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About The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 23, 1901)
The Northwestern PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY AT THE COUNTY SEAT. «F«. K. BKNsrH'iTKR, I Kdllor* and «»F:0. H GIBSON. 1 Pnbll«hpr« TKRMP —11.00 PER TEAR irPAID IN advance Entered at the Loup Citv Postoffioe for trans mission through the mails a* second class matter. The little Republics in South Amc ru*a, are getting ready to eat each other up from present outlook. The battleship Iowa, is on its wav down the Pacific to the Isthmus, to see that Old Glory is kept at the proper elevation. A large passenger steamer, the Island, struck a submerged ice berg in the Lynn canal, up in Alaskan waters last Saturday morning and sunk in 23 fathoms of water. La' est reports claim about sixty five casualties. General Manager Dickinson of the ‘ U. P. system, lias issued a general order to the etfect that habitual drinking and frequenting places where intoxicants are sold, will be considered sufficient, grounds for dis missal from the service of that road. The Republican county conven tion was held in this city Wednes day, and was organized by electing Dr. H. R. Calmer of Litchfield for chairman and (1. II. Gibson of Loup City, secretary. The regular routine business was taken up and after the permanent organization wa affected the delegates to the state convention were elected as follows: W. R. Metier, C. J. Tracy, A. Wall, R. J. Nightingale, A. li. Cotter and Theo. Ojcndyk. A, Wall was elected chairman of the County Central Com mittee, after which the convention took a recess to Sept , 17, at which tt ne a full set of county officers will be nominated. The European governments gener ally are exercising their sympathies for the wellfure of the little South American Republics to a highly ab normal extent since there seems to be a prospect of an extensive row down there. France is offering gratis advise in the way of off hand sympa thetic suggestions and sliding in a war vessel or two to make it bind ing, while other countries are east ing covetous glances in that •direc tion, but the order from Washington the other day, directing the North At’antie squadron to precede at once to Hampton Roads for general evolutions, will no doubt, be heard at every government center in the ( lit world, and be a gentle reminder that the Monroe doctrine is still in full force and effect. The next charge to be hatched op against Admiral Schley is said to b« that he was drunk at llie battle of Santiago. He must have used the same brand of whiskey Grant did as it had the same effect on the enemy. These petty chi'dish charges will do the Admiral no harm, and shows the real animus of the whole affair. It does more, it shows the contempt able lengths some people will go to gain a point or destroy their betters. Schley done what the people expect ed him and is the simon pure hero of Santiago, and the more spleen is ex hibited over the matter the more the tribunal of the < ornmon people will exonerate him for petty breaches of the rules of the navy, as long as his disregard of orders proved to be the right thing. Don’t b • satisfied with temporary re li* f from i idigestioo. Kodol Dy-pep si* Dure permanently and completely removes this complaint, ft relieves perm ment!y because it alio wes the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieung won't rest the stomach. Mature receives sup plies from the fund w» eat. The sensi ble wav to help the stomach is ro use tvodol Dyspepi-i i Dure, which digests what you eat and ein'r help but do veu good.—Odandahl Bro**. The laws of health rq lire r.h ir, the bowels move one* each day and on** . f the penalties fur violating this law is piies Keep your b *wels regular by raking a dos- of Dhambertain.s Mto inacb and Liver Tablets when ne***,,. ry and you will never have that severe nunirhinent Inflicted upon you Price ey cents, at O lend ah I Bros. L*TT» S. I Ril;4 THE NORTH WINNIPEG. A«g 8th 1 *.»oi Kdit ir« N rthuestf-RK — l dro; yon a line lor ti t purpose of a few words about this great country, Ca nada I have been four days out since I left L up City. This is a beautiful city and is eight mlts across. I haw had ■» look ail over it an! my ride cost me nothing. The people here seem o boa very intel ligent quiet class of eit /e .s 1 will, at toother time give you a detailed account of my trip, stiowing w he re we found the best and worst crops, drouth, stock, laud and climate. \Y< have