Uoaal Daws. Yes. Tl's cooler. Corn ia jumping. Good shower Tuesday The leans are batters you bet. R. L. Arthur Is a pitcher you know. 40 of water fell atthi* place Tuesday Murphys are hard to get at $125 per bushel. Henry A . Wilson weut to Cometock Tuesday. r. T Rowe came down from Sargent Monday morning. Coru harvesters are making their ap* pearauce now days. Jaeob Ritz is a new ad ition to our roll of honor this week. Rev. Sparrs of Divide, was doing bu siness at the bub Friday. J. I. Depew H putting up a fine dray wagon for Fred Odcndahl. George Thompson of Arcadia, hauled a load of flour to Loup City Friday. Lee Adamson and P. T. Rowe are lay ing singles for A. L. Baillie this week. Frank Dennis and family went to Ar cadU'Tuesday, to attend a Highlander picnic. Mesdames Thornton and Ilauck and their families yisited the hoosier picnic Thursday. Our Lase ball enthusiasts threw a ball through a Daln in S. F. Reynolds’ front Tuesday evening. George Oilman experienced the fun ny sensation of becoming a Royal High lander Monday night. Presbyterian service will be held at the new brick church at 10:30 Sunday next. Ail are invited. Henry Oblsen smilingly reported a sweet little female cherub arriving at his house Wednesday noon. Mrs. J. A. Converse and little gran daughter went to Gibbon, last Saturday for a visit with her daughter. Geo Rltz of Rockville, dropped into our sanctum the other day and left a dollar for the beuefit of the poor. Henry Wilson wanted to sell us a driving horce the other day. He prob ably bad some 9' bay to dispose of. T. M. Reed is stocking up his furni ture department in good shape. He has had those late weddings in view. If the action of your bowels is net easy and regular, serious complications must be the final result. DeWitt’s Lit tle Early Risers will remove this dan ger. Safe, pleasant and effective.— Odendahl Bros. Spontaneous combustion in one of A. B. Outhouse's large coal bin* sut the sla£kcoal on tire last Friday. No par ticular damage was done as the fire was discovered and taken care of before th* wood work caught. John White, Bryantsvill, Ind., says DeWitt’s Witch Hazel Salve healed run ning sores on both legs. He had suf fered B years. Doctors failed to help him. Get DeWitt’s.'Accept no other — Odendahl Bros. Don’t forget to read the call for the Republican county convention in this issue, it will be held on Wednesday August 21, at two o’clock sharp, when a full set of officers will be nominated. The primaries are recommended to tie held the previous Saturday. W. H. Kennedy returned to Loup City last Friday, after a three months visit with relatives and friends in Ohio. Will has taken on conflderabie avoir dupois during his recreation and is as Jovial as ever. He says Ohio is harder hit with the drouth than we are. In cases of cough or croup give the little one One Minute Cough Cure. Then resteasy ami have no fear. The ehild will be ail right lu a little while It never falls. Pleasant to take, always safe sure and almost Instantaneous In effect.—Odendahl Bros. W. J. Fisher and ye junior editor and families made a trip to the hone of the tinny tribe Sunday and enjoyed our selves waiting for a bite. We got It about 5 o’clock. It was fried chicken, cake, pie etc. We are umler obliga tions to J. B. O'Bryan for iee furnished us to make our stay at the creek endu rable. Pi C. Parks of Washington twp In forms us that the wind storm that pass ed over that vioinity Tuesday night of last week, was akin to a cyclone. He says It unroofed Chas. Llndell’s bouse, tore down aDd damaged several wind mills, picked up Albert Anderson's threshing machine and turned it with the wheels up The machine turned over a boy by the name of Carpenter, and bruised his back some but nothing serious. He sa)s there was no hail in his neighborhood that done any dam age. If you have a baby in the house you will wish to know the best way to check any unusual looseness of the bowels, or diarrhoea so common to small children. O. P. M. Holliday, of