The Loup City northwestern. (Loup City, Neb.) 189?-1917, August 23, 1901, Image 4

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    Uoaal I7«ws.
Ed. Taylor of Ashton was in town
A H. Hansel la putting down a new
well at bis farm.
A, W. Tbroekmorton of Divide, wa
in tbe city Tuesday
liufue Wilson of Ashton was doing
business at tbe bub Monday
E S. Hay burst received a large in
voice of corn harvesters Monday
J.onuie Kent fro w has set up lious*
keeping in Mrs A. Zink’s residence
Uncle Joe Simmons of tbe west side
was reported very sick iast Saturday.
James W Conger renewed bis dray
license for both teams during the month.
W. H. Kennedy moved bis household
goods to hia farm near Austin, last .Sat
Joe Cording came down from Sutton’s
ranch Saturday to recuperate for a few
C. H King, one of Sherman county’s
—men without a party- was at the huo
E, W. Vandorn of St i'aul, is up vis
iting bis daughter, Mrs. T M Reed
this week.
T M Reed’s gang put down a well at
Hie Mrs. S. U Taylor property on Main
street Saturday.
D. S. Draper pulled a new corn bar
vester away from E S Hay burst s im
plement house Monday
H Smelser ami son, of Ashton, made
this office a friendly call while attend
ing tbe bail game Friday.
I . I iiiiwe repaired ttiu leneuieni
bouse belonging to Judge Wail, in the
west end of tow n this week
G. W Marvel and the Conklin Bros
the light and heavy weights of Ashton,
took in the hall game Friday.
J. B Draper brought a iarge fat cow
and a load of hogs to town Tuesday
morning. He sold the cow to butcher
Mrs A /ink moved into the Mr® S.
G. Taylor property on Main street Fri
day and, we understand, will run a
boarding house
A Boone returned from Greeley, Fri
day He has disposed of ail his proper
ty there aud is taking a rest from all
labor at present.
Mr Porter and Mr Hickman, two of
our thrifty farmers on the south side of
the river has each got a beautiful held
of alfalfa from which they are reaping
a rich harvest
If the action of your bowels is not
easy and regular serious complications
must be the final result DeWitt's Lit
tie Early Risers will remove this dan
ger. Safe, pleasant am) effective.
Odendaht Bros
The Republican caucus last Saturday
nominated D. C. Grow fur supervisor,
Lewis Bechthoid for assessor; G. W
Hunter far town clerk W H. Conger
aud G. H Scott for justice’ of the
peace aud 8 E. Reynolds for constable.
John White, Bryautsvili, ind, says
DeWitt's Witch Ha/,el Salve healed run
ning sores on both legs. He bad suf
feredb year* Doctors failed to help
buu Get De\\ ut e. Accept uo oilier
Gdeudabi Bros.
J. T. Hale is putting up hay this
week for Bensehoter Bros, Mr. Hale
haa done quite an extensive business in
that line this season. Besides potting
up about a hundred tons for himself he
has put^that much, or more up for other
iu cmm of cough or croup give thv
little one One Minute bough Cure Then
rest easy aud have uo fear. The eh ill)
will bo all right iu a little while It
uever fait*. Cleasaut to take, always
safe sure and almost lustautaneoua Iu
effect.- Odendahl bros.
The match game of ball between
Loup City aud Ashton last Friday, was
a pretty game, played by men on both
•ides who well understood the game
hut who wore a little rusty aud needed
Humoring up by a considerable practice
The score went out of sight, ail due to
stiff joiuts which allowed the ball to go
too far out ofthe diamond. Tbe score
stood 11 to 144 in favor of I.oup City.
Mr. Carl l)iotz jr., requests us to say
iu regard to the buruiug of J. A. Con
verse's barn, that he, Mr. Dietz, lit hi
lautern at his house and carried it to
the barn and that his wife was with
him aud held It most of the time, and
further that ho earried the lauieru back
to the house with him. blew it out, pui
it away and sliil has it whole That no
horse kicked it nor explosion occurred
He further requests us to say that with
iu live minutes after he got in the houn
tbe barking of bis dog drew him to the
door and at that time tbe barn was aflr»
all around
If you have a baby in the house you
will wish to know the best way to check
aoy unuaua! looseness of the bowels, 01
diarrhoea *o common to small children.
