The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, September 13, 1901, Image 4

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    Uoaal Daws.
The county fathers were in session
this week.
James Gray of the west side was at
the hub Saturday.
J. T. Hale went to Battle Creek Neb
on business Moaday.
Carl de la Motte of Hazard township
was in the city Friday.
Samuel Gal laway bad a bad siege o»
cramps last Sunday night.
Win. Couton of Austin was shaking
bands *ith the boys Saturday.
Joseph Rosenenewlski of Rockville,
twp., was at the hub Saturday.
Clark Allaman took some lumber
along home from town Monday.
Jacob Chipps of Fullerton, was a
pleasant caller at this office Monday.
Ernie Rentfrow took charge of the
Johauseu restaurant Monday morning.
John Needham and Joha Carpenter
of Austin, attended the pop caucus Sat
Jay Cole had a serioua attack of
cramps Saturday. They left hits rather
VV. J. Fisher made a trip to Oak
creek Saturday evening returning Sun
day evening.
Miss May Hancock captured two first
aad two second prizes on fancy work at
the state fair.
Mr. and Mrs. A Sutton of Valiev
county came down Saturday to visit
their daughters
Henry Johansen and son came In
from Iowa. Thursday evening for a
couple weeks visit with relatives
Loup City is putting on metropolitan
airs. The clang of the shooting gallery
can be heard all day and most of the
Andrew Gorski of Ashton, the leader
of the socialist party In Sherman coun
ty, visited several day s In the city last
A, W, Throckmorton of Divide, was
at Aurora, last week consulting the
Board of Pension examiners in regard
to his claim.
Miss Abbie Conger came up from
Omaha Thursday evening for a visit
with her pareuts. Miss Abbie is look
ing exceding well.
Samuel Carpentei of Austin who has
been working in Colorado for some
time returned home last week and will
stay for the present,
Mr. Wallard, an organizer for the
Royal Highlanders has bees working In
this olty during the past week, wits
what success we have not learned.
Robert Nlmmo, a former resident of
Sherman eaunty but who has been away
from here for the past dozen years, re
turned for a two weeks visit Tuesday.
Mr. Lawrsnse Line of Hazard, is re
ceiving instructions in the jewelry busi
ness under the able tutilage of O. H
Morgan, Loup .City's industrous and
capable jeweler.
J. T. Hale has purched a very neat
little pony buggy for his son Ellbanks.
When the boy gets his sbetlends hook
ed to It he will have a complete and
handsome little out!t.
B. W. Pursell, Kintersville. Pa., says
he suffered 25 years with piles and
could obtain no relief until DeWitt’s
Witch Hazel Salve effected a permanent
cure, Counterfeits are worthless.—
Odendahl Bros.
A Boone, onr old and well beloved
jeweler who moved from here to Gree
ley, Center, four years ago, returned
Tuesday and will again repair your
watch at the lowest cash rates. Wel
come Boone.
The Woodmen boys received their
new uniforms last Friday. They are
very tine and make a grand appearance.
The boys will feel way up in G when
they get them on. They will present a
slight appearance of militarism but
then we have got use to that.
Henry Braydon, Harris, N ,C. says:
“1 took medlcin* 20 years for asthma
but one bottle of One Minute Cough
Cure did me more good than any thing
else during that time. Best Cough Cure.
—Odendahl Bros.
A surprise party and dance was given
Tuesday night In honor of Miss Mary
Minshull's birth day. Society hall was
secured for the evasion and about .'10
Invited guests enjoyed themselves for
several hours.
County Surveyor Corning, was in the
city this week. He is running the line
for the Nebraska Telephone Co., and
arrived at the east Jins of the town
Tuesday evsniDg and informed us that
the gang with the poles are drawing
Chamberlain * Pain Bairn applied u>
a cut, bruise, burn, scald or like injury
will instantly allay tbe pain and wi}]
heal the part* in less time than any otl er
treatm“nt. Unless tbe Injury is v< ry
severe it will not leave a sear Pun
Balm also cures rheumatism, sprains,
swellings and lameness. For sale by
Odendabl Bros.
