The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 30, 1901, Image 4

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    Uoaal Daws.
Charley Tucker was in the city Mon
A good rain fell on Davis Creek, Tues
day night.
Henry Lewis of Litchfield was ever
Tne mercury rau up to 0*1 at this
place Wednesday.
J, I. Depew made a llying trip to
Boelws, Tuesday.
G. E Benscboter accompanied his
cattle to Omaha Tuesday.
Austin ;IIeudrieks«n of Litc'nflleld,
was doing the city Monday.
T. C. Chamberlain of Clear Creek,
was on our streets Menday.
Geo. Chapman purchased a new corn
harvester Monday of E. S Hayburst.
The Benscboter Bros, have shipped
their cattle and will no; feed ttii“ winter.
Hans Pedersen and Joseph Johns of
Rockville were at the county seat Tues.
Our correspondent fromjCIeoria, was
behind time last week. Too late for
that issue.
Henry Rensink of Divide, threshed
this week. His wheat went 5* bushels
to the acre.
John Benschoter catne up from Falls
City, Saturday to look after his stock
Mr. and Mrs, G. IT. Scott visited their
daughter, Mrs \ettle, on Turkey creek
last Sunday.
Carl Egge a former mail clerk on
this Hne of the U P. visited Loup
City Monday.
Mr. and Mrs, R. G Werber of Sargent
Visited Mrs. Werbers' parents in this
aity last Friday.
Mr. and Mrs John Travis visited St.
Joe., this week to purchase their fall
and winter goods.
Louis Rein who has been in the east
for aeveral months returned home last
Thursday evening.
Charles Stoneburg left Wednesday
morning for Denver, Col., where he ex
pects to work at his trade.
Miss Kate Wagoner was called home
very suddenly last Friday on account
of the serious Illness of her mother.
S. F. Reynolds brought us In a sam
ple of bologna sausage the other day
that was not only large but out of sight
If the action of your bowels is net
easy and regular, serious complications
must be the Anal result. DeWitt’s Lit
tle Early Risers will remove this dan
ger. Safe, pleasant and effective.—
Odandahl Bros.
J. M. Russell of Washington twp,
was In town Saturday. Mr. Russel)
will prove up on his claim on the 30th
day of September.
W. R. Mellor, A. Wall and R J. Night
ingale left for Lincoln Tuesday morn
log and C. J. Tracy on Wednesday
morning to attend the state Republican
John White, Bryantsvlll, Ind., says
DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve healed run
ning sores on both legs. He had suf
fered 6 years. Doctors failed to help
him. Get DeWitt’s. Accept no other.—
OJendabl Bros.
Miss Lauris Ingersoll w ho has been
with her aunt at Deadwood, for some
months has returned to live with her
grandparents. Mr and Mrs B T. Sny
der and to attend our school.
C. D. Hill who went to Clay county
some five weeks ago io work returned
home last week He was well pleased
with his trip. He says our corn Is
batter than it ts sou'll of the Platte.
In cases of cough or croup give the
little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then
resteasy and have no fear. The child
will be all right lu a little while It
never fails. Pleasant to take, always
safe euro and almost Instantaneous in
effect.—Odendabl Bros.
Every firmer in Sherman county
should make it a point to sow at least'
20 acres of winter wheat this fall. There
is no reason why this grain cannot be
grown here by every farmer when it!
hat been, and is cow, beeitig successful
ly raised year after year by some of
w. H. Conger started from his ranch
to walk home last Saturday and while
coming through the Hickman pasture,
swooned and fell to tbo ground. Just
how long he lay he does not know, but
when he revived he was laying on liis
face and the cattle were making a great
fuss around him. Mr. Conger has been
ailing for some time and been losing
flesh very rapidly but the past few days
finds him looking and feeling better.
If you have a baby in the house you
will wish to know the best way to check
any unusual looseness of the bowels, or
diarrhoea so common to small children.
O. P. M. Flolliday, of Iteming, Ind., who
has an eleven month o) 1 child says;
“Through the months of June and July
ourbaby waa teething and took to run
ning off at the bowels and sickness of
the stomach. Ills bowels would move
from five to eight times u day. I had a
bottle of Chamberlain’s Code, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy in the boose and
gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of
water and be got better at once.-’ For
ale by Odendahl Bros.
Leave your orders for ice
with O. Benschotcr.
