The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 08, 1901, Image 4

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    Ltoaal Dsws.
J. M. Taylor returned home from
Ord last Saturday.
W. R. Mellor went to Lincoln on
business Wednesday.
Mrs Gasteyer made a business trip to
8t. Paul, returiiipg the same day.
How the Times man do spell wain
scoted' any how. Funny ls”nt it.
E. A. Draper, came to town last Sat
urday through the down pour of Acqua
H Robwaddar lias sold his farm to
Webber Stott and will move to Wyom
tng soon.
Are you needing any thing
in the furniture line? If so call
at T. M Heed’s
See Keystone Lumber Co. for yonr
supply of Rock Springs, Canon City,
Hanna and Maitland Coal.
8. F. Reynolds was again elected con
stable of this township Tuesday. Fosier
is about invincable for constable.
Miss Xate Wagoner came to the city
last Sunday and Miss Kate Peters re
turned with her in the evening for a
couple weeks visit.
August Becbthold who hss been
working with the U. P. carpenters for
some time Sundayed at home.
A nephew of Chris Zwink arrived
from Germany last Tuesday and will
make his home in Sherman county.
W. R. Mellor. J. I Depew, and J. S.
Pedler, were the musicians at the
Woodman dance at Rockville last Fri
day night.
nenry Oblsen and W. E. Smith went
to Clay township Wednesday morning,
to go to work on Mr. Tangeiman's
For sprains, swellings and lameness
there is nothing so good as Chamber.
Iain's Fain Balm. Try it. For sale by
Cdendahl Bros.
Mr. Andrew Wilson jr. and Miss Gray
of Rockville, were to be married at the
home of the bride last night. Particu
lars will appear next week.
Fur and plush robes of the
best quality and at way down
prices at Owens’.
Mr. F E Sbippley, son of A. J.
Shipley of the west side, was doing bu
siness at the county seat Wednesday.
He made this office a pleasant call.
We, the jury find the deceased came
to his death from heart failure, caused
by not takiug Rocky Mountain Tea
made by Madison Medicine Co. 35c.
Ask yourdruggiit.
The thirteen year old son of John
Piontkowski, bad the misfortune to fall
from a pair of stilts, a few days ago and
break his arm. Dr. Morrow reduced the
When you have no appetite, do not
relish your food and feel dull after eat
ing you may know that you need a dose
of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver
Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free
at Odendahl Bros.
Mrs. Adam Conhiser of Sargent, who
has been at the hospital in Omaha, for
the past three weeks, undergoing a sur
gical operation, writes her brother. Mr.
8. F. Reynolds, that she is not yet able
to be up but Is improving nicely.
W. T. Wesson, Gbolsonville, Va.
druggists, writes: “Your One Minute
Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction.
My customers say it is the best remedy
for coughg, colds, throat and lung trou
bles.”—Odendahl Bros.
ine uriginaj Mchols Vaudeville
Company will play ao engagement at
Society Hall, under the anspiee* of Ex
celsior Lodge No, 106,of Odd Fellows,
next Friday night, Nov. 15. Come out
and see them.
Fritz Johansen returned to Loup
City last Saturday evening after a two
months absence in Wyoming His
many friends were glad to have him
return as his intentions were supposed
to be to locate in the west.
When you cannot sleep for coughing
It Is hardlv nec-ssary that any one
should tell you that you need a few
doses of Chamberlain’s Cough Jtemedy
to allay the irritation of the throat, and
make sleep possible. It is good. Try it.
For sale by Odendah! Bros.
The boys b**nt on mischief Ha’
lowe'en night were somewhat hindered
In their efforts as the special marshall
force kept pretty close tab on them.
There were several attempts made to
have a bit of reckless fun but the officers
scattered their forces in almost every
Instance. Two or three out buildings
were upset which seemed to be the ex
tent of the damage done.
