TAL MAGE'S SERMON. THE CALL TO GLADNESS. LAST SUN DAYS SUBJECT. T«*t: Genesis Vis 18: “Come," Also Revelations XXII: 17: "Come”—The Kolace or the Christian Faith—Two Things to Relieve. 1 [Copyright, 1901, by Louis Klopsrh, N. Y.[ Washington, Oct. 20.—In this dis course Dr. Talmagc calls all people to gladness and opens all the doors of expectancy; texts. Genesis vi, 18, ■'Come;” Revelations xxii, 17, “Come.” Imperial, tender and all persuasive Is the word "Coine.” Six hundred and seventy-eight times it is found In the Scriptures. It stands at the front gate of the Bible, as in my first text, Invit ing antediluvians into Noah’s ark, and it stands at the other gate of the Bible as in my second text, inviting the post dlluvlans of all later ages into the ark of a Savior’s mercy. “Come ’ is only a word of four letters, but it is the queen of words, and nearly the entire nation of English vocabulary bows to its scepter. It is an ocean into which empties ten thousand rivers of mean ing. Other words drive, but this beck ons. All moods of feeling hath that word "Come.” Sometimes it weeps and sometimes it laughs. Sometimes it prays, sometimes it tempts, and sometimes it destioys. It sounds from the door of the church and from the seraglios of sin, from the gates of hea ven and the gates of hell. It is con fluent and accrescent of all power. It is the heiress of most of the past and the almoner of most of the future. "Come!” You may pronounce it so that all the heavens will be heard in its cadences or pronounce it so that all the woes of time and eternity shall reverberate in its one syllable. It Is on the lip of saint and profligate. It Is the mightiest of all aolkitanta either for good or bad. Slain by the Word “Come.” You must remember that in many cases our “Come” has a mightier “Come” to conquer before It has any effect at all. Just g.ve me the accu rate census, the statistics of how many are down in fraud, in drunkenness, in gambling, in impurity or in vice of any sort, and I will give you the ac curate census or statistics of how many have been slain by the word “Come.” “Come and click wineglasses with me at this ivory bar.” “Come and see what we can win at this gaming table.” “Come, enter with me this doubtful speculation!” “Come with me and read those infidel tracts on Christian ity.” “Come, with me to a place of had amusement,” “Come with me In a gay bout through the underground life of the city.” If in this city there are twenty thousand who are down in moral character, then twenty thousand fell under the power of the word “Come.” I was reading of a wife whose husband had bsen overthrown by strong drink, and she went to the saloon where he was ruined, and she )gaid, “Give me back my husband.” And the bartender, pointing to a maudlin and battered man drowsing in the cor ner of the barroom, said: “There he is. Jim, wake up; here’s your wife come for you.” And the woman said: “Do you call that my husband? What have you been doing with him? Is that the manly brow, is that the clear eye, is that the noble heart, that I married? What vile drug have you given him that his turned him into a fiend? Take your tiger claws off of him. Uncoil those serpent folds of evil habit that are crushing hirn. Give me back my husband, the ono with whom r stood at the altar ten years ago. Give him back to me.” Victim was he, as many millions of others have been, of the word “Come!” Made Right with God. With that word which has done so much for others I approach you today. Are you right with God? “No,” you say, “I think not; I am sometimes alarmed when I think of him; I fear 1 will net be ready to meet him in the last day; my heart is not right with God.” Come then and have it made right. Through the Christ who died to save you. come! What is the use of waiting? The longer you wait the fur ther off you are and the deeper you are down. Strike out for heaven! ^You remember that a few years ago a steamer called the Princess Alice, with a crowd of excursionists aboard, sank in the Thames, and there was an awful sacrifice of life. A boatman from the shore put out for the rescue, and he had a big boat, and he got it so full it would not hold another parson, and as he laid hold of the oars to pull for tho shore, leaving hundreds helpless and drowning, he cried out, "Oh, that I had a bigger boat!” Thank God that I am not thus limited and that I can promise room for all In this gospel boat. Get in; get in! And yet there is room. Room In the heart of a par doning God. Room in heaven. There Is No Kscape. I also apply the wo.d of my text to those who would like practical com fort. If any