a nice party when we all get to getber. One from Farwell, some from St Paul, and Grand Island, and others from south, west and easf, in all about twenty of us No hraskans. Ah express their deep regret that Mr. Culler was not able to accompany us. We did not get away here this morning on Recount of a press of business and the failure to appear of a gentleman who was to attend to it, and as I had a little time at the Im perial Hank L will write a little more. The weather is nice, cloudy today. It rained this morning and the streets arc some muddy, but as they are well paved they are not had. Aug. !Uli—Our friend Spears call ed for us to go over where the other boys was, I did not have time tojlln ish my letter. 'Yu were invited to take a ride, so 1 will try and finish. 1 am trying to write while the train is running at full speed. To make it short, we are in a poor part now compared with what wo have seen, yet if l had some of our Nebraska cattle here they would laugh I am making a much longer trip of it than I expected when I started I expect when complete my ramb lings will have covered at least 1,000 miles, as we are traveling well over the country from east to west. Calgary, Alta. Aug. 12:—This is a wide spread town, a very nice place and extremely quiet I he people are not a polite class but all seem t< have great respect for themselves and are quite sociable wneii y ou one* get them interested. We left Cal garv, Monday morning at ten loi Edmonton. Stopped oft two days at Olds, and am now at Lacomb, and will he here a day or two, but d< not like it as well bore as in some parts of Canada. Alberta is a great cattle region, while A«inabo!a and Manitoba are farming districts and between the two I will explain when I have more time and now will simp ly *av, it is a wonderful country, and I am giving it a thorough can vas so as 1 o know what the country is like. Yours respectful)’ W. N Sherman. ITar.Ijr Fa'met to Tree. The palmetto treps of Jacksonville flood the recent conflagration there better than any other kind. While n- y all other trees in the wide sv .i of the fire perished from the he t. the palmettos are putting out tn e.i shoots, showing that they have life . nd vigor left. Pennsylvania In Carolina. Pennsylvania ia to have a beautiful b hiding at the South Carolina expo sition which opens in tne fall. Its cen tral attraction will be the old Liberty bell surrounded by an elaborate civic and educational display. It wlii be con structed of staiT. with tower, dome and columns of dazzling whiteness The tower, over 100 feet high, will be one i of its features, duplicating the tower on Independence hall. The ample dome over the exhibition room in tne build I lag will he beautified with electric bulbs, and will mount a powerful searchlight, which will illuminate all the exposition grounds. Surrounding the building will he a terraced g. d 400 by 200 feet in area, with a mini afire lak^ at one end. Twenty thou sand dollars is the estimated cost.— PenneyI ania Grit. fn*rr*f tn«l*. Thomas Nelson did for Virginia what Robert Morris did for th ■ nation —saved the state from hand.• :pu-y by devoting to her use his large fortune, says a writer in Lippincot;. When : i was in command of the state militia at Yorktown the exigencies of the turn seemed to require the des . on 1 of a certain large and imposing build ing in the place. It. is sad to know that this gadant Virginia congress man and governor was so embarrassed by the loans that he bad made to his state to pay its regiments w ion there was no money in the treasury, that in his last remaining days his remain ing property was sold to pa- i s ■ ! He was but 51 when he died, worn out by anxieties and years of ill-health. I Vsnlty nml the Handkerchief. The handkerchief was first popular ized in pood society by the Empress Jo ephine, who had irregular and black teeth, and, to conceal them, held her lace handkerchief before her mouth whenever she laughed. I.noac Struck Jt Rich. Captain A. F. Eneas, the discoverer of oil in Beaumont, Tex., who is said to be worth $40,000,000, was practically penniless a year ago. Though a min ing engineer and geologist by profes sion. he was a railroad conductor for a number of years. Thonsht 11c SI ruck Sslnn A certain little boy was In the habit of cutting the ground with a hatchet, and one day the hatchet struck a stone and made the sparks fly. Jumping up tn alarm, he ran to his mother, and cried: "Oh, mamma. I hit the Bad Mun on tlie head with my hatchet!" KihI