The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, November 01, 1901, Image 5

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    The Northwestern
I1KO. K. ItKNHCHQTKK, » Edllnri unci
GEO. II GIBSON, i Fulillitliers
TERMS:—41.Ou pkh yeah. if paid in advancf
Kntered at the Loup Cltv I’ostu&lce fur trar. s
mission through the mails as second
claas matter.
For Jiuls'i of the Supreme Court:
For Regents of the State Unit er set y:
Fur County Treasurer.
For County Clerk.
For County Judge,
for Sheriff,
For Superintendent,,
K. C. KIItK.
For Surveyor,
For Coroner,
For Supervisor.
D. 0, GROW.
For A lessor.
For Justices of th-- Peace,
For Constable,
Wealth is rapidly becoming more
evenly distrihuted throughout the re
public. Even W. ,J. Br\an, the
‘peonyless lawyer’ of ls'.n; and peer
less leader of the plain people, is
worth 1500,hub in "old.
The populists have held all the
i diet s in gheruiun e> mill for the
past ,en years. Wnuld’nt il lie a
s< nsible idea t > break iuto this eirie
once and sen how neuters look
through a different political lenze.
It has hem said that G IJ. Gib
son expects to carry this election
through personal friendship. Well
that is very true. No man’s enemies
vote for him to any appreciable ex
tent, and Gibson is proud of the
charge that he has so many staunch
and true friends.
A few veins ago tbe cry went out
from populists that it was not good
to have an entire republican supreme
court, therefore the people were
asked to elect a populist to that
body so that it might, be of differ
eut political faiths. This tear we
are confronted with the same
conditions, only if the fuisionists
elect their man it will be an entite
fusion body, bet the people stop
and consider a moment, wether the
old cry of a mixture of political be
liefs is not still a good thing in that
\V. .]. Bryan delivered a long ha
rangue at Broken Bow last week,
deploring the fact that in ’00 he car
ried that county by more than 1.000
votes, while in 1900 his majority fell
below 100 . He said that his party
was shooting at the heads and
hearts of the people while the l?s
publican party shot at their atom
achs and won. Mr. Bryan never
made a truer statement.
His party endeavored to shoot pre
judice and party hatred into the
people regardless of the wellfare of]
the home and tlreside, regardless of
whither there was flour in the barrel
and shoes on the little ones feet.
He sowed distinction, hunger and
jags among 70 million free people
and cried aloud, while he lived u| -
on the fat of the land, that they
should he content to starve for the
privilege of following him. But
they turned their hack upon him
and were tilled, and 1>» in 1900 they
swept the Bryan falacy from the
face of the earth and did it upon
full stomachs. He may be able to
work upon the prejudices of Hie
credulous, hut to offer the people a
stone and sav lie ye tilled, will nev
«■ r scud him to the white hoii-c.
B:\an the idol, is shattered and the
masses were the Iconoclasts. 11 s
■useless verbiage is uttered in Hie
same strain it was ten years ago,
mil here are less willing cars to
tioar now than (’alni deliber
ation and a replenished larder has
fobbed him of his charms. His
prophecies litre «• intent from Hu
minds i 1‘ the |> ople and hit p tlii t
would make theit h.nben er/ fi>i
t bread, hut his wail that has gout
; out in the wil lerueas, to uumv back
to the fold, wiil fail it|ton dertf ears
, The blind has seen and the deaf has
beard, and theii <vudusioas jode
1 no good for '1 r. Br\ an.
KOOK VI 1,1. r. I".l >t 151.! X.s
(J. W. Fletcher of llueluj, was
i seen on our streets shaking Lands
i . b
j with old fiivuus Wediusday after
I noon.
0. I. Price arrived Lome Thurs
day evening fr >ru a short visit to
Lis ranch.
Mr. Hud Mt'. Vn*. M trc\ of L tup
City, visit- d Mr. and Mrs. V*’. M.
Sincisor hen* Tnumhu afternoon.