ever escape the struggle of life, I have not found them. They are not certainly among the pro-porous classes. In most cases it was a strug gle all the way up till they reached the prosperity, and since they have reach ed these heights there have beer per plexities, anxieties and crises which were almost enough to shatter the nerves and^turn the brain. It would be bard te tell which have the biggest fight in this world, the prosperities or the adversities, the conspicuitlfs or the obscurities. Just as soon as /oil have enough success to attract the attention of others the envies and jealousies are let loose fiom their kennel. The great est crime that you can commit in the 1 estimation of others Is to git on bet ter than they do. They think your addition is their subtraction. Fire hundred persons start for a goal of success; one reaches it, and the other four hundred and ninety-nine are mad. It would take volumes to hold the story of the wrongs, out-ages and de famations that have come upon you | as a result of your success. The warm sun of prosperity brings into life a swamp full of annoying insects. On the other hand, the unfortunate classes have their struggles for maintenance. To achieve a livelihood by one who had nothing to start with, and after awhile for a family as well, and carry this on until children are reared and educated and fairly started In the world, and to do this amid all the rivalries of business and the uncer tainty of crops and the fickleness of tariff legislation, with an occasional labor strike and here and there a financial panic thrown in, is a mighty thing to do, and there are hundreds and thousands of such heroes and heroines who live unsung and die un honored. Kolard Almighty. Why, then, you are an heir or an heiress of an inherltanre that will declare divi i detids from now until long after the | stjrs are dead. Hallelujah! Prinoc of Hod. why do you not come and take your coronet? Princess of the Lord Almighty, why do you not mount your throne? Pass up into the light. Your boat is anchored, why do you not go ashore? Just plant your feet down hard, and you will feel under them the Rock of Ages. I challenge the uni verse for one instance in which a man in the right spirit appealed for the salvation of the gospel and did not get it. Man alive, you are going to let ail the years of your life go away with you without your having this great peace, this glorious hope, this bright expect ancy? Are you going to let the pearl of great price lie in the dust at your feet because you are too indolent or too proud to stoop down and pick it up? Will you wear the chain of evil habit when near by you is the hammer that could with one stroke snap the shackle? Will you stay in the prison of sin when here is a gospel key that could unlock your incarceration? No, no! Mnglr of a Word. As the one word "Como" has some times brought many souls to Christ, 1 will try the experiment of piling up into a mountain and then send down in an avalanche of power many of these gospel “Comes." “Come thou and all thy house into the ark." “Come unto me all ye who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” “Come, for all things are now ready.” “Come with us. and we will do you good." “Come and see." “The Spirit and the bride say ‘Come,’ and let him that is athirst come.” The stroke of one bell in a tower may be sweet, but a score of bells w'ell tuned and rightly lifted and skillfully swung in one great chime till the heavens with music al most celestial. And no one who has heard the mighty chimes in the towers of Amsterdam or Ghent or Copenhagen can forget them. Now, it seems to me that in this Sabbath hour all heaven is chiming, and the voices of departed friends and kindred ring down the sky, saying, “Come!” The angels who never fell, bending from sapphire thrones, are chanting “Come!” Yea, all the towers of heaven, tower of martyrs, tower of prophets, tower of apostles, tower of evangelists, tower of the tem ple of the Lord God and the Lamb, aro chiming, “Come! Come!” Pardon for all and peace for all and heaven for all who will come. BIG HOTEL S CAPACITY. New York Hostelry That Taken Care of Thousand* of Guest* Dully. Neither the bigness nor the com pleteness of a big hotel is appreciated by the patron who finds his interest satisfied with the accommodations which it furnishes. He knows in a general way that it may be a dozen stories high and several cellars deep, and that the thousand or more guests are attended by servants on every hand, and when he pays his bill he believes that the charges are exorbi tant. One of these hotels, which differs