nn (i»)f For tho past three years women have worn red a rood deal f ir safety's sake on the golf links, find having thus formed a pleasant nequninlance with the color they have Adapted it to the requirements of full-dress toilets. For example, hya< inth-blu ’ foulard that is powdered with poppy-red dots. TlV.f fi Century In tin Avyltirn. Robert llawk, who was admitted ns a patient to St. Elizabeth’* asylum for tiie insane if its opening. Iti 1855, and V! i Is s La ted to have been at the asy lum longer than any Inmate now con fined lhere, died ret ntly at the Insti tution at. the age or Sh years. During nil the years 'if his continuous hospi tal life he was a roost contented in mate. Ho had seen the institution ex pand from It or mil proportions to a mammoth • -tahli. ! ment, and had been a witness of many changes.— Washington Star. . •.—---— rifhllmj T^ftiprrnf* H5» Prof. Dexter of the University of Uliiiois, who has studied the effect of \. the,- on morals, finds that the de : f fight iisis with the thermom i hut stcffis at 85; wilts after that r-. ha mercury rises. Assault cases or- f' mi f.i.a corn r oner in summer ti a a In winter. Drunkenness, how i ■ i r, 1- as with summer and in t-r s v Hh the coming of cold. Sul ci rr, i -c. .at a maximum on bright days w a hi f> i -urai ter, and increase as the wi d rises. Tlifit Dry Trjtd#. The improvement in the dry goods trade continues, and the market grows stronger every day. says the Wall Street Journal. The condition of the cotton market supports higher prices for goods. The export, demand is in creasing. and the supply of coar-e goods desirable for China Is said to tie practically cleaned out. For this rea son mills that changed eight or nine months ago from coarse to fine yarn cloths are about to return to the pro ductfon of coarse goods. This will he'p the market, for li<rhf weight goods. - — - The Lower of Wafer. fn Frar fc Leslie's Monthly there Is a r.iptivvMr.g article on the story of the greet jam in the history of logging. It was in the Grand river in Michigan in 188.1, So tremendous was the pres sure at this time that here and there over the stiface could he seen popping suddenly into the air, propelled as an apple seed is projected from between a boy’s thumb and forefinger. Home of the 13-1 n::h manila ropes stretched to the shore parted. One. which pa- I or,re around an oa!< tree before reach ing it., shore anchorage, actually bur ied itself out of sight in the hard wood! Burches of pilp* bent, twisted or were cut sheer n*T as though they had been nothing but shocks of rn iian corn. The current was «-o swift that the : tugs could r.ot hold the drivers against it; and. as a consequence, before com mencin'- ope ; ti> n••• et ial mooring piles had to be driven. soriCK ir it prBi.rcArio.N Department of the interior Land Office it. Lincoln. Ne’i , August l<», 10(11. Notice is hereby given Mi-.' the fol. ->•. Ing named settler lnw filed notice of I a Intention to make ft • U proof n support of his eta in and tliai said nr,,c,t x :i lie made before .1 \ \ 'aii-r, onun v Judge of Sherman count v. it I,,uni it, Nebraska, on WedO' sday, dcpicm ier Jfi, > i, via: Joseph It Ituaa.ll, Homestead Kirry No, IT. JH, for 1 ilc Rast foil: ill, of ol Sec to I ’.I. T » V wu,[t , ii ,g■* i., IV * I , Be mimes i he fell winir -vitne ses io prove It s Omiti toons r -I deuce Upon md eulfivafion of, .aid and, v> • lac n. \l her*, lieorgc Truetsen i.har es Larsen, John Lelniager, an of 1. ,no (;u v, n rasU.t. , J XV. J w.v'sny it eg is ter CALL AND SEE THE — — — —- ^ - ^ -► ’ j ' _ AND HAY RAKES HARDWARE and FURNITURE. I am prepared to make' hydraulic or easing wells. T- |VL REED Loup City, Neb. Til R HUAI K (IOI I* THHK An Ingenious To'iiluiPiU Im «hit'll llriniksnURrs Iteing tiured flatly In •spile of ‘Tlieinselt es, Mn Noxhnw Itnses No AV”aliei»l”g nl I he M e r i *'s A |i leu smut and I'litldi s I‘me lor ihe I t| 11 ■«t* llalill It. u now , ( iuubIIv known unit undee-io'id ! thm Drunkenness is it disease mid not weak ness \ body Hill’d wIth poison, and mu'’* completely shattered bv periodical m cutistmii use nf intoxicating liquors, requires mi null doti eii|iiihle of neul iull/lng ii"d I'rildlcatlne this poison, mid deslioyln • the ( ruvim; for In toxicants Hyffcrrrs tuny now cure them-. I vesiii hope without publicity or In,; ol lime froie business hy Ibis wonderful IIUAII DIM D i ritl which Im hern perfected nf! i i many years of close si udy and treat men I of pod’ll ” The fdlthflll use