Demlng, Ind., who has an eleven month old child says: “Through the months of June and July our baby was teething and took to run ning off at the bowels and sickness ol the stomach. His bowels would move from five to eight times a day. I had a bottle of Chamberlain's Colie, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy in the bouse and gave him four drops in a teaspoonful of water and be got better at once.” For sale by Odendahl Bros. Leave your orders for ice with (). Benschoter. O. L. Mercer of near Ashton, was in the city Wednesday. Will Er.gle of tho wrest side was in the city Wednesday. The aorpulent form of our friend James Kentfrow of Anstin, was visible In the city Tuesday. The U P. authorities countermanded thejorder laying of!' one of their sec tion men at this place and he was rein stated. Mrs. Hugh Sleath left Friday morn ing for Iowa, where she will join her nusband and go to housekeeping. Mr. Sleath is a commercial man. There wa* almost an Insurrection in the father land Wednesday, but the timely interference of the Schwltzer Kaiser calmed the troubled waters. Dr. Main tells us that he has officiated at the advent of 19 new settler* in this vicinity during the past six months. 18 gentlemen and 6 ladies. T M Reed sells sewing ma chines and a general line of furniture Rumor has it that tho directors of the Sherman County Agricultural Asso ciation have concluded not to hold a fair this fall. Mr. Robbins, »on of Mr A. M. Rob bins of this city, and who baa been in the barber business at Beatrico, moved his outfit here this week and, we under stand will open up a shop soon. Andrew Wilson of Austin came home from Norfolk Saturday and returned Monday. He and his brother Clarence are employed with the U. P. steel gang. The infant child of Mr. and Mrs. Per ry Hayes of Austin, died Monday even ing snd was burrled Tuesday at the Austin cemetery. It was one week old. Mrs. S. U. Allport, Johnstown, Pa., says: “Our little girl almost strangled to death with croup The doctors said she eould not live but she was Instantly relieved by One Minute Cough Cure — Odendahl Bros. Born—On last Wednesday night, to Mr. and Mrs. Lewie Strankman of Oak Creek, a bouncing boy. Mother and babe are stout and Lewie is expected to recuperate with good nursing. Eruptions, cuts, Ourns, scalds and sor es of all kinds quickly healed by De Witt's Witch Hazel Salve. Certain cure for piles. Beware of Counterfeits. Be sure you get the original— DeWItt's.— Odendahl Bros. Charley Snyder of the Sherman coun ty corn belt brought some roasting ears to town Wednesday, that were out of sight, and Charley lays he has 80 acres ihat is “just fine.” Helps young ladies to withstand the shock of sudden proposals, tbata what Rocky Mountain Tea has done. 35 ct*. Made by Madison Medicine Co. Ask your druggist. Alex Johnson, who was employed at the B. A M. depot at this place for some time, sends us a S from Greely Center, witn the request to place hie name on our subscription list Mr. Lyman L. Crosthwaite who hat been Instructing a class In vocal chords at the M. E church in this city during 'he past week, is a master in bis pro fession and a genial gentleman in his bearing, a fine instructor and an intar* eating conversationalist. r. r. Thomas, Sumterville, Ala . “1 was suffering from dyspepsie whan 1 commenced taking Kodol Dyspepsia Cure I took several bottles and can digest anything.’1 Kodol Dyspepsia Cure is the only preparstlon containing all the natural digestive fluids. It givss weak stomachs entire rest, restoring their natural condition -Odendahl Bros. Joseph Johns of Rockville, ylBlted his people north of Arcadia last week aad tells us the wind In that vicinity wrecked many corn cribs, barns and outbuildings, also that the house of his brother James was moved 7 ft., and the floor torn up to gome extent. A large sliver from a board struck Mr. Johns' oldest daughter on the top of the foot taking a slanting course to ward the heel and penetrating the foot