A.L. Bail lie was doing business in
the city Tuesday.
John Minsbull and daughter visited i
Litchfield Saturday.
Gene Tracy took a corn harvester j
out Tuesday morning
C. W. ConhCer, visited relatives at
SargeDt over Sunday.
1} Inches of rain fell here last Friday
morning and evening.
N. G. Leroy of St. Paul was
ing in these parts Saturday.
llenry Bell of Ravenna was a pleas
ant caller at this office Friday.
Ira Way of the east side of the coun
ty smiled upon us Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs A. K. Smith of I>avis
Creek were at the hub Wednesday.
Miss Mamie lleapy of Clear Creek, is
attending high school at this place.
Jerry Sbuttler of the west side was
visible on this side of the river Tuesday.
Quite a number of our young folks
attended the dance at Rockville Satur
day night.
Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Beththold are at
tending the G. A. R. Reunion at Hast
ings this week
L. A. Williams came up from Ashton
Tuesday. Lew is beginning to pick up
again after bis long sick spell.
W. II. Kennedy‘measured calico at
tlie store of John Travis w bile that gen
tlemau was in the city buying goods.
T M- Reed sell.-? sewing ma
chines and a general line of
J. M. and If irry Taylor and August
Bechthold who are woiking on the Ord,
branch of the U. P, repairing elevators,
was home over Sunday.
Mrs. S. II. Allport, Johnstown, I’a.,
says: “Our little girl almost strangled
to death with croup The doctors said I
she could not live hut she was Instantly
relieved by Une Minute C-iugh Cure —
Odendahl Bros.
Mr. Frank Dietz and Miss L. Z Beh
rens of the west side were married on
Tuesday August 27, 1901. Rev. Rober
tas of tne German church of this city
Mr. Samuel E Sutterthweit, of Cust
er county and Mbs Fannie J. Ember of
Sherman county were married at Loup
City on August 20. 1901, J. A. Angier
County Judge officiating.
■enry Dolling haa received another
large invoice of fall and winter shoes
including school shoes, which he offers
at the lowest living prices. If you
want the best goods at the right price
call on Mr. Dolling
Stephen Sweetland of Clay twp., was
looking after his interests at the county
seat Saturday. Mr. Sweetland is a can
didate for county treasurer before tlie
pop convention. He is a good man and
worthy tire honor.
Eruptions, cuts, Ourns, scalds and sor
es of all kinds ijuickly healed by De
Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain enre
for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. Be
sure you got the original—DeWitt's—
Odendahl Bros.
E W. Vandorn who has been working
on the building of A. M Dobbins, had a
scaffold fall with him last Saturday
which nearly broke bis leg just below
th,* knee. The wound inflaming and
showing a marked tendency to erysipe
Helps young ladies to withstand the
shock of sudden proposals, that* what
Kooky Mountain Tea lias done. 35 ets.
Made by Madison Medicine Co, A*k
your druggist.
Jimmie Conger has again laid away
his erutches after sev-ral days inconve
nience with them. His new artificial
leg uad so chafed him that he had to
lay it aside until the sore healed.
About six weeks ago the organ cover
a nice one made of gray ladies cloth and
used to cover the organ at the hall, and
which belonged to the Ladies of the G.
A R , was purloined by some sneak thier.
The ladies would be glad for any infor
mation regarding same,
Harold Sorensen a former resident ol
Rockville, was in the city Tuesday. He
Informs ua that hi* father. Soren Ander
sen, who went from this county to
Wyoming a few years ago, was killed
hy a ballast train at the coal chutes at
Rocksprings. on the 12, inst. Soren
Anderson was, at one time, a social
member of Loup City Camp of Modern
Woodmen His withdrawal card was
dated in March of last year.
1’. T. Thomas, Smnterville, Ala., ‘ I
was suffering from dyspepsia when 1
commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure. I tcok several bottles and can
digest anything.’' Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the only preparation containing
all the ua.ural digestive fluids. It gives
weak stomachs entire rest, restoring
their natural condition.-Odendahl i$ro*. i
It Saveil III^ Haliy
“My babv was terribly sick with the
diarrhoea, we were unable to cure him
with the doctor's assistance, ami as a
last resort we tried Chamberlain’s Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy,’’ says
Mr. J. H. Doak, of William*, Ore., ‘-I
am happy to say it gave immediate rc-!
lief and a complete cure.” For sale by
Odendahl Bros,
George Hightenour was in town Wed
i esday g< Ring ids tires shrunk.
