The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 23, 1901, Image 7
Tweed Reapooulble for the Tlgor. The origin of the tiger as an em blem of Tammany is said by W. C. Montayne, a coffee and spice dealer in New York, to date from the time when William M. Tweed, then fore man of "Big Six” fire company, took n fancy to a picture of a royal Bengal tiger in his father s store in the ’50s. 'I weed adopted the emblem for the Araericus club, and it soon was accept ed 1 y all Tammany. Tweed had the tlgn’a head woven in the center of the pailor cuipet of the Americus club in its sporty club house at Greenwich, Conn., and it was painted on the old hand engine of Big Six. Pardonable Evasion*. Some evasions of the inheritance tax law can hardly be regarded as wholly unpardonable. General Di Cesnola, of the New York Metropoli tan Museum of Art, says that Mr. Charles R. Curtis informed him some time ago that he had made provision in his will for a bequest of $10,000 to the museum. Lately Mr. Curtis called again and said: "General, 1 don't think I will leave you that $10, 000. 1 will give it to you in cash. The inheritance tax will take up $1,500 or $2,000 of It, and you will not get.the benefit of the whole amount if I leave it to you in my will.” And he banded over the cash. For Women*! Troubles Too. New Baden, 111., August 12th:—Mrs. Anton Griesbaum, Jr.,has been very ill. Female weakness had run her down so low that she could not do her house work. She had tried many things, but ^ got no relief. Dodd’s Kidney Pills, a new remedy, which is better known here as a cure for Bright’s Disease, Diabetes, Dropsy, and Rheumatism,worked liked a charm in Mrs. Griesbaum’s case. She used three boxes and is now a new woman, able to do her work as well as ever she w’as. Her general health is much im proved, and she has not a single symp tom of Female Trouble left. Dodd’s Kidney Pills arc making a wronderful reputation for themselves in this part of the state. A Governor's I’et. Governor Odell, of New York, has a pet water spaniel of which he is very foml. The dog is well trained, and among other tricks will pounce upon a lighted match and extinguish the flame by blowing on It as a man does. I do not believe Piso's Cura for Consumption has an equal for coughs and colds.—John P Boyer, Trinity Springs, Iud., Feb. 15, 19W1 Accuracy is the twin brother of hon esty, inaccuracy is dishonesty. Ladies Can Wear Shoe*. One size smaller after using A lien's Foot Ease, a powder. It makes tight or new shoes easy. Cures swollen, hot,sweating, aching feet, ingrowing nails, corns and bunions. All druggists and shoo stores, 25e. Trial package FREE by mail. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted, Leltoy, Heven bless women for not being men! Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 10 oz. package for la cents. AH other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. When the fight begins within him self a man’s worth something. ARE YOUR CLOTHES FADEO? Use Red Cross Ball Blue and make then white again. Large 2 oz. package, 5 cents. The life of the son reveals the love cf the father. Hamlin’s Wizard Oil Co., Chicago, sends song book and testimonials for stamp. Get Wizard Oil from your druggist. Abyssinia was converted to Chris tianity in the fourth century RATES ARE REASONABLE. A Fa'ne Impre«»lon Corrected — Pan American Exposition Railroad Fare* and Hotel Rates Low as Could be Expected. Buffalo, N. Y„ July 30.—A joint meeting of railway passenger agents, hotel and newspaper men was held this afternoon with the view of adopt ing some means for correcting so far as possible the Impression that ap pears to prevail at distant points that railway rates to the Pan-American Ex position are high and that hotel rates In Buffalo are excessive. The confer ence revealed the fact that Buffalo can accommodate two hundred thousand visitors In its private houses and ho tels at rates ranging from fifty cents to two dollars per night, and that no one need pay more than one dollar ^ for a first-class lodging In a private house. It was also shown that the railroad rate is lower than for any former exposition for a five, ten or fifteen day ticket, according to dis tance, being at the rate of one fare plus one dollar for the round trip, from all parts of the country. The Niagara Falls cheap, one-day special excursions of former years, when trains were overcrowded and everyone subjected to great discomfort, are re membered only so far as the low rate is concerned, and this is quoted as showing what might be done. The passenger agents assert that the pres ent half rates are as low as can rea sonably be expected. An extension of the present limit has been looked for, as It gives too short a time for anyone to see the big exposition, but it has not yet been modified. Other points which the representatives of the pub lishers’ association will lay stress upon are that the Exposition is com pleted in all details and that both Buffalo and the Exposition are well policed and as free from dangerous characters as any city in the country. A Joint committee was appointed to deal with questions affecting the Ex position and the proper welcome and care of guests. The Exposition has had in operation for some time a free V bureau of Information for the conve nience of intending visitors. Gratitude doubles the gift and halve* the debt ——11 III >!