__l_—ju—ii uliii——mm— —■■— ■■■"■■n - - Lioaal I?sws. Mr. and Mrs. K A Draper were in town Monday. John Wheeler was a county seat visit or Monday. James Rentfrow of Austin was on our streets Monday Dr. Main had hs oflL:« repapered and renovated this week. Peter Rowe put a flag staff on th« new school house Iasi, Monday. Peter Moritz of Bristol township, was at the county seat Monday. J. 8 Pyke is treating his tenament houses to a fresh coat of paint. Ira Pugh of Rockville moved on the King farm west of (ow n last week. J. B O'Bryan took several days lay off last week. J. A Parker of Washington twp. was a Loup City visitor Monday. Herman Fiebig of Oak Creek was do ing business in the city Friday. James Flemings, a cattle buyer of St . Paul, was in the city the flrst part of the week Anton Topolski one of our thrifty farmers ot the east side was doing busi ness at the hub Monday. Are you needing any tiling in the furniture line? If so call at T. M- Reed’s See Keystone Lumber Co for your supply of Rock Springs. Canon City, Hanna and Maitlaud Coal. John Clark pulled for Missouri over land last Monday. He went through Kearney, and visited hiB boy. Frank Lorchick has sold ills saloon business in Ashton and moved back to Loup City. He occupies his own resi dence again For sprains, swellings and lameness there is nothing so good as Chamber lain's Pain Halm. Try it. For sale by Cdendahl Bros. Will Dietrichs, populist candidate for county clerk, was looking after his political fences in this bailiwick this week. John Mattaewson the good looking stalwert from the west side was shak ing hands with his many friends in the citv the small end of the week. Note the new Cloak ad. of A E Chase on this page. It Is a drawing card and any one wishing a cloak should not miss tbeoppertuuify offered. Mr. and Mrs A. J. Morgan arid Mrs. Katie Burrowes were instructed In the mysteries of the Royal Highlanders of this placo last Monday night. Austin Hendrickson, of Clear Creek. Rjpublicau candidate for sheriff is a good, honest man and as capable a man for the position as the county con tains. Geo. Deininger of Logan township dropped in to see us while in town last Saturday. George says this is the dampest fall he has known in this coun ty since he was in It. We, the jury find the deceased came to his death frofn heart failure, caused by not taking Roeky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medicine Co. 35c. Ask your druggist. Ray Pedler who has been for several months in Cherry countv came home Saturday to attend the commencement exercises, his sister Saidie being a member of the graduating class. When you have no appetfte, do not relish your food and feel dnll after eat ing you may know that you need a dose of Chamberlain’s Stomach and Liver Tablets. Price, 25 cents. Samples free atOdendahl Bros Messrs F. D. and ,T. E. Alkire. of Ed gar, Clay county, while looking for a location in tills county dropped in to our office Saturday. They seem very favorably impressed with this county and may locate here. Mr. and Mrs. Dennis, Mr. Norvell and Mr. Smith, nil of Missouri, are vis iting with Mr. and Mrs Milton Rent frow of Austin. Mrs. Dennis is a sister of Mrs. Kentfrow and Messrs Xorve)] and Smith are Nephews. W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va. druggists, writes: “Your One Minute Cough Cure gives perfect satisfaction. My customers say it Is the best r< medy for coughs, colds, throat and lung trou bles.”—Odendahl Bros The Royal Highlanders will give a ball and serve oysters at Society hall on Thanksgiving night, November 28. Price of admission including supper 75 cents. All come out and have a good tun?. Watch for posters. When you cannot sleep for coughing it is bardlv necessary that any one should tell you that you need a few do»es of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy to allay the irritation of the throat, and make sleep possible. It is good. Try it. For sale by Odendah'. Bros. David Depew had the misfortune to pull his little son's arm out of place at the elbow last Sunday evening. Mr. De pew was playing with the child and drew his arms across his brest, when the little fellow winced and said ' gee, you hurt my arm,” ran to his mother. Nothing was thought of it at the time, but the child was restless all night and Monday morning he was take:: to doc tor Kearns and it was ascertained that bis arm was out of place. Mr. Robbins tms moved