J. H, Toman of the west side was a
pleasant caller at this cilice Monday.
Cull and see the best thing out for
harvesting your corn; the McOor
imo. For sale by T. M. Heed.
Are you needing any thing
in the furniture line? If so call
at T. M- Reed’s
Th re will be German service in the
Germah church at Loup City, Sunday
September 8tb, at 10 o'clock a. ni. On
the same day there will be German ser
vices sit Ashton, at 2 p m
The Presiding Elder of the M. E
church, Kcv C. A. Mastic, will preach
Sunday evening next at
Loud City. Quarterly conference, Mon
day evening at 8 o'clock A full atten
dance is desired.
Everybody and their friends are es
pecially invited to attend the Modern
Woodmen picnic at. O'Bryans grove,
just east of the Loup river bridge, on
Friday Sept. 13, two weeks from to dav.
Bring your basket, your appetite and
your most pleasant disposition and keep
in touch with the merry woodmen tud
help the Royal Neighbors show you a
nice time. Don’t forget that everybody
is wanted on the grounds that day
whether you aie Woodmen or not.
We understand there will be a car of
: fine Turkey Red winter wheat at Loup
| City, next week, brought here express,
ly for seed. The wise farmer will sow
some of his land to winter wheat
this fall. Get your ground in good
sbapv liy plowing and harrowing well
and sow between the 15, and 2.1. of S pf.
and you will be pretty sure of a good
crop. Prophets say we may look for
extreme cold weather with plenty of
snow after the excessive heat. By all
means sow as much as possible and we
predict you will be well pleased with
the venture.
Mrs W. D. French met with a thrill
ing experience one evening last week
which frightened her almost to the
point of entire collapse. She entered
the pantry and tramped upon a large
snake, which had worked its way up
through a hole in the tloor. It was a
hull snake which proved to tie 3 feet and
8 inches long and when 'he tramped up
on it it coiled around her ankle. It suc
eednd in getting back through the hole
in the tloor but the next day came out
and was kilind. Mrs. French was in a
state of uorvous prostratioa for several
Twenty years ago VV. H. Kennedy
‘Our Bill" taught school in Dist, 13,
known a* the Angier district. At the
expiration of his term his scholars each
pieced a square of a patch work quilt
and made him a gift of remembrance of
it. Mr. Kennedy being a bachoior be
left them with Grandma Waite, who
carefully preserved them for him all
those years, and a short time ago made
the proposition to the Circle, the ladies
auxiliary of the Grand Army, of which.
Mr. Kennedy is a member, that they set
the squares together and quilt them
and return them to him. Last Saturday
was the day set for the presentation,
and at the close of their meeting Mr.
Kennedy was called to the bail and after
appropriate remarks by Mrs. Hunter,he,
completely non-plussed gratefully ac
cepted their token of friendship in a
few well directed mnark* of apprecia
tion. The lames of Wio doners of the
patwork, who were then his scholars,
were written upon each square and
were as follows: John Hancock, Haney
t'riss. Stella Sloan, Willie Sloan, Lulu
Raymond, Nellie Angier,Ella Hancock.
Carrie Angier, Lillie (’riss, Daisy Criss,
Frank Sioan, Edwin Angier, Win. Han
cock Efl’ie Hancock, OlieCiisS. Christy
Riedel, Mattie Raymond, Maggie Rie
del, Emma Rie. el, Elia Angier, Fred
Riedel, and Amy Warren, We desire
to add that fortune has generally smiled
upon this school, and after 20 years, if
our memory serves us right, there are
but two dead, Miss Ella Angier, who
died at a hospital in New Orleans, while
undergoing a surgical operation ai d
who was at that time the wife <; f H. II.
Pettitt, and Willie Sloan who died a
few years ago at Omaha. Miss Frank
Sloan, now the wife of L. G. Fisher,
and who is now in the asylum at Lincoln.
The following parties not members of
the Circle assisted in completing the
quilt. Mrs. Emma Rettenmayer, who
"as Emma Riedel as a doner of a square,
Mrs. J.F N b oson, Mrs. E C- Vanscoy
and Miss K ite Petersen.
