Uoaal Daws. Christmas. Xext Wednesday. Mercury 25 below Saturday. Gee wlz but it's cold now-a-daya. The ice la thick and getting thicker. Pete Rowe, they say, is an expert on a stove pipe. Marion Bnrns of Arcadia was in the city Tuesday. R. L. Christensen was doing buslneas at the hub Tuesday. Mrs. August Beehtbold was on the sick list this week. Mr. A. W. Shull brought in a load of hogs for market Monday. Every body is preparing their ice bouse for the coming harvest. Henry A. Wilson made a trip to Austin, through the storm Monday. J. M Taylor cut his thumb quite bad ly the other day with a pocket knife. Horse blanket* from $1,60 up at Owen’s harness shop. Mrs. R. M. Hiddeison of Rockville who bss been dangerously ill is report ed better. C. H. Winteer, of Rockville was a pleasant caller last Friday at thii office while in the city. Lonnie Rentfrow went to upper Oak creek Tuesday to repair a pump for Frank Papieruick Hon A. P. Culley, B. M. Mathew and editor Brown left Monday morning for parts unknown—to ua. Judge Wall, W. T. Owen and E. A. Barron strolled through the forests of Woodcraft Tuesday night. Mr. Morns McNulty a brother of onr townsman W O. Is here from Smith county Kansas, visiting. Call and see the new FEED GRINDER AT T. M. • Reeds. Mr. J. A. Mawhlnnyof Bristol twp_ made ua a pleasant call when in town Wednesday and left a large f with us. Thos. Burton of Olay township faced the blizzard to town last Monday to get a load of coal for his school dis trict. Don't forget to read G. H. Morgan's new ad in this issue and then follow the crowd to his store and buy your Christmas presents. Wm. Strankssan of Oak Creek and W. A. Shull of Washington township were among those who renewed their subscription to this paper. Mr. A. J. Fradenberg of the north side of the county was a pleasant caller Tuesday. lie left a large dollar with us for which he has our thank*. Tha mnsleale, to have been given a the residence of Mrs. Culley, under the auspices of the “Womans, Counail" baa been postponed until a date late in Jan uary. Susan.—The pimples, sores and black heads are danger signals. Take Rocky Mountain Tea, you'll giv* a farewell re ception to your trouble* 35c. Ask your druggist. ^Lawson Baillie. now a resident of Philips, Hamilton county, Neb. was shaking hands with friends on our strests last Saturday. He returned home Monday. * Mr. Arnold, Hank Tangermau and W. N. Sherman of aouth Clay twp. wa9 in the city Wedneaday. Mr. Ar nold tells a* lie baa loat 12 bead of cat tle in the stock a tbia fall. The atatemaat laat week, tbat A. L. Zimmerman bad sold about 1.000 acras of Sherman county soil tbia fall, abould have read, about 4.000 acrea. Mr. Zirn marman juatly objects to ao email an amount to bis eredlt. Ira Foster fattened a cow and killed her last Tuesday whose stomach was a veritable hardware store. A piece cut from it three inches square, contain ed seven six and eight penny nails, which had worked their way through the folds. Mra. C. F. C Moor writes from Den ver tbat they like the city very much. Frank and Fannie are at tending high school. Dan is taking a business course, Mra. O. M. Raymond la at present with Mr. and Mra. C. R. Steadman of tbat City, Mr Werber, an old resident of Custer county and fatber-ln-law of Mra. Lillian Werber nee Nightingale died very suddenly laat Wednesday night, lie had been troubled with a shortness of breath aver since the civil war in which he had been & valient aeldier, and on the night mentioned ha was unable to sleep and walked the floor until about 4 o’clock In the morning when he sank in a chair and died Han. Milton Remley, ex-attorney general of Iowa and a resident of Iowa City, Iowa lame iu on the B. A M. train laat Friday evening to look after bis landed Interests in Logan tewnsbip this county- Mr. Remley is an old time acquaintance of W. J. Fisher, We foend him to be a genial and Interest ing gentleman to visit with. He seemed to be well pleased with this part of Neb raska and was satisfied that in a very short time the farmers of Sherman county would be posessed with sub