The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 11, 1901, Image 5

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    The Northwestern
GKO. K. IJKJMCHOTKU, I Editors and
GEO. II GIBSON. | Publisher*
TERMS:—11.00 pkr tear, ip paid in advance
Entered at the Loup City Poxtoftiee for trans
mission through the malls as second
class matter.
For Judge of the Supreme Court
For Repents of the State Universety:
For County Treasurer.
For County Clerk.
For County Judge.
I or Sheriff.
For Superintendent.
For Surveyor,
For Coroner.
Thursday was the banner day of
^ the three and the gate receipts was
four times greater than either of the
other days. The day was not an
ideal one but was not bad. The
Woodmen and their friends began
to come in early and when the prrs.
session moved it extended tor a good
half mile. The Lnup City cornet
band led, followed by the Loup City
lloyal Neighb ir’.s drill team on horse
back. Then came the uniformed
Workmen teams in the following
order: Loup City, Arcadia, Rock
ville and Ashton, followed by R. 1).
Hendrickson’s team of ‘-Forest
Bandits” in full dress and masks.
A long line of marchers came be
hind the unifoimed men and still in
the rear was the convey ances. El
banks Hale had bis Shetlauds and
little buggy beautifully trimmed and
be and little Miss Eva Morgan were
the king and queen of the occasion
Mrs. T. M. Reed trimmed and de
corated their family carrage in most
beautiful style with the Woodmen
colors and hud the letters, M. W.
A., in silver on the side. Those
two rigs were the main features of
the parade among the vehicles.
The ('rilling exhibition on the
grounds wa3 very tine and evoked
many comments. Arcadia carried
' off first prize and nobly earned it,
Loup City came second and Rock
ville third. Tile ltockvillo team
had but four days practice after
organizing, and their work showed
the metal they are made of.
The sports of the two last days
were all that could have been asked
for. The racing was first class, and
the base ball games were as tine as
ever were played in the city. The
first (lays games were played be
tween tbe Myra Valley and Loup
City teams, tbe score standing 9 to
13 in faver of Myra Valley. Tbe
prize for tbe second day was closely
contested for by the Myra Valley
anil Arcadia clubs in which Myra
valley won. by two scores. On Sat
urday Arcadia played Loup City
and defeated the latter by one score
and it took ten innings to decide it.
The score stood 11 to 12.
The management of the touma- |
ment were more than pleased with the i
success attained and visitors were
all highly satisfied with their enter
tainment. The faker was the only
man to kick. As ihe people o f this
vicinity take little stock in them
their rake off was small and their
discontent commensurate therewith.
The live pigeon shoot was a fea
ture well worth the price of admis
sion to the sportsmen. The score
was as follows
October 4, 20 Bird Shoot:
C.C. Spaulding.2. 1. I, 1,1. x. 0. 2 x, n. C 2
E. F. Milburn,.2. o. 0. 2. I. 2, 1. i. 1, x, 1. 1 t.
o, 2. 1, x, 1, x. 1.H
H Shtrlv ..0 0 0 0 01x 1 1 0 1 l 1 1 1
1 12 2 1.13
H M. Elsnor.2 <• 2 2 0 1 2 2 1 2 2 0 1 2 0
2 1 0 1 0.14
J E. Watson. . .21012211111x111
0 X x 1 2. 15
October 4. 20 Bird Shoot:
T. It. Eisner.I I 1 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 0 2 2 2
0 2 2 3 0.IT
C. L. Drak • .112 112 x 1 x 0 212 2 1
0 2 0 0 2 .D
Henry B.-own_ 2 12 112 11111x211
2 1111. 10
Oi tober 5, 111 Birds Sweepstakes:
K- Watson. 2 1 2 2 0 112 2 1 .1*
K. F Mi burn 2 2 0 1 l o o l 2 l
II Shirley 2210|||S2| ''v
c c -Spaulding. .01121 | 0 0 | »
T II EUner. I 1 1 1 1 m » | ,
October 5 10 Bird Shoot. Sweapstake.