O. F. M. Holliday, of Doming, lud., who
has an eleven month o) I child say-.
“Through the months of June and July
our baby was teething and took to run
ning off at tbe bowels and ale knees oJ
tbe stomach. His bowels would movi
from five to eight times a day. I had
bottle of Chamberlain's Colie, Cbolori.
and Diarrhoea Remedy iu the house and
gave him four drops in a teaspoonful ol
water and be got bettor at once." Foi
ale by Odendahl J*,ros.
Leave your orders for iet
with 0. liensehoter.
Theodore Wilson of the east side, w. <
at the <:o"niy seal Tuesday.
Miss Mable Vendors came up from Sc
Paul. I uesday to visit relatives
T M lteetl sells sewing ma
chines anti a general line ul
furniture /
A baby girl was born to Mr.and Mis
John Mead of Elm tap., last week.
A baud of Too sheep passed north .Sat
urday going to the vicinity of Burweil.
Miss Alta It inflow of St. Paul, is
visiting relatives aud friends here tLi
1 lieu. Ujondyk, Ashton’s genial (net
ill aster attended the It' publican county
convention in this city Wednesday
Mrs H I, Adamson and daughter
Grave, left Tuesday morning for < hey
ene. Wyo , for a visit with relative
A letter front Joseph McCoy, brings
the intelligence that they are all well
and directs that his paper lie addre^-cd
to ilarrah, <)kt
W-ii Morris has changed the appear
ance of hi- gospel hill property a con
siderable. It looks well and Billy has
done Hie work himself
David D pew came up Saturday from
Datitiebrog, where he has been woikiog
with an elevator gang. Hu expects to
go to some other point next
J M. Eads, the A O, U. W. deputy
who was here a few w eeks ago, pasted
up the llii" Tuesday evening to Sargent,
to deliver an address at a workman pic
nic Wednesday
Mrs. H. il. Allport, Johnstown. I'a ,
says: "Our little girl almost strangled
to death with croup The doctors said
she could not lire hui site was Instantly
relieved by Unc Minute faugh Cure
Odenduhl Bros.
Mr. and Mis. Ashley T. Conger re
turned tnt.oup City Monday evening,
after an absence of several mouths in
Iowa. They have concluded to again
lake up their resilience in Nebraska.
Henry Hulling has received another
large invoice of tall and winter shoes
including school shoes, which he offers
at the lowest living ptices. If you
want the best goods at the tight price
call on Mr. Dolling.
Eruptions, cuts hums, scalds and sor
es of all kinds quickly healed by De
Witt’s Witch Hasal Salve Certain eure
for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. He
sure you get the original DeWitt’s
Odendahl Bros
We team that Mat IDslop, an oi l geu
Human living on the west side is \eiy
sick with but little hope of recovery.
Mr. llistop is au old resident of Sher
man county and hia many friends will
be sorry to bear of bis sickness.
Help- young ladies to witbstaud the
shock of sudden proposals, that* what
Bocky Mountain Tea has done ;5 i ts
Made by Madison Medicine Co, Ask
your druggist
E M, Uregg. James Biehardaon amt
John John, all of Bridgewater, la. were
in tbe city this week looking up a loca
tion. They are old acquaintances of
our friend D. if Draper of the west side.
Sam Fletcher passed through town
the other dav with a bunch of cattle
and sheep that he was taking to the
western rauge. This is the third trip
ho has made, with cattle, to that coun
try, and he reports sales at very fair
l\ T Tbcuuas, Sumterville, Ala. " 1 I
w ai suffering from dyspepsia when 1'
commenced taking Kodol Dv-pepstaj
Cure. 1 took several bottles and can
digest anything ’ Kodol Dyspepsia
Cure is the only preparation containing
ail the u'uural digestive fluids. It give* !
weak stout teba entire rest, restoring j
their natural couditioa Odeudah! Bros.!