to his farm north of tow n. August Jung doing business at • he hub Monday. Potatoes are coming into town by the car load of late. R J. Nightingale went to Lincoln on legal busini ss last Monday. I.ow Haller was putting down wells on Oak Creek the past week. H. J Fair of Rockville was doing bus iness at the county seat Tuesday. John Czaklewskl was among the bub visitors the ilrst part of the week. Geo Rightenour of Divide, brought a load of new corn to town Monday. Will Christen of the west side was in town the first end of the week A. Zink pays the highest price for hogs. G.ll. Gibson vvent to Kearney Tues day to attend th • annual session of the Odd Fellows lodge. Messrs G. M. Kearns and Montgomery Stroud of the east side were doing busi ness in the city Monday. Frank rlerpenicK and family or the east side were trading in the city Mon day. Frank is a jolly boy. Dick O'Bryan and his friend, Mr. Baumann, of Grand Island, cauie up Monday fora few days hum. A. Zing pays the highest living prices for all kinds of stock. Look him up when you haye some to sell C. M. l’helps, Forestdale, Vt. say his child was completely cured of a bad case of eczema by the use of DeWitt's Witch Haze! Salve. Beware of all c* unterfoits. It instantly relel yes piles. — Odendahl Bros. Go to Frank Dennis when you want the verv best tirade V V S_V of flour. There will b-j a meeting of ill * mem. bers of tlio German eongregitlon in the new church Saturday, October the tilth, at 2 p in. German services will be held Sunday, the 20th, at 10 h m. Everybody is In rewith invited. Frank Dennis is prepared to furnish the public vvitn the verv best grades of Hour, meal and feed of all kinds, de livered at yonrdoor at the lowest price. He can be found one door east of the St. Elmo hotel. Motherseyerywhere praise One Min ute Cough Core for the sufferings it lias relieved and the lives of their little ones it has saved. Strikes at the root of the trouble and draws out the ir flamation. The children's favoritt Cough Cure.— Odendahl Bros. We understand that the family of D. L. Adamson will leave Loup City dur ing the next month and locate at Chey enne, where Mr. Adamson now is. We are sorry to lose this ostceuiabie family from among us and hope that success may attend them. Win. Cramer has dispose;! of his . proporty at this place, to his son Hiram, j and will depart next Monday tor his old home iu New York state where he expects to 1 ve in the future. Billy has been a resident of this vicinity for nearly twenty years ami his presence will be missed from among us. lie has been an untiring worker for tlie A. O. U. W, and never lost a chance to sing its praise. He was a good citizen, and we are sorry to see him go May success and happiness ever be his com panions. A letter from Myron Gilbert to his mother, informs her of the fact that while out herding cattle last week, near Spalding, in Greely county, in company with his employers boy, aud haying with him a shot gun,he started to run after the cattle and fell down. The gun was discharged and a part of the load struck the child. When the letter was written it was not possible to tell whither the boy would live or not Both Myron and his mother are nearly prostrated over the sad affair. Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is not a mere stimnlent t > tired nature It afford? the stomach complete and absolute nest by digesting the foo f you eat. You don't have to diet but can enjoy all the good food you want. Kodol Dyspep sia Cure Instantly relieves that distress ed feeing after eating, giving you new life and vigor—Odeudahl Bros Rev Madely returned home last Tues day from his weeks rtay at Lexington where be bass been attending conference. The people here will be pita e-1 to learn that he has been returned to this charge Tin: Xoktiiwkstkkn, especially, is plea.