for three inches. F, M. Henry tells us that be has put out 25 cream seperators in this vicinity ail of which are giving good satisfac tion and the use of whieh gives those who have them an advance of about one third on the price of their cream. Their use has also placed the Loup City cream ery first on the list in the reputation of butter makers The boys are making 2000 lbs per week now. It Saved Hi* llaby. “My baby was terribly sick with the diarrhoea, we were unable to cure him with tlie doctor’s assistance, and as a last resort we tried Chamberlain’s Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy," sayn Mr. J. II Doak, of Williams, Ore., ■■] am happy to say It gave immediate re lief and a complete cure." For sale by Odendahl Bros. Any one residing in the west sidf of the county can make any arrange ment necessary for undertaking and embalming with C. W. Gibson al Litchheld. All orders will lit promptly and satisfactorily attend ed to at reasonable rates. I MARRIED. Rentreow— Zink—At the home of James Rentfrow, father of the groom, near Austin, Sherman county Nebraska, Mr. Alonzo Rentfrow and Miss Ethel Zink, both of this city, were united in marriage at high noon on Sunday Aug ust, 11 1901. The two yoang people were born and raised In this communi ty. They will go to housekeeping in the residence of Ihe brides mother in this city in the near future. It is the wish oi their many friends that they enjoy a loDg and happy wedded life. The ceremony was performed by Judge Hunter in the presence of tbe immedi ate families of the contracting parties. Young—Rentfrow—At the home of the brides parents in St. Paul, Nebr. on Sunday August, II 1901, Mr. Robert Young of Loup City, Neb., and Miss Ethel Rentfrow of **t. Paul,Nebr., were joined in holy wedlock, Rev. Funk, of the First Baptist church otliciating. Mr. Young has lived in this place all bis ;Pe, he is an industrious, model young man. Ills fair companion Is a native of Missouri and came to Loup City, from that state some three vears ago, subsequently moving to St Paul. Miss Henryetta Young, and Mr, Ernie Rentfrow of this city were present at the wedding. The young couple came up and spent a few days wdth Mr. Young’s parents, returning Wednesday morning. They will start housekeeping in a short time at St. Paul. The NORTHWESTERN extends congratulations. Jacob Albers received a commission from governor Ravage Saturday ap pointing bim game warden for this county. Jacob will make a good one Look out how you carry stubble duck around hereafter. Little Elbanks Hale was severally kicked by a horse Monday afterueon and escaped with bis life by a small margin. A hoof struck on either side of the little fellows chest aDd hurt him quite badly but no bones were broken. The fats and the leans battled for su premacy upon the diamond in this city Monday, and victory perched upon the pennant of the slims. It was a battle royal but the wind of the lean tuau bad to much staying qualities for his cor pulent brother. The first man to bat was R. L. Arthur, and when bis jumbo frame Inclined forward to meet the pig skin that little sphere took an angle to ward Jupiter and landed three blocks to windward. Judge Wall fanned the atmosphere equal to Arthur but the ball always eluded his aim and the umpire cried three strikes and out. S. F. Rey nolds grabb«d the wroug end of the cleayer and missed the beef stake also, while Dar Grow swiped the counter with a yard of calico and made a home run. Mike Mulick fired up his mogul till the boiler expanded three fold but got side tracked the second trip, while John Travis buckled his wind and failed to score. The leans took a turn at the pole and kept the ball skimming through the air to such an extent that they doubled the score of their corpu lent opponents which had a depressing effect upon their ambition and “the blow almost killed father." Judge Hunter made several nervous twitches with the bat and struck after the ball was three paces to the rear, but when Will