A surprise party was given in banor
of the It h b.rthday of ili?a It ny Gib
son, by her young school mates, on
lue.-idav eveuiug last. A Inigo number
<>t the youug people gathered and com
pletely surprised Miss Mary by calling
on her at early candle light. They
came well prepared for an enjoyable
time ami they had it Several nice
presents were left with her for a re
membrance of the occasion
l'he beyond nines o' Loup City and
Arcadia. ;• 'rye d a gam • of ball on on
diamond Kii-lay, being before tbu
L' up City V-. A-btoii game, The game
was hotlv contested for boys aud victory
it one time seemed to be coming our
wav. but the lickel go IJe.s.a dually smil
ed upon the Cadlaua a id they went o)
with our ball f'hey earned it but they
just wetted our boy's imm rginations t.o
such an extent that one of those days—
they can't do it again.
ItSiiioll Hi:, K.iltv
“Mv babv was terribly sick with the
diarrhoea, we were unable to cure him
with LLe doctor s isrustauce, and as a
last resort. w « triod Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea K nnedv -ays
Mr. ,J. U Do.ik of VViili lin*. Ore., "1
am happy to say it gave immediate re
lief and a compo te cure.*’ For sale by
Odeudah) Bros.
r\uv one residing in the west side
of the count v cun make any arrange
ment oecesaarv for undertaking and
embalming with C. W Gibson at,
Litchfield. iVll orders will be
promptly him! satisfactorily attend
ed to at reasonable lates.
WffaBU NlOHl ' N',AJ K Ml R
Werbersed Mi*s Lillian Nightingale,
both of *>arg#ut Nebraska, were mar*
ried at Taylor. N.b .on August 16, litOl,
Mr. W«rber Is a harness dealer at 8ar
gent, and a g> otleman highly spoken of
by those who know him. Miss N'’gh
tingaie is tbi daughter of our towns
man, lion. T. 8. Nightingale, and
U an aeeompiished, highly respected
and well educated young lady, and has
taught several fei ms in our city schools
before going to Sargent! Her many
friends will wish her and iter chosen life
companion a long nod pleasant journey
through life.
KNuI.EMAN — UhVANl Ml Leroy Ell
glsnian and kiss Mollle iiryanr, ail <<t
Litchfield. N’ebr . were married at Loup
t’ity, ou August 15, UK)!, by Judge J. A. |
Angier. The NoitTiiwrsTEUN extends;
-♦ • ♦
Barbara Waltzhauer, mother of Mr*, i
Lew Haller of this city, died at the j
home of.Mrs Weidknenbi, on Bloody
Run, in the seutli west part of ihocouty, |
also a daughter, died on Saturday Aug 1
list 17, J 1)01. Mrs. Wall/hiuer was horn I
hi Germany, and was seventy-eight;
years of age. 8be came to America -It) j
years ago and settled, with her husband, |
in Hhertnan county some twenty-two |
years ago Her husband died IU y ears
ago and his remains were taken up and :
removed to Lttchilel I cemetety, last
"'unday, where husband and w ile ueie
laid bide by side for their Jong rest,
♦ • *
C ilaurlt calleil and entered hia name j
on our Hat yesterday.
\Y. ii. Wuit and family came down
from the farm Wednesday.
Our bi o ball team went to Ashton
yesterday to play the re urn game.
John Malhevvaon dropped In and gass- i
ed with ye scribes after the convention j
lb D, Grow sr. went up to the I
farm with W. 11. Waite Wednesday
for a rural visit.
(’all and see the best thing out foi j
harvesting your corn; the McCor i
unc. For sale by T. M. Heed.
Are you needing any thing
iu tho furniture line? If so call
at T. M- Heed’s
r J Tracy received notice this week
from the State Fair authorities that he j
had been appointed assistant chief of
police at the fair grounds this year
Chet is a good man and it i» an appoint
ment worthily made.
The supper and dance given by the
Loyal Mvstic Legion, we understand
was a very pleasant affair, was well at
tended and greatly enjoyed hr all joes- j
ent. The Legion is forging to the fiont j
v(*rv rapidly and 4» furnishing gilt edge j
protection to its members.
Through the kindness of the people
of ;he German church, the Presbyteri
ans will hold services in the new brick
church, until further notice Services
will tie held next Sunday morning at
10:00 a. m. The aermna theme will b->
Kuviroiiioent All are cordially invited.
*» o scop 'ne pres* co announce a rr*
arrival at the home of Mr aiul Mrs
I, llamen which came 1**' Thurs
4 ay morning, It i« a baby hov of regu-!
lation giae. Mother ami child doing
well ami Laurlt/, is blghtv elated over
the happy event
The fa' s and the leans p’ayed their j
game of ball over again Monday, th» i
fats not being satisfied with the remit !
of the former game. The second game I
was won bv the fats by a score of s to j
II. This, of course, will necessitate a!
third game to fully decide the merits of I
the player*.
