The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, October 04, 1901, Image 5

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    The Northwestern
OKO. K. HKtMOHOTKK, I Editor* and
OKO. H. GIBSON, | Publishers
Entered at the Loup Cltv Postofllee for trail*
mission through the mails as second
class matter.
For Judge of the Supreme Court:
For Regents of the State Cniveraety:
For County Treasurer,
For County Clerk.
F ir County Judge,
Bor Sheriff.
For Superintendent.
For Surveyor.
For Coroner.
A. 8. MAIN.
The republicans of Sherman coun
ty have a good county ticket to vote
^his fall. All the nominees are of
long residence here and have filled
many positions of trust. The can
didate for county judge A. .1. f?.
Fairhuirn was at one time county
treasurer of Sherman county having
been appointed to till vacancy, lie
made oue of the most efficient and
trusted officers the county has ever
The nominee for treasurer Frank
Oilewski is a resident of Sherman
county since lt*7b and settled down
with scarcely any means. He has
by hard work and strict economy
built up a comfoitable home, has
a large stock farm and considerable
property around him. If elected
Frank will make an accommodating
and trusted officer.
The junior editor of this paper,
G. II. Gibson, and nominee for
county clerk, being somewhat deli
cate about blowing his own horn,
left it incumbant upon the writer,
the senior editor, to tell of his
sterling qualities as to iutegrity,
ability, honesty, punctuality, trust
worthiness, deportment, etc., etc.,
etc. In a brief sentence we will
state that he posesses all of these
'qualifications and menits the sup
port of every republican iu Sherman
county and then some. In fact he
ought to he elected—and will he.
E. C. Kirk, of Elm township is a
mau especially fitted for the position
to which he has been called upon
by b'<s party to fill, that of county
superintendent. He posesses a
splended education and has the cre
dentials to show it.
Judge Moou for surveyor and I)r.
A. S. Main for coroner are two of
Sherman county’s best citizens.
Owing to their large acquaintance
and popularity they need no intro
duciion. Both gentlemen are men
of high moral standing and are well
qualified for the positions named.
Wonder who it was that made it
possible to pay ofT so much of the
bonded debt of Sherman county in
the past few years, Frank Badura
or the tax payers? We think that
the publishers of the newspapers
^liave donated liberally to the county
general fund by doing work for
many years past at half price and
In many instances for less than half
price. Mr. Badura has been in
oflice for four years and in no in
stance has it ever been recorded
where he has taken less than legal
fees for services rendered.
County treasurer Badura has just
posted large threatening notices to
the tax payers of the county to pay
tbeir personal takes or they will be
distressed, and in this he even » n
eludes the faxes of 1000 which
are not yet delinquent. Frank
see in s to have an eye single to Urns*
distress fees and to have forgotten
that lie whs elected 01. the plea of
h ing a reformer in the interest of
tnc farmers and tax payers. It is
*, * I right to distress those who can,
Imt <to not make an effort to pat
their taxes, but the idea of including
ttics 1900 tax is preposterous.
County treasurer, Frank Hadura1
lias punt strict attention to business
1 since bis term of office and we pre
diet that could lie be retained in
office tight years longer that the
county bond holders would get
| every cent due them and he would
! collect all iiis fees if all the land and
! the personal property of the tax
j payers had to be sold under the
| hammer to raise the money. The
j im re distress warreuts issued the
I more fees you know.
The Norfolk asylum was almost
totally detroycd by tire last Friday
The fire originated from a defective
gass pi [it* running through the tunnel
under neatti the building Two of
the inmates were burned to death.
The others and nearly ail the con
tents of the building were saved.
With the exception of the west wing
the building is virtually destroyed.
The walls of this part of the ruins
can he used m rebuilding but the
the rest ot the masonry will have to
be cleared away. It seems that at
present, however, there are no funds
available with which to rebuild and
ii looks as though the matter will
have to be deferred until the legis
lature meets and makes an appropri
ation for that purpose. It would
seem to us that this building should
have been insured as the amount of
insurance would doubtless have been
sufficient to meet immediate de
mands in caring for the many pati
cuts and to commence, if not to com
plete the building of a new struct
| ure.
SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 24, 'ol.