I lilH Im Your ». liaiice
In < r«ler to introduce it into your
home The Semi-Weekly State Journal
will be mailed from now until January
1,1902. fur only twenty-live cents. This
j will give vou a paper every Tuesday
U"d Friday and will to almost as good
Us a daily. It will give you all the mar
kets which just now is a valuable feat
ure, worth to every farmer many times
the cost, of the paper Tne Journal is
printed at the state capital and is more
of a state paper than any of its compel
| itors. It prints the news of the world
i fresh from special wires in lr.s own of
flee and prints it twice a wet k, while it
j is fresh and doesn't charge you any
it ore for it than does the old-fashiened
j weekly. Send your quarter to The
I State Journal, Lincoln. .Ntb.
What most people want Is something
mild and gmtle, when in need of a
oh? sic. Chamberlain's Stomach and
Liver Tablets till the bill to a dot.
They are easy to take and pleasant In
effect. For sale by Odendahl Bros.
A lame shoulder is usually caused by
rheumatism of the muscles, and may be
cured by a few applications of Cham
berlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Oden
dahl Bros.
The beaut? thief has come to stay,
Unless you drive the pimples and black
heads away;
Do this, don’t look like a fright;
Taka Rocky Mountain Tea to-nigbt.
Ask your druggist.
O. O Buck, Beirne, Ark , says: I was
troubled with constipation until I
bought DeWitt's Little Early Risers.
Since then have been entirely cured of
my old complaint. I recommend them.
Odendahl Bros
If a dealer asks you to make some
thing *aid to he “Just as good as Rocky
Mountain Tea made by taadi&on Medi
cine Co,” ask him if he makes more
money. Ask your druggist.
All Sadieville, K?\, was curious to
learn the cause of the vast Improve
ment in the health of Mrs. S P. Whit
taker, who had for a long time, endur
ed untold suffering from a chronic
bronchial trouble. “Its all due to Dr.
King's New Discovery,” writes her
husband. “It completely cured her and
also cured our little grand-daughter of
a severe attack of Whooping Cough’’
It positively cures Coughs. Colds, L»
Grippe, Bronchitis,all Throat and Lung
troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and
$1.00. Trial bottles free at Odendahl
Editor 8. A. Brown, of Bennettsvllle,
8. C., was once immensely surprised,
‘'Through long suffering from Dyspep
sia," tie writes, "my wife was greatly
run down. She bad no strength or vi
gor and suffered great distress from her
stomach, but she tried Electric Bitters
which helped her at once, and after us
ing four bottles, she is entirely well, can
eat anything. It's a grand tonic, and
its gentle laxative qualities are splendid
for torpid liver.” For Indigestion. Loss
of Appetite, Stomach and Liver troubles
it’s a positive, guaranteed eur«. Only
50c at Odendahl Bros.
From frightful disfigurement Mrs
Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga . ap
plied Bucklen's Arnica Salve to greal
sores on her head and face, and writes
Its quick euroexceedod all her hopes.
It works wonders Is Sores, Bruises,
8kln Eruptions, Guts, BmnS.iealds and
Plies. 25c. Cute guaranteed by Oden
dahl Bros.
If that mirror of yours shows a
wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun
diced look, moth patches and blotches
on the skin, it’* liver trouble; but Dr.
King's New Life Pills regulate the liver
purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy
cbeoks, rich complexion. Only 25c at
Odendabl Bros.
WANTED.—Capable, reliable persons in
every county to represent largo company
of solid financial reputation; $03ti salary
per year, payable weekly; $8 per day abso
lutely sure and all expenses; straight,
bona-tide, definite salary, no commistlon;
salary paid each Saturday and expense
money advanced each week. STANDARD
HOUSE 334 DkakbornST., Chicago. 1 261)
Thi* is to certify that my wife Ida. left my
bed and board without a Just cause, and
that f do hereby warn the public against
trusting or giving her credit on my
account, as I will not be responsible for any
debts contradled by her
Henning ci.ausskn.
OFFICE.-One door w*st of Odendahl’s
Drug Store.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum*
Alum baking powders are the greatest
men acers to health of the present day.
Attorney and Notary Publie. Publisher Loup Citt Nobthwestku*
Fisher & Benschoter,
Real Estate Agents,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated
We'Ve Two This Season.
both of them full of money
saving items of great value
to you.
■ i.
