The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 22, 1901, Image 4

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    Lioaal Dsws.
August Jung of the north side was
in the city Saturday.
W. G. McNulty lost a valuable
horse with colic Tuesday.
Peter Rowe is working on the new
dwelling of R W. McCombs.
Frank Papiernik of Logan twp. was a
pleasant oaller at this office Saturday
Mr J. M. Russell of Washington twp
was doing business in the city Friday.
You can save money by grinding
your feed.—Fine feed grinders for sale
at T. M. Reeds.
Are you needing any thing
in the furniture line? If so call
at T. M lleed’s
See Keystone Lumber Co. for your
supply of Rock Springs, Canon City,
Hanna and Maitland Coal.
Mrs. Geo. E. Banschoter and son
Clarence went to Grand Island 1 uesday
morning returning in the evening.
S. C. Fletcher of Clay twp., brought
his herd of pontes to towu last Satur
day and sold a number at auction sale.
T. C. Chamberlain was in the city
last Saturday. He seems well pleased
with the result of the recent campaign.
Fur and plush robes of the
best quality and at way down
prichs at Owens’.
Mr. George Wagoner of the south
part of Hazard township was in the
city Monday His sister Katie was
with him.
Mr. John Oltman jr. of the east side,
was doing business in the city Tuesday.
Mr Oltman Is one of Ashton townsnip's
formost farmers.
A little girl came to live with our
friend Mat^ Janulewicz, last Friday
morning. It is of the regulakiou size,
pretty, they say and looks like its pa.
A thousand things by it are done far
better than most things do one. We
refer to Rocky Mountain Tea made by
Madison Medicine Co. 85c. Ask your
Some of the tinest young horses ever
brought to town were purchased in the
south part of the county by the St.
„ Elmo liveryman last week.
S. N. Sweetland, the newly elect
ed county treasurer, has purchased
the D. A. Jackson property in town
and will soon take up bis residence
at the county seat.
Jacob Albers reports a good atten
dance and fine success at the John Dan
gel sale in Rockville twp. Monday.
Jake Is no back number when it comes
to making a success of a sale.
Mrs. G. W Hunter posseases :be nob
biest collection of Gram' Lodge badges
as mementos of tbe different Grand
Lodges of which she has been a mem
ber that it has been our pleasure to in
Read the legal notice of the releas
ing of school lands in Sherman county,
which appears in this issue. These
lands will be open for leasing on and
alter December. 18, next.
Chamberlain'* Stomach and Liver
Tableta cure biliousness, constipation
and headache. They are easy to take
and pleasant in effect. For sale by
Odendabl Bros.
Messrs Eaton & Simpson of Blue Ilill,
Neb., are tha gentlemen who purchased
the St. Elmo livery barn. They are
genial gentlemen and practical livery
men and are having a good run of busi
There will be a Union temper
ance meeting at the M. K. church in
Loup City, next Sunday, Nov., 24,
the world's temperance Sunday.
Good speaking will be had. All
are invited.
Perer Heil of Austin, was unfortunate
enough to lose 875 00 last Thurs
day eventug, by some thief breaking
into bis house, then breaking bis trunk
open and taking tbe above amount
there from This was the surplus earn
ing of Mr. Hell’s summers work and the
loss is a severe one on him
Nickels Hansen, of Logan twp. has
purchased the Harvey Criss farm just
below town and will move thereon in
tbe spring Mr. Hansen is an old re
sident of Sherman county and one of
our most reliable and progressive young
farmers. We are pleased to know that
he will soon be a closer neighbor.