II M. Eisner. .123222222 n s
K MUkelwait 1 0 1 | | o 1 1 ox ’
T. Kockhold.10 1112 12(1 9
Octobers, s Bird* Sweepstakes:
H. NMrley.2 1 2 1 1 1 1 x . 7
C. C. Spaulding .2 1111110 ..... 7
T. H. Klsner .2 2210202 .. 6
E. F. Milburn.01001222.. 5
H. M. Klsner.1 2212222 s
II. Kockliold.10 1 0 2 2x 1 5
October ft, 25 Blue Kecks
It M. Eisner.1 lOlOOMllOlioOl
1 1 M 0 o i mi. pi
E. Milburn.0 0 1 0 o 0 0 0 I 1 l 0 I 0 1 0
0 I 0 0 I 1 I 1 1. 12
B Shirley.l 0 1 1 i l l M) l l I 0 1 0 I
10 1 1 10 1 1 I.9
II. Brown.I III Ml Ml 1 MM I 1 1 M
0 I 0 1 0 1 0 II 1.lfl
C. C. Spaulding, .no i I 1 l l l l | o 1 l 1 I l
110 11110 1. 20
Octobers, 15 Blue Kook Sweepstakes:
11 M. Eisner .0011 0 0 1 110 1 0 1 1 1—9
C. C Spauldinp 1 1 1 1 1 1 I I 1 1 1 l l l o 11
E. Milburn.0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0— 5
». Shirly.11101001001111 1—10
H. llrow n. 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 I l 1 1 11
Do you suffer from piles? If so do
not turn to surgery for relief. DeWItt’s
Witch Hazel Salve will act more quick
ly, surely and safely, saving you the ex
pense and danger of an operation.—
Odendabl Bros.
A most distressing accident, re
sulting so far in one fatality, took
place this morning at 3 o’clock in
the home of John Quisenberry,
south of Aids. The information
obtained by the Independent is to
the effect that the little son of .Mr
and Mrs. Quisenberry is dead and
that four of the other children are
seriously burned, as is also Mrs.
It appears that at the hour named
Mrs. Quisenberry was walking about
the house with lamp in hand. .She
was in the sleepirg appartments
when the lamp exploded. Her
clothing was saturated with oil. The
clothing ol the beds iu which five
children were sleeping whs also
partly saturated and commenced
burning. Mr. Quisenberry at once
did what he could to extinguish the
lire and was partially successful.
However the explosion gave the
flames much opportunity and though
tbo efforts l>y all to minimize the ac
cident were prompt, seven members
of the family were badly injured by
burns, the lad of ten years expiring
at ten o’clock this morming, and
four of the other children, and Mrs.
Quisenberry being in a very serious
condition now. The oldest < f the
children is sixteen and the youngest
four. The fire did Dot destroy the
house but whs put out after it had
burned all the furniture in one room
and burned through the floor. The
sleeping apartments are iu the sec
ond story. — G. I. Independent.
DeWitt's Little Eariv Risers never
tlisapoints. They are safe, prompt,
gentle, effective in removing all impu
rities from ttie liver and bowel*. Small
and easy to take. Never gripe or dis
tress.—Odendabl Bros.
No convention held in St. Paul
during the past ten years, not even
excepting those wonderful affairs
during the palmy days of populism,
has been so largely attended, so en
thusiastic and withal so harmonious
as that which did business at the
court house last Saturday afternoon.
Every one of the fourteen precincts
in the county were represented, and
nearly all by full delegations. Out
of a total of 108 delegates lo t were
actually present.—St. Paul Repu
j b!iean.
In speaking of the Republican
candidates last week, the nominee
for sheriff, Mr. A. (). Hendrickson,
was missed in the shullie of the tourn
ament, but is by no means missed
from the campaign. Mr. Hendrick
son is a young man with the char
acteristic ability of tlie family and
stands well in the county. He has
been a resident of Sherman county
for 10 years past and works a farm
in the summer and teaches school
during the winter months. He is
i resident of Harrison township and
is verv popular in the communities
when; lie 1ms hem teaching. He is
ho ust, capable and rdliahle and
i h< re is no reason why he is not <>n«
.,f the most, available candidates tin
Minty c< uld have chosen.
I,.ovis <)• k'-i ros'i. (»M-bm, In 1: “i >e
Win’s Lin'e Kar'y Risers never hem!
me iliiiib'** like other pills, Outdo iheit
wink thoroughly and make me feel Mkf
a bn ’’ <’ertain thorough, genti*-—
Odendabl Bros
Ind!ftn OfitrLery lu Cani'l*.
