REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF THE FIRST B\NK OF LOUP CITY I CHARTER NO. 250, INCORPORATED At Loup City In the State of Nebraska, at the Close of Business, December 1 Oik, loot: RESOURCES. Loans amt discounts. <(’>,236 49 Overdrafts secured and unsecured. 396 40 stocks and securities. . 2,537 61 Ranking house, furniture, fixtures 1,96250 Other Real Estate. 400 00 Current expenses and taxes paid.. 1,523 85 Cheeks and other cash items ... Due from National, State and Priv ate hanks amt bankers. 13,834 45 Cash Sickles and cents.. $ Currency Specie.... 6.388 00 1,610 66 (>,998 56 Total . 73.879.I'll LIABILITIES, Capital stock paid in. Surplus fund.. Dndivided proflts . Individual deposits subject to check..38,887.81 Demand certificates of . .deposit 9,378.76 Due to National Banks Due to stale and private ...banks and bankers 830,000 Oil 1,700 00 4,113 20 48,068.57 Total .*73,879,85 state of Nebraska,/g „ County of Sherman. \ ° 1, I. Hanson, Asst. Cashier of the above named Bank, do solemnly swear that the i , >v<- statement is correct and a true e> ny of the report made to the State Bank In if board. I.. Hanson, Asst. Cashier. ATTEST W f. Mason, Director. L Hansen, Director. 'll ascribed and sworn to before tne this I7ih day of Dec., 1901. J. S. PKDI.RR, seal.) Notary Public. M> commission expires November 17, 1904. Nays He Was Tortured Buffered such paine from corns 1 could hardly walk,” writes If. Rolens, Hillsboiougb, Ills., “but Bucklen'a Ar n a Salve completely cured them ” Alike magic otr sprains, bruises’ cuts, sores, scalds, burns, boils and ul c*r«. Perfect healer of skin diseases and piles. Cure guaranteed by Oden dab I Bros "5c. TIME TABLE. LOUP CITY, NEBR. Lincoln, Omaha, Chicago, St. Joseph, Kansas City, St. Louis, anti all points East anti South. Denver, Helena, Butte, Salt Lake City. Portland, San Francisco, and all points West. TRAINS LEAVK AS FOLLOWSi GOING EAST No 52 Passenger.s:05 a. m No. 60 Freight.li.80p.in. GOING WEST No. SI Passenger. 1:32 p. m j|o. 80 Kn ight.lEtSOa. m.. Slopping, dinner and reclining chair can (neats free) on through trains. Ticket* sold and baggage chocked to any point in tin; United States or Canada. Kor information, maps, time tallies and tickets call on or write to it. L. Art hut Agent. Or J. KUANOIs, Gen’I. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, C. P. RAILWAY. No. 80 leaves daily except Snnday (pass engcr). 8:0) a. m. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p. m. No. 90 leaves Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 8:55 d. m. No 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed 12:05 p. in. No. (6 arrives daily except Sunday (pass enger) 7.35 p. m. First class service and close connection! east, west and south W. l>. Clifton. ' This Folder Tells All about the Burlington California Excursions. It contains a map of the United States; time tables; illustrations of the exterior and interior of Burlington tourist sleep ers as well as a great deal of information likely to be of value to persons going to California. Write for one — free. The Burlington California Excursion* leave Omaha three times a week, arriving at Sail Francis* o, three, Los Angeles three ami a half days later. J. Francis, Oen’l Pass. Agent., Omaha, Neb. GALL AND SEE OUR IEW STACK OF COOK STOVE 1JNWAPE, HARDWARE and FURNITURE. I am prepared to make hydraulic or easing wells and Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines and Washing Machines, T*. M- PEIED, Loup City, Neb. iii Clocks and a Complete line of Silverware FOLLOW THE PROCESSION TO Tl)€ JeWelery Store to G. I~i JVIOI^GAIH WHERE YOU WILL FIND A LARGE ASSORT MJSNT TO SELECT YOUR CHRISTMAS PRESENTS FROM f WE HAVE RECEIVED A NEW INVOICE WHICH, WHEN ADDED TO THE OLD STOCK, GIVES YOU A FINE CHANCE TO GET JUST WHAT YOU WrANT, REMEMBER WE ARE GOING TO SELL FROM NOW UNTIL AFTER THE HOLIDAYS. ALL GOODS AT COST. COME ANI) SEE MY NICE NEW STOCK OF SILVER WARE, ALMOST EVERYTHING DESIRABLE. COME EARLY ANI) PET FIRST CHOICE. ALL GOODS GUARANTEED TO BE AS REPRESENTED AND SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED. Youra for business, Q. H, MORGAN Jeweler and Optician. Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending a sketrh end description miiy Quickly ascertain our opinion free whether un Invention is pmhni ly pntentsble. Oomrounle* 111vniimii is 17 ' ttonsstrictiyconfidential- Handbook >m I'atcnte lent free. Oldest nconry for securing patent!. P itents taken through Munu A Co. receive tpecial notice, without charge. In the Scientific American. A handiomely Illustrated weekly. Largest cir culation of any sclentlBc lournal. Terms. $3 a year; four months, |L Sold by all newsdealers. MIINN & Co.38,,re*,"> New York Branch Office, 625 F Bt, Washington, D. C. \V ANTED—-SEVERAL PERSONS OF CHARACTER and good reputation In eacli state (one in thiseol'nty required) to rep. resent end aa vert me old established weal thy busini ss house of solid financial stand ing. Salary 118 00 weekly with expenses additional, all payahlo In cash each Wed nesday direct from t he head offices. Home and carriage furnished, when necessar'.r. References. Enclose self addressed tamped envelope. Manager, 31 ti (niton Building, Chicago. Kodol Dyspepsia Cura Digests what you eat. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains all of the digestants and digests all kinds of food. It gives instant relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to eat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take It. By Its use many thousands of dyspeptics have been cured after everything else failed. It prevents format ion of gas on the stom ach, relieving all distress after eating. Dieting unc cessary. Pleasant to take. It oan’t help but do you good Prepared only by E. 0. Du Witt 4c Oo., Ohlca^ Tboll. bottle contains 2*4 times the aoc. size. For sale by OOKNDAHL DROS.. 4. P. CULLEY, President A. p. oumre. fIRST BAINK OP LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessT ransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. CORRESPONDENTS: Seaboard Matlonal Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. •We are Headquarters for WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES Wo have every appliance tor making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. Oiir charges are rea301.aide our prices are right. We have added a feed grinde.- 1 * our business and are prepared to do custom work or rormsh ground feed at reasonable rates. Grind Saturday and Monday. \VE REPAIR BINDERS AND HORSE POWERS AND GUAUAN ; TEE OUR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLER