The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 30, 1901, Image 1

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    Loup City Northwestern.
Changes in Their Condition Promised by
the Corooration Officials.
Plant* on Single Turn Will Soon lie
Working With Three—Plenty of
Skilled Mrclianlr* Kittnilr* Improve
meats at the Star.
PITTSBURG, Aug. 26.—Some re
markable changes In the condition of
the strike-ridden mills of the United
States Steel corporation are promised
for the present week that will change
the aspect of affairs considerably if
carried out. It was stated on good au
thority today that before the end of
the week those of the plants that have
been operating on single turn will
be run with full force and for the
usual three full turns each day. Men
enough have been secured for this
purpose, the officials say, in spite of
the claims of the strikers that the
companies could not get enough men
to operat their plants, and the man
agers of the mills say they will be
ready with all the skilled men requir
ed to start up the machinery and turn
cut a heavy tonnsge.
The most interesting situation Is In
the Star mill of the American tin plate
plant here. This plant was until this
summer considered as doomed. The
tin plate company had, it Is said, de
cided to abandon the mill and move
the machinery elsewhere. Since the
strike has couie on them and It was
demonstrated that the operation of the
mill with non-union men was possible
under the protection of a well equip
ped police force, the officials decided
to keep this mill, make extensive im
provements in its equipment and make
it a permanent fixture of the company.
The most significant feature of this
plan has been carried out during the
past week. That consists of fitting the
mill in the same manner as that of the
Monessen (Pa.) plant. The former
eight mills have been changed to four
double mills. Othpr improvements have
been added that will give the plant a
larger capacity, increase its force of
men and make it one of the most mod
ern of all the tin plants in the coun
With the completion of these im
provements, the company will be pre
pared to place a sufficient number of
men in the plant to work the four
double mills three full turns. This is
said to be expected to take place dur
ing the present, week. Before Satur
day, according to Superintendent Piper
of the Star mills, the plant will be op
erated to its full extent.
Referring to the present condition of
the mills. Mr. Piper said: "We received
eight skilled men early this morning.
J. R. Phillips of the company ac
companied the men to the mill and it
was not until after they were in and
comfortably settled for the night that
the strikers discovered their presence.
Those men are of the best in the trade
and will enable us to move the plant
on a better basis than before.”
Outside the Star plant today a large
number of strikers were on picket
duty. They were Quiet and orderely.
but had their eyes and ears open for
any signs of newcomers. The pecu
liar feature of the strike about the
Star plant is the good feeling display
ed between the strikers and the man
ager of the plant. When Superintend
ent Piper left the building early this
morning he met the strikers and laugh
ed good naturedly to them. He said
to the anxious pickets: "I had more
fun in getting those last men into the
plant than at a game of checkers.”
Cliwr the Country Store*.
CAPETOWN, Aug. 26.—A fresh or
der proclaiming martial law has been
Issued providing lor the closing of all
the country Stores in the Queenstown
district, requiring that all things like
ly to be useful to the enemy shall be
taken to certain specified towns and
forbidding country residents to have in
their possession more than a week's
Print** Clinan In Knrope.
BERLIN, Aug. 26— Prince Chuan.
brother of the emperor of China, and
the members of the Chinese mission
now on the way to Berlin to apologize
for the murder of Baron von Ketteler,
German minister in Pekin, have ar
rived at Basel, Switzerland.
WIIhoii Will Not Kealgn.
(Via Galveston, Tex.)—Henry L. Wil
son, United States minister to Chili,
► formally denied the report that he
would soon retire.
Fnroe to Ito IncrfHicd l»y Four Companies
of Infantry.
MANILA, Aug. 26.—In the city of
Manila there are now lean than 1,000
effective soldiers and it has been decid
ed to increase this number by four
companies of infantry. The official
reason for the increase is that the
guard duty is too heavy for the pres
ent force. As a matter of fact, how
ever, there is a felling that although
there is no apparent prospect of trou
ble, nevertheless in the event of an
uprising in the future, such as is al
ways possible among the Malays, it
would be better to have a sufficient
body of troops available.
General Chaffee says he considers
the city of Manila to be perfectly or
derly and he can see no prospect of
an uprising. Commissioner Wright
thinks the people "extremely peace
able.” He is satisfied that, although
among a certain class there is some
discontent on account of the land tax,
which is not yet understood, this class
is not likely to foment trouble.