■■■» mil I !!.■■] I .MtllT—Wl ■ ■■VMj Our Monkey ;i Kinship - Mtvny F&clt Susl&in the D&rwini&n Theory A series of careful experiments with monkeys Las recently been conducted by Professor Edward L. Thorndike to ascertain the power and process by which these animals acquire knowl edge. He has reached the conclusion that there is no warrant for the pop ular idea that monkeys and other ani mals learn from human example and hy the processes followed by man. But, the experimenter says, the fact that monkeys do not possess the human types of ideas must not be taken as evidence that they are no nearer rela tives to us mentally than are the other lower animals. On the contrary, they occupy an intermediate position in every main psychological feature be tween mammals in general and the hu man species. The essentials in an In ventory of an animal's mental capaci ties are its sense powers, the kinds of movements it can make and their deli cacy, complexity and number, its in stincts or the sum of those tendencies to feel and act which it has apart from experience or learning and its method of learning or of modifying its be havior to suit the multitudinous cir cumstances of life. In each of these respects the monkeys show kinship with man. In their motor equipment monkeys possess first of all the muscu lar coordinations necessary to sustain an upright position and consequently the use of the forelimbs. The move ments of these forelimbs are more in number and suited to more complex and varied tasks than are those of lower animals. The attractiveness of the monkey cage in a zoological gar den is largely due to the similarity of the monkeys' movements and our own. The monkey not only has a body like a man’s, but he also uses it like a man. Our native tendencies are so metamor phosed by the education of a civilized environment that in adult age they seldom apppar In recognizable form. But if we take human beings at from G months to 3 years of age or later we find plenty of traits that appear in the monkeys. In fact, the human instinct which is perhaps of prime importance in human mentality, the instinct which perhaps is the real cause of many of our most boasted powers, has its clear prototype and homologue in the monk ey. I refer to the instinctive enjoy ment of physical and mental activity in general, to the tendency to act and feel as much as possible, regardless of any ulterior practical considera tions, which we sometimes call de structiveness or constructiveness and curiosity. Even the casual observer, if he has any psychological insight, will be struck by the general, aimless, intrinsically valuable (to the animal’s feelings) physical activities 01 a monk ey compared with the specialized, definitely aroused, utilitarian activities of a dog or cat. Watch the latter and he does but few things, does them in response to obvious sense presenta tions, does them with practical conse quences of food, sex Indulgence, prep aration for adult battles, etc. if noth ing that appeals to his special organ ization comes up he does nothing. Watch a monkey and you cannot enu merate the thing he does, cannot dis cover the stimuli to which he reacts, cannot conceive the raison d'etre of his pursuits. Everything appeals to him. He likes to be active for the sake of activity. The observer who has prop er opportunities and takes proper pains will find this intrinsic Interest to hold true of mental activity as well. Finally, In their method of learning, although monkeys do not reach the human stage of a rich life of ideas, yet they carry the animal method of learn-' ingbythe selection of impulses and as sociation of them with the different sense impressions, to a point beyond that reached by any other of the lower animals. In this, too, they resemble man, for he differs from the lower an imals not only in the possession of a new sort of intelligence, but also in the tremendous extension of that sort of which he lias in common with them. A fish learns slow a few simple habits. Many learns quickly any infinitude of habits that may be highly complex. Dogs and cats learn more than the fish, while monkeys learn more than they. In the number of things he loarns, the complex habits he can form the va riety of lines along which he can learn them and in their permanence when once formed the monkey justifies his inclusion with man in a separate men tal genus.