stands! homes. A. W. Throckmorton of Divide, *>• in the city 1'uesday. Leggins at al! prices at the harness shop. 12 20 Mist Emm* Johansen left last Mon day for Iowa to visit friends. Next Wednesday will be Christmas. Who can we make happy on that day. John Needham lost 3 more head of eattle from running in corn stalks this week. T. S. Nightingale made a business trip to Lincoln the latter end of last week. Ed Angier of the west side dropped in Tuesday and left a coia of the relm with us. Ed. Barron of Austin, will sell his • tock and machinery on the 31, inst and go to Canada. E A. and D. S. Draper of the west side were doing business at the bub Tuesday. The Masquerade laat Friday.night was not a financial success on account af the severe weather. J. M Young is again on the sick list. He is reported quite sick, being threat ened with an attack ef lung fever. Don't forget that the Royal Neigh bors will give a public dance next Tues day night, Dec. 24, Everybody is in vited. Tickets 50 cents Train men report tbat on last Satur day morning the thermometer regis tered 85 below zero at Sargent. It was 24 at tbia point and only 12 at Orand Island. Used by the ladiee of fashion all over tbeworld. It's without douftt the great est beautirter eyer offered the Ameri can women. 35c. Made only by Madi son Medicine Co. Atk your druggist. YOU CAM GST TOUR PICTURE FRAMED AT T. M. REEDS. Call early and avoid Hol iday rush. If you want to make a de sirable Christmas present, buy one of those beautiful robes at Owen’s harness shop, About five years ago I was troubled with catarrh ef the lower bowels,'' says C. T. Chisholm, 484 Dearborn Are, Chicago, and altboagb 1 consulted sev* eral eminent physicians who preserlbed for me, I found their remedies tailed to in any way relieve me, and the troible almost became chronic. After suffer ing several months, I one day conclud ed to try Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and 1 beg to assure you that I was most agreeably surprised to find after taking two deset of the remedy that I waa completely relieved of the disease tbat bad coat me so much trouble and annoyance. I am thankful to say tbat I have not suffered from it since.” For Bale by Cdendabl Bros. A Woman i Awful rerll. ‘‘There la only one chanee to save your life and that is through an opera tion” were the startling words beard by Mrs. I. B. Hunt of Lime Ridge, WIs., from her doctor after be bad vainly tried to cure her of a frightful case of stomach trouble and- yellow jaundice. Gall atonea had formed and she con stantly grew worse. Then she began to us* Electric Bitters which wholly cured her. It's a wonderful Stomach, Liver and Kidney remedy. Cures Dyspepsia, Loss of Appetite. Try it. Only 50 eta Guaranteed. For sale by Odeudabl Broa. MARRIED. Zink—Vandorn.—At the home of the bride* parent*, Mr. and Mra. E. W. Vandorn, in St. Paul, Neb ,at 2K)0p. m. Sunday December 15, 1001. Mr. Ma rion Zink of Loup City, and Mis* Ma bel Vandorn of St. Paul, Neb., were united In marriage. Mr. Zink ia one of the model young men of this com munity and a favorite among his ac quaintance* He has almost grown up within 4 miles of Loup City, and is respected by all Mis* Vandorn waa born in Loup City and lived here the greater part of her life but for the past year ha* been a resident o' St. Paul. The happy couple came up on the noon train Monday and went to the home of Mr. Zink that evening. That they may live long and prosper is the wish of the XORTUWKSTKRM. Cramer—'Tkuki.sen — Mr. Hiram Cramer and Miss Anne Truelsen, two of Loup City’s society young people, were joined in the holy bonds of mat rimony last Thursday Deo., 12, 1001, at 3:00 o’clock p. ro. at the residence of Judge G. W. Hunter. This young couple have lived In this vicinity about all their lives and are both highly re spected. No more fitting union has tuken place in Ix>up City than this one, and judging from acquaintance, their voyage down life’s rlyer will be a model one. The wedding was a quiet one and private, and a surprise to many though expected. Mr. Cramer it en honored member