Mason and Frank Brewer made a pass it was out of sight in a jiffy. Frank Dennis pulled up on the wrong rein while Art Eisner doubled on the scent and went out on first. The score, so the butcher said, stood HO to 120 and the fight was given to the leans on a foul. The laws of health require that the bowels move once each day and one of the penalties for violating this law is plies. Keep your bowels regular by taking a dos« of ChHmbeilain.s .Sto mach and Liver Tablets when necessa ry and you will never have that severe punishment inflicted upon you Price 25 cents, at OJendahl Bros. The barn of J. A. Converse, in Web ster township, three miles west of Loup City, together with a horse, some har ness and other articles belonging to Carl Deitz who lives on the place, was totally destroyed by Are last Sunday evening. The barn was a frame atrct ure 16x36 with granary and corn c'ib with a drive way through the center joined onto it. Mr. Converse estimates his lost at #800 and that of his tenant at about #'200 The origin of the tire is not known. Mr. Converse says the only possible theory comes from the faet that Mr Deitz had been away from home and when he returned he got his lantern anil lit it. using it to put his horse away While be noticed nothing wrong at the time yet in a few mo ments after, upon going ont of the house he discovered the barn in llam«*s. Don't be satisfied with temporary re lief from indigestion Kodol Dyspep sia Cure permanently and completely removes this complaint. It relieves permanently because itallnwes the tired stomach perfect rest. Dieting won’t rest the stomach. Nature receives sup plies from the food we cat. The sensi ble wav to help tbo stomach is to use Kodol Dyspepsia Cure, which digests what you eat and can’t help but do you good,—OJendahl Bros. 1 What most people want Is something mild and gentle, when in need ef a physic. Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets till the bill to a dot. They are easy to take and pleasant In effect. For sale by Odendahl Bros. A lame shoulder Is usually caused by rheumatism of the muscles, and may be cured by a few applications of Cham berlain's Pain Balm. For sale by Oden dahl Bros. The beaut) thief has come to stay, Unless you drive the pimples and black beads away; Do this, don’t look liko a fright; Take Hocky Mountain Tea lo-nigbf. Ask your druggist. O. O Buck, Beirne, Ark , says: I was troubled with constipation until I bought Da Witt's Little Early Kisers. Since then have been entirely cured of my old complaint. I recommend them. Odendahl Bros If a dealer asks you to make some thing said to bo • just as good as Rooky Mountain Tea made by Madison Medi cine Co,” ask him if he makes more money. Ask your druggist. THE1K SECRET IS OUT All Sadieville, Ky., was curious to learn the cause of the vast Improve ment in the health of Mrs. S. P. Whit taker, who had for a long time, endur ed untold suffering from a chronic bronchial trouble. “Its all due to Dr. King's New Discovery,” writes her husband. ”It completely cured her and also cured our little grand-daughter of a severe attack of Whooping Cough’’ It positively cures Coughs, Colds, L» Grippe, Bronchitis, all Throat and Lung troubles. Guaranteed bottles 50c and #1.00. Trial bottles free at Odendahl Bios. ASTOUNDED THE EDITOR Editor S. A. Brown, of Bennettsville, S. C., was once immensely surprised, “Through long suffering from Dyspep sia," he writes, ‘ my wife was greatly run down. She bad no strength or vi gor and suffered great distress from her stomach, hut she tried Electric Bitters •which helped her at once, and after us ing four bottles, she is entirely well, can eat anything. It's a grand tonic, and its gentle laxative qualities are splendid for torpid liver." For Indigestion. Loss of Appetite. Stomach and I,iver troubles it’s a positive, guaranteed sure. Only 50c at Odendabl Bros, TO SAVB HER CHILD. From frightful disfigurement Mrs Nannie Galleger, of La Grange, Ga., ap plied Bucklen's Arnica Salva to great sores on her head and face, and writes its quick cure exceedod all her hopes. It works wonders in Soros, Bruises, Skin Eruptions, Cuts, Bains,Scalds and Piles. 