—Chicago Chronicle. Drink and Crime. In 120 army prisons throughoiv* Germany 46 per cent of all the mur derers committed their crimes while under the Influence of drink. Sixty three per cent of the cases of man slaughter, 74 per cent of serious in jury to the person and 77 per cent of criminal Immorality are due to the same caaise. In the navy out of 1,671 punishable cases during the last six years 75 per cent of the most serious cases have been due to drunkenness. I Making I Globe... [Brief Description of tv » Very Interesting Pro- j* cess in Geography § First, the model is covered with a thick layer of pasteboard in a moist state. When it is dry, a sharp knife is passed around it so as to separate the pasteboard coat into two hemispher ical shells, which are then taken off the model and united at the cut edges with glue. The hollow sphere thus formed is the skeleton of the globe that is to be. The next thing is to cover it with a coating of white enamel, about one eighth of an inch in thickness. When this is done the ball is turned into a perfect roundness by a machine. The iron rod running through the center of the original model, and projecting at both ends through the surface, has left holes in the new globe, which serve for the north and south poles, and through these a metal axis is run to represent the axis of the earth. Then the surface is marked off with pencil lines into mathematical seg ments corresponding precisely in shape with the sections of map that are to be pasted on. These map sec tio'ns are made from copper plates in just the size and shape required to fit the globe that they are intended for, one set, of course, covering the entire spherical surface. They are printed, many of them, like dress patterns, on sheets of the finest linen paper, and are cut out carefully with a sharp pointed knife. When they nave been pasted on, the different countries are tinted by hand with water colors. There is no spe cial rule for this, except that contrasts are aimed at as a help to the eye of the user. Finally, the whole is over laid with a brilliant white varnish, which is of almost metallic hardness, and will wear indefinitely without scratching or losing its brightness. Scientific Jottings For several years the various com panies have been endeavoring to se cure rails of a harder quality, the heavy modern locomotives and steel cars frequently breaking down the or dinary rati. The American Society of Civil Engineers has been investigating the resistance strength of steel rails, and the tests made by this body have fully demonstrated the fact that the softness In steel rails is due to the method of rolling rather than to any defect in the composition of the steel. The English pheasant is a non aquatic bird, therefore an English scientist’s observation that newly hatched birds of the age of 30 hours swim easily, show apt leg movements and exhibit few signs of distress is of singular interest. The question is now asked, Is the swimming habit a throw back or reversion to an antecedent state in the history of this land-living species, or is it to be regarded as an example of a direct and sudden adapta tion to a new environment? The ques tion has an important bearing on cer tain obvious biological problems. Speculations regarding the age of the world we live in are of strictly rela tive natine. They require to be con sidered in relation to many other cir cumstances, whereof the cooling of the globe la one and the time occupied in the formation of strata another. The battle between the physicists and the geologists over this latter question still proceeds. The former incline to set a definite limit to the geological aeons; the latter decline to be hound by such restrictions. A member of a British royal scientific association asserts that certain recent speculations on this head tend to overtop even the amount •i years which the geologists them selves have formulated as requisite for the operation of the forces that have sculptured the world—forces that are still operating in the shape of rain, frost, ice, rivers, the sea and the move ments of the crust which take origin from the internal heat of our globe. “When wre read of many millions of years being estimated as necessary for the development of the coal period alone,” says this authority, “we may well refuse to follow the speculations thus advanced.” Land Oat of Poa. Holland proposes to close the Zuy der Zee by a dike running from the north