ef the A. O. U. W. and the 1 O. O. F. of this city, a aober Indus trous young man, and has won a help mate do lees careful in life. Warmest congratulations are extended. Food Changed To Poison. Putrefying food in the intestines pro euces effects like those of arsenic, but Dr. King’s New Life Pills expel the poisons from clogged howels, gently easily bnt surely, curing Constipation. Uillou8ness, flick Headache, Fevers, ail Liver, Kidney and Bowel troubles. Only 26c at Odendahl Bros. The draymen And it pretty cold these day*, but they keep right on hauling coal. Perbapa of all the builnees con ducted In the city, the drayman's lot 1a the hardeit. Always ready and willing to do any job or run any errand, no matter how cold it Is or how small the the remuneration. It Is just such weather as we have been having tbe past week that the drayman's service can beat be appreciated. Go to Frank Den nil when you want the very best grade of flour. Th* Seat eiastar. A piece of flannel dampened with Chamberlain’s Pain Balm and bound to the affected parti ia superior to any plaster. When troubled with lame back or pains in rhe aide or cheat, give it a trial aad you are certain to be more than pleased with tbe prompt relief which it affords. PAln Balm also eures rheumatism. One application glvea re lief. For sale by Odendabl Bros. Sarsd Bit Lire “I wish to say that 1 feel I owe my life to Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.” w-ites II. C. Crestenson of Hayflel*., Minn. For three years I was troubled with dyspepsia so that I could hold nothing on my stomach. Many times I would be unable to retain a morsel of food. Finally ] was conflned to my bed. Doc tera said I coald not live. I read one of your adverlisementa on Kodol Dys pepsia Cure and thought it tit my case and commenced its use. I began to improve from the tfrst bottle. Now I ana cured and recommend it to all” Dig-sts your food Cure* all stomach troubles. Odendahl Bros, • SAW DEATH NEAR ‘‘It often made my heart ache," writes j L. C. Overstreet, of Elgin. Tcun., “to hear my wife cough until it seemed her weak and sore lung* would collapse. Good doctors said she was so far gone with Consumption that no medicine on earth could save her life.’' It’s abso lutely guaranteed for Coughs, Colds, 1 Bronchitis, Asthma and all Throat and j Lung diseases. 50c and 91 00 at Oden dahl Bros. Trial bottles free. Fretaraal Directory. The followihg Is a list of officers elected by the several lodges In Loup City fer the coming year as far as heard from, except the M. W. A. which has already been published The I. O. O. F.: Ira Foster, N. G.; H. J. Cole, V. G.; G. W. Hunter, Tress; and G II. Gibson, Sec; The appoint ments have not yet been made. The Royal Neighbors: Miss Ellen Lofhelm, Oracle; Mrs. E. E. Ditto, Vice Oracle; Mrs. H. W. Pedler, Re. corder; Mrs. H. J, Johansen, Rec.; Mrs. W. J. Fisher, Chancelor; Mrs. W D. French, and Miss Emma Nodene Mar shalls; Mrs. John Lofholm. I. S.; Mies Jesle Nodene, O. S.; Mrs. Peter Rowe, Manager. D. of H : Mrs Mary A Arthur, Chief of Honer; Mrs. Mary E Ben schoter, Lady of Honor; Mrs. T. A. Taylor, Chief of Cer : Mrs. Lou Hoi comb, Rec and organist; Mrs. Mary Pedler, Usher; G. W. Hunter, Fin.; Mrs. Z. M Hunter, Trees., Mrs Lewis Beebthold, I. W.; Wm. C. Wharton, O, W. The A. O U. W.. B. M. Mathew. M. W ; Hiram Cramer, Foreman; 8. N. Sweetlsnd, Overseer; G. W. Hunter, Financier; G. II. Gibson, Recorder; T. 8 Nightingale, Receiver; O F. Peterson, Guide; Luther Goodwin, 1. W; W. Wharton, O. VT, John Needham, Trustee /or 3 years and Geo. E. Ben schoter, Trustee for one year to fill vacancy. FARM FOR RENT. I have 360 acres on Cole creek, in Sherman county. A. E. Charlton, Ord, Neb How To Care Croep. Mr. R. Gray, who lives near Amenia, Duchess eounty, N. Y., says; “Cham berlain's Cough Remedy is the best medicine I have ever used. It is a fine children's remedy for croup and never falls to cure." When given as so#n as the child becomes hoarse, or even after the croupy cough has developed, It will prevent the attack. This should be borne in mind and a bottle