uecoldl DU to dire. linns of this wonderful discovery is pns Itlvi y [onirul’leml Mi i ore tie most olndimilf' cuhi no inatl’’ how loud n drinker <>ur re cord . .how the marvelous transformation of thm . mils ol Drunkards Into sober, Indus! rfour and upr ighl men. tv \ i:si i hi; Yurit iirsu anus" t’liil, Dl!I Cl'Hi; VOI D 1*'ATIIKUS" Tills rein cdy Is In no sense n nostrum hut Is a spei illc for this disease onlv. mid Is so skillfully do vtsi d mid prepared that it is thoroughly solu ble mid pleasant to the taste. «<• tlml it can hi given in a cup of tea or coffee without the km. le.dgi of the person taking it Thousand of Drunkards have cured them selves wild Mil prk i less remedy, and as many more have been cun d and made temperate men hy having tie "FtTltK" administered by loving friends nod relatives without their knowledge in coffee or tea, and believe today that they discontinued drinking of their own free will, DO NOT WAIT, I'o not lie deluded hy apparent and misleading improvement ' Drive out the disease at once and for all time The IIOMK (li) ,D(THK." Is sold at the extremely lew price of One. Dollar, thus placing v ithiri reach of everybody a treatment more effectual than others costing #rT» to $50. Full directions no coiopanying each package. (Special advice by skilled physicians when requested without ex tra charge. Sent prepaid to any part of the world on receipt of One Dollar. AddP'Ss Dept A£55. KDVVIN H OIDKH * COMPANY. I'-Mi and a&i Market Street.. Philadelphia, Pa All ! correspondence strictly confidential t 15 : —-‘ WASTKIi. trustwoiitiit mxv ASH WO 1 men to travel and advertise for oid es. tabllsbed house of solid financial standing salary fV-0 a year and expenses, all pay able in cash. No canvassing required I Olve reference and Inclose self-addressed stamped envelope. Address Manager, v. Paxton. Bldg , Chicago. ff you want deeds, fnortguges, rao •' or iny I* gal instruments drawn at very reamnab'e raff* sign at the county sear, call on W .f Fi-hcrat th • North wKSTKPV (tri.e \ kcois ,,f blanks on hand A N'ofarv f’nb'.o ■ ffi -e ATANfF.I’ rai -rwoKruv ms wn wo men to l ravei and advertise for o d estate | I is bed boose (,t solid flnsnem: *•«.,(* ng Sa.arv '.a.’a year and mi | uva hie In ( -sh N > eAnvassiog (p.u.rl f#ive referene-e sod me,own .-elf ad iie-serf stamped er, wel-qicd Address >1 -» .r,,r. 885 Paxton Bldg . Chicago. Men And w n^n of &4W1 ad<1r**s to rep recent ns, »*o»ne •<» t fAv*d apprdiit-in# Aflffcni*, 01 her a for u <:U work P*>kintf After nur Interest!*. *f*oo Aniary genarameed yeeriv ; ex tru commissions and expenses, rapid Ad vAneement, old e*iahH*h<*d house Grand ehjince for earnest, rne or women to seerrre pieasnnr- permanent posit ion a. :ileral in come and fnt-tire. New brill lent line* Write a’ once. STAFFORD PRBss, 2ft Church St . New Haven conn. IfeinS Dyspepsia Cure Digests what you eat. This preparation contains ail of the digest&nts and digests} all kinds of food. It gives instant, relief and never fails to cure. It allows you to cat all the food you want. The most sensitive stomachs can take it,. Pv its use many thousands of dyspeptics have oeen cured after everything else failed. It prevents formation ofgason the stom ach, relieving all dlstressaftereating Dieting unnecessary. Pleasant to take. It can’t help but if® y*»« jjooil Pro on r<vl onl y by F. nayfrrT.V <"o., < hlo.i Tho $i. bott fo contains ‘i‘4 times mo jOr. .iat for salo t>y f)l»KN’t)Aff[, DROS., is the love of one of the most beautiful and wonderful things in nature. In ninny countries, diamonds have been called the “Tear drops of angels.’’ In t he highest civilized nations, 1 diamonds ; re the symbols of wealth and the badge oF aris tocracy. Whatever the purpose, we have the diamonds to fulfill it. We have all sizes arid t he prices are right. G. H. MORGAN j A- P CULT,ICY. A. P. CULLtUY, President. CMhtar. HRST BANK I Of LOUP CITY. General Banking BusinessTransacted. Paid up Capital Stock $20,000. COPPFSPONDFNTS Seaboard National Bank, New York City, N. Y. Omaha National Bank, Omaha, Nebraska. We afe Headquarters for WINDMILLS, PUMP, PIPES & FIXTURES We have every appliance for making first class Drive or Hydraulic Wells and respectfully solicit your order. (><r charges are reasonable our prices are right We have added a feed grinder to our business and are prepared to do custom work or turnish ground feed at reasonable rates. WE REPAIR BINDERS \ND HORS K POWERS AND GUAR AN TEE OCR WORK TO GIVE SATISFACTION. LEWIS HALLEK I