25c. Cure guarauleed by Oden dahl Bros. WHAT A TALK IT TELLS. If that mirror of yours shows a wretched, sallow complexion, a jaun diced look, moth patches and blotches on the skin, it’s liver trouble; but Dr. King's New Life Pills regulate the liver purify the blood, give clear skin, rosy checks, rieh eomplexlon. Only 25c at Odendahl Bros. WANTED.—Capable, reliable persona in every county to represent large company of solid financial reputation; $936 salary per year, payable weekly; $3 per day abso lutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona tide, definite salary, no commis4ion; salary paid each Saturday and expense money advanced each week. STANDARD HOUSE .334 Dearborn St., Chicago, i ctS6 NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC This Is to certify that my wife Ida, left my bed and board without a Just cause, and that I do hereby warn the public against trusting or giving her credit on my account, as I will not lx; responsible for any debts contradled by her Henning Clausskn. R. J. NIGHTINGALE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, LOUP OITT. I i cm, A. S* MAIN. PHYSICIAN & SURGEON LOUP CITY, • - NtBRASKA. OFFICE.-One door west of Odendahl's OruK Store. RoVal Baking Powder Makes the bread more healthful. Safeguards the food against alum* Alum baking powders are the greatest menaccrs to health of the present day. | WQVAL fcAWINO POWDgW OO. NEW VOWK^ W. J. FISHEt. QEO. E. BENSCHOTER. AttoMiey and Notary Public. Publisher Loup City Northwkstku* Fisher & Benschoter, Real Estate Agents, LOUP CITY. NEBRASKA. ___ Town Lots, Wild, Cultivated and Irrigated LANDS FOR SALE. P SNAKE RIVER VALLEY, IDAHO. Reached via THE UNION PACIFIC, . “The Overland Route.” A fertile country where wheat, oats, barley, fruit and live stock are raised in abundance. There are two and one-quarter millions of agricultural lands in the valley, and nine-tenths are under canal irrigation syt.tem. while only one-twelfth is under actual farmiug cultivation. To incoming farmers and stockmen the Upper Snake River Valiev, therefore, oflers-au offer nowhere else to he met with-practically dmithfs lands already under an exhaustles9 irrigation system. H. ,1. Clifton, Agent. W J. FISHER, Attorney at Law and Notary Public. Will Defend in Foreclosure Cams, also DO A General Real Estate Business. Office In Noktuwbstcrji Building, LOCT CITY, - - SEBBAl^. A Minister’s Gooil Work. “I had a severe attack of bil’.ious colic got a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, took two do«es and was entirely cured," says Rev. A. A. Power, of Emporia, Kan. 'My neighbor across the street was sick for over a week, had two or three bottles of medicine from the doctor. He used them for three or fourdavs with out relief, then called in another doctor who treated him for some days and gave him no relief, so discharged him. 1 went over to see him the next morn ing. He said bis boweli were In a ter ribie tix, that they had been running oil so long that it was almost bloody flux. 1 asked him if be had tried Chamber lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarihoea Re medy and he said ‘No.’ I went home and brought him my bottle ar.d gave bim one dose; told him to take another dose in llfteen or twenty minutes if be did not find relief, but he took no more and was entirely cured I hiiik it the h st. medicine I have ever tried " Km sale by Odendahl Bros A WORTHY 6UCCEHSO i **«>in*91 lit n(f N**\v t inier 'ITuj smiii," All Loctors have tried to cure C aT AKKII by the use of powders, aeld gases, Inhalers and drugs in paste form. Their powders dry up the mucus membranes causing them to crack open and bleed. The power ful acids used in the inhalers have entirely eaten away the same membranes that their makers have altred to cute, while pastes and ointments cannot reach the di