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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 25, 1901)
Loup City Northwestern. LOUP CITY, SHERMAN COUNTY, NEBRASKA, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1901. VOL. XVIII. NUMBER 50, Admiral Bowles Calls Attention to Lack of Progress in Construction. DELAY CAUSED DY STEEL STRIKE No Fireproof Wood Found Fntlrcly Sat isfactory to the llurcau—More Naval Construction Wanted — Naval Yards Limited by I>ry Docks. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.—The an nual report of Admiral Bowles, chief of the bureau of construction and re pairs, calls attention to the slow progress in the construction of the ships made in the last year, owing to still:...; and delays of delivery of armor and steel forgings. He points out that under the present system for the purchase of armour the respunsi sibility for delays emanating from this sources rests with the government and renders it liable to suits for dam age by the ship contractors. The con struction bureau, he says, has made considerable progress toward the standardization of ship fittings, which, he says, will reduce the original cost of ships of the navy and decrease the expense of their maintenance. He touches upon the tests of fireproofed wood conducted by his bureau and says that while the products of the two processes submitted both possess desirable qualities, neither wholly commends tiself to adoption by the navy. Admiral Bowles strongly recom mends that the floating dry dock at Havana, recently purchased from the Spanish government, be sent to the site of the new naval station at Olon gapo, Philippine islands, as soon as the repairs on it are completed. It is essential, he says, for the efficiency of the navy on the Asiatic station, both from a strategical and economical point, that the government should be in possession of a dry dock in the Philippines at the earliest possible moment. He says the dock Just pur chased can be placed in condition for use of vessels up to 10,000 tons dis placement within the limit of the sum appropriated by congress for its acquirement. Admiral Bowles earnestly recom mends an increase in the number of naval constructors, which is now lim ited by law to forty. This number, he says, is entirely inadequate to the present needs of the service and he urges that the limit of the corps be increased by congress to sixty. He says the efficiency of the navy yards throughout the country is largely lim ited by the lack of dry docks and mod ern buildings for the equipment of the yards. The navy yards, however, continue to present a fruitful field for the application of modern engineer ing to their mechanical equipment as well as modern methods of organ ization to the scheme of administra tion, which, if properly applied, should result in greater efficiency in the con duct of the work and greater econ omy in the expense, which is now out of proportion to the work done. Admiral Bowles says the construc tion bureau has been taxed to its ut most by the work of designing new vessels and supervising vessels now building, and that these conditions have been aggravated by a lack of such navy department buildings avail able for the technical and clerical Btaffs of the bureau. He reports a lack of draftsmen of the requisite qualifications and expresses a desire to obtain for the bureau more grad uates of technical schools. Firs Consuming Hay Fields LA CROSSE, Wls., Oct. 21.—Late this afternoon fire was discovered In the hay fields which surround this city. The flames are now burning ev erything before them and the firemen are powerless owing to the Are being outside the city limits and beyond water service. It is believed the fire was started by trumps. Upon these lands are stack dd thousands of tons of hay. Although the loss cannot be estimated at present it is thought U will be enormous. Denderlnk Resigns. SANTIAGO DE CHILE, Oct. 21.— (Via Galveston)—J. Lenderink, secre tary of the United States legation, has resigned his position and will soon leave for the United States. Angusta Be Forest Dead. NEW YORK. Oct. 21.—Augusta de Forest, the well known actress who y played leading roles with Alexander Salvini, John McCullough and Edwin Booth, died at her home in this city. V\ILL FLAM A M’KINLEY OAK Sp*«ia! Or fin uny for Orrailon of Bootr yclt'ii l lull. FARMINGTON, Conn.. Oct. 21—Ar rangements for the visit of President Roosevelt to this town next Tuesday include the dedication of a tree which is to be planted on the village green by the townspeople and named the McKinley oak. There will be a recep tion in the afternoon to the young women of a boarding school and 100 other invited guests. The purpose of the president's coming is to visit his sister, the wife of Commander W. S. Cowles, U. S. N. He is expected to arrive here at 1:15 