-i d to note this fact as we recogttiz" in Mr. Madley an able minister, a true believer in the principles which lie preaches and teaches, an excellent. hind and generous neighbor, a good citizen and true Christian, Mrs Muddy also shares the high ester ui In which h- is held and the hn-r of friends who h ?i e 1 as made during Hu ir year of tesi Jt-uce h re will In- glad to learn that she will remain with us for at least, another year. A new remedy for biliousness I? n<> . on sale at O lendahl's drug store. It is called Chamberlain's Siom oh and i.iy. r Tablets It gives quick relief and will prevent the attack if piven ns soon a. the first Indication of the disease up nears. Price, 25 cents per box .sam ples free at Odeudahl Bros. ■ ■ —H——a—AMWWIWMIW—■—M— Huy Cifiiy for th* Box. Candy rankers my that the most profitable part of their trade is in fancy candies, put up lo on: )* iont»l boxes, the box frequently euttin j more ligure in the purchase than the goods. Tot Causes Mght Alarm "One night ray brother's baby "as tikenwith croup,” writes Mrs. ,1. c. Snider of Crittenden, Ivy., “It seemed it would strangle hi fore we e uld get n doctor, so we garn it l)r. King's Ne*v Discovery, which gave quick relief and permanently cored if. We always keep It in the house to protect our children from Croup ai d Whooping Cough. It cured me of a chronic bronchial trouble that no other remedy would relieve.” Infallible for Coughs, Colds, Throat and Lung troubles. 50c and ?1 Oft, Trial bottles free at Odendahl Bros For sai.K.—Lots 8 and 9, block Loup City- For reference inquire of Mrs Jknmk C- Bolt, Pleasanton, Neb. Do you suffer from piles? If so do not turn to surgery for relief Do Witt's Wltcb 11 tr.-1 '-•ilt "ill act more quick ly, surely and safely, saving you lb" ex pense and danger of an ope a lion — Odendshl Bros. DeWitt's Little Early Kisers never disapoints They ore safe, prompt, gentle, < ff< clivo in removirg all impu rities frmu the liver and bo .vVi-. 8niall and easy to trike. Never grijc or di« t re: s.—Oden da hi Bros. The pup pap* i tt 11 n - Hi,at having turned the county ove r to Hia> re publicans dear of deb', a : «v< n mills lew is euon ib to pay Hie run ning expenses of the county here after. Thu republicans will on doubtrdly manage to get along with a St veu mill levy. But the pop papers assure*! us five years ago that they I uni the c untv outofbebt What have they been doing with a fourteen and eighteen mill levy ever since? It looks like an ackuowl edgeuaent Ural the republicans * an run the county on half what Hie oops required. Callaway Courier. — * -- Lewis Orkermau, Oo*b*-n, lud: ‘•De Witt’s Tattle Early Risers never bend me double like other pills, but do their work thoroughly and make tue feel like ' n boy.’- Certain thorough, gentle,— j Odendahl Bro*. ‘ I had long suffered from indiges tion,-’ writes G. A. LeDels, Cedar City, No. “lake others I tried many pre-1 parations but never found anythin:*; that did rne good until 1 took Kodol ; Dyspepsia Cure One bottle cured me. I A friend who had sufl'ured similarly I 1 out oh the use of Kodol Dyspepsia 1 Cure. He is gaining f .sc and will soon be able to work. Before he. used Kodol Dysp* psia Cure indigestion bad made him a total wreck.—Odendahl Bros. IIOCKVIUE BOCK RTS. N. O. Isaacson returned Wednes day noon from a protracted visit in j Cheyenne, Wyoming. N O thinks Nebraska is good enough for him, Mr. If. A Wilson, of Stewart, Neb and Mrs. W. A. Wilson of Ashton visited their nephew, Mr. W. M. Smelser, here last Wednes day John Anderson made a flying bus iness trip to Loup City and back last Satuiday. Word came to us last Friday that lightening had slrueii the home of our former townsman, Mr. J). M. H« ndriekson, now at Farwell, Neb. at 8.03 a iu, Thursday. Luckily no one wa3 hurt, but the bouse was greatly damaged by the bolt winch struck the chimney in the parlor. The family happened to be in the kitchen at the lime. Mrs Lucks, who has been here several d»js visiting her son.-II J. Lucks, left for her home at Dan re bri g Saturday afternoon Mrs. Anna Bryant moved out into the country Friday afti r spending: several months in onr midst. .tit- and Mrs K i Isaacnm enter* tainedMr. aid Mia. K Is n of Duii nebrog last Sundae. The dance held in ; tie hall Satur < ay evening was poorly attended on account of the inclement weather. Henry Tangr-rmann icceiwd n r > f biick 11' in L'uip City Mon* I :S is ! lie h I t l! )fl •-1 •!; [ !| ‘ f r i is new I- rlck i i sideuco. ft ' ar Hai.i-.cu i huiidii-g a \cr\ boge I• :i!’ii on hi-, pbii e in ar town. .'.tile s (.’ ii Hi i drove 'o L liny l u drug store ami mUni for a brain! of cough iJi ’dieitie th-t I did not have in stock,'’ euys Mr C. II Giaudiu, the popular di'tiirgi't <■, Omauio, N, X’. *'&h«» was disappointed ami wanted to know what cough preparation 1 could lecoinnU'Md. I said to her (hat I could .freely recommend Chamberlain's < lough | K> inedy and di t she could take a bot ' tl" of the remedy nod f it giving it a ' fair trial if 'lie did not Ibid It wor:h the I 111 ill V to ht'i1 g I 'ii he l>i I ' .an 1 I {would refund the j.