Oscar Gunarson and Mr. Youngquist
of Aarora, Neb. and B J. Swanson of
Viola, Illinois was in the city last Thurs
day and Friday and invested in some
Sherman county real estate. The tirst
two named gentlemen bought the four
hundred acre tract west of town, known
as the Barker estate, and which com
prises the pasture and hay land under
lease to Benschoter Bros, and- for
which they paid $12 50 per acre. Mr
Swanson, we understand, bought the
Adam Schaupp residence and pasture
land joining on the west They are
very pleasant gentlemen and will be
here again early in the spring. We un
derstand that Mr. Swanson intends to
peruusently locate here.
Mrs. G. W. Hunter has been on the
sick list this week.
Geo. Braminer of Bristol twp. was a
county seat visitor Wednesday.
A. Zink pays the highest
price for hogs.
Geo. Now berg of Sweetwater wrns in
the city Wednesday ou business.
A boy was oorn to Mr. and Mrs.
F. M Henry Friday November 1.
David Depew is hobbling around
on one foot at present. Dave tramped
on a nasty nail.
Liewis Wolf. Earnst de al Motte and
Herman Lade of Hazard township were
pleasant callers Wedmsdav. *
Otto Petersen's father of Iowa, arriv
ed in the city Wednesday evening to
visit his sons, Otto and Detlif.
A great quantity of water fell in Sher
man county last Saturday again
thoroughly soaking the ground.
Horse blankets of all grades
and at lowest prices at Owen’s
harness shop.
The poles for the new telephone line
are being set and the w ires placed. The
line will be ready for use in a very
short tine
Mr. Caldwell of the west side nad
the misfortune to run a large thorn tn
his Anger last Sunday. He came to
town for medical advice in regard to it.
Go to Frank Dennis when
you want the very best grade
of flour.
We learn our old friend Carl de la
Motte, of Hazard township was defeat
ed for asssesor, this fall after a seven
years successive incumbaney in that
C. M. Phelps, Forest dale, Vt. says his
child was completely cured of a bad
case of eczema by the use of DeWitt's
Witch Haze'. Salve. Beware of all
counterfeits. It instantly relelves piles.
— Odendabl Bros.
Mothers everywhere praise One Min
ute Cough Cure for the sufferings it has
relieved and the lives of their little
ones it has saved. Strikes at the root
of the trouble aud draws out the ic
tlamation. The children's favorite
Cough Cure.—Odendabl Bros.
DeWitt’s Little Early Risers never
disapoints. They are safe, prompt,
gentle, effective in removiug all impu
rities from the liver and bowels. Small
and easy to take. Never gripe or dis
tress.—Odendabl Bros.
Billy Rowe who has been working
with the B and M. carpenters, buildlDg
and repairing depots the past six
months came home last Saturday for a
few days visit. Mr. Rowe Informs us
that he will next go to Lead. S. D.
to build the new B and M. Depot ne
cessitated at that city by the company's
great improvements.
Dr. It. Bain of Drs. fiomine and
Bain, Dentists, St. Paul, purposes
visiting this eity once a month.
Those in need of Dental work be
sure and call on the doetor, as you
will find his prices reasonable and
all work done as painless as it
is possible to do. Be sure and
read bills. The Doctor will he here
one day only. Wednesday Nov.
13th. Office at St. Elmo Hotel.
T L. Pilgerhas his stock of merch
andise pretty well closed out and in a
few days will have his carpenters at
work fitting his store building for an
opera house. It will be wainscoted,
papered and otherwise fitted up. There
will he a stage in the rear and some
extra windows cut in the west side
which will afford a splended light in
day time, and at night he v/ill have the
building illuminated with the latest
improved gas gets. He also proposes
to put up a gas lamp of 1,200 candle
power in front of the bull.Slug and will
seat it with 400 opera chairs. This
building is the most spacious and con
venient one in town for that purpose
in North-West Nebraska, offers some
wonderfully good opportunities to the
man or woman with a little money to
invest in-irrigated land
Excellent irrigated land can be had
now for 812 to 815 an acre, but It Is
plain to those watching the develop
ment of the North Platte Valley that
this low price is just about to fade
* w ay.