p. m., Tuesday, by a special train and will be accompan ied by Senators Hawley and Platt, Comamnder Cowles, Secretary Cor teiyou and Theodore Bingham. Preparations for police protection have been made at the request of Washington, officials, twenty consta bles having been detailed for special dutv on that day. On Wednesday morning at 8:10 o'clock the president will leave for New Haven to attend the Yale bi centennial exercises. GRAND ARMY APPOINTMENTS Torrance (liven List of Offleem to Servo Until Next Encampment. MINNEAPOLIS, Oct. 21—Command er-In-Chief Eli Torreace of the Grand Army of the Republic gave out these appointments: Judge advocate general, Henry M. Duflleld, Detroit; chief of staff, Major Noel Blakeman, Mount Vernon, N. Y. These persons have been named as members of the executive committee of the national council of administra tion and with the commander-in-chief, his adjutant general and quartermas ter general, will decide upon the time and place of holding the next national encampment: William Armstrong. In dianapolis, Ind.; Edgar Allen, Rich mond, Va.; Thomas G. Sample, Alle ghany, Pa.; S. C, Jones, Centerville, la.; Loren W. Collins, St. Cloud. Minn.; Thomas W\ Scott, Fairfield, 111.; Frank M. Skerrott, St. Louis. DEATH SENTENCE APPROVED Private Wines Is to Hang: for His Crime In Philippines. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21—President Roosevelt has approved the death sen tence imposed in the case of Private William Wines, Company I, Twenty fourth (colored) infantry, found guilty of murder in Pangasinan, P. I., and sentenced to be hanged. The presi dent directs that the sentence be duly carried into execution at a time and place to be designated by the com manding general of the Department of Northern Luzon. In the case of Pri vate Michael H. Robinson, Company F, Twenty-fifth (colored) infantry, convicted of desertion and sentenced to be hanged, the president has com muted the sentence to dishonorable discharge with forfeiture of all pay and confinement at hard labor for life. Brigands Keep Oat of Sight. CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 21—The United States legation in Constanti nople is still without definite news from either the Rev. Dr. C. H. Has kell, or the Rev. J. W. Baird of the Congregational mission at Samkova, Bulgaria, who have been endeavoring to get in touch with the abductors of Miss Ellen M. Stone, the missionary, and Mme. Tsilka her companion, with a view of arranging as to the ransom demanded by the brigands. Mr. Baird who was at Djumbalo, has returned to Samakov, indicating his failure to get In touch with the bri gands from the Turkish side. On the Commerce of Cobs. WASHINGTON, Oct. 21—A com parative statement of the commerce of-' the Island of Cuba for the ten months ended April 30, 1901 and 1900, has been prepared In the division of Insular affairs of the war department. tl shows that the total value of mer chandise Imported during the ten months ended April 30, 1901, was $54, 412,262, against $59,925,339 for the same period of 1900. Cape Colony In Rebellion. LONDON, Oct. 21.—Mr. Kruger has received a message from General Schalk-Burgher that the greater part of Cape Colony is in rebellion, says a dispatch from Brussels to the Daily Mail, and that the Boers have armed 15,000 Afrikanders in the past three months. Mrs. Edwin H. Conger, wife of Min ter Conger, passed through Omaha on her way to China. She was ac* companled by Mrs. J. R. Drake NINTH AGAIN A VICTIil Bolomen Attack Detachment of Same Regiment that Suffered at Samar. TEN INFANTRYMEN ARE KILLED Comrades Come Just In Time to Prevent Further Slaughter—Oue Hundred Na tives Are Killed llcforo Tl»c*y Cau Kr cape After Attack. MANILA, Oct. 19.—Five hundred bolomen attacked a detachment of for ty-six men of he Ninth infantry at Hangajon, on the Gandara river, island of Samar, today, killing ten and wounding six. The remainder of the company arrived on the scene in time to prevent furiner slaughter and rout ed the enemy, killing over 100 of them. It is believed that the enemy only retired for reinforcements. As soon as the news was received at Cat bologan the gunboats were dispatched, General Smith going in person to the scene. The War department officials were somewhat dismayed at the press report of the new setback on the island of Samar. WASHINGTON, Oct. 19—The fol lowing brief cablegram from General Chaffee reporting the light of the Ninth infantry in Samar Wednesday was re ceived at the War department this afternoon: MANILA, Oct. 19.