• ic- paid In ihc 11 tile Coirs1’ of .ia y or two the hoy ‘ eatr.i h ick iti " 'tnpiitv with n friend in tt id ol a cough tnctlii-.iie i >1 .a I vised ! i j her to buv i’ botii" of Co oitijcrl.iin*- j i Cough Re,no y | ci mo r ■ n * .» very j good recotno.eri’ 1 of' 11 • i it' " *“ j I Ch“ ictlicdy |>V t s I,, j: t. .it pi-pul it'l.) I null C Jftcti • IV - , i ' ■ I • i : a - U"c l** { the peiMoi ii rec. liiiM ml airi r of poo- ) | p’e w ho have b' ti i '• . b ; >, -c ! ! | . f • 1>, O. i : ilatii Brm 4 :t me .N a.i r Dj'lit z ‘T : ■ l t ee I at d ' I •> I < I1‘, I ec I egony ii rid i ill i . i; <>f • ik j 1 >: ' • Ik i • /.‘it II . : C,.l II; - I I ,“ -n v ' M B I. ■ v.ll. . Ob i k ' f iti. iii- 11• t court, i t’n < i , • it-, 1 i-.va. •• J to: u Co I r- h oil * ; m. • ,• , ii* * tile ■ dozen did 'rent ■ I;>-:» re b"’ nil to j no plil pi Si- i - " for :i I of 1 ■ of I Ch imb r! t! : . d Diar 1 ' t o i . ' , ' i \ ■ Hi- .iti" I "i ... , p Mid did j i ol . a ike f •! i ij; 1, oi „ On aiv.-.k i nlng u few i'.oii- go I f : • gratl- , lied fhi: i i i -; • -• • 1 i lei •dug ri the manui-iJurt i - • tin a i i. and { fl< Ccoc Mij d> ’■ * l a i k . * - * t 'iti, b:i - ’■ 'i"I i : i !1 • d’ll,ild III- ill cine y, u a 'i': is • >u • is for saU- l»v Odcnibthl Br< s. notice of dlsnolu iton. Tills is to certify that we have this! day dissolved the p.artne r- hip carried on ietwceu us in tla liver bn-Ire-s in j Loup City. Neb. Mr Outhouse will j collect all bill and pay all obligation*. Dated till' 1st day of October. 1001, Fi;,vnk Dennis C C OtJUOCsE The fiav aiiau woman's club tit Hono lulu,debated tin- ‘^uc.-ti‘T- it bet ter to take Tloekv Mountain Tea hot or cold?"' Either ay it insgnilL s youi p easuie, A-k your druggist — -- - —-— A KJendl-h Attack An attack was lately made on C. F. Collier of Cherokee. Jo-.vu. that nearly proyed fatal. It <• me through his kid ney* Hi- back got so lams be could not stoop without great t tin, nor sir in a chair «MSHn>iH|j«K4*IUik.M«iM-pj(aji taaniwnr />. S> MAIM. PHYSICIAN & SlUPiNON LOUP Cl V, \ i: . K OKKl 'K. - One tiro- v t <.r ••)«!. inlaw Drutf Store ' % Op Popday, Oct. 2 jst. I w ,1 have an experienced cloak man with a large number of samples which, added to my already large stock, will give you ; n advantage i:ov r before had in lamp City. Don’t miss this c hance bo se • a nobby line even if you do not care to buv. ** * j THE FOLKS who imply sit and wish aro not tho ones who catch the fish. You'll wake up one of these cold mornings and | find you're caught without an overcoat. W hy not be ready when the cold spell comes? !Our stocks of Men's Fall ,■ O’Coats i are complete in every detail. Quantity, Quality, Style „„j Price !You can depend upon anything you get here as boing correct in every detail. Send for catalog of MEN’S CLOTHING. rat a. , AL.L. CASES OF DE.- 2 am® NEARING Stfifc. KOW CURABLE by ci.r v-i. Only those b rn deaf are incurable. HEAD NOISES CEASE IMMEDIATELY. F. A. V/ERMAN, OF BALTIMORE, SAYS: Ba.iiyoM:. Md., March 30, toor. <"■ " tl, mk -1 ■ 1 ■. air treat:.lent, i will now give you n full historj < f my ca-<. to ! e > ..L . discr 'I..11. i’ • v r 1 . ;.Mi ■ 1 .mi to ..I,;-, and thi ’••• pton ; tting worse, until I loit my heariiij in this « ,r entlrelv. lu t.it .it’ll’ ii’oth witiiout n nv ru'.i ss, consulted a nura of this city, who told me that only no; ■ u • !• . u :»:>• 1 iiijs, urilv, that the head noises would then c msi but too he: ring in th af;i. i tr \. .old b>- lust lorever. 1 . . \. rk paper, and ordered your treat u nt. A;. ■ ■. ■ . u . ■ 1.■ ■ ’ 1 y. m directions, the 1: is -censed, and 1 1 ' ist .: n: h.,'. t u entirely res tored. I thank you h irtilj i f to remain Very truly years, !■ w 1 KVA N. ; n s. Broadway, Baltimore, Md. Onrr ■ • • 7 rc v tin your usual occupation. i: - 0(; ^ YO^ELF AT HOME ntaXX!Ml in: ; A m .1 AuRAL L_i?uh tulc. Ask your druggist. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cone* AJ SO DO A General ileal Estate Ebusiness. Office in Noutuw; ivrEiin Itulidlnt, fid n l. GOING WEST J No i —ong0r . n .Jo . Freight.li’i.via. Ho -11•. -.111: - dinner and reciintn* chair o i' t "’i l h rough li nns. Tic*. •* ■ t ' ■ any pdrnt in • ' " < " I id t'.H !»;• nurt'la. ' :r’ * inn ii -.ips, tiinn laitjes Hud ."1 ' 'V' ■■ >• i. Anion 1 ,N '»• -'I. I'H.'tn, , r ■ 1 * • • • .i**ijr