The farmers of this valley are now
reaping a:i abundant harvest. Alfalfa,
corn, wheat and garden vegetables
yield good profits. There are also
good openings in the live steck busi
ness. If you are interested in the
North Piatte Valley, write for our
booklet describing it. It is free.
J- Erancis, G. P. a Burlington
Route, Omaha, Neb.
Look out tor the Original Nicola
Vaudeville Co. at Society Hall, Friday
Nov 15, 1001.
By the undersigned, on my farm,
on Section 12, 16, 16 in Wash’
ington township, on O-tober l,
1001, one roan winter calf with white
on belly and small hole in left ear.
Owner can have same by proving prop
ertv, paying for this notice and expense
of keeping.
Petek Larson
Loup City, Neb.
Two of our most popular young
people were joined iu the holy bonds
of wedlock at the home of the
brides parents, Mr. and Mrs. David
Doner, of Washington twp. Miss
Lenna Doner of Sherman county and
Mr. Claud E. Gusner of lower Cus
ter coun'.y, Neb. were the contract
ing parties.
Promptly at high noon of Wed
nesday October 30, 1901, the bridal
party filed into tbo beautiful and
well decorated parlor The bride
was attended by Miss May Peacock,
and Miss Dessic Gusner, while Lew
is and Arthur Gusner did the hon
ors ai groomsmen. They were pre
ceded by Rev. Appleton of Arcadia,
who later said the solemn words
which made them man and wife.
The happy couple were the reci
pients of many beautiful and useful
presents, after which congratula
lions were extended. The guests
were then conducted into the dining
room were a sumptuous wedding
dinner awaited them and all did
justice to the occasion.
As the sun sank low in the west
the guests once more wished the new
ly formed family a long, happy and
prosperous voyage down the river of
life and then departed for their re
spective homes. The Northwes
tern extends warmest congratula
tions and may they love and live
Tot Causes Might Alarm
‘‘One night my brother's baby was
taken with croup,'’ writes Mrs. J. 0.
Snider of Crittenden, Ky., “it seemed
it would strangle before we could get a
doctor, so we gave it Dr. King’s New
Discovery, which gave quick relief and
permanently cured it. We alw ays keep
it in the house to protect our children
from Croup and Whocping Cough. It
cured me of a chronic nronebial trouble
that no other remedy would relieve."
Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat
and Lung troubles. 50c and $1 00. Trial
bottles free at Odendahl Bros.
--♦ -
A farmers Institute will he held
in Loup Ciiy, Neb. on the 5-0 of
December 1901.
The management is putting forth
greater efforts tnis year than ever
before. The point has now been
reached where the Institute force
is no longer made up of volunteers,
whose personal interests may often
hinder their fulfilling the engage
ments made with the Institute man
agement; bnt the speakers are now
regularly engaged, and when adver
tised to speak. will be on hand.
In each instance the Institute
speaker has not only scientific
knowledge of the subject in hand,
but has also made a success in the
line it presents. This is deemed
necessary to the highest efficiency
in the work. In the selection of
these workers the superintendent
found himself in competition with
some of the most active Institute
managers in this country.
In securing the services of Hon*
M. F. Greeley and Mrs. Bertha D
| Laws, Superintendent E. A. Burnett,
brings to Nebraska, twoof the most
popular Institute workers ot the
United States,
The University Regents who have
this work in hand are determined to
push it to the front
If the Institute at Loup City is
not a success it will not be because
the Institute force is lacking in
energy, for eternal work is their
watch word.
L. N. S.
By the undersigned, on my farm, 9
miles south of Loup City, on the west
side of the river. A red barrow bog,
weight about 200 lbs. Cam“ to my
place about 30 days ago. Owner will
please come forward, prove property,
pay charges and take the animal,
William Christen.