from the others chiefly in degree, represents an investment of $15,000, 000. The 1,100 bedrooms and 750 bath rooms in it are so constructed by a series of inner courts that each opens to the outer air. It has several eon cert halls and theaters, three great ballrooms, and, in addition to its pub lic dining room, wdiere, during the horse show week, for instance, 10,000 people are served daily, it has a series of private dining rooms which are ar ranged for from ten to 1,000 persons. In the largest ball room in this hotel was given one night last winter the charity ball, attended by 3,500 people, to whom supper was served, and on the same evening, in other parts of the hotel, were in progress two con certs, a dinner of an association of 300 men and a dozen smaller dinner parties in private din ng rooms, each isolated so completely that no one of the 1,500 regular guests need know of it.—Alnslee's Magazine. One of Wellington'* Officer*. On good authority soldiers like best to be officered by gentlemen, but they have their choice of the type. Of the right kind was Gen. Crawford, of the Light Division. An incident in his career during one of the Wellington wars shows him to have been rich in that justice which commands respect from equals and loyalty from infe riors; in a word, he kep): discipline without regard to rank. His division was crossing a ford on one of the Span ish marches and an officer, to keep his breeches dry, rode through on a sol dier’s back. Crawford observed the thing with disgust, and in a minute was splashing through the water after them both. ‘‘Put him down, sir!” he shouted. ‘‘Put him down! I desire you to put that officer down instant ly!” The soldier dropped him and went on. ‘‘Return back, sir!” Craw ford said to the officer, "and go through the water like the others. I will not allow my officers to ride upon the men’s backs through the rivers; all must take their share alike here.”— Youth’3 Companion Trees which have grown on a north ern exposure, as on the north side of a hill, produce better, harder and more durable lumber than those which have been pampered by the southern sun. The Egyptians used pencils of col ored chalk, and several of these an cient crayons have been found in their tombs. INDAY SCHOOL. LESSON V. NOV. 3 GEN. 50:15-26 DEATH OF JOScHH. (aoideu Text “so Tf*a<'!i I * to \nmh;t Our Diijn, rhilt \V« May Apply Our Hearts Into Wisdom** Fun. 90: 1*4. THE S Time.—The migration into Egypt. It. C. 1706. Jacob's death and burial. It. C. 1659 Joseph's death. B. C. 1635. Place,—'1 he land ot viosht n in Egypt. (1) Probably the Wady Tumilat, extend iiiK from the modern Ismallla, on Bake Tlmsnh, westward about eighty miles, to the eastern branch of the Nile. It Is watered by the Sweetwater Canal, run ning from the Nile to Suez. It Is a few miles wide at its western end and gradu ally narrows toward the east. It is stfll Olio of the most beautiful districts of Egypt.—F. w. Dawson In Kgypt and Syria. <2) Others regard It as a larger district, extending north and south of this Wady. Jacob was l lo years old when he went down into Kgypt. He lived there seven teen years and died in 16*9, aged 147, anti was buried in the cave of Muchpelah near Hebron. I. Jacob's Death Causes His Sons to Fear Joseph.—V. 15. "Saw." Realized "Joseph will • • • Hate us." They Judged hint by themselves. "All the evil." See Oen. 37:23-3*. 1. The only way to really get away from the effect of wrongdoing is to have It for given. 2. One reason why many persons will hot take God at his word is because llwy judge hint by themselves. II. Joseph's Brothers l’lead for Mercy. Vs. 16-1*. hi. "They sent a messenger." Benjamin was probably sent from Gosh en to Memphis. "Thy father did com mand ' The brothers, fearing the wrath tif Joseph, had probably spoken to their father concerning the future, and he had given the command, although we have no record of It. Compare the threat of Ksau, Gelt. 27:11 III. Joseph Comforts Ills Brothers.—Vs 1!'-2I. 19. "Am I In Ihe place of God?" That Is, Am I to act as Judge and pun ish? Judge are sometimes in Hebrew even called God (as in Ex. 21:6; 22:S, 9; 1 Ham. 2:25), as exercising Ids authority.— Handy Com. "Joseph understands, with perfect clearness, that we ought to for give those who have injured us. that to take revenge is to usurp God's preroga tive. No New Testament writer under stands tins more clearly than he.”—Pro fessor Beecher, IV. Joseph's Life Reviewed.—Vs. 22, 23. 