Mrs. L E. Walworth arrived In thl
city last Saturday evening oc a busi
ness and pleasure trip She looks well
and steins to be enjoying life. Ilei
many friends were pleased to have liei
pay them a visit once more. She in
forms us that her daughter Sadie, who
was married since she left here, wae
getting along nicely and that her bus
band was engaged in tbe mercantile bu
Those Indebted to the N‘>btuwkst
KKN are respectfully asked to call and
settle their accounts. We are In need
of money for the purpose of meeting
psst due accounts. It will be necessary
for us to settle these accounts both from
presure of creditors and because the
paper will be run under the manage
ment of ye senior editor, after the First
of the year. We want to get these ac
counts straightened out before the dis
solution of partnership Please call
and let us have settlement within the
next 30 days.
Mr*. W. R. Melior I# visiting in Iowa,
at this time.
Ferry Reoil returned to the el tv last
Friday evening
Mr. and Mr*. Geo. Ware of Oak Creek
were in the city Saturday.
If you are needing any picture fram
ing done call on T. M. Reed J
A. O Hendrickson of the west side
was a pleasant caller Saturday.
Albert Edwards of Bristol township
was a Loup City visitor Tuesday.
Anton Topolski of Schaupp's siding,
was doing business in thecity Saturday.
Are you in need of a spring wagon
or a buggy ? if so call on T. M. Reed
Rev C. F Graves of Sbeiton, will
preach in l’resbyterian Hall on Sunday,
Xov. ?4, at 10 3ft a. m. All arecerJIally
invited to attend.
Mr. Chapin, editor of the Lltcbfleid
Monitor was doing legal business at the
county seat Saturday.
Odendahl Bros, have a grand dis
play of Christmas toys in the old Far
mers Staie Bank building.
John W. Carpenter of Austin, left
yesterday for Kalona. Ia., his old home,
for a visit and to transact some busi
See the hi lis for the grand Highlander
Ball which will take place at 8oclety
Halt on Thanksgiving night Dance and
oyster supper for 75 cents.
Horse blankets of all grades
and at lowest prices at Owen’s
harness shop.
Go to Frank Dennis when
you want the very best grade
of flour.
Fd leave my happy home aDd cross the
deep blue sea.
Rather than be without Charley and my
Rocky Mountain Tea. Ask your
Geo. VV. Holmes of Hazard twp. was
doing business at the bub Saturday. He
remained over Sunday and took in the
District Sunday School convention.
Brings attractiveness to listless, un
lovable girls, making them handsome,
marriageable women. That’ what
Rocky Mountain Tea will do. 35e. Ask
your druggist.
.Tames Depew has purchased a patent
blower for his new foige. It is quite a
curiosity, being built upon the plan of
a centrifugal cream saperator, and its
efficiency seems to be par excellence
Mr. John Smith of Ashton, was as
sisting treasurer Badura this week Id
catching up with his office work pre
paratory to turning it over to his suc
cessor. John is a competent office man.
Mr. H. W Kearns and wife, of Vin
ton, la. brother of Dr. Kearns of this
city, came Wednesday evening to visit
the doctor and family. They will go
from here to Cheyenne county, Kan. to
visit a sister.
The Ohlsen Bros, commenced a 26x28
brick dwelling for Mr. R W. McCombs
of Clay township last Monday. Mr.
McCombs is a model citizen, industrious
and economical and his many friends
will be glad to hear of his prosperity
John Johansen of Clay twp., was in
the city Saturday. Mr. Johansen has
finished his corn buskiDg and left the
first part of this week for Kansas. He
will locate at Codell, where he ex
pects to engage in stock raising,
The toll lines of the Nebraska Tele
phone Co. have been extenden to Loup
City, and it is now possible, for the
sum of 25c, to communicate with par
ties in that city from Ravenna We lm
magiDe this will be quite a convenience
for parties living in the southern part
of Sherman county, who wish to trans
act business at their county seat.—Ra
venna News.
To remove a troublesome corn or
butiioD: First soak the corn or bunion
in warm water to soften it, then pare it
down as closely as possible without
drawing blood and apply Chamberlain's
l’ain Balm twice daily; rubbing vigor
ously for live minutes at each applica
tion. A corn plaster should be worn
for a few days to protect it from the
shoe. As a general liniment for sprains,
bruises, lameness and rheumatism. Pain
Balm is utiequalled. For sale by Oden
dabl Bros.