An informal party was held at
: tin* home of Mr. ami Mrs 6. ,J Fan
Thursday evening. A sort of
‘house-warming' in honor of the new
addition just completed.
Mr. Frank Naville left here Fri
day afternoon for In' h one at Wood
River, Neb., utter u short sojourn
among ns as special agent of the R
Mr. ai.d Mrs. 11. C. Mead of St.
Paul, came up Friday evening and
spent Sunday with Mrs. Mead's
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Niels Jensen
U. H. Tucker and Mr. Fowler of
Arcadia wan- here Saturday evening
and took in the dance.
Fid. Arihaud of Ashton was also
in attendance at 1 e Grand Pali Sat*
unlay night.
Ira Pugh ai d familt v.inie down
fn m Loup t’itv Sn»urday and spent
Sunday with .Mr-. Pugh’s 1 Hunts
Mr and Mrs J. I, Grey.
1), C. Pri'-e ■ .!<• i• t • .'.' iveotta
Saturday 1 \ t g I to. k the ‘O’
fur Anally.. '■* v.«r. tas j at uta. ’I hi
gentleman ;rr; .cd hoot; Monday
Mrs. ( arl Treffer left Monday
morning for Bl. ir, Ncl). where shi
goes to visit her parents.
Mr. ari l Mrs. Niels Liudberg of
L .ramie, Wyo, left Monday morn
ing on their wav home after a fort
nights visit with Mrs. Luidberg'fc
father, Mr. J. P. Jensen.
Free Dance! There is to be a fiee
dance in the Woodmen flail, on
Friday evening, Nov, 1st. Don't
miss it!
Harry Ails, of [Indus, >v.ts in our
burg Monday evening.
Mr. Hacker of Grand Island was
in our city Tuesday try ing to raise a
music clans. But—no go.
James Rentfrow left Tuesda'
afternoon for a visit at Omaha.
A. H. Fletcher shipped a car load
of pork -ers to S nth omatia, Tues
If. I). Hendiickson of Roup Oitv,
was here Tuesday looKing after his
personal interests.
U. No Me.
To Polish Furniture.
Spirits of camphor will remove the
white spots on polished wood surfaces
made from spilling of spirits or from
too hot plates. The camphor must be
wiped off quickly, and afterward the
surface should be rubbed with a soft
cloth, upon which a few drops of good
furniture polish has been poured.
Dentists for Fubllc Schools.
In Strassburg and other German
cities dentists have been officially ap
pointed for the public schools. In
soma parts of Bavaria per cent, of
school children were found to have
| carious teeth.
liosSoi Dyspepsia Cure
J Digests what you eat#
I*ro« ratoi Trew Bearing Frnlt.
A peculiar sight seen on many farms
in Allegheny county, N. Y., this year
is that of large apple trees lying flat
on the ground, yet loaded down with
blossoms. These trees—and there are
hundreds of them—were uprooted by
the severe ice-storm last winter.
Now Sr>itom of Telegraphy.
A Hungarian engineer named Eu
gene Zolian has invented a new sys
tem of telegraphy by which he claims
to be able to connect one wire with
as many as eighty apparatus and tele
graph the r ;n-” number of messages
simultaneously. Exhaustive tests are
to be made of his method.
Itoanetful r.ut Co<t'j-.
The old-fashioned brocade ind rich
silks and satins: the tine embroideries
in shaded silks, and (be painted chif
fons and games, make the evening and
tinner gowns of today things of rare
beauty, but great price.
!UI •« « Uinr\% of C<«ws.
British farmers and dairymen are to
j < ay milking over 4,000.000 rows, and
producing annually in thair dairies
: .£ 22 UOU.OOO worth of milk, butter and
h>ucc«ftti&K a Now Ono.
I The cKy might do a nice little
stroke of business by charging pedes
trians for walking on the shady sld
of the streets.—New York Wnr'-t
Tito ll'iworr Heats the TTorld.
In a small two-story building with
a basement on the bowery are three
aspiring ooupants, although the spare
occupied by each is not much larger
than health requires. Over the en
tarnce to the store is this sign:
“Cheapest hardware store on earth.”