Mr. and Mr*. J \V. Conger, Grandma
llauey, Grandma Geek, Mr and Mrs YV.
II. Conger and daughter Nettle and ye
junior editor autl family vUi ed the
ranch of VY U. Conger .Sunday and
watched the corn ear and the cattle cor
ral. The ladies took baskets of edibats
mrl creaai and we congealed the tactile
lluiil. spread the tabl cloth, killed the
fatted calf and had t feast of the pass
over, drops aie look’ng exceedingly
good for this year Mr. Conger will j
have a very fair crop of com.
Tho people who were on our streets!
Saturday moruing about nine o'clock j
witne*sed ’bo -li-graceft.1 scene of a 1
woman reeling m oss the -r.reet tho*!
rough'v Intoxicated so touch so that ;
•he c.*u I .scat*.:e!v keep ho • feet it is
ba*J aii'.' gh to see a m in so far forget!
himself as to indulge to tb it \-ent, but
the sight of a worn m In tb it condition J
is lui'jiifyiiig to a man with a grain of
manhood in bis makeup YVe are glad
to note that this is the first case of th*
kiuiin the hi-torv if onr little berg
an 1 h pn' if may b'1 the lv- The wo
lit an refered to we understin 1 b-long*
to Grand Island, an 1 ha I he ui stopping
In a stable in the sou'h part of town a
| few days, she was outer* d to move on
vatnf day a’el left on th« Tot) p m. tram.
i Drunken orgies are g< tting a trill ' to
; com tin I in our city of ate, and if they
j o*i not toned ipiwn pretty *o,m, some
j body viij bo jt the carpet'* one of
j t ho.-iti tin*.* iJmv s. ,y word to tho wise
I should be sulllcli lit.
What most people want Is something
mild and g« Mle. when in netd •( i
physic. Uwii'i m lam's 8ioo)teb hdo
Liver TabJeU till the bill to a dot
They are easy to take Hint pleasant In
i fleet, l or sale by i) leudahl liras.
A lame shoulder is usuatly caused bv
rheumatism of the muscles and may be
cured by a few application* of Chain*
berlalo'a Pain Balm. For *a e by Oden
dab! Bros
Tlge b'‘Hutj thief has come to stay,
In lea* you drive the pimples am! black
bead* away;
Do thl*, don't look like a Light;
, .ke Hii-ky Mountain lea to night.
Ask your druggist.
O. <) Buck, Beirne Ark , says I was
troubh d with const ipatioo until I
bought DeVVitt s Little Lirly Kisers.
Since then have been entirely cured of
my old complaint. | rt coin mend them.
< bltiulabl Bros
It a dealer ask* you to make some
thing said to be * just as good a* I(ocky
Mountain Tea made by Madison .Medi
cine Co,1 ask him il lie makes more
money. A -k your druggist.
I it r t it ,*ta itr. i in hi r
Ali Sadievilie, Ky, «a* curious to
learn the ean-e of tlio vast improve
ment in the health o| .Mrs. .1 IP Whit
taker, who had for a long lime, endur
ed untold MidtVring from a ebtonio
bronchial trouhle. ‘ It- all due to |>r
King'® Nuw Discovery,*’ writes tor
husband. It completely cured her and
also l ined nut little grand-daughter ot
a severe attack of W hooping t’oiigli1’
li positivel) 1 -»1 r * s Coughs, t'olds, I*
Crippe, Bi utiehif'all I hroat and Lung
troubles Guaranteed b iitlos f»Oc mil
»l .ht) I rial bottles free at U lemluhl
‘I'liui Mitii i me i:m roii
lull tor > A. Brown, nt 111 ii ii«*t ts villi',
> r , u its once immensely *m prised,
l’hrough long suilVtdug from I*y spep
sift," Uo write*, ‘huy wife was greatly
inn (low i >1,0 had no strength or vi
gor anti millVied great distress Ironi her
stomach, hut alio trind Kiectric Hitler*
"hieh In Iped her at once, and after us
lug tout bottles, the is entirely well, can
sat anything. It's a grand tonic, and
its gentle laxative qualities arerplendld
tor torpid liver.’’ For Indigestion, Ko*.h
of Appetite, Swill tch and 1.1 ver trouble*
ti * t positive, guaranteed cure. Only
V>0 at O lend t!il Bio*.
to s>avis lieu »
From frightful disfigurement Mr*
N annl« i • alleger, of l.t (; i ange, Q» , ap
plied Huclvlt'u’i Arnica halve to great
sore* on her head and t toe, a:nl write*
it* ijulck cure exceedod all her hopes.
