IN TIIE ODD CORNER. QUEER AND CURIOUS THINGS AND EVENTS. Water Roll* When It Bubble* from the Effect of Heat, Say* the I'll*dentlUc Person — The Scientist Practically Come* to This Conclusion. SOliM.ESS PRATERS. ( do not like to hear him pray On bended knee about an hour. For grate to spend aright the day, Who knows his neighbor has no flour. I’d rather see him go to mill And buy the luckless brother bread, And see his children eat their fill. And laugh beneath their humble shed. I do not like to hear him pray. "Let blessings on the widow be,” Who never seeks her home to say— “If want o’ertakes you, come to me.” I hate the prayer so loud and long, That’s offered for the orphan’s weal. By him who sees him crushed by wrong, And only with the lips doth feel. I do not like to hear her pray, With jeweled ear and silken dress, Whose washerwoman toils all day, And then is asked to work for less. Such pious falsehoods I despise! The folded hands, the face demure, Of those with sanctimonious eyes. Who steal the earnings of the poor. These sainted faces that they wear To church and for the public eye, Hide things that are not on the square And wickedness done on the sly. I do not like such soulless prayers! If wrong; I hope to bo forgiven; Such prayers no angel upward bears— They're lost a million miles from heaven. —Hartford Times. SPIDER IS WEATHER WISE. Most birds and animals have the faculty of discerning the approach of a storm with more or less accuracy, but in Yucatan they have a spider that is a marvel as a weather forecaster. This insect is known as "am,” on ac count of the effect produced by its poison. As far as its own conduct goes the insect is inoffensive and can be handled with impunity, but if any body had the misfortune to get one mysteriously mixed with his food he is certain to die after a few hours, and meanwhile, for some unexplained rea son, will frequently ejaculate "Am! Am! Am!”—hence the name of the spider. Throughout the peninsula this is affirmed to be a fact, and if an "am" falls into fodder of horses or mules the animal that swallows it surely dies. This spider is shaped like a crab, minus the claws, and is of a bright yellow color, with brown spots; the biggest could be accommodated upon a silver dime. Its favorite abode Is among the leaves of the banana shrub—commonly, but erroneously, called tree. There it spins with ex treme rapidity, its web, which is pro digiously large, considering the size of its architect, and proceeds to devour flies that are unlucky enough to get entangled In the meshes of thi3 aston ishing little glutton, that Is not satis fied with less than a dozen a day; that Is to say, it consumes a good deal more than Its own bulk. Its progeny are numerous, and appear, at first, like mere biack specks, smaller than the smallest pin’s head. The sky may he blue and cloudless when suddenly the am commences taking in its sails, or, rather, gathering In its net, with neat ness and dispatch, cramming the whole of the material into its diminutive body entirely out of sight. A few minutes completes the job, and the spider takes up its position on the un der suvface of one of the great leaves, to he lulled by the gentle swaying and sheltered while the storm rages. It is for this that the am has prepared, and never is it mistaken; when the web is taken in rain will certainly fall within an hour. The moment the am la touched it feigns death and lets it self drop, showing no sign of Ilf * until again placed upon a leaf or on the ground. Many a one has lain in the palm of the writer's hand, inert, ah its legs drawn close to Its body, while It is examined at leisure, even being picked up in the fingers without its manifesting any life.—Chicago Chron icle. WIIKN UOKS VVATFK IIOIL? The joke Is on the teacher who said: “Water boils when it is 212 degrees Fahrenheit temperature." The girl who answered, “Water bolls when it bubbles,” was right and teacher wrong. Between what is called scien tifically the boiling point of water and the temperature, or “when” it actual ly bolls, Is a vast but clean-cut differ ence. The boiling point of water at 760 millimeters, 29.92 seconds barome ter, is 212 degrees Fahrenheit, but even when water Is 212 degrees Fahrenheit It does not necessarily boil. If the bar ometer is today S0.6 seconds it boils— e., bubbles—at 213.1 degrees Fahren heit. Bubbling is even the scientist’s tost, because he never dips his ther mometer into the boiling water itself, but only in the steam troin the bub bles If the barometer is at 29.6 seconds it boils at 210.2 degrees Fah renheit. This is the case on the sea coast. In N» w York, where the bar ometer In a year ranges between 29.5 seconds ami 30.6 seconds the boiling temperature varies between 210.2 de grees Fahrenheit and 213.1 degrees Fahrenheit, a difference of three de frees, .and many an onserrrng nouse wife has noticed that meals, vegetables, etc., cook soft much more rapidly on a crisp winter day, with the barometer at 30.6 seconds, than on a dull, muggy July day, with only 29.5 seconds bar ometer. In Chicago water in an open vessel never boils at 212 degrees Fah renheit, because tlic city is 800 feet above the level of the ocean and its highest barometer actually never goes above 29.9 seconds. The weather bu reau publishes 30.6 seconds, etc., data, but this is because all barometer read ings are reduced to ocean level, other wise the actual readings of New York (normal, 29.9 seconds), Pike's Peak (16.3 seconds), Denver (24 seconds), Mlnnedosa (25 seconds), and Chicago (29.2 seconds) could never be com pared. The highest actual reading in Chicago may be 29.9 seconds, corre sponding