Many army officers say they are
gratified at the increase in the mili
tary force. They think that with the
military guard withdrawn from the
prison another uprising there might re
sult in the release of about 1,800 pris
oners. This possibility is regarded as
a menace to the city by those who
take that view of the case, as they
regard the white guard as insufficient.
Cuban Cigar Trad* Said to B« Cnimpor*
taut In Six*.
HAVANA. Aug. 26.—Gustav Beck,
in the course of a report to the cigar
manufacturers’ union regarding the
outlook of cigar and tobacco in
dustry, expresses the opinion that
there is no danger to be apprehended
from American competition so far as
Cuban cigars are concerned. He takes
the ground that, even if Cuba sent
all her cigars to the . nited States
and produced 20.0 0,000 last year, this
could not seriously affect the Amer
ican producers and manufacturers,
who sold 5.500,000.000 cigars in the
United States. Kvon if Cuba were to
more than double her present output
and to send all to the United States
this would not change the situation.
Mr. Beck points out also that the
tobacco soil in Cuba is limited and
that the American grower has the ad
vantage of the Cuban grower in view
of the fact that the cost of his pro
duction of tobacco is greater in Cuba
than in the United Slates.
Seven-Ont llate to Chicago on Carload*
From IvaoHas City.
KANSAS CITY, Mo., Aug. 26.—The
commercial agent of the Santa Fe rail
road today announced to the Kansas
City Board of Trade that his road
would carry all wheat on which dispo
sition orders were received before eve
ning from here to Chicago for 7 cents
per 100 pounds.
The object of the Santa Fe in cutting
the rate is to secure the disposition of
loaded cars in the local yards. There
were 100 loaded cars of wheat in the
Santa Fe yards today. Disposition or
ders were received for the majority of
them before evening. The commer
cial agent said that the receipts of
wheat tonight would decide whether
or not the 7-cent rate would be ef
fective tomorrow. It is possible that
the Santa Fe will continue to make
this rate openly while shipments con
tinue heavy. The present is a cut of
3 cents under the agreed rate of 10
Sick Mao I.eavea Chicago for Kama*
CHICAGO, Aug. 26.—Kirk B. Ar
mour, head of the extensive Armour
enterprises in Kansas City, and who
was recently stricken with a critical
illness at Watkins Glen, N. Y., passed
through Chicago, en route to his
Kansas City home. He was in a pri
vate car and was attended by Dr.
Griffith of Kansas City and trained
nurses. To those who made inquiry
w'hile the car was in the railroad
yards here as to his patient's condi
tion. Dr. Griffith stated that Mr. Ar
mour w'as resting comfortably.
The party arrived in Chicago over
the Lake Shore road at 4 p. m., and
went out over the Santa Fe road at
6 o’clock.
t'zttr in to Ylnit (itriuHiiy.
BERLIN, Aug. 26.—It is seml-offl
cially announced that the czar, in an
autograph letter, definitely accepted
Emperor William’s invitation to at
tend the naval maneuvers at Dantzlc.
Reports from Steel Plants Indicates
Strength of Contending Forces.
Amalgamated Official Sajr» Final Out
come Will He Hurried—Conference to
Start Thing*-It Hlng«* on the Cum
plnlnetl Project.
PITTSBFRG, Pa.. Aug. 24.—A sum
mary of the steel strike situation last
night shows about me following con
... tion:
This city: Star Mill—Two mills run
ning; strikers say five more men left
the plant and Joined their ranks, bn.
management positively denies state
Painter Mill—Four mills running.
Fire lighted in the bar mill furnaces,
but failed to start as expected.
Pennsylvania Tube Works — Mill
Idle; machinists say they will quit to
All Carnegie mills running full.
McKeesport—Delmar plant idle and
no attempt will be made to start It be
force next week. Everything else
lrondale—Mill running with same
1 force as yesterday; making two turns
and assurance from the manager that
more men will he added to morrow,
Wellsville — Situation unchanged;
twelve mills running.
Gisbon—Fires started in tin plate
plant. Manager Evans says everything
•ready to start, with plenty of men.
Strikers voted today to remain out
and the mill is strongly picketed.
Wheeling—Everything tied up and
no apparent indications of an attempt
to start any of the mills.
Bellaire—The National Steel com
pany's idle plant will, it is said, be
started early next week by a full force
of men.
No late advices have been received
by the Amalgamated officials from
either Hay View or Joliet and the sit
uation at those points is considered by
them to be unchanged.
The conference of the labor leaders
at the offices of the Amalgamated as
sociation was the leading feature to
day. The officials of the organization
all seemed pleased with the way things
were moving and one of them said:
“In another six days you will see a
decided change in the strike that will
tell with effect on the trust and aid
in hurrying the final outcome of the
strike." Just what this change is to
be was not sa'd, but it was inferred
that the coming event hinged upon
the conference that was taking place.
Two sessions were held by the con
ferees behind closed doors. After
the adjournment o? the first session,
none of the participants would give
out any information of the proceedings
further than to say that the leaders
had been called together for the pur
pose of having the situation thorough
ly explained to them and to have some
action taken looking to the aid of
the strikers, morally and financially,
by all of the organizations represent
Reported to Hare Decided to tirasp tlie
Bethlehem Steel.
PHILADELPHIA. Aug. 24.—A check
for $4,000,000 is said to have been
received by the Girard Trust company
to be paid stockholders of the Bethle
hem Steel company, on account of the
controlling interest in the company
on which Charles M. Schwab holds
an option. The Girard Trust com
pany is acting as a depository for
the stock. Officials of the company de
cline to furnish any information con
cerning the reported receipt o( the $4,
At a recent meeting of the stock
holders of the Bethlehem Steel com
pany it was agreed to sell to Mr.
Schwab at the rate of $24 a share and
he was given an option until Aug
ust 26.
The total amount of money involved
in the sale is said to be $17,000,000.
The regular monthly meering of the
directors of the company will be held
Tuesday and it is reported that Vice
President Mcllvain will be elected
Ruz.Un Troop. Mobilizing.
BRUSSELS, Aug. 24.—A dispatch to
the Petit Bleu from Vienna says:
According to advices from Galatz,
twenty Russian torpedo boats and sev
eral dispatch boats have arrived at the
Dniester delta and Russian troops are
commencing to mobilize along the
Turkish frontier..
Fieri* Wind Storm D*m»llfthe« llnuiei
r,td T«*ntn in Anatlnrko
EI. RENO, Okl„ Aug. 23— A wind
and rain storm amounting almost to a
tornado nearly demolished the new
town of Anadarko. W. P. Levis of
Weatherford, Tex., and John Antone of
Paris. Tex., and Or. Mayse of Wich
ita, Kan., were killed by falling build
ings and a number of others were In
jured, while about twenty buildings
were almost completely wrecked and
hundreds of tents and great quantities
of merchandise were strewn over the
prairie. The town people are busy this
morning and soon the wreckage will lie
cleared away and buildings replaced.
The damage will amount to several
thousands of dollars, hut cannot be
estimated accurately at this time.
Known injured:
Sam P. Nelson, Kansas City, may not
Dan Warren. Story county, internal,
but not serious.
Several others were reported Injured,
but It is believed none will die.
The storm struck at aoout 8 o’clock
and came up without warning. John
Antone was killed in the lodging tent
and grocery store of his sons, located
Just west of the postofllce. The post
office building, a rudely constructed af
fair, collapsed and fell over the tent.
Antone's three sons succeeded In get
ting out, but their father was caught
by a large timber and crushed to death.
W. P. Levis was killed in a tent by
the side of a saloon building being
erected on the corner of Tenth and
C streets. He leaves a wife and three
children. He was a painter. Dr.
Mayse of Wichita was killed in his tent
by an unfinished house blowing down
on him. Dan Warren, a young man,
was injured while standing in a tent
near I*>vis' place, being knocked from
his cot by a timber.
President of Ernailor Warn* Nation* to
Krap Manila Off.
NEW YORK. Aug. 22—The follow
ing dispatch, addressed to the Associ
ated has been received from
General Alery Alfaro, president of
Ql'ITO. Ecuador, Aug. 21.—War be
tween Colombia and Venezuela is im
probable. The union of the conserv
atives in both republics with a view
of exercising absolute control lias led
to conflicts of a transitory character.
The president strongly condemns any
armed intervention in the internal af
fairs of the republics. ALFARO.
Protocol Still Unsigned.
PEKIN, Aug. 23.—The Chinese peace
commissioners have not signed the
settlement protocol. Prince Ching.
president of the foregn office, tele
graphed to the emperor requesting
an edict empowering him to sign, but
no reply was received. He telegraph
ed again today in stronger terms.
Hung Chang has had a serious at
tack of sickness, the result of over
exertion in connection with the con
ferences. He is better today.