22. "An hundred and ten years." "Among the Egyptians this was the ideal length of life. In a court poem addressed to Heti II., the writer assures him: 'Thou -halt dwell one hundred and ten years on the earth.' I lerrel says It Is the number of years invariably adopted when n long and happy existence Is sought In prayer. See Tomkins' Notes on the Life of Jo seph."—Dods. His life may be divided Into three sections, viz., seventeen years spent at home, thirteen years as a slave, eighty years as second ruler In the king dom. "And now we leap over an Interval of sixty-one years, during which all we know of Joseph and tils brethren Is con tained In these two verses."—W. M. Taylor. V. Joseph's Death.-Vs. 24-26. 24. "I die.” Willingly or unwillingly, this Is the thought that every ofie must entertain some time. Joseph could look forward to Ills death without a tremor. "Dying he comforts others, manifests his own faith in God.”—Gray. "God will surely visit you.” Not In wrath and anger because of your sin, but to fulfill his promises to "Abraham to Isaac and to Jacob." 25. "Joseph took an oath • * * ye shall carry up my bones from hence.” "Joseph. In faith (Hob 11:221 in the prom ises of God (Gen. 46:4). prophesies the Exodus and commands the removal of his own body accordingly. So strong is his faith in the event that he does not com mand them to carry him immediately to Canaan. Or, perhaps lie knows that after his death there would he no one with sufficient authority to carry out such a command."—Alford. "Joseph says in effect, 'Keep my hones in Kgypt. Ye shall carry them Indeed to Canaan, but not in a more funeral procession, as the hones of my father have gone. Iti tri umph. not tn sadness, shall they go; not as to a grave In a cave, but as to the broad and beautiful land of promise.’ There was nothing for Joseph to attach Ills faith to hut th<’ simple word of God. And yet, when he is dying, and secs all hope dead around him, he calmly says. God will surely visit you, and ye shall carry up my bones from hence. Of this It is ild In Hebrew, 'By faith Joseph, when he died, made mention of the de parting of the children of Israel uttd gave commandment concerning his bones.' 1. Over all the softness of mere natural sentiment. 2. Over the tyranny of pres ent advantage. 3. Over deficiencies in spiritual knowledge. 4. Over the feeble ness of human influence. 5. Over the mys teries of failure. Compare Ex. 13:19; Josh. "It Is clear that when Joseph was dy ing, his thoughts were not engrossed by his own concerns, although he was on the borders of the everlasting world. His mind was at perfect ease concerning his own state, but he did what he could to console the hearts of his brethren, and of all his father's house, whom his death was depriving of their last earthly friend. Ho does not refer them to any new dis coveries made to himself, hut to the well known promises made to Abraham and Isaac and Jaccb.”—Professor Bush. Illustration. Joseph’s faith reminds us of Jeremiah's land purchase many cen turies later. We read in Jeremiah 32:8-15 that the prophet during the siege bought n piece of land on which the Chaldean army were encamped, showing his per fect faith In the Word of God which he preached and In the promise of a return from captivity. The deeds were written on a clay tablet, us In Nlnevah at that time. This reminds us of the Roman, who, nearly four hundred years later, bought, at Its full price, the land on which Hannibal’s army was encamped outside the gates of Rome. See Livy XXVI., 11. Both are good illustrations of faith. Conclusion. Joseph: A Character Study. When those who have left an impress on their times pass away It Is customary to carefully review their life and char acter for the purpose of handing down to succeeding generations the lesson to be learned therefrom. The character of Joseph belongs to all times and to all lands. How then can we more fittingly close our study of his life than by con sidering the roots of his character, and, If possible, discover the tap root by which It was built up anil sustained? WISE OR OTHERWISE. Some husbands are domestic and some are Imported. It is the little troubles that wear away a man’s conceit. Wish for pluck instead of luck, then 30 to work and success Is yours. Selfishness is the father of misery and jealousy is the mother-in-law. Revenge may be sweet or it may be bitter. It depends on who gets it. When one calls another a liar it may result in a job for the undertaker. | AN ELEPHANT’S SKIN. Thick as a. Plank, but Can Be Grafted. We have all heard of skin being grafted on to human brings, but of all wonderful surgical achievements that of grafting a square yard of skin on to an injured elephant is certainly the most wonderful on record. This lat est tiiumph