of the Cough Remedy kept at hand ready for instaot use as soon as there symptoms appear. For sale by Odendahl Bios. Lands For Bale by Fisher Sc Henschotor Loap City, Nebraska Good half section of well improved land for sale. House 20 x 24, horse bara 24x24, cow barn 24 x 24, 2000 forest trees, 100 fruit tree, 2 chick en houses, wood house, two 90 foot wells, granary. A'.l under fence, 00 acres five wire pasture tf>0 acres under cultivation. Good bargain. Section grazing land for sale within two miles of Coup City. One half section grazing land ten miles fron Loup City. Ooe half section of grazing and farm land Nice y situated and wall improved. Four miles from county seat, Lotip City. A large number of 100 acre tracts and a few HO acre tracts. All of these lands are free from sand and well located and can be bought at a bargain. If vou would have an appetit* like a baar and u relish for your meals take Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab lets, They correct disorders of tho stomach and regulate tbe ilvar and b »weis Price. 25 cents. Samples fiB\ at Odendahl Bros Hasltli itml Beauty. A poor complexion Is usually the re suit of a torpid liver or irregular ac tion of the bowels. Unless nature's re fuse Is carried oil it will surely cause impure blood. Pimples, boils and other eruptions follows. This is na ture’s method of throwing off the pois ons * bieh the bowels faile 1 to remove, I>eWitt’s Little Kerly Risers are world famous fur remedying this condition. They stlmuluto the liver and promote regular and beall hy action of the bowels but never cause griping, cramps or dis tress, Safe pills. Odeodahl Bros Pneumonia Prevented. Among the tens of thousands who have used Chamberlain's Cough Rente do for colds ami la grippe durtug tb« past few years, to our knowledge, not a single rate has resulted in pneumonia Thus Whitfield A Co , ‘240 Wabash av enue, Chicago, one of the most promi nent retail druggists iu that city, in speaking of this, says: “We recom mend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in many cases, as It no: only gives prompt and complete recov ery, but also counteracts any tendency of la grippe to result In pneumonia." l<’or sale by Odeudahl Bros. i.lHKKAl. OFFEK! GOOD BARGAIN All our farmer readers shonlit take ad vantage of the unprecedented clubbing offer we this year make, which luclades with this paper The Iowa Homestead, its special Farmers’ Institute Editions ar * The Poultry Farmer These three pnbli cations are the best of their class and should be in every farm home. To them we add, tor locnl, couuty and general news our own paper, and ir ake the price of the tour one yearonly $1.40, sever beiore was so inuc h superior reading matter offered for so small an amount of money. The three papers named, which we club with our own, are well known throughout the West and commend theinselvts to the reader’s favorable attention upon mere mention. The Homestead is the great Agricultural and live stock paper of the West: The Poultry Farmer Is the most practical poult ry paper lor t he farmer, while The Hpocial Farmers' institute Editions are the most practical publications for the promotion of good farming ever published. Take ad vantage of this great offer, as it will hold good tor a short time only, Samples of lhe*e papers may lie examined by calling at this office. No one can reasonably hope for good health unless bis bowels move once each day. When this is not attended lo, dis orders of the stomach arise, biliousness, headache, dyspepsia and piles soon fol low. If yoa wish to avoid these ail ments keep your bowels regular by tak ing Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets when required. They are so easy to take and rnlid and gentle In ef fect. For sale by Odendahl Bros. or Benefit To Ton. D S. Mitchell, Fulford, Md. -Dur ing a long illness I was troubled with bed sores, was advised to try DeWitt’s Witch Haze] Salve and did so with won derful results. I was perfectly cured It is the beat salve on the market.” Sure cure for pile*, sores, burns. Beware of counterfeits. Odendahl