Von lie Train Writrker'a End
JANESVILLE. WU.. Aug. 23.—'Will
iam Kinney, the 11-year-old son of a
railroad watchman, was sentenced to
day to the Industrial School for Boys
at Waukesha for wrecking a train on
the Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul
road. Young Kinney, who had previ
ously ditched a train by thowing a
switch, loosened the brakes on some
freight cars, which, running down a
steep grade, crashed into a freight
train, causing a serious wreck.
PrMlil.nt H»m Another Kxpn.
BUFFALO, N. Y„ Aug, 23.—It was
announced this evening that President
McKinley, accompanied by Mrs. Mc
Kinley, Dr. and Mrs. Rixey and other
members of his household, will arrive
in Buffalo on the evening of Septem
ber 4. They will be entertained at
the home John O. MTiburn, president of
the exposition company.
Htirt* Tiineo Steamer*.
SAN FRANCISCO, Cal., Aug. 23.—
It is stated positively by the Examiner
that by the end of the present year
the Santa Fe company will abandon
its trana-Paclflc steamship line from
i San Diego and win establish an ori
ental service from »his port, with con
nections for Central and South Amer
ica. •
Move* Vicuna** Hotly.
BUFFALO, N. Y„ Aug. 22—The
body of Senor Vicuna, late Chilean
minister, left for Washington tonight
In a special car over the Pennsylva
nia railroad.
Aiioc i at ion President Tainks He Oan Enc
Steel Strike.
Hint* of Forclut hb Agreement by Tak
ing Some limit Ic but Mymerloue Mean
utee— ItarTlew Men I’ald OIT—Tlie Sit
uation In a General Way.
PITTSBURG, Aug. 22.—President
Shaffer said tonight that he has well
defined plans to tiring tuc great strike
to a dose. This is to lie done by
bringing about such a crisis in the dif
ferences between the steel eorporatlon
and the Amalgamated association as
will force a settlement. Just how nil
this is to lie accomplished is a mys
tery, but it will not be by arbitration
or litigation. In answer to cpiestlons
about tlie numerous stories going the
rounds of mediation or arbitration Mr.
Shaffer dismissed ail by saying:
“We have not heard from the other
Side. We have not placed anything be
fore them and know of nobody acting
for either side or on any side. We are
not hunting for arbitration. Arbitra
tion, representing both sides, might he
worse than the strike itself. Two will
ing champions, one for either side,
might have a worse fight in choosing
a third party and in settling the differ
ences than we in the continuation of
the strike.
“I have told the other side that, per
sonally, I would consent to disinter
ested arbitration in the hands of such
public men as Archbishop Ireland,
Bishop Potter and Seth I.ow. Although
1 did not, as an offlcpr of the associa
tion. suggest aurh a move, 1 was will
ing to advise it.”
A squad of non-union tin workers
are scheduled to arrive in Pittsburg at
1:50 in the morning, their destination
being either Pemmier or the Star tin
plate works.
Seven strikers were arrested near
ttie gates of the Pennsylvania tube
works in Soho. When the whistle blew
at 5:30 a crowd of about 1,500 gather
ed to give a warm reception to any
workers who might come from the
mill. Nonp came, but the crowd be
came noisy and the large force of po
licemen on hand ran the leaders, all
foreigners, into the mill office and
called for the patrol.
American Federation officials offered
bail for the prisoners, who are charged
with disorderly conduct, but the mag
istrate refused to accept it. The meu
will have a hearing In the morning.
No Development* or (i*lni for Kither of
the ('ont emling Fori e*.
PITTSBURG, Aug. 22.—The strike
situation was not materially changed
today. The feeling of irritation at
Wellsville lias been increased by the
appointment of thirty strike breakers
ns special officers to guard the plant
of the American Sheet Steel company,
and the police here have had to dis
perse noisy crowds at the recently tied
up plants, but there has been no seri
ous trouble at any point. It is assert
ed that an attempt was made last even
ing to fire the Monongahela works of
the American Tin Plate company. Ac
cording to the story told by John
Schuster, general labor boss of the
plant, a pressure gauge was knocked
off of an eight-inch gas main and
burning paper thrown into the place
with the idea of destroying it with ex
plosion und tire. He says he plugged
the break before the brand was thrown
and saved the works. The strikers in
dignantly deny that they had anything
to do witli any plot to wreck the plant
and are inclined to discredit Schuster's
story entirely.