of animal surgery was performed on a circus elephant named Helle, which sustained a painful acci dent. Just as she was getting out of a railroad car it received a sudden jolt, owing to the brake failing to act properly. The elephant was thrown down and struck her shoulder heavily on a small iron cage that was standing near. The skin was partially torn off and generally laceated over a space of quite one square yard in extent. Inflammation set in and was followed by considerable fever, and the ele phant. which was the more valuable because she had a calf, was in grave danger of losing her life. The special ists decided that a wholesale opera tion in skin grafting was the only thing that wou d do the elephant any good, but an e'ephant’s skin is as thick as a plank, so It was not an easy undertaking. The great opera tion was undertnk n forthwith in the menagerie hospital, and Be'le's own son was the first elephant selected to supply new pieces of skin. The young animal's skin was p culiarly suitable for the purpose, as it is tender,yet heal thy, and vigorous. Moreover, as he is growing, he will have plenty of new skin, and he will not miss a little purloined at the present time. Belle was placed on the ground in the oper ating theater and secured with heavy chains to immovable posts. The wound in her shoulder was carefully washed with the usual antls-ptic fluids. At the same time an antiseptic spray was kept continually playing in the air. The new skin was taken from the young elephant in those places where he appears to have a great deal more than he needs. Cocaine was liberally applied where the cuts were to be made. A heavy knife was used to cut off the coarse outer part of the skin. Then a razor was employed to slice off the tender part that was to be transferred to the wounded elephant. Tills was taken off In strips about six Inches long and one Inch wide. The strips were pressed upon the wounded surface and held down by great bands of plaster. In exactly six days the new skin was found by the doctors to be firmly adhering to Belle’s shoulder. Another elephant was then called in. and some pieces of his skin were re moved In the manner already de scribed. By this time the raw sur face was so greatly reduced in size that Belle bigan to show signs of re lief from her worst symptoms. Cer tain hopes of her recovery were en tertained from that time. Every week a new elephant will be called upon to yield up some of his skin for the sake of his suffering sister. This will be continued until the wound Is entirely covered with skin. The elephants make the sacrifice in a cheerful spirit, and It is calculated that fifteen will be required before matters are set right. It is confidently expected that this operation will prove an epoch-making triumph in the history of pachyderma tous dermatology.—London Express. Mny Kins the Teacher. Miss Julia Wilson, a school teacher in White county. Indiana, has intro duced a new method by which to pre vent tardiness among her pupils, says the Chicago Record-Herald. She an nounced before the school that she would kies the first arrival every morning. Miss Wilson is a handsome lass of 18 summers, and the boys de clare she is "sweet as a peach." The first morning after her announcement as early as 5 o'clock a number of tho eldest school hoys were roosting on the fence awaiting their pretty school teacher’s arrival. At 8 o’clock the en tire school was there. The Tow’nship Trustees also put In an appearance. Miss Wilson kept her promise. A WIRELESS TORPEDO v* v * English Submarine Des- 1 * troyer Steered by Use J * of Marconi System .. ’ • a • m. ■ » y ar • m ♦ «int-A_JL For some time experiments have been carried out with a new torpedo invented by a young electrician, Mr. Cecil Varlcas of Weymouth, England. The most salient characteristic of this new weapon is that its passage and course through the water can be di rected and controlled either from the shore or the conning tower of a battle ship. As is well known, the course of the present Whitehead torpedo is maintained by a wonderfully complex appliance known as the gyroscope, fitted within the weapon. The cost of the Whitehead torpedo is about ?10, 000, and although its destructive qual ities are so tremendous, yet its chances of striking the target are very remote, especially if the object at which it is fired happens to be moving. If it should miss the target the projectile simply continues on its journey until its propelling force is exhausted, when it drifts at the mercy of the waves. But the difficulty has, it is believed, at last been surmounted by the inven tion of