to a boiling point of 211,9 degrees Fahrenheit; the lowest about 28.7 seconds, or a boiling point of 208.8 degrees Fahrenheit. Therefore, string beans, which are easily done in New York in one hour, take two to two and one-half hours in Chicago, because the cooking does not depend on the bubbling, but on the tempera ture. In a boiler with ninety pounds pressure water does not "boil” or bub ble—i. e., make surplus steam—for the bubbles are steam balloons surround ed by a thin capillary shell of water, until 320 degrees Fahrenheit are reached. Water boils in Denver at 201 degrees, at Pike's Peak at 1S4 de grees, at Lincoln, Neb., at 206 degrees, at Chicago at 210.5 degrees, at the nor mal barometer of 30 seconds reduced to sea level, or the actual average bar ometer tension of these places. Den ver needs already closed pots with screwed-on lids to boil peas and beans. If the teacher therefore again asks the cooking pupils. When does water boil? she had better accept the answer, “When it bubbles,” for all scientists take this view. But if she wants to know at what temperature does water boil her pupils can only say: “Walt till I have looked up the barometer readings of our weather report and I can then figure with only a few logar ithms in half an hour the exact tem perature at which it boils today.” In general they can say: “Water bells in Chicago, as everywhere, when it bub bles.” A thermometer will then show between 209 degrees and 212 degrees Fahrenheit, but never quite reach 212 degrees in Chicago—generally it will be about 211 degrees Fahrenheit.—Chi cago Tribune. SLAYS 1UKOS BY SCORES. A bird which from both an ornithol ogical and popular point of view is probably the most interesting of the feathered kind which finds a congenial summer home in the vicinity of Balti more is the cowbird. As the name implies, the birds are the associates of cows, or, in fact, cattle of any kind. When this is said the entire list of their friends is complete, for the birds seem to be shunned as a serpent by others of their kind. This is not strange when the fact is known that, although the cowbirds are by no means birds of prey, they indirectly slay more feathered songsters than many of the larger and carnivorous members of the family. In appearance the birds are unassuming little creatures of som ber hue, about the size of a bluebird and with a faint, dry voice which could not possibly sing its owner either into the good graces of man oi beast. In the springtime they come to the fields of Maryland from their winter haunts in the south. In flock3 of six or eight they roam restlessly about among the pastures, following the cattle, catching the flies and other insects that make life miserable for the dumb beasts. They are fearless of their animal fiiends. When mating time comes the birds develop their slaying proclivities in a peculiar man ner. Possibly they have no intention of killing the young of other birds. The end is accomplished just the same. They build no nest, but the females shift the duties of motherhood by lay ing their eggs in the nests of other and usually smaller birds, forcing them to incubate and rear the offspring. A peculiarity of the eggs of the cow birds is that they hatch from one to two days earlier than those of the other birds, and as the young cowbirds by this start are given time to gain strength before the rightful occupants of the nest are ready for food the re sult is that they are crowded to death by the foster child. At no time dur ing the growth of the changeling do its real parents come to aid in pro viding food to satisfy its voracious appetite. The strangest part of the whole procedure is that the birds which are thus Imposed upon do not rebel. Usually only one egg is laid in a nest, and to deposit their usual clutch of four eggs the cowbirds travel from nest to nest. To every cowbird egg deposited four or five deaths result, and their presence in the vicinity of a nest is the death blow to the domes tic hopes of the rightful proprietors.— Baltimore Sun. SNIFFY MARTIN’S PUPIL. After the recent ceremony of receiv ing the freedom of Glasgow and while passing from his cab to the hotel Mr. Carnegie was greeted with the saluta tion. littered in the dialect peculiar to his native Flfeshire: “Well done for Snuffy Martin’s school!” That was the local designation of the humble scholastic establishment in Dunferm line where Mr. Carnegie as a lad ronned the letters of the alphabet. The exclamation came from an old school fellow. Mr. Carnegie stopped and gave the speaker a hearty hand shake. The ink of the Greeks and Romans was ir.errly lampblack mingled with gum in the proportion of three parti of the former to one of the latter. The lineage of tcaboUl» It's difficult to convince the unlucky man that there is no such thing as luck. Every tnan who doe* the very beet ho can is a true hero. A child wouldn’t be aupenrtltlou* if some fool grown person didn’t teach it Nature’s Priceless Remedy Rheumatism, Neural. DR. 0. PHELPS BROWN S flla. Weak Back, Sprain*. oner finite Burns, Sores and all Pain. rfltwllrWJ CnnnllllV'let lr of T'iur nirnnmi oucClal dnitfiriMt, 25. bob. doe* not pell It, Mend CMiYMMBrAfTT 11 h hi* name, and for your Ullf • JvME*iw rn trouble, we will Crna ft Cures Through the Pores Send Yo-i a Trial ll SddrwaDr. O.P. Brown. 08 Bway.N T. OVERNMENT POSITIONS YODNG MKN for Railway Mall Clerks. Inter-State Correa. Inat., Cedar Rapids. Ia. umncniic American lady, tadepend HAHUOURIC ently rich, wsnts good honeaS buabaud. Address, Marketbt-.Cbleago, 1IL NOV. 30™ 1 ys, *AiO* ST*OP. a--. ya goo tag;. 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