The promised break in the Carnegie
properties has not yet come. As far
as outward appearances go the Ixiwer
Union mill in this city has not been
affected, but the strikers insist that
they have seriously impaired it. The
strike leaders are trying hard to gain
a foothold in the Clark mill, which is
running with non-union men. but that
property, too, seems to be going at
practically full capacity. It is quieter
at Duquesne. but the fight for suprem
acy there is by no means over.
Veyrl Preston of the United States
Steel corporation was in the city again
today and conferred with the officials
of the Carnegie company. He and the
other officials are still silent as to their
plans. The somewhat shop-worn ru
mor of peace has again been revived,
but the mildest suggestion of it at au
thoritative places produces long and
positive denials.
«.»tr torn Far* llritrr Than Ki peeled,
hut Will Need More Rain.
LINCOLN, Neb., Aug. 21.—O. A.
Loveland, Nebraska section director
of the climate and crop service of
the government weather bureau, issues
this weekly crop bulletin:
The last week has been warm and
dry. The daily mean temperature av
eraged 3 degrees above the normal In
northern counties and 1 degree In
western. The maximum temperatures
for the week have been slightly above
90 degrees.
Haiti has fallen only in scattered
showers, generally so light as to be of
little benefit. The rainfall has ex
ceeded an inch, however, In parts of
Cass, l'hayer, Hamilton and Merrick
i.ate corn has improved in condition
in the southeastern counties, but more
rain is now needed in most, of the
state. Late corn is earing better than
was expected, but will need moisture
and absence of frost until the last of
September to mature. Haying has
progressed well in northern counties,
where the crop is generally abundant.
Considerable plowing has been done In
southern counties, and all Indications
are that a large acreage will be sown
to winter wheat this fall and that it
will be sown farther north and west
than has been customary. Very little
plowing has been done in central and
northern counties, as the ground is
still too dry to plow to advantage.
Pastures have improved slightly, but
are still dry. Barly peaches are small
In size; late peaches have been im
proved some by the recent rains. ( ^tj
ComiuUalontr* Working ou t Uniform
DENVER, Aug. 21.—Many promi
nent lawyers from all parts of the
country have arrived in this city to
attend the twenty-fourth annual con
vention of the American Bar associa
tion. which begins tomorrow. The as
sociation has a membership of over
1,500, and an attendance of 600 at the
convention is expected.
The eleventh annual conference of
the state commissioners for the pro
motion of uniform legislation, which
began yesterday, gave a hearing this
forenoon to a delegation of Denver
clergymen, headed by Dr. J. D. Ran
kin, who presented their views on the
divorce question. They contended that
divorces are too easily obtained in
many states and advocated changes in
the laws to correct the alleged evils
under the present system.
After listening to the arguments of
the ministers, the conference resumed
consideration of the proposed uniform
divorce act, discussing the question
whether section 1 should be eliminat
ed. This section provides that "no di
vorce shall be granted for any cause
arising prior to the residence of the
complainant or defendant in this state,
which was not a ground for divorce
in the Btate where the cause arose.”
The point had been raised that this
section, if enacted into law, would
work hardship in many cases, particu
larly where a bona fide residence ha»
been acquired by the petitioner.
The Hated Monroe Doctrine May Receive
a Jarring.
BERLIN, Aug. 21.—The Berlin Tage
bltttt says: “It seems fairly clear that
Washington statesmen have taken
sides rather openly for Colombia, as
they are provoking unbounded mis
trust toward Senor Castro, president
of Venezuela, who is indubitably ono
of the most energetic and active
states in South America. President
Castro may one day prove the ‘rocher
de bronze' against which the Monroe
doctrine will lie powerless.”
The Post says: "It is not expected
that the sending of a German war
ship to an American harbor would be
considered as an attack on the Mon
ro doctrine. Our object is not politi
cal intervention, but merely protection
of German commercial interests
Therefore, certainly, nobody would ob
ject. The possibility that the United
States could regard the sending of a
German war ship as an unfriendly
measure has not been seriously con
sidered, the more so as the United
States itself does not consider the
whole conflict from a political stand
point, but merely from a commercial
point of view."
Kumtvay Prove* Fatal.
ALLIANCE, Neb., Aug. 21.—News
has reached hero of the death of Sam
uel McCutcheon, as the result of a
runaway which happened a week be
fore at a ranch near Moomaw, thirty
miles northeast of hero.