—Corbin, Adjutant General, Washington: Forty-six men, Company E, Ninth infantrv, under First Lieutenant George W. Wallace, in field, lower Candara, Samar, was attacked by 400 bolomen October 16. Our loes, ten killed, six wounded; names not received. Eighty-one of the enemy left dead on the field. Enemy beaten off. The Ninth infantry, which suffered there, was the same organization that engaged in the latest fight at Banga jon, though in this case the company attacked it not known. An inspection of the dispositions made of the troops on the island of Samar shows that before the Balangiga fight there were no less than thirty eight separate posts. These were so disposed that supplies could be con veyed to the troops by water. Gen eral Hughes has left Samar and gone to the island of Cebu to recuperate, which accounts for the assumption of the command on Samar by General Smith. General Hughes was worn out and suffered from the effects of a se vere fall received while chasing insur rectionists in the mountains of Samar. i NATIVE NAWAIIANS DYING Off In Addition to ItecrexHlnB In Nomberi Will Not Work on Plantations. WASHINGTON, Oct. 19.—Henry E. Cooper, territorial secretary and for several months prior to his departure for the United States acting governor of Hawaii, has discussed with Secre tary of Agriculture Wilson the con ditions in the territory. One of the main alms of Mr. Cooper’s trip here is to acquaint the administration with the actual situation in Hawaii. In his conference with Secretary Wilson he emphasized the seriousness of the labor problem. The natives are dying off rapidly, the mortality being In the neighborhood of forty deaths to the thousand, and foreign laborers are get ting out of the country much more rapidly than they are coming in. The encouragement of Chinese labor, said he, is regarded as the most promis ing solution and the territorial govern ment is anxious that large numbers of laborers shall come in from China. The sugar cane crop that should have been harvested at the beginning of July, he said, is not yet off the Weld and will not be harvested before next month. The natives generally will not work. The coffee industry is lan guishing and many things that should be raised there have to be bought out side the islands. Secretary Wilson Informed Mr. Coop er of a reiport from the superintendent of the agricultural station in Honolulu showing, among other things, that it costs $26 an acre to fertilize the cane crop In Hawaii and pointed out the big farm wage which has to be paid to farm laborers, viz., $40 a month, in cluding board, which is approximately $10 more than in this country. Mad* Mulir of the Roll*. I/)NI)ON, Oct. 19.—Sir Richard Henn Collins, lord justice of appeal, has been appointed master of the rolls. In succession to Sir Archibald Smith, ■who has resigned on account of ill health. Pill MAN COMPANY’S PROMTS Thfy Are Shown In the Annual Reports of the Officer*. CIHCAOO, 111., Oct. 18.—At the an nual meeting of the Pullman com pany, which was held yesterday after noon all the directors were reelect ed- They are as follows: Marshall Field, A. S. A. Sprague, Henry S. Caulbert, Henry It. Heed, Norman 13. Ream, Robtr T. Lincoln, William K. Vand" •hilt, J. P. Morgan Frederick W. Vanderbilt, W. Seward Webb and Frank 0. Lowden. The usual quarterly dividend of $2 per share was declared payable No-' vember 15. For the fiscal year ended July 31 the annual report states the tola! revenue of tie company was $17,990,9.11; the total expenses of the corporation v.'ere $7,378.199, and other lt?ms of ex l.-nriiture, including divided is, brought the total outlay of tin company for the year to $15,130,440, lervi.ig a net surplus of $2,800,335. Wi-i the sur ras of $4,895,444 brought forward freni the preceding lis *1 year the total si.tplus of the company io now $7,702 27:'. STUDY TUT BANKRUPTCY BILL New York Merchant! I’reparlng to Sug gv!t Amendment*. NEW YORK, Oct. 18.—A special committee on revision of the bank ruptcy act has been appointed by D. LeRoy Dresser, president of the Mer chants’ association, pursuant to a re quest made by a number of its prom inent members at a conference re cently held with United States As sistant Attorney General E. C. Bran denburg. The purpose of this com mittee is to make a study of the pres ent act, to point out its defects and to suggest amendments to remedy the same. The committee will report to the board of directors of the associa tion and It is expected that work will be completed in time to be effective during the next session of congress, at which time the amendments to the present act will be sought. L«iiv« Manila for Home. MANILA, Oct. 17—The party of senators and representatives that has been visiting the Philippine islands left today for home on board the United States transport Sheridan. Be fore leaving the members of the party had an interview with Aguinaldo, who, however, was reticent. He said the or iginal outbreak of hostilities was a surprise to him and that his efforts to maintain a truce were unavail ing. Aguinaldo has written to a law yer who is trying to obtain a writ of habeas corpus in his behalf, say ing that he has remained a prisoner while there was one compatriot lan guishing in jail “suffering for the Fil ipino cause and an infinity of Fili pinos are deprived of the liberty which they are anxious to obtain.” Disgusted With Indian Schools. LA CROSSE. WIs., Oct. 17.