Mis* Edna Minsbull ieft Saturday
morning for Crete, Nebr . where she
will complete her education at boaDe
college. Miss Minsbull wa9 tbe youag
lady who received tbe scholarship at
the graduating exercises of our high
acbool In the spring of '90. for showing
the highest percent of efficiency in her
studies and she goes to reap her reward
for merited proficiency
Leave your orders for ice
with 0. Benschoter.
Will Crisa was a pleasant caller at
tbia office Monday.
Fred Wlsbman of Aabton.waa at the
county seat Monday.
Eddy B. Dunlap of the west side
took In the city Friday.
W. S. Waite returned from Lincoln
and the state fair Saturday.
Hon. S, J. Fair of Rockville, was a
county seat visitor Saturday.
Geo Rightenour and Will Draper of
Divide, was in the city Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Alf Wilson and An
drew, of Austin, Were In the city Sat
Elias Ogle of Austin, was repairing
his political fenses last Saturday at the
pop caucus.
1 57 Inches of water fell here Tues
day night. It was a regular de>uge for
an hour.
W- P. Baird is having his barn re
shingled. P. T. Kewe Is doing the
Harry and John Taylor came home
Saturday and spent Sunday with their
Mrs Burns left Saturday morning
for Mansfield, Ohio, where she goes foi
a months visit with relatives and
T M- Reed sells sewing ma
chines and a general line of
The large canvas to cover the bowery
at the Woodmen picnic to-day, arrived
last Monday. It Is 40x40 and will be a
great eonvenience to the place for future
The senior editor of this paper went
to Falla City Tuesday to look after the
interest on his mother’s farm. He will
see that the farm is ditched and a part
of it seeded down to blue grass and
David Richardson was In attendance
at the supervisors meeting this week
Dave told us that the two bumble bees
that attacked him last week were worse
than a squad of Boera after Kitchener.
He says they shoot straight and to kill.
An English association regarding
woman’s happiness has offered a reward
of i'500 for a greater blessing to women
than Rocky Mountain Tea. Sensible
move. Ask your druggist
Mrs. A. Zink is rearranging and pa
pering the store room of Mrs. 8. G
Tayler and shaping it for a dining
room, kitchen and some sleeping apart
ments. Mrs, Zink will have a very neat
boarding house when complete.
Don’t wait until you become chronic
ally constipated but take DeWitt’s Lit
tle Early Risers now and then. They
will keep your liver and bowels In good
order. Easy to take. Safe pills.-—Oden
dabl Bros.
■enry Dolling has received another
large invoice of fall and winter aboes
Ineluding school shoes, which he offers
at the loweat living prices. If you
want the best gooda at the right price
call on Mr. Dolling.
When you want a pleasant physic try
the new remedy, Chamberlain’s Sto
mach and Liver Tablets. They are
easy to take and pleasant In effect.
Price, 26 cents. Samples free at Oden
dabl Bros.
Mrs. Chas. Gasteyer entertained a few
friends at her home last Thursday even
ing. Singing, music and daneing war
indulged in until about 10:30 when the
guests departed assuring their hosteas
that they had a most enjoyable time.
There was 1.20 Inches of rain fell at
this place last Sunday, Daring the
week there was a precipitation of 3.07
Inches and during the two weeks pre
vious 4 54 inches of water fell. Had
the chineb bugs left ua a lone this coun
ty would have had a very fine crop Urn
The fallowing parties were namec
last Saturday as nominee* for town
ship officers by the pep primary: For
Supervisor Henry Ohlsen, Assessor J.