An Indian sepulcher has been found
In Lincoln county. Ontario. It con
♦a ned upward of 800 skeletons, which
are thought to belong to the tribe of
Altiwandarons, or Neutins. allied to
the Hurons, and exterminated by the
Iroquois in the seventeenth century.
A new remedy for biliousness is no*
o i sale at Odendahl'a drug store. It is
called Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver
Tablets It gives quick relief and will
prevent the attack if given as soon as
the drat indication of the disease ap
pears. I’rice, 25 cents per box Sam
ples free at Odendahl Bros.
KojaoiC Allium at Ilnrllu.
The Rogues' Album (seventeen vol
umes) of the Berlin police contained in
1899 the photographs of 17,980 crim
inals. In 1898 the number of criminals
captured with the aid of those photo
graphs was 180.
W. T. Wesson, Gholsonville, Va
druggists, writes: “Your One Minute
Cough (Jute gives perfect satisfaction.
My customers say it lathe best remedy
for coughs, colds, throat and lung trou
bles."—Odendalil Bros
(trandm >th«r at 2fl.
A grandmother at twenty-six Is the
unique distinction of Mrs. Mary Camp
bell, who lives In the "mountain dis
trict" of western North Carolina, and
is about as far from civilization as one
can get In this part of the world. Mrs.
Campbell marriod when eleven years
old. She was the mother of a daughter
when hut twelve, and her eldest child
no v has become a mother. Mrs. Camp
bell has had nine children.
• M. Phelps, lowest dal**, Vt. liy» hit
child "«* completely cured of a bad
(•use of ci /.einn by the use of DeWilt’s
Witch Haze! Salve. Beware of all
c: unterfeits. 11 instantly reloh os piles.
— Odcndahl Bros.
People are at ill asking about the
law of presidential successors. The
succession act, passed after the as
sassionation of President Garfield
provides that in case of the de ath or
inability lo serve of both the presi
dent and vice-president, one of the
cabinet officers shall act as president,
and shall, if congress be not in sess
i >n, or if it is not to u.eet in regular
session, within •_’() days, call congress
in extra session. The cabinet offi
cers take precedence in acting as
follows: Secretary of State, Secre
tary of the Treasury, Secretary of
War. Attorney General, Postmaster
General, Secre tary of the Navy and
Secretary of the Interior. The cab
inet officer who succeeds as acting
president must Lave the qualification
of a president. Thus if the Secre
tar\ of State should happen to be of
foreign birth, he should not be eligi
ble, and tbe Secretary of tho Treas
ury would become acting president.
—St. Joseph Herald.
j Uur friend tlcnty Ubtekedanlz oi
I St. Paul was Dominated last week by
I Howard county republicans as car
date for county treasurer. Mr,
Chicked a ntz is the man that scooped
the pops a few years ago in his race
for state representative. May he
do it again.
Wliat’i* Tour Face Worth?
Sometimes a fortune, but uever, if
you have a sallow complexion, a jaun
diced look, moth patches and blotches
on the (kin,-nil signs of Liver Trouble,
But Dr. King’s New Life PdlS giye
(Rear Sk'r, Rosy Cneeks, Rich Com
plexion. Only 25 cants at, Odendahl
Stepped Into Live Coals.
"When a child 1 burned my foot
fiightfullv,” writes W. H. Ends, of
Jonesville, Va., "which caused horrible
leg sores for 30 years, but Bucklen’s
Arnica Salve wholly cured me after
everything else failed.’’ Infallible for
Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Sore*, Bruises aad
Piles. Sold by Odendahl Bros.
On* Way to C«*ny • WnfrVt.
The entirely up-tn-date girl now
wears her wnteb dropped Inside her
,’cl!ar, with a chain five or »ix inches
long hanging outside. Tills Ir to keep
the timepiece within easy acc ss, as
without such precaution it wonld be
likely to vllp out of reach. The chain
Is finished by an ornsiuent or seel, the
odder the better. A curious pendaht la
n miniature sarcophagus that holds a
tiny vinaigrette or puff.