—Influ ential Indians of the Winnebago tribe will make an effort to get a number of Indian charges into public schools. In taking this step the Indians are influenced because of the slow prog ress of their children in the Indian schools. A delegation will visit Su perintendent tof Publlci Instruction Bird and will ask that the children of Winnebago be taken into the La Crosse public schools. N>nn Mr*. Pugh of Vukl. BUFFALO. Oct. 18—The national meeting of the Household Economics association ended tonight after a three days’ convention. The election of of ficers resulted as follows: Honorary president. Mrs. Ellen M. Henrotln, Chicago; president, Linda Hull learn ed, Syracuse; vice president, Mrs. Mary Moody Pugh, Omaha; corre sponding secretary, Mrs. Burroughs. Buffalo; secretary-treasurer, Mrs. John Kendall Dunn. Jamaica. N. Y. Don Carlos Most More Ont. ROME, Oct. 18.—The frequent meet ings of Carlists at the residence of Don Carlos in Venice have led the government, It is said, to determine to expel him from Italy, as his proceed ings, If continued, would be likely to compromise friendly relations between Italy and Spain. Roossrelt Accepts. WASHINGTON, Oct. 18— President Roosevelt accepted today honorary membership in the William McKinley National Memorial Arch association and gave his approval to its purpose of erecting by popular subscription a memorial arch at the uWshington ap proach to the memorial bridge. Secretary Loug Likely to Iteoommend Additional Vessels. NEW BATTLfSHIPS AND CRLISERS Threw of F«>r!ii<>r, Two of Ln(t«r and 8oin« Smaller <aiiiib<mtB—Kutlmatea for Other Need* — Total Kicked* Amount Appropriated Lant Year »A2,OOOtOOO. WASHINGON, Oct. 17—The esti mates for the navy for the fiscal year ending Juno 30, 1903, were made pub lic at the navy department. Tho total amount is $98,910,984, ugalnst $77,924,535 appropriated for the cur rent year. The chief Increases are $2,500,000 for construction, $2,000,000 for armor and $129,355 in the appro priation for yards and docks. Secretary Long, in speaking of the estimates, said that they were made with a due regard for the needs of the navy and lngmated that they had the approval of the administration. He spoke of the increased cost of the navy and said that the building of a battleship costing $5,000,000 was not the end of its expense, as its main tenance was very costly. It is more than likely the secretary will recom mend three new battleships and two new armored cruisers and a number of small gunboats. Among the new items of Importance in the estimates are the following: New battery for Newark, $175,000; new batteries for Albany and New Or leans, $200,000; reserve guns for other ships of the navy, $500,000; floating dry docks, Portsmouth. N. H., $500, 000; total for that yard, $1,000,435. Also a total of $1,271,700 for new docks at the Boston navy yard, whicn Includes a plant for housing; and stor ing torpedo vessels and new building. The estimates for new improvements at the New York navy yard aggregate $3,110,000, which includes $2,1/00,000 for barrackB for enlisted men. The es timated Items for the Norfolk yard ag gregate $1,208,500, which Includes $350,000 for the purchase of land. The estimates for the naval station at San Juan, Porto Rico are $2,613,000 and include $1,000,000 for a mSsftnry dry docK, $500,000 for the purchase of land, $25,000 for dredging and $200, 000 for the extension of coaling facili ties. An estimate of $350,000 is made for a plant for housing and storing torpedo boats at Pensacola. An esti mate of $108,000 is made tor the naval station at Tutulla, Sarnia. An esti mate of $381,000 is submitted for the Cavite naval station, which includes $200,000 for refrigerating plant. Esti mates are made for a complete naval station at Alongapo, P. I., amounting to $1,443,000. Other estimates are as follows: Naval magazine near Bos ton, $500,000; naval magazine near Portsmouth, N. H., $400,000; naval magazine at Puget Sound, $100,000; defenses for insular naval stations and coal depots, $500,000. Mix Knox of 0*DT«r Ioaane. DENVER, Oct. 17.—Miss Minnie E. Knox, daughter of a former wealthy business man of Denver, was declared insane in the county court and ordered confined at the county hospital. The investigation as to her sanity was made at the request of the treasury department at Washington on account of many abusive letters that had been receivedt here from Miss Knox, de manding money and suggesting changes in the methods and manage ment of the department. Miss Knox Imagines herself the owner of vast wealth and a few months ago created a sensation in Chicago by laying claim to millions of dollars' worth of prop erty in that city. Submarine Host la Tried. — LONDON, “ Oct.