Rbak FatiiKR: 1 will again en
deavor to pen you a few lines. 1
am wtdl and having a nice time and
hope the folks at home are all en
joy ing yourselves. Well the train
ing ship Mohecau is in the bay. She
will, most likely, take out appren
tices this time as the landsmen all
jump they will hereafter place* them
on white ships. Delightful news
came to two hundred of us boys to
day so do not be surprised if you
get a letter stating that I am of! on
my first cruise for the other side ol
the world, as the word from Wash
ington, is that the Mohecau will take
us out the 20th of next month. I
hope it is only so. The vessel can
carry two hundred and seventy-five
apprentices. The Philadelphia has1
just come out of dry dock at Mare
Island and is in the bay. Charles
Cramer is in the hospital. He is
troubled with some throat disease
and his neck is swollen so that he
can hardly talk. The rainy season
has begun here and- it rains most of
the time. The band is playing on portico, they will play every
night this week as they did not
play any last week. The flags are
all placed at half mast for thirty
days on all public buildings. un
Thursday when our president was
laid to rest, a salute of 20 guns was
tired from a four inch gun. The j
strikers are raising cain again. They
attacked two teamsters and killed
both their horses and burnt their
wagons, each with a load of dry ■
goods, broke one fellow’s arm and
bruised his face and broke the other
fellows jaw bone. The police found
a lot of lead slings, revolvers ard
other vvepoDs which they had. A
new draft of ten came from the north
to-day. We will put them through
the First degree to-night. A com
mittee of twelve has been appointed
iu Oakland and San Francisco, to
collect money for a monument to be
erected in memory of our late presi- j
deut. To day while out in top sail,
we noticed the Hay City ferry stop- !
ping in the middle of her run and
dropped a life boat to take on a man
who had attempted suicide. The
largest ocean steamer on the Pacific,
the Hancock, is anchored near the
ferry line. A party in Frisco, are
making arrangements for putting
down an ocean cable from here to
the Philippine Islauds by way of
Hawaii and China. The company
is capitalized for $1(10,000. air
Mackey (In* president of tin* com
pany say il will he finished iu-ide
of two years. Our new swiu.uii g
tauk is d- no and the carpenters are
at work putting on the roof, li i*
30x00 and is made of cement A
large »'gnal house and plant will b;
built on the other side of the Island,
which will be run by electricity.
We have two large dynamos on the
Island now. A large hot bouse and
more buildings for oHlcers will be
built also. Well as it ts dark and I
am tired I will close with regards to
all. Yours llespt.
Charles K. Gibson,
U. S. Training Ship Pensacola.
Livermore, Sept. 22, 1001.
Dear Northwestern: You will
please change the address of my
paper to the above named place. I
came here from Ft. Collins, yester
day, it is 30 miles north west of
Collins. The place I am at is a
stock ranch, belonging to a wealthy
Englishman and runs 500 head of
stock. He has a beautiful frame
house with surronndings to match it.
A beautiful mountuin Btream
goes tumbling towards the valley,
just back of the bouse. After I
have been here long enough to get
acquainted and see the points of in
terest, 1 will writ? you a more ex
tended letter. This leaves us all
well and with best wishes I am;
Yours as ever.
W. J. Ha it rod
A J. Wilson made a fly iug trip to
Elba and back Thursday.
Frank Brewer of Loup City, was
seen on our streets shaking hands
with friends Thursday.
K iM. Hiddelsen arrived home
Friday evening fiom an extended
trip through Iowa. ‘Mac’ thinks
Nebraska is all right jet.
I’rof. J. It. Stephenson made a
business visit to Loup City Satur
Burn—To Mr and Mrs. H- F.
Tango man, on Thursday Sept. 20,
1001, an eight pound girl. Hank’
feels 7 feet tall now and wears a
smile that is ‘all wool and a yard
Mr. and Mrs. Ed Isaacson left
Satuaday morning on the U. P.
for Cushing, Neb., where they spent
Sunday visiting her sister.
Mr. Geo. Gibson of Loup City,
attended a meeting of the Wood*
men lodge here Saturday evening.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Andersen celt*
brated their silver wedding Sunday,
Sept. 29th 1901. We understand
ttiat over 300 invitations were is
sued. Many handsome and useful
presents were left with them by their
legion of friends to remind them of
the occasion
A. T. Conger of Loup City spent
the first half of this week here traic
our Woodmen lodge for the contest.
Nothing but First prize will suit
..ur fellows.
Mrs. M. Benton of Alliance, speut
Sunday visiting in this neighbor,
Rev. U. F. Graves will bold church
services at the school house, Sunday
evening, Oct. Oth. Let even body
turn out and till the house.
S- J Fair is putting up an addi
tion to his residence this week
Feter Rowe of Loup City, has
been plastering the new Woodmen
ball here this wfek.
U. No. Me.
fs'tnrfmt rrlmmt YifiUliIngb
One by one the old London prisons
are vanishing. The last to disappear
wa3 MUlsbank, and now Coldbath
Fields, with its huge and gloomy gate
way of which but a vestige remains,
is almost equally a thing of the past.
The postofliee octopus, whose tentacles
are far-reaching In the district of
Mount Pleasant, has taken possession
of the “House of Correction,” which
was opened In 1794. and closed Its
doors to the guilty public in accordance
with the provisions of the Prisons Act
of 1877.
London Want* a Carnwglr.
Tn London, the capital of the empire
and the richest city in the world, there
Is no university at all, except on paper,
and most of our great raanfaucjturing
towns are content with a mechainca’
institute. Prof. Starling says rather
bitterly of our legislators that they
have no “other idea of a university
than as an introduction f.o polite soci
ety." An association ot millionaires
who have von that introduction by
different means might so spread the
zeal of Mr. Carnegie as r.o shame par
liament Into imitation.—Illustrated
I.ondon News.