Holland coast to the island of Wierlng and thence to the Frisian coast, and to drain parts of the closed sea. The initial plan involves the re covery in eighteen years of 114,901% acres of fertile land. The railway dis tance between the provinces of North Holland and Friesland will be short ened by thirty-one miles. The indem nity to be paid to the Zuyder Zee fish ermen is estimated at $1,809,000. The total cost is estimated at $38,190,000. The entire plan will take from thirty to thirty-five years to complete, and some 500,000 acres will be reclaimed, valued at $160,000,000. Ancestor* of the Oitrlch. The ostrich is a descendant of a genus of bird which in prehistorio times attained an enormous size, in the alluvial deposits of Madagascar evidence has recently been found to show that ostriches 14 and 15 feet in height once lived on the island. The word is now abbreviated to the “Pan-Am.” in Buffalo. Tremendous Bridge Traffic. Twenty years ago it was estimated that 200,000 persons crossed London bridge daily, 130,000 on foot and the rest in vehicles. With the growth of population these numbers have almost doubled, in spite of the relief afforded by the building of the tower bridge, half a mile downstream. It has there fore become an urgent matter to in crease the capacity of the older bridge, and it has now been decided to ac complish this by means of granite corbels which will carry the footway as projections over the water on each side of the bridge. Suit Hatha at Persons desiring to take salt-water baths at home should first learn the quantity of salt to use in the tubs, Victor Smith suggests. An ordinary bath contains from ninety to 100 gal lons of water, into which a thoughtless ,person will dissolve a pint or two ot' sea salt, so-called, and Imagine him self disporting in the ocean. If he followed nature he would use twenty 'flve or thirty pounds of sa't to the loo gallons, and this, if purified, would cost him 70 cenLs. He would have about four baths to each 700 pounds of salt. To flnliit* Te.i in t»outli Carolina. A new tea company, influenced by Dr. Shepard's success, has just bought 0,000 acres of land in Colleton county, S. C.. intending to raise tea for the market. The company paid $20,000 for the land, and will plant but 100 acres this season, as It is now rather late to begin the preparation of the grounds. Next year over 5,000 acres will he planted, and the output is ex pected to exceed 300,000 pouuds. Constructively in Sight A queer will case has just been de cide by the courts of Minnesota. The witnesses stepped through a doorway into the adjoining room and affixed their signatures at a table about ten feet from the testator, just out of his sight, but while lie was seated on the side of his bed and could have seen them by stepping forward two or three feet. The attestation and subscription of the will under these circumstances are sustained. For an "F.ll" Window »t Wrexham. A number of Yule graduates have completed the subscription list for the placing of a memorial window for Elihu Yale in the church at Wrexham, Wales, near which Yale lies burled, and work on the window will be be gun at once. State or Ohio, Pity or Toledo, i . Lucas County, i Frank .1. Cheney makes nn:h that he is the senior partner of the firm of F. J. Cheney &Co., doing business in the City of Toledo, County and State aforesaid, nod that said tlrm w ill pay the sum of ONE Hi NUKED DOT.EARS for each and every ease of Catarrh that eunnot be cured by the use of llall s Catarrh Cure. FRANKJ CHENEY Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A D. IStsd. (Seal ) A. YV. GLEASON, Notary Public. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internally, and acts directly on the blood ami mucous surfaces Of the system. Send for testimonials, free. F. .1. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, U Sold by Druggist s, 75c. Hall's Family Pills are the best. Desiring the unattainable is not nearly so distressing as attaining the undesirable. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, tlie only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. There is no man who knows how he is going to act when he fails in love, and no woman who doesn’t. Art Ton Fling Allen'* Foot FaeeT It is the only cure for Swollen, Smarting, Burning, Sweating Feet, Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen’s Foot-Ease, a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores, 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress, Allen S. Olmsted, LeRoy, N. Y. The man with but a single idea al ways has an exalted opinion of him self. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. Alt other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Affliction and physic should be judged by the effect rather than by the taste. Ask your grocer for DEFIANCE STARCH, the only 16 oz. package for 10 cents. All other 10-cent starch con tains only 12 oz. Satisfaction guaran teed or money refunded. Kindle the dry sticks and the green ones will catch. Mr*. Wlnztow* Hoothlug ^yrop. 7V>r children teett'ng, »«ften» the gunn, reducei tip flminmatlon, allay* (lam.curee wind colic. 2-*o a Soul* Perfumes were introduced into Spain by the Arabs. GREATLY KKDt CEI) RATES t1* WABASH R. R. $13.00—Buffalo and return—$13.00. $.31.00—New York and return—$.31.00 The Wabash from Chicago will sell tickets at the above rates dully. Aside from these rates, the Wabash run through trains over its own rails from Kansas City. St. Bouts and Chicago and offer many special rates during the summer months, allowing stopovers at Niagara Fails and Buffalo. Ask your nearest Ticket Agent or ad dress Harry E. Moores. General Agent, Pass. Dept., Omaha, Neb., or C. S. Crane, G. P. & T. A., St. Bouis, Mo. The Czar lan't a Render, The czar of Russia does not read newspapers regularly, and seldom looks at a book. While attending to his official business in the morning he sips one cup of tea after another, oc casionally eats a caviare sandwich. The hours from 1 to 4 p. m. he gives to his family and family affairs. From 4 he works again till dinner time, at 7. His typhoid fever has left him stronger than he was before. His face is full and round, and he has had none of the headaches and epilep tic fits that used to attack him before his recent illness. English residents have £110,000,000 Invested In mortgages. Conceit may puff a man up, but it Is not a good prop. Ha who knows nothing never doubts. Urban life decreases stature from 5 years of age on. If you wish tieautiful. dear, white clothe* use Keil Cross Bali Blue. Large ’J 02. packuge. o cents. Ixive letters may not be legal docu ments, but they chronicle court pro ceedings. v. dsv" o, ww aji ""in 'Thompson's Eye Water _ I MAMK \ i M rv pffiANu OTARCH ] REQUIRES NO COOKING PREPARED FOR „ MANUTACTVUCD BY ^ . n/ il Magnetic STAt&HHA You can't help being satisfied with Defiance Starch, It has all the qualities you want, there is more of it than you ever got before, and it will do more with less labor. It needs no cooking, sims ply mix with cold water. 16 ounce package for 10c. Don’t forget it—* better qual* ity and one.third more of it And every Distressing Irritation of the Skin and Scalp Instantly Relieved by a Bath with And a single anointing with CUTICURA, the great skin cure and purest of emollients. This treatment, when followed in severe cases by mild doses of CUTICURA RESOLVENT, to cool and cleanse the blood, is the most speedy, perma nent, and economical cure for torturing, disfigur ing, itching, burning, bleeding, scaly, crusted, and pimply skin and scalp humours with loss of hair ever compounded. Millions of Women USE CUTICURA SOAP, assisted by Cuticura Ointment, for preserving, purifying, and beautifying the skin, for cleansing the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, and the stop ping of falling hair, for softening, whitening, and soothing red, rough, and sore hands, for baby rashes, itchings, and chafings, la the form of baths for annoying irritations and inflammations, or too free or offensive perspiration, in the form of washes for ulcerative weaknesses, and many sanative antiseptic purposes which readily suggest themselves to women and mothers, and for all the purposes of the toilet, bath, and nursery. No amount of persuasion can in duce those who have once used these great skin purifiers and beau tifiers to use any others. CUTICURA SOAP combines delicate emollient properties derived from CUTICURA, the great skin cure, with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the most refresh ing of flower odours. It unites in ONE SOAP at ONE PRICE, the BEST skin and complexion soap, and the BEST toilet and baby soap in the world. • Complete External and Internal Treatment for Every Humour. • • Consisting of Cuticura Soap, to clean.e the skin of crust. end scales, and soften the thickened cuticle; Cuticura Ointment, to I III 11)111 Instantly allay itching. Inflammation, and Irritation, and soothe ** —• and heal; and Cuticura Resolvent, to cool and cleanse the _ blood. A Single Set Is often sufficient to cure the most tortur. THE SET Ing, disfiguring, itching, burning, and scaly skin, scalp, and blood humours with loss of hair, when all else fails. Sold throughout the world. British U.pot: F. Newbert * Sons, 27 and 2S, Charterhouse Sq., London, E. C. FOTTER Drug AND Culm. Coup., Sole Frope., Boston, U. S. A. S0Z0D0NT insures your Teeth 25* At all Stores, or by Mall for the prloo. HALL ft NICKEL, Haw York.