Do you suffer from piles? If so do
not turn to surgery for r**lief DeWItt's
Witch Hazel Salve will act more quick
ly, surely and safely, saving you the ex
pense and danger of an operation.—
Odendshl Bros.
♦ • ♦
“I had long suffered from indiges
tion," writes G. A. LeDela, Cedar City,
No. ‘ Like others I tried many pre
parations but never found anything
that did me good until I took Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure. One bottle cured me.
A fiiend who had suffured similarly I
our on the use of Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. He is gaining fast and will soon
b* able to work. Before he used Kodol
Dyspepsia Cure indigestion had made
him a total wreck.—Odendahl Bios.
With all the gluten
wdodv fibre out
Recommended for Children and
Invalid* where delicacy and
ttwuruhrbciitui required
it all Reliable Grocer•
IK t l*. SAOCA6M.
It Ha|ip«ne<l In a Drag Store
“One c.ay last winter a lady coin* to
my d’lig store anil asked for a brand of
cough medicine that I did not have in
stock." says Mr C. K Grandin, the
popular druggist of Ontario, N. Y.
"f'he was disappointed and wanted to
know what cough preparation I could
recommend. I said to her that I could
freely recommend Chamberlain's Gough
Remedy aud <bat sbe could take a bot
tle of the remedy and after giving it a
fair trial If she did not find it worth the
money to bring hack the bottle and I
would refund the price paid In the
In the course of a day or two the lady
came back in company with a friend in
need of a cough medicine and advised
her to buy a bottle of Chamberlain's
Cough Keme iy. 1 consider tnat a very
good recommendation for the remedy."
The remedy owes Its great popularity
and extensive sale in a large measure to
thd personal recommendations of peo
ple who have been cured by its use It
is for sale by Odendahl Bros.
— ♦»♦- -■ —
Came Near trying.
"For three days and nights I suffered
agony untold from an attack of cholera
inorbus brought on by eating cucum
bers,’'says M. E. Lowther, clerk of the
district court, Centerville, Iowa. “1
thought I should surely die, and tried
a dozen different medicines but all to
no purpose I sent for a bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic Cholera and Diar
rhoea Remedy and three doses relieved
me entirely. I went to sleep and did
not awake for eight hours. Gn awak
ening a few hours ago I felt so grati
fied that the first work I do on going to
the manufacturers of this remedy and
offer them my grateful thanks ami sav ,
‘God bless you and the splended medi
cine you make" This remedy is for
sale by Odendahl Bros.
The Hawaiian woman’s club at Hono
lulu,debated the question: "Is it bet
ter to take Rocky Mountain Tea hot or
cold?" Either way it magnifies your
pleasure, Ask your druggist
A Fi«*n<fiftli Attack
An attack was lately made on 0. F.
Collier of Cherokee. Iowa, that uearly
proyed fatal. It csme through bis kid
neys Ills back got so lame he could
not stoop without great pain, nor sit in
a chair except propp"d'by cushions.
No remedy helped him until he tried
Electric Bitters which effected such a
wonderful change that he writes he
feels like a new man. This marvelous
medicine cures backache and kidney
trouble, purifies the blood and builds
up your health Only 50c at Odendahl
Stepped Into Live Coals
“When a child I burned my foot
frightfully,” writes W. II. Eads, of
Jonesville, Va., “which caused horrible
leg sores for 30 years, but Bueklen's
Arnica Salve wholly cured me after
everything else failed.” Infallible for
Burns, Scalds, Cuts. Sore*, Bruises and
Piles. Sold by Odendahl Bros.
| __
fltodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
A new remedy for b liousness is now
on sale at Odendahl’s drug storrf. It is
called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
fablers It give* quick relief and will
prevent the attack if given ns soon as
the first indication of the disease ap
pears. Price, 25 cent* per box. Sam
ples free at Odendahl Bros.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
Don’t Be Fooledi
Take the genuine, original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co., Madison, Wis. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price, 35 cents. Never sold
in bulk. Accept no substl
aao.p.AATiDt.u tute. Ask your druggist.