F work* wonders in bites, Hiui-ea,
b,.in Kruptlou*, Cuts, Bmns,Scald* and
Files. 85c. Cute guaranteed by Oden
ilahl Bros.
H H \ i’ A T il l I I I Kl.t.s
If that mirror of your* sho ts a
wretched, sallow complexion, u jaun
diced look, moth patches and blotches
on the akin, it'* liver trouble; but i»r.
King’s New Fife |‘t 11* regulate the liver
purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy
checks, rich complexion. Only 85c at
Odendahl Bros.
" VSTi:t>.—Capable, reliable persons tit
every county to represent laryo company
L>f -<itut financial reputation; itiM salary
per year, payable weekly; >3 per day ar>ao
luttdy suro and all t».t petites; strujyiit,
lama title, detinue satarv . no et>ittuu»liun;
salary paid e*ea Saturday anti expense
inoti. v adva•> , ach w ■ . sl ANl»AIU>
Ut»l st. tit iMi VKB jKS S t . Cue too. r ,«j ti
NOT to t. TO THE Pl’Bt.U*
This Is to Certify that my wtf Ida left my
bed and t*>nm without a Just cause, and
that ( do hereby warn the public against
tt usn»g or giving h. t tn lit on my
account. a* t wilt net be la sc his: tTe for any
debts i-outradtu.t by her
loop umr. . i N9).
£. S- MAIN.
tHNrlCK. Ou*. door ■<«>!, of QdoU'tthJ's
Drat? Suire.
Baking Powder
Makes the bread
more healthful.
Safeguards the food
against alum.
Alum baking powders are the greatest
meuacers to health ot the present Jay.
A Uo«.cy aud Notary Public Publisher Lopp Cjtt XoEJ'U wtPTKUJP
Fisher & Benschoter,
Rea! Estate Agents,
Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated
Traversed Only by the Union Pacific.
“It moves along like some majestic poem in a series
of incomparable stanza*. There is nothing like it in the
Himalayas that 1 know of, nor in the Suliman Range. In
the Rolan Pass, of the Afghan frontier, there areintervals
of equal sublimity; nn<l even as a whole it may compare
with it. Rut taken tor all in all—its length (some thirty
miles), its astonishing diversity of contour, its beauty, as
well as its grandeur-1 confess that Echo Canon is one of
the masterpieces of nature.’
H. .1. Clifton, Agent.
Attorney at Law and Notary Public,
Will Defend in Foreclosure t uses
General f?oal Estate Business.
OfflU-e In NonTHwr.HTKiu, Dull,ling,
tour cm._-_ mkhkAeVy,.
A Muilkter'd liuthl Work.
‘•1 had a severe attack of billioua colic
got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Reined}’, took
two Joaes ami was entirely cured," says i
Rev. A A Bower, of Kinj ona. Kan, j
\ly neighbor across the street was slek |
for over a week, had two or three bottles j
of medicine from the doctor. He j
used them for three or fourdavs with
out relief, then ealled iit ano'her doctor
who treated liltn for some days and
gave him no relief, so discharged him.