Mr. T. II. Eisner returned from his
hunting trip to the north west, Tuesday
noon and brought hack with him a fine
black tail deer and a large antelope, also
a sage hen nearly as large as a tuikey
and a mountain grouse. Mi. Eisner re
ports a delightful time hunting and vis
iting with C. L. Drake and Joseph
Church of Gurnsey, Wyo. Mr. Eisner
looks well after his outing and has a
growth of oeard on his face equal to a
full Hedged cowboy. He also brought
a beautiful collection of stones, moss
agates etc. Mr. Eisner has the thanks
of this office lor a julay piece of veni
Tetter, KaP-Kheum aiul Eczema.
The intense itching and smarting, inci
dent to these diseases, is instantly allayed
by applying Chamberlain’s Eye and
Skin Ointment. Many very bad cases
have been permanently cured by it. It
is equally efficient for itching piles and
a favorite remedy for sore nipples,
chapped hands, chilblains, frost bites
and chronic sore eyes. 25 cts. per box.
I>r. Cady’s Condition Powders, are
just what a horse needs when in bad
condition. Tonic, blood purifier and
vermifuge They are not food but
medicine and the best in use to put a
horse in prime condition. Price 25
cents per package.
The county supervisors, at their
meeting last week, discussed the advis
ability of placing a telephone in the
court house, and decided not to do so
by the chair deciding a tie vote At
this day, when the wires tap nearly
every town in tha state there being over
30 thousand miles in operation at this
time, it seems only like a matter of eco
nomy that one should be placed there
and thus obviate the necessity of the
count? officers running to the central
station to answer calls upon their time.
Economy of course should he the main
object of our supervisors, and since the
national system of wires have came' to
our door, there Is little doubt but that
It will be economy to place ene in the
court house. Time will prove this
shortly and then if the business de
mands it of course it will bedoDe.
A nntnber of the friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Geo. Lee of the west side of the
river, clothed themselves in their win
ter wraps, last Sunday morning, and
tilling two wagons drove to the home of
that worthy couple, bent on having a
social time in honor of Mr. and Mrs.
Lee’s birthdays, the two events coming
near enough together to make one celo
bratlon answer for both. The party
was hospitably received, as nil the
guests of Mr. and Mrs. Lee are, rnd in
due time a repast fli for the Gods was
set before them. After dinner we were
entertained by Mrs. Lee aid dauuhters
with music and singing ann by playing
games and at 4 o'clock the guests took
their departure after having spent «
moltenjoyab'e day. The following are
those who composed the company: Mr.
and Mrs. C. H. French, Mr. and Mrs.
G. W. Hunter, Mr. and Mrs. Val. Mc
Donald and Master Roy, Mrs, Samuel
Hancock and daughier May, Mr. and
Mrs. G. II. Gtbson and family from
town and Mrs. Caldwell and children,
Mr. and Mrs. James Lee aud children
and Myron Gilbert from the west side
When you feel that life is hardly
worth the candle take a dose of Cham
berlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets.
They will cleanse your stomache, tone
up your liver and regulate your bowels
making you feel like a new man. For
sale by Odendahl Broa.
By the undersigned, on my farm,
on Section 12, 16, 1C in Wash
ington township, on October 1,
1901, one roan winter calf with white
on belly and small hole in left ear.
Owner can have same by proving prop
erty, paying for this notice and expense
of keeping.
Petek Larson,
Loup City, Neb.
Great Luok Of An Editor.
“For two years all effort*to cure Ec
zema in the palms of my hands failed,”
writes Edlter II N. Lester, of Syracuse,
Kan , “then I was wholly cured by
Bucklen's Arnica Salve.” It’s the
world,s best for Eruotions, Sores and
all skin dise ises Only 25c at Odendahl
-» » ♦
A 1'hyslrlaa Testifies.