\V. Carpenter, Gl-rk O. F. Petersen,
Treasurer Tom Dillon, Justice* of the
peace, for Village P. McKenna, for
Township J. T. Hale, Constable F. E
Ye Junior editor received a book of
views from our boy whol* stationed at
San FrancUoo, ou the training ship Pen
sacola, which shows the boys as they
live, their quarters, their sports and at
their training. Each of our three Loup
City boys can plainly be seen and rec
ognized in several pictures. Every
thing appears to he neat and clean and
In fine order. It is a pleasure to the
parents who have boys there to see the
Father Ehrmann, the old gentleman
at the St. Eltac hotel, narrowly eacaped
death last Monty evening at the L7. I’
depot. The old gen'Ieman being very
desirous of hearing The latest new
from the preii jrot, went to the depot!
when the 7:80 p. in , train earne in. Be
iug nearly blind bw <rt k«d <o near tb< !
edge and when be a**t hi* cane down it
miaacti the platf<>m and he depending j
ou it fur aupport started to fan across
tb* trees just it; front of the engin*
Master Harvey O'Bryan mi waleblrg
him and. quit s as thought, grabbed h tu
by the arm and dragged him from the
jaws of death The «»»d gettieman d«
‘ire* to thu* put'iely thank Ma«ur
Harvev for saving his life
Little Helen Rentfrow celebrated her
Fourth birthday last Saturday by en
tertaining a number of her young play
mates The following Is a list of those
present: Madelene Campbell, Fern
Rowe. Emma Foater* Zelpha Reed, Fay
French, Rosie Dolling, Laura Foster1
Lula Lofho'm, Jessie Foster, Resale
Fisher. FreJ Foater. Lelon Lofbolm
Inue Fiaber, Taaie Dolling and Iva
Caraten Truelsen and John Vande
grlft, while at the state fair last week
purchased a fine Durock Jersey boar
one year obi and weighing nearly 500
pounds The animal arrived here hv
freight iast Saturday and was taken to
the Vandegrlft farm at Austin. If
was as tine a specimen of a hog as we
have keen for a long time and took sec
ond premium at the state fair.
Cal! and see the best thing out tor
harvesting vnnr corn; the McOor
mic. For sale bv T. M. Reed.
Are you needing anv thins
in the furniture line? If so call
at T. M- Reed's
A never falling cure for cuts, burns,
•raids, ulcers wounds and sores is De
Witt's Witch Hazel Sa’yc A most
soothing and healing remedy for all
Skin affections Odendahl Bros.
T.ast week T went shout.
Full of trouble and of doubt.
Vow T’m smiling and diner with delight
I had Rockv Mountain Tea last night
Ask vnnr druggist.
Mothers write us that they have
solved the problem of keeping their
children well Give them Raekv Moun
tain Tea each week. A blessing to
mother and child Ask vonr druggist
— - - ♦ ♦ -—»
A Shocking; Calamity.
“Lately befell a railroad laborer,"
writes Dr. A. Kellett, of Williford. Ark
‘His foot was badly crushed, but Buck
lln's Arnica Salve quickly cured him
It's simply wonderful tor Burns, Boils.
Piles and all skin eruptions. It's the
world's champion healer. Cure guar
anteed 25c. Bold bv Odendahl Bros.
This Is Tour Chance
In order to introduce it into your
home The Semi-Weekly State Journal
will be mailed from now until January
1,1902, for only twenty five cents. This
will give you a paper every Tuesday
and Friday and will he almost a* good
as a dally. 11 will give you all the mar
kets which just now is a valuable feat
ure, worth to every farmer many times
the coat of the papier Tne Journal is
printed at the state capital and is more
of a state paper than any of Its compet
itors. It prints the news of the world
fresh from special wires in Its own of
fice and prints it twice a week, while it
is fresh and doesn't charge you any
more for it than does the old-fashioned
weekly. Send your quarter to the
State Journo). Lincoln, Neb.
Geo. W. Lane, Pewamo, Mich., write*:
"Your Kodol Dyspepsia Cure Is the
best remedy for indigestion and sto
mach trouble that I ever used. For
year* I suffered from dyspepsia, at
times compelling me to stay in bed and
causing me untold agony. I am com
pletely cured by Kodol Dyspepsia Cure.