~17.~Continuing the experiments with the first British sub marine vessel, the admiralty caused ■lx men to be sealed In the boat as It lay alongside the water today. The compressed air cylinders were set going, and after three hours the air tight hatch was opened, when K was found the men had suffered but little discomfort. Knc* of Department of Alaska. WASHINGTON, Oct. 17— A dispatch received at the war department from General Randall dated Dutch Harbor, Alaska, October 5, reads: "The depart ment of Alaska was discontinued Sep tember 30. Leave tonight for Valdez and Skagway." The department of Alaska has been merged Into the de partment of Columbia. RANSOM UNCLAIMED AS YET. Urlenndi U;*v« Si'iitirred, bat Mina Ston« U MTiirely Held. SOFIA, Oct. 16.—Although the time fixed by the brigands who abducted Miss Ellen M. Stone, the American missionary, for the ransom expired a week ago no one has appeared at Sa makoff to claim the money or to an nounce the fate of the captive. It if now learned that the band has dis solved, but that Miss Stone is kept under surveillance at some distance from the frontier. This is due to snow and cold weather rendering the moun tains uninhabitable. The efforts cf the police to arrest SaraofT, formerly president of the Macedonian company, who is suspected of complicity in the kidnapping, are still unavailing, the failure being due to the sympathy of the inhabitants and the local author ities. NEW YORK, Oet. 16.—A dispateh to the Journal and Advertiser from Ber lin says that the Vosslehe Zeitung’s Sofia correspondent lias wired as fol lows concerning developments in the kidnapping case of Miss Stone: The police at Sofia have arrested certain suspects, including Paul Genadieff, brother of the well known barrister and deputy. Charles M. Dickinson, United States consul at Constantinople and diplomat ic agent to Bulgaria, is quoted in a Sofia dispatch to the Journal and Ad vertiser as follows: "When the Stone party were cap tured they were compelled to wade a stream up to the Perln mountain. Miss Stone and Mme. Tsilka were hurried up the mountains and the other pris oners were released next morning. Just before the Stone party appeared the brigands captured a Turk and battered out his brains with tho butt ends of guns to prevent him telling they were lying in wait. The whole band was disguised as Turkish soldters when they captaied the Stone party." RUSSIA WOULD AID RESCUE Again Offara It* Valuable Aaalstauce In In Mia* Stone’* Hrlialf. CONSTANTINOPLE, Oct. 16.—The Russian government han repeated Its expression of a desire to assist the United States government by all prac tical means in rescuing Miss Stone. The other powers are equally solicit ous, but Russia Is the best able to bring the necessary pressure to bear. Messrs. Baird and Haskell, the mis sionaries have not yet succeeded in getting into touch with the brigands to open negotiations. LONDON, Oct. 16—“The United States government will insist that Tur key at once make good any deficit in the ransoms of Miss Stone," says the Constantinople correspondent of the Daily Telegraph, "and also refund the full amount subscribed.” It is supposed that the brigands who captured Miss Stone have withdrawn into the interior of Macedonia in the direction of Nevrokop," says a dis patch to the Daily Telegraph from Sofia. “Former members of the Mace donian committee who were arrested on suspicion of complicity denied be fore a magistrate any knowledge of the affair.” Aaylam for Mad Indiana. ST. PAUL, Oct. 16.—The asylum for insane Indians at Canton, S. D., has been completed and accepted by Super intendent Pierce on behalf of the gov ernment. The building is one of the finest In South Dakota, is built of Menominee pressed brick, Sioux Falls granite for trimmings, and cost $47, 000. This is the only insane hospital for Indians in the United States and all of Uncle Sam's unbalanced wards will be confined there. Shoot Boys to Show Skill. SILVER CREEK, Neb., Oct. 16.—Aa a result of a quarrel over bis ability to shoot straight, Thomas Baudur, Andrew Nowlski and Oustave Gonslor were wounded seriously by Jake Stru man at Duncan. He deliberately shot the boys to demonstrate his ability with the weapon. Bauder is shot in the head and is not expected to live. The others were shot in the leg and shoulder. N»fjr M>n to Advance. WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.—The navy department today received the papers in the cases of Naval Gunners Francis Martin and H. B. Soule, who have passed good examinations and have been recommended for appointment for officers of the line. When these two men receive their commissions they will be the first men to obtain such advancement.