A -i An>tirnpo!<>xl«nl Mnirmni
: ht way in which American anthro
pological muaeumi arc growing is a
Fourcc of envy in England, whore there
is a lamentable indifference to the
I,»tii!»»s« or Mr lion.
The Aztec language in use in Mexi
co al the discovery of America lacked
the sounda indicated by our letters b.
d. f. g. r, 1, J and v.
Ml! I
L am prepared to make hydraulic or casing wells.
•f. jVI. PEED. Loup City, Neb.
CH411 VCTKU and good rlipuliitlon In each
state (one In this county ro.|Ulredi to rep
resent and advertise edd established weal
thy business house of solid financial stand
ing. Salary 11* 00 weekly with expenses
additional, all payable In cash each Wed
nesday direct from the head office*. Ilorse
and carriage furnished, when neei ssary.
References Enclose self addressed
tamped envelope Manager, Sid Caxton
Building, Chicago.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Department of the Interior,
I.aml Office at Lincoln, Neli i
Sept. », l'K*l. I
Notice is hereby given ihat tlic following
named settler has filed notice of bis Inten
tion to make final proof In support of Ills
claim, and that said proof will lie made be
fore J. A. Angler, County Judge, at
Loup City, Nebraska, on October 25th 1501,
viz: Carl de la Motte, heir at law of
Carl de la Motte. deceased, Homestead
entry No. 17,.191) for the North West
Quarter of Sectiou 2, Township
1.1, Range 15. West. Ha names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his conlinueus
residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: Jo Rabhahn, Adolph Starke
and Adam Schneider of Hazard, Nebr
and Henry W. Haller, of Litchfield, Neb.
J. W. Johnson, Register.
Makes assimilation perfect, healthy
blood, lirin muscles, strong nerves.
Quickens th« brain, makes and keep*
you well. Great medicine. Rocky
Mountain Tea. 35c. Ask your druggist.
report of the condition of
At Loup City In the State of Nebraska, at
the Close of Business, September SOth, 1901 :
Loans and discounts .. 12,271 ST
Overdrafts secured and unsecured 111 IS
Stocks and securities.. 3,AM 29
Banking house, furniture, fixtures 1,982 60
Other Real Estate. 3.000 00
Current expenses and taxes paid. 750 11
Checks and other cash items .
Due from National, State and Priv
ate banks and bankers. 7,701 51
Cosh. Nlckles and cents . $
Currency' . 1,136 00
•• specie. 2,373 20 3,71)9 20 j
Total . 62.424.11 !
Capital stock paid in. *20,000 00
Surplus fund. 1,700 00
Undivided profits . 1,629 68
Individual deposits subject to
check.32,711 <» *
Demand certificates of
.deposit 6.377.20
Due to National Banks
Due to stale and private
. banks and bankers 2,69 39,094 49
Total .*H2,4 .’1,11
State of Nebraska, 1_ „
County of Sherman. >
1, A P. Colley, President ot the above
named Bank, do solemnly swear that the
above statement is correct and a true
copy of i he report made to l he Slate Bank
ing board.
A. P. CUM.kv. President,
tv. F. Mason, Director.
L. Hansen, Director.
Subscribed and sworn to before mo this
9lh day of Oct., 1901.
Rich a bp J. Nightingale,
(seal.) Notary Public.
My commission expires March 17, 1902.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails to cure. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take It. Bv its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevent s formation or gas on thestom*
ach, relieving all distress after eat ing
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
It can’t help
but do you good
‘ Prepared only by F. C. Pf Witt 2k Co., Ohlea.’'
Thu 91. bottle contains 214 times the 50c. siza
* or sale bv ODKNDAHL DROS.,
is the love of one of the most beautiful and wonderful things
in nature. In many countries, diamonds hava been called
the “Tear drops of angels.’’ In the highest civilized nations,
diamonds are the symbols of wealth and the badge o‘ aris
tocracy. Whatever the purpose, we have the diamonds to
fulfill it. We have all sizes and the prices are right.
President. CanMar.
General Banking
BusInessT ransacted.
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nafrraafcto.
We afe headquarters for
We hare every appliance for making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. Otir charges are rea^ot.ahle
our prices are right, We have added a feed grinde. 1 , our
business and are prepared to do custom work or'iiish
ground feed at reasonable rates.