In recommending it to friends who suf
fer from indigestion I always ofl’er to
pay for it if it fails. Thus far I have
never paid.”—Odendahl Bros.
Chamberlain’s Cough Remedy a
tireat Favorite
Tbe soothing and healing properties
of this remedy, its pleasant tasta and
prompt and permanent cures have made
it a great favorite with people every
where. It is especially prized by moth
ers of small children for colds, croup
and whooping cough, as it always af
fords quick relief, and as it contains no
opium or other harmful drug, it may be
giveu as eonfldeutly to a baby as to an
adult For sale by—Odendahl Bros.
Lost —A twenty and a five dollar bill.
$25.00. Finder will please leave same at
this office and receive a liberal reward
The bills were wadded together when
lost but may have seperated.
Geo. E Bkkschoteu, Owner.
Hava you a sense of fullness in the
region of your stomach after eating '
If so you will be benefited by using
Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tab
lets. They also cure belching and sour
stomach. Th°y regulate the bowels too,
Price, 25 cents. Hold by Odendahl Bros.
Sid Darling. 1012 Howard st. Port
Huron, Mich, writes: “ I have tried
many pills and laxatives but DeWItt’s
Little Early Risers are far the beat pills
I have ever used." They never gripe
—Odendahl Bros.
Rat *
in tbe coffee bin—not
a pleasant thought,
vet when coffees are
kept open in bulk who
knows what different
“things" come climb
ing and floating in ?
put up in sealed packages insures
cleanliness, uniform quality,
freshness and delicious flavor.
I RoVal
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
menacers to health of the present day.
*OT«l S.WWO WWDU SO., HU ro««. _
September 19th to tilth, both
dates inclusive, any Burlington
Route ticket agent will sell you a
round trip ticket to San Francisco at
The occasion is the general con
vention of the Episcopal church,
and the rate is open to the general
public as well as to delegates to the
No more delightful outing can be
immagined. The trip is made at a
time of year when traveling is a
pleasure and the climate of Caltfor
nia at its best. The return limit
November 15, 1901, is an unusually
long one for tickets sold at so low a
rate. Stop-overs are allowed at
pleasure, both going and returning,
at and west of the first Colorado,
Wyoming or Montana point en route
All in all, the opportunity is one
which no man or woman who con
templates a visit to California can
afford to overlook.
Folder giving details mailed on
request, Bnrlingtou ticket agents are
in a position to give any further in
formation that may be desired.
J. Francis, General Passenger
Agent, Omahs, Neb.
Norris Silver. North Stratford, N. II.
“I purchased a bottle of One Minute
Cough Cure when suffering with a
cough, doctors told me was incurable,
One bottle relieved me. the secosd and
third almost eured. To-day I am a well
man.”—Odendahl Bros.
Man physicians arc now prescribing
Xodol Dyspepsia Core regularly having
found that it is the best prescription
they can write because it lathe one pre
paration which contains the elements
necessary to digest not only some kinds
of food but all kind and It therefore
cures indigestion and dyspepsia no
matter what its cause.—Odendahl Bros.
A flight of Terror.
“Awful anxiety was felt for the wid
ow of the brave General Burnham of
Machias. Me., when the doctors said
she would die from Pneumonia before
morning” writes Mrs. L. II. Lincoln,
who attended her that fearful night,
but she begged for Dr. King’s New Dis
covery, which had more than once
saved her life, and cured her of Consum
ption. After taking, she slept all night.
“Further use entirely cured her " This
marvelous medicine Is guaranteed to
cure all Throat, Chest and Lung dis
eases. Only 50c and 1.00. Trial bottle
at Odendahl Bros.' drug store.
Working Day ami flight.
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr King's New
Life Pills. These pills change weak
ness into strength, listlessness Into
energy, brain-fag into mental power.
They’re wonderful in building up tbe
health. Only 25c per box. Sold by
Odendahl Bros.