Bros. RoVal Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum. Alum baking powders are the greatest menace rs to health of the present day. WOYAl BAKjNO .OWOtR 00., NtW YORK. TAKEN' UP: By the undersigned. on oiy farm, 9 miles south of Loup City, on the west side of the river. A red barrow hoy, weight about 200 lbs. Cam” to my place about SO days ago. Owner will please come forward, prove property, pay charges and take the animal. William Chiustkn. FIRST QUALITY PURE WHEAT. mum THK ONLY ROLLED WHEAT WITH ALL THC OLUTCM inf Ann all thk INOIOKOTIOLC woody none out RtniiMitndtd for Children kal lr.vaVdi where d«lu.«i y and avurtehrociu ere required At all Reliable Grocera IN t 1.6. YACICAOKi. NKVCR SOLD IN BULB A. S- MAIN PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, • NEBRASKA. orriCK.-One .loor west of Odendfchls Drug Store. DR h I BOGEN, (of Omaha.) PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Has located in ASHTON NEBRASKA. iSTCPilSHINS OFFEU!! For many yoira we hava tol! our Whiskies find Cigsrv to Wholesaler*only md oui triniH ;»rs preferred by them, at the* are superior to all others. In rtler to gi*. • h» Consumer me l*enefil of the Urge profits of Dealer and Middleman wo ,mvr deeidod to now sell direct to the Consumer our float t'opuisr Brands of Whiskies and Cisrars at leas thnn wholesale prices ....- SO R£HTMXft! KTERY ONK WILIi «»FT Til KB ! ! .lumen > "o .loviuim Mv- "v. t'opuisr Brands of Whiskies and Cigars at I uMmwiLmzs&iBB; With every qui rt bottle of onr fain .* Id year old Queen t ier* leb Pare Rye and one h< 'f i:r jtiotlv celebrated fesulne fsban IIand*Bade 10* clear HavanaCulanftpeetaU,."o v. iM m. ABSOM'TKLY IK^Konoof the h.-r i io-st open fa. e. extra heavy ul krl Oent > W'atches made >eo ladyat an:-in ind and act. renulne American movement and case. best timekeeper on irth. dooe not t • i*h and will lie: a lifetime. 1 extra fine Vienn.i M or schauni I’ipo I Kcuuine Meers.-h mui Cigar Holder, 1 genuine Meerschaum Cigarette Holder. 1 pretty leather Tobacco pouch. 1 elegant extra heavy ni.-kcl m h ho* 1 pair pearl eirT butte ns. 1 ball top collar button. 1 nerk ’ e holder. I pair sleeve 1 • tt 1 double chain end one beautiful charm Ul Jewelry hc.ivlly Uk c i htrd All those 14 nieces with one box of our f iiimusi ur.» *”i*cl.Ts «u 1 *. io quart bottle of onr famous 13 year old Quern city Club'u.re';> e caiii otb • i-.'iuht for le«a thn:i |12 **0 t'• **11 the Whi lrey ai-d Ocire In-Alii V 00 OTTC-O P wit’.i prMIegeofex b-llrustho 14 j ’irewf* rVkvLi I $vui I smlnallon, while Whisk*} and C if • nb’o< stmor ti >n we ask for tbo entire bt Our Whiskey is an Absolutely I'urc 10 year «.iu liy** and our Cigar# prenulae Caban band mvde.rlmr Havana, male in our own 1 ctorv Thesec igars sro f ir better than anything ever advertised before V> Guarantee tbo goad- and refund tki money If not rk.Pp I An Extra Premiem of »:;■ -,nt T-rkt tkni*« whh two tkde*. I i- ijrar cuiwr «nu i MPi*pr* .t-a tod. B KlkL ■ K] ss cutter, if $3 07 n sent in n iv i -wit!* order floedfl tent in plain package. Writ* for wholesale Price Lists of Liquors and Cigars Responsible agents wanted Or er U. S. JJ13TiLLKK*& liift TUI lit TING CC\-i>c:>t. O., <31 North Claris bt., Chicago, IU, ANY HEAD NOISES? ALL CASES OF DEAFNESS OR HARD HEARING ARE NOW CURABLE by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. WERNIAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Bai.timom;, Vi, March 30, r^or. Gentlemen : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, 1 will now give you. • full history of my case, to be used at your discretion. About Cvt years ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost my hearing in this ear entire-ly. I underwent a treatment for catnrrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent car specialist of this city, who told me that only an operation could help me, and even that only temt>orari!y, that the head noises would then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would he lost f< rever. I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York i