Mr. Varicas. By means of his device the torpedo, while traveling at express speed through the water, and several hundreds of feet away from the point of discharge, without any wire or other connection, may be con trolled as expeditiously and as easily as if an operator were on board to manipulate its diminutive rudder. How is this accomplished? Simply by means of wireless telegraphy. Externally the torpedo is exactly the same as the Whitehead projectile. The dimensions are precisely the same, and the propeller is of equal caliber. The interior, however, is vastly different. The explosive charge and the driving engines are placed in the same posi tions, but the gyroscope, the most ex pensive piece of mechanism, is dis pensed with. In its place Is substituted a delicate electrical apparatus for ac tuating the rudder. The apparatus upon the shore or battleship for the transmission of the electrical waves to the traveling tor pedo comprises a powerful induction coil and a small handwheel, reversible in either direction. This the officer manipulates in the same manner as the steering wheel of a vessel, the tor pedo turning to the right or left, ac cording to the movements of the wheel. The celerity and facility with which the torpedo answers the movements of the helm, notwithstanding its dis tance from the transmitter, are re markable. It was dispatched straight out to sea, continuing in a straight line until it had traveled 200 yards, which point was the maximum range over Which the ether waves could he transmitted in this particular instance. It then simply circled round and round until its propelling power was exhausted. The rauge over which the ether waves may be transmitted simply depends upon the Intensity of the electric cur rent, and since Marconi can establish' communication over 30 miles, torpe does might be manipulated at the same distance. When the projectile enters the water from the tube a float Is detached, and this serves the same purpose as Mar coni's high mast. Politeness Made to Pay Courtesy Is the Best Policy and Gives Satis faction K/WWNA^WWWVWWWWVVWW\ It pays to be polite even to the hum ilest of mortals. From a sordid stand point courtesy is the best policy and besides the satisfaction one derives from its exercise is sufficient recom pense in itself. Not infrequently an let of politeness serves as a magic key to unlock the doors that lead to fame and fortune. It is averred that one of the most eminent French statesmen of to-day, M. Delcasse, owes his brilliant career to a simple act of politeness to a lady. He began his working life as a very obscure and poorly paid school teacher, and won Gambetta's favor by the grace and courtesy with which he presented him with a hamper of Ariege beans, of which the great statesman was very fond. This some what prosaic incident was the first turning point in young Iielcasse’s for tune. Gambetta invited him to dinner and was so pleased with his intelli gence that he procured for him the post of private secretary to a very wealthy deputy. One day when the secretary was traveling by train with the deputy and his wife he observed that the lady was much annoyed by an illbred passenger who persisted in smoking in her presence. M. Del casse’s action was characteristically prompt. Without a word he seized the man’s cigar and threw It out of the window. For this act of courtesy the lady, when her husband died shortly after, rewarded M. Delcasse with her hand and with the fortune that has made his brilliant career possible. One of the leading advocates at the French bar owes his present position to a similar act of gallantry. In the early ’80's, when he was a young clerk In Paris, ‘ passing rich” on the equivalent of $200 a year, he was traveling from Orleans to Paris when he heard screams proceeding from an adjoining compartment. Opening the door, he proceeded along the footboard to the compartment from which the sounds proceeded and saw a young lady strug gling in the grasp of a powerful and well dressed ruffian. Springing into the compartment, Maitre M- seized the rascal, and, after a brief struggle, pinned him to the floor of the car riage, where he held him until the train stopped and he could be given in to custody.—Chicago Chronicle. Haroey’s CrlticUtua Slot Clanalfled. Francisque Sarcey was prevented by his sudden death from making a se lection from the dramatic criticisms he had written during forty years for preservation in book form. There was material enough for about eight or dinary volumes. His successor. Lar roumet, and his son-in-law, Brisson, selected from this enough to fill seven volumes.