Cured of Chronic Dlarrlioeu After
Thirty Tear* of Suffering
“I suffered for thirty years with di
arrhoea and thought I wns past being
cured," says John S. Hawley, Freneh
Cimp. Miss. “ I had spent so much
time and money and suffered so much
that I had given up all hopes of recov
ery. I was so feeble from the effects of
the diarrhoea that I could do no kind of
labor, could not even travel, but by ac
cident 1 was permitted to find a bottle
of Chamberlain's Celie, Cholera and
Diarrhoea remedy, and after faking sev
eral bottles I am entirely cured of that
trouble I ain so pleased with the re
<uU i hat I am anxious that it be In
reach of all who •uiff- r i- l ha V“. ” Fn
sale by Odendnh! Bros.
OriTICIt.-One door ue-t of Odeudalil'a
Drug Slore
Highest Price For
All Kinds of Grain and Hay.
Hard and Soft Coal
at lowest prices
Omaha Sept. 11 to 21,1901.
For the above ooeasio.i
Railroad has authorized a rate of
One Fare $5.05 for Round Trip.
Dates of sales: September 17th, 18th,
19th and 20th.
Limited Returning to September 23rd.
H. J CLIFTON, Agent.
I—— PAGE 5
8AM,’LE Of Our New Fall Catalog
(Exactly like Ha mule)
- $5.00
Lot No. 210. f
/ Coat ami Vest #3,75 \
\ Pant* not »olU sepprate. / j
$2 50 for 2c. That's just what it amounts to when |
you order a suit of this splendid, strictly all wool
cassimere for $5.00. All you're out is the price and
two cents fur a postage stamp, and you're in as good
\ a suit of clothes as any man can buy outside of our
1 store for f“.50. That’s straight talk and its stnuj^ht
work. These suits are well made, well lined with
splendid Farmer Satin, have good striped silesia
sleeve lining, come in four button single-breasted
round cut sacks, are in hands >me, dark Oxford gray,
exactly like the cloth sample, and will wear like iron.
Don't delay your orders. Such prices are made to
sell goods quick.
Dont Be Fooledi
Take the genuine, original
Made only by Madison Medi
cine Co.. Madison, Wla. It
keep* you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price, 35 cents. Never sold
in bulk. Accept no subeU*
•hosHsnuim into. Ask your druggist,
Attorney at Law and Notary Publle.
Will Defend In Foreclosure Caaaa.
General Real Estate Business.
Office in Nostbwistim Building,
lou“p oitt, • i aro.
1 M
Sold by T H. ELSNER, Loup City, Neb
WANTED 8EVI1UI, persons or
CH ABACtKR and g >td reputation in each
state tone in tbit county required) to rep.
rerant and advertise old established weal,
tiiy business house of solid financial stand
ing. Salary *18.00 weekly with expenses
additional, all payalilc In cash each Wed.
nesday direct from head nfllces. Horse and
carriage furnished when necessary. Refer
ences, Enclose self addressed stamped en
velope. Manager, 316 Caxton Building,
Chicago. sapinwtr
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City. Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anil all points and all points
East and South. West.
No. 54* » ,n
No 60 Freight.14.80 p'S
No nl Passenger . 1:3-* D in
3l,, l»ir X dinnet and reclining ehatr cur*
-.Mils i'i** *' on 11' rough Irsms. Tickets
""el i id Mirt’iir.. dieclted to tine noun in
t mted stales or nnada. V 11
For linn, uiati-i". maps, time tables and
Mi .iris .1. on nr write In K. I. Arthui
C:”iii. Oi J. PKANi Is. Urn-1, passenger
Vg"in Miimim, Nebraska. senger
ei^' r’!8 eXOept 8nu(,fty (I>as»
M^'Si r '-^y-^-dnesday and
■•.Mli’r.mi.'r'^ediV'^rVn 'n""*"K>' •*"*
14 w p Ju,ly s'""'ay (mix,at
a»wr*.XpVS ','“ly -ICept s,,n^ay (pass.
^irw^„Hr^han'1 cl',s*’