A postal card will bring one or botlr
A Minister'll Good Work.
“1 had a severe attack of billion# colic,
got a bflttle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took
two dose* and was entirely cured," says
Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan.
'My neighbor across the street was sick
for over a week, had two or three bottles
of medicine from the doctor. He
used them for three or fourdays with
out relief, then called in sno'her doctor
who treated him for some days and
gave him no relier, so discharged him.
I went over to see him the next morn
ing. He said his bowels were in a ter
rible tix, that they had been running oft'
so loug that it was almost bloody ilux.
1 asked him if he had tried Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Dianhoea Re
medy and be said ‘No.’ 1 went home
and brought him my bottle ar.d gave
him one dose; told him to take another
dose iu lifteen or twenty minutes if lie
did not find relief, but he took no more
and was entirely cured. I think it ttie
best medicine I have ever tried " For
sale by Odendahl Bros.
'Something New Under
The sun."
All Doctors have tried to cure CATARRH
by the use of powders, acid gases, inbalers
and drugs in paste form. Their powders
dry up the mucus membranes causing
them to crack open and bleed The power
ful acids used in the inhalers have entirely
eaten away the same membranes that
thelt makers have aiired to cum, while
pastes and ointments cannot reach the di
sease. An old and experienced practitioner
who lias lor many years made a close
study and specialty of the treatment of
CATARRH, iias at last perfected a treat
ment which when faithfully used, not only
rdievesat once, but permanently cures
CATARRH, by removing the cause, stop
ping the discharges, and curing all Inria
mation. It is the only remedy known to
science that actually reaches the afflicted
parts. Tills wonderful remedy is known as
ARRH CUrE” and is sold at the extremeiy
low price of One Dollar, each package con
taining internal and external tnediclne
sufficient for a full months treatment and
everything necessary to its perfect use,
’•8NUFFEL9’’ is the only perfect CAT
ARRH CUHE ever made and is now recog.
nlzed as theonly safe and positive cure for
that annoy ing and disgusting disease. It
cures all inffamation quickly and perma
nently and is also wonderfully quick to re
lleve HAY FEVER or COLD in the HEAD.
Catarrh when neglected often leads to
Consumption—"Snuffeus” will save you
if you use it at once. It is no ordinary
remedy, but a complete treatment which
is positively guaranteed to cure catarrh
in any form or stage if used according to
the directions which accomnunv each
puckagc. Don’t delay but send for it at
once and write lull particulars as to your
condition, and you will receive special ad
vise from the discoverer of tills wonderful
remedy regarding your case without cost
to you beyond the regulur price of hniif
bent prepaid to any address in the United
Slates or Canada on receipt of One Dollar.
Address Dept. Ai5A EDWIN It. GILES a
COMPANY, 2310 and 2388 Market Street,
Lincoln, Denver,
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
St. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas City, Portland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
anti all points and all points
East and South. ' West.
No. 52 Passenger.8:05 a. ui
No. 00 Freight .12.50p m
No. 51 Passenger . 1.112 p. m.
No. 51) Freight.12:50a. in
Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair car*
(seats free) on through trains. Tickets
sold and baggage checked to any polut In
the United states or Canada.
For Information, maps, time tables and
tickets call on or write to K. L. Arthui
Agent. Or J. FU.VNCIs, Gen’l. Passenger
Agent, Omaha, Nebraska,
No. 86 leaves daily except Sunday (pass
enger). 8:00 a. in.
No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, (mixed) 12:30 p. m.
No. HO leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 p. in.
No 87 arrives dally except Sunday (mixed
12:05 p. in.
No. <5 arrives daily except Sunday (pass
enger) 7.35 p. m.
First class service and close connections
east, west and south
Sold by T. Ii. EL3NER, LowpCity, Ni‘b
Don’t Be Fooledi
Take the genuine, original
Made only by Madlion Medl*
cine Co., Madison, Wis. It
keeps you well. Our trade
mark cut on each package.
Price, 35 cents. Never sold
In bulk. Accept no eubetl*
tute. Ask your druggist.
Some Coffees .
are Glazed
j with a cheap coating.
If glazing helps coffee
* why aren’t the high
' priced Mochas and Javas
glazed also?
Lion Coffee
is not glazed. It is per
fectly pure and has a
cious flavor. |
The scald package Insures uni
form quality ami freslmuss