OFFICE.-One d< o «ea of Odendahl's
DruK Store
of Omaha i
lias located In
The Strength
* . of a store lies not in the vast
• amount of advertising it
J may do but in the accuracy
,• with which it fulfills its adver
tised promises. Aud just so
the secret
Of True Economy
lies in dealing with a house in
whose word you can place ab
„ solute confidence—the house
that has no string tied to its
offerings. Test every store
with this rule. We are wil
ling to stand or fall upon the
merits and the low prices,
which indicate the general
character of our stock.
You can trade with us through our Mail Order Department with
perfect satisfaction. If you liavn’t a Catalog send for one.
Towards which the eyes of the world
are turned; where great opportunities
are open to everyone, is best and quick
est reached by the
No better trains in the world than those
run via this line.
For full information call on or address
A. J. CLIFTON, Agent.
by our new invention. Only those born deaf are incurable.
Baltimore, Md., March 30, 190:.
GentUmrn : — Being entirely cured of deafness, thanks to your treatment, I will now give you
a full history' of my case, to tie used at your discretion.
About five yea’rs ago my right ear began to sing, and this kept on getting worse, until I lost
my hearing in this ear entirely.
I underwent a treatment for catarrh, for three months, without any success, consulted a num
ber of physicians, among others, the most eminent ear specialist of this citv, who told me that
only an operation could help me, and even that only temtiorarily, that the head noises would
then cease, but the hearing in the affected ear would be lost forever.
I then saw your advertisement accidentally in a New York paper, and ordered vour treat
ment. After I had used it only a few days according to your directions, the noises ceased, and
to-dav, after five weeks, my hearing in the diseased ear has been entirelv restored. I thank you
heartily and beg to remain Very truly yours.
V. A. WERMAN, 730 S. Broadway, Baltimore, Md.
Our treatment does not interfere with your usual occupation.
Lewis Oek-rtnan, Goshen, Ind: “Be
Witt’s Li 'tie Early Risers never bend
me donb'e lik^ oilier pills, l ut do their
work thoroughly and make me teel like
a boy.'' Certain thorough, gentle.—
Odendahl Bros.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public.
Will Defend in Foreclosure Casa*.
General Real Estate Business.
Office In Nohthwestkhh Building,
Sold by T. II. KLSNKIt, Loup City, Nob
CHARACTER and good reputation in eaoh
state (one in this county required) to rep.
recent and advertise old established weal
thy business bouse of solid financial stand,
lng. Salary 118.(10 weekly with expense*
additional, nil payable in cash each Wed
nesday direct from head offices. Horse and
carriage furuished when necessary. Refer
ences, Enclose self addressed stamped en
velope Manager, 310 Caxton molding,
Chicago. sepl 1 Ww
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City. Portland,
St. Louis, Han Frauelaco,
anti all points ami all point*
East, and South. West.
No \< Passenger. h:06 a m
No (,o Freight ...M.aopltu
v .. .. tlOINU WEST
M I i»H«on/-pr 4 n m
No M. Freight. ...:. . V. iSnStr
Sleeping, dinner ami reel I mug chair cars
r,T».", trilnS. Tlckew
sold and baggage cheeked to any point In
the Hinted Nimes or Canada. ^
"WJW. time tallies and
tickets call on or write to R. I,. Arthut
Agen OI J.FUVMOJ*, U.. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
N... so leaves daily axcepi sumlav mass
euger). 8 <io a ip 1 *'*»
No MS leaves Monday, Wedoeadav aod
Friday, <0.Uo,l) | -u ,, ‘“y “"a
No Ho loaves I'oesiiev, Thursday and
•on Urduy, (mlxedl‘1 n ui *
T.mis p ",7 lv'"' '’»>’cpi Sunday (mixed
e„NM«rrr“w pVm ‘u,,y »***Vi*M
W, l». Our ton,