I went over to see him the n«xt morn
ing He sai i his bowels were In a ter
rible tlx, that they had been running oil’
so long that it was almost bloody (lux,
l asked him if he had tried Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarihoea Re-!
me lv and he -a d '.No ' 1 went home
and brought him my bottle ar.d gave
him one do-- . told him to take another i
dote In fifteen or twenty minut- if he j
did not tli.d relief, but he took no more !
and was cull rely cured l hmk it the
b st medicine I have ever tried" Foi
sale by Odend dd Hros
■I it i>»! HI V M'CTf sSO 4
>oiuti h» 1:4: N**v% l iiilrr
The ''i* t». *’
AH I'octor* have tried to cure c' iT lKKlI
t>y the use id powdi is, net 1 g <es, tuba ers ,
and drugs in paste term, 'their powders!
dry up the mucus membranes eau-lng
Ihnu to crack open and bleed The imwei
ful acids used 111 the inhalers have entirely
eaten away the same membranes that
the t makers have am ed to rutfi,
pastes aud ointments cannot reach the di -
sease. Y11 old aud experienced practitioner
who has lor many yeats made a dose
study and specialty of the treatment of
CAT YtiKIl, has at last perfected a treat
ment which when faithfully used, not only
relieves at once, but permanently cures
CAT YRKH, by removing the cause, slop
ping the discharges, ant curing all in Hu
mat ion. It is the only remedy known to
, science that actually reaches the afflicted
parts. This wonderr d remedy is known us
‘ sNI. t # b'Ls the tli; Ytt.YNTKBD CAT
AUttK i.'CkK" and is sold at the extremeiy
low price of One Hollar, each package con
taluln" internal and external medicine
siJihcn ut tor ai nil months treatment and I
everything necessary to itsperfevt use,
“sM h'K'khk” is the only perfect c.YT-I
\KttH CUKH. ever mu ie and is now recog
nised us theonl.v sale and poni five cure for
thnt. annoying und disgusting disease. It,
cures all miiamation quickly and perma
ueutiv and is also wondertinly quick to re
lieve II YY' t'kt Kit or CObUt.'i Hie I] K Y!)
CATYKitii when neglected often loads 10
O.N M- k P l lots — "s.M KKbl.s'* Wli, save yell
if you uso it nb once, lb is no ordinary
remedy, bub a complete treat men 1 which
i# positively guaranteed to cure c t r vituii
In any torm or stage if used accord I eg 1,1
the directions which accompany each
package, lion’fc delay i>«t, send for it ul
once and write lull particulars is to your
condd on, mid von will rucotvo special ad
vise fiuin 1 the discoverer of t ins woudurliil
re mod y regarding your casu w 11 hum cost
to von beyond bile rugulttr price 01 sm ,.
HHt.S'’ I ho "tit’ UlANTKKII «:a 1 V Kill I Cl it a,"
seatprepuiil to any addtess pi tile |/uif,a|
Slates or Canada 011 receipt of Unu IdolIhp.
Ydilress Dept, dd it. 1 >\\ IN If. GII.KS ,v
CUMI'AMY, -Wu aud flik’ Market street,
timt. taiii.k
I.OI!l- Cl I Y. \ RRK.
Lincoln, Denver.
Omaha, Helena,
Chicago, Butte,
Sr. Joseph, Salt Lake City.
Kansas (.ity. Cortland,
St. Louis, San Francisco,
Hull all points and all points
East and South. West.
TWAINS LI1 AVI'. As lllinnVM
going Fast
No' v.' Passenger. s:<Vi a. id
No. to Freight 14.5011 in.
No S’ l'KM<,mger 1.34 p. in.
No :.9 Freight ... uti.via. m.
sleeping, itlnnei md r>'e!ining chair car*
', als tri on (I rough trains Ticket*
sold amt baggage checke I 10 any point in
the liimed States yr Canada. •
For luiorui.Giuit, maps, time tallies and
tickets end on or write to It. F. Arthut
Agent. Or J. FitASCls, Ueu'L I'aateanr
Agi nt, lituaiia, Nebraska.
N.i s« leave* daily except Stimlay (pass
engcr). > nr a tu
Ni» *s leave* Monday, Wednesday and
Friday, in xedi 14 -40 p in.
No «> leaves Tuesday, Thursday and
Saturday, mi' vedi t J5 p. ui
N> si an. s daily except 'iimiay (mixed
14 ' A p m
N > vVarr-ves daily except Sunday pass
euger) T o p. in.
First c is» service and close connections
east, w est and south
8"I'-l t’V r H KI.SN KK. ’ cap City. Neb
\\ vvl'kd.—i apablc. reliable person in every
eouuy to r> present large company of soilf
financial reputation: WX salary per year, pay
able weekly f.'l per Jay absolutely sure and
all expenses straight bona tide, lie finite sal
ary. no comm sston; salary paid each Satur
day and expense money advanced each week
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