sease. An old and experienced practitioner who has lor many years made a close study and specialty of the treatment of OATARKH, has at last perfected a treat ment which when taithfully used, not only rellevesat once, but permanently cures CATARRH, by removing the cause, stop ping the discharges, and curing ail intta mation. It is the only remedy known to science that actually reachos the altilcted parts. This wonderful remedy is known as •’9NUKKKL3 the GUARANTEED CAT ARRH CURE” and 18 sold at the extremeiy low price of One Dollar, each package con taining Internal and external medicine sufficient for atull months treatment and everything necessary to Its perfect use, "SNUEKE L9” is the only perfect CAT ARRH CURK ever made and is now recog nized as the only safe and positive cure for that annoying and disgusting disease. It cures all lnflaination quickly and perma nently and Is also wonderfully quick to re lleve HAY FKVKK or COLD in the HEAD. Catarrh when neglected often leads tu Consumption—“SNUFFiti.s” will suve you If you use It at once. It is no ordinary remedy, but a complete treatment which Is positively guaranteed to cure catarrh In any form or stage If used according tc the directions which accompany each package. Don’t delay but send for it at once and write lull particulars as to your condition, and you will receive special ad vise from the discoverer of this wonderful remedy regarding your case without cost to you beyond the regular price of snip FKL8’’ the “OUAKANTKKP CATARRH CURK.” Kent prepaid to any address In the United Slates or Canada on receipt of One Dollar Address Dept. A’i-Aft EDWIN It. GILES * COMPANY, 2330 and 2332 Market Street, Philadelphia TIM?. T A K LK LOCI’ CITY, NKItB. Lincoln, Denver, Omaha, Helena, Chicago, Butte, St. Joseph, Salt Lake City. Kansas City, Portland, St. Louis, San Francisco, anil all points and all points East and South. West. TRAINS LEAVE AS FOLLOWS: GOING EAST No. 52 Passenger. 8:05 a, tu No. 00 Freight . 12.50 p. tn! GOING WEST No. si Passenger . 4.82 p. in. No. 59 Freight.12:50a.m. Sleeping, dinner and reclining chair car* (seats free) on through trains. Tickets sold and baggage checked to any point in the United States or Canada. For information, maps, time tables and tickets call on or write to it. 1,. Arthui Agent. Or J. FKANCIs, Gen’I. Passenger Agent, Omaha, Nebraska, C. P. RAILWAY. No. 80 leaves daily except Sunday (pass enger). 8:00 a. no. No. 88 leaves Monday, Wednesday and Friday, (mixed) 12:20 p.m. No. 90 leaves Tuesdav. Thursday and Saturday, (mixed) 2:55 d. m. No 87 arrives dully except Sunday (mixed 12:05 p in. No. arrives dally except Sunday ipagg. eager) 7.35 p. in. First class service and Close connection* east, west and south W. D. Clifton. I I Sold by T. II. ELSNKR, LoHpCity, Nob Wanted.—Capable, reliable person in every county to represent large company of sollt financial reputation; $938 salary per year, pay able weekly; $3 per day absolutely sure and all expenses; straight, bona-fide, definite sal ary, no commission; salary paid each Satur day and expense money advanced each week STAND Alt!) HOUSE, 331 DKAftBOHN HTKEET CHICAGO. Don’t Be Fooledi Take the genuine, original ROCKY MOUNTAIN TEA Made only by Madison Medi cine Co., Madison, WIs. It keeps you well. Our trade mark cut on each package. Price, 35 cents. Never sol# in bulk. Accept no substl «ssmoii«io,iiI tute. Ask your druggist. 50 YEARS’ EXPERIENCE Trabe Marks Designs Copyrights Ac. Anyone sending n sketch and description may quickly ascertain our opinion free whether an Invention s prohably patentable. Commmil“ tIons strictly confidential. Handbook ou Patents sent free, oiliest agency for securing pal cats Patents taken through Munn A Cm receive special notice, without chnritu, in the Scientific American. A handsomely lUnstrnted weekly I aruest a, cubit lou of any admit Iflc Journal. Terms *7. ta'.r.:alMrr°i,lj8' *L Huld by all newadcilWa MUNN & Co.36,Br#*dw*v. New York Branch Ofllco. 826 V Ht„ Washltuito” u.£