Over the entrance to the basement is
this sign: “Cheapest barber shop in
the world.” Over the entrance leading
to the second story is this: “Cheapest
restaurant on the planet.”
John Wlellffo"* Mnnu*crfpfci.
Manuscripts of John Wicllffe's trans
lation of th< Bible into English are of
extreme rarity, and even imperfect
specimens occur only at very long and
irregular intervals. One came up for
sale In London recently. Although In
complete, wanting the greater portion
of the Old Testament, it comprises the
whole of the New Testament. The
MS. extends to 2d0 loaves, and Is the
work of an English scribe of about
1410, and the text collates exactly
wlih the “Later Version,” as reprinted
from the Royal MS. in the British
Museum, under the editorship of Sir
I'. Madden and the Itev. Josiah For
shacl, in 1J450. The MS., written in
tlm old English black letter, is In ex
cellent pi • s , vat ion, 32 of the pages
are richly Illuminated with ornamental
capitals and borders in burnished gold
and colors. The volume is of special
Interest because it was written at a
time when the mere reproduction of
the Bible was an offense forbidden un
der very severe penalties. It realized
Mrs' M;:.'Unloi's Kindly Orootlne to a
Little Clnji.
A New York woman, who spent a
' *w w< cks In Washington just before
he Fn ident start! .1 on the trip which
• fi: i .■> disastrously for his wife,
ail a littl story which illustrates
Mia. McKinley's sweet ways with chil
di < ii. One morning the New Yorker
went out with a friend to look at the
White House. While they were there
tl y heard ihat Mrs. McKinley was
soon ti take her daily drive, and de
cided to wait and see her. Quite a
crowd of people were there for the
same purpose, and among them was
a well-dressed woman with a child, a
manly little chap about 4 years old,
with an attractive face framed in light
golden curls. Presently Mrs. McKin
ley came out. She bowed very gra
ciously to the crowd several times and
then started for her carriage. Sud
denly Ehe caught sight of the little
boy and went back to where he stood.
She slopped, bent down, and began to
talk- to him. The New York woman
was fortunate enough to hear a part
of the conversation. "1 know who you
are,” the little boy said, and, meeting
her smile, he went on, “You’re the
Piesident’s wife.” “And who are
you?’ said Mrs. McKinley, “My
name’s Arthur,” answered the boy. “I
want to he President, too, some day.”
'That's right. Arthur,” said Mrs. Mc
Kinley, “littler beys than you have
grown up to be presidents. Mr. Mc
Kinley was even littler than you are
once.” Then the first lady of the land
gave little Arthur a warm kiss, bade
him good by. and went on to her car
riage.—New York Times.
Cenaiui Bhnwi lint It« I’lipulatlun Is
Catching l'»> to Mnnliattan'a.
Table 10 of Censua Bulletin 65 shows
the growth of N< w York city's popu
lation, and brings forcibly to notice
the fact that when it comes to actual
growth, Manhattan island is a sure
enough s’ow place when compared to
lively and progressive Brooklyn, By
tho census of 1700 there were eight in
habitants of Manhattan Island to each
one of Brooklyn. In the next years
New York increased nearly 100 per
cent and after that until 1830 New
York grew the faster of the two. In
i»30 there were 202,000 inhabitants on
Manhattan Island and 20,000 only in
Brooklyn—10 to 1. In the next decade
Now York increased50 per cent; Brook
lyn increase 100. Between 1840 and
1850 New York nearly doubled in
population, Brooklyn more than
By 1860 New York was up to 800 000,
four times more than in 1830, while
Brooklyn was up to 280,000, ten times
more than it was thirty years before.