“I have taken Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
amlbave never used anything in my
life that did me the good that did,”
says County Physician Geo. W.Scroggi
of Hall County, Ga. “Being a physician
I have prescribed it and fosnd It to
give the best results.” If the food you
eat remains undigested in your stomach
it decays there and poisons the system.
You can prevent this by dieting, but
that means starvation. Kodol Dyspep
sia Cure digests what you eat. You
need suffer from neither dvspepsia nor
starvation. The worst cases quickly
cured. Never fails—Odendahl Bros.
-». + -
A Village Blacksmith Saved HI* l.ltlie
Son'* Lift.
Mr. II H Black, the well-known vill
age blacksmith at Grahamsville, Sulli
van Co., N. Y.. says: ‘‘Our little son,
live years old, has always been subject
to croup, and so bad have the attacks
been that we have feared trany times
that he would die. We have had the
doctor and used many medicines, but
Cbamberlain’s Cough Remedy is now
our soul reliance. It seems to dissolve
tbethugb mucus and by giving frequent
doses when the croupy symptoms ap
pear we have found that the dreaded
croup is cured before it gets settled,”
There is no danger in giving this reme
dy for it contains no opium or other
injurious drug and may be given as con
fidently to a babe as to an adult. For
sale l>v Odendahl Bros.
-• ♦ ■ ■ ■
Bv the undersigned, on my farm, 9
miles south of Loup City, on the west
side of the river. A red barrow hog,
weight about 200 lbs. Cam" to my
place about :10 days ago. Owner will
please come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take the animal.
William Christen.
Recommended for Children and
Invalid® where delicacy and
Bvuiiahiueul ate requited
At all Reliable Grocera
IN 1 l*. SACKAOt*.
The District Sunday School Con- I
vention for this the 1 lth district of I
Nebraska held at Loup City Nov.
15, 1(1, and 17, Was to say the least
verv successfully conducted. There
were not so many schools represent
ed as was expected, but those pres
ent took hold of the work in hand
with a will and from the start i', be
came interesting and instructive.
AmoDg those from abroad who took
active part in the program were Rev.
Louis Huinpbery, president; Mrs.
C. S. Willard, formerly of Chicago,
Mrs. Eva Hill, Rev. ,J. N. Fund,
and Hon. B. D. Hay ward of St. Paul,
Mr. and Mrs. Hoover of Boilus and
Mrs. J. F. Howard, of Greeley
ccunty. Itev. Madaly, J. A. Aogier,
Mrs Ed. Aicger, Mr. and Mrs. C. J.
Tracy, and others assisted by the
church choir were among the local
The convention opened Friday after
noon and continued until Sunday
evening. The Sabbath School on
Sunday txurmng was conducted by
B, D. Hayward, superintendent of
the St. Paul Sunday School. The
chnrch was well filled with adults
as well as children. Mr. Hayward’s
method of conduoiiog Sunday
School is up to date Helms a way
of getting every one interested from
the start and all who atterded could
not help but thick that St. Paul
must have a Sunday School, which
ranks among the best in the state,
with such as him as its superintend
The Sunday afternoon and even
ing services where largely attended
when the program was concluded.
That Throbbing Headache
Would quickly leave you, if you used
I)r. Xing’s New life pills. Thousands
of sufferers have proved their match
less merit for sick and Nervous Head
aches. They make pure blood and
build up your health. Only 25 cents.
Money back if not cured. Sold by
Odendahl Bros.
Spreads Like Wildfire
When things are “the best" they be
come "the best selling.” Abraham Hare
a leading diuggist of Belleville, O.,
writes: “Electric Bitters are the best
selling bitters I have handled in 20
years.” You know v/hy t Most diseas
es begin in disorders of stomach, liver,
kidneys, bowels, blood and nerves. Elec
tric Bitters tones up the stomach, regu
lates liyer, kidnoys and bowles, puri
ties the blood, strengthens the nerves,
hsnee cures multitudes of maladies It
builds up the entire system. Puts new
life and vigor into any weak, sickly,
run-down man or woman Price 50
cents. Sold by Odendahl Bros.