Mullins write u< that they lime
solved t'i" problem uf keeping their
children we \ Give them ILidy Mnun
tsin lea each week. A blessing In
nun her and child. A-k your druggist
",_■' «■ " .1.111.1 —...I - I. . I .. .. iM I ...
I am prepared to make hydraulic or casing wells.
| f. JVI. PEED, Loup City, Neb.
CHARACTER and good reputation in each
slate (one in this county required) lo rep- ,
resent and advertise old established weal-;
thy busur ss house of solid financial stand- |
ing. Salary tlsun weekly will) expenses
additional, all payable in cash each Wed
nesday direct from the head oltlees. Horse
and carriage furnished, when neci ssury.
References Enclose self Addressed
tatuped envelope. Manager. 3111 Caxton
llullding, Chicago.
•food Death Off.
K. B. Monday, a lawyer of Henrietta,
Tex-, once fooled a grave-digger. He
says: “My brother was very low witli
malarial fever and jaundice. I persuad
ed bim to try Electric Billets, and in* was
soon much iiettri'. but continued their
use until b“ was wholly cured. 1 am
sure electric bitters saved hi-* life. This
remedy expells malaria, Kills dis- ased
germs and purifies the blood; aids di
gestion. r.gulates the liver, kidneys and
bowels, cures constipation dyspepda,
nervous disease, kidney troub es, fe
male complaints; gives perfect health.
Only 50c cents at Odendahl Bros.' drug
Cliainlierlaln’s Cough Remedy a
Great Favorite.
The soothiug and healing properties
of this remedy, its pleasant taste and
prompt and permanent cures have made
it a great favorite with people every
where. it is especially prized by moth
ers of small children for colds, croup
and whooping cough, as it always af
fords quick relief, and ag l* contains no
opium or other harmful drug, it may be
given as confidently to a baby as to an
adult For sale by—Odendahl Bros.
Kodol Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
Department of the Interior, -
Land Office at Lincoln, Net), i
Sept. 9, lOOt. S
Notice is hereby given that the following
named settler bus tiled notice of bis inten
tion to make tlmil proof in support of his
claim, and that said proof will lie made be
fore J. A. Angler, County Judge, ai
Loup City, Nebraska, on October 85th 1901,
viz: Carl de la Mottc, heir at law of
'Carl de la Motte, deceased, Homestead
entry No. 17,399 for the North West
Quarter of Section 8, Township
13, Range 15, West, He names the follow
ing witnesses to prove his continuous
residence upon and cultivation of said
land, viz: Jo Rebhahn. Adolph Starke
and Adam Schneider of Hazard, Nebr
and Henry W. Haller, of Litchticld, Neb.
J. W. Johnson, Register.
He Owes HisLife to the Forethought of
a Companion.
While on a camping trip in Webster
county, Mr 8. 1. Stump, of Noun in
to wn, W Va, had a severe attack >>f
bloody lliix He says, ‘ I firmlv believe
that I ov.e my life to the forethought
of one of the company who had taker,
along a bottle of Ohamb rlaln’s I'oiic,
Cholera and Itiarrhoca Remedy" Mo'al.
—Procure a bottle of this remedy be
fore leaving home. It cannot be ob
tairied when on a hunting, llshing or
prospecting trip Neither can it be ob
tained while on board the ears or
ship, and at such times and places it is
most likely to be needed. The safe wav
is to have it with you. Thousands of
travlers never leave home on a journey
without It. For sale by Odendahl Bros.
Dyspepsia Cure
Digests what you eat.
This preparation contains all of the
digestants and digests all kinds of
food. It gives instant relief and never
fails toenre. It allows you to eat all
the food you want. The most sensitive
stomachs can take it. By its use many
thousands of dyspeptics have been
cured after everything else failed. It
prevents formation of gas on the stom
ach, relieving all distress after eat ing.
Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take.
It can’t help
but do you good
i Prepared only by F. C. T»r. Witt A Co., Ohlca r
| Tin) |1. bottle contains 2H times the 50c. size,
F#r sale by ODENDAHL DROS.,
is the love of one of the most beautiful and wonderful things
in nature. In manv countries, diamonds have been called
the “Tear drops of angels. ’ In the highest civilized nations,
diamonds are the symbols of wealth and the badge of aris
tocracy. Whatever the purpose, we have the diamonds to
fulfill it. We haveall sizes and the prices are right.
PrasicUnL CukSr.
General Banking
Paid up Capital Stock $20,000.
Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y.
Omaha National Bank, Omaha, NabraalA.
•We aye Headquarters for
We have every appliance for making first class
Drive or Hydraulic Wells and
respectfully solicit your order. 0,ir charges are reavmahle
’our prices are right. We have added a feed grindec i • i>ur
business and are prepared to do custom work or ••
; ground feed at reasonable rates.
. f
> -4