During the next decade, including the
civil war. New York gained 120,000 in
habitants, Brooklyn gained 140,000. In
1850 New York pass d the million
mark; Brooklyn a fraction short of
600,000. By the last census Manhattan
had 1,850.000 and Brooklyn 1,166,000,
md at the present ratio of growth,
v. l ich has been continuous in both
boroughs since 1850, it is merely a
question of time when Brooklyn will
be the- more populous borough of the
two. Tiie ar i of Manhattan is 13,
) r , and of Brooklyn 30,000, or
three ti. cp as large, and the oppor
initi- of .-rowth and development
are, t' much greater in Brook
lyn bt h than !u Manhattan.—New
York Sun.
( am prepared to make hydraulic or easing wells and
Pianos, Organs, Sewing Machines, Washing Machines, and Threshing Machines.
T- jV3. RE1 J, Loup City, Neb.
What’s Your face Worth?
Sometime.* a f>> tune, but never, if
you bttVG a sallow eouu'l xioii. A .1 ■*'i'
di ed look, moth pitches and bloteln
on the ekio.—all signs of Liver 1 i 'hit*
But I>r. Kind’s New Life lML
Clear hkRosy ‘"funks. Rich '’••in
plexlon. Only 25 c-iits at O let1 t -d
CHARACTER ana good rBpuiatt m In each
state (one In thU county required) tf> rep
resent and auvertlsu old established weal
thy Imsim ss house Of Solid financial at and
mg. Salary sis.00 weekly with expenses
atUlltional, all payable in cash each Wed
nesday direct from t he head offices. Hcrse
and carriage furnished, when neci stmry
References. Enclose m li addressed
tamped envelope. Maunger, Hit; Caxlon
BulVlug, Chicago.
KodoE Dyspepsia Curo
Digests what you eat.
Department of the Interior,
Land OUlce al Lincoln, Neh. i
Sept. 9, 1901. f
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler has filed nolics of his inten
tion to make final proof In support of liis
claim, and that said proof will lie made be
fore J. A. Angler, County Judge, at
Loup City, Nebraska, on October doth 1901,
viz: Call de la Motte, heir at law of
Carl de la Motte, deceased, Homestead
entry No. for the North West
Quarter of Section 8, Township
18, Range 15. West. He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation »f said
land, viz: Jo Ksbhahn. Adolph Starke
and Aduin Schneider of Hazard, Nebr |
and Henry XV. Haller, of Litchfield, Neb
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Makes Assimilation perfect, healthy
blood, linn muscles, strong nerves '
Quickens the brain, mikes and keeps:
you well. Great medicine Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35c.. Ask your drugg isi
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestauts and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation ofgason the stom
ach, relieving all distress after eating;
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
It can’t Eielp
hut do ycu good
Prepared only hvF. C. PfWitt4 <’o., < 'hlcac *
Tbu 41. bottle contains 2X times the 50c. si»
For sail hv OUKSPAHL UUOS.,
ry;iorl**nr<* In I.ore.
of cn
n the
con) os
t bout
An Atchison girl who is in love for I
the ■ nth time p
ticc uny diff
he doesn’t no
> attacks, ex
ore than she
\ curling her
'son Globe.
\ -
ot‘ Architects, in
n to qualify as
« two girls have
\Y examinations.
associates, and air
snccessfully passed^
One of the English
ths.t t1, >o is a real^^Vj for thr girl
arc-hit** t ir the mitt of domestic
ar< i it■-■•i re, and ve^ , s to predict
fane and a inure to tH i ’rl wh > pro
vide:,, v . first hM\ heat 'd and
WO: 1: i v.-i ../.it wit®\ ctrlcity.
tics observes
T!. •
tc:' : •
hint w
lav; n :
to C( ;
hi ..
b ;t til
ordering a strike.”
■ “nett ( Ea
girl has a novell
her sweetheart.'
ter the flowers and
over ivory evening
-fends i>y and
ish> thinks that is1
young man is thlnkll
G. f~i.
Loup City,
and Lpticiap.
GO &.«
President OuUm
Genera! Banking
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard [National Bank, INew York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, NaferaaftMap
•We afe Headquarters for
We bare every appliance for making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. Our charges are reasonable
our prices are right. We have added a feed grinder L> our
business and are prepared to do custom work or furnish
ground feed at reasonable rates.