Chamberlain'* Cough Remedy In
llisgen Bros , the popular South Side
druggists, corner 09th street and Went
worth avenue, says: “We sell a great
deal of Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy,
and And that it gives the most satis
factory results, especially among child
ren for severe colds and croup.” For
*ale ty Odendahl Bro«.
R< >Val
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Don’t Be Fooledi
Take the genuine, original
Made only by Madison Medi*
cine Co., Madison, Wis. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price, as cents. Naver sold
in bulk. Accept no aubati*
tute. Ask your druggist.
OFFICE.-One liiO: we;t of Odendat.t’s
Dru« Store
(of Omaha )
Huh located in
It’s the way cF the world.
^ Nobody • ponds money for the fun of ► p,,ndlnjr
It Buyer* of ready made clothing aru i.suully
keen ai ongh'i after tho dollara worth, nod the
fact of trade Increase here proves intrinsic
We win because we des^ve to—
Not unless.
Big type might emphasize low prices, but we
prefer to have you see the goods and compare
qualities. Our Catalog contains samples of the
cloth and you cau take your time In the selec
Towards which the eyes of the world
are turned; where great opportunities
are open to everyone, is best and quick
est reached bv the
No better trains in the world than those
run via this line.
For full information call on or address
A. J. CLIFTON, Agent.
’ by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable.
Baltimore, Md., March 30, 1901.
Gentlemen : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you
8 full history of iny case, to be used at your discretion.
About five years ago my right ear began to sing, and thi9 kept on getting worse, until I lost
my hearing in this ear entirely.
I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without anv success, consulted a num
ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this city, who told me that
only an operation could help me, and even that only temporarily, that the head noises would
then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever.
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, aud ordered your treat
ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and
to-day, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirely restored. 1 thank you
heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours,
F. A. H ERMAN, 730S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md.
Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend In Foreclosure Cases.
General Real Estate Business.
Office to Nokthwcstiii* Building,
1 || f
^ - m? W
Sold hi T. II. ELSNER, Loup CiM . N ■ b
FARM FOR REN I’ -A farm >.l> ut 7
mile# nor h '•••! o{ Loop City, on the
west side of the liver and known as
the Charlton f iiin Call on or address
Olivkr Doubt,
Loup City, Neb.
WAnTEO-SKvERAL persons of
CHARACTER and good reputation in each
state (one in this county required) to rep.
resent and advertise old established weal
thy business house of solid financial stand,
ing. Salary 118.00 weekly with expenses
additional,all payable In cash each Wed
nesday direct front head offices. Horse and
carriage furnished when necessary. Refer
ences, Enclose self addressed stamped en
velope Manager, .310 Caxton Building,
Chicago. sepllifliw
. >
time table.
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Lntii«, San Francisco,
“»fl «l> points and ail points
East, and South. West.
No Vi Passenger. h;05 a m
No t,o Freight.i;f;B0p.m:
nj ra.NHm)K»*r. i*q*» n »«
NO. 59 Freight!. . . . . m!
Sleeping, dinner and roellnlng ohalr cart
(seals free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage cheeked to any point In
the ITnlted States or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to K. L. Arthui
Agent. Or J. FRANCIS, Gen’l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, *
No. 86 leaves daily except Sunday (nass
enger). 8:00 a m. y '*
rHS;,M!ave! Monday. Wednesday and
r rtaay, (mixed) l^:^o p. in.
No. so leaves Tuesday, Tlftrsday and
Saturday, (mixed) 9:55 p. m. 7
12 dW p7 lJ^rivt,s except Sunday (mixed
enNger)\"rpVm. <laUy 6ICept 8unday (pa8a
easl.r weia8a"ndr»o1utehan<1 C‘°Se connectlo“'
W. D. Clifton. y